Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 27, 1867, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA DECEMR 27 1867 AdvartlMmaBta K QMJM TM C MmWM Wtter k BMO Hmm AtMy Jaatph BmM Tnua TiB HwatrKet tift xl MMHkjr U i iht pait ao wtii it b during ih yaar up- othr oeeuioflg h had bn riadi on which w kr now akout date todaj b wai wt Ho thoagfat u k u- i 0 Pril manirMled horetofor and le- J MrClimm I b ortio fMTtim uot od Happy Now Voar hia owo odoeito to tha iaioreoia of ibo vUlagt will do ao for ibo lait limo- Tha kindly fn rapportiog Mr Rhoo b did m milo tho bippy grooitng- will tM lot to jbeeaaaa ha ihosiht ho waa ta bvMli II bill iingr Il ii imootunl ihor- 1 H P- Mr pl After torn fortber raaatka sot W ro to lg 0 orld of tirriig apatrifs bt roUrod roR THB coonni Ut u wt Md JtftOa WhiBJ UaTI 9 Ontario Legialaturo lt BlUd uJjiat 1 Th Swioo of lb Looal Loiala- ay iwkia abaat 11 iaaidifra ft Ik of Oniario opcna thil afternoon at 1 throo ooloolt in I Cityof Toronto It f lpmmflrlift 6ra iSSSSlwS poaaibly Monday Wo iroat Mr SAiDriKLU iat FftoM rofovro owning of Oatrio Legitla prorai loood U will b aaeh ao Uffgrmon wUI bo able to THE SPEAKERSHIP F J Hinutanil aide wilhool oaoriMe of pno- I cpie We arc frao locoofaaa with lacb I DCB M Hon Mr Caauxo of London aod Hoo MCCaiK9i of Toronto tore E10ISTSA fOS TOOKTO Ml Cteorgea 8ocily A U r TBom Dwr S4 TU aHHtWWat tWm ti coarvmliM M U Mmt mam iatWaOn aatb arki U tk praitf af OaUri UfU klBN leCTew U opMiaf Mmi viU h dilimW will rnbaUy U U mm IwpodH mmm TW ParliaMat BoiU- tac ar a n GUU it rtkfUiMitUta Mwber vf tW Sffcrw OlfSiiUe aill fca pi frvanl 7 tW 0Tm4t fee SpMktr tW Em Jeba flaaJMJ UrdoaU tTias dttctwiafU U mU tka 4aatht KaiU af Froataaac Sir Uatr Mr Charia LiaJaj far aaay 7ui priadfal aditar at Ik Toreat Lfdtr Ud iu int tmimtUt ha ba appeiat U tU tacaal kiMfrlMp M Uw City t Tcraala la tk C Ctt U feUa primwn r MaUaead aaSaUrda by BiaBaor Jad Bjd Idwsrd Pttm coaTietad at lUaLiag a PnTiacial Kaiieatiafy Wa Barfvai eaavie- lidafWaa aaiiwH a far ahitk a pwwa aa U Mat to lb Qaaia Baardtae aw at XiacKaa Itr life oal reriri thr Math laptwaawrat Sa ih pl 0c V lUekMiM aotetJ af ramriac a ycrttaa th ma oia fras Wlkr Uojd ft Wkiiefcaitk a ihrta jmt t Ut Pra Tiadal raaitatiai7 A dtjr papar Myt tW Uit aa IU adfi bpo great 1 onlowatd prejodpa 0 Parliament ert there it little rooa lo notwiihJtaadiogtheae reouaUDoet we would eol the ere of the opeaiof of It will nodoabt ba ai a aod the leflation Mr nAHaiUH waa U aeitio addrm them- Ha thanked tbt ioi him to the oSee of Coaaeillor Ra paat to the boat of 110 oUot Mr thanked the peoole tot again plaeins him io noniaatioo Vat be bitgd to vitbdraw didate Mr WaBtTca aaid b bad oam bcn in tbo Cooooil bat if aUot wonld aerre Ihem to tbo beat of bb aUli ty H baaineaa largely eogreaaed bia attentioQ bat ha woold aodrafoar to tend to bit tBoaicipal datiea if eUetad Ho thanked them for the aominalioB aod retired Dr OtKrtiT folly ooaeorred in tbo lemarka tip by Mr Jaekaon in coogratolating ibe eleotora npoa lb a aeooe of Iboae bitter feelini that h eharaeteriied aooo prerioua oooteata circled ha woold do the bet be ooold aervo them He bad no ida of being nominated when be eame to the Hall day and if by hia withdrawal a oont coald be aToiJed bo woold ry wilUogly TW V9iaUa lor t I Gly Caaaci Ut r tw Ui I VMk u aa aRMpUabad itillr7 arbaal Wr I 09 8aritr dUlribattd AOOO poaad hi at MO h ta aad laadr Un Uaa Ur Maaday paMd af TW aad I is at ColliBfwaed kia nilcau last k aitillr7 I ar kaT t h Iry ot IT t Taraaw aa Ta Uaa Ur Hevlaad U I altkaafh a4 rack daactfau ia ceaiidarably Mr Jeeqe af CWar at tW rMBt billiard to Mr Bowoek followed It vu plearare be appoarod before tboa of ihu Pretlnt for nan jnn b I 11 k- K J i- thing doo 10 ih CoflMil Md W moDicirtl liwi A mw A5ricolliitl f Aot will be eoDiidered LeitlaiioB with I lr Blridge and Mr Baebo were not rrd to the Crown Landa will probably preeot be had aUo defioiog and eoatrol- j I be Reoming Ofioer then Hoc the ranoaa DepartmenU of Oorera- lb Brit Monday io Janaarywben a poll WiU be opaaod Monioipal Elections j BaAoroao For laeve Thoo Dri fill ar dDr Morton We have not loan KKWUiEKST ad iho aaiMa of tboae nowiioatad li Tbe Nomioatioo io this Tillage pawed CounciHore Tbtro are two tickoia off ery rielly Ooly about forty or Raacii lo ihii TowBbip Mtiara fifty of the aleeiortaaaembUd at tbe Hall Wright and Mj T i d s Joh fr AHer Mr E P Irwio aa Retorowg 1 GwiLUnaoaT Fr Roove Ofieer and Mr J Barna u CWk bad ide the occesaary deolaraliooi tbo for- Dapoty Roave Tboe Aikina Jooapb mer called Qpon the eWtora to Doaioate eandidatee for