AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER OIVB ME THE LIBERTY f6 ItNOW TO UTTKB AND TO ABGUB FREELY ACCOBDINO TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY VOL XIV NO 18 NEWMARKET C W FRIDAY JUNE 16 1865 TERMS tl50 IN ADVANCE JSptinUi Dipetocf lobn T 8tokti jf T BUhop A Son BU0CL4tKft8 8tM4 Htj 157 A BoaUb ClwuryC R Moof At OSr 4a tk CaM7 OMMi iliAQwaaBtMli Of ttJ Pl Dr Pya Uform IkmtlMhu Mw prfRiaa 8l rMr7 M wkcikWai tMarkt ifkjr U Ui International UAUnUNCE SOCfEH OF LONDON rs ioha T StokM iVtlisioycR uhiM L iWCrfQ ew tClC Boetor h SollitiOi niyVlAVlieilni CbufMTT lymcE Toofs f Stra t 1864 HerrB fietefcerofl ctrditti OMpftUli MrkctrblM Dr Besttey trvfii Wm MMUy r jirrfss John J Landy U U Mkl Stria ClMsnry CtaavX Main Strtt NewmariM Mtr 7 tfl Jdia ifoHab rc At hrnttim 4 IM Mk Dr FOBTEK torgeon ILLbaatilM 41raarf a kallMtk hlM aa iWMtli arnk momik IM B w IW l fatch mmmik ia urttaalM aarkaaraAafl momt ltro mtmod Ulkai14 tka baat aad la rm BmtitfaetUm r m Ckargt Mad NA PttM wtih Part 6 1 ravibraaa HUl VMI Iralclua wark Ma4 ap w Sogers KD lamEHplul KidlalCdlicaVT CUec VC IXlllCIAN SIiaUEON ko liM ffTtlKT KJUaUT IW I Sponeor fr Bpneor ittlbTEBS AND ATTOENTSTS I lBChMa7 Oaaraji iia f Um OitaiM Cawt OMm mrtatOW TTaJita 1 WaTifcat fc VteUcia BCcchtcf I AlWrlTanaMp of Dr MeOaUomt pHTStCUKSariraaBaad Aaehavr Atatlal ij iTVoM 9 PHT9IClANarfaea 8karnO W FabSJCO Md AeaovtHHv t BAaaUTIRas AUmaratUwSaUai teria Ckaaearr Kaurr Pab4iaAcAa N B Maaaj ta laaa la aaaM ta lalikar wan oaeaTaHiOfcfbaraapliai PaatOAaaToraaC W Lit it Jy gARBCa HaMaretf Ruan Karraa aaiaatka aWMtaat aaUM katNavUtO tfM D Itaria Cfcaa itaaary II I riacM laaai rnniJAiy t t FMtMa BR ia ka Qaai Aaal Ooaipaar OSaa iMt WillUm iliTitt ton leril Ateits Mnrirdiig Oacaawrt IBtt xikOHiao AtkiBMB LICENSED AUCTIONEER For tiM UaHa4 OaaaUaa af Tark aad PaaL Ckaigva ModarMa AU Ordert PrtmpUif AtUndtd to Cr fantaa anifr aa Aoatiaaaar eaa aa rara Um mrtle f A wmbtaf hj I K Er Aca THOMAS ATKINSON AITtk IMl arkM Bas 1K BLbl BtpotitsfT Bl BtK9 citdTaaUmaaUaa a W kad alBi Kaia4atMatMlM iM ik JLoQnt Hiilsat Bicftliet 2 aokBOD ISSm LICE7I8BS ttAW tTatrr iitMKBBT ARKATTOBIIBNTR lua kaaa tmmU Ikat afftkmii mj LIcmm a U M haa ataat Vy apftylat RraOXavmrkal 1 Oatakar m IMt- f HALLEN AND WILLSON Ctm ENGINEEB8 ABCHlTBCtS ARB ProvtieUl Ufti 8trTrort iaa7 im Mm ftneena THOMAS DICE ItM Feiudrr AMKS ALLA5 Ibia fa parad ta aa 8l Sallaira rBarar kaillM jlheCiM d Mkr mcla aaaaUrayita A KOBTH AKZBICAH HOTEL MAIM mtrr CHA6 BRSLSFRD PBorRiBTot mHia HaiatkttUtaljaadafiM Wrkt br iW Ittvmtrlnt Er Evelyn Mordent OR m HQRESS OF jrOOOUND HAU I ATAt OFCANAblAN LIKE liii hOCOitariia tVa RaUraad Hotal BiwackaC VilJk ApHI T IBM 90 lU CLERK Faank OhrWaa Oaan CtmmU tiwaac la B R NavmarkaC Arri 7 IBM tM noT KAltaOAB H0 ftcwMAurr C w BY JAMES WOODCOCK fMJfH Good AarMaadataa fcrUcVanai Oa ttuMaf aad u anaWiaa OaMar tA Ornmibm la mmdr9m Ua Cmn 9rMrlral0W IIMS tfM Bricks and lime TH R aakaaribar kaaaa aa kaad fcr aaK M faaaaaabia lama akaai 800000 BBIOXS Wkkaaw Radeedelaiiieaaijafeae laatZJifalkia7afdJlWaarkal ISAAC STICKWOOD XawMTWl Mv t IdU iM Jaaea MeCtnrt nVllUUaMad Caaauaaaf Yatkaad Paal r CharCM adanla AU ardata prawptlf IAS McCLURE RaHaad Lndlac