AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE ME THE LIBEKTV TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDtNO TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY VOL XV NO 27 NEWMARKEr C W FRIDAY AUGUST 17 1866 TERMS 150 IN ADVANCE lhiii Cirttorg fohnT Stokei tcniTriOTAe AeSAiiOi WMl T Bishop ft Son ICKLATKRS ruterr 8m I Hfir t 7ICS l A BoaltboA r3 B tfoore CkerTAt tfvCMrtHiiMciUoikeCoantjCpasei JwS International IffE SOCIETY OF LONDON JohT StokM COjrJrUSlOXRrorihic lCMrurancaakDvadiUrtlivCtea- EOterftB BBtcbcrefti Bf W 6Uih Mkr 1 SBLatrMt9wtrkl Altor vUk DesfsUk MSal Dr BeatUj rTIOiAlCNrcM tad IUMrkl oakVteiUfot tfMiiSUMl I8S7 ir- JohnTXandy BAlltSTKK tarf AOantej M U Slici- ClMnAMj OMiTraMr Ac Street ytwmarket C P REIDCO ivrosms A5 MALMS IS WINES LIQUORS irtUCTOVST TOROXTO tftttincft DlccCtors if libU M D PHTSIClANSorgMB mni Aokir 8iiaraC W B B- Joy BARBER HtirdrMMrAMla8LVi 4rk RMorteiMonKreA WILUH Lom BIRRIBTRRknd Altraty Uri iTBKCr iarr I8IM0 BbJ Peanoa lOVVISSIONIRin th Qi cConpafl7 OflkoaTi BibU OcpMilory B16LK8kdTUMtesbliaISe- eily nriM sppiletttoB to R H Smilk at U BibU DMitnr KaarkIMarfifle3 iMO Campbell Si Louni Q rricfaaita tka RaIUmJ HoUl VwkaU Api iW Davison SE House I MAtNST 1HE 8aSrikr rTtMfal1f lafenna lb pabHe BraUy that U baa iliad ap b imiMiaa Main SlrMt aa aa Hold vill aaiffa far tba ACCOSSODATJOlf OF GUESTS A4 traMlhal by atUatlaa la tba vaataaa unfertaf tbea wha ma favor bi wKbtbai palrvaacala Mi racaiva abar lieeoaA4aea Geo B Hogaboom CLIRK ranb DhWaa Caart Caasia- ktaar la ft R KawawkaU April lAM tr1 Bricks and Lime TH R nbarribar baa aaw aa baad for aala raaaanabia lanM aboat 300000 BBICE8 4 atf a laqaaaljaf ax IS sricKWOOo lihT la IC4 E JACKSOH Associate Coroner UMITID C0UMT1ES OF YORK PEEl nbwmakkkt v W Fabraary 7 186 Ta FaK 7 188 D GBAHAHt C3nTyanccr c Quccnvtllc 10T TO LBD j aa pr b- c tiviUdaaplllecallar EDWARD STEFHXHSON IssDcr of Uarriage Liceisc laTid L Rogers M D Idtn HpipiUl Xvdieml Collefe- V Y Yietorla Hedical Collcgdi tTCt B1Y81CIAN SURGEON he- luiii aratKT ifBiiAtuT IWC Spencer Sponcor lilSlSTBBS AD ATT0RS to Cbaaerry Caavajaacm 3176 liliBS E BlTBlrS Utiaaer Vaarbi U tkak iba K Hirt Miv straw laU 4 llM TW7 IBBtDENCE MILL SrREBT lb Iwtb af Mr trmit laMaa April IS ISM tfS Blcvins ft Severs BARRmKR8AltararralU8oneilari ia Chaaaary Oaawyaseera A OrnCB Ornter Ioiij and HW- lington Strttt Aurvra LI Tark Pa aad RESIDENCE SCJIOMDERG OeaWrl9lS fMi McNab Murray ft Jaokes BairtsUrs l L OLiClTOBl IM CttAXCtar A Ofictt i Ccuri Haut- rab 90 IBM U S TO CLERCIVSEIf I U9TPailtTE0la aaaaiaaJewKlaa for Marriaca CariiSeaiaa aaitaWa lar aaa by daMaafaay Appljal OLD HO-TEl- Tiioiiintiu ILKPT BY HBNRY HEBON rOVtlBtT 0 IIAOIf Wrapping Paper I mr aaoaiviD aBaaaiiawarAirattb NEW BEA OFFICE IRT 1 o baMlar I WC ADAMS D D C Jara IhmtUtn JTiaj rraaiaC W fS M aayplj tba ptefaaaaa T Ifc Takaaisad Awrnaaa4 Vah MWraal tbabaai BaaaSKiaf AaaralTaatb laaaatad aa OaU til Rabbar wilb CUaaaaa wamair 4 U f iraaUra atoeti TanalaialyfS 18C0 1 PEAR80H W il I liW i rw ItodiT aiiMi7itBiL rM rrUJ to riKiA Aeariaaa BaUL waiy Be- 4iiabaaii aatk rVBaiMiiimii I iM JTxoW itfl wak ciai laid a Sat AllaaMta2dfaa4 ta