W II Q M PBOPEIETOB Equal Rigkts TERMS l26 STRICTLY IN iDVAMOB Vol I NEWMARKET ONTARIO CANAT THURSDAY APRIL 30 1868 No 19 Sh gtomatint BT JL BINH8 In sdTsncs 1 RATBSFOBADVEfiTISINO fitbt CentJ Mr Lias for the first insertion uid Two Cm per lAne for ech sabMqveat insertion BuLnesa Cuds of efesten Li td enLInapiiiatim 500 H Gyii of Ten Ltnea md nn- HThenombcrofUnesto be reckoned by the pce occBpieroeanred by a cale of Tte ollowiog rttea wiQ be chajged to met- chDU and others who by the year and in no eate teill ezetptiont b gude One colonm for TwelTe montha 50 for Six monthB 30 for Tliree montha 20 Halcolunmfor Twelre montbs 30 for Three months 12 Qaarter Column Cor Tvelve moQtba 20 Dr EACKETT GABBUTT HILL KEWMABKET 0 3ourr 8 In 10 am matket Dec 24 im tfi MARRIAGE LICENSES BAEGAINS in DRY GOODS ALWAYS ON SAND WILLIAM EOE U1 be iiiMrtd AU arertuemec OB Wedoeadft JaJTtege terms orbid and charged a BUSINESS CARDS J H Fhilips i Co 1 iIANOFORTES CABDIET OEQANS aod UelodeoQi KilnA Aortli r6vmukeL Pianat aad Mdodtont Tuned Rtirtd ALFRED BOULTBEE BairiBter AttomeyatLaw BOLICITOE IN CHANCEET CONVEYANCER o o NEWHABEET ONT SAMUEL ROADHOUSE CABINET MAKER URDBRTAKER MAIN STEEET NEWMARKET THE OLD ESTABLISHED HARNESS SHOP NEW JI ARRET Saddles Harness GOLLABS TBtJRKS Ami aery other ArticU u OF TBB BEST QUALITY 10AtEeB8onable Prices WM WALLI8 Itctabei leeT tf1 Something all should Know li be plea irith a call OLD PICTURES COPIED WITH CARE THE POBCELAIN PICTURE Do not forget where yon will find a plettaatTaitingKoom CoOKECoitE ALL H B LUNDT Artitt mSFRAfCE CO jpEATDBES Bomusea given every ttree ly paid witbouf referrace to Home Office THE NIAGARA DI8TBICT imJALliEIKSUmCECOT ST PAUL ST CATHARINES Wood 3 for inmrance of I0 lUSTJEAirOE OOMPANT 1 njore tratb there ifhe had 1 should haye jseif k bat Of bloody deeds has beard E really thout Ml thia proQd Caaada of ouia Feltaucb deep iackiDg paio thatgenerona to keeping fe Mt their heads being patron WilUam yeiday Mr Whil6ritbe Sam IVe affairs if it will off heard aboattheiTBtifeof beofanysemBSloni maie off joj at take the g you Sir W I d I not Tery grate- mwiitwdl i doa dr5S Ran speedily through our veins As we thought on the cold clay doubt b be p MliJ brighter the Sam put the a open In broad life Bhe had her Vyjra Bnould have only yoti in- ry fine form It take twice gaUowB high proBpeot and G M BINNS KEEPS A aOOD SELECTIOH Note Letter Paper AND ENVELOPES Together with a loTge variety ofGene sutiouery and Fancy Goods an or any 5 FOB Y0UR8ELTES ALEX BUSaE BLACKSMITH LOTST OPPOSITE UECEANIGS BALL VBWXABZET lud all of gen- All kinds of School Boole At lb Calling Cards BOOKS of all kin UNBULED and Bnled Pap At the jAKE UypsineH to c QELL jueiasCHEAP aitd a we believe than any oUi I Us line ewcuted mth E OMtoen and despatch OH BEA80NABLE TERMS MAIN BTBEET NEWMABKBT OHT EDWAEDB DOAN BEOS reapectfollytoDOtlfythe public that bd s amply repared t9 maaujctare UABBLB AKD FBEESTOHB MOIXXJMEIVTS HEAD BT0SE8 J Towh TohUU Poets o gSf At Prices to snltthe Tims X call loUelttd before joa purchase eUewhen All Work tfl NBWMAEKET BREERY tpj hUTowo responsibility and bopsby strict ttntioo to buslaess aod fumisfilf g first Uu wiiU At prtott to bus of the public laror AZE PORTER AND VINEQAJH utot on haad ipi htgocst pricg ti4 for B KsviMriat Dec I B E TlfP80H CHEAP CHEAPl rnVr Office CHEAP trier Office CHEAPl rUr 0flic 3ANJVDA VVI 12000 JPOLICIBS m FOnOB WITH A BUBtHESS SXPEBIEHOE OF 17 TB8 WILL insure Isolated Farm Property One Per Cent for three years with out Premfum Not ftud not compel the aa- ftB do some other Compuntee doing ess in this vicioity to submit to a re duction of onethird of their loss on conUnts where no more is at rik ban tlM sum named In the pilicytb O Wesr paying thi loss lo full up to the sum Insured BARCLAYS Celebrated Sewing IJacbinos Which are etily learned to opento oo and not eailly put out of order are on hand end for sale Intending purchasers would well to call and ezmio9 them befo chaaing elsewhere w they are lnturpated ly any other Machine I Oivlog entire satiection