The Newmarket Era gvery Friday Morning ERASTUS JACKSON lb OAw etntt iHuriol Su SEIVMAKKKT fr yrar ia 5 0 RATKS of AlVKUTlSlXr t twN iWM MOO mTm liiK ri i 0rf T Trs liar a r AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER oivk mk tirk libkrty to know to utter and to argue fheetyccordino to conscience above alt other libkrtv I NO 22 NEWMAllKET C W FRIDAY JULY 12 I867 TERMS 150 IN ADVANCE Ile Book and Job EstabUshment It M fewprtisf tW LATEST STYLES Of puis umI TaMyTjp onX3xma C tk fpUovv wtikw dncripUvB PriaUat PAMrILETH rOSTRS nirsixEss carps CnEQUE BOOKS ULASK SOTFS CIRCULARS RUL UEADISGS IllOGRAJMES STACE nihUfi J I CS TRA TES BLA SKS LEAiKS LABELS Jbc At rrrspadeil9 yT Ietun adJrrMnI tU paUlir nat b Pa ri m4 fad th riUr MiSMra iiiiiiro iir tovQ Johu T Smokes 5rirktjt h iHS tfJ luternationH UFE ASSURASCF SOCIETY Or LONDON CrirAL-UM- I a RhrfiT n surirw jvsartirl 3 1O 41 no ik Coart af 4 OMrge B Eatcbcroft IITAOON Oama T Slr Makvr li iico ircrtori U Moble M D IHTIOlAN ifftcon and Veconi liUOdUtlB Otc tocii CARD Ir IIAlKKTT tNOrirrd o lUia lwr ll IS H6i lwBirttt Fb5 lC7 Or Beatlej TjBTSICMAX HENRY SANDERSOH 1 VETKIUNAKY SURGKON I KTKCTFrLLY tnaannn U ibq iahAbil iV Liali of ycsDurLrt aaj tuiait ili will W tlicr Erery Sttarday from 9 oclock A U BsnJ Peanon r CAMyi3ION Ellin tkr Rrrb WhrrU ni t ka I aali upQ tfao irrraarrrAr Acnifar llrpro- b iTnin bi tcrtKc iDr of he I rwcbDf riMtal laaurannCumpyny OIB Vonpr hi P ilte Ofitr j Alitra VaraCI E JACKSON XHE NEWMAItKET As s oc ia t e C 0 ner iij Carriage Factory I rftTNK aiippuceibuy w y- Eogliodi Fltf and Caoadt AtSimairBtut fay Hamh fof oar CMb 7 WUblail tff mors TWti aabrn ia nar jmiaj Tht or f ibm taeil ilcftr Tb ooUr ail ibc Hnv i Oigjitlic Pk iho mtivrial eald Us i Chan I Mf nf ftuzi tilk 01het liripvi iit aalio or flawrtvJ Praovl wi h r latto btnd iba r i b i k o I aaniUlwnod hamll ia ih inrMi fafoupitr jhounh in ihia aHicIa ia lfi noiijr i lonx nrrk lteMrblrk tai ha bM CDieH wn for nfD iim anl fl biMk btd- 1 Ud nail hrad am nf Durable Carriage llsmh I liamh Ut th bonoj oU tf Tbe 1 JrU of lb trava Uoor briT aMMtor wi iqntia koaotwi OU KoUbJ kod oar oaalij Jobn J Landr BlRRJSThKil i lw8oIin I fa Cbauery cTr arfT If Office Srt yfirmarkfi T D K N T 1 S T n Y ir C ADAMSDDp SorpCD Wrtiai iKj Ki0irrl klikl A RT I CI L A R lirt in gi t Oc Ja apvll Tbfir bate atifHpta veil fii CHEAP FOR CASH 1 1 A- 1 McLUACKKX in niiii cilAS iiiKlSFin ropiin pnr IIcucl liaa 1alcl aclarfor liavr aililed Ihr floi BUvins sever tajUcitnr fa Oininilai rana In and frnm tli Ar Mbielatt lrpatui otTraia rVrr tiiJ fl C ej- t2l Srttrt Aiovru iRBD co rr aor royal HOTEL j Barristrrs tV Aitornoys al Law Tutpi Large New and Commodious TO CljEKtVTIEi I WIXES LIQDOKS ritLfYorVr Tivro D GRAHAM aiibriwt cLr lii nrinrtii f lh p li- ihaii aii1trl1tr LfC Convcyaiicor Jutoiisvillc M0tTTOLrN0 n l pnKnhrj TUSTPftlTFI J nej ta iBai iil 1 to call u J ilaia- 0 1 CK 19 hi KrrfH iTIni Bar Weil Supplied jlllie oablr rllcarij lar bjr ai- David L Rogers H D liDnH9pttl KediealCollef HT Victoria Medical College UC PHYICIAN