Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 2 Jan 1868, p. 3

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COTCUVT e think for iiofiUaiEKinthe tall degree to Ur tbe chInniB of a positioa moch Uboor utd l1 by ttVSrifiS SPB to Ito iSon towaSp On Hew Teas Ann UotOm fowiUUpjof GwiUlmbuiy Oa New New Tate of tl Ku7 E tcqiii Sf Bi tojiiMwwty Nnrket MWi gUd to rlTe Iteiai of KewmadUiNojcudJl ISf if tbeCoimt7snch it us a gunnt of gow JJA ELECTIOK acted iiGojeinUtlwu embera of the council of tin EibbId Uessn Bte and Weir declioed becom eelMtion uid thek ygwwrlitlgftiytjirketi Jastuir Floor VbUKl 6 fS 9 7 26 FallWh4rbtuhel 1 60 a 165 6g Wheat rbaihel BarUybOiliel Oat biuhel Pttg 9 boBbel DrcMcd 100 lbs From Wedaeadys lo6 Flonr barrel 8 W T PaU Wheat 9 bmhel Q 00 1 75 SpiiiiWheafctaltr86 i Si Oatsy bushel A SK Q 00 0 M Barley 100 Peaabaehel 0 67 i Dressed Ht 100 Iba 6 00 S ibyil J Notice of Copfgtnerahip The mnraflioifbd hayentered ij buainesslieiiSSrefctfd bby Mri Sonter Newmarket Prorince of Ontario onder tbe name aod Esn of A B it Co A 80DTEB ff TBENT Newmarket 31 1867 nlt that Tfould flow there- oing Officer Mr Boyd har- bovegeotlemeadaly elect- y addressed the electors them for the confideoce re- ch the meeting gave eri- oyal attachment to their Beards Foundry fire which at the outsei St diBastroofl lesolte con- ew foondr on Front St be fire alarm was giTen Dand firemen and engines iespoti bntwithBttdia arsprd styles xt0itix2 VSRy BsaT qUALITt jCROCKBRTr 1 BOOTi SHOES p nstantly aded in feet every- f abdi at p tov oot feUtgivft thebBatiBaotit lliilBiaJjiaie This dep greatfavor ol Mr ELi SANGER niose services have been scored by ucssbs ready to Clothe the h form divine Quality f Ibterial ICaks aadLowi They ha WATSaN WitTBllAWII Jf t98 GROGEBS J J HODGS ABE SATISPftD PBOM THE IHCBBiiB OP tHBIB BOTINBBS THAT THE Pnbllc are convinced that they keep the Bert and Cheapest Cooking Parlor Hall BSiroom m w- t In this sectioa of the country Selectiw as they do 41 Fonndries in the Province they are saed that their ndries In the Dominion of Canadi infacture of these Stoves Their STOVE ETJRTiriTXTIlE I Is Indispntably the b yon can get anywhere They also lp the Best TIN OOPPE3R SHEET IRON JiANNBD AD PRESSED WARSB PLAIN i FAJfOT sUy Monlds Planished iniaMetalTeaani IJnei Frying Pans Ir SadIron and Cee StMds mdries in the Dominion of Canada Bear in mindere is no OU iroii nsed inti Block Tin and Britannia Uetal Tea and Coffe efPrlH to the establish- spanned Tea Trays ServerSiBread Ben Casl Deed Cake Tea and Sugar Boies and coffee Cinistera Candlecks c MARBIAQE LICENSES BAEGAINS in DRY aOODS ALWAYS OJ SAJfjy tmllam BOB Newmarket Dec 31 1867 2tf NOTICE Boot and Shoe Manufactory And thU Drtment ia under the immediate Mr ROBT PREST So longhand tnoira as the mosl ots and Shoes ill always cftnality if Ontari b lireeee blowing at the 1 were almost powerless to tionj tintil tbe farj of 1 pretty well ezbfttisted 3 entirelj consnined not- t derate effoct oa the brigade and the Heeere and we beUere tbat fit- was rescned from tiie randr we bdieve cost dbasbe bat very re ad occapled eo recently a few dya have elap6 npent of men wtfe got The iosnrances e8ted so far as we could learn 000 It is supposed that id near