THE NEWMARKET ERA NOVEMBER 24 1885 Vcw AdTrtlMatit Rmnvil Thotna Th Crnnrofrul panjrMrfl Trla 9tVBrket 1 th atnoant oF work Mbompliilird ami on atiii wa nriUjr j liom ihe greater rlion h dcrolwJ 1 all w l MeinMU Ihe pplc hnU W ihinkiti I IO-I- Tk diitroti hn wounded and it ITim 1 Ike of Iho Town CAnaolidatioa raal and amend tirirulitrlv ih bull Mnt of oar Maoicipal Bj Laws ilirirn kill Ixiih hAr and ndc SDMUleJ diSU of Oorham Sirrei tbe hitch onMimo Slrvet roah wUieS I tbo aame wd bo oponrd lo the Station tho aoltleiDCat nf Mr lioonla Kiiha ihoy ki At IWA Epia 9Mpa wya tk hiria in inline firdliion Wall lo t kilird BufTilo which ii rgl 5ifajiiiarkft rfl Wa wi Hjh amp for tha Rht and afariod naming for tho Kurt lMipg i aia lit akin and dro tha htda a ih boti bunt 1 I oC ua got hurl D oeeaaioaed bj tb vawiM btaoder sf a CoooeU aiu for jeara a in rinjj upon propettj for impfoTerocnti out cooiuitaion We omjr verj pro petlj uk oaraalm v h not Uiaac a bcn aetlied tha praaent ar 1 Wko ara the liindraoat aT Andifvar I elcct tie proMnt roei what will their 8rioilS Actidnt The iDarjrfrkadt policy tho coming jer 1 brae are mat- of r O CnAPrst farmar of the a deicrvin of tho weijjhijr eonaiJcra- TdWaship of Kio will lean wilh of the clectora and aa aoon eir I the aerioua areldent to thia peotleman will pramit ona or two meet- Jbieh occorrcd 08 Friday tTeolBg lal ipghoalJ lo ejllol with tho to j He wat retaroiog homo from tho rM- frfly oanJidly and ratilly oanTfa i f IlgaroCK Tonga hao abect of Intarvat lo the foiora St and while paMing out of tbt gala proapwity aod welfare of lha riJlage- honobaefc bi horae got osa hind flot is a bola in the eroavii aod raring op fell rr baokwarda apoo Mr CtLiPlU lilirerl- ioUib t Ungihy f ioot lir rt jiiitoihcl o of Ih nWiion In InfurtiuKlj fcnw nil Ijinj il TORONTO GBNEUAL HOSPITAL Tlj eau of th inturroc the boltom of Iht diloli iod Mr Chap PI Ri7T7Tnotn I r lh- lk WS ilbiekuJjiut ore Hh Si by Impector 1 f g rbm bed oinjw ONTARIO UTEHARY SOCIETY jilwir indlece inj wel rihtirbecom prodncins wht il lermej ill aediol irgl7 in ettcere illi lhil goeinnHBl paTUnte Dr IUcTT iee The paiiii of lhee leire he inmcdiilclj MemmAtd nndcr boeolretl- I IBJ Ueti doaiendrJ II cy Ihroeiened io j IP I MleiHioeJ that Mr I leree lo ny ofijii li luih iliiee ihold j Cbeppel will et leul pellj loeortr Indlorolloclim Apprehend I Sohool Lecturif Tho I vwa Fridty H 8ilb 1S6 LATEST yROM TORiTO I Henzy Heron Bailed Oct wzictcr A88IZC8 MITNICIPAF MATTEnS The Jamaica Bebelllon- MUDDY STRKETS Th OloH NW Tofwrn Noe tJ5 iag diEtU an anitad leduiheipM of Ih Meil lo PoM Sibool Dr BtiTLirwu doliTcreJ If IWllFriJij renins i odj Ilenrr ll h Ird 1 ble Mnhle lle nj PI ihoosh 11 ItenJeoJ no Ur ihel8mrirchrgllhohCoolibl drM ere ill th rfer of Jph Kn n oVr l Jd lnl lhenh clime boin I st lo liiple jel il 1 n ik tki ii u I tapieaaiog to note a aJigbt inproTevrat Tberhil oa tbe Sod iaat atKl who waa mnsdad to Jail owiog to the diaagM eat of the Jary waa baited oot en Tuedayhiniair in the torn of 92000 nd two ttrei in tlOOO each Flavan of lb Jary were for ecquitlal ead one Tbw Win ir Aaaixa for Torooto will luf tha JuJgOf aoi other It tho 20ib of Dfit mnth j ibe Cwit wore bruta and Poel Aaiv on Tuea- Tb iar Ih 4ih of Jiooary fQlluwing Iho lll I gfti and Jul Oa tba third of tli w nvw Migut m ciine Loin nd dlci g lhl ll j j tiir mull bo peid Ihe nrgrooi h apeiof like ereditto lb Dr Ihcir poni liamed br iho berrusoee of dgnng mm en J mm r U Ih uo ofte tadolI Coiirl lloo nd mmid foneo j true llek upon Ih hii duriMt hlcl I j- 11 jell enCjr4iip looidl the iiaponal uMiij murdowl j nmh lhl lb joolh of ooT U1 IWWI M wed ntlier nutraga nn ijun niere inteJIeottul training ibomaD ktud liil ih whiiaa and ia joat eloaing wa bar aa- erery colored peraon kii ef eooti Doarljr all the lima now his sth iho Th Trwie Boerd of Torontn Oan I ut of th par a- ral Iloapiial bar kiaJIy iotitnatad to arnmant ai oDfo brought ihatr Bietop UiHlh ih1 hi propl lo lk forc lo ti lb rilr eod op lo ini iherrforo refr froa gi ehvpcflh lulUoHoa it dilinlMOTilil th riigdril hd h huoj I Tl baa already been aajrealed that tbe aycnpa leetr be repealed before tbe Toati I dni durin tbe winter witb tbe aiew to bring tbe aebeat ae ably treated