the cffioei of Rocva and Coaocillorafor wbieb porpoec be woold allow one hoar Tbe following gentle men vete tbea aontnaied For Rttva Meaerr Saaaal Road hooie E Jaokaoo Wm Treat tad A Boalibeo Fo C0icitL0lij Meeara Cbarlea EMdgo Henry Harrieon Stephen Web- Dr J George H Bache aod W H Bowden The Retorning Officer lime they woaU peak rolin being clooed tbe Twm tU dMspiaa ihoajtht it woald be tinneccaaary for Mtt Wr ad I the noninaiora aod icooodera to addreaa rOatari 5awrlar- ihs- The Elcoora prcMnt dccidod ltWibotdtW iiii u j bot little intereat man- ifealed fira ninotoa each woold aoawer City fwt Tadta far Lptii AaMsUy Priatlaf ara TW Mca far tW UBUrrtvilttsr kM arri- Mr Ro boonng onder a aerete cold he foood it difteolt to apeak bat be wootd lay that T Bek ha bM appmalfd kicl bia beiof a candidate at thia lima for the iiWatetWfraTiatfaeratary j lleeTcahip waa allother ooeipeeted aa ha bad not gieea hia cooaeot to atand till three daya ago i aod ifhawaa lo Oar Ottawa Detpaleii- MZNISTERIAL CHAlfaSS I CommercUil Bank Billn I 6KATIN0 RINK OTTAwa Ie t i mif riat f eaTra7 I fvbli raaMar tkal tW Pwiaiaa Miaiatry viil atmilbta tW maa TW rtMaaur a- i I U rctiia aad aoM aM vilk war iaialU- M Ikaa iW aw pri lav a aripaally la adjaarwd Rata fa aOcaMkfn Wvrr TW piAl Ifaia bta iLI City aad Pra- W iaiiaaal aad aAaa tUl Par- rfarrial Baak BUI ar wnh 97eU ia Kiartaa at which ptae tW baad b laeat- ad Mawhaala pr thM U atlnr il par Tlrday a atMrrad a a tan Widay ahhaajh tW vaatbar va Ttry lUtntaaaUa- OUawaSkatiaff BiakaillW apaad oooaolt hia own fcehnga be now be aolieitiog their toIo for thiaofioe He would not exert binaelf and woold not apend a aiogle eeot lo ga elected If they ebooe bia be woald eodeavor to Nrra theai bot if they prferred Mr Jaekaon it woold make 00 diffcreaoe lo hia Mr Rnadbooae again thinked the elector fix bia ooaioalioo aod then re tired Mr UcKit next addremed the elee- trt lie ooagratolated them upoo Ike abaeoee of all attife aod oontaotioQ aa witotaeed on aooe prerioua ocoanoaa aod tmaied it waa bot tbo augury of bat ter daya for the fatore With recard to iho RoefreAip bstb Mr Roadhoi Pennall aod Wna Cunainghacn TtcoMami For Reeto John Mc- Mann and J T Maoninr for Deputy Thoa Saondare aod Dr YotcviLLB For Raova Dr Borry mao and Mr John Saaara i for Coancil lore Maaara T NighliaaIoi Joaaph Jackea 00 C Moore Jooeph Gibaoo C C nackait W B Dotiaoo V Smart Joho Severn Dr BerryoMi Jubo Wabaier haar GwiLbntanaV Aa wo paled laal weak thia Townabp ia bound to have e preiiy lively lioM the proaoni elCiior For Reave Jamee Parabowi Bid Jaaae Doan For Dpttty Raev Joaao On ilton Raid atd VVmCane For Couhcitiora Maaara Gee Holbom Jamra Silver Ileary Mooior J Shui- ileworib Wm Riwo end Gao- Stdiaa Senr We uoJei liitle aparring beiwrea tbo Raova aod Deputy about eartaio votaa in ibe Couniy Cuuocti one having voted ageiaet the other A good Council eaa bo oelecaad fiom the iiamoa prtpoaod lloLLaxo Lkoio For Roevi J Thorne Bq aod Mr J ThrMwi For Counctllora Maare Tbompaoo Stkae Uaeon aoa Playior and Ba toio Mataial for a very good Covoeil if the people aei judietoualy All but Mevara Stkaa aad Playter have boeo it ihe Council et one tin or aaotbor Kixo In ibia Towoablp ao far ai Reevethip waa eooceraed poMiu axpae latioB previoua lo Ibo oomloaiioa wai eonaiderably upael It appear all m gemlenMn previoaaly apokeo of poaitiva ly dliuad aod ihe cbotea fell upoo oai friend Joeeph Siokaa Baq of Kelileby ha wa eleeted by eeciamaiioa Poi ihe iwo DeputyReevaabipe ihera ie like ly to b a apiritod caiiletMeaare Ma- ehalt Paaee Thompaoo end Sonervllh are Ibe caidideira Meeara- Machell aw Thornpwn hae previoatly oecapied tha Cuuoeiilore requir- their object ibe creation of pany or liooal etifo lo thia we beUevo tbe Bleetor of rdna have eet on exew rorihy of iotltntioa by nany of tbe I wealthy Muawlpaliiiaeof tha Coui- Tbe proc t ware brotight lo a ctoee by the CbainBea ealliag for tbrea cheara for the Queen which waa ra- eponded to io a manner coDvioeiag lo 91 akeplical that loyalty la oot tbe leaal ol the virtuea inhereat is tba Blac- ra of Georgioa The SllTtr aisatao The Oilawa Legieletare have peoaad I import duty of 12 per eeat upoo AoMrioen eilverj aej preUcniDary Moa- warda tbe abawoiaoi of what le new ia eooiinoo perlaoea tanned tha eilver M Tba partial aioppaga at leeei of farther iaportaiiafl fi Uoited Siatee will be tbe raeult hot h ill fell eaiirriy ta remove the ioooa oee and leea eoniiaually baiag avatained by Ihe quaoiity dow e4oei io the eouoiry limeted at belweeo mx aad eight owl liooe of dollar Of eouraa It doaa aaeoi ingular that a Bank frcmin lo pay I worth