April f ion tM DaTison i9 Boiuo 1 iiAIffST XKWMARKET ri HE iaharriWt mpaathdy J pWkaaaayk Aaaaa Maia Ouaat aa aa UaUl kk AKOlloDTnOti OF OUBST J6 traJklkal by attaaOa u Ika CMafen a wka Ray fiTar ki wik I ptroaacataHt aad racajTa aMafwaipab swelled IVeclui Cre4l itMI aw liK I vfll try to b ioimm maranired tba girl M Mor paad o Mtttrol tlw eastad by nealltng Utoaa aetMa tbit bad oe tha bppiaat porti iUSk 700 darH 1M MM praeingW ta bit brual aad I trul 3m will to lire thai jon witt at laat joia that other wbM piiit bu gnM o the wbo gave it and ii a to of 111 For fkir mlnttlM notbing aacra u aaid bl at la Mr Hordnt rcgaisad h tdf eostnl aad maiaad hia nam- Ura jd IMT ba has at tkts Ara Prira flM Cbauia irkaTakaawoaaaaalaaww- w ba ahaai aarad tka aaa aaa Wl PnpaadlTirPHVaSM ira SOBT ADLIHGTOV n 0 C T E B IN MEDICINE of th ValTafalQrafEdiabarfk Hakraftka ITBMaaaadOAea aandaar t ak Ckarek fenaar- IM IMS DENTIST BTI W e ADAkS s s i Jvfwa Kit Btrti Mt fktmfaC W fraaaadall a DrAtea taiaadk TmA ikl aaattafbupllteaM laalUta itpka eaa Mppir Uia pia wUli Taatk YaWatwd Apntaaaad raleaaKa iboMintaf atMtOald Ilk OaaOmaa DU iiaaral Taatk I RabWr mum ruraatratagtr m ESWAKD SIZFHrarSOir Imer Mirriige Uctuet Aant Sapt M I9t4 tfH Charloa Dnrand BARRISTER AND ATTORNET Ornea SlrttU ATTEMDS la avfaial aaaa In ka DiTUiafi OaartaatlawattW HitI aad XarikaM PaMlealai attaaUo Baakraptey aaMa BapiA irn Whlerel WlOokcn jm wm WWakata ar Ma WOiaaha Cawpaaad l ataa Ite Sis Waakfc Pdea ftsM WT Saadkyaaflaabra walpteffrte 9m IM Biaak 7 6 tM iadkaafary Bau Omc Onion UaB CkmrtX Strmt TkUd Daw Harth af Klaf Straat taSaptaikartAlM Wrapping Papr I NfeWSToPFICB JUN J BEAB SMI M 1 me Tb Aurora EoUli OffmUtlk Wnltym Jf Cterdk ROBERT ARNOLD pRoruxroi THIS Hatal h aa Unad ap ia tka lalaM at7afor i Btoriu 9eTn BARRfrnRfl Atlar al l ieOkeaaao Oaaaajaacafa 4e OrnoB CWiKT 0 7f Um9lm8mUAiirmm IVavaskarS 10 jaaM aMaiB Cirtulcriier CitmU- TtMOTBT ST NIWMAKKET KrrRAOTB Ukaa lar tmj O afOarpaewaed afRaildwoaadatkarMnetsna aad fat Ika aaCaetara af talk BUkit Boon AO akM Tiawdif BnatUtaly om bj Jm9 Ifalaa Baiau Jaaytim Sr Xartoa PBrMClAS 0aMM 1 isiiiiatirf ikaltoyml aaa7 BafiaadJ ta Mf4 joHjr cooXr NOTAat PKWK OiMal ta t Oawtafaaee Mmth MAa oyncBMf VB RaoBvar orvtoa nwMAMrr c w itikiott id la JalyM M Blank Acootmi Booki TXrsTRROCIVED a aav aapfty J OAoa Aba Mlawaad Maaaaaa iaaka Packal Ladfara dta NaaaratJ aa t Ibun JurU A Zdcw BBB16TCIU ATtOKNEYATLAW U CteMUj Mi Buknp4 OrriemW 1 Tmmu StiMt TmmI Tse OAVAIV 1 XBH HCK ASfS1tSrrK5ri5 sT- jMwy I ABD r ACBBTT Huni e WtrewSi thm Urn iii tM1 nr I Tkataan raa ravft bdadatbaH- IlM riebaat tribata J ratal Ika taadar lava afaaa WkaM spirit raa b llaatwi t Ifa mr bar aaib volea ia kaard Or klmH aiaaaaia ma For la Ika b and eatd damp aartk Har kady Mbc baa baaa Wll aaibrts avarsara apriaf ap Taebaaa tkaaa laara wj 1 Ball karllaimr atsuaflk aad Oa wiagn ol cbadlaaa da7 fa laara 1 kaard la sia a aatf Aad aaa ktr br 1 adaa all Ma lead Lika pkaaieea ia a 1 Bvart ia tky kaart Of cai al aarra fah Lac kpa aoar kigfc abara tka graira WkcraJoTaafUbaxa daalt Cotooy this Dngbtatiral id Vitoru diadMB Poraaoattanogib latter alaaa TlhTal widow Mr Clrda I bsabaod a eolond is th Bntkh bad t fw moatb befot hid