SlRtJEOS kc Spencer Spencer BARRlTERS AND ATTOKNEY SOL1CITOR in Chanjr 7uajaorn 9me Adjaiainrtha t BRITISH HOTEL KINOKOHIr HENRY ClKUrK IilOlRlETOH EXKILRXT af- it Uwl ulJia aai a Cafl nUr Eijbon t 3 I UAVI JOIITO ig Mutual Assurance Association of Canada r uooDCOCK Hit mm the Station New York Correspondence i Fatkio ttv cowlcd p rt laar wksk torn fiotn ib cabal and took ibai Ql in i paniiial of b4tt7ai ii5iiially implamnl in tbi laaJ iba garcni f aslb ID all ib dapaiimeji of fcianrv iml BiiruliDt Let o walk abfoad in bia AADh al Jaov ant look at aoita of ih- tVftirtn SuiM VV4 cioaa iba Nufib Riv r aod ata bikrd ibrecgb ib yard d lata ofiriay plunfa frun ihi raai cbard of it UnitaJ SiaiM into tha laol o Wm Pann and oh what a anl oi poi Tioj Iba aiieio paiitaicb foociil fot biiaaa rami fiillaiaafdij Imiiait E oar iai lb aaw rach even ir vl bui iba Vt tj af Lb I taiwoeo Rxdiog an i Htrtibvrg tolM from tbr land of aoma iBjraiii ncbaaiar li rammla on of CalytMo lUnd io Moza Draam Sorb a htppT dip0aitt0D of AiJ and flood and httt if raialy aarn bat a Davison House MAINST NEWMARKET I Vi Jiirwui a Cear Offic Adtrau Kia P U Blank Account Books JCSTftSCEIVKD a oaw aapnlT allltij 1 Mauaotadum i tLu Jiialifirc5wmatkal Oeia 1 liiCi TOROyTO lavaMfid 9t9l 4 3 Wrapping Paper rJSTftlCKIVEDa foodnoply from E Jackson I kUKa ISsrERJF aVRmUELICFSES Wwmarket Tannery ppn i oFncB 1 Iba Taawry beratorora rupM bj TWaa Pabianita I ha Amar BmH bff to iafertn Iba pjbKe ibai thay a abitoia kcap cooauatly oa hao a aajx 8UPEEI0 LATHEE And Findin 01 titrj dMTtiptioa Cash for llideisi 1 Kgiert Pirift Paid for Ilidtt and Sisiu 0 f llARTliy it CO lOTMikM April 31 19e7 tftl urma ninia adraa- Honey to Loxidf Af iaawi fauaMdM tHaaUtb Fafaiiac Jk CaauHMtoa Charged fxpOMM Moderate J W COLLINS JfavaarkH 1M tf THE NEW STEAMEE Emily Dunham WM bac ttafilar Tripa Keswick mii ruaaioe U oaaaartlm Raihrajr T Frtiht Appl on Board BEMJAMIX 0T5HAV Parrii IBCH Major i MiUai irnpilal 100U Money to Loan PPLY at la La OAea eftkr Bnlind B0UITWK8 A 5tBwkt JQM 13 19CI WM H ANDREWS President Bon J McMurrich iauralv promptly aJ iMed 4Rra will laka A IIRNDKRSOK N akkfartb sr 1867 Bookkeeper by Siilc or Booble Eotry jciiurrtaiiaiaciiafl RKFEBfiNCKS A bjlibcaHj Wm Trcui K Smpwa I SbihrrlaM Jua Cawtbni Co Brrfard A ftwiir i k Htfmllh Oh H rbee tUaualKoad AMJX- WOlTER haoa JMeMaWaf Lockaid opp At Woodvock Royal uroccr u iflc Spirit Mercoant Ilotd Newmarket mxTJOOIOT ftro Italian Warehonseman MET A L iVring at aa low a Bgura TRADEMARK MYAL metai j The vary Wat and cbaarMt nr Babbiiliar Porvoaf d Jouraai Batiia ia kiada afMbebiaary F P G TAYLOR dt Co SalaMaiiafectarffoHi E JACKN A pat AprQ The Hotel Lata Ravara Haaaa IIOIICSAIK A rtETAII Al If l67 tf CoirfGpoiiknff fcr At Vntwurktl n ioud The Grooars Story r doMd and ibora waa lo liula paaa i tnat apaara o Sraai grtw bera and ibara baiwaatt ibr ig atona and iba atona rurtw of iroi railai atat wera fringed witb a gram moai A vary jiiai la aakned all iia acboand called curiou fnca lo iha doora and wind w Stop tliil atop ihir Tba atrung votca of a