oore itailnbia befbro tbe peopk of the ij No claae of lh bwe6ud by tba lloapital ihaD ibne of Biabop Linebt portoaaiMt bol yet lby cwtriboa little or aMhing towardi au- taiaiog it beae tbe Hoard wH not al low lb Otabop lo goferu it and ibe rabrllioQ iiiuly cruabed Mechanics Inatituto Noiihiaidig ibe mctciDrticy o woaihar a vr largp audrMa aaaere tba opeoinir Lt A tr f Wbite Fiah woe ars t Kekt brfor iho M OB Tay and dtatnbaled by ibe Fh lBpcetfrQ I ih daaVl aaiBiDcscd for baring caught ibrm e w Irtry lo lew at tbia aceann of iha year i tnea dinner of tb Oaiatio Lit fary Soeloty wili lake plaea next Wed naeday errning at iha Tertapin A big fed with great loqoKtotfaoeaa ia no- Iaat WeJneviay erruitj Per upward oftwoboeriha krpt up tbo interott oi tb mtir g by 6r i vlring lc comtnoo iaa of Batur with regard to th v plaaaing tuj of KIoeiririiyllloHfat iogbyaetuJ fspariuierta tUo trutJfn Bai of wUal b4 aMrt I practical remtrk n exua anj ITw are prog aai whb information to the penpl tt6 MMidiMt CBattera r beginning lo w mftka no dnubt hi oMarvttiooa witb lotion of tbe eliisen regard to thunderaiurma will anabe the prbapa T abould retbor aayb9 atien- tbowgb ful porlkm y il awembly lo lion of iffieeaeokera lerotd danger to whcb lky wnwld bar Tloe Mr Ilowland Poat Matter Gao oral wunufied for the tbird tiir ob Mooday leal in Kingetoo lo the widow flUlai Blr HDtofH UOrdK Dopartnani She ia aad to be haod enw aod Sal alt briJaaoM 1 on th oe Ittoat lb know Th Mrc of tb city i an 1 aloppy noagh podaatrti diAU o get along h waa too t tnr rowdies aoJ oly omip oi ai wrr aiada last night by tho pn4e Pcor prKiia bat beD arreatd charged with batng implientad boroiog of St titephena Cbarcb in tbia y eag Dy tbe way tbe Globe ia new print- ad OB OMcb belter peper than beretofore and wUb new typo Ii ia uii ao in- provotMOl orer airtw paper ICiinicipal Election- Tb tia for asnaal tBtinieipal ele kM drew on peoe Fir werka fro sent Vonday tbe pmant OcQoeiUon will W ealM npoB to gire an aoooaot of tbt lvardabipe lp to thia lisM v bar 0 word from tbe Tarion Tewnebipe of aod ben eannot apeak defi- My aa t wheihav eny of tbe praoaet tooMbeoti f oftee porpeae agaia pre- raUn tbeneelTca for r4ectioti or not or wbetber oppoAlloa b likely to be of- Arede Of eore tbcre are rarl mmm atoel bt aotbing ratieble In ibie fiUaga at teeat on n U bT to be teetd aa Mr Snlber- lda exialing bwaioaaa arrangeaeBta will prednda tbe pnaaibirity ofbia agiia offar- isg binMalf Aa to tba otben we are oot infcf ed of tbair inleaiioet Tbe peo bowerer abonU begin lo onomaa tbe H of tboae wb mtm repreaAit tbon lake into aooonnt tb prtnaiMi and pMg m of Ual Janoary an4 aatiefy tbeBawlre mhtAtt itW or all tb gBtkaaaa ibey aiaiJanae ia at ibat tiaae bar fhllDel the reeeonabie eipeeuttooa fc i I 4haj Bade tbe iaproreai dansdedr flare tbay xpeodd tba fMic uaeoe jadtoiaOy Ilare ibey Miatataed cfteMoUy lb Fire Brigad bymodtrinf olbHitbemqaird aeaaal a riMTt hf tba all ibat Ibe peo p Moaoaably bad a rigbt to etpeal f If tbaj tradceerriagof a teaeval of OO iimmi if aoitb alatora aboald lae pee4etly eiaet atban to 111 tbe pUaea flf lb iiMaqaWa or two wo ebnll bar tb Isal report of lb mapeetii oonaitteaa aad Ibea kltff iVk I km opiaioa m f poaed thnneali lodg ihui alTorded Ofooarae Ihe oarly boar at which w bad to go lo prea praclitdee the paibiU ily of aaying anything wiih regard to tba h oe Loetar U erening tt to aay jit waa fl of ihnoxht To oigbt Fr- madJy day wa t- be tb Uti ol find it lb eaor W eict in ee ih Hail itortny I crowded The I pne of admiaaien ith the itterling aoljeot tn be dieutaed an praetwl eiperimecU ta be nude will in doatH eeture ihii Re ooinber to Piof KakT will gir a choice aeloeiion of eeculer moaie foi about fiffeen montea before eornmeDrlrig lb tetBr eay from 745 to 8 oVock Erarybody ahoeld go lo iht aod gi tbn loaliiai a buiater Letter Aron tbe Weit We now proceed lo giro a eoaiioai n from Mr CfiaNriiae latter d riblog a Uaffio hen After aooi general obrvetioDB be ty We laid oar one day at Fort Wd worib and got a good ready for a bonr aereral nt tbe men brioaging lo tte Fui prepared to join uauiBd aliout 50 of tb beol Indian buntere they bad At break we were all inoanied o Hot bora and away we wentiravelling