Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 2, 1865, p. 2

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AdTrtlMmeiit TriU Tim Vtwaarket ArkBtrrtlMiftTCftritar af rh iMk piM ea Apl14 lues THE NEWMARKET ERA JUJE 2 1865 EiprM Tliroogh Mil r Wba tkaii U tnti oiral Mi tipfo hat WcanM tWr Wi lari bi and cilf lock bacan ihj Iota Ir Irfta aal bi thai lir at rwi Th Rrv ra1lrNiaa agin fek Shall wratil Aiho a wan frni t tW ItTr r Mailfenrovfk oa a Bralitij MiwarfVa RMrVMrow 11 liriuinflrlirt rn i I hroaah tl- ra at wfht le aate w Sd 1892 I TOaOKTO snVtAL DksrArCtl Bobbery of Oreenbacks THE YORT BOASS I iriciorT Itj rMdar Wa hMl a eaM hovarat lh Natib iltw wk ckutaO MiBwi8MibottMfrpfn Gvillimt H aa ehffii wiib lDg rl anothvr Mtord man in iIm SibioI t ih Itttfnbarka DatcdiTa Markatai fejrCMBUtla liairm vtta niiuld Im vairabt for bia apprabacMiMt and a elatraf ealr On aiiiving to Mtddia of III nighl whwa lh colw if iliaii wifofl was tMvkan and haAiilf if forbalp aaj light iba pan chat tb Iba aiima aiMpeiinglr aiafi lartbmialbabaadaofhiacapiMa Il btvoghi laiha eitf Mti dajr boi h MiMadaa th groasd of waal of jviiai Th Gaioaoa ila Voik Rnad bava bMD UaaoO M larma bigbly adtaaitg I iba CoMitiy aan al bofand rvgarlrl fci wwm efbo cba I taaaj i Umi atasdard of lha eouiiirj without ira noralii Aiflt OracM and ItoM ai bat Ion paioral tianiplM of thia trail Thaj nm lo frcat rinitrnea ia ait an aaiaooa and filciaoptij but khari ai tbT Thaj diJ not allow tbia ptvi prineiplaortrveirreaiiimto pTara thai ad Ihay ara pataed away There ai aTila which tha Bibla wajt war aaiiMt and intanpanca waa m of tbem Ia Caaada there ia a mijthfr frreat rollin aveepinf ita thwanda Irom amontat m antrrinf tha rrifd eirjl ori and earrjing awtj iia driudrd deairojingtbi dcatrojriag the jvuth and the ad ir ralil t of tba fir rgrrjpoatljr t Apia baakd Shalt Faaboa nal Great MaaT iba hfa of le Jm kaarflf Itt retMrfcale mai al be ealf aga of laltog to 30000 Will ilaiai t iwrntf f pfjrly aod abortly alierwaii we AmI b a in a About thw lim Hraetr reaMo t ii aAelealfUyor lb al begin to tni cr aad 0 alter Tha poor Uea mighl he eB aay a wriUr bowHig ie ibe mot gracrful ma oar le lb ewpl ik lb aeaarT attii wa moat I live It Via ptewng to note in thia that th of lha eoaatrj aera beenniini oior alive o the impurt iBC of tba leoiperanea mofencnt An Act bid been peaaed iraaliy siving tba ipcciirvcmumiailiaaprohibilioe Tba jialatar had been mored in the riftbt ectioa and ha ovoafdared it tb dawn oar riainp itlorj 1 he Sao of Temper kIO7 iwarda the nd he hoped would aoon abed Miiga taja ia all departmenia ofaoe life lie espeetcd to aee the day wi thia nooater vie iatapraae woa be baaithad frooi the iod when t lieeeaiag tjalaw woslJ be aboliahed aa relie of lha pakt aie The lleterei CeailemaD iban alluded tn tba baneful ort not beeaot ii ia al aulBoienilj coDvieeinc bet bfoaaae the to wKftm it ia apfUed arn not open to conrielkKi or will at9Htnr7 to their eonrietiMi no alietwadra la Ufi bol to aeeic wei poo that will efleeii with ihea pai tiea Thia weapon ia ih power f lit Uw And why ia it ao Abjaeied lot Siaiplj we leUere beoasae it w dreadod it M too rffaMir if swraJ aaaaloa be M pteferahle aa or oppoMAa aaj why not eonfiae tbesMlm to U wLn a droakard iajuraa tbir prttalaaa or wbea aalioanaed vandera iateffre with their buaioeaa If laoral auiaioa be ao nach more cffntiTa thaa legal reetraint wbj ant apply it atooe to all oar thievea raurderera and other law bieaker and thsa aaT the eoaotry the eipeaae ef Conaiablaa Mafiairatce C Courta Jaila to a ver eitea Word of Ood reooftwaaa Cinl Ii aaefal and aeerary mortJ powi eiety for the puniabneot of ra and for the praiae of them rll asd thia ton aider tb Qowpel diapvaaatioo with eU iu aitity We itUdly ee D ill ihe purthaae of atocka nortgagre fce aiilil ib kgiiimaia epul rHuireii for the vania of fba eintnltf he bwoom J aid t for inta knd ahii peraBoe try Ihe n rid I lb ad the aoblo intolloeta Haeoocladed bv iriii diligenoa g caraeatacwfa tb put of leuperane nenfrreaier fidelity to tL ipio they prefrd if thry Dird m1 b died I Icbcd a7li labte At be Ceanj TbeCoa I