Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 10, 1865, p. 1

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AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER gre me the liberty to kxow to utter and to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty ttcgfncti Otrcctorg Dr McCallam pHYsicuwsoj VOL XIV NO 1 ti SS ijlpcto n John TStokes 4 eSakw T Bishop ft Son BlttCKLrKR Pl4cw Md A BocUbeA CHMeer7Cf D Ml CTiafturv 2U IMO K R Moore NEWMARKET C W FRIDAY MARCH 10 1863 TERMS 150 IN ADVANCK nabtp trfts th ilyCMei QARBEft Ill B ktNo 15 60 WlLUAn ARRISTCRail l Uv8ne nARITER TrnaWkJaRaS ifortb lUchardson IUU UJ llurr Ih- Fyn rarsiCUa9arKMftad Kfemehryrr Nie5 C internitioMi Hatthews Haclean in RSSliRSKCt SOCIETY OF LONDON j rROOlCB COjrMIUSIO MERCI1ART8 ikITALHi AOS T OUMbOP tTl ry 16IM9 BSOj PMIMft QOMVISSIOVER U lha Q rineUI InMrascaOo J UOcaaa Toff 1 FBOKT STREET TORONTO John T Stoke QOJftJSlOSER for RBBiknBa iteil i rer BradUy d for Hector SoUlTan T O R 0 0flnCB Si B BOtebereft Or Bntlej James McClnre W oflef TfcfrBTAJtCRKBI LMd Mnl WillUtu AiviH Co Forwardini k General Ageib M SL AVUb SimX JTMrM il U WbMt TXenr t Predsr t OfocvrM Rr4wn Bcsfnrfls Ofrrctors E Jftckson ISSTIR or L1CE5SZ8 btaa Era 6Btwar HALLEN AND WILLSON CIVIT EKGINEEBS ARCHITECTS PrtTlMll Laii Serreytn markn S Ih61 The Uaeen8 Hotel Lal RTr Hoaaaj Tn 30 THOMAS DICK ttoprtt TfoiiiaJoaa5IMa 1 Ifsimtxkt IroB Foandry- JAMES ALLA hl Kll aCue KHiwiSt BBrfPIwi tiaad fvfaala NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL Tumu- Ta dyltc day AtJdVr Tdr baicU per Nk a Mr tiat bii a iW hnw f flfrtl lad aaaO t deuArra IHomd ltli fir aMila wh day aail Ttkl Z4r I watah th aihai i A pUdni af iha Maa raiani Ml I a im ta tkian of aaaaa Aultbail nmt Iha WhiHi Uayr lat thoaith lby Wavr M 1 X fentiala wWa cbj I W lijthl Ika rack a wori Tba Varaisa af 0 OT CHAS BRELSFORD Pftorstcroi 10 FirMCIaM Rel kaa Ulely nadvi baaa addadba Haoaa ta acnirally l I r Am OwialKaw raaa to aad fn Davison M House 1 ilAIN 3 NEWMARKET f HE SaWfib rfapadfafly laftirma Ik- mil I pablic rurally thai h iaa fliitd ap hi M Maia aa aa Uotal villi Thonsa Atkinon icmnei Lie K N S E D i C T I- N E E B r70RibaUad Catitar Yorkaad Paal AU trdnt PrompUif Attended ar th fn Mf iba aMlaehbcr by apply Jonx DAVISON fnarkliaa4 lUlKS iri iiwclled Cnrrd A His lU Pfparrd W OHmiMi attM Bibl Vpaiiry raarkatMarSSieU Cjimpbrll Sc louni John J Lftndy BARRISTER ad at Ur at la Chnvyarxr Ae OrrietMniH Strfft UtttmarkH woafk My 7 1W3 tll Q JehnMoNab iJV AUafttry alklr im C- g ROBT AOLINbiON DOCTER IS MEDICINE of ibe UaivafaiiyarKiJtalargh Maabxrafth 1 Roral CaHnr of eifew ai Kaataad I THOHUHtLL C W rrhoiaftummbndmriaim bsc- ipM by Mr ThanM Sr PORTER Sargeon Dentist mw Oeortre Wallace Go R Hoboom DirWiiKi Cwirt Ifwark vovkto iheMih afMrti U4krf a tba nh rai Mtry pafCtrMJ tatba Htaa Taaib la iba bM Mar tVarraultd le gi9 Snlhfaetiou or- Ckarf TMU FIIM wilk Pire CM TWiUfhMrforaMriM rMuirvd aa THE RAILROAD jBY JAM KS WOODCOCK Utttn FtMiAt DENTISTRYI Savid L Rogers M D MUtm Eocpiul Vdioal CoUef V Y yietori Medical College ITC PHYSICIAN SURGEON fcc r Stabbafawl a alMMitaWlar rA to 9ndrom leaiarka0 I IMS JIBf Bricks Lime BRaabKrihaf baaaawaa basdferaata Mnala tarma aboat 300000 BRICKS iHa and Kad aad a larf qaaMij a ax t UMK at hi yatd ISAAC XTICKWOOD rrviMrkal JWay