op bill aod down del tlit nii and ikon OMBped by a beautiful tpring in a email groe aod didnt ee GeiMrai Nest mnr n rado weal and ludi aoon ae DelFilo W moentcd aa eway w went and aboot aigtit oeloek lb aaoM Indian waa in adraiwe and bad jat got to tb tnp of a Wg mouutaio whi b ga 04 Ike aigtia lo bait- W did ao but iiBredHlly lb redtkin Ufi oa and ran aed gallop roend tbo Moon taia oot of eight AfUr tb bad gone porhapa balf an boer our Caplaln luld oa to get oar carbioea aod rvolvr rof and pmeeed over h hilU Wbon we got to ibe aomoHt Ob f wtMt a gbin ioa wght for huntor Tbere i of Uwflalo oo tbe otber aide of iba mooDiaio lb a wle dMaot You would bev laogbod to bav a tbo aaitaiai i all fi- ihef eaomad aa Biiou for tb ran aa we wore We ailed till tha Iitdiaoa flaaked tboai right and left which tbey aeeooiptialMtf wiibovt being aeou by tho gam j aod M eo doo ihao oar Captain gara be order ebarga Down tb bRI w raw pelUmall at break neck epeed and n ten miaate wa were aMM ihom fid got ibea ai arted in owo direitoa rh nast dwy waa tg get tbeai aeperat- d lo barde when we wat to work in oarweetaboolingrigbl and left AUm- leaaol wbo wa with aa abot b owo bora through tb bead wiib a ploial by Cpdaot b naoer baaiad eoeb goiwa reofiia itfcwwi 84le EeUtr r 4ili l4fe Sal f Sllaeir nu a will ufca rUe m Ln ia itm Oca f Whileliavh nj Mr eipKca I kaa brm it will be a cWinf mI II fiwMitIn craA M n MtiM Bat ta aaniMae at iO oelack oaab at noea TlMa Alktaaao far Atki haoaaW faniltnr II lMatlMrMbMtMalaal r tkw papir Cnrrffijjonilpnf Vew Tnk Camsyoodrto Jon to Varia Pin aa AtiMtfa Taamttoii Votnl Dvtn Dr Tgtft Ckfdi BurmtTi4 jei eeiiow tfcr Niw Yeac NorV ISiS fn my loiiOT lal week t told yoe ibi Mr John Miiehall waa going Inta tha pb livliing boei- here by atariing a paper ia ha Feuiin ioiaieai li tarna oolhoworai nl partially tta H baa le bi eei try fer bia euntfyagookl anl goo la Pana aa freseb aofreapondaot of tba Dailff Stm Tbia eolfaspali am ol Iho eoadiiio of bia lel itbrneotfrea ibia frooooootry ibia obir- In ef the Faoiaa raid oa Caa rfa lb TVifrawe of thia eliy gate eff tbt followingTh Breihh a a aenit mental erganiiaieo tike tbe SooaefOid eno or th trdiB of th tribe af Mata- otota who dance aroooti neatly painted iieoa ia a foonb alocy parrel aod eall ibem aelve SaebeaiB Tba Feniaea have oe laere iiaa a guing to Caaada tban af going teSweaJeo or Cbioa or Ireland lemaikni iaat week the wlle ameg wiollinr oeao M raiea tbe wiod by deealrlng tb oawary Tlie pAp ef ibta State bare deeiJed ai be leeent aleeliw not to pay fl the wai dbt ty adiiaei tax in oa year Boihli will be iaaoed payable ia ioetalnaota el m or teo yean Rev Dr Tyafe cbaroh doeirayeJ by 6re io thiaeii ward of 2011000 i tbo organ aloo th qoarter ending Oeieber SI Deiogan n raMef aewrly SUOOeear iba precoeding qaarter Tbe bard oaN Oeft Uiaat baa booo iaibia eitrainoe lb 13b Ha loarea for Wubinxion la day II ia tbe ooaiog naan of ibit eoentiy prabahly Maoieipal Elactioaa in tbia eiy lake plaoe oa tba lib of ni oih A bag tim la aniroipatoJ Moaey ie beiag fialy epm r rather g Dtiiiag lb paat aenih wa hare bad oa leaa than oi bailor eiploaiAoe by wbieb eighiMir peraon bare loatiholr lirae Tto 1101 how an aretaga ef aboqt bre lirea a day aod erer nine ai aaeb aoeUeat lapottaol doctaioa baa baao rooilored raoootly tier efiotare petbapa to Caoa- tbal malar aa oopaM in- of beoHty deeaaod le beira u intrioatb aaoM aa pay gold baa pot gained an let oaootbH oporatieaa The lateatloa aow ie I work et lb atoek oa aad abwadoo ibe Ceaadha iwarbat W tbo preeeet IIMeiaalUawaMbtaafbi I Republican pvty sir craat jy who lie uauaily we m I riir m lb eity The TrUniiu ia wilreti but II baa wMk will be plainor I bimia Theta now S tsranhonMl Ineortnpt Gorainmeoi which will i which will not maima airaeiaami which will mercy nf Ihe pMUlenra I lei of ill I atraiils twneblin diminish Ihe City iie1 piilchro Il i- ail ef ibe ooateal NEP Attrora CorreBpondence RfHeomtrenth TMumtUrert Tht Ft inne- Jiulian Stimmfr Mmnicipai Elections Death tf n Voluntttr AtJEOBi Norr 33 Fir three or Toor diya Iaat week lb Gtcbt and LtaJft were waging a rioleat fight over the very importati quaetloo uto th traib ofthfl Gldxt aertioa that Ihe editor of tho LtciUr ai al hia