Aama prWfdy kt I Ita CAMrabtlC B BARRETTS 011 rfH Lib l lui iBRAHAM LINCOLN Acoonnt Boau JCwrmitiYtD w Mrrijr i i aawafcttaB tT daad SieUeaasd Sbeda aad a aarafa TbobinOetSS IMS Alix LICENSED AUCTIONEER rOK TBI Countlea of York A PmU All arAera paaataelly attaeM w aei 1 iaIaalMa XMrtateai C kaaidraawdiaHaULBkaP 0 SapL U lt4A The ttneens Hotel UU Ravara Haata WTQXaV TJRaiJOTP CnaC S I88CU W HlRRIiGE LICRI8S8 AKKAIfORMtNTS har OetabarlniMt Hewmarket Iron Foandry JAMK8 AUNbirataritaratbaahifi palfarriaai lo atiiratalbalhla ff- Siattta el 8loa Soyar KillJtoelap Hinjrtael albar CABD Pr UICKCTT HAViWD rataraad la Ihia pkaa will aai liaM Ua of kia rKBAlhH raMafra Oartiait mil Ifawmarkai kfirrb MtMS tf Sfrrllcd Nrrkn Cnrcd AdfirJ aa4ba Til affaa- rrkalM Prrad b C a the hewmabket ID Carriage Factory tba placa ta bay a S O 0 J NEAT Dnrable Carriage iwiat an daaerfpllaa madaei ib ht a wJtkBaalka Myla Tba BUT OHEAF FOR CASH A- J McCUACKBN atrkatAprilMlKA tMl nobth amebicah hotel CHAS BRKLSFOUD Paow a baaaaddaA TM U aaaUali U I OiaiaihaM raaa I AM vbB tba Hb avaid galaai lb caaaliy Wa mmmim rba Ma RabaUIw Uwir iltan bad wnalbd lad tba darion raieta at battW had raaj Vy Ma airfax aay tby an paaniai aan WiU tba aaiaar af Um aaJ Iba aMi Oar ftrada tbiy vaka frisaval Wbm aaly tba fct af tka bi Aad lb Tiieai af aatara Uka SaMOM araat tb viafa af Ttaakipnac ia a i Oad iad Ttw aed Piagmrfea Uae aUd Ibal bawl WboM Maairy afktfaa lUU hmHj adara vtahby aa wviad aad l laad b rtvanJ tba MU tba OU riaoMn I Tba Spriac U M tf Uli ki iu a7 May baa Ukd Aad Ita Mdi ia tba M tf tb FaM tbbd aay Bat tba flriai tf Aatau aal yvt kara fatta plad Aad tba karrat k rib far tba raapM fcadtj Tba ftaAiap tf kara rebbad jaatb tf ita Tby Bay liafar aat ka ia tUa nOiy tf ROTALJHOTEL mBBaabarriWiakaalbia ayfOTtaal- fl 1 lyafiairaiitba poWie ibaiba aJK baa aav aa ta tfala1ba Urga pramiMa racaat ly arKt by Mr BHhaaaa Itaia Straal tnd dwaDiaz aaalb tf iba Ra tfmrj OOca- Tba How la Large New and Commodlouf Aad tllad aptartraryVaapac Cv 4L arixai OI w xzoai Tha rawa win ba iaaad eafifiht i The Bar Well Supplied Ifitb thiiea Rqtara tba tibU aearwitfy farakbadaadlaa auMaa wafiearad tar by MUn J WOODCOCK KB A Dtu f awitwtiu Station KaarkatDi8CS tfdC Faffing and Blowing I8aHrrryr lt batU yM aatiaiM- tiraaaUtfaaiiaa ia Honac SiKM OraamcnUI PAINTING CaO aa Iba aabacribar wba h prrw4 NEWHABKET GREElOUSE Urs BISHOF kk I Oreen House ft Garden Plant c Kxy 0rdk k Flower I Oa ika tba antioa aad L- AewletoaaidawweaBeewelWae lOalba iba antloa MMlat afraw laa Mtfailaadia iniiilii iiaoii 1 1 luiii 41W wWi a SkepAffMif tin Amenom TTir -J- WM UALL SOTTAS XXaAMV SaVMrkat IStt iMt la Saa baabby rjadUiae taaMaf aay tf s w hallen cim uamn abohitiot PEOTDtCUL LAND SUBVETOR Naarmrkt O W Juf Mll TO FAMERS I Cash foBntter HOLLAND LANDING OmtMUy aabaAda gaMial Maah af a alMiavit WiSO Md Xdqnors I Tka trada rngftfU M afa QfiU nScraOOTSOif HaHMd Ludlac MaKk T IW tM ikiabiliM tabaMadia8Mai IT- B S WILLIAMS CalellraUd Velodsoni mod TTarmftwiirmfc Fiaar ri chuwu o lau da UC da Cxtra Priw da do a Xw FWtt Prin Fra Xbibtdoa I8C4 Tint pHiw aMf Dtf kM da IMI R T PBCK At AOMH JT IA Iitprofiirf Lord Kelsons Protege aa