the cupola of the same plaee wbcre the 1 fire from a spark a few Northern Iway Bta- row eoape from deetrac times on fire Tbe their height almost defied le firemen and time after licked around tbe adjacent oping them in its lr lied by tbe energy of tbe r efforts were at last soo oin and the fire was pre- reading farther northward I not however come off un- loas of about 800 has been ed by inBaiance Glote pABTIJndeb either by Csh tbted to the Subscril settled by the jeplMed inC Wood Wanted pABTIES wishing to pay for the Cou x in Wood will please deliver at once 80TJTEB be to reftira his Blnccre the liberal patronage bestow on Mm ii ft years and to assure themTmder tSe ne n he will as before be ready tO wait oi m and giv them FiistBttte Goods at i Newmarket Dec sd 1867 2tf always be fonnd birtiiT WiSBASrZD SIGN OF THE BIG T CARD OF THANKS stn patronago bestov usinesg in Nen Harrison in v patronage i seven ycartf 1 ronld solicit a nploy He able having every facility ROBT PBEST BodlSAoeif vmarket Dec 26 1887 Dr Hackett Fmicm msi c c c BB81DENCE OABBUTT HILL Kewmarket Dec 24 1887 lf1 Globe Newspaper Doting the year 1868 very imi Sessions will be hold of the Pari of Ontario and of tbe Dominion and v cresting discuseioDS mil take place on sil- ectoftbdeVpest1ntefe8t to the Canadian people The fonndfltions of the New Gov- It have been laid but the supcrstmc- e people es Screen Fly Wires Co and hep Blb Sheet Zinc GrUeasnres Seed Hoppers Cast Iron Pumps Lead Pipe Biack Lead and Black Lead Brashes Oast lion HamBoUervAgricultural fiie Tea Kettle Stigar Kettles SinlSap Lubricating Coal Oils Lamps Lanterlis BUBNBR8 CniMNETS WICKS if which thoy will sell aa Cheap as anybody else They are prepared to fit u on the most Improved Plans Eave Trowghmg dom in a Swpenor Momnet W Particular attention paid to Jobbing Farmers Produce Sheep Skins Rag Old Copper Brass Lead and Pewter taken in exchango C paid for Forg A CALL SPECIALLT SOLICITED AND SATISFY TOUESELVijS Viite Spiiit Xerolnats MAmJTAOnjK lWiD8ihielifegji 9tHI Iead0 thei Wtiy for Cheap Cerod and srrooK IfHTik A B ORR WILL SHOW THE Largej 6est and Cheapest Sticks Dry Qoods BbOTB aiia SHtOE i- Clothingvl Clothiijg I Clothing IK THIS DOMINION OF CANADA FOB THE BEST WE BUY FOR CASH FOR CASH WE WILL NOT BE UjDKBSOLD CAXiXi Bss THOHJ BRmeB WAJEtIECOUSB IAND JUDOB FOB YODRSELVES We thahk our friends and the public for the very Liberal Pstnage shaiAt us and irill Straw Hats Cleaned Dyed and Altered Trimmed Bonnets Trimmed Hats Feathers Ribbons MILLINER Mantle and Dresa EmbToidery Oottons Berlin Wools Braids Beads lies and Childrens TJndeitolothing SHOP CORNER MAIN TIHOTHTST HSWHAEKET Croceries Wines Liquors Drugs ifliil Baisw i Moiii tlis Buy ONE PBICE ONLY All kinds Farm Produce taken at Highest BatfSi Ifee 186T tf1 WM A A S7SES BLTIDtE main street newmarket ont Have received a Large and varied addition to thejrformer stock and enabled to show fahltebs uechauics builders and the geaetftl putiU j the best cheapest and most stock- o Hardware and Cutlery Ever offered in North Yoik Amcmc stock will nnml Chemicals aOSSELT H TJ T t II 10 It MAINSTREET NEWMARKET OIHiD respectfully return thankg t he has received since con in this place and woul mcnciog bus also infonn tl he has