dllorinl table wiiK a revolver in hia hand ready I tend on a loyr from thia world to 10 other Ih Are Foniao who ahoolft put In appearaneo Now what oa earth do tho public caro whether or Bot the aditora pffprwinra printer anJ pnnterV davilaofihe 7a6 or Ieadtr rmncoet irici and eireulao llieir ppara armot vilh revolrera or nopgoni t Thie coo I peronal bantering beiocen the wo pper le rory ridicuou and not ikely In enhance the induone rf either Mr O- K Oowan will aearcy ngain are to iaaioula Ihnt the whole Roman Cthulic bixly in Canada are dWoyal Some updoubiodly aro identified with the fanaiieal Foian Movement but lb jority are jiiat a triM ahd far leaa bomboatic than O R 2 llow dl igreibl Mch intolerable bigotry ia- of the threWnod Treat rap- d on all nrena when a niauo- deratanding waa Ukely to erite between KngUnd and the aympathized in- eimally if at aliwlth the former ere tboeo who hare the groAfeat dreaj ef the Feoian ahytbecaofo tbair blind hatred o a cArtf or a mtarg far ex eeede iheir palrinuam I ek oily f tho of eoorea in thia immediate teighbourhood Who will bbU efloufh to aver bat ndiB Sammar ia mylbknll It haaln- Jeod boeo a beeoUful reality thia FaTI but a nno of the papere aaid lal week- tie bot bo eipiring oiTorl of aummor to laiotain eapremacy aod w ouat i pect a apeeJy cbarp The day of leiiB ia fal drawing er a oerrao twitching ie plainlr perceptibl in oar Cauocilowo a feel log that on thai day tbey will b ealld ton to antwer for aina aaid lo b eoai itid and chargod wiih every conceir- able o7ne under the ann Oo ihte Iter I will endeavor to keep your idera informod bot not bing behind iS Village political aerans my riewa and opinion will ont h very valaable A ctoM conepicuoa khrowd let lbre Moniclpal KtUtlcIana t A eon rvf Mr Travi of WhitchnrS wbo died on Sorday latl waa on Tuat dey- boriad wlh military htr do- id belrg a rontMr ol ibo Voluoteer IGNORAMUS Qocena Ueoeb for a erimioal infornation Bainat ibe proprietera of the Prtemant pabliahia Arvbbiahop Col- leoa pastoral the pablieatioa bag likely to prejndio Feoiaaa at tba approaeb- Daptn preettrear geo- eral dii on tbe 9lb iaat The Kmperor and the Kuipreai left Paria oa tbe 1 1th inat for Cocapeigo I Tbe Italian Parliaaient bad been prorogoed aoitl tba Idih itut Tie Kiflg bad gone to Naplea tbeebo Sheaaadoah baa boon banded iDerieaa coasal and a eaplaia and crew hat been lo lake her to New Vork ller late eaptaia WeddelL aod hare reoeived ao aaoooditiooal di- Bebellionln Jamaoia Cmihed Horrible Details Prom ioformatioo that baa aiaoe 0M lo poeeeaaion ef the OovranBt it wotild appear that a early aa 186i aK- attooa bad been fomd at St Thoass I the Rut at Ibe ioaliation aad diree on of William Grant a aeddler at Mo t Day aad that aiooBZ the priooipal jFflrpign k ColaniQl Arxival of the CItj of Loitdoo- Naw Voa Sor20 Tb tamhp eity of Loodon ih Liepor4 dau m ih 8ib inat aod Queonatnwn to tb h arrirod at antlue early thia morning ed aniil balfpaat T p It oclock Ih first io- fofinetioa b reeeieed of iha cloee of tbe war wae oo lb 30th of Aagutt from tb Driiieb war vaaaal Darraooata aad tbM b immadiataly eotiiigod bia noalo tb hold and atartod or Livtrpow Tb lalg Vfn aaya lb Aisorieeca may be iocUnad to aay it waa only bt- tiog Ibat bar ettd abotild be aa Oritiah aa bar origia bot It eannot belp aakiog bow tba Sbensodoah baaboen able to purwe her course witboat lb leaat intrrpiion from h Aoterican oavy Can a be poaibi that lh ipeeUtioo ef recover- lag eumpoBaeiion fop tha loeae reeultiog from her deprtdatiooa from England made the Amorlean government foaa ager for oor capture T If the bould eome lo that eoocluaion It woaW itrongeat prai igaint tbo adrntaaion bilitioa aa Mr Swsrd i now endeavor ino oablith agaisst Bcgland Utar aara thai if tb rl aboold be claimed by the Amerlean govmmtn tber i tK reaaoB for rafaaifig ibe r qot Rarl Kaeetl a premier aod Lord ClarandoB mintstar of forelgniSyn taatalUd into olBee It le axpMeed vt merari tjhangee will b miMl in tb eabwi liti Pehrwery Th Shipfin Osttu etaiaa tht il spring bar bM dtaoorerod hi land Th FretKh wer lo efWiirta tba aeaeoation af Rome oe Iba IMi inat Tba 8aaidk gorarnAMOl bad ordered a atriot watch ovar tha aoaat of Caba owing to tbe Jaouica iaaarroalioa Tb