brhl nterio2 Is riog d Iba Rngliah firat lajr 1 nehrm PprUpMth IlarlMr twaiiiog iba dm- raia tlptl to tart M on a eraba Tba flg t ba foraiudabla riiip of ih liaa vhb iu rk Idea briilling wiib ana vaa all ia eomnotioo Tba ad irU iba moai rBOa tailor of Ua day aa coning nff TroM ih ahora aiMl htp raady to racetra bia Alraady tha f ana of iha quroQ vara bagiaDirg 10 ibandrf fjrtb Utair valooM a Mrto ibo eaaal waa wraatbad ia inioka aad iaiiarmg bcaaalb iba diwhtriaa of br baavjr ordMseo m Admiral Nalaoo I teccbad bar dank mr bjr a briK liaaC Malt Suodittf oaar lb adga of tha quartar dack ud valebtag tba aeaoa whb ioiawa aagaroaM yoang lad or abool aigbtaao Ja waa draod aim ply bot iMOity aad bia ohoaka glowad and bio kindlad M ba misM iba cBciiiair aanu ibat war ea arouod bia Aa ho rataruad iba aaira oTiba aSioara tbo diaarol ebaoood 10 lohaarva ibo kd Wba ia tb 1 ba aakad larsiog to iba eiptaio of iha aaart Uoa jroang lad ibM oomoa boord a fav boora ago rapliad ibo eopiaJO Ha taoiato 00 aaabg jroo If M bo aafa bla boa aMnolbiag of iaipoaeo to My Wall my lad Mid tba aMiral kiod ly apoak OM fniolj If yoo ploaao air Mid iba boj Tvo aocM la Mk yoa to uka lao 10 mo vitb yoa la ibai all yoa bava lo mjt yoa yoQDg loaoip r krd ba eapttia barp ly Lot bia alaaa Mid bo admiral laaghing Wbat potw do you rata r bo oaked taraing 10 tbo ir VOQ vood taka ma a yoar eobio boy oir Mid tbo lad I would bo Tary glad Tboia a poor ebaaea tor fom if yoo viab to riM boa k aoid tba adoiiral kifwlly it aitll bo bagiailag ropliad tba lid fyoiillgiooaorlPllwok my wty op air Tou did H atxd Tba admiral gsod ai him ktadly bat Mtrchingly and Ibaa Mtd b a aailo Ill uko yoo with mo 00 ibia oraiM j aad if yoo waal k riw 111 gjo yoa a cbaaco Wbat ia j9w nawo T Edward La wm bo raply Vary wi boa Edward 1 lako yoa feto my aortW Mid ibo adatiral 1 aball eipaet yoo o proro yoarMlfvor- iby of t tnMC Ill do it air Mid ha bojr aanaaUy bo Bovad aaido faipMUnllyo lotiba admiral paaa lo wo bowra tbo VaMgwfd aood oat to aaa kitlewod by tba aqoadran to ioia Earl St ViDcaat at Ulhraliar Tbo yoaac alot of tba adsiral aoda a daoid adly fotoarablo impraoMoo upos ibo of- bofera tbo compio ot tha Toyaga Tia wo bad wid iba dralra to bio flag oaptala ooa day dbat tba boy toald 611 mooiala poetide Tbo otfWia witb bia oo r Mdibaraaakartbanaiiarwaa bat a fow doya aOar iba arrival of tbo F H Oiborallar Edward Loo wm KiroQ a MdJipmaa warnsi bf Earl Viaoiii b loqaooi of Admiral Ntoa TboaaioiiM fatwt to tba MtdMorraaMi bi Moreb of BotMarto aibiafiooc U tha tamfio fbW wtdeb ill I lll IW pfOfao that ba oMUod Qm kiado hia groat eommaader bad abo woo praiM from all oa board Tbaa ema tba briof ball ai SyraouM tbo arri Ttl of Ibo wlabolbr raioforeomasta aad tbo doparturo Tor Eiypu Aa tbo of tbo momorabta Firtt of Augual vMlad to iha oyM of ho Enith iho trioolor floalod ovar Alaiaodria aiid thi P ranch flaat Id tbo bay of Abuvkir hd ward Lro wm atandiBg by bia obiaf 00 tbo drck of ibo AaKahip a maUrtd iba boy aod wcl bo Ihara too bafora Bfthl Nl glaiKadai hita opprevlrgly Tharaa a chanoa or promotioo tot Sota olbar amaodsMtt The eenraittM roM aad rtpartod bo btH M anoodad Co tbo qaeatioa that Iba biH