pvlicman uttar- J Iha cry a irai and tha ibnil Irablool play ap cltorua iT faalor nftr avary airck of furvigi uit I arid in iha ud hip and Im afrni ha wn righ all a mid ytiu 1 irugglMJ nnng aa beat I mighr and alr- I hit ibing boao lo irnproa and 1 gn 10 hnta viain of a elaan atora ii I good airaai whao 1 laid dowo to reil a night So ona day T bad bren lo tha mukc ad brought down half a d- a I I Hiiig ibatn abum iha door mora for iltiiw than anyhng alta for ham war 1 good bliday dinnar In ihraa rrgitin aiil I ot an avary day alTair I can tall yot Ihay want ulTalnwIy at I thought ibav woulj Now and than aom ona wouir coma in fur pogod and noea I aold bal l ha amAt oiia to a womao wbi antad it for her Sunday dmncr 6ft waa 10 pa ma on Moitday mornmg bu aba naer did for no Sunday oight hi bJbatd ktllad bar viib a rum boitla and bay look bar body paal my whb poor baad all baaiao out of abapa uid blooiy And to iha ham hung iher ibrnugh iha aummar and lbriugb tha fall and qui a ort into iba winiar it tba bagao 10 grow lung aod dnrk and ibai I iioiicad a nav poltcamaa un our baai a young handanm and line looking frttow wnb fprj bright ayo but w neb ihin chaaki and hapda although fnr r itareign Colonial Deatb of Ifaumilita additioval particulars Offiaial informatioo of tha deatb of Vlatiaitliao iramon ind Mijti wa ra oeivad ycalerday Ifao rtport of Eaeo bedo aaya thay vero aoodimiBed oatbe aibt of tha 14ib the aealeaca coaflrmad at haadqoitiera on tba Ifith and ibr 16b doaioated ai tha day of execaiiofl riieir ezaetittoD waa howarer iDtppiided war ahot On iba aorntn of the 18lh tha Proaaian Mioiater mada aootber at tacpt to UT thciD bat Tailed Maxiiuillao waaot faoed to ba froBl Ilii laat worta ware Poor CarlotU Miiamoo aod Aiejia wera redaoad fraoi Altarteaia tbeir rinVa and thoi in tba baek far fvil tbo apartio orcr wbieh la ttar aod trip uofa about m Ob my country wbat a Ibnaa wbo hava bean cntraled itb tW niiarnail of ib Amaiican lit a t liara piord tbaiDrlre wholly ap U a 1 for tba iak 1 aora iha cfl itriio bth raanut now b reirdad cd cf OBiae ibara il a geerl di m aiaonc txbbttar wbiai eriry faaU a I aa ba IJailcd drpa wan t aad tbat of oiber naloi iildialap tin cauta of uur dr at Ibe Pari Eiiibitioo Tiioajb n mead tba matter it my per- haa oa libi oecavoa utd yHi migbl hai bnt I poiicail bim i Geo Berriusibal iminedUtdy eoama- niealed lo oavi to Geo Koynolda at Utowaafilia Thora u great rajoking io Mextea over tha eteat It ia tlmsbt bara that Joarax ha atarted for be aapital Mexiaana are Latian from Jaares reeeived at bead bera and which yoor Coamta baa had the priviltge of perutog log of Jane 16 tha atstaoaa betnp boonudfaat op ibo Alabatty Vf a iboataod nora wa raaob Ibo Hoiaaahor Bend Tiagiand- ngfeal lawondar Ob look not ioto tbat abyta it ia ao daap o awfol daep tia daik too in ibii wtf gbi boor How drradful sear the aile o loei Iba car atam Saanng oar Calmly now a iiain ofampiy iiock full balf a mia ia lansih ara aaan deacaoJini tba emeava e iba baod Tba lifablood ruidle aa w mal ibia train and M tha awfal brink Wa raacb tiia