pne aakedSbetl Mililart IPawMkea Great Uaat Shall be wbo abovaib aMiia a bero bt a gieal aiaa T TU life f had nel raacbacf Lord CUrt m ae aawrr II frttcttM b4 wb a ia yMtb There be aee a Probibiii th land JhmJ Th Moeli CAoiV- lt ua Aloa Mr J Tilitr of itrodaeed wbo aaid h did tba nliiiint of the piec Choir ahoold it be applied I belie The of T Soireo BMd 10 Ticie d bia rawag the aeige of enyaed rciaiaag fall pe M fice of Ibe alralagea of bt In filwr nl Ik nrmn r I1 k T I kj f h J lb nll o- ibe Bwik ly al ib brre i4 roafen4 m bta a peMiow of S0000 NewaarLel PiTHtoa S ot T Mr R ifear anelber mde bi preai Alaiandr oecepird ihe rlwir and oa Wbee be wa 47 Ibe 1 vlatfora wereM erra or ikt wntU CoPy prtieeled bi witb a ntood bilird aweid ad h wa H Jw raara hanag called Iba 1 jbon in bcK bghel oSe Meettag le order be called vpoa iba Qand lie laited to the peerage of bi a ad Choir Mceetkirely lefeiga 3ikI lb of Cbaihaia prai IraearM hi in lb Saala a maater af war ffliOa to Vielrt lelumed le Knglaad ladra wiib bon ru- L L ealib aod lr b1 the hero C rbaCbaraa iken lok oceaMoa loLjj r l i- uj ximak ibe A liSwiagaboet nattof dauil bould Wot ha asd t acrer eold a iplih naeh ao tMg aa they allowed ihinga ot tbta kind to aeatralixa lhair cf fiKta He waa aatiad tbat If aa lem fbey had went to b polit ibiMaub acioa whether InaMaUr Maalotiel KlAiioaa for tb at tea yaailt thy would ba bttr ition today and tb eaaa sor reapaeid aad bDorad Rt Mr bAlKctwu neit lalrudi be atfced bball dchgbi ball ibry be great Ma 1 bay bad Prbibiiay lw bat tby bad II tboagbl tba Mfetanee Mea ibey lagarfeaalageof tbef Tbrod re llooh waa perbapi tba ibe rbey biild atiikieg eiaaiple of ibe aia of pli rv llua IXli a fair ualaad Ihra if ii I bereM ebaracirr pltd tailed Ibey abrield go l ibe LegiUaiera 9 j H i orwa wilb bia whfc d dewaad aiote Ia ow Heipally UiM So Irairdnaary iaat foi wa bee m la aalhonty- teapraKa Iwd be bar b c0laarra Mao- jMticaa of ibe ree wbo anM loi Miy wnbout wntalion and aeki fcar t pal the law ia forte He ib ol oely BceiuW bt lborb fbry aboald edwala tbe coairy m ibiaj IU wit td caiaec avbjMi IHI tb people felt In fibU a b awaf friead eeaa Ibe Ppace Kegmi Udmired bi and appoialed bia to aa of 1 Iba prvtritKeofjeOOOt year Tbroegbean aeald lo b Vba b iaeoJeed iaadebt jClS MfclUlto rra tbe iwe Uwa la alu00wa armted ia a ball roa and great MlMr The lemperaaca roaii eeaeawe H iioiiy had pleaiy o do a loe rreerd iMwerer aed ia cae oppotteeily 10 gi powe loilMKe bado hkmm of to lb preiplea tUy procMd a year At a diar periy aoai March Iim afier lba iHe geirtt ware atrvk Mr P P PiAiiso wet the ialrodoe- 1 b lb gly peWaeta ef lb aaa of wn d wbo after cspreMiag bit rrgret al Ibe d baTMt tbra Acl Pribiti Mm bw of fbe ii dMpfolain Ibey arwg vilber Mofati or wall aoHripatrfi t addreaa forrrd t tba aeeaaNly ef a ProbibilArt Uw to aten tbe enU of iaf Mr Daekiaa Bl wbere farced bad eeempliab bM wiibet tbe people taking it la had baanily ba tobid if it wold proi cfalwiiMt Ibw tb law wai a dead lltr Tty aboild b prepaicd 10 mak etcnficaa if lby avr tipected lo aM ti pritaa gnrafy cuforcsd and b daebied lb wiedo ef adoplieg lb law iaolaled Maaicipaliti Etea bold i b adopted ia Newark be bed b whether it could be aucceaafwlly mfrred It aJoptio a t eoplMb tbe object la grrad a great tuay a alfUr w iMel lad W fea that ee4d b brovgbi le iKar to aecur il dplia ia auay plc ObiTb Flag of our Cawn R Mr Faasrt wm ibe atst apeak r wbo after lew pUawal iairodeclor Mmrba lk for bia text a ib fovoda lia of baa apcb Wb aball be a Greet M r J berd aoM pf lba uld b achad I aaawcr ba aa tbi IriaMn d 1 by al aotbi sad prbap a Who kaewi Ifeatf B wbil it we tra Ibat ha cay Ml carUialy foralell wb abeald b gr wbil it wi irw ba waa al a rafbat or tb aoa ef prfbat ad wbl It waa tra lt b coaU aet pUc had apea lb bad of aay owe of Ibe bo before bia aad aay wub cenaialy ibia b ffcuM b a CoaMdaaa a Magwlraie or a Mfber ef ParlMal yet be lhgbt be ceatd abow fro what biatory aad ex peril aaa laegbt who wead uMat likely be a greak waa at lafat b could abow b uld Ml be great saa Great Boa bad iivd ta arary age d wba bad be way ba 1 