dd HooarabU Mr CarUiw morad ibat giraa tha alx taontba bolai Tbo motioa waa BgBtiTad by a 00 of aiityicht aay aiiaat aara yaaa Tbo fbVowiat ar4 Ibo eakMt of tboao mbefa who roUd yM Mmara OarilnK Chaaiban TboBM Fargoaon Booth 8tooa Qaoffrioe Kntghl Lajoia aod MailTt Ta bid wu boa pamod aoiidjt load obem Tha foUowIag bilU wora baa road thin tiaio aad pamrd To atiini iho provUioaa of the 5th aoetioa of ebaptar 87 of ha Cnnaolidatad Butatat for Uppar Caaada Mr J 8 Sniih To amaad tbo aot r8apaoia tba ia- of laathar and raw Ud Mr SooarrilU To amaad ha Zowar Casada aet r apeetiag tnaatoca aed a8rfaa Mr Balla- roM Mr Maekaaiia morad oooeafraaoa ia iha ameodnwDb taada by tba LafialatlTe Covaoil to bo aaaaaaaat bill vih ha exMpion of two Mr Thoa R Fargaaoa Soath Sim- eoe roM to apaak aad bad iba floor abea 1 ok tba hoar of adjoaraiDaat tba wbolo aetioQ tbo admiraTa oyo wi ba yooog viiddy and all tbroagb ibat loitg atd ibniliog aummar night it aarar loat iba which bad niumioaiad li aa ha haard Iba yoong Milora worda la tba moroiag Tbo aamo dMpaieb that groatad him aa Lord Nalaoo ioforinad him thai bio raquoatfor litutaaaocy for youog Lao waa graoi Staady davoticii to hia profaaaion aod eooapkuottt bravary in itmaa of dangar aooQ mado tha youthful liaotoaat a aot- la ilia Majaalya navy Tba balila of iba Baltic wm a mamorabla day to him Il wu truly tha grMi batila Tbo Ilotua rMaaablad at hra oolook ho had baao in Tafh MTtralyim dad ha rafuaod 0 go balow andj Mr Maakantia aritb tha oooMot of iood al bit Poat uatil tha c of iho 1 the Hooao owvad that tha H oone aitioa WbaQ Sir lydo Parkor garo in tha anndroaaa made by b Lejli aigaal for diaeoBiiouiiig tba firtt tra Coodt to tha Ifpptr Caoada aaaM Liantonant Iaa raportad 11 to Lord Nal Tba admiral paitiag tha gli hia blind eya Mid with nock gravity Mlly doot aoa tba aignal Kmp Bag for cloor batila atiil flyiog Thata tha way 1 tnawar auch aigaala Nail niloa to iba maat Il aaomtd bat tbo fortuaaa oTthagrMi admiral and hia PUtgt wara myatari atiitfd for ibn victory whtel mada tba ooa a vioooual mada t oibai firat IwutaDant tboagh bo wm but jof tmo of aga Ia fwlluwed hia command ar who bad bocooM warmly attached t him ihroogh all iha yMra that iularvatc ao that whoa Iba graal day 0 gar came ha wm tao aaeead U nd to Captain tlardy Aa tbo bagaa Lord Noiaoa approaohod bim and pUeing hi haiid 00 hia aboaldar Mid Wo ara goiag to bava a bard day Rd- ward I bopa you nay paM ibrwgb It feiy I aball try to do my doiy my lord aaH Liaotaeant Lta Dal ba addad poioliag to Ibo aoiforra aad daooratlooa wbib tba oeflamnar wara eoolrary o hia euatwn why doaa yoiK lordtU oodar youraf ao eunapieoaua to day 1 You will Mraly draw apon yoo tbo fira loma markaoan 1 bavo a pfiaaaiiwact aaid ibo ad miral that my raoa ia roa ao I bavo I all barnMato day li gatBOd thom bo axelaiMad proudly lay Ing hia basd oe tbo laalgwa a to honor I will dia wifh ibaok Tbo praaaaiimant wm rMliaad M tbo I aotioe of ibo graat aaik Aa bo fall on iba dvk ia tha boat of bat tla tba oaptais aod liaaioQaat ipraog him in an agooy of griaf Go back to yowr poat Edward ba aaid M tba llowtafWM ko by biaa Tboa ha addad gaaUy God bloM yea lad ith a aad