Ms bft far hu eoaatrj aed bs QaM Oa ba btoodjr aadi of ladta Sba waa elad la dep Boaraiag tad tba kaobttdp caatc added to Wr taalb tad baaa- Mtcd for bcr a graad dal fpa Ik It waaaa raaoarad that aba waa iicb aad bid CMa orer to Toroato to r- ada wtih Wr obljr bfOtber ke wit ia eficUl of OM of b btaka 01 Ibat eit r J preacDted to bcr Ibat aight aao waa try fafoarabf iiafrctaed bat that was aot aarprtaiog aa kll praaaat aaia t gift ber Iba appaiaailf afoidad powliaa of of tba cyaanig It waa witk a 1 I Regal drawiag rooli ibat 1 daotro tbia boaae H ooataia baonbed sleep froai aj eyebda Moraiag aape ibooa aeesei of aalsal bwaer diallrd Iba ispraMioa aad itithatwoaid loeritabfolhiw Bo 1 lltiDk it prababia 1 aerer bart tbotwkt of Tm daogbter jo bad better ootBentioa bar ag bad 1 ot aeridealalty oMtlapvUiiog I bar toU jro to da Tfaiak har frw ereaiaga afler at tbt bMM efa oCit tbb aad rasmWr tk yaar ia ffia Tblt aTMuag was tb coaiaMaea- 1 Wwti ahi ba jaalooalj ragardod ia tbo atesl of aa ac4uaiaUMa thai crtduHr falarit sRar offortaBeofoQrw I did DOt tbiak for a mooaat of askio jcnr motber to falI bcr o oa tba eoatrarr I wtat to bar atoeea tdber 11 aoa aoeTCwfaU vilbdrvw all daiai to b baad With aaflrigiMd nri Ac if I tboagbt a ehaago ia world ly proapeeia eoM br fbr no aad tbea weat ea to polet oat to bm that if ab had beea tmbiiiow of diatiaetion ate voald no4 bara acoeplad mj lort at ftnt ia prtCsTMoe to that of weaw of a Dl Cbkt Bat I will aot trovbla with deUile thai ftm are hardly Md eaoogb to onderaUad A bw aflar thil iaterriew wt wera Barriod td this waa tha DDmaoeoecaeat of a period of aaallojad happieeaa Kv iyaa ariatooratio rdati wera vary meh aoraged at bat Cm W lhay tanaad kw BiaUiaeee aad and aa t bad dtoia aay way oawtrol of bar ibaf h aatiate tbeir spirit of r tetby eattiag oar aeauiaUeea Kr t wisbiDg to Ilr Dear toaa falaa Meada ko eold treat- be haa aba wiTliogly adojed lay eogECatloa of raMag to Caixada aod hariag aold bar property waean to thiaooaatry poroMaad this iraat af tend aear Toroato aad bwlt tba tiali wbieh wacaUad Woodlaad ia hoaor lore oa aiy parli oe amima af ia bread doawiaa oa brra Sba wa a iia acli aad I biiad by lore eoaid aot aa tte cold bettted ab tioa that waa eweaaUd beaaatb bar boaeyed worda aad eapraaaioaa of afae- itoa for ny awtberleaa ekild Ia lb salf- Akaesa of paawoa I belirad it all I fib- yean I har ever kaowa Bat thnn flaeting year bar gwa goo ao fwiAIy that to the retroepoetioa they aaem to U bat as laaoy moatha aad bow thair abort Rred hapt ataads oat ia bold tgaia my biokao atibarad life lika a graaa fertile oaaia aldat tb blaak- eaed aasda oftb dreary Jeaert Bat why Hager orr this paaasg its jcj bar loag flad t aerer to rarB agaia aad ta it waa tb d f a jt Ood I bop I win be abU ir it patiael ay f Mauiaiag years Wbea the Mow aaa tb blow that dpviad aa f aw wils I was aot totally aopraparad Tb pbyileiaB tld c befonhaad that tbr waa bop to that X bad tb tsUaobo aatiafiwtMHi of waliag by ber bedaicU all t tiaa beariag wow oi deae 1- liaatioo ca Naoa aad ebri- tiaa sdtM fail fiaa br lip aa sb peaeaMly aaak t rtet Attlti tbr was a paaae tear ttitaaed down tb frrewd ehiks of Mr Uordaat bat bs sappreaaad by a riolaat tSart aad eoatiaad