therefore great we la all rababiMy will he ia every age Aad ball M CaMia Mr CbairMu bav bar CI f 6Wlt Ml tbe yauiba at oar dew Md aifiv lo b great aea W are aa kkely I pwdac grcui aa aa aay pw oa affb w ar a free I ad aa happy aa aay W ba graai I Jaugfalkw aaja I a uHrrr ad- a I Idek jM aa I aa la body aad para pie ebeerved th R aroead aad aeatag hiw Abf I I geallowaa it wa I faabioufauM rot No Bao wu truly peat ualeaa he gpod Ma wer great jat ia Ibe degrae in whieb tby wr He di wiab lltea to uadetMad that all good toon were groiti amt altbotM llil utight be iru bat tb idea h wthd aoovy wa that ao Baa waa groat aali he wa good Thar Bat bo istallaet J a piotf to auk a great 1 that inlalleet aiwat be properly ealtiTaled adaoated drawu forth direeed la tba path of widoB And thia briaca m to tha buataia of all Uw graalaeaa tbe Bibe He wbo beliavaa Tba Tnth aad la guided by it b atoa la a graat Baa Applaa BndM WbiU aad Blw Cioir Asd art w Sura tb Nwa Tro R Mr Bbll WW h rt paakr who after iadolgiag la a littl ploaaaatry by way of iat aad xpraaiag hia dtaappoialBoal at tba abaaaa ef aa tiaipatod pakn froa a diataaea obaar thai lb Bt gaatJaBBa who bad jaai vidaak aad hia rema had eeggaated t hi Biad Whakantittd tb graateeaiofauatioB Caaada waa 1 oouatry with laig raaotreaaia Dtl baalthy eliBatu aad aa Caaadiaaa w ipoiM iu fatura wold b great Bat alaaa tbe priawple ba adBtltad Btghtaeaaaaaa exalteth a aatioa war wowld b great Ifoerpaopl inrrTT mii itfiaaani 11 iag ialwaa wa Bay look forward for tro graa bal tf w aegleat it awd rufMa to bear tba aoaaaal of Divlaa Truth aeel aaagmie bepea of BBtioeel gveae wUl ba bJld W bat m mkb ippoaa that tba aaltivauo of tb aa or aru aloaa will alavaU tba by ih thoa who dulg or tnfie iu apirituooa liquora Tb enetni of Icnporaoe would bo glad if we would let iheni alone Laughter lhu wai tb anuieervary of the Birth Day ef Her Majflaty and b thoufht they eould eot eelhnt Ihe day beltr Iban by nakiug effort to blp th tnpraa laae forward He tr T wa a I aranea an from principle aod would ao Mtifiue if be had lo ataod aloue He aa aorry thra wat ao much diviaiua among temprano OMU Many fuea h exparted to rneM hra lo day wer aot praaaat Tanperanoe aaea were aot aa united aa thy aheuM ba Wherever aa attempt waa nade to aeeompltab aay par iwalaroleet lemperaa Ael aa ai inaidmeot of the Irohibili aoeiDi will aaaert if ficianey tneraly for th purpoa of pble ooaBdnc in it but inuf- for tb pUDihmnt of prooa aellii liquor witliout lieana it will do a ihi ouKh work whatter there ar magulratea wbo have a dtM regard for theii oath of oAee Our ppera abuudautly ahow lhat he law ia enioroed moat aueeeaafuily rhere It haa been adopted with very fw txeeptioita Aod whieh one of tb beat if lawa ia enforced to the ntmoetT W would b glad to hav prohibition ri for our owa aoall eorporattna socwith atanding tho 04I ctj there would b about th driving of truM to th urighbouriag illagea wW prohibitioa would not b I fore Ita UoMinga to ua would fi 0Bterbalane oar IoIm ia trad if ibera ould b any MMb loaa but atill wo would uoh prefer and ahall aiw to obtain piohibitiou for our nlir eoanly and tbn- plaea all ih aubordinaia naoiipaliuM eo lvel Applau AfMT aoothW tuu by th baad od pio of Buaio froa tb Cboir rot of thanka were tendered to tbe apoakera Kev Mr Biu made a auitabl aeknow ledgBent A ret of thanka waa then givu to th Choir th Band and alao to the CbairBaa and th Betiag waa diamiaaad afUr ih Baad had playad and tba Choir aaog th Naiioaal Anthan a end tradreman i hMtce Ih oeea- 1 praaaur fullowing abort erope- acbn propoaod woild obviai Ihia eonvhtorabl itstand i Jiiei roporiiea would tho Provioea al large b baBaftitrd A Supposed Villain Caaght aai ieaue wn notlecd ihe feel that aore eoofwirel had diaplaed ih treek of lha Noithern Railroad ir the Bradford Bridge ow th nio oflh Queene Birlh ny 8a eiofl pointed atrongly lo a young m named John Charlawood aged ab 10 yaara a rtident of Bradford and of lha R R Coaapany 11 haa been arieded for th crime and ibe eridn addocad waa auficienlly to warrant a Bench of aome eight Megiafraiae lo aeod hia to trial Aiise in Ilarri W