bMrl bo yoaog nan ro- torood 0 hk pUoa Tbo lato which had id to baiia hia doaiiay with that of aommaadar wm fally rMlisad ia day for juat aa tbo vktory wm fBiDod a bMvy dtaoharga of grapa from a Fran ahip of ibo iiao twap tba daok of Lord Nakoaa abip aad wba tha amoka ekarod away Caputo Hardy m hk LioataDaBl lying almoat 00 tha Mm whara tha eooquaror o iba Nila bad falka with hia braaat kra opaa by iba larriWa dwabarga LtOaiLAnTl AtvaVBLT O Aagaat 10 The SpMlccr took tbo ehsir at taa 0- aJoak a n of Mr MaKallar Iba hill to aaaoad aad oooaolidato tha aaWral ai rrapaetiag tha maaWpal iaatltatiofH of poratioa Nlivad by a volt of yoM lSaayaU Mr morad to aataad tha hiO by proTidiag that mayort af dtiai ahall bo akeled by tha pao m at praaaal Carriad Yaaa 31 aan 24 Tba foBowtog ia tba divWaa Ybas Haaita Amlt BsrmQ hart CoekVr Cowaa DaTaaaa Far gwoa Fortiar Oibka iToltoo Jooaa Nnrth Load aad OnatUla Kaiht jafMbotoa LaboatnO Maa Dmn MoGtrdrio MaMoaiM Baaroai Roaa adaa Bom rrioa PMl Saatahafd Beabla ThoMyKB WOMaToMl Natb Mamm Bollanaa Bifexar Bowma Carttor OtrHaf Otftvhi Chapaia Carriar Dfiaov Howlaad Jackaofl IjaMTvrin UMkaaiia MaKal lar Marna Parra ji BotiUlIla PiMiiiaii 8lfaa Syhaia Wabbaad WUla Tatal Mr Uaakasato Morad h tba Roaaf iaH ca tba Bii la CaauilUoe Sir Whila tha crd that tbo eUifaf Ift rcalor hieb pci Boat bill Carriad Mr Maekansia morod that tha bill 1 landad do pua Carriad oreiga k Colonial B the Atlantic Cable ViiiTA Aag 6 Il ia axpeetad that I da6Mtira traaty of pooM will ligncd botwaaa Aaatru and Pi Praaa luty ia oot iaaladod If tbo difltoalty in tlU amiatMa nafOtiatieaa with ty ia aotarraagad ia a faw daya boa ilittoa wtil bo raaa sad Fiouacs Aa tf The Italiaa aad Aaatrian gaoarala MOt to day at Oirmoaa ia Aaatria to aatoHata Fraaaa bM ao part la tha pandiag armtotlM batwaaa Aaatria aad Italy If U to amagad ba a aaparala paaM aoaiaraaM aUl taka plaoo witb tha ooao of Praaoa aad probably at Paria DaaiDair Aa 7Spaaial poaM leotiatioBa an aboat to o ba Praaaia aad S St PcrxsMtrao Aag t Praaaia poaitiraly dadtaM t propoaala if Ramia for a eoagrwi tbo poWa wHb ragard traaty oTlaa aowod aftjrta haro baoa aada to ab- uto tbtarvaatioa af Raaato with Prao- atoia babalftha Soatb Oonaaa BtalM Tbo Cfar baa ao arraagamoat OrMt aatbosiaaa praraila at St tarsbarf ia rcfarooM to tha rigii af AaoiMBS aqaadro8 aad tbo Iroa moaitor MiantoooMob with Aaitotaat Sooratan of tha navy Foa oa heard Tbo Raariaa float baf gooa to HaHnf tba oatorado th flag ririp of admiral laldiboimftb of tbo uaitad StaOM laainw mm liiboat bm arrirod al aad adled fbr otmcbotrg T fretto la wfth bar tbo priaelpa baakan of lua ol bava laboaribad tblrtr aullka fraam lo oom pi k lailioad fkos soabr to liso obtaak PfSTH aag somal potkal rcota wara mam by tbo moitarjr to day bar and la other porta of 0ngry L aa 7 tha rro i fbr tbo ahaepioadhip of aad 12000 hatwMO Mom and G took pboa toy fl roaadf wora mght bo jdom wm da wisaor loavow aag 7 tba 6th tba kiagofprvattorataraodu uoriia whaa iha BSBifipality praaaatad a aoafraiola tory addrcaa lo roplytha kiaz od bb thank tad pmstad oot at praa aia had drawn bar awoid aot only fer bar laJauauitof bat ftr tbo iM of geraaay