I1IM4 U EDWASD STEFHIISOir Illitier tf Miriiat Liceiao Spencer tt Speooer lABRlaTKRS AND ATTOBSEYS TniK SOLICITOR toCbwwrry OrncaAdiaiBiai tba 0 iratal SapteSllMi Dr Marte lyUMlaa Baftaad sra WWAWxi ItvMMc eapL M 1M P V It lafbe iV nt mMetAfl mi accovcubur OniClVorth ABrl SoUl VfVMrkCw BKAirCff OrICBJt QMaMWIU ra dar tiM Of J U ho Wtaoaahadaa um raaidaM Mr JOHN COOK NOTAKT rabi 0 liiliiit U IW Oaait ar QMa SaMii Ae orncs d rat BsaifriT omcB MMWMAkKKT C W UJtiilllk Bull ft Boyd DARRIjTLRS Attay u Uw aali O un ia Cbaaeary Ratatiaa Pablia A OttKiOntario Hall Ckirtk Strtt Tbttd Daar Xartk af Kia ttlraat raraalfl apubw 14 1 Bleviiu ft Seren elttert auaraaatu Oh Oanvryaacan Ac Omci OwiMT f Tomyt and WW- lifutcn StrteU AMWa HarvwbarS IM4 tS8 Whipping Paper 1 rlST RBCKITBD a oediay araa lleta lUaaurwardatltbr NFW ERA OFFICE ti JOBiV BRODIE Ctrpeiter itiier k Oitrieto TIMOTHY ST NEWMARKET COETRAOTV lakaa iar aay dnerlptln afOrpaUrad JaiMr Warh Bratlaa afMUiaOMlMMratneMras wdfar tfc gash Bllads teers A I rm UtoTiMtlir tuaal Utly MCspM k Ja Nabaa ARrtCLAa lad ean aMply li profiaaiM with ITubiiar aad lit baatna fuliiHr- Tath maaalfd a 0ld i Rabbrr vitb Coatiaaaai Charles Dnrand BARRlTBB AND ATfORNEY OrvioKVkar JtftMdi ad Taaf Btttd r h ai fl alU taa R e b wiMd Baakrnpl c Hiss E BurnS BEOS ta tba Ladiaa that aba la pra- parad la REMOOOEL ft REPAIR FElT HATS ftC I tba tmtj Vaaat aad at Paabiaabi Htyta w4 Iba S aa Iba hmm faaaoaablr The Anrora Hotel oyyaao W ITarfr JT CimnA robert arnold pbopmbtob fpllis Batflk aaw fitap la lha Ulaat affaai tba Baf aad Leidar baia waUaep piiad Oood StaUiag ad Cvrtfvl JTottter Aafara hatlM4 UM Metara Jarria ft Edfar BARRIbTEBS ATTOftNEYA TLAW gOLtClTOBa ia ChaMtry 4 Baakrapl OmaaHa If TanMa B Taw Daavabaf St isu smss Blank Aeoonnt Beoka TlTSTaBOCJVCO aMv Mpply at tl J OC Alaa Mwtlaasd HaaarMdti Vaaka fackal Ladfm ft Th irkila wa t ISfca vinalar bticfct pla adar M Iha akr rerabl i May UlaM iba path a Ta iifbi tba pilfnm ai la Gad t i bat baa lha aiu af laalh appaar Akd biUaiiaiiiyafraai ikaaaafar Thaa Citfrafnrp The Sunday Morning Dream My 6ri ij of rctaroiog haalih aAr kny vafkft of Mtcr illowt wm bribt Sundty io Juna I waa I1 iough to ail At at epaa wiodow in my Mjr cbair tw m oor booM atood in Iksn A wriehtd looking man bo aarapi tha eOMing ntar lb eharch loiinxo into iho eaoirs tbl dariqg th4 rtadiag o h lamonr hit oetopatioo bting ittr iliS hour aspantlad Ttis mc Hth chap of MaiiW aetno Taraoa aisrtciMl bi 1tand viib moroand svor ariojtaa aotil ai IRfth ha pot hia htod ear bi and akclamad Wbal wiU bt- eum o m in iba day of Judgnoanl Tb prartr wm intariad I ib bd I how itiU aru wri waa hoeliad Itn iharMo Out of tiM lhrc hniufrnJ Cbrntti bought I aaaambinl aar a o iparcia lo praiaa and bla iba givar ol all good ara thaa faw vorda tba aum oi whAi ibay ollar t Look 10 ihyafir aad tba angal raading mj itiiaoat ibougbta Sueb aa ihaaa ar haai tbou long baan Darati ihod aftar what baa bran rtvaalad to iha act web a part again 1 ly It not ataad alna but Ob could thy Ofrtal aara bMr le ng of batlfr bngt 1 May liatau lo iha aorg if iha rj elng art marey on tuch por gala bafora Iba ihi ind rafia ap anma Jhou weoidal wonija a of iba Almighly 9 laaeh ihtrn and eara for ibeir Imm il aoola Aflai i followad oaay ihroujb larga por though oflan whili hopalul aiiantioQ a auddao