q m binn8 pkopkietor i Free Tr Liberty 5 id Equal Biglate terms 126 stbiotly in axyvahoi Vol I NEWMARKET ONTARIO CANAD THURSDAY APRIL 23 1868 No 18 A QENERAL PRINTINQ BATES FOR ADVERTISINQ Bniineea Cards of Ten Lines and un- iTheHumber of lines to be recko th tjACt occupied measured by a i Bolid brevier The following rate will be charged t Quarter Columa for Twel wUl be mserted till forbid and cbarged a au ftdrertlteDiente should nach the offi BUSINESS GARDS J H Philips Co CABliiET PicMOt and Mdodtons Tuntd Repa ALFRED BOULTBEE Barrister AttortteyatIflwi SOLICITOR IK CHANCERr CONVETANOEK te MEWMABKET ONT samueii ROADHOTI8B CABINET MAKER UNDEBTAKEB e main street newmarket A good AasortmentofFunuture alwsyi btt hand Coffint Rfifldjr Mtda aho funerals ftjrnished the old established HARNESS SHOP newmarket Saddles Harness colulhs tburks And every other ArtieU tn the Trade kept OP THE BEST qUALITT j9AtEoaahle Frice8S wm wallis ALEX BUBaE BLAOKSMITH HOBSE SHOEIKG and afl kfode of gen- eraj work itt his line execnted with fteabiets and despatch on bbasonabi terms Old SkfAblUhed Mb KAnrSTBfiET KEWHABBET OKT BDWAKD POAN BEOB retpecUaiif UBoifj the puhiic thai he ia ampl prepared V manufacture HAEBLE AND FltEETOKE MOIVXTMIIVTS HEAD STONES Tomb Tahles Tablets Posh dc ter At Prioec to luit thlTimei- 4caU BoHctlcd before youpnrchAStseUcwher All Vork ifI NEWMAEKK BEEWERT tlw Hfrinarket li oA bJfaira retpoiutbtllty BatifMtpesbjrtl AttenttoD to bnainHjMiii fap- claw article atModerate pr iuu of the pnbllc favor jlie porter and Constanlljr on band Ha paid for BxfLi Hcwnwrkct Pec 17 liii Dp HACKETT ItARRIAGE LICENSES BARGAINS in DRY GOODS ALWArs oy irkyj WILLIAM HOE Something all Know PSOTOGRAPS GALLERY oor sontt of Hodge Tin Shop Main Kewinafket where he will be pleased with acan OLD PrCTUHBS COPIED WITH CAHB T5E POROELAINPICTURE H R EUND ArtUt INSUEANCE CO OF DUBLIN 10 25C not wlYocate high premioTDB ly paid without reference to Home Office THE NIAGARA DISTRICT mMALMMISASd COY iTJL ST f ST CATHARINES iiBS Wood 3 forinsura PferintijlBf TayIoe Eaj B INSUBANCE OOMPAHT OP HATFOBD COIW G MvBINNS KEEPS A GOOD SELECTION Note Letter Paper and envelopes etlier with a laie variety of General StAtiouery nnd Fancy Gooda JWheh yon wMt an Albtim or Mlat tlieCoiiriEf Ice More ply JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES All kinds of School Books CHBAP I At ihtCourUrOmce LADIES Calling Cards OHBVP 5 At the Coarur Office Blank books of all kinds cheap 1 At the Oouritr Office UNRULED and Hntcd Paper CHKAPI At the Courier Office MAICR it your busloefs o call at tho Cour- rDfflceandee if we cannot SELL jUBt ftS CHEAP and a Little Chcapor we believe than any other house in the trade this side the Capital of Ontario Wi I200P POLICIES tn FOBO WITH A BDStHESS OF 17 TW isnrc fsolaUd Farm Property for Per Cent for three years wiih- Prcmium Note and not compel the as BDrcd as do some oUier Compes doing biuincEs in tliia vicinity to suhmit to a re duction of onethird of their loss on contents where no mor43 is at risk than the sum nainea in the policy the W paying the lois in full up to the sum insured BABOLAYS Celebrated Sewing MachiueB ale intending piirciiaBCH would di to call ond eiaroine them before pnr chuing elsewhere a they aro Uhturpaued btf ani other Marline Oiving entire satiafaction wherever used The Ivy Green Oh 1 a dainty plant is the iyy j That creepeth oer rains old Of right choice food are hie mi The walls most be crombled To pleasure Us dainty whin And the mouldring dust that y plant is the iry green ileth on thooghhe wears no winj old heart has he yhetwineth how tight he cliu iend the huge oak Uee And silly ho traileth along the ground And his leaves he gently waves And he Joyously twines and hugs around The rich moQid of dead mens graves Craping wherfe no life is seen A me old plant is the ivy green have their works decay le stout old Ivy shall never fade m its hale and hearty giecn rave old plant in its lonely days ii falter