mora 0 tbe market then Ar tid4 which Ibe Bank promitet to ive but it la tba fact Mverthalaee There appeere 10 wa aaly oaa way iffaci iboroogb aad radical cure of the ivil of whioh tba buaioaae oommuaity geaaraily eomploln and get rid of ibla plethora of eilver vis let ihe Legteli i an Ael lo daiarmittedaftaitely the iiual value of Amertcao eilver eoio t let ba reeajved at that deaomiaatad valoa through Ihe Baaka aod Caatom Hi I feet ae it geta ioio Ihe handa of the romeni let il be ra eoioed into Do- o Corranay Tbia would avoid the iitr of a fraatiooal eurreoey biated at by tbe Finaoca Mioieeraiid tha cou y beoefiited by ibe limaly realaiaoee meaaura ealeulatad 10 iocreaee tbe poi r of a Baukiag laaiiiuiioa already poi eaiog loo much power ia aoDirolling tba itruilemea maoagiag tbe fioaaeea of iba Dmiaioa Whitohnroh Coaneil- Peraaaat lo adjeatameni ihe abovt Cemtcil OMf al Mr Gae Seiamiiba laa eo Toeaday ibe 17ih inai Maabera al piaaeni Reeve ia the ehair Miootea ol laal maetiflg lead aol approvod Racetvad aod read iwe oamaaoioaiiaM from H Q Si Caerge Ea ia referaooe U Ihe RoaJ al Wikaxa Leke eo hia far Alae fraa W D Seatoa Road Ceamia liaoar aa Ibe Tewa Lioe aeai deairtag 1 fartbar great of t95ea aeid Uaa Alae tbe petiiiea of JaoMU Ooraley er a grei aaay to purebaae ckMhiot for ibe hioiedf war before thea tbey had eaeh ihere are three eandideiaavnt Geo been long io the Couneil aod o far aa L Paaraon Alfrod Darb and w Proctor he Mr j wu oooeeraed aa be eadea- 1 B Sinoe tbe foregoing waa pui voored lo do bia daiy io tbe peat m type Mr B Paaae writee ua ihat be a be would ia the fatore Tbe eleaton io eadtdate aod will oot aerva if eleaad ehooaiog a Reave ahoold bear iu aiad three thiogeUt Tbe Chief Magiatrate 2od Reprermutioo at tba Coaoty Cea- capath oil 3rd Geooral eoaoeiilor Bdh Mr Roadhooee aad himaelf were koown ta tbe people geuer- ally il waa far them to uy whiab of tbe two they irould raiher have to act iu tbeee eevaraf capadtiea Neither Mr Roadbouae or hiaaelf bould have aoy diffreoee over the reaull ao aaller Mr Jaekaoo tbea al- roeily liberal il raoiagaa ol a be faiufu ag- riMaafeoreeaatry Every day the ihMiy ef af rlealiare ia beoaiiH aara im- pettaaf Tbe iovaatigaiieoa ef ihe eheaiat fo oeotinaally aefieatiag improveaeoia ibai meat be adopted by ihe fatoaer wbode- alrea le keep op with hia age Tbe taAy aod wkertfer are beginning to damaoJ laperaiiva aiieniioa Mere meebeoical Koada Haaiiofa jeofce biowb a ai Cooktlif for Piioliogand Siaiionaty C Cbawitt k Ce BioJtog Ball Iw and elaiaa lor oaiaaga dooe aneepbydby William Siaoaon tlO JaaMOrayTH aod Henry WiiiaofltS Aio aa apieaiieo ftem George Celarti Rom CeamiaaMMr oa Ibe Tewa Liae 8eeth in freai ef ihe fitai aod aeoood Ceo eaiiiiin lor aa eiivoaioa of iime Ut Iba ex peadiie a of the apfropriaitao eo aaid Lioa On meiiM ef M Maeklea aaoMided by Mr Clobioot the Reave waa aaibonaed le lake tbe title for tbe laod reqoiied far ih Road ao ibe Eaai da ef Wilcot Lake el II Q St George Eaq aod great aa order oc aoey aeoerdtag la la aeoeodad by Mr af aaa ef 17 waa araoi Ibe eeotract en Ibe Town Liae E jb7kbie lo ibe order ef W D Seeieo B Cemaiaeieoer Oa aetiea ef Mr Ciebiaa eeoaa by Mr Meeklem ibe lime ler eipoodiag lh graot aa Tewa Ltee Sooib waa exteaded to Ibe firct 4ay ef Jom eesi Meved by Mr eeeeuded by Mr Maeblam tbat ioaameeb aa Jaa Oerailey ia leoeiviag eoe dollar per weet frem ibie eorporatioo far aopp Roaelv- pnyer ef ibe pMiioo oow j- of Mr Maekl 1r Ciabtoc iba TreMre pay the iullewiag bill far pli do 00 Ibo Tewa Uae Sooib ii lorde o gjctt for or do 00 I IS far WniTCBaacHIa Towaabip we ptadieted qaite a warm oootait la li kely to be held eo far aa tba Coaoatl ta oooeeraed Tba Leaoavitte aaetiag ap- peara lo have boeo aet aaida altofolbw Edwird Whelar Eaq Raere aad PbiUp Maeklea Eeq DeputyRaava were re- aieoied by aoMaaatioo bat tba ooaliBt for iba three CoaaeiUora repaired will be aharp Six caodidatea are nuaiaaa It ia rawaaiW tWt Boa Mr EfawUad aay paaafWy W appatd LtaitaaaaiOararMr f Oaiarii ia plM af koctaJ Stiatad W hold W adbv taapanrity TW IlaUy Jftm raanUy pr tW PiaaoM Miaiai a twy aatar hoMlU la a ay aodar tW aialao f Lawyata TUkaritc A Caaiaiiidaair la afaMU u W appiald t pnaad u laUad la rfanao u tW l8tr Cafaalit Railmd aod lavtk Vtmk rriti wSb 1 IJjl to tbe qurtlbo of ibe aaaaaeat j lUadall and Robt SaUb of the I k- prooeeda to Auaoa At ibo iOffiiratOQ m ibia V1M Airoat vilUge jhreo eetidideiaa were propoeed Th Holiday Season aomo therefr prodata tha valoe of tbe preeeot roada would rather favor givla to etob looel uoder tbe dlrrotiou of the Coaaty Coue- eil graval laadiog Towb