THE NEWMAUm ERA APRIL 28 1885 fiMrftl of Mr- LtDoeln in Vew York N YoKk April 25 A ewitiBt ttrfim of bPM rtnc b City lltU Iwtt ll ot lb Itlt Ptett 4MI ftr ifpoKJ lo ifw effr Noce jtt tary fm Thff r mt WMla- At ahlniclK lU OrMO Mftrt iiybeiin tboat iOOO fwri ckMtri iiirr Tbroaihoat lb vhoir lb looK Imt of etuiwt fM tb Skint akrp aioM th onoog il MtiQfJ jiKibd but ry bllU ltd MOB ifler rf 10 Jobs lrU o b eM i4 of ibt fr olber UtM of riopiojt tbrt Hall oJ b ainli io tb Tfiiitjr wei tbroofcti bf f flw 0 lli liM f rib bMfM Ua It pAMrJ Alt placr J tiMiim t cImJ tb ppr twM of I ItM bulJ log b route at tho pfwtB tr ocuptti k QllOVt Ibcre an Wm of preotoB and v iMftriif olwei b ol wit Sial aod rilisnt i O o lb foMw CJ Hall took fira tli mofno jaaiping from i Off of fire wt Mda Tho rWD ot niid of u cfii ar who promptly oro iion ibo bjrmnK drapery aiil a nih in iho cowd would io all prubotMlity bavociuocd eon- aidorabl U of bfo Tbo crowd itt Broad groii tbii it wm fuod eooaaoarjr to rue ehaina around thapac tbroah vbwfa Ibo proecaaton waatopaa in ib park Tho nopittr who vwwod lb romajna i Miimatrd at IiODOO A naajr mot vera dtpritrd of iho privi U0 br ih aipiOHo of ib allottad ta wporb pi of neehBitm T awD paifirtB ial4 fe loig 6 wda a 15 io baight On tliia plnllorw hi nu Th Ottawa Luim attloa hat it w vxpftied that iba RiiUaa Canal ald bo openoJ jrcalerJay Mondaj Tber i now itiJ tobe not om oni of tmtb in tho report that ha rinee of Walct bad hi pockct picked tho Chcriaejr alMplobaaoa ty Tha battery of irliilor I for LndoD will lavo Montreal on May il by a bitai lo thia etij thay will proeood by Mag a Be faot ffo iaeboa m bixhi on reett AUa li daia Opy aapportd by four and 0 CMOpy iih black olocb foatoonad atx ateoglod with aitvar bullion bo eoricr aurrrwuiiW by a rieti plumoofUarh aad ilraaihar A- Itborif io rfvaeii DO areblMiH of an oieopt t amoll fl maido of the car I Hell Prom tU aoopwidd a larg ihrf d fe ropo Tbo lamplo of f kind ilTor around t ai half matt Tl I ImM with hito tat eDlra of tha roof 9 lie talon iaur h tud h7 f mI U F BrIwB at GaoaoJVe OB Wtdaaaday Dibt latt Tb Uek of be lib toopowdcr Bad riOO IB euh I500w of ptpera aad flOOio potlapt alaopa were takiB oat CO TbffO coropaoiea of Moabya lerillaa JibanJJ tbeoiiclrM an the iiilan at Culpprer and leir Lvmco Mby baa now aoiso kia lhao thraa Luidrtil mcB nsMt- Dmittiaf tbrir drpredaiioaa on the nck of lnl rtinnlBc down to Actinia Crck aaii in tha imuediat rieioity of Fredericksliur flTUBT On ProTuiobal Coaocil ofPeel- By a otraibt wa erfclfd b fr lb Mirpa of foiMiBg lbinclr io- B provtMOoal Coaneil accordB to tb At Tha Wardeo of th Vftited Cot CooBcii Mr H S Howlaiid nok tbr ebiT and moedei Ooaot Mr Ruaell Dr Dracbait waa le Wardra of tba ProfiMOMl Cooacd Tk vewly elected wardea wtt ladoetod to bi Mat by Howliad aod dchrcrcd a bnrf poyt to tba couBCil banking