upon the past 5 le sUtellest bnUding man can raise m sure my dear I should be the lart person in the world to wish you to marry Mr Colebrook if you really dis like him I neither like nor dislike him mam- All I say ib that I dont oare any thing about him and I think ooe ought e a little about the man one means V Of course and I fihould be very sorry if you were to marry vrith any other feel ing but I cant help thinkii you would get to like him if you were to give him a fab opportuni of making himfielf agree- you Wliat IB your objection fothing- in particular bathe is not the sort of a man I ahould choose for my husband JDB triilyr Isthere any one else you prefCT Oh no mamma nobody Then my dear child I really tiinV you should try to make up your mind Only consider what tie consequences of yonr refofial will be Your undo has de clared that unless you accept this young mans oijfer he will not Jcare you a penny of his money and you know that my pen sion is only for my life so that if I shonld die tou Trould be quite unprovided for and whatever would you do I would do as hundreds of otjier girls do5 work for my Uviog That la easier said than 4one my dear You find it a hard ttial after all the indulgences you have been accus- med to A woman who has to slmggh ith the world does not find it an easy task depend upon it But you are not going to die mother dear and it does not follow that I am to e single all my life because I object to arry JJr Colebrook And what sort of a marriage would you be likely to make if your uncle gave you nothing Rich mcu do not marry penniless maidens Then I suppose Mr Colebrook wishes to marry me for the sake of my uncles money Upon ihy word I am very much obliged to Mm My dear Ada that is ungenerouB when everybody knows thai ho might have taken his choice of yoQg ladies with much larger fortunes than Mr May is likely to bestow on you I wish to goodness ho had theo I should not bo troubled about bim You we a foolish girl to throw obsta cles in the way of your own good fortune but I sincerely hope and trust you will think better of It before your undo hereagain The subject of this controversy was Uic only son of a wealthy manufacturer in the town of Nottingham Ho was a fine look ing young man somewhat deficient in point of wucatian nod rather inclined perhaps to think too much of himself a very good fellow neyerthelcBB SUil there was tho hwrt of Ada May and althongh sho could not define to herself what the eoioething was she not less surely folt that Richard Colebrook had it not Her mother had however Buocccdod in ettracting a halfpromieo that sh would endeavour to overcocie her dieiDclination to ft marriogo so is every way and to which she could fiod no rea- Bonabla objection but she foU as if eho bod doho wrong in making cvod thie conr cession and in a penrite mood jent her steps toward her favourite walk jtn the banks of tho Trent whore a wide grassy patb shaded by loft trees fonning thick grovo on one eiik runs for some dlstaoco along Uie edge of tho rlyor It was a beautiful but solitary not a humui being to be seen nor a nnglo habi tation aavo the fenymsns oottogo on the opposite shore No plaee coold bo fitter for molaooholy musings and as tho young girl Walked eJowty on hor ra thos I do not know what it is to lovo vot I am sure itisaometbing I shall nover feel for Riohard Colebrook Then will it not be a sio to marry him And wby shonld older letesif I d I would so t they would icet iamayearor intitnpted ft- man who 3 trees and Here her meditations by the sudden appeared came oat om amoogstf- stood directly in her p He was an illlool raed jacket and no h hair hanging If iadsuohane frightened and stoppi heaitating wtsthw to irc backj when he advanced eyes eagerly fixed on 1 wore round her neck Whats oclock Mif e asked a hoarsQ voice I I dont know sheuj Hid timidlj Ihavenowatdi But youve a chain gh and you must let me have it t And as he spoke the rudely by the arm and Luckily however herm been