THE NEWMARKET ERA SEPTEMBER 29 1865 TMWm MttMwvrJr Albn MMMIVMMI Wm JicMaa Jr wiAC IP h B W Tftnl Kp tBllUcrMi XoMsMtrJr Tin rw UB rylw H D SiMM M MMMUr ih Fall Owdiii Jr CrMtaryMoi Jr Trftia Tint VwmiLckt AclMaffcWtiwviatarHtal nd dj W iniM iMh ia OS Tkwday Mt t jfy f iwiifiri at RtlM4 LWKI f jBpajmflrkftilcTQ VWOTjFt JATJST ruQM TOBOSTO ROYAL CAN IJANK Vestding FftU fthav Odd Fell Bazaar VICTORIA COLLEGE lOBONTO OBAIN TIUDB Totoitro Sept 98 1895 A roiBMniealion hM baatt ReiTd Toront fVow KinsiMoa Citj UtiDg Uitt Hranch f lit Rejal CsoadUa BMk u aboat batng opeocJ her Ik b ai tkipalaJ worlli of SMk HI b awhwribnH fur U bat City wHh ilw Wca niding of Yrk Pall 8bow op b ba CrjUl Palace te4ar ud will ba Mtieoad to aooo Jbite k racy good a aa Agiwekeral 8bobna Toroel piBfiaf bifalj to tbo ioiami ti ba Palaea Da- paftMst bj lb diy of Tbo ArU llMtftotVi ad laMral Wm Tha Baal of U i7tb w fmmi A Bisaar le eeeeeetiee wib IkoOrdor t1 Odd FcKovt WW iha eUaf attnetioe in tba l kt Td riae aatam tot ba widova aod orpbaaa fond vu dtod bo Ibo ebje is tiow froa tba Bambart ic atteodasoe Mdoabi a eoaaidmbk aam waa raaiad Tba diMl dpariMa of Viotoria Collar opcaa ba aaaaoa oa Uh IttoavoadartboiaalitatHB aJfHiiaa aeboel men 8 tftthmm bUuad Mooad miAeatcijctrda7at hml ia iWa ciij ii aa a o4 tbai tipmrda of la dari ba paal i atbao toToi d by ba difloroat Railvaj roatai Pri wa taagt froa 74c o 79a aad ia oaa or wo inaiaaaaa 80c bt baa paid b fooad a raadj aaU at Ii8o a tod Oali aad 33 eu ITew Market for Canadian PrdiiM Ia jiow of tba poHlbU taraiaattoe Bocipcaail Traaty vitb oar Aaaci aa ooiHiaa va mj for wo aaareflj orcdHtba prebabiUlj oifMob a grBtifyiair CO laamoftkoia- mmm tde Cauda Ntw BciiJit aad otbar homt Pioriaem Tba HMrial fpcrUofv Sfoatml aaaaaaoa that vilbia tba foar or I aki Urfo pavbaaaa bava tUM iaada of floar aad otbar frodaeta iiilob ear Wortara Caaada fii bara ffafaaa W for tba Brkta f Nov aadetb BriUlb Pkoriaoaa Cib Tba aoaatlM aUta of tbo Aa- tnoaa MTkat ainif to tXMaiTa apo eaUtioB aad otbar oaaaaat baa bad tba Qiicf- iadaeiog ooamaraial i raltBg iagraia aad yod to itfttHea to tba atalar Pioviaoaa aa aa tilMBd tba rafaU baa far waan glftd to iMra bu baaa asModinglj grati fyiap aad frvaiaaa uaab for tba fniata At iaali tb adnotagaa of bb trada aearceljr b raalitadftir atary boabd firbaat abippad dkact froa Caaada ba Mariiiaa PraviaraaaaTaa diiaa to tba aMer o prodaott tba prAl Aaariaaa ooaaiaa to 4baaa aartii aad to Ae aad abedd a laaafsotaty tiada apruf p tLU proflt faibrto poakatod b Brotbar Joaatbaa vill ba aqulty dirldad bten tha iaottnprodBoar aid tba ialata aacBits la bla eoaaaMioa iN Tf plaaaod tr Mtioa tbat Mr Brydgo of ibt Qraaa Trank bA rtrotd to oarry liaaa Moatr jobta Nov JMviek lit ParOa MaiM lAj Mto par btfalblft Ubaral poli ot togifa M iiiVMa to ba trad iatMl tnAa H tte awpiaa ipate id piiilaaa af traltod Slalaa Ui foadj tnikk k ba Miritina PMriooaa at prieaiaj aa ia Iba Stataa ibarapadaftba BaaiproJ BOt ftetaaaar ao aiaob aa tba ainpl Iflee if afeottbaAa iiiij 000 bat regard tba ia of bia trade at ba p tiaa V ajiBMaiiMaoftbaBriiiAAMri- SM riiitiilB AMtbtK ibal 1 b ba panaaaa af la aaaj froM tbaMatarCaleoiaa iiabfitlf otoaT- ataiaaiaaa b acriaaltatal riaa dwaitiiiii p aatffjtfca at pnaaetod b tbm riaaat Proriaoirf JAibitiaa Tby JO back witk aaUrgrf ria af Oaaada aW alao ialcaaMd wiib iho adraatagaa to tbaai at loMI of Ooafder aiioa Indibotb ia pabbe aod priTtta tbey easdidlj asafaaad tbeir virit had difHIod ptadiaaa aad Jaalooiiao pra aioaalj entvrUiaad aad ao doabt wbta tbej pp bnk tbo lafiveaoa tba Ul art will tn aAaxtnsf la briagiag about tba graat aebaaaa of Prariaaial aotobia tloa wbiak baa aa largj aariiaaul pvbiie atiDtiea ia Ibb Proriaoa aad b toabar ialo political aaioi vboaa prtioa pbio Ufa tad aati id oppoard to aaab otbar 8a fhr w Caaada ia aanaaraad anetbar awafata vlU tU Iba tala whatbar tba oaabiMioa vaa aa b anitod fcr aa booaat pofpoaa or raa a dorp laid aobaaa of eaauiig Ibr the Bra aaka of pUaa aad potr if jba fbnaer bo partiaa tbaralo U ba atakadif tba UUar tba iapra- oatioia ot tbo aoaarrj wtD ba apaa Ibaai The Atlantic Cable It b Bov oftciallj aoDOoaeod that aaotbar attaaipt to la tba AtUatio