new Daniah fainialrr kaa boen mititated It le inolined toward a kl eooaarraiir plieT RacAMTvrra Rebardom Speooe fcOo WakeftaU Nab report Oowar aid aBchaagad wbat aetivofcot prieea br wiaiar r 10 Id to 10 7d par 100 pcmnd Indian Cora la r qrter moo Fn- iay auxJ 31b lo sl 6J pr 430 Artirtl of U CUaa H N 8 Not 21 The teaoabip Tbina fron Lirtrpool at 130 p B OQ th lltb inat tia QMeaatown oa lb 12tb arrired ber at 2 oeloak tbia liog Her datea are tkrae day Uler tban tb already raeeiTod obsat vbltaufe Tb London TVai ef tb lltb inal Mja tbat it k InpoiiR Ib tb Ataeri- can roTerniuenl to abandon the elaima fur the dcprcdauooa of Ibo Alabama bat il ia ruile poeaiblo for a gorerameot lo yield nothing and do nolbiog We mat pre pir to be told tbt tbe 1 nitad Slate will abate BOol of ha demaade and will re acrro the right ef eoforclag tbeia bat atill when tb temper of tbe pcopU ia oalmed when oommeroe baa bad tiaM to renew tha link wbieb bind the two na- tiooa toceiber ahea the BMBtoriee of tbe war fade into the pat there will be illtle lipoaiiina to dwell oa tbe anfortnoate bat ioeritable euaalitiaa Tom ayera the pagiliat U dead lie died of a lanj diaeaa Karl Raaell attended the Lord Mayora banqoet on tbe ib Is a ipeeeh be pid a tribate to the memory of Ird Paioar- ton Adrertiag to the late reooaatruQ tion of the eabiaet b said he bad reeeir ed the fallal aupport from bia eollagaa witb the remark on ita Mlioy that be trastoJ the ooantry would allow time to oonsider the eosrea they ooghl to paraae and he ahonid abide by the priocipla of Tbe Dailg Xttes aaya the reception of Earl Uaaaell at th banqaet wi a practi oal reply to th dftraotion which had lat ly parsaed tlto ctnerrKaaal Lord Ru alls laotctuge coold ooly be uaed by mi wbo feel the imporlaot moaaarea expecud of them aud are williag to eaooarage tbo hope The tar aaya the effco of rpeoeh waa rather an enMuragemei of reform It ia retorted thai Mr Milarr GiboB had been offered tbe poet of tbe firt Lord of tbe Admirality and tbat the Duke of Somerset wotild be Secretary of ilof Ibe 27th at Dablin Tho Foflinn hrTpIied to the C lberi eid diteovered aod i Pberioa 0 V la ai tortenal ietlravwen ice dead Ibe hilled Dr Gerard wa tbaa dbcorered i forth Mr Ballr dingiag to hn latter w however eat town Caplaii bcbared with aaili serKlf weeadad al ioaofbloe threw HttehiDt wbo bad I and faiaf with nrai rod Dr esfatebed la tbat Mr IIrebers toeg aa cat oot aid tbe finger of tbe lUroaa band out off tba aaarde m ebiernng ifcat iby wold wnte IM more lc to the Qeeen Tb Clerk of tbe Peace cooeeaWJ bimaelf beaealh he pillars of Dr Gerards dis peaaary sod ao aved bioncif Tb eoo larked with craeliies history of litdiaior tlaet VU nob a hwapplie ily paralleled New Zealand i ed from liquor Oot it was well aeeftaied that ibey partook of a nuitore of aad aapowder tbe day prerioet to ibeir botebery ak ijictDBirr or tbb mibaciii Steward wbo slra a fatal blow at Ibe lata lameoted Mr Hitehies wvot after wards to Bath where tht gratleataaa lady reided and accMled ber Iba yooMra Ilttcbioa f Go Day to Maaebioaeel Rsy e wa so itrewa with dead bodie der the road impasble Spaaish rauL At tbe eily anixes ob Sataiday befre r Justice Hagarly llcary lUroo w tbe charge ofbaviag laerder ih Kaae ao ostler at llwrakll oa tbe 2ad of Notember last Mr tM C Caweroo C dafeoded tbe prliotfer aad ibeCrowa Altoraey aad Mr Kenaelb MeKeex e Q 0 appeared Tba eae oeeaiiid tbe eoert almeat the whole day a coiderable aeraber ol wit- aesae bcng exaained aad a leegiby and eioqueat adJres being mads by tb prioa- era eouftal aod aaotber by Ibe Aiterocy Mr Cameroe oMmiaiaed that the prisoner bad serey acted deleoce at Ibe tiae wbeo tbe deceased it aid to hare receired bia death blo Tbe learned Jadjo then charged tbe jary rradiog for tb tb esidrac and owag its beariag Ibe qaetti itt Tbe wbok Ibisg taraed oa tb credence to be gi io 1 liri f Ih or ton r G Th poor f ho n b Li rA I Xd dbht5rJ b a lie be t plied shakiag ber with mor rtoleac than GTa aialement as tree Ik don oa yoar Si for their coa4ealt woald be I i f iiJl- lboomt4 Xjhlr r raaoatahed tbe rtpofaaoc be fUsttMi aaratahed tb rtpogaaoc b fU at tie HT sight of tb beartleos morderer ibe woold bar suffered death for fjoit altogetber Tbe