heard and before time to secure the glifcteiiiic oeived a violent Wow tfiTt made him lo bis hol4 fast as po8sible while piou supported tin without his aid mi sM TS Ihare J for alarm It was to be so near It was indeed thank you enough would certainly mil himself of Mrs Mays kind permiasiou to pay iiis respects her now and then chapter ii Ada had never been so happy in her e Itwasasif anewworld had to her where all waa ooult True he waa poor but what mattered had already very far 3 must 1 There anco to fibow his he wore a tough jacket frith trowsere coarse straw hat with The coloar- hadbo face and her soft blue with gratltnde aa she t the stranger who thouj seen SQofa a faeciaating his life It was not 01 her countenance thoug very loviely but it was the iffected sim plicity of her manner thai Son bis adnu- ration and made him resdvp to follow up tbis singular introduction When they reached the ed of the walk she wiUidrew her arm fromUB and again thanking himfor his atce said she le would not oyd that the detached cottages each two having a front lawn in common but separate gardens at tho back and very pretty they looked in this bright summerweather resplendent wUb roses geraniums and all the gayest flowers of tbo season M May was sit ting at the window working when she saw Ada coming toward the house lean ing on the arm of a stranr and fbeling sure tliat something extraordinary must have happened sho throw down her work and flew to tho garden gate to meet tbcm Is anythiog tho mattcrdear sho naked in breathless anxiety oj yes mamma I have been so terri fied If it had not been for this gentle man I should havo been robbed and per haps murdered I Robbed and murdered I Good Lea- IS my dear obildlwben how where In the green walk down by the river Socb a dreadful man Ho tried to take my chain and threatened to kill mo if I made a noise but I did cr out and tbi gentleman oamo and drove him away The lady looked gratcftilly at the hand- somo stranger wbo said I am very happy Madam to havo been the moans of saving your daughter from any worse injury than tho fright she has sustained and now that I am sati ficd she is iir safety I will wish you good morning And holi spoko No no Sir you mnst not go yet Pray ralk in and lot mo hear all lut this terrible otTairv The yonng toao not waq ft acoond bidding bn with a pleasant emilO fol lowed the ladies to the house where ho stayed nearly two boors doing ample honour to tbo homemade eako and wine and making himself so extremely agree- ablo that ho was cordially intitd to oall to Bo in d bis bat graccfully as ho whenever bo chanced t bourhood In the ooui homado known thathuname wosBcnnot- CJando Benaotttftflt bo ww bjj artist and had oome to this poH of tho country to make som drawin for Sir John Oars- well with wfcombowasat present staying 8trJo was a woilknowo patron of thp arts and hisnoble mansion Radlcigh ntllwoB about eigbtmilcs tVom Not- tiBgara bat aa Mr Sennott waa tAkin of some pretty bits of sooDorv near tho spot where Ada had mot iopen- True he waa poor but what mattere that He told her he loved her and w not his love wwth all the tieasares of the earth Richard Colebrook and his mine of wealth were finally rejected while the old tmcle who had promised to give her three ftonBand pounds on her wedding day and to make her his heiress provided she took the husband of bis choice was furious at her refdsal and declar be ould wash his hands of the whole con- iction and let his mooey go toward pay ig off the national debt Mr Bennett seemed infinitely amused i this patriotic resolution for he was bet- ter pleaUd to know that Ada had sacri ficed eo much ior his sake than if he had been aisured of succeeding to the old mans property As for Mrs May she Has divided between her regreta for the idvantges lost and tbo pleasure she felt in her childs happiness Then she liked the young artist and put faith in his san- expeotatioos of rifiicg to eminence hia profession Her home will be a mble one