Ca bta will be ntda Bat year aad graal oooUaee ia eiprcaacd a to tha altinat aaeraa of tbe eitarpriae Both tba Ca- Ua Coapaaj aad tlio Cable Coaatraotioa Compaajr art ao aangaiD oa bb peiB bat tba manafaotur af a naw oaUe baa ilrrady been eommeDoad SaSeieot naterUl will be aiada to ooaipUto tba old aod aiao aaoagb Car aa eatin oabte ao that tbo Ooapaaj will bare two perftot oaMea aext aamnar ooaaectioo with tbb aaDoaooaeMot it b abo aUtad tba Capt Ajiduuoji of tha Orrat aaera baa reoa aa fraa tba Cabla Cooatraeltoa Cocopaay to eooflusd tbe Ortat Eattern for flra yeara ijiog Cablaa and tbat tbe oStr baa beea aooaptad Tbe aoabakea oonAdaeea of tba Tab- graph CoDpaoy la eoooactioa with thia rct eolarpriae chilUegaa aolraraal ad- liratioo aod wiD ezcito be ajiapatby of tba arid Xt aa bopa tbat tba aait ai- my ba eread wib a Vew Meal of oar acrabaat bo parebaaa I foreiga narketa aad keep p their atoek of geoda to be prmiliag ityUa aad fubkna bare raaair tbatr mw aop- pltM at leaat tboae bara wbo adrertiae ibefjcllo oar ODloBBa today A Urge Daabor of ooaatry foik wiii ba rintiag fottbeoaiag Fall 8bov aad tbey will ao doabt aaka a oartaio amoant of parehaaea at be atorea Nov all aaeb v adriaa a caiefal paraaal of ir adTertiaiaff aolaaaa baibra aoniag Dapead apoa i tboaa vbo advtrtiae kig ly ara aot aft of their goodi beiag broagbt iato eompetiltoo vitb tbair aigbort A dollar aared b a doUar ind a doUar oaa ba avad ia aak- iag paiabaaa by radiag al tba rigbt pboa Joat aa eaay m turai arm tba baad- Tbb b a fat exparieaee baa loag aiaea taobt aa aod va aov give it to tba poblie vitb a riev to tba good Agaia vaay raad ara tbaad- Tertiatmeata brfbrw Twitiag tba plaoc ceeiaily read tboae of Mr MoMaatera Mechaniea Inatitnte A regaiar aaaiig of Iba Ceaaitlae or Maaagan of tba Navaarket Hediaaiaa laadtBte viQ be beM ta tbe Library Rooa of tbe Ball oa D ereaiag oaxt oommeeeieg at balfpaat eigbt ebiak It b to be bopad tbm viU ba I geaaral tttaadiaaai Oa tba lai af Oetefcar the Aaaoeiatioa vill aator vpaa aaotber Fioaodd year be a Ibr Satarday eraniBg b titerafur aaDad to aaka be aaoaaary wraageaaata for tbe aoaiag vtatar aaaaoa aad abato eOQaad- fvpecto ftaa apaaial aoaaittoaa 17- A T Party vUi ba beU ia A greveadlirtaf Mbal Ohewl M Caa ot praaiaM Tiakala tS TWaAI n of eooajderabte loaal iatmat bara receatly bee iritd aad decided at the there Coarts of bete Coaatiea gita tba OtcU report of aaeb Bf Iba iadieieaaat ia tbw oaae ihe pcbeoer hvcad viih elaaUaf a qoaaiity of viiMi liMD Jotui Forfjlb of tba lowBthip Wbiiebateh Al iba oomaaaoeaeat ef ibetriel h vaa adailled o ail hand ihai ibe eaa m aei ea d taroaay iher idifpeteaaia vbo vibo watai propany vbaibor i beloofod e tba Urd riinytb a a the iMani Dooglaa be liead oa Um p la Tbe Ceaaljr Auarnay auied bae aati b Cewi 601 oooe diraotad a recdiat Ml gaitiy ta b wootded Tb ae ia a eaw iataraatiif to Uol bad leadiafa4 aboaa thai aaariy all cM of appeal aiiber ByLavi or dacMioa of Magiatratea are tried aad dided oa tecbawailfee iaalead of Iba aenlaef lb rrapectire caaea by r Pt wbaraby be erdafad defaadaw le pay tee aad aan la Wliaf I 4y ai aad 9aday ia Aanl la far lb appi t MtbeeerbUaa vae I Aral ebieetiaa wall ukaa ii vm BQaeeaaeary to go fanber Ptratriam appeal allovad aad oaiTie liM qaatbad aad vUbcaai Fa appeal Mr Diertw i for laepeodaai Mr J Ma Neb- Eait fiwlUiataJT Oo iba I pega af ta daya paar va pria ib Pris Lm af tb Baai OviOiabary TevMiMp Sbv aad by raaai af the atretory v aU apadal attaatiaeia eaafia of aeabaee Bd ie eopiiag hat lar tba prtotor vis 1 aad M prise for Cotaa aad Fy ia bob b Drwigbt aid GeMral Parpo riiii TbaSacrxary abarqaaiaaB pocoaa latoadiag to eaapaia hr pra aiaaa to aaka bair aauin dw day piil h tf poaa Ifaeb vatoablt ibaa aad coe if tlMnty avWd oe tb of tbibiiioa aad b Jadga ara Dbld to alr opoo ibr rpeiv daii arliar ia th day 6 a rule of Ibe Society ail pariia traidiej vitbta aertaia liniie aoei awke iheir eatriaa tbe dey prrtoaa Tba labor cf Iba Starataj on tb oecaMooa i be aaaa aad u b not aakiog loo onieb for Ibe meabera to do bal ibey aan ovarA leaeaaiBg it UoFUWa ClfodtO Fridar iag laa At Uoydtov tbe peopb i saaelia vitb tbe W M Cbarcb of Llojrdtevai act at