and loii pauaa howKl but loo plainly iha iliooghi uT iba karalintr aupplieunt had wondara way and lhat ba who bad apportd irnaat in hit davotioaa had bKoma langod and ailcal Iika iba rctt of tli eoagagatioa an ahoekad at whal iboo kaat rvad aaid iha angal I will aboN tba graaiar abontnaitona than tbaaa- Gd I atrong and paiiaal Ha ia pro kad arary day Ualan now aitd ihov Iha tboaghia of all lhaaa pao irdi lkia who dm lipa brtki and rctirod my langud frama b Chuieb I aod Iha n a brlla of bar Parib Chuieb ara jut i famliar kkaoad loDg bag noing tbr ebi ouud awakaoad io foa ao iib my family wwrbppar lo ihc llouaauffiad I look up my Bibta and Prayar book wbieb bad placad raady o ib labia baaida landing lo bin to raad bn boar of il ing to myaaif tba bdy aaiuaa of irt iltal lad to our Church apd iha ihroog- ihal would now ba anianng it for tba public worahip of tha dny All atone i aaa lo ba walking in ha beautirl cburebjird provaolfd ro giaiilyiog my wtoh to aoter tba hureb by aom irrnniabta ibough vo t baitd O by oo lb eangragaiioa Suiday drraaaa paaaod na by od low aitd r wbaral vainly g tgglara hurrj I faalmg tbamaclvaa lata I Suddanly I waa eoaa of aona aw ful prraaoca and fak yilf addraaaa by a of moat awKt aolamwty in amda I aflacij Mortal wb by dii Mrcy ba jat ibou gMe publi ha grava paoaa bal Guda SiDly bowa agr If tho haat proiaaad B worabip by ilfthaun apaabrbla banrfilor ueitd prayar laat by agaio aboalng il iboo lira tka poiiroc of thy lDg awCaring CId lompi im Mvar le dapri tbM of thai bich bhbarto ihco baal an Iritl viluad Moving m can down my ry apd kluab with cunooua guili tba graeioua botng eoiiiioaad m a mildar looa t am om ofibo angola commiMionod le gaibar tba piayara of ih aaiou aod foria tbem lhay may riaa lo tba ibroM of God wtih ma and iboa abaJu fur g ba aMttlad to dtacaro ihoa aKg tba doiia aiatil le be offKad are aeeaplabla to Him aad le o iw fav n Dumber bew waak aod an- Aa h ctftMd paking I foaod myaaif by tba aide of tba dUtioetly a Biei hll bi plaord that I eould evary pan of lb bailding OUarT aaid ib aagal iboae prayra whwb coma from be wbicb alone aaerod ou high ba altarad atnud Tbay will laaa aitdibta ui proportioo I ihetr earoMto wbrn iba tboagbu isdar tba aouMa will grow faiot wd ab ceaM abogaiber Tbia aiplviMd M why iba erganvt ibogb appar anily plritg rtb all hi might ad iw wand aod by preiily after wbao tba aanlee began iboagb tba lipa f many iPocd and all appeared Klyafbw nop 1 like aikooe that preraltcd ia ibe wbele pewa in wbb avidaet oe been wae raiaed in to Heaven Etea in tbe 7 Dintw aid JwbitaU tbe oicee aoote- aeok tfi total aileoee After tbe Creed ibere wae a low marmunag of Iba aravlea and ibeo diatioet aid elear bova all other eounda a aweef ehildiab otce aeltly aod revarMlly tepeaiad tbe Lorda prayar 1 inroed ia tbe diraeion of tba aooed aod diatiagslabej amoeg tbe Tei7 little bey bU er ckeed hi gentle face W jvereoee and aa tbe aegel vrate ofoo bia labl ibe word wbieb fell fron iboaa ioast lip bu aoile flka a mm- tad ibe eboreb for a DO- I bared tbe worde of boljr David wben be eej eat f tbe oMOiba d bebea and aoefclioga tboa baei parfeaed pra ifanad whb a elamoei wbieb would bare beeu abcking ia i public maeiicg but which hie in Oodi boly bouaa wa awlully proUaa Tbi iaed indeed a com pnaed and aerlou at brfcra the lipi moved wlih