recciv this p ta he moat happy to supply them with the bes I the market at the lowest price BACON HAMS SAUSAGE tcc 23 18C7 tf1 of Ontario to be appointed Librarian From certain inhabitants ring that a charter to the lalTers Aesociation be not a the inhabitant of Miri ime eCect From tbe in- to the game effect bitanta of Marlborough to From the inhabitaota oS MirrickTille to the same inhsbiianta of Mon to L Monet to lend at Bedoced Bates ant on trms made advantageous to tbi Farming Community J public journals will ipon the right II the igth r arily I 7 will depew will be brought THE GLOBE Lcgislati Icep inter riLL REPORTS OP PARLIAMENTARY PROGEE And by NELSON CORH AM MANUFACTDBEB OF Woollei Cloths of Every Description ALSO GENERAL DBALEB IN WOOL Newmarket December 1807 1tf a the point d guide PROGEBDINGS discussions it will strive to o u right judgment on the irly in the year 1868 THE DAILY GLOBE WILL BE VEBY CONBIDEBABLY ENLARGED and will be printed on a Itotary tc Co thirpre resBionB an hour The outl alwut 15000 IK gold has lecessary by the large and increas- Ltion of THE GLOBE Itbasbeen ime Impossible to supply in til called for b siee is rcndei advertUements which liave already caused the publicaUon of a large supplemcn a week wbjch wUI be conUnaed be found heedful until the perman largement takes place the enlargement TllP PRINTED ON NEW Early In the year w PAPER WILL BE J W COLLINS let From the inbablta rioinity to tbe Eame e coancit of Peiij of tbe Oeotnl B beooQDtycotiQoU o ameodneQtfl o the Act I dogB From the t iUofW6Q 5 HA OLAiMflMewYortc Triimt BUl nyiDQit abrupt tTOiMioi of nee betweea BeereUiy rctoodthaiUMnevSne- Er Tbonkn eamm n- G M BINNS KEEPS A GOOD 8BLECTI0N Note Letr Paper AND ENVELOPES Togelhn lUi Imge wletj of Oenml Stationery and Flancy Goods l9Wh6n you want an iAIbiim or anything thing else in this line be kind enough to Ciat lie Merw More ply JUDGE r Ytjp All kinds of School cheap I oaet L ADreS- Calling Car4 CHBAPI BOOKBi ofalikiiid Make ttyoubBttfiewiMU attbe Oour TRB TSBMS Of subscription will remainas heretofore SIX DOLLARS per annum or the Daily cdiUon id TWO DOLLAIiS Mr annum for tb cekly edition both payable strictly in ad iicc No paper sent out Of the office unU tiesnding in their subscriptions no will receive either cditii to 3lBt Dccombor 1868 on payment oi years subscription CLUBS FOB THE WEEKLY OLQDE Tbe Club rates for T follows he coming year willl 910 00 Newmarket Bakery BREAD BISCUIT BAKER I Biteuiif Ahtrnclhij RittuiU Cram lliieuile Bulmorol lUtcuih GTaker Cake WHOLESALE AND RETAIL g oonfectionaeies t AlsTays on band at Lowssr P FRUIT AND WEDDING CAKES PRIVATEPARTiES BALLS WEDDINQ8 Provided for on Lowtsr T XXX OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY VOLUNTEERS ATTBSNTION t newmarket volukteer com- Drill eaoh Monday Evening Dt Titty the Winttr aboultbeb I the person who gets up tho Clubof Twenty T CopifBono year for nd aa extxa copy of Tst W O to the person who geU up the Club of Tfairiy FfrT Corns one year for 06 00 jtd a copy of Tii D Oio to tlie per son wiw geto up the Club of Fifty Biobtt Cofiu one year ftf 100 00 And a copy of Tn DiriT globj to tho per Eab paper is addressed separately and Olub duriiw tb year they must t9 BUMrt be Buoh