bvnd and alil kaep peering iaio ibat dark oi ad defp lb mooniain firai glai toea abova the Eafaa abnak and alill Ricliorliha wa gam iha apai of he Allagb D y Moi raacb Pittiborg tba aacood ciiy io PannylTaoia famed for ita Imb Woik and Coal Miora ladaed ibaae excallam Aiid uacfut ailiclM aia ao abun ant io Pitta buif thai hry ran foi ittcy flaai i idd ia tba ei a diiikirg waiar to Va tiilau jeati wbotn PACb i ptaraoiaaa calliog ovt puiaa n ifa but oti apaia my ahtileollar ndawll ooebalf of it ia eall Buming- b4m Ptitaburg ta ooly Iba fiiat ol a buO d ad Village of oiban rtineuatooaaaeb iba tiaibirBr af aoeh saoiber wboaa datioea however Ignwani you ha paaned and repad my wioduw promBsated on ba mortitog of J ware of tha laoguiga lu b- Iba e of men dvitn timea looking all ibe while atralght l Sabaeqaeoil tbe eieeailno waa poatpoB- bn waie bunttng for a methmg hama which dangled from ihV J f K Police en waa thair duba rrrarjd f pf iha awning I bipa ha mean iffiira and it wai an boya ib their bundlal hkrv wtih thir y ont Laid lo my wife we ant I noaoced tbitthe eseettion would pcaittra bitkata on ihair arma young gnl man eihar ier tba lea table and I ly Uken pUoa otj tbe morning of lioe JU8 r Uad from tbe academy cloae at hMMDl wonder if la did ha lakeaqutia Tba ProaauB aad tand BLd ragged urcbtna wboae aehoot 10 Br tab niaiatera riaited JoarcxatSao the guner a I jiinrd In b t puroit i ewaiiirg pataad and tbootb J PtMi to eadearoBr to arreat thr fl5oad miaiabU wrach wnb bim every no- aod then on lh iKhar I Priooaj bot bra Ugimned faM anl hailoaa hM thair effor tha 1 ttrd al mg before ihffn with a apod vaa airaigbt at iba bam he d d aadearoBr and foUoiad miaiabla wrach thaircfforta wera raio Botb had ratars in iwo laiii- iiBwu take formal leara of iicb oil j fm couM lid lo on oni 1 nd rchl- lieh kpl Ibo And I mJ up mr mqd ihl l oiild i Amoiis Miimj uji piper foand od Joi IT id mid Ih bor- j j omho f II hi port- Pm fr brmih j hi dt b h ppomu 1 Lb Tni ui of igli ill moovDi i j J in J Mtn I d Mnion ilioiilrrnI Midi Tbl ib H policemana wife coming aftar the ham miauken however aod afi r T 7 lampa were lighted I began lo of Eaoo peeing end- down with MaiimiUaa lilie wMla the ery wik heard ihat ihe tb ei had taffl them and a ma mongat tbi cmwd ruahi back m aaa if ihair piay had doubled on Ibair Iack Portiooa of Alazi riw WI u MMiu aiipr oiliaaa iarTioe are OB exhibitioo ai Zu mrukb rrnHiii r s The following la tb i Mfl la tbfliliptfif War aaDOtpMg I hla eyia fixed aa rhayb baan tli I Qgbt prariou Dpmibe bama Ooee h mutiaripg angrily or aweiiog wnh violent oatlia ihat they would have bim eagbt ma peeping ai bim and than b J- j larnH ao r aid looked at me with Mch One policeman a wellfad fellrw lib ol6b gliiter in hie eyaa thai g aw crtinaoii face mada Haiie a liaro of him- 1 nngry and aaid lo nyaelf lia wall lhaf aiir by eaaartmg that ba knew the fellow I gnaalf aJe aniclaa iaot a eniae and would trap bim before aundown I i country for If il wu I abould ex- There waa a god deal of aympaihy fall o he irrraiai fnr tha gaotlaman who had lot