Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 2 Jan 1868, p. 2

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gihioyait BY ATLAJmO LoRDOVDeo toiLUieaeiaopbuitedHuustv Bntaio fo WaduzjUm will is dm fir Amoioa to rater nop fto tiiof hi8Bifioa LoHsoH Dec 87A Briliili Bitionr now ndTW into LoiipoK Dio 27 DOOQ of iKeM didtoainges Uidi lure ohano- teri tb opentiw of tbe Fenua bro- tMwodr liM poTpete DqUin reduTod tpdj ifoUofi partienlm ezpkriTS opals 4eed to kill the per ftddicttdd Ser of ex ploded bortlx retl utaie Tra-uoer- uin bafrn to tliis tim no persoa hu Cdej t preni to Ddidin and 1- 1 x Fauw oaV nge aotiTely iav tig Zne uieditoridrttcleoBtF It Mjs that no less tan 3000 spedal eoDStables luve beeA Bwom in aad are r aeni in ZiOd Thewntrcallfi aikd Ont ws ezeim fllaffvisre emoUte the preeavtioaaTy measores of the metropolis L Dec 27 The Tima tcniay eOD liOimoK Dec 28 nooo Fenians aeem to be nnnsoally aptiTe all over the conntiy Nearly every hoar inthe day despatehes leoeiTOd by the anthorities aanonncing eier a coatempUted moTe- meii by the brotherhood or ita absolate oocorrce Telegrams of qnita a eerioosDahirehaTe been receiTed toy from Cork giTing the details of another Fenian eoupdenain Last nigh about midnight a large body of m widi ldaakQ6d fiicea stormed the Martdlo tower near Cork Thegnardof the tower was overcome and scattered and the Tiotora hastily collected together a con- oderahle quantity of arms and ammnni- tion and escaped with it without moleeta- tioD rekindling th had neany i Han improbable romonrs are afloat chiding one that a Fenian cmiser bad been seen off tiie Irish coast and was chased away by Briti war Tessels A man was arrested in this ci last ete oq the charge of having fired the fhsee which canaed the centJodon at Clerkenwell From mformahon in the hands of the anthoritJes it is believed that tike tnie cnlpril has at last been captnred HdADBlD Dec 28 The steamer in oommacd of Admiral Tcgetff of the Aostrian navy having on board the re- Archdi yeaterda a of the Cort commenced yestfirday In the oBual speech irbm the Throne Qneen laalJella pled the mp- port of the nation to hia Holiness thePope for the teservation of the temporal power L Dec 28 evening Another FaiiM oatrage was perpetrated today at Dublin An effort was made to fire the general Post Office by means of Greek fire The attempt washappUyfrostrated Beyoodihe destmclioD of a few letters no great damage was done A laie powder mill at Feversham abont 60 milea from here was blown np and ftemoon jht and a injured Cause of explosii L Deo 29 The London Ob- tater saysnonewor extraordinary powers will now be asked of Parliament tbo Oovonment for the repression of Fenian plots or disturbances It is expect that owing to the pros tration of tjado and commerce daring the past quarter of the year the Janoaiy re turn will show a eerioos decrease in the amoaot of the receipts iroin revenue dor- ing that period in the United Kingdom A nnmbe of eminent Russian states men and diplomasta have met in St Peters burg and are now holding a Conference on the Eastern question Despatches from Italy represent that there u mnoh political adtation in Noi em and Southern Italy in Naples an the oitiefl of Piedmont the ezcitemeni dangerons aad tan are entertajoed that it may eulmittate in rising against the authori of Government P D 29 The Papal Govern- meat on to pay the intwest on the Italian Bmd4 which representthe old debt of the Pontifioial 8tate annexed to the Kingdom of Italy The ItaUan Parlia- meet recently refused by a dedave vote to pay the oovpons on tbeee bonds L 120pm It seems that the great Powers pf Europe have determined to ask of thei Emperor Louis Napoleoi the bakis of the conference to which the have been iatedby him and throng which Fiaooe seeks to notiate a treaty for the BetUei4entof the troubles of Italy It is stated tbjut the ioabillW of Genem Menebrea the Prime Minister of Italy to reconstroot bis ministry if now the prin- olpal cause of the delay perfeetlng the arraogements for the meeting of the ferenoe I Paris De 30 The PatrU iL editorldthis nnIogeainc8tlydenoancce settlement of abandoned C Dec