jery rlrriJ after briag locked soipa awr ho s 1 no soma toar hojrfi wera called lale rs 11 111 1 akioikiut oiioiaordd fJlJ b J0 pd Ik poor ld tPtdp- r Ld STr 0 Oiht of tbi doio I S iJl I i- riirj857 for lll d ekJd l rlbr ro bT j Il ibl indbu wfft aaallblc U Judge aidBtt would hare lo order be lockeo ap for the night aad altbou aeUy was S agreed oa amrdt He wo toul looknr Iheee e IM Irfi prielor aod nfieiatJog mioiater afa oertain cbapal at Stooey Gat wher the ngs were held aod which plaoe ws altimately fortified u a garriaoa Ut tb ransenta who eoorregaled tber 4 From erery one wbo beoimo a member this aecret eoeiety an oath waa extorted to a proaia of aueraey aod a eoabina n with them aaier pia of iinsadiile death It ie fenerally beliered aaya Capain of the Kingaton troop that tfliisiaided people bar boeo awrannia their awn eiasa all roaad the eoooiry for Mveral aootha peal aod aecretly Uttng tb life of enry one apoo whom tbey had tboa iihtat aospioioo of bog ioootntaat Men ware aent T to attend tbeir aeetio at tbe chapel Stony Got aad were then aad there re- rairad to take tbe oath that had been piepared for them or told that tbey woold be killed if tbey did ort do ao OLTtlBKAC OiV On Satarday tboTtb ofotobcr 186V a Coart of Petty Seeeioai wi b af Moraal Bay- While tb boalnea of tb coart waa prooeeded with agraal IMM aroee la the ooart boose wbieb ia acreaaed lo eaeb a pitch aa lo eonpel e taaporary aaspeniitM of tbe prooeriage Tba joaioee ordered tbe party oukiag tbe distarbeaee to be bright before tbea npoa wbieb one Cbarlaa Geogbegaa a bad rioter left tb Oaitbow toHewedl tb polieoa wbo eapiated him on the atepa 1 waa iaaadialaly reeeoed by one Paol Bgle ad leefwai eibar peiaoaa who bad krge bladgeoaa In their faaad aod taken iato Ibe Market atiaare wbara eoae OD baodrad and paeaoM joined tboo alao witb atioka lli polioe wer arenly bealaa and bad fbttra to Ibe Coart ixoom witboat AboThapaal five olok tb it Howa waa ftred Tb 3otn tbea pat oat a flag of tnido by tbe adrioe of tbe Cbrk of tba Pease Tba rielra asked what it aeaBi and wera aawered peaoe Tbey aaid tbey did not waot paaa tbey wanted war A eood flag oftrooe wa pat oat witb BO better effcoi th rbl eryiog ot war war I 0 th roof of tb Ooart Hew hlltag ia ibroagb tbe flre tbat bad bean at loth pre tbe Coatea aad otbar geatlenea bsrat cpea tbe aad raa dawa tbe atepa tbe rebele aUaekiag tbea ia arary diraetion Half doubtful Steward lookedace lad form before kt rd as if ready lo tey fbei rrer h fntarealowefed with aa of urage bate at Ih sight of widow oMlbera heart wn ready tVbotbiirjberjdijp with ber ebd addieg with a sigoScaat look after Ibeca as ihdf left If I coald ooly belare yoa dtd nol for e I wocM kin foo both A rerj after fbi ecciureaca Stawtri lad CKetred tbtrailors dooa oa Iba pUetrP Oa Tacsday tba 17lh of October 1 body of armed policeawa ewerted by lbs Kiagitoa retualeers troop proeeadd tc the wharf pramie occopi by Mr Co William Gordoa The preaiaei were qaickly aerroaaded aad fmed opei A cry was raaed that tbe neaaaer wa B eight and eager eyes were taraed t watds ItM ftae wbera the was appoad le be bat oaly tn be averted apia N Cieppoiatmeat Mr Artkar Cook aad Wilton wbo attempted to escap tbroogb a wiadow were botb kQied aX tba rear took rtfege in ibe boea al the Port wbei it waa awertaiaed Ibat wrera of tbi rxilaaleers bad faliea Tbe lata Cealw ibeaaa ed if aay oae woeld go tpaak lo Ibe mob Noaa reatare n4 white Ibey wore coaeultJag tbe roof was dief to be oa flre At Ibe aaggmlien oftb Rer Mr llerKbel pray was beiag ollersd wbeo sbota caae ia through tba wiadow wbieb caught bis Hoaoor tha Ceetoa a rhitd of Mr Jaafecter Atberp and tbe Ho Mr Georges Mr Herah ibea baadaged be woaad of Mr Georgea with hn ekrical aecktie lb beratag roof fell ad tba wanted were eoaMlled to r Mr MoCoraack wu chopped 00 0 of lb pu at lb Coart babob kbtttlumrr abd sn lOII BUTCaBBBP n Cxloe waa araad with a awn be took ap Gaeb edearev4 are blfaalf iBeb eHd New bare the Barow kill bia aad lead aheata aa thai the drd bad baaa Dr Gerard wat than aUd to ti Mr GordM wai oot fouad there The Clerk of tbe Peace aecotapanied by I Vfff form a oAeer weat oa to liardea where also another ia- Tecieal aeareh waa unde A gaard bit eftal Cherry