tha int aaid tba ki b bmb Moarad i tba Mooad wry with tba balp of qod alao bo obttm efarythiag promiaM bappQy tip fa taro 4f praaau m aa baao oad laat iag poaM to iniaaat baauir jay7rbo fnt atuiaaaf iho obambara wan bold lodal tba miobara km aad obaarad tba ki ad piawaavfetoctoa coast btolbors wm euotod prmidoat of tha uppar boim loxdoa aac 7 ear wjlliab of rvaii bm artirad ia borca rrom ibo baad qaartm of di cnalaa and wm luoairad wllb gramoaaafc ba wbkh b aaifid hto war poliey aiplala- ad Ua poaiiiea lowarda OavaHar aal n vidwad bo war makto mm a aaaM of itbo klng Yoax Aag 10TUAllowag doltba wara raaaivad lij tUaMoo ad pnM laat araaisf loMS Aag 8 Tba rdUlioaa ba- M tlfa fovarataoata of Aiwifto a Italy bra UvutPMla Aag abo Oaafc B PortMaaath whi alfd froM BH oa tbo STih H fbr Ww Fork bM baai tnrnFMa tba 11111111 aad onar wm MOd CoMpaar fm Mijbfla badafrajl tribute ItoMfT of tbo Oaaadlaa Tolantoora who nu ia Sofbaoa of tbU Ooaatry Aowog bo maay aaoetl that poMod tbomMlvM oa tbo oooaidaratioa of tba maaih of tha Bolkf CoiaialKM for th Toronto Volantoara moio good pahlio aad pennaawnt maaurial of tbo laaa who laid down thoir H In dafaoM of lhair ooanlry wm rairardad u andilad to apaaial attaaiioo i and il OM daairaMa bat tbo wboto po of Caaada aboald bava tha oppoAaaiy of doios boaor to ihoaa who abad their bau life blood wbilat rapalHng tba lawloM invadara of bar ami 1 Inflaanaad by aaoh faaliaga m thaM aod bolMTia that lhay aiibtvantara o take Ibo iaiuativa ia a vo hatooaoaBla Mif M atrooitly to tha waroMat nmpathy ofavan Canadian thay aaaoioooHy piMoJ tba foHowinit Eraoiottoa That t ComanttM raooaawoda the araotioa of a aonamant to tha bnra bmr abo diod at iWlk ot Bidgawar that aaeb Mooft bo pUead at tha Qaoana ark and tba axponM I gaaarmi oootribaitoa from Dna aaoh ooatribation to ho aam of ooa dollar from MobjiMor and farthar that the datanniaation of tha moda and plaOM fbr recdviag aaeh eeniribotionf of tba doaigaa for tbo Mooament of thoaito aod of araotioa ba plaoad la tha haada of Chairman John Boyd Caaaala J D Edfar S 6 Harman C S Gfowaki Haydea Sbariff F W arria Joha Mo Dooald M P P Hoaonbto William MoMiatar M L C Maoniag Hfp John UaUaniah JliaMith Parkina Han Bavarly Bobinios J Ralherford and ln Sniib Ia aeeordanM with tbia RcaotaUoa wc w very rMpoifoHT tnrita tha attatioo of tha ganaral paUio to bia patrioiia objet It to iaiaadad hat bo daaign natarfab and workmanabipof tba Mooa aMot ahalt bo aulaaivaly Caaadtoa aad that il aball ba araetad 00 a fitting aite in he QoMoa or Uoiranity Park a faroriia report aot only of our owo citiso fcal alM of viaitora to Toronto lothlaaelM tioo of a podiion ia oar eity mind that bar loM ia killed and woatMled in tbo aetion of Jnne the Second than that of any oihar CaoadiaB oomnaaity and that of all tboM w aaemory Caaada daairM to petpoto by ibto Natiooal Movamoat Mvao who iUd their boioM in Toronto ara now rapoaiog is their Uat rMting baoMth the taif of oar pabito CaiaoUrieiL whiUt f tha tbraa whoM remaiof an latarrad ibawhM two ware for bomo yean tem raaideota af oar eily dariag tbair Uaivanity CoUaga aad waaaaal MadidatM tot high Aoadamic diatinotiooa Ia Umitiafi Iba amoaat o