the kind mother said to her- self but her heart will be there and perhaps that ia better after all than a palacc where the heart is not the middle of August and Mr Bennett was obliged to go to town to finish some pictures he had in hand and make dartain arrangements for the re ception of his bride as it vas aettled tha the marriage should take place early in October and that the happy pair should spend a week at the lakes previ ting up their abode in the grei On the eve of parting aa they sat to gether in the little parlour his arm passed fondly round her waist be said Now Ada if you feel the least icgr at what you hare done if any doubt ei yoQf mjjjd whether you would not en happier with a richer man tell me bo and I will release you from your No Claude I have no such doubts o rreta Whatever your lot may be I an re to ehareit There can be no greatei happineffl for than to be always with yuif dveu lliuugh contianBdjTrtA a meriy laugh we ahould be comjed to inhabit some cave in the woods and live upon herbs and berries Well I am not afraid of its coming quite to I think I can promiBc yoi bread and cheese at least and a dwelling place of bricks and mortar but it will mt reij different Ada from this pretty cot tage of yours po you muattnake up your mind love to a great change They parted with mutual lasting Imtb and promised to write to each other three times a week during the to do preparatory to the impoi for dthongb it was to be conducted in the quiefot manner possible yet it was neces sary tfl have bridaldresfies and bride- i somebody in the ivo away the bride perform that office age with his presence So thi wecka flew oa at length the cxtaat beautiful They were married at the parish church without any display the only persons pre sent being tho two bridcmaids and tbo father ro m who was Mrs Mays mci col attendant Poor Mrs May S was naturally much affected at losing 1 daughter but flbo endeavoured to bo chcerfnl oa she could and listened with assenting smilo to her soninlaws propo sition that she sliould give up her bouse at Nottingham and como to rcsido them Tho weddingbreakfast was plain simplo It consisted cbieSy of ibwls nnd bam a largo Wedding cako in tho of the tablo tea and coffee wii dishca of cboioci fruit that had I as a present for tho occasion Tho doctor made a spcccb and tho bridegroom replied to It in a manner delighted ovc one for ho fccrtainly sesscditho gift of oratoty in a remarkable degree and in short tbo whole affair was a complote sacoosa Wo will pass over tho Icavetaki which is always a painful wtsno and ao- company our horo and heroine to tbe Cumberland lakes where Mr Bennett en gaged Brtmente in the hotel on tho banks It waa splosdid woatbcr and iborovjis A groJit deal of company in tho house in- oluding three othor newlymarrlod cou ples EO that what with boating and tidings and pionios tboro was no laok of amnament To Ada the ifbolo soono was like fairyland so porfeot was hr on- ioymont of orory tWog uroaad bbr and W husband was gratified at witnessing for bo know happy state of ay a day or tm at Malvern t am ither fond of tht part of tbe country here are some maificcct viewe from the Malvern Hillj I should like it very much Whom does Burwood Park belong to It beloDgs to Lord Elster I believe he is not there at present so we might go over the bouse as well as tbe grounds for they make it a soft of fihowplaco when he is absent and there is a gallery of pio- res that is well worth seeing But is it right for strangers to go ev the house without tbe ownerpnenftion 0 yes quite right Itwan undei- stood thing and the servants make a lit tle money by it It is one of their pri- Adas eyes were still rivited on tbe picture When did you do this she asked Last autunm hile I was staying in Worcestershire that is I took the sketch then and finished it afterward Did you see Ijord Elster 0 yes I rather think he wUl hi this thing that is why I took sach pains to finish it up well And now Ada if we were to spend