would iw ly ftraja aniipaihy agnnvi tha young r do ought 10 prejidica the public id hence refraia from giving the partieultr of th Trial baler lha Magit hut if be ahould be coavieid b- fore a legal iribanal tbe penalty of 14 th Provincial Ienitenliary rnUbIy cauae hm to rmmber a Joeg ha livea the Quua Birth Day in tb ir of graea 1665 ahould b forget ty oihr eireufMaiie eoooactd will lha htaiory f hie iife By thia diabnii East Gwillimbory Counoil- Tb abov Couneil met at Sharon 0 Satsrday ktt at tka Manaion Howa All th Babr pree th Rev Jamea Pamhain Kaq In tbe balr Offaaitad a an adjoumad OOOBT or USTiaiOM furthtfr ppil kavlag beta sad for trial Ib roll waa aoafirmcd aad ba Coort adjeoraad AT MA042iiiTh May very ahl esdsatad Pertodi haad UiMdhyihautoai pobtiahed hy Jf aula of prerlotu matting ruad and oonflrmed after whteh a oomBuniealiHi waa laid en tha laU from tb Clrk ef Whilehtreb aeltiuff forth lb propoaitioe of tb Ooaneil ef that Townahipto ex peed 25 on tbe Town line belweeo Kaat Owillioibarj and Wbitehardi pro vidcd Eaat Owninbnry CorperalioQ would expend double ibat ram Alao froa Wiiliaa Doaa Kaq tenut for th oSo of Collaolor for ib aun of 2760e On metioB lb Haer lbn left the ehair for on hour C H Legato BIN U- Uk quha eqaai u kmt iatalaa Ha fonuer high raeul TT liataMar Tha Oleaded firteUt Arrlwl Pdtur kl PWai bip Chy of Cwk Ixnary damafod lr- Tktoo rf tt ru ciinMii Valty ud Chrtoiiaa PiiMlpt the Owpeta Saal Tim 1 t aalla lrajd apau aa Rahacffta Ibr k al Baak Bwra Kawmarkei Karl Rueaell tMd adifie lie anceoflhe Dgina and tdei pra al ef Ih excuraon v might have beee oee to tU cirrii obeMrredtl apeakera from tatead of iu advoeatn bi g obli rink from threalaoad danjter they now in theoppMit danier of uaing luae aa a naaa of gaiaioj popular- hil tb parly who ono eaeatituid lajnriiy feel th neeeeaiiy ef keepiag their prieeiplc and praetiee ia the Uek- rrouod It u eew aelrnawledged rei by oar oppooenu that Temperanea Boei ra uaeful Not long Great Lom by Fire About I bald i and I the ebai tbe City oi Glaaijew when nan aaid I wiafa every drunk- d woud Uke tbe pl Thia aliBent wa greeted with applauae Tbeee are the worat people he eootiu- aued we have t deal with If an harbor draukarda or peopU of indiBrnt eharaetcr aboel lbr eeUbliaharnla de- pnd upon it iheir trade will aoon laav tbea if they have got any A trade the drunkard to hia babiia and then ill ibank you good teaperanee m taad al our doer and Uke thea ia your charge aad thaa aave our raepeaubt trade Tbb ia iadaed too BMh th work of ttmpwunea paepU but whil wa do not oaKlMt th poor drunk- rd thua ia hia helplaaaaaaa aad ai- er bBde we prolaut againat th t lhat aakaa tba drunkarda aad dcaand prohibition of th iraCtf Tby grant ua new tb rjht to ua Boral niaba iu ih proukotioa ef taparata babitt arc net aoutauted witt legal pro- hibttieu Without th latUr our ff rU trill pro futil to a greater or leea extant We do not i Aor aeral euaaaea In aaek iug prohibition oa the eoatrary we put it ia tbe van aad iu tha rear of our aray He would kop prohibiiioo rather aa a reeerva corpa and wuuld make no uae of il exaepi whea men puaMoa waa anequa t ihe asd vw thu ba would not have it lht tba battle alon To elei a thorough rufonaatiou ii uiuat baa moral aa but tba ara of the law ta aoaatiiBaa required for ihe parpo If our auu arr alway ruaaonabl if lhy wru open to ouvieiion tb w ebould bav ao cead to eall in tba aid ef th ivil pewar bul baaauaa ibey ara iwt ae wa Buai plaaa th af our reeortiag to tbe law on tbir ahouldera We aboold be very glad lo be parBiitad te sae iba and milder aaea a of argusauk But wbao we aall publia aealiaga or d- Itvur laaiureu i ar or aiiBita Qaal af ibeae wboa we dairu to ceuTinoa will IM atteud Meat of thaa ar loo oarvful te keap away from iba aouud ef lAoaa palpiu wbara total abatiDD0 ia pruaebed Aaagoed aaa ouae aaid te bia L aae kaow wbea yea ara gmug le praeh e tamparaM aad 1 ahall aUy away Agaia if w aeter tba barroom and attaapt te raaaoo with tba Propri- lor ia aaay aaaaa w would b told lhat ba undrattda hia buaiaaaa better tbaa wa aad doat not waat auy taaparane laetaraa W aaal tb yevag ibmm