a tdewdlliem UishU P D 31 fly a imx of tie BiiRbltakia tn the jr nWg Oorpe Ltif fer the ma- iralBbctolwomemteri Inthep- rfraette rffto Empire U 1 of edto aena nine reprewnta- wenqmber which she haa in PjrtU is to be married to OottMittEceroftIeIm- evening S D 28 IT at three oclock pm tiie latoie of Ontariowsi StutedlHSiaedknoy drove down to oed to the poblio was filled an early hour aaweUfas the galleries darot to the Frees Toy much to ibe inconve nience of the Beportera The seats served for privileged persons underneath the galley was principally occupied by ladies On the floor of the House fadng keas chair and in the centre of iber the judges and some repre ss of the clergy ooougied The two foi bands were stationed in front of the bnild ing J and as His Excellency approached the entrance way pnt arms The Volunteer Artillery fired a vioew sa lute of eightn guns The space in front of the main building was densely crowded When Uie LieutrGovemor drove up he into the building by the Speers loOT to the east of die main entrance Hon M 0 Cameron then dame for ward to the foot of the Throne and read tiie following announcemeot Gentlemen of the Lislative Aasembly I am com manded by His Excellency the Lieut Governor to announce that His Excellen- by does not see fit to declare the cauaw of summoning you at this time and will do sonntUyu have chosen a Speaker to preside over your honourable body But tomorrow at two oclock His Excel- leocy will declare the causes of his call- ingyou together Hgi John Sandfield MacDonald ad dressing the Clerk said In obedience to the directions of His Excellency the LientrGovenior the daty mil devolve on on Mr Gillmonr to preside over thede ibentions of this Housenntil the Speaker s elected It is my duty on the present occan to take steps towards filling that vacancy and in doing so it will be my picaeing duty to propose a gentleman who Ilieve be aooeptableto the House entleman whose name I am about to it is an old resident of the country is I believe a native of it and is one who has had such experience in County Cotmcil affairs as may in some manna him for his position Ho is a may add of sound common sense whic Mr Gillmour is after all a very essential qualification for a person filling the chair of this House I admit that it s also ofimportonee that the chair should be filled by a man of experience but I know that that chair and the chair of the Lislative Council and Lislative As sembly of the Province of Canada have been filled and well filled by persons hav- inc litUe if any acquaintance with the rules and relations of the House I mention this because I feci tiiat objections may be made It may be ud tliat the better Spt there I refer to Mr Sicotte proposing a gentleman to fill that may mention that those on the Treasury benches feel that they have taken the re- sponsibUity of that course And while we have the honor of possesang the confi dence of this House while the responsi bility of the discharge of the functions of Government rest on us we will be prepared to our position j we wlU be respon sible for his appointment and for the man- amentand control of the House and wTien we no longer possess the confidence of members then of courso wo will not be here Peeling this to bo our poaitibn we will submit the name of a gentleman who will command the confidence of the House and who will wo believe rcceive that confidenco before he is long in the chair With tbeao remarks Mr Gill mour I bM to propose that Mr John Stevenson Member of Parliamentfor Lcn nox do take the chair Applause Hon Mr Carling I We Mr Gill- our very gt pleasub in seconding the solution of the Hon AttorneyGeneral I feel that the gentleman proposed will give satisfaotion to the Hoose and dis- oharra its business correctly and well Aiicr a short debate the Clerk put the motbn which was carried The Weaker rose and said I rot my nnoere thanks for tbo honor done in unanimously electing mo the first Speaker of the Province of Ontario am not insensible to the responsibility the offioe in wbioh I hvd been placed to my own imperfeotions and inexperience but I rely on tlie kind forbearance and as- sisUtnoo