any time in that part of the worid we must start tomorrow for I must not be idle much longer Ycry well dear I shall ha quite ready I will jusb write to mamma to tell hor of our movements and then you shall take me for a last row on the lake I CHAPTER ni Claude Bennett and his bloomiog brid bad just breakfasted at the little inn nea Malvern where Claude had put up be cause his finances he said were getting id the large hotel age waa at the doo to Burwood Park and Ada g ing to prepare for the drive when her husband said gayly You had better put on your best bon net dear in case wo should happen t stumble upon Lord Elster I thought you said he was not there So I did and I believe he is not but unpofflible that ho might have 0 dear I hope not do you hope not I shouldnt know how to behave lord Why you e goose you must behavo just as jjroa would to any one else mind Ono morning he brought to hor n folio of hia own drawinra elio had not soon bo- Ibror and among mom was ono hat par tiouiftrly attraotod hor attention It wot a highly finlahod pioturo in water oolonre What a beautiful place I she ex- daimed Wlier it Sear What place love This that I am looking at Burwood Park 0 Burwood Why its in Wore tersMre not tar from Malvern I c Well Brioe you wflcted I rap Yee my Lord everything M done M you ordered Glad to see year back again and xSy Lady too if I autv be so bold and he bowed knr to he b wilder Ada who looked fint at one the other in the utmost astoqii Lord Elster nodded kindly at the and hurried Ms trembling wife up th broad stairs and along a galtety to aa apartment that dauled her eyes with it splendour Then be folded her to hia 1 and kiseed her fcmdly How does my Ada Uke her lew a 1 must be dreaming she answered looking wil round her What la it Claude Where ami and whereat you Are you not Claud Bennett tbe artist Yes my name is really Beanet and I think I may call myself an artist But why did they call you my Lord Who is Loid Elster I also am that august individual he ipBed at tho same time seating himmlf 1 a oajb and drawing her down to his de And now my little Ada I hc from thn forward yott will know how behave to a Lord There was such a mixture of fan and tendemesa ia bis manner she soon began to feel that she should 4 quite at home in her ne position and wheo she had recovered in soine measure her tma- posure ahe asked what had induced hiia practise such a deception Because I knew that iSiany would ho willing to marry Lord Elster who would ot care a straw for the poor artist so I Fas determined to find one who would ve me for myself alone or not to marry t all And now dearest lest your mo ther sboald have any fears as to the le- gafity of our marriage you may tell her that I had a little private underBtanding think I will take my drawing with me that will be a better reason for going than merely to sec the house There and get ready and mako yourself you can Suppose he should fall in love with mo Ah suppose heshould that would be a pretty piece of business I I should have to shoot him you know 1 She laughed and went to her room dross for the excursion In compliai alilao loufllia dress witha scarf of It was a charming drive of about hour through tho most beautiful part of tho country and at length thoy ca tho high waJla of what appeared to oxtcnsivo domain Hera wo are said Mr Bennett This is Burwood Park The gates wero open but tho di stopped not knowing whether ho wa Xou may drive straight up to tbo house was tho direction given and tho man slouobing his hat passed through thogatcs and Ada at onco recognized tbo picture sho had so much admired Burwood House was noWo cdifioo of not very modern date for it had been tho family seat of Lord Ulsters ancestors over flinoo tbe timo of Oliver Cromwell It ffls built of gray stono ond standing on a raised tcrracc commanding a fino view of tho country beyond tbo park for miles round A broad fliglit of steps led from tbo tcrracoto tho lawn which was adorned with marblo sUtuos