who driaka Bodantely aod hta cn reply la lao fraaantly tbt be u not gnng I Bake biaaalf a aot It ia waeleaa or near If ae to U7 tba poor isabriale hiaa irUa judaeut M not iapairad thresh driak il w eterbalaaeed by hia appaltU aad biu Meat likely leal hta power of ra aoluilou Wheu a tharufora faUa aa il doe naay eaaaa of thia l pact 12 eeloek yfrday X aftr broke out iu tbe Preight Houae ofibe Korthero Railroad Com pany but before bnag di got ider auoh headway aa te praelude Ih puaaibiliiy of aaving th buildiag or vn aoeh ofiu eouteaU- Tb Fir Bnd a apeedily on the apot aid worked had keep tb fire eoofioed le th Freight Hiae in whieh they aueeeedad aaaitd by th eitiuna gaoerally Th Huiiwe flouau tOKethr with inmanae ilea of laber belonKing we underaUnd tn Measra Poekbaa k bad a narrow Wapa bul were auved Tbe total loaa to iivaU eitixeoa throagh the dealructiua of property orad in Ibe Freight Houae ia heavy dpndaal ef tbe loaa auaUiued by the R R Compaayi Wa have been enabled gather tbe rollowiug rtialara II J Boulton Eq 4134 ef wheat itly purubaaad from Mr Maraden- biah we underauad tbera ia an in- tee effaeted of about 4000 Sutherland leeaaa 72 barreU of fiour aad 50 bag of wheat- no iacurauea Rnbt SiapaM one botriiad of augar and fiv eaaa of booU and abet Jeaepb Millard barrel of raraiab Aoaoa loilisgabad 5barreUof Pouah A D Poller and W G Taylor a quantity of buuaehold Kooda Juliua Huutley bale el fruit toea L Oordon 5 boxaa of aoap Tba Freight Houae bad aa ale ator ereetad ia it and th loaa ef the R R Co may be mt down at about 800 or t900 Tbe total property detlroyad i aatiaated ai about 6500 Tbe origin oftbe fire la not defiaitely known but ia tbe pert of Iba building wbeia Ihe flimea were firat diaeovmi baa been found a box of eundriea eontaloing aeida ebarred Bateha tot and if i thought ihu aeeident oecnrred through aponUneoua eoaboatien or ih Igniliou of tbaaa aaiebaa by frietioa by ramoviag ihia box iato tb Freight Ueuaa dtnisg tb naiag diiring the invcutigBtiou that tba inform- alion for the arreet ef th pcrvon ehared with lha erim waa laid by th Hlaiiou Heater al Bradford It appear that the priaoner had aome eonveraaltoo early on tbe moraing of Ihe 24ih with Mr 8an den Ihe peraon in eharg ef Mr Ir- rime Staara 8ai Mill at ihe Bridge duriuf wh oh Charleawood told kin that the trek waa diaplaeed and aakad if the Company oould puniih bin if be abould not return lo the Station and warn ing Mr Saunder told him ho bad bat- ler do ao whether they eould Priaoner aaid b would not and ad om vry offenaiv languaft towarda th R R CMpuay Allhougb tbe evtdenee addaeed at the preliminary examioation ia chiefly cireuBtaatil the Magiatrate oonaiderod tbemaeUea jualified in aendiog be priaouer ap to Bairie for trial Grand ReTTniQn A Ra Unioa of 1 Boaiaa rcMaad about 3 p a aad motion ibe Coueeil then raaolv into Committee of the Whole on eommunie liena deferred burniw tu Mr H bom in tbe cbair ComDitte roaa ai reported aa fltowa regard lath patilien ef H- Waelay tod aber K0fr fcr ac alteration iu Seheo Seetioa No 9 youi eoKmitte roomaend that Lot No 9 eaat half ia lb 7th eonewaion b d lac bed froa Unioa 9boot tiou Nc 2 and b aauxd to No- 6 aod would olao reeomoMnd that a ByLaw b nanail for thai purpoa 3ad With retard le tb eonmt lion from Whitcliureh yor eoraa reoommend that Ibe Clerk aeknowdge Ih tM and Bake tb propoaitioe tbi thia Council ia prepared tn expend a equal aaoual with th Corporatieu of tM Townabip of Wbiteburoh up to fifty Uk plaea Our Clronlatlng Xedinm W notice by or exebaagea that th arlianeel of New Brunawick baa adop ted tbe coura weauggeated our Gov- emmaatahooM purwaa tnatend ef aeefc I borrow in the ondoa market ap a credit oftbe Province by paming l aoiborisiag the ieaue of 400000 ia Grenbaeka or Preineal Note for lb eoowroelioa of eriin paMic work Of eourua the plan ia aa experi- inni J hot w do set dmiht il will prer edvaalageoua If lb Pronnce ia aofi- etly aolveat te borrow of Loodau Baakara we eaatwt undaraiand why tb iaeae ahould net ba worth qaiie aa nrtueh al heme ead ia lha ih Proviwe will be Urgly tbe gaioer By tbi Bour Ibey aava ibe iiitaraat