hia pocket handkaicbief bui none I eouJd bear ol for tbe poor dgded wretch who had Ididooi So I gave him baek bta look turned my bael and walked back inio ibe bim again lbal4iigbl 8 Ltfta PoToat Jane 19ib 1867- Citixvt Miituter of War Oq tbe 14ib laat at 11 oclock nUbl tbo Ooaxeil of War oondaiDBad MizimUianof Hapr Mtqa Mira- noo and Tbomaa Mrjia to aaffer tba ei trame panalty of tbo law Tba aeateooa having been eonfinsad at tbaaa baad qoartara it wu ordered to be earned ioto affcet OB tba 16tb Tha ilaow utierlhe followtog word appa I j d 1 waaantif in bfdot gntij today rentU- ir aolilouy u I brard a iramp tramp tramp upon the oclock In tbe tnoihieg at wbieb tJma We r I may wrong bui I hope i jemrii nd new ii wa the new police jjaiimiliaa baa jwt been aboL catch htra bat ba waa loaktng at tba hook pieaae coamaoicale ibu lo tba aitisae here the bmi bong aa wall aa though Prtaidcnt of tbe Uep ttblifl I be Caaadiaa Jeparlncat i very fioe eerb bi Iter lbo coalJ bare beeo reaaon ably etprated from ibe Biliab Norib Thia may b atirbied ia a to tbe lodefiii be elTosIt of II xt T D Meee UrTa b- Joepb Ijiy aod olberi if tba Caoadiaa Cn iniirr wbo bare gifca it ibera hole aUatn wb btirtMfad g a d aneeeM CaoaJ aia lok apon bow With pride lad ailiraeio and tbit justly too wbilt w ibiek Iba Irait a d aboet oat ibe better Tic Knperor 1 d tbe CaDaaa deparltDrnt a very baad mpUnieal for ita foalelroa aad Iral d ipay of arta and iadaitriea eoedo Cmodb Corthiaa aod Diai Mijia Caat 1 0 aod other Imperial la I a are reported mordered Tbe aaltwell io Waterloo atlaiaed a daptb of one tboaaaad cae liun- drsd aad 8fty feet Tba iroiey of tba Coapaa bai given oat Iwl U ia atrn to form aootber itloald ta qaalit and qaiatity of tbe m be neb aa to make It worth wlia BrraATiKo CorDtlrR Tballem ItMt TYmnaaya Vefcnw men Iii ParliamDi and oiKera wbo are cndidaee for aeaia io the Local Legtalalure who apell a doxao conaacutira woida rnrracily O One of the beat Uaea to abieb tba Han ie cVa ia pot ia the headingoiT of lan vlllaina of avwrv kind mtbad d the ateamtra aoa wara aafs Now ihe lightoing atopa their litlla ganMf aad they are capture the momaut ibay eel their m 00 land C7 W elip tha fclowing from ao exchange piper and bopa that our vli lioo will bring f mntng a cii aUoketa If white pina will aerva aa a Iwtiittle for woul Canada might mana- for iba world Plaanel blan- keiv of wbiia pine are made at a factory liealau and art largely vaed la iha i Ur aa woik ge Tbeii the it nighty rafi of mal pig that oaa wonaeta wbf Vnlcan abeald rviaia bta old eoaotiy qeaiiaia Hare teo Cecea leifoa ia all the magaifieenca el the far Miagoldaodreaaa dbe bM aaver ia tbe eoeiae of her loog reign anileO cpoo a hai vaat a aoeti licboaa a an oaw m tbe 2 of Obio ia Ihe Scioie Valley tbe ncbat laad eaai of itM Miaaiaalppi Tbo wbeai wavirg la tbe geaile breexe Boggies Baggies pH Ibe rich deep foliage of iba graaa laada wbete veidere reiioa aapreme here aod ihetc hetda ot cattle wboae leagib height Manilla and Millinery WBAPPI PAPKK A hJr SUPPLY JCT RCCBIVKU at A the Ba 0ee wrket