ia a cboakedToie that reratlod the dpb of Ed br In tb IkmUr aaJl of oodlaDdaway from aortal araftl fordayik Mdv Boatha it saaaad t mr bfkao lart aa U tba gitaa 1 edd aak of baa tea VM to ftei tb aaU aUaogr baod r death opoa ay bcav ao thai I ra joU bar iB ia that baOar weddf Bat MutW by jboMMi Mna adidotiiaMpirfl iMnad to think twi talk aataW f aa aveat that waa aa inaffoaUa dara of PtojUxm md muto iotht iUmM AtfUMnMtHttauiiM ofj IBi I oigi a i tta Mil ud tlM brUVSt IwinlU U MC ft asf plMMT I dwiwd fro Ufttmmmiffnpiiif Air- of the gay eoterias of faabioa I law aod was iatrodaoad to yov itp taotber I retnaaber that siAt well for it was at lb aaaoal drawing rdoa ftira by Lady Head tb Qoreraar O eraia wif aM wa rgardd aa thaopeo- ieg of tb faehioaabta aaasea in Toroeto The rooBi were 00 Btireraal bltxe of light aod aerer btre I ta enth a hril- liaot aaaemblAn aa were gatbarad there that aight ia tW eapaoioaa drawiag roooa of tb Oovareawat Hoaa Caaas fairaat daoirhtafs war thr draaa rb tad taatefolly eeoort to do honor to the Imperial ooart aod there also wet tided lords aad ladies from Eiad ofteer f he arayjiaTyaad Tolaatoer ia Ibeir iMwy Qoiionb CabiBrt Miaiatars Jod of tha hirt coarta f joatiae Pro- faecn of tb difftrat oollegaa Meabert aed Hoa Meaber of tbs II pAriiameatfia ebort it was Ob her death howerer yoa woald ia berit Wooad bat ia eaa yoa died witbaat bein it alae woM peas ta har aad Momaar Ia lookiag back it aaeraa impcaslbl that I eiratd bav b ea nad ooa to sin a wiQ like hla Utat woaiaTertadly nb ny odI ebild of ber BMthers prapeety aed heed it orrr to atnonr bat I did it anl did It Iria io tba beUaf bat it woald b for yoar bdt larthM Dot t waa bnodod the aad I thooght It woald he better tu piaee yoar property aad gaardiaaship ia tbehaadsofBy wifia wbon I bad Ih oieat perfect ooafideaoetbaa toleare M 10 the nerey of exeeotors wife misbt aaxioQ to prolt by their trist Bt 5 eyas ar at last opened 1 aead yoo how aad wbaa I saw bar eharseter revealed ia all its defrmiiyI shaddcred to think of the ale to whwh 1 had 0 Boarly doomed yota nariag di it bovr I at oBoe ooBiaeoeed to rcady th aril 1 aakahwfor th will a abort tiae ago for she rataiaad it in ber poaaeaaioa as a kiad of seeority aot kaowtof tbst aaolb- er oae of a lat data woald daatny it bat ab rafbMd la gira it ap 0 I mlled apoQ ay lawyer i week aad hi to writs oat aaother wbiA baa aow beea doly sigaed sad witacssed 1 aead aot tell yoa the poriaic this latlr oae oaly that it Ls ataantiallr differaat from the ftnt aod thl ia u yoar rights are folly eeeatai wUw M caardiABehip M iraaferred froaa Mrs to ay friead Mr Deabar of Toraaie Tbis wffl tb eooteats of wbfefi are oaly kaowa to ny lawytr aad Bylf wiQ of enaraa aallify tb onaer oa that ia retailed by ay wife aad I wiidi be t- eret of iu etitteaoa to be kepi froa ber freadbip aad sRarai be aare ia atill ia yoar eid tWi be wtatd iadacd be t yoa aad Ibil yo woald aerer kaw yoar leaa aad aa fa aa eril boarooe that 1 will aerer teake to ragrai- aad ly wil kad aow ay yea who hare ea ao aack Iroa tbia wonaa yoa bare beea Uagbt ta eal atepaiaikar aeet kaw all tk lesL Per Mveral year afler ear leaniage I cooM ae aelbiag wroag erery ultle dielarbaaee as baebd ap al ay