be Bnv bar fnr tbe taafeni bb ovar- atedowiB tb policy b iadd to par aoa wbite is ofic Ha aaid b woafd felSil tbe ofieo to tbo beat of bit judgaeat ad at tU taoia tioc b bopd oub tba lairacta hat wod ootitte Lm lo tbe food ill of all Ho wa Bwaro of tbe re apoBMbilita Bad aerepted then io tbe kiope tbot tboy WU be able to accoB for tbe CoMiy of Paal llac lated t reltaeo Perl from babhtitt of payiMBt foe Iba pareba o tha York road for tbe people of Iec fait eery Mcb iabtcd to Iba ftleiaa ad aWa foe I rta4oaM ta calUBf tbe prvMBt BMetiei wbieh would OBBblr thooi to aeperata macb earlter Ui irwaied tbot at tbe eod of tba year tby voald ao cooJoct ibo boMOOM MMtr tbat tbo etcctora will be o tbea Well 4oi4 food tf M i Herk Woyp railUal Pnea oe by Mr Parker Lwdy ol li amptoa watappotale ftba ProTwooal CooociL On of Ml irice aeooMied by Mr Pi aaoto of Ml wi appowtod to fra for Niea for tbe cooaty bailding od aUo plaBf tboreof IB order that for liMir erWtioa my bo Bdrcrtied for U cMt 1 MaMea Parker Urabtm Uoaaoli Milk Hartley aod tbe oref Oo aotoa of Mr Pnee aoeoided by Mr blork Iho alaodifg rle of tbo bui- lod cooBtwa coBool of York aad Peel waft adopted by tbo cooocil ia ao tbey did oot eoodtct witb the ipeeia for tbe aepentioa of the eoonty of Peel iroM tbo coaay rf York A by law wi iatrodced for M appaNitMOat of a See Treat Mr lodMr wat appointed to tb iiaed oSce aod Mr Geoego tira- Laa to tbe acoad Oa motioa of Mr Hartioy tU tMarer wat reoete4 to eater iBto boodt kaaelf io and t of 3 000 eaeb befare aateriBX apoo bo datiea of b oCto Tbo eoaseU tb odjoaraed to atoat ib Braapto tatt Soli loe tbo lBtMBClioa of baiei Leader Tbo PorberoQ2h Haiew atates that thirtooo wolreo bTo boes kilUd da riiff tbo pnaiBt apnof by tbo pooplo of Barloigfa Mr Petor IttiJtii hoel4oop roeairvd tbo bout for iao killod by id Mai AppoiQtmeBtiLiceiiNt Twh n A Huotor of Lowiatooi MD Noiah of KiOgatoD Bq M D VanKenmliir Oafoo of Haat Gwillirabury Keq M I and John Caaeadan of uwa tlaq M D to oiu- bio tbem to praetico pbyaicaurgery and midwifory in Upper Canarlit go Wlaon K M D Riid rB- rion lUq M D a- cooQiy el Perth Jubn CaicaJoa Kaq M aaaiiciiooomrier county of Elgia Kdward Homibmok Kaq aioocit coroner eouniy of Perth I Kaq to he Police Mag of Brarlo Donald of Thatnaefafd fo be a otary poSlir iu Upper Canaja t3a aimer of nuelph Eq harrliier a w IO b a nntarv poblic in Upper Can- 1 da The H ill Wm McMonei to bo a nemhar of tbe Coaaeil of Pollie Inatrue- loD for Upper Canada John G Con- ray ofPurt Datheia to be ool- lecuir of I Uet Fm In Bramptoo Dramptofl April St A do- irQotiee fire bruU oat io thia town thia nornieff aboat one oclock Tie atorw if Mir Trotter and Landy were en tirely doatroyctl by fire Mr Trottora and he ia intr Ltindy loat propeitT whieL rindoi Mat Li t Mr decide i bock baring eo PraMdeat Jobatoi a tbe ill rai obarfytHea