tbe Parvooaga aad prtMatad aa addrea e tba Bat C4MMKU aad Lady weeapaaiad by a ehipaity baai ralaaaof tbe H 8 Tb Cbrboftbtpb baa b tb paalorat charge of Bar M CiMFBiLt Cor the paat two yeara aad vbit b baa labored vitb plaaawa aad profit aaaaf tba peapl be bM bte bigbtyrrlfaeted aad aafeeaadaaa aaa aadaahnatba Tba gaibariag aa Friday ereeiag talk bia aorpria aad M be apaaUaeeee tribal abb aMl4 to pfii vQrtb eMio ariiw fiatleoM pr viH be ioag llUlBf York iboogh bar farawri have larribly frofa tbe toMge yat ao l4at aifit af o effor I a re baiagato lilrodua ibb mluable atapla Hav- var wpriaai b aid to teb i- dm probably by aeit caotory va Aar pooderl oe tb dyB to be gained tarn air iUQtloB to ite grawib of vbt ba ba alarty daaw- atreiad to ba a Marly oraiB and prefi libi drop liditnrMy a rv v ago vbta apMliiog of B aplriaf vlTlage to be SSoth oT oe jou til objeetiooabie tera bamlet which beiog ittterprel d iaeBa oeUection gf la tbK deeoroua towane a apot ao pratat- liaiaa aaltd by aator b iu ooat- maabl prey a id gtarl adaptability for ib ra Couoty Tavaf Al li eeb ara iha riewa aipre by oae aesaaeted tberevitb daw of North Yak Qoteber laad llib at Nonh Gvfliiffibury and Gotiia Ooo br Sf4 at ielta fiaal Yak aa4 Maikbaa Oaleba lb ad al Markbaa riltef Neilb Oatio Oaibt Snl u Uibrtdf Seab Saee OeMbr 12ib at Bradibrd Editarifil Saamaryv No BMotiag ff peeeil a Mooday raaiac bat fa vaak afaqiecaa We eUeve ibera vae bat km to d bv- W nfret to bara of tba aeddea daUee fllf AlU af AaaffVlba m bUnad aa laH wilk Maaaa ar indebted to J P W brcenaia nuHaaMrtarjr dM ikiltj tbb attea abe ty Mr 00 Dure r Eaat Gviltia bory baa or tbonka for brae ef Paiiri i ais aad hi ic ooadliioti W abal reoMraber bia hlBdoaaa XeBt Albot CorTBdB- A SkotB at JVcwvionbrf Aofoat With Ibe aieapiiea of a vmI bar Bad a raaafbabl it Via tey enioed aod apereiaied at the time it veold be wrone raewuaiiillabet veaib- II veold ibArefwe b bet- a It necMMty aod clieet lolly aabaii to tliat vhwhitw isf laial ef ivo veaka age 4 riiiag DTluMmeota 1 eeivad here j eeiil ibat and t g a eaie for rtalf aa pewbt bet it will vaee ibea pablio boildioa aeeiad veokl make tl aa tbe CooMy aeat of Verfr Purvoani to aabe the Coaoetl aaaeeee- ad watai waaka age to the iniaaaaa af ia lb Prabyariaa Cbapai iMar oor vii lag 9Q TaaeeUy vBwg lb od tbuagh et praeaat nyaif I blive h proved to be atr ibel iia oriioator loiiei- patad Tbe attendaBee va very large aad ibe preoeadi I bav dm b tb aioi vHI ao doabt aMriaUy taaaea the ebea iaddidaa Gri prpraiee I blbr ar being Bade for tbe forthoeaiog FaU Sbov ef tba North Yak AfiicaitBraT Soeietf ti will doabt be ibe a tatt bov lb kind ar held ia Newatikel w al leaal tbat ia ibeoMnkm entenalovd If praaani stieaa ar carried eat iba pan ol tbe nahip will tw wll ipreaid i aoat part ef iba depairaaata aod I aa oooll- i M Imh rrnaiTi ita fair thare of Tbe faraera bare aboold look vll 10 it aad baro ail arraagaaeoi ade i lioM for it b laere partbaiarlj i ibeir do- panaaai ftvo rotaaed atoek tbat v expaet tbb Tevitabip laaeiDe oil rb Alceaqqin aya I hb iaat tcttUjf lettar Iroa Wbiiebareh Seath iku lar a- ti baa CBiaeed lie maik aad Tajr to Saaiui taaaa Netoa ef a trip SMk Ulaaa BiTd bat a aaab ara pa aar aaleaaa fa a vaak Tb rtwb viU keap herr aad v vill pebtwh it ia da aor W ara glad to bara tbat the Bev Mr WiU Walayea b a far neerarad bb raa ar aad pvaatratuig iiiaaa a to b abto 1 reaaae bb aiab Tbroagb laadvataoee Itab tod ef tba pebliibad Saba ef ibe ferthaoaiBg xbibitioQ of tb North Tab Agiioaltant f teada to ayaify lb ioiaaiioo of ibe Ba wbia paaeid fa Stk t b a tb frad iba dy Tba b laai iba tiaek viM aa ba aqitd till b aaeaU iay Wdday M1 baar Tba pbaaat aaba if Be apediy eeidedL Tb f tb abal aaaaM b pa tf wtiba payiag a tbaa 8a paaoa a paraaaa vilfliy ad ibvfally aaared tb Sobl Boa f Uatoa Saatba Na 9 1 Seal GviUiabary ad 6n eaia lia bva Friday Bifbt ad Mooday awraiag laa aad aAa ddinog ib paai daapad Tb Traat bar wry paply oOwed glO Reward for tba pabo aDdaeavie M of il oBteder Qaia a lag aoeoeat of ao olde to Mr N A ftna vaa raooired in dee iiaa ba ga aialaid daiag ear baofMo ea tba Paa Ciaaraioa it b w M ta poMieb ll WataayglT lb aaio beta bevTrT ft a Mr