Oetober llaC 18M dh haokbtt HViXO reewverod fnne hIa reeo aeel deatl1 altawd la preleaeiaaal eaUa aa breadth oebode a day of good ibinga Cora ia b lata bat ibiifiy orop aad pfira aoipte riloymefli or Tbo bwlog of tbe matt eppeara divine Fabna bavereealved tbem lata aoa aod jphilly uintlBiat tbi h u oow from iwe motive wear aa ew etoibea aa ewperW io OMcHa all order Mtmaoil to bia poaaible la avoid beal and aaee espeaae eare lor WKon 0rriaraCailara eA4 bgi iar ihoae who like MantilUoyt aay la additiOB le iba above beaiaeae ba baa j Twippoace be demmed 1 boig le aay It J iLat la taking eaperialoboarvatian at all ibe CofllDS C oq ulOd welldfOMM aaaemblwa ia NeTakln AJ b prd I Ik Wlni Mill iliiM iJl nic in P WITH OS WITHOUT HEiS5E t HaiR WIIOIIT J iSfl Qaeraavillrl rsib ii eUl SPENCER il apharicat atyle wiit a amall acatlor MEBCHAin TAILOB naint ririnnrkel prepared to Cat Mil Make 6pl aWaJ wiag w bu otd7rieedae fiaavat aa Beaaaa- Utb Buaieaa Tk4 Old Shof oaar TnUt reigab Stort Jffwatarfcat April S 197- ranged aod ti b airing af wbUe bAwevara meet deligbl- ide ol ebip aalM ibe Floet maeb muia wara tbaa iea MeBila aiitaad aad tib rieb beed er plan reaad iba aiira ie ifea tba Aral beaeaa ladraea Hbip B I tba alyia ia io Uat Batipf affoauaoa a ring Ol whna bair lka lite touaua T Romao Caibolio priaala and wearing at the mb m D a Uollapd aproD and a abort blue jackal Yaam ha want on I really hope thai the nirabla atervadlooking area- lure will get away Than dubt bUve ba picked the gentlemana pockai I eaid Iin afraid iiaialy lo eersain tbai be did maam aatd ihe men ahaaing hie bead ila looked atrmghl at me aa he paeaad end he bad hungr t ieaarnie eyee thai looked like theft aod murder too fdr tbat n attar And yet yoa with bim lo eacapa wiien ha haa bmkeii iba lawa of ibdlaut and Will priMbly do au again GoJ Ibrtld that I abould b Ip to break tbe lawa aaid the grucer od man mada tbam and tbay are right bui ihera ara olhar lawa ihat 1 can read in my Sunday nighu Ibat aean lo ba aa binding One of then ia Do unio othara aa you would tbat ethera bould do unto you Aod aootbar Love ihy naigbbor Bi hyaelf Whan I laTamr theea wurd I think Ibat you may ba too bard with a poor aiofui fellow being not go bayond iba limila of the law either That rich gaotlaman wbo hatj hia poaket picked will go home lo a fine din- paw gpon my nar and a botla of EiCOBCDO Immediately oppa tba raeaipt of tbi I had aD htpt On Iha third evening be waa there agairi that ou may lay waano woir Q Birrioiibal Knt oAial iafor V T k ma ioo of it to Geo KeyBoidaeomBaod ind no but it waa earioiM thai ha Sabdiatriat of the Rio Graada ihould keep on aaring at Tba event ia aow bdng oalcbratad allh rhy A veaael bad baen wrvckad at aaa bout thei time and an ritraiib tha laivat new nf iba diaaater comi out that evening I bought a paper bco eat down behind iba counter to reaj it It waa a atormy mght aod bil a few caitomera came in and thoae were eaaily aarvedtd aomebow between reading aod tbinkiog tin a pataad on ontil the clock ainicb eleven aid 1 bad not yet takes io my gooda or pni up my