Adriooe fro jBpai via Callfbr- nil 60 dajB on the way anDouooa fa thrr report of Kurdar dt the nativfa of foreignor and more eotupUeaUooe with foraigo powara The Windeer people bare been delighted bj the reeeipt f one of the Crimean gaoa taken frun tbe Rnaaiant Tha Oreat Weatera Railway carried it from Toronto to Windaor frM of charge T Fife BWB ware alTocatrd at Qecy Illinoii ia conteqweace of blowing tbe gat in tbeir rona at tbe hotel retiriog fur tbe eight iotiead el larDieg ir Ibttt learing tba gaa le aacape aad fill ibelrroofB They were foued iateaai ble io tbe aoraiBg aod all died Tbe loodon oorreapoadent of the New Vork aaya that Mr Seward ba procared the dotaik of the orfnlw- tioil of the Feniana tbeir nnmbere e and reported the faeU to tbe EogUsb poverDment NEWIUBKET MABKKTS Newrearet April 38 It RJaar bad and fpj iitle Pn of any kind eomio in Floor 475 a 500 Fall Wboai 950 SpiingWbeal 65e Bailey 65e Oau 4n PM TOe 80 0 Polk 6 a 6 SO Bntter ireab I5e Rntlcr igb Ifte Ia per doten 12 Fnwia per pair JOc te- eacbSOo Tarkeyi 75 a tlKX Potaloea 35o TORONTO MARKKTS SJ 7S 65ifaD J wiiht- manJaolJ at lie Iafl06pr boiiiel miil Held at lotl per baabai io Bariey Pirmr ai 6So lo 65 per boahel 0ia 4CIU 41 pet bottiel Rye 60iv per buhl Pia atked for ai AOo lo 90r milj 1 PrornBuuerFraah whotaate per lb IS 17- leiail jwr ibl3oiai5c in iiiU MfholeMle per Ib 14o lu tGo KgKiWhoIeale per Jiueo lOc la l3o retail perdnuri 1- par ibTll lacon Wb per Ib lOe le tile retail iei lb t4e to e LarrfWhnlMale 110 to 13a per Ib ly K Fi mJ Poj tultfd 1 agSt woaM prove fatal P garly ii leaid loe tin Iba gnH htLV A Laaci perbapt tbe d eeeina lo wiah for ha end ra which will endoubladly day or other KingUen Fci Speakieg of doctor trge ee a etert ilely bealowad on M NeltalOB the imoBMirxeoo He bat a rnrate for il bia owe betiJea tbat wbtcb be ba ired by practie aad be la eo loi fotng AU tbe Rateia Bed Bad if recenary perf Ibere He id tbtt paymeDi be aboald reeiie ior tbe joeroey wool I be too bigb Nante it tbe palunia fneada N Nelietoe pe lie thuotht would be a prohibil 400000 fraeca 16000 il wt imrccd ataly tagBgd at tbat at Iktil MiU GasfUg T pore Com C TTie Herald of Moeday aya By late fnraigo adrice we leara that I it reported ia high Catbolto orcle ibed that the Pope wHI coaae toAverwa lod make Moatreal bi fatare reaiHeaee ratter writtee is tbat city bare foaad beir way lato tbe CoKhtb newapapera tpreaag a wrailar belief witb t ad- iitioeal i8tefBtt tbat Ibe Roman Calbolic liibop of Xinetrral it now la Rone and Blk Tbe object of the Ditbep of Mootrea nut to Roiee nty be BBde iteKl frjm the oUewlag wbeb wa tak Vim Ibe Montreal GatetU of Moa laylta ahid thai libop Boarga if lU dlxev eouM But obtaia a dipei erect a Caibol Moat I of Iiral Ueiveraily wbo op KTceUj CotamereiAl Keqort- MoxTKaL April 34tb 1865 4 95 a 6 15 i Siipffin No I from