Rua vkb ea a tva lbr vat to bb iag ia tb pood Wa of Aaaa aoaMtiiM boal Ibe W bat aad vbib ia tba vaai luaialrg aak baowth th rba bat tb tiai aid bb aa raecoad bla Caa a vaary gra ra tlli lif vaa aly ilioet Cprreaondenea- AnoA SpC 57 Apnfti f PrariaeU 8bov ht i patMd b York Sbov tbi w I tJ ri iriib V Daeibt Work ba aaoM to tb ettr lioa of bad I Uov caa Ftaiber Bovara farther the progra ef fbraiag f Oe caa aad a prin to tba bai Bd H bah eoeoeicrf aod 9t pro- carig g aaab ea ib day af tbt Etbibiiio J bt vby fad Ibat aigbt b laid ool 10 a betiag ad waf advaatagc fr Ibd good of grieltr ibld m rrilerd aviy oaJiaarBab aadebearAtba ud atBirr ii ft deM ef hba toatk Nortb Torfc va ar lo tba prita Uat laat vaak at Uada Why Ultla aatatrin 1 Afris lo lb colli- vaba of las V bara is tbb 01100 aad ao profra vMfc atoalla mi Ar iaa iaaot Oeaail baea baaa aaht- vabf it for a eeupl of yoariL Maa ef aaph ber la aber pli beat ftnod withDftibgWiailbbatla tbN Nortb ignoramus PlM Ocduird Oonacpondenoe- Pus OeBau8ap 71863 Aaother Provioetal fiahibitira b pee daod gratifying ioiuM b to very Cao- adiaa to bear of tb aucce vbicb haa MtDdd Ib oa bld lat k Tbo bo viaitad Ijoodoe troa thia neighboui bood of wbicb tber were quite a Don ir vra prfclly digbtod viih vhai b7 nv aeb oo hlQg abl to ill of om nev aod voiMferful ImprovorDi igrteoliorai ipIMai or of aoa touading iavaoUoo elealatd ID aooM to ligbteo tbe labnur of he farm Tbeee ezbibiiiooa caoooi but do great dal in iaproving tba africuUural au y by bringiug lb prodi la eoapotitioti with each I to ahowiBg faroxr vhat io- Many bar raiurnad from ibe Fair de- ermioed on giving aame of tbe improted igricuieral racliioery 00 exhibition a trial and ibia ooupM wtlb ibe daire twh auob gatbenop alwaya iaculcat iwoag farmera of nvallieg iu aock and iriu produoe hai tbe anv eahibited btit be prodticiive of good raulta W alwold fl gratefol thai the London iibew hu beQ aecveeafal froai iU being honored by eo maay diilingaiahed gueat ii being a mailer of Ctoibrable ia- portaooe to Caoadabal tbey ahould carry way with ibea a favotirabU opioioQ of r eoonlry Why la it thai York vaa not hater repreeented at tb Prariaebl Ex- hIbiUoo 1 Aud euro enough vby t of praiy uoeaaalMt Coosty aod Tovoahip Sbowa aad aurely there of enurpria aooMwbere of cottwry eo favourably eituaied for lirat cIam agrwultural pro diieta would nut ba left ei complaelr b tbe ebade Will aot aora of the Nwrtb York Farmere be oo tiand anottwr Sep tember T ny laat later the Aagel of Death baa agab riaiied our oetgltboritood nd tbw lipe e great aud good mau ha falien Not great In bt the world Mtiaataa aa greatneaa but great by be ing Ib poa of tboae aterlin ehrb tiao viniae whieb eooeiiluta real worth Oo Fridey laN tb rsaaiB WatbO LcKor vera eooignd 10 thir iat ratiag plc b the Frbud Uuryiag iboagb bb pinoa o raf pafvc mUL tbl ha hi aaik tbai d if ba will tak th treobb to carefally ra rirw Ibe pevi be raeil eeksovMt Aai it it met ti Jtnt Urns f 4 oh dair 10 ooati ibia eeoitoverey vkb bia ebeet aabiiag bat aa bng ae be paraaee bb prea et eaa b aaat expect bm la ee is aU dafeaee aad aay veapoa be faaata eooegb fal coftgragalioa tbaa arryiage a abell be MoratoedM tba 1 LONQIMANUS Tbe above tena vae aaavoidabiy cmrtbd 1 lal vk E M0W TOTk CanraapoaAaao A 8tnt Jaron Inttitu FoM KtlArnm aaJ JiaKa A mikpad OncU Firm TVioJ ef Captain AjJarmuiTTu BnU Frof Skcm Ac New Ymc Sept 23 65 Ta Oaaaak aroa tbe Uae d i6 iBeiany yea vbo ar loadeel b yotr loyalty to eaady OM Job BaU etaad baefcf tbr ar brhan bad Ked abet 0 See ef Stato b ia traeted Our Mlaiator ia Looda to toil to Lord JebB Banoll tbat Ow Ooveraawat baa aot tb 1 idea ef b iBg bald raapaoaibU fbr be Bebd Debt aM tbat it viH taia oa it eUin to tbe rafovoftoa t ib eoltev vbib Eagiiab OMrcbaata bat raeaived iearity for tiw advaaea to tb Bebel CeafBdaraey wiiboat regard to eay eonditioms wkiek tk4 Cr ofChmemm mr aajr 4r ifw meifO ComH Ormt Britain aay have th ffmmmptin to diOaU or in p er attjf otir litifCUion He abo aye tbe Aaerioaa OoirMaeat Mvar dal1tH tbal tb oabiaatioo of Bakttlr ia tbb eeaetry va a dt 9tio g or b aay other aaaaa a po- fttiai pvr What do yea tbiak of tbi Jair Jhn Bail ii Canada- TrtM Mr- 8 