a jraon d yMU JBMnPtIon the fflvb III pay 4 toMxpiton of tbe Club OEOBaE BBOWH PuMhiUi Toronto Dieember Ifia Money to Loan a bodltbeb Cinger Wine Cordials Pickles md Tight Joint Bul tSWe would caU the particular attentionof Builder minga which ia Tery large and well eelected Cutlery Cutlery IXnner andJksert Knives and Forlc Carving and Butcher Knxvex SeiH A large ttoeJe of Pocket Kniv G M BINNS WOULD respectfully notify tho Farming coromnnUy and paWle in geneml hat ho is now better pieMred than ever tc do ample Justice to every description of LETTERPRESS PRINTING navlDfr made hrgo additions to tils ofRoo posters Hand Olronkrs BUSINESS CABDS SILL HEADS BLANK NOTES dc ffSr Farmers getting their Auction DiUs printed will have theio nollccd In the Niw- aiWMCAiBn7 OOURIBR 136 Biritlly in Advanu a U DiKNS PAEM m SALE TTNDER AND BY VIRTUB OP A V Power of Sale contained In a certain Mortgage dated the sixteenth day of Febr- oaryonn thousand eight hnndteo and slity three and made by Edward Sheppard and Wife to Louisa Bishop fwhioh said Mort- gnge will be produced at tmo of sale th will be offered for ealo by Poblic Auouon On tMe 4th Day of January 1808 IW THE muo Of iraWMASKKT At tk hour tf ihwlw efloe neen The followingproperty via Lot Number Two In he lake Goitostilon TOWNSHIP OP NOBTnflfflLLIBDURY In tbe said County of York containing No Tkorohfttsie ra VlftjlgU Aerw of land VB TITla la WDiaPVTADLB TfiBB r iTtJ AS0ULTfiBB Vendtti Deoember 34 IBSr Sauces Canned Fish Preserved Fruit Orange Tonic Cigars GO TO A SpUTEH Gos WHOSE STOCK IH Larger Better Assorted ANt UORB HAMSLY msm THAN ANT NOTH OP TOBOKTO A SOBMB W Himir iaiN st NBWMABKW CABDET WARE TRIMMINGS MAHOGANY KNOBS jastors of all kinds Escutcheons Plated and Brass Liflinga Handles Plated I and Brass Butts A general assortmKnt of Iron Steel Anvils Vices Files Rasps Circular Crosscut Backj Keyhole Mill Hand Compass Felloe and Web S FIRMER SOCKET DUCKBILL AND TURNING CHISELS PLANE IRONS BRACES AND BITTS AXES HAMiTERS SCBEW PLATES 0eneil Haidlware noe8ShovolB Spades Mannro Forks Scoops Pitch Forks Gi Iron Pumps Waggon Boxes P HewinArket Ieo 34 lOOT t4f umps Waggon Boxes Furnaces Saucopans Sborcls and Tongs Sheet and Kettles Steelyards Sadirons Hooks and Hioges Dinner Bells Steel Bntli Patent Stretched Leather Belting Lead Pipes Ac t Tools Adzet Broad Am Holhwina Seading Staveup and Hoop Shovdt Ltcdi novodsic COOKING PARLOUR AND OTHER n and the best makers in the Dom Bale Stove Furniture of tho bc8t Sleaii Engines aid Boilers Gearing Yery description for Millsj Scrapers CarpenUrs and Cabinet Makers Pianos Ac You toilljind it greatly to ouradcanlage to eaU and tee this ttocJe beorepurthasing Newmarket December THE CANADIAN ALMANAC AND A lASOB VABIBTr OP Poclset Diaries fbr All kinds of Purses and Pocket BgoliB pon saib at mw prices u tit the Courier Qjee NEWMARKET 0- IMC 3Blimis PALACE OF FASHION TBS LiaST NSWSST OffOIOSSr ANP OlfSAPEBT aTOO OP Dry 0ood8 V Dresa Cowls Millinery and Mantles IK TOWK AND A FOR Groceriies Teas Fruitsi Candied Peels SJPIOBS oi TKp StoekliMacleatiy Large tdfuppljiallofde At Prteea a tMe OBSAPMB Oan tU Ohca iIUmember ibe KowiouketjPeoao leet IAHIVES OP QNTARtOl I t TORONTO I

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