Gardea tbe Clerk ef Ibe rece proceeded le Eleadquartei s foe ity where Mr Gordoa was brought Ih 31st of October be was tried ievctd aed oa Ibe S3rd iaat Be was ba Oa tha filal aaraieg the isooer rose early aad aked for a biVB Water lo baibe bis face aad haad bwh waa givea 0 Mm by order of Ibe roroet Marshal While bstbiag bia- tf be raid Should my We be apered I sliat aeeer again neddle witb piiics A eap of tea was tbea givea bia which le drvek Il was evHleat ap lo that iaie il tbe wretched aaa bad ao ija of hi thiy aarsar eeawg 0 oear a close Oo hi srmi and Ojs beiag bid lo b paioaed be headed his spectacles to a aailor ef the Wthtrn Th Prevoai Marshal tbea attared tlw worth See teaeed to b headed tbe order was girea PaB away aad the tratr was lauacbed tale eteraity Tbes perhbrd George Williea Gordoa metaber ef tbe AsMablyaad cimagttrate a rietm of tbe ditioa doctriae be had bimseir 0 freely diseaBBld He stragglod fely fifteen aiaate Tbia aotrioes rebel was brooght ieto rforant Bar abiot olevao oVIock oa tb aesday followiag Georg Williaa execBlioa la apjearance Be raa a aaa betweea forty fire aad fifty reara oU black witb tbk bery rrd dtUi Upa blorred eyea aed very aaeh pitted with smallpox Ha oolea coea- laace aad digged anaaer bespoke him awe capeble ef coaMutiiag all tb reeitwa wtlh whb be was cbarpd KetSI BN31I PaaTa brother wae placed aloeg n fer trial aad portrayed the ame ealleB aad digged eprearaace He was Mveraly w by a browa aatned BotbwtH who captared bicR aad also eeired a arera woaad oa tha ofht ara Tbe Ceptaia Geaeral of the rebel broea la alse iried aed cendeaoed oa Ih me day He was a aaa we snaposi borderiag oa sixty year of ap abort ibwao4raaikabie bi appearaoee froai tbe fray beard whch be worn Oa Ibe aae day Ibea three rebelstiM prtaeiple riagleadaia ia tbe aeaaaere Were execat fir oeleek pa oa lb raae of the old Coart Hoaee Pbal haaging 1 i Meae oa tba left n Baa oa tbe ri OH baaging oa Iha ceaire areb of tke buraed baildieg B tbea foerteen ethor baagiag Neither ef iba ibraa attared wotd atf deoMBtioa bat aet their dooa wi iadiSsreaee paiafiil lo behold Tbe Goreraaeat had ofiarrad aa aawesty to Ibe rebel wbo rotoni to loyal iHegi aace to the crowa prOTidod tbey had aot be cowceraed ia aay naiaal aardar er Advieea from Ueraat Bay to the 20th of October report tbe exeoalioa of aeo- teea nefr bb nad owe woaaa for aiding tb rebtlHo dereral aor were exeeatrd at Port Aelaaio aD of wboa oofsaed Iheir gailt aad nckatreledgad tbe jeiee of their Laiar ndrieM frM Port Monat to tbe H Alio Ofrrxaio j CeAL We bare seen a wries of aaps jwt by the aaaaagera of IhM iaporlaat k Of They sbew wry aceraley the pography cf Ibe district ihroogh which w propoiM oaeal ia lo raa Ih lockeg tll aill b oeoneary the boriag la th ridgeaofKiag towaship Sic lie Tbr wbe leagth of th proposed aaaal readers kaaw is aboet 100 alios f tbi 70 aiie will be clear eaili aod 30 will cover Ihe locka Tbe ridge 0 eotnaHBcea al adihee of 22 ouiea from this city aed eitrads for The graalat depth ef Ih ridp is 197 fat ware aad at sit poiafaad the depths reatbed in order lo up ibe are lralom were 40 feet 6J t O 197 170 aod M The fradatioas ekew ihe traaniioa ffoa thia eed of lb rHlf to th ibr The iade- igabo Pre deal Mr Capraol is pustu ig forward the and i aa mighi tpected prrJangiiBe By the li baoquet TU Feaiaa Had g QeOce a eirknelaiw iwbflfc parts earryiag wkk Htk aoeeycolk etedfiroa tbtdifalBMilto a rery appropriale ead t bl awiadle ta thai ciiy ty The Feaiaa bnahdBatelfafc Maaaion Uoioo Square New ImLm Iheir beadqaaners Head CaoMOjC hoay is erideatly eajoyMg what e aa boura eall a high tiaa VI reenbaeks ofbis ioaocetf T1e loag l ad ilkdol eraeaalioa of Rf by 4 French irojps is at Iaat In he mtk to eceordaaee wa prtua mons SepUmber Coarealipii aatioa was 0 hare riawiaad eMlBlll This is aa lepertaet stapia Itsliaa draoM aad il ao sdbailiiiim psodict tbat lhs eraCMlioa begioi iog of tho eod of the poral aoreretply f7fo6 i iv St GoorpN C cy4 leealed at the eorar rf Ralherford f lac ia Ibis eiltiSfl destroyed by fir oa Ihe lAbZ1 edilce was on of tbe fieeol lBia Il was boilt a 1U8 for ib lea Bt Tyag cold aeeoaaiodala so poraoos sad was poaast ofa valued a 10000 sera al won oa tba rof Th d lo aaoooti