of the House In the prosecu tion of mv duties I sbiU endeavour to lot impartially and Justly withoatrespcct to partvor pa feeling spplaose ana while I aeemit my duty to Tnwipln the honour and dlityof the Hooftrl notTm to aphold Uie ritstod venieaoe of every member Applai Trosting ov deliberttloos wUloe oond ed with oourtej and that our acts t0 snob as will uvanoe the interests of the country and promote the hapjjnees of the people 1 agslD retora yoa thanks for the OBitbanuid iid departore of Sfistad- CaoDoa dmn- iote and at tiie en- bands lorfdo the biiildii the scene was veiy ly aad animated from an early hour in le aftooon The number of ladies in full dvadmgtho body of tho Housa was Mi lai that seats devotedto the of the were found altcther insufficient and ve many of the seaia of tiie membeps were given np to tle ladies This was a do oided upprovemeot so fer as general jp- pevanoo went and very mnch enlivened the Chamber for thtlme being The ladies were magnificently attired and- in Uus respect tiie scene on SahudJff was not a whit behind that wUch marked the of flwirHoos of Commons at His delivered the following SPEECH FBOM THE THEONE OeulUntn flhe ZegUlHve vxoce withthe provision of r Ria if the Imperii Iarliunent Proyinces and fortte v B PPSTOffHil HEWWWKtTi Wilfrlca uUBOTorton wril of the morning rCaw neuu Orchard Hartimu moaville Ring- A AsatPM J separate the Provinces pf On- ive been depnted in till Hajegty the Queen lo open thi lie LepBlatore of Ontario pportunily which has beei recUon o and Quebec I have been dei DfHelcomii entatives of the people in this city so iont nown as the capital of Upper Canada This day la the commencement of a ne nd important era in onr poUUcal aniialBr- hltherto ei selfgoverr past it has been the aii e principle years paal f Upper Canada direct and unlimited control o gislatiTe alliance with a attainable whilst ii y advanUgea which hav to uoui from this Unior Its accomplishment in the year 1841 ople of Westera TrmaHa haie theless desired a veramentel syBtt- strengthen and consoli on this continent Bhonld also afford larger opportunitleB for theirown particular growth and expansion This object we have now mgh the beneficent interposition JonMhe future Go of this Province is In one respecL nccniiar and esceptional It confera Mn y rS- tlemen t excloBiTc privilege of framing laws in relation to mattcn within vour jurjs- digtion unaided and uncheckcd by tlic sn- pervieory control of another chamber It icmainsfor you to justify by your wigdom moderation and forethought the confidence TO frly reposed Inyqii by the Imperial Go- legislative labours with BPosal large cnonch to justify the hope that they wDl prove ade- qnata not only fyr the actual requirements of It will devolve upon you to consider the best and most appropriate means of husband- rcea and of apgmentlng as ealth I wonld BBtlyp pediency of encouraging immigraUon and the occupation of our public londg by afford ing to the working classeB of Europe end to int of Ubl grant of lahdtr 6ona jide settiers would I apprehend prove jmable advonUge In adding to the and quality of our rcBident popuja- mthoriaed to inform yoa thatarrange- re in propesa for the upeedy appolnt- Arbitrators for the dlviaion and ad justment of the dcbU crcdite liabilitiee pro perties ond assets of the late Proviiices of Upper and Lower Canada under the 142nd en these genftemen shall have completed ir labours a copy of their report aliall be I before you ho eipcnacB hitherto attending the eslab- tie sole responsibility of the aeveral heaiU f pubUc deparlmenU appointed therein but have directed detailed accounts of all such xpcndlture to bo submitted to you for your atimates of the anticiatd revenue and ex- whicillMSndtoourca relying upon your reodincas to mnke BHitablc provision for the cxigenclea of ttc public 8r- CO within that period In carrying out the special objccta for bich you have been constituted as a Legis- tive body you will also bo renuired to Le ow your roost serious consideration upon ich applications as may be made to you for le incorporation of companiesfor Provincial iduSd rtLfr avonr wU W liotillng