iadividoal ooatribatiooa o oae dollar it wm daairad tsaka thi traly patrtotto work tha re m of aabeerfptioaa not of tha few bai of the many m that the MoaaoMat might ha a laattng laatinioay aot oolr to gallaatry of Iba dopartod bnva bat aflbotiea wm widh 0o wboto oviuM ehariabm the memory ef bar hto mmt who laarilaad tbato kiiM ia bar It to eoafldeally hoped that iaflaMtial item of 250 000 for Mpplyiog iho Vul uniMf furoe with Improved iraara Tha anaoaneemaBi wm rMOivad whb eriM of hmr bov OdoMs Aal Tba laldar Blfla- Tbo BOW Saldor Rifle a ftoA aB ooanta to be the laoet porfwl wMpoa yet prodaeed fbr iaatry qm d wad- vanugea may he aamated ap m fottowt laL Tba btaaeb ktadisK arraagemcai ia aMt aimple the hnaeb to opeiM aad ahot ia two motiena whrraM tba Praa aian naedleB reqairv rte rage 0 the Praarlaa rifle alefen to filVcca par misata bat of tba Rnglifb Saider 3rd Tbo amnnoition prepared hy Col Bexar Royal Ariina to and efleetiva it doM oot foal or hMt tbo rifle and doa aot datorionto by time or traoaport m In tha cam ia he Prao- riaa ayatoffl 1 bM alao ezhioio4 ex raordtnary powan of realttanoe of damp i Nea to Mpabto of atandlng alaibot any am mat of reagh aMga and to aojoy a parfeot immaniiy fVom mia flraa 4ib The Snider- EnflM to Mpabto of being diMhargod aot eight or tan tiaia ia a mioata m bM bea aaid bat IfWaa ita aooaraey ef fin to not ma below Ibat of the hMt amall bon rifle it to toMlea tobly Mperior to that of tlw oretpnlaed aea iroo 5ih Tbo aoearaeyof ahaoUacaftba Saider rifle over that of tba Eafleld tak- tag aa avartfee of all raagM ap 0 oeo thooMod yarda to m 30 per oeai and iha raUtin rapidly of fi of the two anatM to 5 to 1 aad ia fraadea froM holioff ia oca liability to detefiarattoa by bad WMther aad ia faaiUty af maat pl tioo the Saider rifle bM proved n- sAfkably aaperior to tba aaoeanrlo4 ThaM an tbo aaia fMtana atalod by otiUtary oritioa fbr the aaw 6oider rifle It to a happy eireaaiaUoaa ibat aaofi a aaapoa will aow be plaoad ia tba haoda of ovary aoldtor aad by Mareh of 1807 180 will be ready for aaa Of ooaraa the new rifla will aeoMaitala aa alteratioa iiha datooo axeroiM bat that will he lOqaired far aaon aaaily aad than tha drill with the Kafeld dioat fbr proMotiag tha ob aad tbo hearty eooparattoa of tba PraM la ly aoMtad 1 SahMripUeaa la tba oradll ef Tba roMvar of ba VotwatoM Modaaaat CoamUtoe aay be paid at aay of iba beaka or heir agaacBM ia Ctaa or ra aiKod to Itiffl in Toroato JOHN MoCAta Obairataa J D EDGAR Seoratary 0 OSOWSKI Traaaa rar iS A SabaoripUoa Liat to aow yiag t the Baak ia NawatarbaCKD sa Tha Faalaas Agala- li to plain that aany pooiJ baltorala Iheaetaed parpoao of tbo Fiaoagaoa to maka aaotbar raid opoo thto proviuao Tim Gvvaramab ia poev in poaoao- oi of Icfermeiioo werraot neb pMbooeioa It nay ao ovma abofil than to 00 Itorit aiihar to iho wtobadaaa or oradaliiy af tbmo caltbroatot maraudinc niUUry amaUa saaMd DtekTaTior Gpulirlr kiMwo ia ihr Vwti m Geo Taylor k audsriiaed o bo flxed ao m ba Cbtof- ball glorwealy load tbo arawa apMUt tba poaaafal I anofleudtpg flwalliM of a CaaadUfl Rat thara to ao leniogwbat thay wHl ar wW aat da Wo tae auted ia ibo a m 10 ba o gram gaihm tag