ehoiiara aad oibar doaonfctratiaoi EeeletlMtieal Oatbarlsf st Boma The following araapeeia daapatebaa lo the New York Herald Boat Jaie 29 Tba taflgiooi muniea in celebration of ihe aii buQdrath aoiivereary of St f maitrdom a d tb ravrrenca of 6i Paul aod of the coonsiiioo af tweoiyfivi Uatcb Frenchman and Spanieh martyr in Japan ai aama wa one of the moi gorgeoua witneaeed in the vorld aiio lb daya ol King Tha obear- piece of tba abutter ay door opened aod coaiflMSced wilb a gaoeral illu an old wuBMn eima in Sba waa a aot j m db on of iba city S Peia ahana liah miaarbble craalara known aboat tha hke a great church on fira At 7 plac aa Iriah Kifia aud with bar red nuaa atid bleared ayae aod bloated limbt wBa aa ugly a figure aa one aver caat eyaa upon Acolbar dram I auppoae 1 aaid 10 myaelf going behind the bar at ooee for I wented to gat rid of bar a oon aa poaaibi Bulabato nyaarprlM coma cloae up to om and pat bar graai I grand procaaua of pralat priaete carried oo hia ibrone St Paur magoiftcaBity decorated aritb dotha of gold Bftd ailvar lapeartM paialinga doubt andj Ive made a diakivary mieter ahei people aal pawu ba he aiolo I tbem Somehow If I ooold 1 wouldni baa bim buniad down to oihir I vow wouldnt Still 1 dont blame the young fellowa Id have bean aa furioua ib iba chata aa any of Ibam yaara ago but 1 leernt a laeeon once that I have never forgotteo and I bopa t nat mey i yoaog man and a poor ona than and had a bard atrug gla lo make my Mule abop keep my family It wa only by pinching and aaving ajid keeping a kbarp lookout for every bargain that I got along al all Wa lird io a abnbay littU alreat and bad only vefy poor cuetomera A loaf of bread a of a poond of Iruiiar aod two oancae of black tee wbi quite ao order and moat of thoaa tbai came wanted traal Aafor laying in tba fiM frail or vaga ttblaa I never ihoogbt of aocb a foUy piaiQonde woold have baen aa aalaabla In tbat part of Iba dty where wabarwomn and tba pooreet laboring man vara tba Briatbcracy Now and iben wbea a faraigo abip eama le port with a load of rvinad pina- Bppiaa or decayed oraoM 1 bongbi lot o theai aod ebarglng utile or noibinf Bold then aaaily aietb AUboegb I 9WD Ua oaad to aa ib miaarabla of said Youva not bean keeping brighi loob out u ya bootd I iberee been 1 work without ibia i Wbat Ibiafr I aiked Uore tban I eaa tall ye aba replied but 1 ibiok ita a pulioaman oo laaa iba blackguard A potioamin I cried attd my bougbta Baw at once to tba man I bad teen eiaring Bt m hama U le CmOmM mm wmk 87 Greeley eaya tba caan who paya mora or abop rant tbaa toe adfariUiog dont know bia boainaaa O Tbgi4aaUe bpopoUutatlaebid lo tba great aeaaiia Bad cireat bf Dadey fe Co died oc Moaday aigbt aaar Gaaaaoqaa 07 Tbe Praaiiaa govaraaeat ia aaa tioaiag to aonvey war nateria toDoppal Bad to dafaad tbaaa iapor uat plaaea in aaaa of war Tbia proceed ing abowa tbai Prwa bu ao idea oi giving tbaa ap to Danaaric Tba Emperor of Aaatria of hie aorooatioQ aa Kmg ot llungary granted aa aanaaty lo all pai Otw under ooodeaaaiim far crisaa o iiniioa ofeooaa twwarda ai Iba