from goiag out of tha eeuatry aad have all the a vantagea of tba borrowed eapttal in the derelepenent ef tbe reeoureea of tba eeuntry It maitara Bt te tbe trader mechaaie or labourer whalhar ppr rriey ara tba iaao of ebarlnred nka or ofiha Goverament ao leag ihey a8ird the meaaa of barur and ve aa a medium of exehaugu in buyiag ariUag and diebarging liabililiee whiU neaae for the aatiafaetioa of heteal toil tb eeuntry i advaaiaged ia thua affording tb nacea capital Ibr tbe develcpemeat of iu reaoareea and thereby iaereawng tba nwtarial wealth ef lb C It 1 a aitljel worthy W lb erful eoaaidaralioo of ear own Lagialatur Tba grnapiog deaira nf our oaied iaatituiiooa to pay largu dividmda f more Iban ordinary innouaoed for thia evaaiag in ibe Mcehaniea Hall thaa ordinary itmat ai the chief object ia to raiae fuada to r- pleauh the Library Ihe publio generally fully purauadod will afcrae wiib t life laU Annual Meeiieg oted for thia purpoe but tha Commitle Vod tb amount loUlly in adequate to Bet Ibe preaain demaada eftb readiag pnUie and aAr mueb eeuaideralion deUrmined to make thia appeal to tba membara and friad of tb Aaaoeiaiiea raibtr iban hj ahaeriptio8 Fr what wa have biiberte obeervtd of tbuediueaa of tbe people of Newmar aaaiat enterpriiea ealculaled te be predueliv of ao much laatiiig good aa tbe one alluded to we are ftUly eattsfied ibey will raepond lo thia appeal with tbir aa jtoaW ebarfnlBaa and libaralily Tb Programme ta really a good one id w doubt not iodpadut of th ob- rt ia Tiw lb enUriMnant will b aueb aa to well repay all wbo may altad Let tbe Hall be crowded aad givu tba Inatituta a benafii New ta tii tlm for tb peblie le bew tbtr appraeiaiioe ef tbe Aaaoeiatleo Magiatratei Court a a aMiTH and tu ooauaii xaata Lukee Robineeu Tbi waa aa action brought by pUinff under the Uae- ler and Servant Aet Tbe caee ie brief ly thia Oerendent wee in the aploy nf PlaioiitT- engaged by tb MMwih Afiar rvtg ibre moalb and aetoe Mn daya h left th employ of Pleintiff wiib out proper noliee PlainiifT rafud u py balane of wagoeeomog to bim and defeadeni aummoned bus bfor a Peeeb f Magietraiaa who after deduei ing eeruia lot time gava jjdgmoBt for the tielaaee ef wageaLukee le pay coat Mr Lakee gave uetic ef an ap- pl from thi doiatoa end waa aboot doing ao whn Rihnao came to bin and preliared lo pay the eoeu incurred if be would not fellow up tbe appeal lo hia way maiiera rwaied uocd ftr 1 waa loo laie for Lokea to appeal froa tba Uagieiraiea deciaino Robiaeea tbea refuted M carry oul hia agreement Whereupon pUlntiCeaiered tbe preaaot caee le renever damag or at leeet to punrah dvfendenl m leaving without although Ihey had no dobt Mr Luki had a good caee for appeal ia tbe firat iaecaoe iby could aot new eater iele the aame eaae daaidad hy brother Nagi- iratea They ibeiefbre dwmwaed tbe oomplaini with aoata Mr Caapiea peariad for dafeodant Tear Commitle r the oSea of CollMeter be tiafaetory Tba Couaeil then adopted tbe above report Moved by Mr SbultJewnrth arenadrd by Mr Holbom That eertaio arreara of Uxea dae from Miebael DoyI b tpaBdj ed by him upon the Uiffhwaya who r ceieed froa the Ooaaty Treaenrer ia tb nnt of Lot No I in lb 6ih Cofweerien d that ha alao be albwed to do bia ilfa labor Iber Carried Mr Ilolbora awved aeeooded by Mr Doan ibat Jeahua Chapmaa ba allowed to do hia Slatuto Labor foe year for Lot No 106 Weal Towu Line beiwea thia T tbe Townabip of Kibk under Ihe direct- tiou jf John Salter lb pathftaater On uMtton Nr Holbom by Mr Doee lb ram of twenty f r do- Carrfgfionknrf Correapoadeace We all aod I wi high appreciation ef reeled in year ediiorial aelf BagaUlU yeara who haa hd he e BirthDay Illy told ibat boreffuria that if lb maichaau ef NewoMiket only agree uoaaimeualy te eleae their aech aeeUbraiion will lake plae ia ve mooiha lime aa le loully eelipae Aurora aad twenty fire other village Verily Mr Editor mtideaiy aad baahfaU be Ihe death of you We apeieeJ 01 tae varioaa dpanmek Hay Ih llih aieiing that ia Ik of the eivil war ArweriiJS re Her Mjwya goetome1hiIiJS ijricih jitoT 91 1862 reqeiriag bllfrei 2 aa Briiitb porta withia iweatytT nd riiioitng