wherever u TH08 ATKIRSOn LtOENSBD AUOTIONEBR rOB TDB COtTNTT OF VOBK I And Agtni for ht aiott KewoiTket 3w JJ 18et eeema but a little while I wish that ho would not write at al that girl will never get settled tbrouj Shell wait and wait and th hell bring a ife hoi Theres no huiry Bless my teait wife I ViTiy you were Bevenandtwenty when I married you That was your fault I was quite ready and willing years before if youd only spoken up like a man I tell yott what wife its a Berious growi E oTmy Among the obituary notices of an vili iighljfthree paesed peacefully tvway on Lueeday last from single bkBsedntss to natrimonial bliss after a abort but aiidrJen itUckbyallce Blossomal f thirtyfive BTomboughtBall home and by way of a label wroto his name upon a card which happened to bi the seveo of cJubj and lied it to the handle A friend remarked mis an wfuf car liquorl- Why Sit Bomcbody t re e aWng wUli light of r Mr John B a Chcahiro t recently had occasion to Eeparal wife and by way of making the feet to all whom it might concernj he scnt formula that he woulVnot iponslbli 1 advertisemei which I wife might issue of the sai the following indignant rejoined appenrs I Sarah AnnR the wife of J R JSI huslmndB lontrary 1 have paid a great t and also Itad tf wvypfh himlgaedj gSg Some Ume ago a composcr with dis hevelled air and as thin u a ikeloion called upon Boasini and obtained permission to play a piece of his own composing Ha sat himself down 1 the piano hai and down bent himself doubh nose into tho air and at lost atopped cr- hausUd What do you call that said Boaaini It Is ft funejfai march which T composed on the death of Ueyerbeer What do yoU think of It divine nxuitror It obadi only it would have bceii hcU uhed been dead and Ueerbectbs4 composed th A Farewell Farewell farewell to my old hat and brecchei The form yo once coveiTd shall know yo n The Israeiito passing my window beseecbr ThUtlwIthoUl clowill replenish hi OhhatI thouartmaty thy or0wnlaa11 batterd And limp is the brim thatgraccfully curved OCJ my loved nether garmenU Time hath been scatterd The daat that to bring them to rul served Farewell farowoll I and It muat he foi I hai ye itht enUy o Tls painful too painful from old frl Vet be made oven h eyes I don week before he goed I ahoiadrit litjc to bo nmiled before be goes I BbaJl be eleven next birth day and piammu says people ought not eyrc eighteen or nine- 11 till be comes back But supposeil never come back Polly WhyanyB5Utoihad tht sbould bve seen Mrs Haze ber husbands knee with her know bat But about Mr Halstead John Well my dear if he Baks to n 1 Boppose being a cnrale he will I ehdl give him leave to speak to ber 1 need not ask what you would do I know that eTCry womMi would like to bwe on of ber daughters married to a parson though Im Bure I dont know why Theyre very nice people John thati wty mach better than stupid fanners 0 1 Why didnt you marry a curate 1 had two chances Because I preferred a stu pid pipesmoking farmer like a foo like All right old lady Ill give my con- flked and lie ten- affection which was nt exactly what And he Isdd bis plsdnt befc her father She says shes engaged Sir ai showed me a medal And thereupon explanations were give and the curate went home worse tb er bo bad indeed tht in three mouths ne being of family he was obliged bo oorisoled by one of seven girls at the vicarage and as nobody said anvthiDg about bis little affdr it the farm Polly attend in a sisterly way as one of the bridemoids as itwouldnotdoyoukoow to have only sistersj tbougb there of them Another year went by and Mrs Hezeel Then I Never No I rry any o aid I tall r little wife when I gave yon the flow- and sewed the button on your coa You took off the little gold medal with bole iu it from Vfasatch daiu to pay me So its li set fed and 1 shant marry any one else Yo must como and fetch me when Im old Uougb 0 it will boiio use youll be i d to Frank Moi k and be a lady th Whatl thjit itupid boy 11 m Last timto jie was here ho pushed tho oyesof mj babydoll anil melted r poor nose iiiinst tho kltohcnbars