approach tad ber were Ibe kngbiaat aosilca wbeaerer 1 wae aaar If laa kated yoa thea aa 1 har naaoa lo Wtik Ua deea 1 eaa aay wy aey Gd fir ber for ber coaaeBDate fcypoeriay Md help ae to do so le Oet he hBd aa ab ject ia all ibil aad it was t Iraty belicTa V raa af yoar rigbU aad ohtaia tba i Iba fartaae or bar aoa Marttater bard Bvelya yae rary bard far aw a hate ta belieVe tbia M a woaaa b let ber be at bad ae abe aay ia acvcrlheteia aywifr It i a great Iriol for ma fa saak lUa eaafeaaioa eteB lo jraa darbag bat I aai it a daf lor it laay pleaae Proridraaa ta take aa fraai yea lefore leag aad 1 wait yoa ta toderataad talL la faet be added ia a lowr aad aor solrrnn leae I hare tbobt aack iboat dcatb af laU aad it saeat lo ae bab pethapa it auy oaly be the aor M iaegiaaliea of a ditaaeed aad Ual aay baara era aaabered aad that ere the Stop Slop papa r exelaiioed Ere- lyaddealy iatarrlBg hia toae- body is approaebiag It is oaly a ssrraat dear ba Mid tBd thaa as a feetaan rasa ap la whart thay wara sitttag ba tofaad ta bin aod Wba did aba fatttra T I did Mt atpaet her fer aaferal boors yet aid tW Soair Amt ten oiaafe ago air vu iha raply aba aeeaad revy aoeh axeiiad aad barri ne off to find yoa Very well tall be Ill M ther pH oily apd thaait th footaaa harri- ad off to fall his aisstoa Ur Uordaat toraad to hia daetbtar aod eaid 80 87 dear I a waaoat tir ap oar peasant tislk toe tbia at least I was la bopas wa oald hava had itaH lo bat ibe fate awagaloat ao papa t Ulk that way ariad the abapp7 gifl threwii har arsH weaad her lathwa a fy iag aa if fcff krart waaU break Voi aaaaot yea will at bafa ae aUaa ia the world aow jet wbea 1 bara faaad bow aach yfra lore a ed tb sobbed as if Ike bio bad alreAdy allea Mordaai pcassad her eloady to ha braaM aad whispaead aoothiag words iato bar ear hot it wm leu baioea bb ooaU oela theae aaigiac bOlows of ftNr that hie words lad eawaad to rail ware after wara om har yoeag haart I did aot thlok ha said that ny idia wotdsidla baeasa thay ara aare iiapeaOiioM witboat aay appafoat ptoa paot of foiilaaattweaUl this haa af- yoa ay eUW I aladod le li priaeipalty beeaaaa I iriahad yoo to aa- what I hsv deoa for yeOr peo- teeb4 aird bappiaea if it ahoald oeear Bat firat I mOM laQ yoa the wrag 1 coanittad bat with baareas help beea repaired aad 1 tniM has plaedd it oai of Iba power of that aril wostaa to doyikharoi Shortly after oar aarriaga yoar atepaotbar who poeaaaad ao pre- fertyofbarowa raqaasted ae to aafce 4ioo fer har io oae 1 sbaold die oaMaaly aod m 1 eoaeidarsd that It wae bv rUi thwh i wa soaawbat start- W by its sadisagaai I ihaarfUly aoa- aeatad aod oaoi to aaka prepaxa- er vritiag a viU Belff it was I was ao aaeb oader bet la- that it waa liaaed ioet aaiof itaosk U iia peovisieoi I ab waOld b teat ait- Mio bee om ribHf l ratideaoe ia foeoolojih 0 sioak per Maalaroputi ad aw hare a Ufa leaa gf tb wobdlaBd Cstaie bai lb pcoaiMd to pcoTidoftryoo I woader whal eaa be tba aadtt BOW r ha added aa if eoaaaaaieatiag with biaaeif raibar than addraariag hie ebild ae they slowly walked sIobr tha KTaVled path ia tba disaatioa of the Rail Can H be peaiblo h she haa beard aaychiaf aboat the wfU today f No I do aot beUert it Uaapban kaowa 1Mb aboat