beds of oboico flowers and a oasoado flowing yjto a marble bosun Oh Claudo 8 it not lovely r- olaimcd tbo delighted girl oa sho gazed tho onclianting sceno Yosjit is A nioo place dcdr I thought you would bo pleased with it Th6 carriflge now drow up before tho grand entrance which was instantly flung wide open and a footman iji a hondsomo Uvory hastened to open tbo door of tho voblolo while others stood at tho top of tho Btcps ono 0 caoh eido of tho portal Claudo wifo to alight and putting her arm through his led hor up tho atops into tbo flrand hall liah hi paiDtottwindows hioh shed thoirbni- liant coloura on tlTo black and white mar- bio flooring Opposite the cntraaiw was a briad alono atair case richly oarpoted with a gilded balustrade and on each side was A bronie etatna holding a lamp Ada apw all tbl at alogloKlanoe and waswonaering whether the noble owner of 80 mttohgrandenrTras therfc when her htt bflod said tooneof lhelTnattodanti with tbe reverend gentleman who per form the Ceremony and die find my signature at full length in h ehurdi aid ringlet or itvnia front after he mao itrodDcedby the Princeis ef Waleala CHooline hsfgooe he way ofatl cd fashions and chlgnoni now are doomed to follow the same fate lacaKa such as thest there It no apnea against he Judgment of Paris Venos bowj to Parle In all natters of tho toilette UglinsH Is sure to Imitate wliaterer BsantT dpes FarewSU ye chignoni therefore and yegregkrlaes ihfest log them J Farewell ye frowtf frittec stolen from thenolgUng steed I Fareww yepads of alien hair cUfpedln CaucaIa bMk slofflil Farewell a long farewell to thanhaUyourgreatnesLfMlOoMUa il An40yeneutreu4WpIawlM thenilta ofswUi riwdaaMot defgerooaatrffarawaUl Tfte eDpatldnecoBeHFaBob Themanwhojumpedat ntended concert th Qg the evening a variety of songs may be sxpeCted too Ifdiout to mention J- Yon ought to lay np something for 1 roiny day said an anxious father to hia arofljgate son And so I have replied he youth What An umbrella Bold Tom Since Pve been abroad wag who was present then youave with- Ut a lookingglass I have a lot of old saws and w5 say ings can yon sharpen them up any In quired a Jocular Bookworsi of a sawSIsr No was the reply J but I can file them ay in your library if yonll let me I To an indigent person who was per- petually boasting of his ancestry an Indns successful tradeatoan of humble origa ed You my friend are proud ofyor irtsmonth asked ft that Why thats sunset was the reply M exolaimed Patj and does the tun in this country with such a bang as I Boy what Is your father doing tH day WclJ X spose hes lalUn I het him tell mother yesterday to go round to the shops and get trusted all she ctfuldrand do it right to for hed got everhlng ready to fail up to nothing ceptfn hat I dont see why I should have tho gout growled not long since in enUre sincerity a distracted patient whom hie physician had succeeded in reducing to fif teen driiiks aday I am not a heavy I never take anything from the me I gojo bed at night till I get up In the IThe Uilwaukee Wiieonti Bay This morning a yon gentleman from the coiintry stepped into a fawelers stora oa East Water Ktreet and informed the pt- hat his occupation was that ofa andhed esircd to get a pin embUm- aticat of hat professico Tbe obtlgiog jewler looked over his stock and finding nothing else showed bim a very nlcea- onic pin The young tnau looked at it care fully rcffbcaW fliatlsit Inaobotb of them but why didnt they put a saw In it Its first rate as fr at it goes Hnllol theres a G there what does that stand r Tho Jeweler didnt know Sis face fiasbM- as if he had made a discovery I have It hg said its alt right G stands for gimlet Compass square and gimlet Tba will do We Ii There was a little touch of cad- neisinhls voice as he pinned the eBblefls ill his coat and went away mottering Biuaro Compass and gimlet I do wish hew waW saw though- Here it a delightful piece of a from ParisAt the last ball at tbe Hotel lARCHIVES OF QNTARiO TORONTO