Liaee diveriiog froa tbe Roada already ooaatraoted litreby ioereeaiog the pla of the origi- 111 After agvio Ibaakiag tba elao Mul rittirtfii t k r folld aod oommwcoi ad graliAea y a for the fif- he waa aot a aaadidaie at tbe teaetbumbearUiy wiab our aumeroua preeeut elactiea There waia iboee who aod ioereaaiag mbeenber the coatpltj however aaeh they ight oooaider it a eata of tbe eeaeoa la iougioatioe aiid joke to atir up a ooateat did aot aeea to HtJIf rtprJ whk bDd itli t the Village MrBoulibeeaad bin- MkaoubMb Hbd6ukrflbMidd bat frariag it woulJ eogeadar a etroag feertag ia tbe plaaa ibM bad aelaeted Mr Roadhoaae aa Tha boUday aaaaoa ia apo tu x ti with ite Bomaleae yet ataady traa aeotber iaeoa of ibe Bra witl have lolled tba kiaU af 1867 aod uabared opoo trt 1846 Let memory take e reiroepective view of tha paat aod bow otay tbougbia daatar together What etiangaa have baa wroaghl ia politioe io religioue aaatiowoi eod ia the aocial aircta of many cemmanitiaa What advaBiagaa Lave baas aajoyed wbai opporiouiitee for do- ia gotd oaglarted by meay iadividoala Tbe bopaa too of tbottaoDde have been brifbiaead bat alaa ibara ia aDother aide to tba piatora iboaaaode have bad tkair pteapada biaalad aod foodeat da- aim thvanad Aod ae b bw btaa io lapraaiae It wax ibougbt Mr Jaakaoo woald very acoaptable to Mr Boaltbeea portrra aod tbat Dcitber Mr BoultbM or biaaelf would ba aeoaptabla to tboae who aupported Dr Hooter laat eleetioo He waa la hopae they would have elected Ibe Reave aod Coenail by aceianalioa lie regraiied tbe ooaeealy eiataata of tha pait aod tniatad aever agaia to aae aueb angry feeliogi diaplayed aa ia tbe Mat Ha felt hoaored is beiae aataed or tbe poaiiioa aad whatever be aight do ift the fatura for tbe preieat be auat withdraw Mr Bjcltbkc foUowad He aaid it wm oot the irat tiaM be bad appeared iefore ibeai io aaaieipal mttau Oa eil After oooatdoraUa aperriaf all the V eaodtdatae riired laaviag tbe old cJMiiJ low For Rt Oou Sm Pof Coonmllor Dr Htllry Floury Irwia and Piaid GtoaoiNA Tbe of Caa dtdaiea to fill tbe ofllcre of Rave ao Councllora ia the Muniefpal Coaocil of ha Towoahip of Georgioa for tba year 1806 came oiToo Mooday laat tba Slrd iiMt at 13 oclock M it tbo aehool buuae aituate oo Lot lSTth Coo wl Ihe followiog gentlemaa wore oomioaiad VIS For Raava A Riddall Baq Cwoacillors Maaara Oao Fry Aaga Bgo Joba Juhnalooa Jr aad Miebael lumphrey One boar having oli nod oo other eandidata baie prepoead the Cbairmaa Mr Boyd dMisred ibe geatlemea duly elaated to ear v Municipal Cooocil M the Towoebip of Georgioa for tha yaer ISiS Tba at landaoce of Blectora waa tioi large tbare being oot more than ibirtylve preMi ae afidaot proof lhat ibe acta of ibia Couoeil aboai lo ralira met with the approval af iheir eooatiiueola Neventeleee tba reapooaibilitiee of olBee leema ta have weighed ao heevlly apoa ibe miadeof tbe Couool of 1867 aa lo eauea four ef ihaaa gentlaoMa lo dacbee tbair raelaeiioa Tha utBoet harttMoy pravaad ibrouglK indeed ware it otbarwiae it would be charet rielia of the paepla if Qwgina aa ihe Blaotora lO Maaicipal marara btva alwaya maiiilaeiad a datar aiitiiioD to aecbew all attampti baTia pay ihe Mlowioc elaiaa for daaagea deae to beep vis Heory Willeeo Sb Ji Gray M aod Wiiiam Suapaoo tlO Oo omieaefMr Maeklaaaeeeoded by Mr Jeoea the eoiioeier waa aoibatiead ii Ibe eveuieffaitiog leeollaetihalaxaaaa aaaaaJ agaioat Cbiiatepbar Veoieely and IVilliam ToUod reapeoiively far Dega lake ibe eaei praaeiibed by law m i deaxoriioa af ibe aaae OnmaiieaefMr Moeklam laoaada by Mr Clabme Ibe lapeetera report aa pre aeaiod waa adopted allewaooei paid aa pm report t Paaaedia ByLaw diaeribiog tbo beaad ariea ef Sebeal Seoiiea with ibe fellewini atuactiooa vix t by addug iha waterl eoe beifaf Lata 74 75 TSaod 77 la iba lai oea formerly eoiM wiih Aarora it Sebael Sectioa Ne 1 aod takiug ihe weal balfef Lot 90 ie ihe7ih coo fraa Sodioa U aad addiag lo Seoieo Ne 9 Alae a ByLaw far tbe paymeal ef eeriaii bilia aad altewaooe ef Towoahip adleer Ite aa falSewa t To tbe Keeve and Amaa ttf fy aeloetiag Jerora i eaah la iW lahi for aelg Jerora bS lo tbe Ro loraing OfBoet eaCN je iba Aadilora eMb S3 le the Aaaaaaor 60 i la tba Gel- loatar STOiW t ta tbe Meabeu m Cemil per day eaoh f I Cbewiit A Cfbl 3 eu EJaobeaa bill ftxiuw Clerk aad Tretaeter 240 to the Clark aod Trooaerer er poeiage piepariag By Lawa far the feaa aargieel aetee a travelliag expaoea lo Tareaia 30 Tba C tbea adiaaroad Sloe Vis MDVCAmMAL We have aa idea ibai laa luay faraaeta ibeir beya aad giile aa odaralieo aapariar ia lhat wbkh oaa ba abcaiaad ia Comi Sebaela Tory isaay aaar M iaegiae