ay tffaira to give her Btiefaetioa area if aba aba al bb eftea hiab Is hot my mw- bebU No it BPat ba aoas eU bat thea it ia asel to ooftjaetore aow for I will fiad oat plenty aooe esoogh At be eeaaed epMklof they eiaer the of the tio ed erossiaf a beaatifal greeesward ia be aeatr of Ohieh a fboatalb ealtied jeta gf Hapid tpaitnagwatvr ibayaaoaaded ibeaar- Me ftepe of tba aad eatewrf the Hall Hera Mr Morieot atopped aad ceody kboad BraS oheak aad aar aarteg a BmalM bl ay ekM he tereed aad aaMued the 11 ef leaag to hia wilaa apartaeoi to 00 ooofiattu 1 k CnlmiiDl Amrlan Btvntion iaaa 9 Teaterday aad teay 40ite a BoaWr of the rebel oAeera eoa ia the Cm Capitol prisoB hara Ukaa the oath of al leEtanee DaeiitiTJ Seward wsIM to tiM Stafe Dffpartaeat to day frea Us owo isl- daaee fer the IrsI ttae stae b loeeived bto ifljwiea Bis lady wbo bos beoa aoaiaed to ber bed far paak patf qoita low Teliaphieeoaeaaleaiiea with Vtaks borg is fuy aaooo la the foOewleg VionBUvo Jaae To tb Bdilor of No Tork Th Viekaborg BtnJ aeds Had greikle yoo Loag Ue to tbo Be- ffigaed C BULLBRTON Editor of ShM PHiLAORLrsiA 8 A daaatnh to the Srsoiagtoa Balletia efthte eiiy dated Waablagtoa Jaae A lan Tbo btaia BMtMsat fl treope here oday are very laif dao eatire eorpe broke earnp tbia aorBlog hoaod for the Weat Serrral partM iapriioad td prisoa toftttber with witaeeaes ia the profidia Cor tha oaee alao oonlaed theia The Intalli aa Mfly raatoratioa of the writ of Uabeaa Corpo WASdufOToo Jane 9 A letler ia be Sfar from fta eorrespoadeat oa boerd ihi Vaited States lusaer Peaiala off Sa biae Paaa dated Mey S7th aay that tb forte at Sabino Paaa Tcsaa hare kar tvndered to the Uaited ateaaer Awaaeo The Americae was boiatad tbe worka at foar oelocS p expect OalrcatOB lo larrcader to New Obmans Joae 8 BroweeTille Texaa waa eataevd by the faoea of Brig Geo Browa oa May Slat Tbe rebate ba leariag eold their ar- tiUary to tbe Imperialieta CrBM ta sttii borertAg ahedt Malt Irak Tbe Confederate aeldlers ar aetire ia sabdoing gaerilUsia the Soathera Stales No taerey ia ahowa tbea The report of Kirby Haithi tka fotoMoa fTMB Pnmham ea lite mover be ep pn for tbe purpoaf of iog a ky law prepared by Iha Coaoiiee SJiiclter CooAties CooodL TKoatrAT Jsae B Th Coencn oat his morning the Esrdra in tb ehif AH ibe taembors ere preaoni Ihe mineiee of yoatar days prveaadings aar raad at ap- wee tbea moved by Mr HartW seeonded by Mr lUndersoD That iW vfr be attd ie brreby autberiied le rar to the Warden Ibe amoont of iaoDay pad by hm lo tke Traaaarer to defray ike etpeoeee of ibo leal s aMiog of ihia Coaaejl aad that li ibe Wardee sbli pay the aame oear 10 iha infiyidual wbo ptacaJ tbe aama in hi baada A lengibened etd eoaewbet esoited ibete oouirred oa ihia reeolstioo eelr tl members lakiog part tQil Tbe are were Meaata natnhart Bowaan bull Bxo Graban of Gore of Toronto Grabam Vaahsn Hartley ilrwdpr iiQ PbUUpe Parker Prieo Panhsak ttwellStebbeSierk ThapeooVauc and WillseatS Tbe aaye were Meeere UoaUbeClteeier Henry Mack lea Piajlar Raadall Supbeoaoe tihu iiowertb aad Wailw t Tba lauuco waa aeeordingy carried Wallii Nioved secaided by Mr Pambam fhnt iba committee oa fi- aaiHW aad aaeeimsol ba aad ie borekf iiMrweted to make eeqairy and