No I never will a cruel boy like that IIo might jke my eyes his dirty fingers Well well Polly Ilf como back if youll wait for iie llien Of course I will When going Next week Ill bring you a keep sake before I go I dont want aoythipg Sam ex NvcU Exccplf I waa going to say if I might bv Gip only to take care of for you you riavo him I sKall bo only too glad to find 0 kind a little mlstrcas for him Ill bring him down next time I como Goodbye Polly Of course youro my little wife 1 roust kiss you Of course you j Gip waa dul brought dpwn and after a long leavotaking Sam was gono When Polly had dried her teara she said Mamma wbalfl thai ring on your finger not the wedtliog one the other Thais a keeper No not tbi Ibt ouo wilh an omei aid in if Thats what papa gave rao when I waa engaged to him What for I doot know locauso Its eustomary to wear one I suppose Dont you think Sam ought o havo given mo ono mamma so as Uj ahow everybody Im enaoged Bloss tbo child nos nearly old enough to bo your father Run ftad nnieh your Bowing Never mind mamma Ive got tbo little gold modal with a holo in it and I can pbow thorn that ooot 1 7 Mr Halsteadj been again today Thote the fourth time this week What QB earth dooa he want horo To toll you the trath I hink he wants Polly 0 Indeed Our little Polly t Now John I LUtIo Polly I Sbo a Tory woltgrowQ gill and waa twenty- ffentytwo How tlmo fliM It e result has proved ob mtU they could a Mbr ray the long Nina as became her Italian na could do nothing but gather flowers sing and dress herself and Sam Baid he had worked ao hard on land he wanted a landholiday as well as a sea one and then Nina wanted taking care of and Polly went with them After a little am got cross and ate nothing and took ing walks and long nicrvand drank inegar and talked in a low tone of voice ad stammered and bludied and tbei ift off kissing Polly at night and then left off kisaing Poly at all and the lay Polly found herself crying being kissed Stat she well knew howshe had and after that Sam talked loud loked and left off drinking vinci and behaved again like a rational bei mueh so that one day he was allowed take Polly to church and have an in- view with the minister after which they wrote their names in a book and the bells rang as if no names had ever been written in the book bcfeie It happened some weeks after this as Polly and Sam were sitting on the beaeb that Polly said Sam dear I want to ask you one eU Polly When did you first think you know- after you came home ill do you remember one day Nina Bitting down on the gaiden- tbere letter had had he from Sam rs and doctors and anotb tale too had laid Bjege lo the fortress of Pollys heart and been beaten off and compelled to retreat in despair olly was aa bright and lively and did 3er abundant hair iu tho samo ravish masses as ever but she had no lovi for any one Old Gip toothless and a little blind ed to trot about the place after her carried in her arms but aa for gr care Polly seemed to know them n At last her winter came Who do you think has como back Polly Sam Are y ce father th6m but old Gatberwool told n tho who ht brown and bearded and stout and a little foreignlooking woman very young with him Polly went to bed wilh dreadful liSdl audi at and y IholdG 3 making me up a bunch of flower Yes Sam I remember Well dear I asked yon for a flowi Yes Polly it was when you came s ilose to me that I could almost hear youi leart beating I made up my mind then Polly that lwas not too old and that night be happy again And are you happy Sam dear I dont think Polly heard Sams ans ver very clearly but she seemed quite ii inderstand that be was A Ronoe in Ral Life This curious story of real life has been iommunicad to te Queensland Guar- iian We have recently been made ac quainted with ope of those romantio dtr- sumstances which throw into tbo shade the most thrilling inventions of the senaa- lal novelist and give fresh force to the trite remark that nothing is so strange as real life It appears that some years since the son and heir of a Scotch baronet of ancient lineage