thai il their oaaa aod daughiata ei write lalerabty well aad aoet a with aoaaida rapidiiy they eatly edaeaiod la paee aaeoeeafully ihraogh life U bawaver tbey have eee aajat- aaoa with a few biaieriaal laaia aad aam kaowledge of GeegMpbyi iu eddtiwa to lb above leqeiieaMola maay perenta daea ibem bigbiy aaified lode ibeii ef oar eebeole ia thia ee aid faaUtiiaa foaUaisiagamaebbattafadaeaiioa Bat aaid be the eWapeat would ao far at Ntw BruaawMk waa cooeeraed paae broeth a farule eeotry woeld have loM bridgiag iu Tbe Bortbero lioa waa aakctcd atraly far ila luppoaad military idvaatagea Ni ihoia oif iaproved aa- ral armaaeata thai lioe would ool beaafa lad aeeordieg to Oaa Eyre ihe beat mil itary lioa waa oae mr the froalM Moreover knewledKO don aot of igoeraoao or WKgelfaloaaa ef ihia fac eauaidar to be Ihe oaoao of Ibe bhtod 0 aany fall into wiih rafereaee ComoMreiai Cellegea Scorea of yooi ae eater aoeh iaatltuiieoa with acatce loy edocalioa al all After a few mootl bey receive their diplomaa and food aagioo ibay ate qaalifled to eoier ea oofi mereial life They may aaooeod at il but Ibe oaeaided eaiaie ef ih laiiea baa aotaivaa ihem ihat oerroc neee of jodgmeai mat br of view ih taia kaowledge wiih Ibe varied eaaa aBact markeia aod eiehaige belwa iriee whieh ie pe lo enab I ta onier tbo liata wiih ibooe who wl wd Botaral ablliliee bring latheitbai a miad wall diaotpliaed by aiody and To far I Iba hiaheet heeor ef et Do iIm ef legialaiora Their habtuol fa aod Ibeir iaiereat have reoderodihen pieeflotheoe lemptaiiooa which have in dooedaemaoy ethera lo break all ibe par ty lioe aiKl caal aaide all potaonal bemwi If few farmera ate aow io the hooao it i aadeobiedly ewiog lo a r dagree i ibe eomparaiive few wboae edooaim aai boainaaaabiliiieamarkiham aoiaapre em oenily qoalifiad lor Ihe poiiioo Far iheee aa welt aa for maay other eo geol reaaona we think evety farmer wbo aSard il atlal oot ealy e goad Craawo School Filoeaii hot aboaU alae aend tbem fer aome time looai le a Grammar School ia whieh I aobjataaght have been aeleoied wiih apeciai referaooo to menial diacipliM In view ef ihaeare with whieh femi pravido meaoa to give their childreo a eom- fofiabia atari io life they oagbt in jaauce roeaoateealifyibeD for eaieiag op lif ioamaaner oolireiy io keepiogwith ih meooa at ibeir ditpMl Bala BiffMarr fhlatday DarW tlih Mra Cartk haa a af Pars Iwpiaaaat aad Baehi Parakara a tW tart Haa NavaMrkat r valaaU artkla Cak U TWwaa Atklaoa rofUaa Wviaf tWIr ml hiO yviatd i thl ff iB Wva thair mk oetlead a abav thn th aleM ti thk papar We repet to leera of the deai Mr laa Waaa af Klag ahiah aanwrad a Cbrifa Bva faoaral tdayatll aleki tW Orthadax 7riaodtiaf Hae Taof Stmt Wbitahareh Ag- Soeiety a tiaf I aaMaod la ear adwrtiaJaf ealaaia a al Baaaa Eall Ballaalm aa Uthptexlaaa Chair la W takm at ea ack FanexuiL Oar towowaa Mr Wa Bnaae kaa rataroad ta RwMarWt fraw tW laad af Bra JaaaiWa vhara W h dariitW pkMy ba t atpaoaa r Hrtag var high Preaal J P Wuta Eaq Mamhar af tW Haaa af Camwwa far Rarth Tarfc baa iHatoad Inm Otiaa rW la VavBarkat yialwday aad a are Wppy tamy b io iW aajaymt a haaUk Hasta Ciaos- Thia friaod af the yaaag falk we aia glad Mr A giadwaaa aa Ua Taya Baaka Sa aod Mr W Matarb fartW mla aTiawatary aod Tay aaay uaaMaad TMPartj A teapony ia aid af tW Vaalayao Hmmtgt Fwmi takaa pbaa io Ai taaa ao a Taara aigbt Theaa pattiaa Wt aeaalJy baao vary aoaaaaafal aod ara aaka aa daoht tW a U W oaxi waah wiU aet ke aaaeptlao U IW laoeal rmb TmviDWaarvad at t abk p a afUr hbh Bv Mr SatWo bod af Trota wUl divr a taeiar Mae af tW Ttam OtWr a aay W axpaalad aod gaad aoab Hawmarkvt Ooonefl A me tafihbOagaailtaak pkralaat Haodayrv i AD lammt hot Mr Harvbaa After moal raetIoatW Cbrk ptaaaolad a poataga aaoat af BSll whbh ao watiao aa arW W A ByU waa tWa Islradoaad i pat payiat mlarlaa Aa Oark aad TiaoMr- m 670 tM Im aod Cdlartae U Aodiaen M aaah flabalac af Jonn f t mah BaO ftlofaiv M BmtafCaeoeU Beam tt A rapart bam IW Bad aod Bridge Cam- ilaawaMWiagpyaotaraaodry- was tWe piaaaatirf a adapt tWo 7 adapted TW 0aaU Parliament of Canada THE APJOUBNMCNT ON SATURDAY of Bt A ntwA to Tuursdat Dee 19 lo tha Staata tbe Coatoma Bti waa raac t third looeaad paw aaJ Ibe Eseiee at ud Pebltc Work Billa were rtad lo themaoa ibe ptocadioa wm I irat caadueted with elaeed daora ta tidef it waa a wbeibar at cloae ef tbe proeeat PaHiameal a praroga- bau aUold take pbae iwlaad af a odjMrameat Tbe okjaet ef Ibia by makiagthiaaa iodepeadeat m afar faUa fB600 iaalead ef ft diOa Theaa aaxloaato aeeare mwe pay failed w ibeir elort aad tbe fieal fWag of parln- oat aaly to be aa adjoafuawal Oi