to abaC York Tribune oa tbaUaiilj aa ia a frieily diicasaioa of trade r Prouiiaently aag the lopi be Ibe Rociprocity Trrs the enlarge aseot wf our eiiling Cfoals aod tho con- of lb Horoo aod Oetane thrp Caeul 80 be it Soeh a meetiog willbe al B reatilatiag Uterestag eoaa ihfeeta iBy refere I III be seen that eaa wa deoided apost Wa 8II E or aot makiag the retam of a courieti t th proper tia Froa tbe endeoci ppeared that eompaiet was lrd Lgaiast Treadway or ailing liqaor on Sooday wbieb waa sMaiaed aad a 6a impoed of hj Williaa Silh aad Will iaa Pbillipa Ke The fiao waa paid id O- f to Ih iaforuar aad tho otba balf tbe Towisllp Tresrer B- itely for Sitl h 1 ifAfta aak tbe r- Clerfe of Peace e the law di rects aad rreadway hroaghl aa aetioa U reco er Ihe penalty It was pi tboogh tbe aade ia S ibrr 196 the rrtern waa ei mi oatil February 1865 aed tbe ja gi for the full aaaouat of penalty wbi ne coate aad eorqofutly wl in all preb- ability coat tbe aafortaaale aagilrte eaewbere ia tbo aeighbeurbood of JCO or X60 We bare drao partical teatioa lo tba oail bocaaso it is ret pertaat that arary aagisiraia should itia order to aroid tko peaalty Tboae wb kaow Mr tfiMs would aet thiak of easwg kia l deiag a wroag iaiealioaally hat wbile Ibis ta tbe eaa careleaaea er netlect did aet axtaw aad was tbsreleri aMed 0 fiae aod 001 Jn uUigtuaT A New HsmotiATfON The ofieial aaaoeaeeaeot of tb War Departmeal Ibal peraoaa wbo bare beea liable draft dwisg the war aad bare left lb coeatry rather fbaa serve ia tha raakaof the nationel nrayaay relara witbeat aay Utr Ibat tbe paiaa aaid peoaltiea ef daai tioa will he impeeed will oadea ada aad Earopa Tbooaada I Caa sabstiletes betook tbeaseires to Ihe other heisptera or aaaakad 0 to Caaad Tbey will aiw relara ia free eearl agiat all habditj to aoewer the eberge of dearttoo We fear that Jaoada will he alaoat depopokted by ibia ndda emigralioa for lb begira lo that eouatry was aooMlhiag iaaaaa tbe perit- ee daya wha Ih draft oflaal were taraiag lhevcelft wheel which coasige- ed aea to the roll of boaor Ualipax S 8 Now 20 The to efFreaeh St Pwrre Miqooloo wasi strofcd by fire on the 8b Oae huedrrd ad tweaty hooaMwera baraed Loai 000000 francs OTbe Federal abelU straek eight handred heweM ia Peterabarg U bBi bee aertitBd by aelani aooal er aod moiKer wbtl ibe Jllnhollolf O la Leeds E wLhiX brehee aere fraihwl grtalj lb cholera exeitecaeai The Proiineial demoa tbe letisr ef M o eslhogoe Ihe Orsogaaen t IR Lord Pslowitaa ha Bewbaw th Rr Itaarr elargymaa ofth Eic IR Dr Tubtr haa recJw in New York wher haTSS ig herbs aad prodeeiug lo8eJ 1 A rich ireomntara asa k laal has eloped with bn tafhaiVM jC2000 ia oaak The pareat grieved I sy- Tbe iocome of lha paet U who resides et Caabridgs ia tkaS of Boston is slated atl4J0hZ7 year 1864- IR Another robbery b led 1 Orili Il Ik rreil of Ik Ibief AlexsaJer McGregor Jeff Oavis ba ordered smb r orarcoel Froa ikia itieaiLI The of door e Btfora charge ibrMM Belgium for a telegraa of laaafy aS oaly oae fraoe aad ra ifeat 1 to be redaoed at tbe eka ef Ik 1 Aa officer riaited fnr lie purpose of akaka the aaZ arrageneais lor a eompmfTtS probably Caosdisa Rifisa wk m h stationed there iaoadaliy ty The mecliap of tba Cikte a Id 10 SI Uwrrac Hall Th council ehaaber al Ottawa it ia prebaWa 1 fa 2 be heU here prepared a aiM arraLThanlklnsla ciMM Csr HMdecJMBib d it is that tlwy havBaaai TC tbey liboJ a wlL rinl ill tmm pota abevad mmd A ign seaaa twt let the rywhe piioe Jbo P Henry k Co 1 sol St MoatrasfaE Tbll Yet Feieil tmptane mun tMt be adWBWb aekoootadp yoor prinaiple eorlil If yea oipevt lief from Ih OMofOTwi smio Eutir M yr fii ihy may aln ha tl n WkWcef Do yo Whiskara a Mewk OurOraahM C wW aa lo grew e the eweei oalaM haaa la yka U MP paksfafetb eaathf aaieit aapiv osatod oa reipt eT pvw toronto mabeict j it Toaoatov Nevea Flour- 1724 a 77 Fall a BIM Spring WbealtlR a llIS Bailey 40ea70e P a Wo Dale S80 a S5 Ryaoabe Hey i itlind a tliiSO Bauer- 230 a to pet thk Ecgs 9O0 a M pordsB PataloeiSS c NEWMAMrr MAtaCT- NoaarkaMfli Floor 00 on 1700 Fall Wheal lUVa lldfi Spring Wheat BsrleyMea Pea eoo s a 01 KM Batter 2Scte pa lb Egge 16 eta padoaea Potato 25 Pak tt00 M flM per UflaMoa Oaorglaa rite of Ira Paaua If sr Tuscan lo 1-