owning one of tho old est and finest castles in the county in which he resides committed some youth ful indiscretion and in order lo avoid the consequences forsook his homo and emi grated to Quecnslarid being then about For son jorthcrn keeper digger after undergoing the usual ups and downs of the bush ho finally obtain- a bullockdriver in one of tlio cedar districts lie was now grown into a fino handsome fellow standing six feet four in his and lo all in tents and purposes a busbman After being for without or idea that appeared Jar Our hero returned to his Biluation ao- ompanied by the wife he bad so Bineu- irly obtained It aodn appeared that ahe as not every thing which might be wished 1 a helpmate in short her conduct bo- ime at length ao depraved that bush de cency was shocked and that is saying a great deal and bis employers unable longer to endure the scandal paid him off He made his way to Brisbane and with his wife became chargeable on ber parenta For a length of time he led a low and miserable existence until one day when engaged in preparing clay for making bricks with no shoes on bis feet a rem- nant of a bat on bis head and just rnffi- cient clothing to secure him from arreit he was tapped on the shoulder by a mer chant of the city and asked if his name was not Donald Ephinstone He denied tbe fact but on its being repeated with the further assertion that if bo bis proper tui Sir Donald EpbioBtone be admit- ivas so The merchant imme diately took him to bis residence and in formed him of the death of his father slating that coDf derable pains had been taken to discover hb whereabonti ind placed 100 in his hands for the pur pose of paying his debts and procuring it Another 100 was advanced for passage home by the overland mail he at once set out preparing for bis departure It was determined to keep secret of his altered prospects from wife as he at once concluded on giving the slip and leaving her behind tin- Lupately for him it happened that a female who resided next door to his wifes and who was well acquainted with his person saw him at the merchants She informed her neigbbours Dstiujces and they endeavoured to find out the meaning of the strange ffair 60 well did they manage that some QkUng of the true sute of the case waa ibtaincd He still kept friendly relations vith bis wife and her family and on the day he waa to start told her he was going 0 look for a situation having represented 0 her that he had received a remittance rom home Ho was escorted to tho steamer by some of our principal citiiene who had been made acquainted with his history and congratulated himself on get ting out of a mess so nicely No sooner however bad he left than his wifes friends despatched her by the next boat to Sydney where she overtook and upbraided him for deserting her The consequence was a negotiation had to be enlered into Ho offered her a consider able Bum to remain betjind we believe 300 per year which she appeared willing to accept Her friends howeTcr pie- rentcd her closing with this offer and the esult was the merchant bad to advance mother 100 for her outfit and passage to England Assoon as this wasallarranged they left for home and by this time be will probably havo introduced his Austrfl- lian wife such as ahe is to the home of his ancestors in shire time 1 this lation sg tho most distant loything other tbi be in company with his mate Aftor all thciio ing they- had hardly done wukfostwhcn achaiso was drivpn up to tho door by Sain timsclf and lady was iu It Poor Polly ran tp the door with her falbor and mother lo welcome him homo Put your foot on tho step Nina Next forei Yes unoio said Nina with a slightly r heard tho words that Polly I dont toliovoitl O Iolll how you have grown I I suppose ho won t mind roy having a kiss after att Ibcse years whoever lio is And then ho klBsod trembling Folly on tho Aookr- onoo and then talked to hoi father lie had forgotten all this stout beard ed man who was os brown as a gipsv and looked as old as her father I Wos it for this Bhe had waited This rough- looking