Iba motioo for the third reading ef tbv aterceloeml Raalway Bdl a dwe teak place lo which member gate viflwa freely aa to ibo beat route Fectm eaid ihe froolier sod cratral tora obiecttMabk becauae ia lu lai tbey eould bo eaaily reached Tbe laiier moraover pa through a looalaiaoaa aad banaa eoeotry Tbe tobmaaa was tba baat bao aot ooly io a jihtary bot w a commeraml poiat af vtew II pea ibroo a level aod fertile aoua try weald iodaca otlWmeal sad detelop tba ik laurMt Ur Fiabar adracst- Jobooa poke io favoar of tbe eortharo Tywe remaaded to gaol lor fonber ax route wbKk he iid wiatbrougha beUer Lo d 30 9 p mA groel fire i grtcalteral coeoiry thaa the otbtr Mr Newetle enTyoo Hobitaille aaid iba aortbera woold he the p nn The jciiy reiufoed a vardwi 0 tby Uommd and Jerry Ail arieaiai on ibe I3ib with tha TbW priaofMra Englih Mol Hobitaille aaid iba t aad woeld beat aerre tlie trade loootry Mr Tfomblay moved to latte adopliag Majv Rahinaoaa abject lo Ihe approaal of tba la perial GovaraoNoL Mr Dorioa totd ibe graal majority of Ibe lloaae held tbl Mr Uogei ehar- cieris tba aaoadiacBl on6deae Ii waa wilbdtawa aad tbe Bill then read a thud now Tbe Bill reapaeiiag Baaka wat read a acaad lioM aod paaaed ibroogh eoamit- tee Mr Hoiiea ebioted lo ibe nrt daaae boeaaae it would iacroaae tbe pow er of Ibe Baak ef Mootrtal which waa oot a the iaieretl ef Iba coeoiry Mr Rote laid tba Bill oMrely eatbled ha baaki of 000 Provioce to do bwiocoa ia tbetr eorporata capieity in aaolWr Mr Godii neved aa aaeadmeai preveatiog ihc baaki cbargiagmore ibao 7 per ceal iutef Mraara ri aod Done lad Mr Car liar oppoaed it aad rtjacttd by 76 to 40 The Praaier iaii aated lhat io bii opioioo all Ibe buaiaeaa lhat would have 10 be ditpoaad of at ibia port of lae leaaioo aoald be ovorlakea ia tiae l allow member lo leave by Ibe oaa oclock traia oa Saturday Ilouao ad- jouraed a few aiBOtfi cmoigbt GloU OrrawA Doe 21 The Speaker toob the ehair at kalf- poat 100 oclock- No buaiooae being ba ot tha Huuaa at 11 oclock the Gavor eorOaiMal procaoded in aiaia lo the Chamber of the Senate in iha PaHlamoat building The foomber of the Saoate being aeeembled Ilia Bicelloicy waa ploaaed to command the aitoiduca of ib Houae of CommorM and thai Houae be log preaoot tbe following billa wore aa aniad 10 10 Her Mjoi naoie by Hia BtcaUanev ibe GovaroorGenofal vis Act ralrtin IJoparl Mpacitng t I Spoakara of both offise of Speak tf tbo Houee of Commooa of tha Dooti lonofCarMda Aet ruapeeting the Slaiulea of Caoada Act to auihorisa tbo apraheoioo aoC detaoion of aueh pereon aa ahall be eu poelad of eommittiog acta of boaiilily ei amapiring gaint bar Majertya peraoi and Goveriimant Act 10 amend the ect of ioctrporatioo of the Commeraal Hank of Caoada u authoriee ita amalgamaiioo wiiti any olb er tank or baak or far ita windog up Aet to amard the Orood Trunk Ar raogoineBt Act of 1663 aod for otbei purpoaei Oompeny aitd ii and Oxawa rail I Ibe St Liwri company of Iha aftii lie Baak el Cppar Cnaadi Aci ratieciiMg iha ciiatoma Act reepecuog ihe laland Ravenue Ad raepuctiog ihe Public Worka ul public aud the habHii ofCaiM ioa from b- Acl U protect ibe inhah da agaioat lawleae eggi jecta ol foreign oaoiiir ihrMaJay Aet to pravvet ihe ualawrul traioiog uT poreona to tba uae of erma end the prac lice ol military ovolutiooe aod to author lao jenicae ol Ihe peace lo ea se aod da uio arme eolleetad or kept fer purpoooa danganiualo tbe publie peeee Act to impuae dutia 00 prooiaeory ootee ud biiia of exchange Act for granting 10 He Mijaaty a eer taia aum of OMoey required for drTray ing the expeaaae ef Ihe pubiie eerviee notothowiee provided for for Ihe period tberaao roeatiooad lor eerlaio putpoei raeptclieg ibe puhlw dabl aed fur rail iDg menay oa llM Cffdit of tbe cooaoli- datad revaotia lund Act reepeeiing banka Aei reepeeiing tbe oooatruciioo ef tba Pruaala Bsaua Dee 30 Tbe lapert ia eorraot lhat tbe Uraad Deke ef Betiea will abJioati th Duchy fro to foin the Notil Habtai Corpiu hi Engia LohBOHDec34 ooee Dacpatche fros Naplea meotioa lhat ihe areptioa of Mooni er and aplaodoar Imaenae aheeta af whie yellow and erimeoo flame at iae boo dreda af feat abnve the erater aed all aighl Ihe bay of Naploa ie lighted op ar milea Lava if pourioR dewo the mountaiB aide io raiiog ihaoder i heard fiem limeto in tha bowelt of ibe earth aod many of 1 people ia tba vteioiiy have lelt Loaaoi Dae 34 oooo reaiill aoiive Tbe aeweat lie eSiiil made laat evering to deeiroy iha tade in the night before 10 daatroy ibe Oaa Veka at Wampteo near Liverpool lo th oa the affjrta were uoaoeoeaerol- he aotbofiitea in iboae oiiiea ate deebly rtMhai