lmpriaHaiy TWla aat of elacn- fucf OBpria aaaH 460 fecms uf aa condlee Ooe hendred thouMnd e inaida of ibe eburcb inclid King of Naplea the foreign itaJoiairy6O0 cardioal arehbiahopaand ttikPpamaoy ihooaaud elargynenprieau friarv and monke Noa and from all pane of tba world ware praaant Tba Pope ealebraied Ibe Oregnrian aae in Letin and Oraek Tifo iner- piiona occurred Tba enrlaina of one window took fire wbisb waa promptly iguiabad A man became crazed by Ihe aplendora and out bia ibroau The Pope at OBoa raeoMecraied the cbtirch atainad tb tba btood of tbaaaidda Liii compoeed extra moatc for tbe grand inaae which waa aooompaaiad by iba chord oo tba oa of Si Petara and be cannon at Caeile San Aageio Tbe obaervaocae eoaiinue a week Tba Paiia SzhlUtlea The Paria aorraapoadeat af tba Porllaad ArgMuya ia regard a tba Aaericia dapartaeal Ibe Eabibiitoa you aotieo tbat tbara baa beaabal very httle aaid by aay Aawiieaaer JSaropeaajearaala Tl ifladily ba explaiaed fia tbe tbel tba laaat ibai ia aaid Iba belter tbeagb 1 regret eweedieglf to lay it Oar rapraaaaUtioa U tba Paria Esbibitiaa la regarded aa tba oat aiaaraWa af aay aalioa bera rapre- eaaiad Eve tbe Saadwkb lalaada wbiab ara aluayidi af ae tba liftt 5linnsftnrut The man who told an adtior boir ha eoiM better bia paper baa gone out Waat lo marry the woman mbo never looked into a laokiag glaaa Siapid people may eal but tbay abould DOI ulk Tbeif mouiba may ba wall enough aa banki of dapoaii but aot of iaaue Wbat ia a friend t Paaeb Hf a frttftd one wbo jap down aad pata o tba biake wbaa be 6adi ibat yoa are goiag down bill lao fail Aa Iriahaaa beia ia cbarcb wbara tbe collcctira appatalaa rracvbiag aa alee tioB Ves oa it Wetat Uaded lo Iri pared i ibe earrtrfa aar tbat ha waa aot oaiarallcd and eoeld aot vote I 8 la a amall ptMy tbe aabjeel tara Of oa miiiiaway a lady aaid ta bai ilaiar 1 WAftdr mr dear yoa bare aaver aada a matcb I think yoowaat ba brtaataaa Sbe rpl ed 9 ait Iba brinntaoa aaty ibetpaik Cr A B ita wit deQlo Cm diflar race betweaa aa aecideal aad a Biaforlaoa afa If VVendall Pbitaboaldall iate ItH Nmoif OP HapiTAiiTTAa Iriah otdier wbo aame over wilb General Moor being aakad if be nat witb niiah boeii iliy it liolland Obi yea too wai ia Uia bovpital nearly all I waa there At QocaTfow Mike laid er to bia bodaaa if0Beet Pairtei lall hia to make haata aa wa ara for bin Sta and 1 will Kicd Mike bat wbat will 1 UU bia u 1 dont mate birt T Aa UoLT Mcol A voter doScianl io peraooal baaaty aaid to Wilkea I Btaa to withdraw ay coontanaoaa from yoa Many tbania far tba faTonr replied be eandidata Ibr it li tbe ag- Uat aog I avar jav ia ay Ufa Dd yoa baa Batay Cnaab Wbat a Baa arealara aba waa i told bar oece te jeat tbat ake ana be mf wife for I aavar bad baea ao daply ia lava beCora It ia oat af qaatiao aj dear aba replied it ia iapbta am detf ahmdf I Aa old babelor gaolotciat waa bMtir Ibat every rock wu a faailier ta bia aa tbe alphabet A hdy wbo wat pra aeat deelaed ihat ta kaaw af a rack af A wbieb be waa wboUy igaon Nbm il d ci IC uj mk lb uriW ttt tpkl lb Uf Cladi raaiiiad