Adabbtiallpa did eUewofeeabaawof priaeaeea aod vaa gbl to do 0 tbraby admiltidg aliat ba deaie i bai tb v vr ipoorii tr wry diraa flUveaetaa tbu fM aaa b takea iato a yB Bi tb vafftd of A4rba7 Dtat yoi UaaaiUiayor ahiif yoa do eafwiiat I laaitsto Fair ta tbb dtyakbeagb tba vatba mummiMij bot drav lai aaa aovd CoaptitMa wa ao grt tbat tb aaaaagtt war ebSfad to ra aay artab for vaat of cp Tb diaphy of aaaaftotarad artioU va ataaUy ta i aaay av lai iba sad manbaninal eootrivaio for b baaaiag f aaebanial bboar Ketebaa tbe forger aad Jeakiaa oW vUb akbaaaUaal vr maigik- d oa tb 16tb iaUBt befim the Co of Qeoeral B both p oot gotlty Tber ara tw igAecaaita ainr KtobaBi aitd tvtf at Je Two larp boodad varboeM oa Eaat Mai Cbcrry 8trc ta tbb atr barad to tb groaad oa tb 19tb aad iby vitb tb Qoeteta vHi brotv a lea of over thra allitoM of dolbr Oa tb 2ltb tb Aarin Bie Milb war abo barad A Captain Aadareoa ef aa Aai Bigtort b aov babg tried fa Wfiededael tovarda tbaaBgraoa reeBt trip A ooeeiderwe aoeewa of tb food fterabbed b id to tuv bea pvtrid TberaaaefeaMcf tbcpatf- oegen aot 11 i thai haauwlva aod vioIeBoe restnUaed by tbe preanoe of a Urge force ofpetb Tbe Nev York Trii ay tb Esglbh Kaanion Party aov oa a vbit tbb eotntry repreeeot abtoai iaaxn tad ia eadaaaooriDg to nb agtbi one ef tba Tb Ball Frog Shov vm breogbl to doa on tb 13lh iaataai Baram i aegetiatiagfor tba purehato of tbenixe replibe end u many other a b ob for hi moaetta B far tb moat iotat- atiag part of the Kxhibitioa va tbe pri- twarded for tbe bm1 affile fro de- Biaed crld All eiad to rali that bb exemplary Ufe oould U1 ba apar- ed but hb frieiida noat aaurediy her coDaolalion that vbal b ilieir Ir reparable loa b hb eternal gain for be lived the life cfe Chrbtbn end aa eaeli died at peec vitb kia Creator The iog linM on the evait hav bn d to M by a friod Wba Aaurava hud bd plaalad tba alfoeu flany ll e evMiiMa e Mtara hia apktt peaaa4 awoyj Aa etoii7j II MbMBM which giid th thrahtd ta tbt AfWUee Nnka war partd ia the fHfl iM Virtaaa mm an atofing br Ua thair lava Far aaaa kaaw Ma ba ta lev Wa aaa 4d hreatUee aartitW ahadowa peered faMM af light Aad vafalkat ha iirceg whara tha aiMia hav trod bjaper tfw etiy or iod bape tL Ub wera livbg aay prow u bricWafaB Ita awbVva CMaad tbvtr abbhg la to aareavioM dMaa Wrttlm M Mr Aoffiut BambUng Aoo 8 Hop voalt hv plaet tfaa th Ia word vbicb grtd ta froaajoliy group of oompeniotM vbo aocoapaai oe le tbe Nevcnaika 81a the eveolng ef ib abov dat aa It oa baH tb ear beat on apffndbg lb nest fv wk b viating loa perta of Yeahadoa Bfor tev- lOg however tbyexected e proeaiae that V ihuuM giv lha a bbiorytrf Mir trip 00 raorttiag od it v fli thi proai tbat tb lolb cord VM kepi h biAg a datigbifBl eraiiag oyd tb rid to Ib eily vry awcb pDdlng tb ua ia aoeial confab vitb frioiHb id aeqtiainianca on bord tb eara a privib vbich v expctd to ota veeka to ooow among eMira raor Arrival b Toto bairpt ab t Ml oaavbl M to find tbal va ooold aot gat or inooy ehaegd ia tioa for tb awraierboet for Lvnte We decided to tbk gating ii uo tbe Aoaencan aida bat bd gra doubt to tb propriety of weh ooar Mitg la ooaaoa vfthaai otbr CDdiaaa lini afraid of Yonk gMMreefty tovard ibo abo r vbat tbey torn a fls Toaoirro Aug 4 Wm rrighlaoed balf ool of oar v tbb aornbg to liod 00 getting up that w bpt tiirariy Uom tor tb bot to Imv Md a baaty axit from tba bo- tol aad robd poa baat for tb vbrf Arrival io tiaa to tbo Owforte ataaiag oat of lb barbori aod bgaa to bMiaa V sbould br to vit ana tioa vb V lainad tbat tb Caodia ar dig IVoRto had ooi yat bf W eeordtogly card a pap aad wr 000 on oar vay ecroa lb lk A wp paBd oiM ef lb brbnr vi ot aod drv alMgaid lb elajDai GracMiat badad vitb fraigbt aad peaaaa gr from Uutrai A aotoll pert of her led vaa traefrrd to oar boot dar ing vbicb lioM V bad 0 opportoaity of riviBg lb rraca Sb b fiild ap io apleAdid tfyl m mytUsg Mpi th com- We luM bat oaice the oaairaat ctwn the Aowrioan aod Cna4iaa lm of tin nd tb aupcrlrity of ih former cartajjily apok wall for tba ociterpria of Um eobtwoiad with it Tb trip froo Torooto aero lb lak adoHghtfal one during pieaaat veeib- lbre biagquitoaoriaty ofaceaery Tbe rwv ef tbe city aftor leaving