report tbia Couodl ibrtbwitb sa to wbMtier ihe eoooty eooeUbiea ia eervipg eum- eee oa ere paid s mfl oaaath sammoes aerrcd or only oamoer f milee oeeeaeariiy Iraeell- ai la eerring eacfa eaa Carrl- 1le CeaBcQ tbeo edjaosaed till balf- ist eerao ia ibe erening Tbe Warden look the chair al hnlf at kareo ooloek io th evening ae- rdg ta eooreawrt All tba met tkMr eeat- As ooa m the Ceancil iS esitkd 10 order Ike Warden preeeni- d th rvport of the prae supermtae ioired oa ibe eevarel roadt aod bridg andlWe probabW eipa whkh wiwld be feeurred to osakiag eaid rapetre Aaeompenying tbe eaprVialeadent port ware eertaio comaanicaiixne aUad by hia ia it moved seeonded by Mr Ego Tftat Iba Coooil gn to enmrnfttee of the wVIe Esr he pOrpi of conaKieripg tbe report oftbe saperia leadaat rret road Carriwt Mr Price wae rolled o the ebair Mr aomaga wai tfpoa Mrtoci ad itied iaeide ibe bar of Ibe Co Ibe purpoee of anewariag qarstioae wMcb might be pot to bim relMv to tb mat If abder eonaideraitoit He read the riiteo report rHalie to be tevkral rus ahwh had jiet prevlooely bkea rad by the clerk lo OmbOA Dr Berobsrt moved Ibe odeptloa of the report ebiire Seserd iaitbet epoke of ime par- tiColar asners sventiooed io tbe report Iloding ta iha deui4 and tbe aaaner T carrying tlara ot aodlf eaWed oai thf effects uoo tbb raeds dreia bndxe and ar 4oing laade wbfcb aight ae odd with serplna waier The fvpoft wee doally aifcffed eatW and ibe crtmniitao re and reported look tbe cbjtir aad tbe fpor aOapio bo ed Bxloat of coitdrrrBO Itr fete praseoted ihe iepot of he commiCoers of eoettiy prapWty which wae rad by ibaolark Mr Ego ased aakoded by Dr lUcohact Thai the Cooaei da pew reeolve itself inte eotmiuae e be Obele liiyr lb pdrjpoee of ewosidenej Ihe report eew read Mr Orehamofiha Oeroiaf Torooio waaaelW U tbeekoi Tklrk UWD Itp ln ewiilic U wm doft itM br A mo of lb nm d WdM i tbe flh- Tbo rtpoH was tbeo reird aod adoptad paymQt irifllareel 6a the to be waoad fer the payeteat of the Yorl Roaitd alao lo make provjtiOD fora alnking Isitd far the iBdemption of such d pd lap to hie Couadl The oi tiOB was carried aranimouay Several member eipreseed hsiV A tsfaion with ihe cenAici of the coosmta sioaera of live Yurk Roada giving ibem greet praise for ihe able manner In wbiel ihey bad dleebarged her doiiee Tha Werden one of be eomoMbeiea era here leA tbe chair Aud caOad Mtr VVallia lo it Several of Ibe neabeiri thooghi the eommteionera were aot eaf ficientjy pa for ibeir aervicee Ur BerryoMO laovH eebooded by Mr Bowaan a reaoMtie wliicb wae unanioMOtly the abtaBe of which waa thai tb beet tbeoks of ifte CooDCil be tandrd to he coamiaeiiiO erv and thatibey b reqoeaied to eeeept the um ef OSO seeh loOTarde peyiag tlU et neraeaertly ioeerrod by them wkile performing ibetr duMee Mr ilertUsy 1 aoved eeMOdbd b Mr lioadeiaorr TVat ihls oed dw how edjiiore- Carried And the Cow- ci ewordiiigly eHeunied Zeedl dir Orolit lyitflA CMda le tha only ririlsed eoaoir ia the aorld witere trMi It tbV poV to any feet rxient One wonld Boppoke ar pule were eaperior la all HMra ever kaowa to eaiai for booeay BLd ptiaetaajity 10 meeliig tbeir pBa teals aiid hence iheir aoboundad crMt iib ery elkr of goedk every retail Nicbaat ia every