Weal era Wheal 4 Ua 4 90 Weaiern P oir norte ofleriMg No 3 4 60 b 4 75 Fine 4 35 a 4 10 8g Floor 3 70 a 3 75 Wheal- iUleaamall Mllwaukia Clob 1103 a I 05 Chicage Spring 97i el 01 U S Hpiiiig 1 0 3a I 05 Peaa No aalea bat boUara aak per 60 Rjtee Hh tieing me 17 a I8e Fl diem 14 a 15 Faeiory Baede 10 a 11 HanCBciaMed 13 a 14e Smoked lllawl 13 e Perk- Quiet Maea rJOOO a 63050 Other gredea nemiaal L Tiereoe asd berrele 134 e I 13 u lli a Dry Ti DreM for DoUarl a SOIirER Family k llispfciig Chemist MAIN NEWM KKET RKET O ir B I N Drags ST- FINBESH FAMILY loCERIES Pure Winei MKDICINAL school Liquors PURPOSES books UNERY t ICED SODA VTATER riCE EMOM SVRirP OINGEXl Willi fto- Ac Abraham Ificoln 10c CARTBde VHteef iag BaHfe alM Cab He VtaHe ef Bnetb Uaryer and will r h smith s AND UAKTLE Show Booms Will be Opeeed for tie Seaaoa ea Saturday April 29th Wll EN e Cboioe AMHifeai of Sem- Ber Goede will be otfared at eery low Prices for Cash I Nmukn Jlptil Iftb IMl ir 10 WAWTED 1 FEW Boerilera eea be eeceeiaiodalad a 5 Atioa TerrMB W H CROSBY Important to Ladies Miee BMILY DUaNS IS iew preperwd le Reneddle Cleaa aod Reoew HTRAW HATS AND BONNETS To ibe Lieei Style of tbe aeeaeo en mod- RBtlaee Mill Street sert deer Confiscation of Cotton AND RRSTORATION OP THE GOOD OLD TIMES AM pleaaed to infcrm mj frienda that by takieg adrantago of tbe presentcotton panic 1 htfe aeotirwl ORKAT BARGAINS tod will M 2S S M The pre rf N Goooe to half lite rarrent qoveinna of the pe ihro yeire look at tha following prire honi up tba noney and gAt from me NKVV CHENI DRESS GOODS A 4H Par Yard PRINTS FST COLORS A it do do HEAVY WHITE COTTON HOSE A 7 Per Pair And all othr GOODS at the Bame BUItTOUS RATES TllOS A HAIlTOxV Kewniarket April 37 1985 AUCTION SALE OF HOLSaiOLD furniture i tetBrday Vaxt A Mr JOHN OAUKUT NEWMi Wbeiataai I HaMlMi Baebipcan4 LvlyaC Cbaira 6 lo e Bed Carter Store Cr Cbaira RJReo PIT Ceret 9 H I I D Barralk Uiaie Riie Th rbiraltare i lleak Ml Fridif nl 29tli 1666 J RKEX boatd I BairSeetH Fable Caee ReaW a raa LAiBg paiiTrED Sheriffs Sail of Lauds TO BE SOLDBY rUDC AUOTtON All Ibe rigMfctjiW iMereaf in arwl to ihe Soeiij Q Ur of Lot Noreber i id oeiicrKMi b TowoUilp of Ol rrc TEUMSi eXsH THOS ATklNSON Hewwarket JprT i CHANCERT SALE steam mill fropeett la tiie Villagmf Newmarket iim chcery partoaaee ef a drMn flsal order lor COIIrN r FOllD 1 lr hv m by pebbe AUCTION EAOXZ HOTEX Village of Newmarket WcdM47 May llil A D 1M5 A i s eeloah eoi b mm peieel tbe follow LANDS mill property CesMeljp bWHTB aa ibe property Tht Knemarket Stfom iiU Co And dewibed a all aad atagalar ibeaacMtaia eareeta or uaew at Ued aad fraBiaaa alteaie Ifiec aad beiag ta that part of ibe rillafa c llewetarbel bid eat tbe tMihefKarly part of Ut Xa M en tbe aide eT Teoga Coaaiy mt Varl Mead7tid7 ur kaewB aa Iota C aod lew saaitM iwelre ihirtaee feei of Newaarfcai