iha word of prayer but tlM pbrbaea they uttered were ci tbe world and it oceupationa How tbamarully late Mrv Slack alwayv eoma aaid one woman who looking over tbe edge of bar prater book aw bar aeighbar aad a train of daughter buaiJa iuto the neii pew Wbai an aiampla lo aetto bar lanily I tbaak goodnrta do ooa ean aeeuae ma of lhat tin flaw bonstia again alra- dy xelaimed the laai comer ratumhig ihe naighbearly glaaee from iba etbrr ni ere ahe ooiapoead baraalf to ib eo- banee of devotion How cm tbcy aflbrj it Haaao only knowa and ibair father owing all hia Chritimea billa yet If oiy giria look atabby at leaat w pey our dotat Abl iberTom P ooddrd a foang mB fd nia friend In the oppoeite gllry h I KroKlnj qtijl iliiou and ratpeeiable I deelar Ha baa Dao at char tiro Sandaya ranning how awrb langar will tha fit lat P Theae ware tbockmj and atnking s ample of irravervnee there were hap pily not many auch the iavoluniary waaderin of ibogghi were more corn- men I waa much iotratd is a young coapla npar ae wbote aitmtion for a oooaidarable part of tbe BrTie bad breo remerki youogn lady book Aradaallyba for giM tbe awful praaeace io whteb beatood bia aya wanrad from iha Bible to bar gaiitle aea and filing thr eallad off hta tbrvugbt from Haavan hogrd he H I began lo aay bow ettMttiv to bar prayert aa to ber duU I What N awaet wif abe wtll ak t How happy I an 10 bav woa her love By thia time lb eouatenance of th girl wore an aipreaaKH whwh bawvd thai he felt ibe earomwaa of hm gaze f her ayalida i btwauentMS wavered and though aba lofikad at ihe book aome ninulea ioager ah loo began to muraur of earthly ihingt ard I haaid br y O how be ove me even here be can mletxied lo aeod ard awn altered wholi ud roeaded elegant perWa wiiboot oae cheek or reoollectioB of tbe holy place where btood Another ra- peeiad a long Jialogtia which had paeavd Mweaa hiflMalf Dd a friaad th aigbt and coaaiiWed bow be might bave apcbeti aiore wftie purpoie B youog girle rehrd aoa with ihrir lover tome raealled the incidesM of ther laM batt Carvfirt hooeakeepi planned acbemea of htch atoops lu accapl thai few faint wandaring CMlaa of prayer aoa rrabe Yal the aiotaaa angala vail tbaii fnea bafor Him in wboee preaeoe mai ataitda boldly up wlJi ah mockery of worhlp a ihoo haat avea ihi day Re member iha aiilamn warning iaai bereal- tar it ba counted I thee a f guilL auddaaly the aweel arUi vd tU aag diMppearad i W grtliBg p all tbn ctaaoar lag to pb off tbe dbata day after day ia otdrr ibat iby aihi bar nae ia en ecliaea of Iba caeaUy lo grt ap a liltk nanow prrjsdir agaiatt tbe acbcm Tbi bad ba befor lb h Id diyi aod la all Ibat tioiv bow aaay Keatlaaea ofpowt bad apekeo t Oaly three Mr Deakio retamtd tba debate ee Coafrderatioa Hr allwded al tbe oatae e aaaal cabarrataatDt be felt ii Mwng Iba Ho Tbe ijaettlni rv ell Ibe dta4a af Ib cia at to eoweod it le ewr aecepiaaei Il He Vwald try act te iodalgr ii ar tlMrori or cntxtea of dciaili I waa lapotMble la dealing witb aeel bjvet a acbeoe aovcl eovjiki arg I lr dvtatla Ha vra a iia M tba Urgt ace oftb ivra bot Ibit acbeHM wa aot a arre Kbea of He beli rupted my ilumbera and all ibi erne had paaaed befoia my mibd io the IHay the leea 1 lrmd never be ef fnitn my heart aoJ old ibia Kcount rreall one wandering thought ia Ihe bou ef prayer or lacb any t day t red fir tbia