ilucoKOTmi I individual enterpilBo to protect tiio inter- vBts of the public at large from the consc- quencca of raslj or illedviaed speculations r loyalty and attachment ovemment of our Graelo nbuld bCBcceh you alwayi while your Immediate 0 matters of local conc youfor the moat prominent and populoua orOon of a newlwm Dominion which i venture to liopc will ere long extend from the Atlai to the Paciflo And bo the homo of ai multitude of thriving and contented subjt poeltloi tlal as It now iB wllChercteV become rcl t vulv of mcreaalng magnitude according the degree of prudence sagrfclty and tboughtyou maycvinco In the managenient of the Important Interests entrusted to your Hay the blesiing of Almighty Ood accom- kny your deiibomtlonB and make them mduco lo the public welfare and to the lasting hapnlnoBsoftliejopleof Ontario I At the oioo of the Spooch His Kzocl- Icnoy bowed and retired and Judges ministors offioers and ladles having left the Ohambor prooocdings wero re- earaod at about quarter to throo The Speaker then took the ir aad uuomed hon genticmoa that In tho nwneof tbeHousind on their behalf be bad jpads his hamble petition to His Szwllcnoy claimbg oU their rights and pnvile aod that His Bxoellnuy wu pleased to say that theso would be iVilh granted jora fell on tint M liT6 irtw fflten wiOi a eanM spirit into the owraderation of what is nostDetwsaiy to our welfere safety and progi with a nund unembarrassed bji pti cries tod distinctions bftTiio real being There is of course a certun class of politicians valueless as to useful work to whom the role of a demagogue is not only natural but absolutely esential om their nnfltness by nature or education for any other These men however soon flndtheir real level and have but alight weight in debate or diviaon unless per- taps in some desperate straggle for party power when they End their prico as well Such objectionable excrescences adhere to every leative body but we are inclined to think that in Ontmo we have rather less than the usual pcrtion of this unde sirable element TRAVELLERS GUIDE NOBTHEBN HAILWAY t GAND TRUNK EAST GREAT WESTERN Traineave Uiion StttiorffiTC mil HBW ADVEBTlSEUBnTS s Tim Ac- Card A Souter Jotice A Souter yotice of Co-Partnership- ries Wines 4cA Marriage liicenaeB W Be TmrasDAT JiBYaSD 1 Eleoticm of Speaker In proposing Mr Stevenson for sker Uiink the Ministry showed considera ble wisdom and discretion The tone of the House so far as it may be judged by the past party coimeotion of its members has a decided Refetin tendency and it B proper spirit of consideration to- ds this feding tt actuated Uiem in their choice of Mr Stevenson Butlittle debate followed the nomination and that only tending to show that the old party lines BO strongly insisted upon by tho ex- imo factioniat are pretty well obliter ated It is Bot without profit to watch tho difference of demeanour of politicians tho Btnmp and on tho floor of the House In tbo former situation the more rampant f tho extreme Grits were loud in their tnuneiation of a policy of action which mto result in huriing tho Sandfield MoDonold Ministiy from office without lither trial or opportunity of declaring their poUey but in tho House they sit genUc and silent whilo it is affirmed by those who have olwsys belonged to tho Reform party that tiie true policy and duty of every representative is to afford tho Government a fair trial There is no- tiling strange in this common sense and common honesty would be satisfied with uo other ooum but Bvsndry gontiftmon sit in that House who during their eleo- tlon campaigns pledgrf themselves to the veiy opposlto There is hothing- however very won- derful ip this whet wo take into account the natural desire of a man to suooood on alinost any terms ooupled with his also natural jguoraneo of tho very different conditions attached to tho two situations tho easygoing IVcedom of strong assertion irrespeotivo of faot or logic which often puffs tho candidate 90 to sucoess in his electioneering canvass would win him but n indilToroDt roputatloD In tho House As might have boon foretold tho late eca- sot of the Dominion Legislaturo as well as tho