tageUMr UieaaU atrip ar of the lau Jte iriaeo Villaga efl lasd Tying Bunb aeelb of tMI part of tba aaid let BamW fleiprapee FBAM FLOTTRINO XIIL Upneaatoea faaedaiiee waebed by Ma tbfee loriea high Ibrty feet by thirty frei plaMared ob lite eetiide j alee a fraoe aloea katwe adjelalag two aterie bifh oa B aloea eat alao an tMraebLaeeeeaiar hrb aad ataeet fcrty fei by thirty faet There are flra raa ef Barr atoM I the win deebt ew dtaat twtl ajagte eewitry beH aad aOtee erdi aarr aableerr aad eapebta ti griadiag to beahaU of gaed wbaat par beer pair me The aaaeWoary ia Ibe- wiS k drieea by The Mill la BOW being WOTbedaBd ia ia Zi ia Tbef ia aha apea the preaieaa a MWaail iwo atorlea Wb aed abMiiiitty feet by iweai7eibi bet irM mv aMi ether MagTb eed te tbe Railway BUtioe at BewMtr The renrhaaer ai ihe tlwe of aal ahaH pay dea a deeaait of tea pereeet arhia parrhw Miy IB the rewiar ar MeMeheni aad ahati viifiia ana Ibereafier m dept Mke eMheMte aed ahell eieaie a lre leoetaie paer of wta U Ihe balaaea if tha parrbaaa Maeay ayalda la ire yeaiafroa the day ofaala with iaiaraat ibereea at eight par erL par aaeen payabta rele Tba paebwr will be reMiad latiMera Ihe preetoMiw Ibe aewwat of tba BtorigaMea aed aaeh airtgac eeatalB iha aauu ia i aiaaea elatiae Tba perehaaer ahall prvpere Ihe eeanaBaa aed ort at hie ewa ei pme Aftereeptaiiaa ail theparchaaatba parcKaaer wiU be let late poMawlaa The aiber eoeditleaa ef aala are the ataadiiig ea ditieat of aata af Iba Court of Chaaearr rarthar paiiiealare ai oOke af Meaaia XeMwkaal fiiiffanld aed Maati Ken A Wlla Tarowf lewwarkel aed CaCiea aed fron tba Aaee 5 thia 4th day af April IM GEO H DARTNSLL wCawBBeeMeMicwmA rnaeeeAU TiedurB BeHcMeea CberA8tree Tereete Phonetic I THOROUOR leatrMtiea cteae ie theaea ae yte af ab art by m PanaMfaatdiiNrNtBey pert ef tbe eeeelry eey reaaira lewrweiiea ie ibta vay eleaat m wetl w eraliy Far faU paitteelara addraaa e alaitac lattae etawpi a hutchison OanCeUiflMde CW william THOMf All of whieh pMi aele ar TVrPe OfttnriftT April tbi AI tbehallif court tks citf ot Torn FRED Sktri Sbeiiffe Offiea Tbii April 13 IMS tcres I llcntfiliN RNULISH ChKMICALB Gemral Dntgs and Mcdicines dr bffie17ley reliiwtll ZtillrlalMi the mar da- on abtaitiiag laltkey aerd aaJ ah Spring and Snmmor Goods IlEASONABlE PRICE j pjfg y yeh OIL iKKSS coons iThaHypMtoMirrarLiie8erfirllrmi TUIMMlNGSj Qaioiar lrrldiB Rl jill nirufe Millinery Straw Goods lloiif Hkine puiiuxt Ac ia gieti rariiir Traae Sjrin Sponit fto Ac FANC iirzzr7rr7i K B J engnga Fiiij a f wihrw Tfce CcBfmloB aBd Eiperieaci OfftBlBTalld THE ACTUAL MSnSDtPARTMaiT jgiTiy AND PLOWS Sheriffs St e of Lands TO BB SOT y PUHLIC AUCTION a LL Ihe right 100 a Ceeniyef York eve- cres JOHN BIGHAM GEORGE DIGHA All ef which ptapi Ill b DirAa f toronto JAHVIS DR P B PECK sTntoEoir BEimsT RCiPeOTKULLT MMWlkat b wUt be IB