aoit BO ftfrtbar iioeblo ia eppre pert of Tba Csnsdisn Bsaks- Tbe aereral Bank ef Oatarie aod Que bec aetiug it would aeam iu uoaoert gava noliee lhat they will apy to Pariiameut for an eiieoaioa of their ehartar Tbe ooabioed iofloaoee of Ibe Banka Baat and Weat ia verv graat aad ita ex- arete new will prebaUy raetill tbe Bank of Moetrael aed ihe Maaager to the contrary notwiibatandiag 4a tbeir obtainieg the dmired exteoatoa of tboir abrtcrt sod tbe coatieuaoe af their right te iteoa aoteo Aoy attempt lo esleed tbe privilegea tbe GoveraoMnt Bask at preaeet aajoyi bouU aad will rwci with deterAiaed oppoartioa and do oot believe tbe OovernaMOt eould wiibeot eadaageriag tla eziitrnoe pra io Paritameat aoy meaaura looking to euab aa aad Iba Marabaae Baok alae give uotic tbat it will apply to iaeraaaa ite eapiul to 16000 000 Ibia woold lead 0 tba eon- oioaioo thai th rumor wbich have beeu afloat doooaraiag the poetibthiy aad evea probabflity of ao umaigamatioa uf thu iiaok with toe Comvereial are baad oe faet aad that ao eooa aa tba requiaite bgiaUlioB aliaK beve beea aeoompiiabed the arraacemeoia betwoeo them will be made poWie Traiia RetUw 07 rUrkaawall Priaoo which the Feoias bava atumpted 10 blow ap ia aiiuated ia Clarkeuwell oue of the moat KT aarroeudcd by a wall eooM iwouiy feet high with aa eotraoa ia tba oentre approeobed by a wide drive aome Ify feet deep Ttom the outar valL The toaaa feeiag tha froat of tha prim are Bot aiora thae forty feet diataat aod are inhabited by ihe working claaae many beiag jouraeymee watchmaker or jewel- era Cierkaawell for aany yeer ba beea notrd for tha taat aumbar of arti- saea daveted apecially te theaa trades rc idiag withio iia liolai Ibe beak of tba 1 everknka Cold Bath Field er what uaad to ba Ibe aaef beTora tbey war bailt up eelebrated aa tha oboeeo ipot for Radiaal maettei la the tisM Lbarte Dieiieaa ie ita 10 Ibe Nw Yek police attlS lakia aote BaAnrron Dee 19 A r kMk t houae oeeepicd by a fidy Coaboa liviog aear Liwvdt JfJ owaabip Haltn coaaty 0 ighi by which the wfa buroed to dealh wbile IhehaUi od waa very aocb barait Fatal Accidrrt Oa Tei 1 North Elmaley aa ptn2a dreaaiog beef tW faateaiag f laaa by aome mraaa abpped aad th wiih faaifal rapidity A heedia T peaed to be alickiag ia Ih wiedl 9 ralalf it atr lb bead laiieiiW death iwa aarviea Parliameot hao adpuroad riib March areiga eel leader aevarU of wbi aflervard aid to safer withio a few feat outaida of tbem fib froot wall waa tba plea wher the Faeiao mad ibe attampt aad it moat bava baao tbara or at tba back a reaidaoaea Uad cieao to tba wail at aoeh aad tba retidaoaea cotild but ba heavy aeflrrar by the etploaioa Tbey aooabtaefordiodty Wiak beoaeo aot at aay liaaa too etraof built fcr aad eaa piudby workiagpa Tbey weta thru I itorie bagb aod aroirded with ooaapaoia each atory baviag at least OM CamUy k Cnlanial I by fire oa lraday aigbt Orifia af fire uakaewa There wa a alove aa tW preoi but previoaa Bj the Atlantic Cable mfloed to Cktk- daraaalk it aod uaed every pracaeia enwell Mwea wete broogbt to Siraet rd agaiott daager Straag te rebte liiJdihiiCIoS weXodld of DorlNb axammaiioo Mr Barke look ocesateotodenyalilDowledgaofibeeaai diarbed aad kaew aiksg ef iha oecur of tb Mooni esptooMo ia ib priaoe yatd aoaa oaiil soraiag We are uaabie lanj- An mqel ea itw bodtea of iboM kilM by wbaiber the bailag was taaarad er aet Ibe loioa will be held ou Tueeday atieapeied there ha baei an AVer prodoeliM of cemawa lember an LoaM fWeamber Idth Twelve erioey m bel alao la ike Ukite Bight Il oow tbeught bore that Keuiaaa will aaiiroiy oeae all aetiv 1 lamaie againat eaeatuuted law aod ardor m o7nfililniTnlbfrr J- aad ludigualiaa eaoaud by tba iSioaaUaua ad Ibaaieakai brgei ber yard a IheUi WW mmm iock BTa ligM Bad Jl iiraiJirwiiopt u p iblcllk- i mrfKHT n Lvge reward have beeo t traUy curlail twesiy er tweaty five par day efleied o iha Govetemaoi r ih die- om oa thia wtatera aparaiteaa a haalthy eeveiy aod pprtlietiii ef the Uiliy par tpdi nf b loke4 ff axt V IL r Wito Dcoks Wild dsaka of ibe Lobm DJemr largeat kiad aod ia ooootleos asabera SJi V iI T ofthe AlyaaaKiagBtalivuand well tt tbemaelvea tu tbe alaar water al tht Io Ibo mooBiitoe mooMrea ara prograaaiag saaatb of Godariah barboar 8eh a via for ihMT tuacoe A largo fate alCgypana itstaoo at tbi lata aaaso ha w beiieva ooioiatitg of fear ihaotand figbtiag awn boCorayOay tb Sisnai baveioioM ih EogliaO ozpadMiou al Mwab a r Tha KiagUoa Whig JK LoD3Snae evaeingPoor awn I whn cave iheir aame aa Cagliah Malvan- 1 atioog eaugh ta mar- ayOKaefo aad W DeamMkl were at roeied w Ibia city laat aigbi en auapnwa litaviBg