present iodleationB in Ontario seem to show thit in actual prootieo tho old party linos are nearly effaced and boyond the nature partiality of men fbr fVlendi holding heretofbro similvr Views they will sooroely influonoo the ao- Uon of cither Lqaturo Noris this llkelyto bo disadraBtage i iough of osw uattOT will triso to oioato disowlon aod vision without raki up the ashte of Itnoedbo no matter of sur- prisot in the tunqoil of ft first olootion iifhen eo mveh ws at sta tho very bit- Speeok ftom the Throne The Ministry as is usual in the Speech have shown their hands as slightly as pos- oble a very convenient procedure for them but we do think on an occaaon like this we might have been treated to rather more clearly defined policy Ii migrption is lightly touched upon with promise of a satisfactory policy rarding the settlement of our wild lands This is a work which must naturally go hand in hand with the encouragement of immigra tion AU parties are agreed on the neces sity existing for immediate and thorough action in this behalf and we may look foj a marked improvement in the managemeni of the Crown Lands Department it is probable that the system adopted will approximate very closely to one of f grants and we believe that in general this will be found most advantageous ing as it will to the encouragement rapid settlement and actual cultivatii lands now unproductive As to a Homo- stead Law alluded t iMMoti W the How Uw iii OnlMio woniaMuten Om liniKp awli oiMs Jaerred How jthe ckMge ilim lie Bar desugoe m ll V oftbc epeiapoiilitoieporteni ta a dim d a 0 available sense and reason with which he is perchanoe but scantily ftimiahed He can no longer shelter himself behind the broad shield of declamatory invective and sihks into a timid hoitating indi- vidual nervously anxious to be favorably noticed by Sandfield MacDonald or any one else If tiiese gentiemen had nsed a littie more common sense and ordinary re flection during the dectionsi they would not now be plaoed in such humiliating position The worst of it is there seems danger now of there being no legitimate opposition which is oeither safe nor satis factory The men who talked the tallest three months since are now most sensitive ly timorous of offending the ministry Howbeit as our political future developes points of difference will naturally arise then a sound aad healthy opposition will spring np and do its useftil serrioe to the Slate At present the Ministry both in the Dominion and in Ontario seem over strong Deathfjj FergassoaBlair The Hon A j FergussonBliur died atOtUwa on the 30lh Deo ult Mr Blair has been a man of some prominence in Canada for many years altho not by any means an old man He was an a lawyer receiving the appointment County Court Jndge for Wellington lS43j he resigned this in a few yea and entered into politios in which he C tinned to take much interest until his un timely death resulting from a gradual breaking up of the constitution He was a member of several cabinets and has been always held a man of unswerving intity the e graphwemu8tconre8stogreat misgivings This is an idea of Amerioan importation and one we are by no means satiBfied adopt without much consideration a rule wo believe any such arrangemt whereby a man can hold and enjoy pro perty without its being liable for his debts is more apt to bo used as a means of fraud than for protection of his family The honest industrious man will in a country like tiiis where land is acquired with easCj procure a homestead for his family ond maintain them in it without any artificial protection but one less honest indolent will avail himself of Bucha law as riving the means ofUving imgir at ease m fraud of thoK towhoi piay bo indebt Wo see in the debate that suggestions were thrown out astoth desirability ofhaving another branch the Legislature in Ontario that is au Upper or Supervisory Chamber We wold think it wise to by no means moot this question so long as we can properly con duct our affairs with9iQ one Chamber Under our new nothing is of importance than sound economy and the annual expense of our administration would be largely increased were we to bur den