Walk Of trad io kieb eredit ie peedMe Ahbeagh we aot wish 10 eprak diaperauly of jrteUca yei ihe Irredom given la oor umcrs and Istoareri to almoet bay ei t withoQt rewrira eay imaedtste drpoaii haa more evils thM Mlare Id it aageiidars a de oo tba prodvCIt of crepe aad labbr wb5 oiherwiee booaet farmerk bardea a elid aa ever aieoaNilStiej crsia on hie peeket Agaio a otao oat ercsiesMBiwh for Aa article be ho hnt laoM end perhepe bee b niien abeei oa Ihe pay day He ba coilrarfOd eince tble perebeae new deMk mcurred new liabtttea Aot koiieipdtad CI Ihe Iret time of the ewp and be frwta atWay itiielltaed first lo oa tbe demend freeheM iB hik ewOetw Tbi4 is bemea natare t mey bb poe Ab boaeet bemsB eatery bat ibere It ia aod ve mei deel wrib mettere end meo aa we led iham Tbh ioeMIRy e pay bal unfreoenrly pitdekee aO dorira Or a reeijtabee te pay Plaaoflisl fod oaOH mercial aaenlity fatle te a low aM ood a maa tafc pfrwiag bie tailor siwemelt er or bis UadUdy b oktiio ettd of brasaSn louke epoo a lopg aOeouai aud bia affMie lo d ihe dOM of ared ilora aarspittl jokes trbrreWObleaiOOie hi friends aad fciadred O The axieni e obieli iMe b oarfied Oi Ik oar eeontry ie far greeisr ibao oMat paori unguta Tb Meia of id moei pera ciowl la iU efferla It ie bod enMAh when yoe most hoaIy eayi yoa cant pey taso jUt debt bat R b laiamoae wbea yoa ere deisr M eay y woai pay what ye boaeatly uve and It eabnoi M oollected froayod by legal p The raaalt ioOkrt is not ao aucb whh the boyera te wiA the vlera Tbe taiier whe 1 hey get A ea kMwer ia ibmd etero e la ply all UMir atta to iadvOa bim to bity trlthoal tee maoy tetaoeaa reqeirieg ev a prwe aceount of- the prwe Th eioied into pwrebaalof largely tbe tef rMe a Iba evd day Oviag lar swiO iato tbe dieuni fetpre by ibe Very Iban wbcwe abort Aigbled poliey will altiaece ly be oMde te eeffWr He eaMtas Mib eelt By etoilfw iBsl to most poth bM beeitM er be will bd odtraB by daOi or bare the aame of doiMO eNll seeod dee baloea Tbi ie a mbUkn The traa aeMnt of eaeoaw io beainoae ie iMl aek eaVpM iO oaib ya haa al ibe ead of dib yea O Ibe naaber of bad Me and large bpO lee chargea fer eold aotrd io yoer Ledger Seller are aoK to UaiM hao boyera baealbe iheirlkiif at boat- aese tldi r heat ebla to plo 0 efeiAty aeor tb OredOHty aod waal 9f IM M die f reoi meaa of OoaoiTf aer Tbajt have the reaedy la ibair ewa bandb bet ihem eaneil ihalr eB txpeOMs of lining eatf bey eab affgrd to H eheepar and watt toofor lar Ow ooeieai that iH iiWUUp oeaMi md ty Will be ahte l tbeii lau better Jor Ohat liiile 11 be ceeli Boi erhdii Their miitaaeea tbougb aoi ea M fever wbO ibeir wa mv ebaat aad y a elaady deeiro aod io- deairMMe b00etiKOMiO 10 cot aa Igaorttt desHe 10 aakoa ortooo ia a eoeple ofjreara and tbea go into ld0 ier beioeas of Ifeoall- tioa abd fo eUeie tbb red pdebiM treda ta a rafaiaai eaieau Wa say If ib ftrrn aouree a fooadeiieo wiU ba loM tr iadiCiddai aad tberoby for oaiiooal lyoeply te wh wa ara M peei etrtf ger Bflb I Is lo WaAiai eeiM fer padoooU tba rtndiio abid citiTngb 07 A aattretii Caaa wad ripped epea at 5t Afbiae br the revrve iimector tb ether day aad Md 10 bo era Ml ef b aod MherdataM rtisiB 1 laetr aapfs- iiile they Mt Their prei 11 wffl blo