lhair eoppliau m aeM quuemeoia Tha varieue ea miljiVii fiad 1 Tb TiaaM ot lb 18b ie iUiN ajra itM faMiywfdyipfiaiyi of I per eeol chiefly iu eoeaeqaoiM maqMBA ij iheH d al Waabiogiea aad h Pieoeh ia CaiJ J J d lb febag f depaai a prMtm proof a bai eiiaD Wat I AI6t o ofw rrapmdMl laat week ma xpeeaMooa ralatir i b Ex Frotidwoi b Coarodrai Saia 1 do nei wiA ppear aa ib apolofial of Mr Davn t I M net maniy or jiiai lo apak of hw laving ibfl brand ol Caia ypo hi brew allwtfl thai yr owraponleni qal4 Ibe expioaioa Of if alt be lio wkn V h 10 t30 Afler ordering Ibe cot bridg aereea Ibe Creek Mill waehed away by the freebei time ago tba Council adjoureed attain ou ibe laat Satarday ia Aupwt Sditeritti Saaaiary- Couimr Cotrnat Tb Council ef aaheH eeMiief Trk aod Net will I Heeday J ith day Jeoe erat Tbe next Diviatea Couri to be beU I tba Oowt Hauae VawMrkeL t Ibe tike Chef inly Ti daya pievl I Ih Imi day ef ereira tt that Court t plieed flO If Ihe different Fi Cow doTMtioe toward thoir lenda A grand eelebration iraaryaf aur JUlloal Day ha Hm i the Oroea ae the IW Oaa Us- lidg naer Oleignw Ahl M aehoali iitd I ha peaaaai and we daa4 Mr fUM J a Pcar Kaq J H b a and other afwakaia here aae larliod te aitdram tha n Packham k Heag hav oor handa far diatribulie Newmarket Coonoil- Tbe above Ceuuail Bel at Ibe Ceari Heuae 00 Moeday eveniuf laai Preaent Meear Trent Roadbouae aod Mara- dea Mr Trnt waa ealled le Ibe ebair- Tbe ealy buaiueaa Iraaaneted waa Ibe paaaiag ef a Bylaw appoiaiiag Meeara J B Watberell aad Beberi SrigWy aear PoaadKeepera eee aerlb lite eibar aoutb People aoat aew leek mhly tbe ReUnioo tbta Inc la ifc MaehnaW Hall aad aho ibar Uta a bal a vtaw aod gfr tha faaii a fad haaea Rwrt af thia tha paah of Uwmarhat wlBuot dajeatieele thalaMda lieu aawiwhar the akjial Iato ad a aew eappty 1 ra matter far Ita a cr The Kwmr Swam Mill waed by publl A9tia u Wdeeaday laat to Mr W Ukea of Terk MilU for 000 faerbly knova to maay wh bawhn in Ih habit of dipainf ef lbir wheat al Uogya Ha lew Tb Ewemimf ldnrer pobliah od by Mr Jomr Cahbuou at Londee C W le th till ef ae axaoiloat vmiieg p per adrriad ie er elaio fday i ia w nlaigd u a Iweuty eight celma joernal and from the ii lecwivM w heM eoeaider it 1 kgroal uOiyr IV W noliee by a L Hamih TiaMe thM Mim ad albr lotail Marchwita af ly ad a eaMnaiaaiiM ta lha Cawneil praftef thB I pam f L lerpwaf a Kaaaaatax upau pat apie ploaeaafbe alaee ar a fav weaba aed aaOiac paed w a graat aaariioa te th iajery af tha parwwat that Ih MoaWpal Uw gieoa aoeh t thw CMbawa laality WmuU he ufoiaeuil Ua m4 kUfi9ai We aeliee I7 iba HaBiltea paper that MrJB HeOarawhe hawoadd aa adHraW7 amid wat laaarmaaeMhb diO- eltiaa h eWahiiahiag a Deaf UaU Inwi- hHoa upae a paramaiai kaala k now hkiriag te i hiaephara waafehMea laaUef awat anfcetae f aur pepelati ith atiod We amgW to a ih pram prtoS Ko Ouearam efWtahy a liberal PaHUi Aautd toad ihca uaaUry graat ia aid G Wokim Tb Majr aumbar of Ihia exr4laM MoMhIy odMod hy Noaea KacLeaw D D aM of her Mijmly Uhap Iakaaid paklbhad by VeaaratlTaauae A C M Ladgaia BIB Loedou ia riaalvad U iim Ihia pertadiaal had m aeoraga atoathly etieuiatiaa afeea haedrad awd UUf ihaaaaad aafle The aamhee hefar aa c a aae aleauly after Ibatr lira Meek or Ib will luoaatiaaefBerewardthelaalaf bUTU tb Cm le pay j by Oaat Ineawtwlth arge ead i t OMtrieiing latiag aa a n who bow- bared to banJ lha a Voaat Albert Corraipoadasea- I acd p4t- eaid ef tki rub itagju Mobi atMurwn Aa Beainoes lee ia more brik Albert- The ahpa aoem u hai moie cbeetfel and lively appearaoeo enJa tbe reviviog infliooe of epproeehiDg am aar KjaUJee po ef aw gseda ef ww peaaibia malarial and JMeriptieo eel a laiMi aiylo iwaM tba y af ih bowi dored bheker georyil friw ibt fr EMganiaa rwMtpiiooa ht the Tadii- eryihng fio tbi down to pldn printed aaiieoei twoUoanda balleeukaa Vkih or have lb aame pUeiJ Belfali6acl peoaoe aad wear iho oaa atwaoryp Mand to look ploaaaoi ia aimplr a mat- r ef buaieeaa a poriieto ef Iheir Mek ta- 1 wib 1 eould writ jro a glouiag d iripiiee of ih Q en Biribdaf eatahia- n in Meant Albert te lelS yol of the ng proeeaaieaa with banda and haonefa