boeo couooaM with the racuni Poaiaa ouuagu Tbe alatm caaaed by oairage bufoatill cuoiiouoe Tbe magia iieiea ere aiil waring id tpofial poiioe- mea Tbe guada around ibe pnao bsv bueo reagthaaef ootl Ihe warebouao lo iha city er oarefolly watched doiiag ibe nighi Tfuepe wuiu euddeuly otder la today and lafi eu a apeia Tba eareoM iaquaat oa tha bedte I killed by iha epleaioa ly Cka well prieea wae oocla llh WoUelakad iig for foot aever oceurred aO eerly aa thl aaoo Tbe erawag la ihe ialaad uully haia helweee Tth aed I hh wtMreaa thia year it wa areopliabd Oe Dembar iVth ay The Naw Yorl teatiuo to tha aet ibai ih ahip buildara of Iba Siatae are quite unable to eompaia wuh Iba Canediau ahip buiidera and that a vaeal whkh would oat eoai lea thai 60 pur ion HI iba Stw oaa ba boili ib Cao4a o par too Tbe hub e time aad aed to retatr it ttrwh Heary Cailiaouil a boura frwrdi g Two ehildera war aeisad iaJ M by waltotat St Malaa aotWr of the chldra WdSmi iM fromahanag themaw bartifal froa the Ire wood St the time tJ- They havi rhomaa at tW rale of 47 ihoat ooe evofy 30 oiiaalat aad b Joharaceaily Ihey bad 1 Ii iu ai For thvae desirable raiideaee w Mr Seward waol ut le pay t7JMak ia geld iV y Trilnmt tT We aiacerely rrgret le fellowiag paragraph ia lb QMai The eemeroea frieed ef MrGalk Secretary to Hw Eicellaocy LeH lll2 0 tear that W aet uikai bSab 7 ian LT herge ef abot io bia face Oee ty Wra detlroyed 4 il ia fcarad h wlgg maly io tW aigbt ef lb other Vr truat Mr Godby haa aet beea te lariMib injured N atalad by aer eetearH A Freaeb journal ea the iao expdiiioaay thai Fagbal tag io Abyasiaia aad poaaeaswf thC See weed broM tha Seeeeewki of ibe daaiioe ef Egypt fbe Vany lid bec by ib for of ihi eierw aiocb arlfi I of Qaa Seian for 1 Great Bntaia iovadiag the valley tf Ba Nile wuh aa Abyoaiaraa anoy 1 00 are eqaal ia bravery aad latalligaaa our Eurnpeaa aoldieta TsOUStS tl THS ClMP It ti la pretty evdvat thai IW Wraeey kaas Vleara J A MaedoaaU Catv al Gall ia dettrejtd Tbey are a bafw iy 00 loagrr Mr Oatiar It aU JH Uek ie iiaa at prcel aad b eaabU to play coad fidOk t 8 Jeh k Mr U hia boldly eetervd ea tla paf aad lara Bt of ibeMiaelry til4 IltUmea coapaeiagth TrtsMiy Bmi ail aadrrataod their b It rich trrtt wbea bt bet Mgbt 4r 0 aeercd al Sir Jebai preieaMoa er political morali7Wl Ur 19 Lato aeeoasts from MadetHtir 10 moat cheariag diartar TtMvb ig OMwhina had bee ectd ltl the lUebardaoa ah aad tba oiiir ast iKhboariog one wbra two haadfadml fifty dollar ia cold waa obtaioad parim of rek from th Kichardseo aM MR- huadred aod fifty dollar frea ibsiflAK rbi raeelt prove lhat 1 ado i tha ricba sold ragioae la tba wpL Miae ara worked ia Califor trslik where ool five dollar a amoaat hoNIt sproi that 12 aprii BlGLttO fi badw4 Ireland baa aaaamcd m Kagkl4 1 form of organ sed aialiaae bad aanHlpni oetregaa reqair ta bt M dowa aad I rely far lle viciaity FsiArii Qaeeu apcrcb aaiam foilaws Tha iraoabl caaapaisay Kly pel t dclcrMiMti fi 1 ai the eaava af IM ourragaai lAMfiMr day af leaieaefea j onlf Trrmou nstkr Pasrm tell atfh paated Trrm doebl Ibet Head Cfal Pen sad m anythiag bat onies n fcw fiM S wbo bald Iha warraat for bi api duMog a brt weak lay a il l a fraqueatly m iSlephaea at a Afl4 sadaaavnaed with aae bwig I whoa b wa talki pWoaalludedioe wbMbhalfV forth that ba bad af Iha Feaiu faadtvith wbh b h4 alrualed Wrg olirlyy p fbr Ihto frie for what aMi pay tor wht ha 1 adsaad lae aaeb wil pay oradverliatog ft a leacber of Eagltak Timu uy lhat tba afikac jtaiil fiB iroubU to Mr iaiotb truth ef Steplvaa lold bim aod h covered tW U hid Wa fura a W two ledgtag for wsal OMsey t rI r JjS DgtTRotTTtrB F m Pn A deatractlva fire oamrvad ia tTiMF early 00 Friday moruiag eempbll aomieg tha boaaa aad baildiafll aiiip bv Mr Uaouaa ud know aatbt WitBaoa Tba flraaffHJQ Htlatr propaity adjaaeal eaptely droyed Tbaa ws tleauQ Capt Bridwdter its Iba ber wba was forteaoiely by lb Ifadiotd ia lima la eapa laaviag howvr bekig small sotabti eoialaiac pifW 5 qtsatli a ihrf bwiiw poyj aeauiatog oma billR BWftt oarsa f detroyd M g articles of alaihlH- Mr iBarl for IIOOO oaly be aigaad aa te tba origis of tbf tm Mr VB Wysk af tb dooa iba oaatry a rvie ia Gettyabarg Asyita whah I Id i r iouj saw NYfk wa admtiaBd 000 aed i aiaaaaoos d the beam of a lou taadd beoet f aay kind eaam i a loua Mt of th aoldioiv ind era pefdjiilE tMWP euBOsivad ia fraud aBi otaceyWoW are little biicr baa larata- oleat lotteric fcf oharabm t purpoeca ia atealing tba Jitevy totervu beeveo wore ofleuea thaa ila eoli aoeh lottery swiadbR oataa of hAaaUy T- P d

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