the Mkwwiag plaeaa at ibe tisa aiaied Hawtwirkel let aad Sad of each Meath Sbaroe Ird do da Biidnrd4rb da do XaanaaeTllle Sth de da B Head 6tb da do 8eboaiberK7Ui da d ABniratba laet day af each tooeth tVhee he will be heppy la wait epae theae ra raqovtag bta aervieM ie aey tba Braiclies hii Profession goad aey o prerleualy war TMth Ixurtd 09 Gold Pit or Yalea- Qised Robber Teeth enracted tih ilie leaat reariUe pain kBd peniealer aiteatiM paU lo the RtpUaUoa of CUldns T prBLlC NOTICE ble by Df 8 Vaad P B reekae Iar Pndemee aad Praetira ef DeatM be paid or ealiUd tiy Dr P B Perk percbaeed ibe taiaraeia of ihe flrie Tba aederalffBad waakd Airtber fUie l aed Oeaapeteat DeatiM 8 Kewaarhet AprMM I To t Pu yefbiae ATlhereqeealefa ubaeriterwOIr eatb Ut tha parpaa oT takkeg Bad raUllttai TO CLetetiVHEV I fcrrr Biaaliae Apply New Spring Goods TliOM Asluii OUVtCKS Ppriog an Satnmer Stook of DRY GOODS AND HILLINERT Ifi now oomplele Hi Straw Gftode rreeiTed direct from the Maaofactoree U tbe ohoieeat and Cheapeat erer offered in thia City IT 117 Kinn Slrttl T N B Straw aad Te Torotito April 3 1805 Spring 8c Summer iVcff Goodi New F MF2SBOND BKtJM raaeirally Lfortii the ihaSlaU of NawAMbet tM aurrouodi g aMBiiy just c 0 m p i k t k d FURNITURE rorntr it BUI Uala tIrMU t SAMUEL hOADHODS J JASceeaUaily ea baedageMrU aaaart furniture trr IMP CAHll OR SIIOfT rREDITl A raniaraeeetrully bllriitd Rtmambci Lt Woat be Ubdertold COFFINS ueady made A WORD TO rpflE Mn wbe wnl anc aal raid v f hafidrrtlfreias lae rTo Iltiadird Dotli TVi ir nUBMTEDJartlie Knrfital as a CIV- 1 jUQ MCMl lrrnyTo r erliwWr W nxrlfrrj By prftiijrSoiga aiugle NATllANIKt MAYFAinEio I mill eiinte ntoehlye Kiap Oa t T frXXXQ XeC TlIK BTBTBV oilit Xmotfitdge el eer ClAL VUtlRSE DlliaiOx f ftSat af Bork8 aod Siatmni in Phnnogniphy D relegrantie gie e 0 Board UFCKHOLAJtMlP F tfa eTo Entire Horse for Sale OK WILL UK JET FuK THE SEASON heart of oak pil P aabMrawr nfWa for aU thaehhra 1 tal Inau lloir lo M him ler iHe ewm Tfms HwiMiwIiW Kiiirr lor Wh erappret Jreil lln fOakta Ciiilt real- oM and ba prard hiarfa Mre 1 ir-lltlli- WMik b Mkor piaijjM ef nrh GwWItaileryer ailhe Sprtint d the Neiih T Ainrahml itoelety i MAiUtlTT LIST K IKTTKHS RrMAlin IbeewMtket Hue fire AprtI lb tiV Aylard JoMepti uoratier Juhn Buiailey M Loaw Miae Ana conner k FARMERS I LoV l nJ B W Waltons htr eia igXDora ur nghly Pmrlictti BSHTO brnt Ik xriLt a TIKUCdMiWH Dr C AUSMAN mzj DENTIST KErCCTPUIlT anaeaaea thai he ti heat U 4nvlKHitli erje Jti- road Hetal watariiH reM the 1st la Ihe tilb of Ererj Hoath Aodallbe eIWi ff plarea ailhe datee waa snAnoK QUKKNiVrmt llih ery Mnlb Ftfi Ciicelarer ow infodnaltoaaddti J WVONKS Prloeipal- Frbniary IS IKS VICK ilhh nKCIlAKD iitd JKA 51 b kinstatlov CVh ricmmosdhill 2ci CeiiftuaTrLKBV Wh klOUNT AIBKRT Suh Branchoa of hia ProfeasioD NoTKIn ol any ofilia