loudtQtkingBmokoBmoliDg man- this WM what eho had waitc4 thirtoo years for I And IhiB hb welcome I And then Polly was obliged to think of hor littlo guost Who was Nina Well then eho was with her fether andmbor a then of IbTcovot old on board tho ship going out and took a to Stn and Sam to nor and when tho ship was wrooked off Capo Patton ho iiad managed to swim to ehoro with her Tho father and mother were both drowned and tho child thua savod bcoamo his and ho took oaro of it and this was Nina his littlo nioce or daughter tnd ourBO and 5d Mr Hawl iniiBted on their stay- paid a visit to Brisbano in colonial parlance to knock down his chcqui Whilo in town and labouring under son thing stronger than quartpot tea thcso two worthies entered into o compact that cither should forfeit five pounds to companion if ho failed to marry beloro leaving town They agreed further that tho next day should bo tho ono on which tho double event shouldcomo off Eacl bad tbo happiness of beiig on a cottaii sort of intimacy with a young ladv who had aided in tho reduction of hb cheque Thu name of tho lady tho hour of the performance ond tho ohurch at which it waa to como off were all settled on Tho hero of our tale who wo Will call Donald Ephiostono arranged lhat tho bridal parly should consiBt of tho bridos father mother ond tho hoppy coupJoand afler tho eercmony waa completed they should join tho other partiea iir making a time of it At tho churcb however Ihoy were hot metbylljo obcr coniract- ing party ho it aubscquettly appeared having woko up in thomqrnmg with a lokia pleat Wd Mvd bavjnp eome gulor nycrsion tftho matrimomal knot id determined tobcat ahasty relreat No wioncr dccidcd ou than put tion hb horso was saddled his and when our friend Iffnold reached tbo ohurch porch his faitmcss friend was ovei tho hills and ftr nwoy rejoicing in hu atnto of single blessedness Poor Donald after wailing ftuitlossly for a length ol time tho anpointodbour was ten oclock bccan to amoll a rat and gave cvldonoo of a dcsiro to follow iho oxamploof hb fVieod But slas ho waa under the eyes of lhi wouldbomotheinIaw and retror strapping sonmlaw t to bo picked up every ring that it la good 1 Jetflrralnod to affair ehould boooncludei- Muddled with driok and unable eltbr to set off to look fbr bie friend or t tinit beyond legtl bonre tb poor BriokBat Papers id in the moist printin- ink sees his first literable cEBcushun loom- in up like B frosty barn door in a cold Iftr bis4tibi 3 ov Shakcepokez Ilasnt ho douc nothin for many days but speck- crlatc whlicr or no his writin will cum out in print Hasnt ho woko up in tho middle of afirstclasa dream and whispered to tho winds Ive got half a column of printin comin out It has been butter 10 his bread mcrlassis to his flapjacks shugar to Ills rum aud clean towels to bis faco lo Tcflec erpon ill H gates at iho prospectoffutureglory afar of and like tbo protiga sun wants to run and fall upon tomcbodyB bussun Let him tipl Timoll Bbow him that there is other things jest as good as seein yourself in tbo news- papers and itll tell hiro too that sioli doms dont Snd fcllet in ml n6t drink or elso ho has learnt his lessen ofern a different obopler from which I spelt U B A B ITrom the Song Writers Tho author of Lifo on the Ocean Wave is gtalifying bis taattor tbe by tendiug a saw mill Ho will bo on th Tho author ofShclboftho Ocean ii in tho oUm business The ono who wailed so plaintively Do Ihoy Miss mcatJIcime was miasod the other day with u neighbours wife Ha is missed by a wifo and seven ohildreo The author of Roll on Silver Moon hasopencd aboil alley Silver moon oaot roll on hia alloy without paying for it The disconsolalo one who aiws Have yottSbnnmy Magne bsa hefd of her Another follow informs himtbiongh tbe Mualo Store tba Maggie by my Side The author of tbo ld Arm Ohair is BtUl ID the ftirajitufo business The ono who Ipleaded Rook me to Sleep Mother Rk me to81eep ba length been grailSoi BU notber ing to bis repeated MlItioni picked aicokandrookedimtoeleep woke up yeV J lARCljllVES OF QNTARIOI I 1 TORONTO I