aluntaer ead fire oompeaioa omee UAoile aed all Ibe ether perapheWalia if impoatof peeiaeJaand fieally a ie iiipiwa of the gamea ihe drameeo perfer- aeeea and tbe boo firea aad briCiaot ay ef fireweika in the eveaiog 1 konet from Ihe very puis anJ atapka fai at aoeh 4hrioeaexia vely in imagi- Hwa iby ar uaknewa ie tbe preoeei Ibey remam ar the dtataal fotere ya em aorry l aey ihi tleot A lbrt Ctiledtode her doty ah fall to ahow alif hi feapwoi el ahouieg bw aiMp ooeer eflhe birtbtl y af ourgoeit Qeeae THaorw Aaga No figa wr haaied ao eaneeua rear aaberod ia thai meruin a der wore eld ail waa qoiet opt lb eoiau eeeaaieoed hy Mthef iny1irMoaai lha 4h of April Now r thiadelieiiof dety t kf dialay iahjeuT forded by that gaed etd lag thaTbr ivaw alt tho which Tieteria lalea hi bey ere btavwl ItM biovse t la It bwoae iby believe in ih deetrioe eaixaeaed by tbaae ihrv word Look 10 Waahisgtee t Th anowet I a all Ibeae qoealiooa ta Na j aaoal lly No I Mooel Albeit i loyal iIm beena oor She tovoo ani raveiea thV nabtwQe whoae Tinooa il 1 her rya bloVtwehieall fonh ib u veriug loyally aod deep devMwa of hi pi What mad br eiiixue fail iba hw il a br uata day t Simply b 10 lby bv buMt ia th habit 1 treat f le Nowmaiket and ihe aurreaodlng eit ig Jut Davio Baj maef aihai o beee aeoamplwai ka dMa lined fcr eala iJI to the avteli of Seereury Sewaj the late PieoiJeat Oneele imi aaa ehaTarLT Th Daijr TiUfrafk yaiej many daya ago we pr PreKlai iobiwoa woakJ hr ta biwaen lb poiiey of Geaeal Botlai aad h IL M poliay o GaeiaJ Giael noie ka hen mad lakntbeih teriiWjr TbfSfirnnh ewth itedft Cad Pre droepiag Diar Th fetfewieg old hooalyjuai MM aiacerely hoCM aed 11 ar pereea treat when aneth- the regiator T be ereet and oee B aa era In tbe ville biaaery L0N0IMANU3 During tbe paet few week we ive been tbroegh Bueh ef ibie eoauiy lid a poriioa M fleeting and every- bre there are cheering tndicaiicKia thM w coming harveat Will toe an ahuwdeut ae A Targe breadth ef fall grain- moaily rye waa aown leet fall and ael- it preeeale a healthier bppear- ti this eeeaoa of ibe year Mea- dowa ur all looking renarkably well id we veniuie 10 predict iIm daya ol leap bay aed fat eutle aad horaea again Spring gruia aowad oa hifh laada k growiQf 0eeiy but tfae haviag low ianda ar aech kept beck in eenaqo of the Irequeat raliu Scoj aea Ciiy ot h bad lfi Livrpal oe i fb ponuhmeot ibroak Conlodoiaia loaJera if ear sUroocabI bet 11 w eai lat ifib ateprevod gailiye leiiy la theaaaaauuatieo they a Paihamofttaiy p I aimpofiaoL Ria Jtuna A Il haa bean reponed Ibat irur I It beiieeoB Paragoay aed tha American BeTolntivi Maj r General Sheridaa wM a h ai Baton 1 ibori lime during Ihe 0 11 ill tbe fioeet eondtiwa Gen Mernii willdewhtleeebeil I to th cemmaad of the ewrafryj ilh jenarala Caelar L t divieion eomaundera Three eorpe are 1 I rouU te that depurlaaal inU The armiae ef Geri td Magruder ere reported t formidehle probe 6J f ire mi lo b w eu iona aod monliiee f w The rebel MJm- GeeenlJ I oomwimiio trying ibe c i ie aaid ibal evral oftr V bea aammened Thoweead of addieri a aiy and aeighbuwibeedi In viawuf ihu feet C mmaader of tbe depart ingtoD bee iaaoed ao erd roouM aad pleeia wbe Rquonare aoM ba cleai hcmru ef eeeu ia tbe ev 7 pyatat ef ibe tn biy b eommenood next Yoai May 7 fei aaya tha Jailed f wt Atlomei baa eit4rd tb fV loritiea that tb Cireeit Cafl IS procd with lb trial f M Uavi I rahaOioa Jaml aad it will b aaai w ef Ih Stll U tm lb aiihtary pwwar toe aeaa ikHi Shertdaa wiN eel ed M tihal Frea thw aeeliaa te abde Gm I Brrly fckr UmSf anltf fr ftichaaad eu their wef KmP were att bek eader guard Th Cb epliljp Geveraaeul BtpcU I hue aaaiaatiee witboetgeBary vfa HotMvTt M Atkaata I GueriUaa do ae olwW igaiioe ef ib AWhaa Btvur Shendaa wil hal coaaeed 1 We leura tbat a lab the lapeiiahaU will lake plaellw werar Corlieea h7M Aw diera aad tbe aeabf ia dalM by deMriieea fra til fre aed Sailb i Ciao May 19 raliaMa loferaaiMlibet th PorreM w killad atvllf th I3ihhyfref hiaewaw Ibe dealb i 1 their Maiif to b abet by Ferrat lb esaltiag r the MriaadUf whib Ffrl d

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