abura data HUa1 aU rff IFa X E E T M IMKKTKD O Gold Silver ot V Rubber CVe out fittin g t i poR aoyihlac ia tha Upa ef a COAT Pants Veat- Hat Cap Shirt- i TCBTH FZIaXiBD he C ic IN THE MOST SKniFDL MKNtKR YOU CANT DO BETTER Ta cii AT oa Ihem aaaaar aapoaMUa toMr Urer MOORE Aa fr Arrwti raida at Ifewtaarkel dertef tbe llaM he ia at other ameiaiaeMa eJl laitera addiviMd tvl 1 prwiiftly ai leaded lh PUaai Articular luaUorriag ibellaiaaBd place of eeeh apDlmBl A Uial reqorted rtT UeeioeplWiiaWa refcr Hill Tbeeia llifdiug Hotn fiftevn Juhn Ja kwin WiM Kelly Mia KU on 11inaa 1ton Mia A Tilae llamphey TI tep WilU I R K ihWiay iamea WAef KohU Wardm M Mary Yetie L H ROK PmtmHtUr STILL ALIVE AND BoQod to Win Equilibrinin Restored I TllESUBRtBKK ha peVehaeed the Hterk laTrade aid haJecae af Mr Baa Iliiaa ai ibe Ukl tMaed M Street Ncwmirket boots shoes GAITERS C at riuces ro ui r tuk A aa be baa beee related hi the treda mt Scwaily loaf tbf jUeeUeiiibathe quality and style Of ble work be eeaddaatlr appaela to theae levaMefaajithhig iehialiaeef beeiaieete tor Aom But Fint Clm TTcrlna All Work Warranted t Store Beoa cm brer bu Bet TonnB Caah or Farm Prodaoa RcMfMaiR TMB rLACC Two Doors Sontb of TH Kajkl R PREST KevmarketMarehaS IrU tm a o rtoee ifAo JUt Iritn then C P M008R ra 19 16 U Wbiakcra Whisker 0 OwTlweioa CeitipawwiU fsrce llm J pekafaafrB4KK Sviit ly mail aaywhara etaaelv aalad oa reeelpi t prie Atlrva Waaaaa A Oe Bai IS Broek lye KT April 13 ie Money to Invest OX ilUKTOACE Apply hs A lAtLTBEB FIRST PRIZE III And AMBOTYPES REMOVAL BC DXDKIUiaNKD reapeeifelly hrti PICTURE GALLERY Ta llta proaahea vo dpofs NiiH eflbe Peat oOeaaadiaeeedyoaeapted br 0afe Wah- IM Berber aed harkNg rtfltied the place ipaHy Ur the perMae U prreree lu Pholograpbi Lettorofrapbi ambrotypes 0 wubdeapaieh BiU ie Ihe letaai aiyia al lbeAnetthe Loweiit RcnuacratiTe Prices JaatReeeieatl e eew aed eoaptote etipply af all kiedaar DESICS PH9T0EAra rD locim 4c Plrterea of Prirala lU ar ef iaealUa TUEN AT MODEDATE CHARfifS- aewwwber tbe Oelltry Jmr Dfrt Mlk Ut OU Simtd KAtff frmxKT yEWUAIiKBT RFITZPATKtCKArtiO BewBiarket March 0J8S U1 CcrllAcMle The BBderaiffaedcMMafiJanlty Sale by Fiulic Auction valuable FARM For Sale pFIB UXDERBIOtKl fifty acres Mereorlaaa There are aheel leeeaalaered feacod Bed twdegaed celfraitee Tbe Cans Dwelling House Bam Aad ether eetildiaita aad la atiealed wKblaft eintaerKlagBlatioe Beine a eer eer let tl bet iwe Ireeia Bbd Ie pleeaeetly aaledi Tor lerma aad partieelare app Ie the aoderaigead ai Bewaarbet ELfZADETIl PALMER KewBtarkal MaiebIM CS tM UiDRRaadHr A4taiaedls a iCwa breiiaalth Ki pan Lot Nl efa rf feilew becBrd Crriiala VVAKRPILD CO k Ce I 15 TawnaMp ef iheOaeatTafTarki leaa beiagertiepo a mrWiipflf TawMlIl U Caat OvUheihary ia th Coealy of Tk aieretd ad baUrd mm 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