the vbarf aoa dbtaoa ta plcturaaa ia tb ilrodiraHad il b vith hllia dala bta of tiinbr ud tpbndid villaa 11 of vbich r viwd to good advaa- age fro th bk a the couetry for jocn mil doenda gradually towarda lb bacb Many of th public buildinga of lb city lieJ aflendUi aBbnibd a ihay vr by tb rya of tbe moroing while the Uoireraity tower aiM of ihe cburcb ateeplea could be dberd for aorrte lim after all b of th city va hid frowi vbvi Tb pa- afira oo board lb Cty TomUo wrbvord with aom lauaic by the bliod old viotinbl vith vhom all vbo have made iripa wuat be famtliar Our firat ttoppage plaoe va al Ni gara oo Iha right of iba oirarte into Niara rivar Thb b rather dilpi- dated tookiBg plac thr bang oothiog thr in tbe towo or ita aurrouinga iha looked vay bviiiog From ita p praBe v should jMg thl it vm rabr down hill thae incra aiog in I aiza It ffiuai hovaver ataya be look ed upon with cooaiderable interea by Ceoadiaai from ita iopertan b ib rly bitory of or ooaalry biog apot around vhi ceoirM many vfld id thrilling atory of thi chapter 11 renpecbog ibe collactitg of Mhooi ralea Afl act lo aceere to vivea aod chiUre th bradk f auerai Ibeir buebeadf aad aai A act le amead tbe act btilabd aa Kt rtapeMlag Coeaty Coarta Aa acl to aoeod eba 75 of Ibe e Mlidated etolete for Uppf Canada bti M aa act rcapacttag aaatr aad aer vait A act to prorld aiort fklly lor tbe pa iaboeat ttooci agiiMt tb penoo b ra- apeet to tbe crtae of kidaappieg Ao at to make further proviaioea far th aaeageaeal of bvilJiog aocioiiva in Up per Canada A act to aneod lb acl paawd ia Ib S7b and 3dU fra of Ha Majottya rin reciag tb grbaiia of cbrter of lecorporatioa to laaiiafaotog aimeg aod olber eoa Aa act to faciiilal tb partioa of IIB roB aed Boce end to appoial Walkertoa Um eoaaty lova of th cewty of Brace Ae aet lo acaead tb iMolvaal act of l86i Ab aet for qabUag titba b Upper Caaada real etat irea of Tefatere la ib ladiaa ad Aarica rare Youngttovn la directly oppoail 0 th Amaricaa aid It haa a foi otoroaodiog lb otraDC lo ih riva lid haa aome Aoe acenery to the aoetl lakioc it qiiie a raeort for picnic pai lik Tb rid up lb rir frvotbi point ia delighlfol otM tb oanlbof th river on either de being high aid 11 clothed will ireea preMOting i lutiful eppearaue Our nst aluppiDg placa wa Queen I plac which Ilka Niegtra b r marhabie only m bing of coiiaiderebie importanc in th arlia iiiatoryofour country Tb hgbu bck of th vil- tiild by alt irvUr paaiag through Ibia pert tth coootry Tvm her thai Sir laiac BaocK tiitra of 1813 fell and evary pauiotieCenadiao vitb ialeTMt tbb old betlbgroaad end apaod a fv boor io vuiiiog th mooaneot rctd to tb owotory of thia brav gDral who bar aenficad hb lif b th iatroala of Caa- A aplatdid viv of th country an M bd from th top of th rrMMBbocu owiag to tho grat of the eite upon which il h erected end the kdgbt of tbe aroctur iislf CroMiog th rtvr from QuaMoa arrived M LaviMoa otiaent lok- Dd lik Ib ohr kv eern toor praroua daya ll fornwrly had direct rallvay domtnanka- tioo viih Lockport bat tbb old road bM ioog ioc beo bodood aod th only road now ronning froa br b the Braoch of thv Nv York Central leeding by vay ef Ntagere Flb The cofiBlry around th village ia undu lating and bMutifuUy aituned for a farm- i country ba tbe aoil b laking in fertiiiiy b roany plecM very poor Ih liinaaioor9Ck 00 which it Ii y Qr tbrrae Th rail- m QuMttftoo to Brdg runa aoeg t river laoch of tbe way rigbl oB ibe adM of the bnk Juat M yoo iv tb Tilbg thr tauilc an aeeent th red ranalng over th aiooo I which roquira coeaidrbI of an oflorf in lb iroo brM vbea tbe train b hfiy loadd Mit vm wbn v aiad ih trip Thb roaJ ba bo t vry 1- poaiv on 1 build oving to th ear fceofibe country being ery uo- ad wberaaay xcatioo wr iry Uy bd 10 b aad through th aotid rock In eeme pltcM the tank bM bn cut dovD fifty or mora fea ibrtMi tbe roek wbbh prnta pndieelar wdl 00 oar ai whil aha vitbia few fa of tba track i thr i an alaoet perpaodwobr ddB to tb va- Th lever of wild and pkturoqu fcatory ea joy lb rid vry raoch by oKiniog at oD Um nvr id ef tb eara ihra biog 0 rarid 00 tbi yoa ea alt tb ia aoy aooetlibg new graad aad bMuiiftfl From tb lop of th tain 00 tb Aairieo aid