at flSalo oa bo 9Iai inaiaM aad m qoia poaaiya that ihto aooUad CoiivaaOoO to ocapSiyed oirrely a oUana pt ehaaHa ika Unitad SUm aad oar owa aaiboriiiea Tbre l bui oae eecury anina aaMolta from aoob aooaodratot M lo ba thoriogbly pro tfarad iboat coo whed they oMy To that ood wo bopa aooa to aM the boto 9 our eoiiva volabiaar Ibroe araa- i wiUi bh leader aod aaade famil ir with lhair naa by thkely practlca- Tbat ia oor boat detoaco agiiiai thaM htrVirlif Stooo Iba ahova waa 10 typo Ilk Ex- crtWIr M Oaaaral bM Moiaa of Aaaaably I Maad U tai ewpyleeaeaiAiy cftiuuka Milrr Vf dooo with all ba gald lhay aoat lo Joha Milebell ia Parte the aaMaoi wm aappoeed la bo fflOOOO WhM Heed eaira Siepbaaa waal Philadelphia a mooib ago daaoaaeing the Roberta paily be wm aakad wbal bad baoome ei tbo flSOOOO ia geld MOl In Miieball t To ibk oaeeiiwo ba Hand Centra with a wara of hto baad aad a knowiag wlbk of bto era repUad Ob dea maaioo Jobs Miuibeil ba waate o ba IbrgMtea Tba Mm aoavavad to bto boarara waa thai Mitcball M oomaltted a breoeb of traat aod podtal- ad tba geld wbiob wm jataadal lo ba aMd la proiaoto Feaiiaka to Irelaad Bel tha bach banded eoaipliaMet baa broagbt back a atlagiag aM daawelbg iMtar from Uiteball Ha daelarM bat ibaaam ba raaairad frea tba Faalaa hi ba Uahad StaiM aaaoaated to ITIMfl h geld aod hat ho wboto of thto tm roaUitad lo bim wm paU arar to B Caatra fliaphaaa blmiilf aad that XMiiohoU boWa ho raooiptaeffiiopbaao iborafof aekaowladglOfl that ba gM M mooay Tha diaeorary pak Steabaaa ia ba lifhi of a raaoal aad a swloaUr ia ha eyM of bto eoaafyiaB Taa PtAca t B Gooaa ii roadara abaat tkaktog thato asMM parabaoea wttl pieaM riaibi Aal tba widMwaba bMiaiia aaa ef tbato aemaaaaby ara iba oaM 10 whaa tWy oaa ouka tha beat parehaaM aod aiWa tha beat gaodi aad tba torartobia mla by wbtob 10 dtoeover bto ctoM efMMr to to look falo tba cahaMBo ef yaar aaiw paper Ltoa beataeM mm fcsew Iba valae of afveniaing aed alaara proAt by U whPa Iba attiiqaaled foMtto who are con leal to aM tba mhm gaadi aao ibolr akalaM Car half aeeaiary aadto eea aa paw eauamera totheaowaaof tbair cxiateoea pal tbo few doUara ibey hould apead in advortieiag lo ikair peak iMaa aad a rapid raawwal af aiaeb to Iha iorartohU raoalt af adrarttoiaf BuaiaaM laaa who advarttoa ara alwayi up wiib the ilmaa They bavo ibo prat- iaat genda aod laea pattarM aad hi latkiqeaaM ef laavy rada with tbsir advaauMMaata briaf ib aa m al a towar aaargio lhaa ihoM di oe ebaaoa or aooideci la laforaa eattoM art they do baainwa or bai ihby have to aett ilieayi 4 Adt tterr I myi rTor aada to tbia or aay coaatrf ada by Maava Hear It Ilafm oprararaaf the lageraoU cbaoM CaetaiY aaaiarea alk tort iMhM to bnaM I ikTM toat to thactoaa tbaMilfcaaedM aaaetoeWa waigbiad 19 taMaed w J bed by 880 Owa tba weirM eflU itMlf k lhM Aad a baa t for Iba a M ef tbia kiaf af ehean a booM kM baea baik by tra very Mb aad M aiai the baeM ua be taraad ovw tbfva a half siaBtaa Efary grac k s to gaara aptoil aa attack ef On iiaa he whae the ebaaM to rill be pat tola a aaw dm wblah to preptfir it- galvaaisad tat aapanl From ita preaMt apper il thoMb bat i wtd aoTraqaira lta ana TboMb aaad wVft Ittopda