ourselves with another body of Re presentatives Wo would not be taken as urffog the kipcrior clMms of economy aa weighed in oomparison with good govern ment but merely as affirming tho principle that whilo our present system works well it would bo unwise t bersomo and cxpensi Before and After To those who watched the course of events during tho last election tho recent debate on tho address in the Ontario Legislature must have afforded no littio Those blatant patriots who during the general election dcoouncod tho present government through tho length and breadth of the land as an unholy combi nation unworthy rospoot or support now cither sit meek aod mild at tho feet of the Premier or seito with tho utmost avidity tho first opportunity of defining their position always to tho same tunc ready and anxious to give tho Government a fair trial and a generous sugport Even tho trenchant MoKolIer haa become lambliko and suffers beration at tho hands of tho gallaot Forgusoi wbilo Blako bittorost ofoxtromistsjsays In Western Canada however the Liberal Conservatives and tho Reformers wore very olosoly allied So they are doubtiess aiitd so they should bo at questions exist now whi divide tho liberal meaof either party- And tills being so is it not well for such roasdnablu men to unite for tho common ijoal and not seek to porpotuato tho rancour of party strife whtp tiio giving iOifohavo fndod into tho past and ocasod to exist Horo in Q Riding thoattompt was made hy tho mora rabid feotionists to draw pa lines closer than over nlach bad blood being elirrod up by this bigoted and tyrannical action But wo tmano they must now 900 and in a rater strong light tho ab- snrdty of their oondact Then nothing would do but tbo Sandfield MacDonald ministry must bo ou from offloo with out either trial or opportunity of deolar- log their polley non eo attly and irro- doomably bad woro not tQ be tolorat for lof a piece with tbrod ftatMfHoadhcMamtii I advin mental Mpidty and i Ibuslnesa talent We think for tbdnogli btsllke adminifltration of Its aflUrt the village is Indebted In no amall de to Mr Eadhouse while as the chainnan of th Boad and Bridge Gommlttse a potitioa rHch inrolves abetit as mUch Ubour and ewnaiWlityasaUtherestoftha work com in before the CounclV He Is not always btwrlng bis own trumpet tint a little niodes- badthtog author 1 deiireii ol Sotat Jlps Santa CIaus didnt appoint Binn ismely Captain Sibbald Mesns 8te- J Brethour and Weir decUned becom- ing candidates for reelection andthelrplacea have iKen Bnppfled by Messrs Geo Fry An gus Ego John Johnstone jr M Ham phrey Tho election passed oft very qnietly The gentlemen named together with Mr Eiddellthe present Beevewew unanl chosen as the repreeentatlmofthe township in the Municipal Conncll of 1888 rhus tie dectors of Gena have demon- itrated thr ability to rise snperlor to the tmmeis of fiction and elect as their tepre- scntatives in local matters the men whom they deem bestqnnliSed to serre them Irres pective of political or party bias ThlBtrnlw lolic spirit In Municipal matters has af B been a distinguishing characteristic of people of Qeorgina and were the xsm- t of tlie good results that would to there- heir loyal attachment to tbelr in a round of ch eers that would K who sympathise with Fenian- other ism having kindred objects Fund on the evening of Tue istant Blelghs will bo in a iven oclock on Main Mil an Episcopal Church Newmarket wil on Sunday JanuSrj 12 18E AK by Bishop Richnrdson DD c lago nooL We beg to rcn IB Grammar School in on Tuesday tlie post Invariably gained tho esteem and con- fldenco of his pupils The public cxnmina- lion of the Port Rowan Co Grammar School U head mastership of which ho has Just resigned commenced on WcdncBdny the 18lh uU and cloRcd tho Friday evening follow ing The pupils were subjected lo a rigid written as well as to an omi examii and by their answering showed n tho acqnntnlancc with tlieir various ntndic tlie close of tho proceedings they prci BIr Anderson with a very handsome vr desk aa a mtirk of their esteem We should like to have given tho report in full a Ulncd In Uio Jirithh Canadian but arc ed to cohtcnt