tb ti hu a fin vbv of tb QeMaatoa Height od nwouaaeat tbe clttaa of evrgraa hich eovr A bighw iaoking bair io lb dbiaoc bo tby do oo a cba 1 poctioo M tb ground arouod th mi bM MM rcivad tb ea od anlficiatly tht plao roaBd wbbb m IMBy pleeeaal remln f lb pMt vorld a 10- d mud By propbrty bylag oo ib ground irimninf up ih um recing uamer boo itd ih euhivatMS of lovr it might b ad dligblful plsca a iDM from art lo ror vryibiog compUto Wby eboald na UpprCn- ediaovbav ba pbc oc immr r- crMiion and rt at boo inatad of palrooixing lb Aotaican vMriqpfV CM Of going to Lowr Cennd 1 Wi hav Many deiigblul poi wber naur hM bean mch aora bviab ia beetowio her gifi ibao 1 tb far facoed Amr raaiM Saratoga and vhy abaild oot laprov eaa of tba T fTv aa ooKTiatTSDl b rlre lo tb qaalicatie orJib of tb Pe for aboliahag tb pabbiaat ef dib b certai caaea A act to red chapter e tb aoa- aolidalcd SUtl of Caead rclig lb Btfaa of Ariceltre ead Agrill- rl Socbtica A aet lo anead ibe act rrapectieg Bbort oraa of Mortgagee in Upper CaMda Aa set graaitag dditioaal bcilitba b coaoMrebl traaaactioea B t to provide agait tb istrod and apreadiag of ditorder aBectiag cer aoiuida tel to faeiliUU lb preculioai vo lUe act ropecliflg Tavere keepera abd tbe aala of iatoxieatiug liqaorv pdnto Iba baok of Nor- tkanbarieod Ml to aad Ib acta raaptcliag the g tf cbsrcbee peraoosg hi ckerebjrard An aet to aoead aaj extead tlw Mta ra- btieg 10 lb Coborg d Petorboro ray coopaay Ql ia a arat i Uwi hooaa i Ottawa beard i aaaroafy t ibb tb aric b fraa aa I la tbea bar prally bib lgere- rwpMtiiig da X act toflteod be It of eiciM A acl to regubt tb coeta lioM ta Upper CaMd act for the farther laprorawt of graaaar ahoola b Upper Ci A ct t aad tb Mt iearporatJBg lb Toroto ad Grgi Bay Caal peay An act to aaeod 63 of tb ootMolidatod aUlBtaof Caaada rpeer iag jobt atoek Mofaeturiog aad oibr oonpaaiea- An act to astead at ead tb aeU rpeliog poblie vork to aod vitb la- apeet to vorka ooBOCetad vitb tbe io feooe of the Provlaee An a0t to extend tb ael to iapoM da- m oa proffiiaaory note aad bilb of ex An et to daelar valid ertia aab of Uppa Canada et to impOM a tax 00 dogs to provide for tbe better proleetii abeep b Uppa Canada of Pea from al Viability therefor Ao aei repeeliog regbtraia nflatry ba ad tbe regiatntba of loatraaaata relatiag to laod la Upea Caoad Ab act lo ameed eupter 19 ef tbe taoKdatad etatata fov Upper Caaada repaiag Diviaoo Ooarto Th Hon- 8peka of tb Lqblativ Aaambly tien addraaed Hb Exodbaey tb 0vrttor Qoal u bUev Jfay it iY8M Fowr BxtUttqi I bat tb boaor to prat forr Exeneaey aoMptaaM a bill eatitbd in act for graating to 11a Majeaty jb expBM ef lb avU govraMt tbr flaaneial yaw aading tbe SOtb Jobe IHS od Im otbr poroaaa eeaatod k Colnji ArriTlaftb6fcar HiUrii Tb atcanabip Caba Uapi a vhieb lefi Livsrpool t 830 oa ef th I6ih aad Qaeeaetova ea tkalli ioataat arirad here thb aharieai foor odock 8be hu bat two for HalifaxaBd oa hoadred aad for Boston OUUT BtUTAIir As ettraordlaary garal aiMbaV tbe AtUtrtb Tcbgh bl OaSZ WM held ta tbe Cly of Zoado2 14th loatant Tbe dfreetoit pnm ratha laagtby report aboviagAap recalt of tbe Iato e aad expecutiona fbr tbe fbtar wee diCii ibrnfroffl expreaaiag a datenri prea forward wilb tbe giaat ar bo aaooaodM to tba tbat tby bad lr tord bia ak eoatraet for le nparaHaaa iS Ibb eoatraet tbe Tebgnph O CoDoany aadertake for i aaa fl hoBored thoeaadpeeda Harliag w tbe aere eoel prwe to taaaShlM and lay dava a bv bb ax mil if neoeal bat not otbn have in abaraa and eab prelUi per ceat on tbu eoet Tb aedertokea vitboat any fotlba 43 whaterer to go to eaa vitb a aaAda of eahb to oomplto lb piival eabb aod aae ibe beet eodavoatMa end Carryiag oat tbUeeatcMtrajriia ibt tb Ailaatb Taiagr Comi ahoald raia Ib aialaaa er t baSj aod fifty ibnaaead poaoda aterlliia OMxioina of five bondrd iLBUiad eterling in oab upon vhiob a a prferntial dividad of Iveiv pariM b propoed vitb a ebar In tbr tb dividend to vbieh tby an 4aliU to have bMB pud ob old abami 1W rport vm aaaaioiotialy adopledfiiniM of rabiox tb npUal UigM raaat year Tbe eholm bai ioereasat ia4VM lalle that th Maya atiagof paiaaaa t of rief Tb vky rlara f4b Baiktf with tbe pabUe ta btll tbe Koyal igaM la 4 favbg ifa M Alter atM HiBieUmr 13arlianicdacq LEGUiATiyfi COUNCIL- Quaiac Sept 18 Tbb dy at tbr oclock Hi Exeatka- cy tb GovraorGeaeral pfo i Uto to the chaaber of tbo Lcfiabtive Cocii b riUat Bvildwga Tb aeaber of Oa Lentiativ Ceaacil baag praat Hw Bxaaftaaey Vaa to coaMaaad tb attdac of tb Legiabtive AaMably Tb folloviog bilb vere tba aaaited to b Ur Mtya mom by bb Etcelio ey vbjvb iboM fietig Upper Caad laaitaad a by da eat Aa aet to extead tbe tioM for tbe coa pbtien of tbe BroAriib add Ottawa rail way Md for ether perpoa Aa act to previd for tb prMrratb f aiadbg habr Aa act t prvMt tb prdiB of Caa d ibiatba b Uppr CMda A BCt le aa tb ut S7th Victoria clM tb foarth Saaiea of tb ctgbtb Provbci Parliaaaat vtU tbe folbviog apeeeb j HMaomUa Omtfrnm tf tU Ugi- latim OeaoaaJO lb Ltgi- fam AiaMy I aa happy to b abb to rrbaa froa bnba itdaBc oa year deliea ia Pariiaaaali Tbe acl vbisb yea bava pad far tbe cedifeatie aad caaaeNte lioa of Ibe eivb bv af Leva Caaada caaaot fall to b attaaded wiib bMfiebi ihaM vb ara to br aadw of tbat bv n ket vfabb yea tev pMd fr aMitba of ib ibho of dMtb b Mrtab cmm aad fa lb iaprovaaeat of tb rgitratiea ayaUa aad ib graaac abooi bw Upper Caada vilFabo I doabt set ibdto to lb prevpntr tad goW aaat of the popb of tbb proriaci GtnXlaiUH cf Ae A- Wy- 1 tbaak yo fr lb provbioa y hr aad fcr tb pablb arvb ef tbe proriace aed I aaaor v it vill b tb arat wit of ayara and ay adraara to ad- bietor it with caoay IToiwrMt 0Htkmm td 1 CogTatbto yoaoa tb baBdaat havrt with wbicb it bM p faeal Pnwukm tp blafarcoatry aad I traat that a yaa rata to jer ba y viO bm yar blaealModpb tb ppb y- reprtaaat ae m I tbaa to vic tbtr gratitd I Alaigbiy by a eaaiial bbrf ibar aoei obfiptieaa a vkbb wa tbaa 00 lb pcrforaanac of political dtm tbageaeral ll iaff tb eoaaitof depahda TES UXOTAI TO OTIAWA NeOc ia tba O0ciai Chutu of 8la- br bbraa lb pWb tbt tb Cfow Uah OC v b cled a Hdady fa be traawetio ef boaiaa aad r opraed at Oitava aa tbe Ktb of Oeleba AH coaaMbtiM ar bafwrto b dmaed lo Ottawa Tb Poet 0ce De- prtaMt viN cbM oa tb lalof tb aoatb aadDoalawavrs hav bea aotiAad that tbr of tb aad at Ottawa el Ifitb aoetb Tbtbadprtaaotvillfaow u ao M tb packbg op aad ota- caary amagaoaita vill paroat Tber diColt H to Iba ttlHTiI t booki of tk rwiiMwitfy LbrtTf ll uiUil uu rf Ik PKt biUgi nd tb lb oiJirtMil otaproml4 Franc abov 1 KillioM fire boadred t Fron tbe Cp of Oood HeLSb laalb dal notgtvai bavbaaiaAiC veea tb Frw Jtataaai tb B vm prQnrtd vNk fjmif tb Boon vbo aaalatab tha agjniM Qnaaatowa BapMiN Tbe Iriab poKe oootiaa to aiMl an Tb aataba of FBbM larg aarttag otbar a prm aaid tiba Captob b IM Aaaarieen arar bM Saeday tb pnaoeara Baerm bjS taoaolad polio vr takM to be pda eoart to undergo cxaafaatba TbaM aoli bad aot traojpired TboaabA bcutily eherd lb prieoaara bat aia aitoapt St w Qrt4Vla- preralb ia OnUia aad amali aa baag mi2 b ot p of Inbadi Urrpaot Safi 11 Brdtafl aabt ad mrndf tim J qaiet aod noouaal Wbat AaWtiad Biady 18 Attaforepriac Oaaritt aod at aab of tzd 1 0a IA ProvbiiaqBbtaaady Bafbiii Pork qabt aod atill Baooo M fim Lard atrk br aadlMi li bigbw Ptrobwftna at Vttlftr Tb cotawral P1 afifc Aldria aad Ebbaa baraeaiaPi a70 to prct avad to F A Toroto aacWal bee thBiaawith 110000 a iPv 000 of abr p aeay A boot aad abM joal atl betafag eaaaaa b abaM to ha 4Girh Tb prMt drogb fi Vry Mv An Nav Ba dfrirlU BIe peper aav pik OaUrt billir tbB it bM be fa BMwy yM vfv abb aMarab HM dBfrMI WH at M litob MM tan W bb l b mr I 79 M MM ItM w imn ibM mmmt rf lb 8ob CvoSw parab bator Mtrif tb aettM warM tb pMagr tbaTb peodaM w b tka by tba aeadartlU apttbg b joat bai prMtod vitbtH yearsja lb piitry it i Mfitt with mm a MitbjMN ovrbeard 1 JC Dvb b cofM iapaird betltb tra a tb irwniarrad froa kbcaieaai b Fat Mip t CrrU IXal i4 atraetor vhr ba c aaab aor eafertble hb faabWag bia with pbaty fiv of tba atda aerM BoaiT Eicano W iaiA H ttgnpb yUrdy bt tb Btt O Barley h tibM bd bcoka jail t Pet95r SaeJay aneraoea ad 11 i jTH oftreTfbr bb eapiare2 kL rt- We baa fra Oil Spriary aw well bw ofnUw rllrlb iplMilb iiiat ilia al aa Obt WiiaTo ibrt Ik lk1 lb Cm- 5J pud u lb bk tt au A Rf SUU S 75 p kbuk Ml inlbllr5 ifM IU Mtmt of lii 81