ourBelvca with tho above hasty egards th ubstantial financial result but by reason 01 he real intcrcat of tlie proceedings contri- iiiUng in various ways to theamaBcmentand omfort of all The concert porHi ntcrtainment was ablj aaatained by ama- eura from difiTercat luria of tho Riding as- Istcd by tho ShaVpley MiuBtrols from Now- market who added not a littleto the fun o Mies Hillary Mr James and Dr Ilt Immediately aner tho concert spac- 9 rcfrcBbmcnt tables burthoHed with vi- t of moBt Bucculcnt sort woro thi lUch as possessed the requisite While his Important change in the gramme was being eifQcted the floor waj d from benches and swept for tho votar le of TcrpBlchore vrho tripped the too righ luatlly until nlgl shining mom Wo are in led that about s0 wererealUed for th Drill Shed fund which speaks well for the loyalty of Xing TiipMcNtoiPAL Elictiok We are inform ed tt Tt Is actively circulated that Mi Itoadhouse is not anxious of being eleeled a in point of foot that he would prefef Mr Jacksons oleption We are in position t 1 Einajnni4 iTe shall be glad to reoeire items of om different parte of the Coon such a meetings fastlvals etc etc ommnnlcations to be addressed to wss publisher and proprietor and accompanied with the name of the not however for publication if rwisebut as a gusnintyefgood csponslblefortke oeorqina election Burning of Beards Foundry fire wbichat the outset threatened the most results con sumed Beards new foundry on Front st last evening The fire alarm was given shoHly after seven and firemen and engines shortly on the spot but with such a Urgg top-ta- bot- toTD and a freu Creese blowing at the time the firemen were almost powerless to stay tiie conflsgrationi until fury of the fire had bei pretty well exhausted The foundry was entirely ocmsumed not withstanding the desperate efforts on the part of the fire brigade and the Messrs rd to save it and we believe that tie if anything was rescued from the wreck vThe ioundiy we believe cost some and has been but very re cently finished and occupied so reoently indcM that only a few days have ela6d since the full comiment of men were got to work there The insurances effect on tho premises so far as we could learn amounted- to 86000 It is supposed that the fire originated near the cupola of the building in tho same plaee where the building caught firo from a spark a few weeks ago The Northern Railway Sta- stion had a narrow eeoape from destmo- tion and was several times on fire The flames when at their height almost defied the efforts of the firemen and time aftw time the flames linked around the adjacent buildings enveloping them in its graro only to bo repelled by the enemy of tho brigade Their efforU were at last suo- cesaful at this point and the fire was pre vented from spreading further northward The station did not however oomo off un scathed and a loss of about 1800 has been cnuyed covered by insurance Janmri 1 Legislature of Ontario D the sitting of tho House on the 30tii uU tho foUowing wtitioos were presented From Bov O Thompson Elora praying to bo appointed Librariao of tho Honse From certain inhabitants From tho inhabitants of Harlborou to tho same eSbct From the inhabitants of Wolford and MirrickviUe to the same effect tho inhabitant of Kinoao and Bmoo to the same it Frooai th townships of Baug and Bruce to the sameot From the towip of Huron to the same effiot InMbltaiits of Salem and viclni to the same eflbck From tbb county council of Peelpiaviiig for a revival of the Oqnt Eaifwav charter FromtbeoountyoouncUofWW- iugton praying aipeodeots to tho Aot Impojong tax oq dogs thf roetor vestry indohurohwafens of St John Chui Port Bope relative to lands Annie E of Port How fcr Iment to an Act relating to the iriU of the late J KnatohboU Rocn Tnx A O NewToriCi Dee 90 The TWwnes QteeialeiQQt withstanding the abrupt teminatioB of tho oorreepondenoe between Beoretoy Seward ana Lcid Stanlvrmthe AZafioMO olaiiDsit livndtood that tbo new Snfr Udi Miniate Ur oonn eat- powered tutboil to auoatlon with view of efleot u nblK aa eai ajid unioaUoimilMiQ Of thodlfflo5 I

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