tb The Qt7BBBC Feb 27 Hoa Mr N F Bcllea iaircdaced a II 10 ameed th Aet iacerponlieg lb Qebc Stitet EUilway Ceapaay llao Mr OtiTr iaircdeeed a Bll lo itaaad Ibe Acl raWtiag le abea pre- diil 10 Agrkaltar Tbe foilewi BtlU wn read a eead Doea aad Gait Railway Oeatpaey Uaptitt Free Miaweeeiy Society lorperatioa Hoaae thee oaara- Qokbic Feb 27 Mr Ma tbe aew aeaber fer Baa- iUoa wa iDtrodBrd br Hoo Meatra G Brawn aad McGivena aad look bu la ha fro tb lu Jaa ISlCarrM ir rm moved that beeeeforlb tbe debate oa Coafedeiatioa be prdrd lib ever day at 3 oclock alUr rta baMet aatil diaeoted of Mr HoUee Mid tbaAitcraey Geoeril Wcit bid givra aetie of a riailar aotiee He bop bia bee frieed woeld leat tbv itler ia tb baad of lb goveraaeal Mr Cartiar explaiaed that tbe Atloraey Ueaertl Wet ted giva aottc ao that if Mr Rora aotioa abould oot b reached oday it tgb be takee op to- tb iDperLal Par iiaflMoc id 18 but io tveh a way aialte ibea reject il matter wa allow d to drop and eld ae4t ware geae on wiib aet a ward bti wat ea Cnafedaralwa Ia ld62 ib ware call id apoa to deal alooat a logrtbar wiife a q ef aaea aod aet ef jaaaaorei noah waa beard ef tke aab wuil tbe for fioeib Ozlntd owved fer bii eo Coattilatieaal Cbaagvi reported very f peofla ibaegbt there wa aaftbiac ta ll report bat aa accideat afterwaida ea it to be lakea op Tbi Mbeae wi preaealed pMceaeal witb rattecare iaa tika bold of a aad wbee it wa o if wat marked Priraie Now tbe cry waa Now or aem Wa eve bitberto gaeb a great aeba bekbt ba fore Iba pabUa with aecb a cry w g edged a debet oan be Mw ia al tbia aa adaitaioo by Ibote who got Ibat Ib fr about it peaaiag eee ee which iber eoeM oo riehanimm SpeBce Co biflabd Aihaga fc Co and whet rapon fleet qaiat araieaty Wheat firiMr endadvaeeed 1 10 u per oental Red weanirn 8d aad Sa ll Corn in ixd 0 la k CnloniaL ArrlTtl of the Caaada- Haurax Mareb S Tba ate lo Ihe abaanc of later aawa from A ca than ih 4 h 6f f- per Hit ihe ciiilih j o their apMakatwna ao leeeet peeei Mr Uyaid i I7ih i Mt VTal propaoed by Mr Roar who be happeaed i le kaow ted ukea tte mo ne aad aapBihiewalary cowrae of caavawag aMKiy wrih whicb Lerd L aetihiadaitea al WaatHofloe he failed leo tbe htgh apt tb govaroaeai and bia dviiea I ooaa 0 latiNioaa ittfi io on year patettea filled ftlw volame Uudar aoeb cirronatanee h waa aol aorfrMat ibat hia beelib bed two itiro le Wa or u e Mr Bevofty Ram iriM wm i b Home Ttet woilhj of tte bee geaileaaa aad Ite foettitaeeey te rrpreteeud wa hnaaervd ia tte OMlier Tte objaci tbia aeetioe waa tt eb k off dieeaa ioe Miaiaterial cbevr Mr r c Wallbridge lam te wr 0 prvaa bia view oa tte qaettioe of Coa frderatioa aad te did aot wikb to te dieaied to by Mr Koae a te tte way ia bwb tte deWt abeetd tecoadacted Mr j mkdomld aaid at tbia liar bra pelrtlna apiokt tbe arbne wrp teieg got ejwbil tte pcp were awomd al Ite coeraa teiag takca ta tbi HoiHe tte gevvraaeaf ahoald allew liow fer aaiabef le ebteia fraa their roe Oitveela tte ef taev opiaioa At tbi aoaaat tte aeoiter fer Heetelap ted a petaioe fro bia eoeatiiweecy with 8 aP Tbe litdtje a A otfommdaiioa in aappoci af ibe Freed nan Aid Saciety look plaee io Hall hi Leedee ISib iitrTb Kewall baiieo p lipeae war md by Levi cotfia and Dr Ilayoea from a treaty of t bei ween riaa in Ibe Enperar a had t aignad uiy allm to the legi in Eoglaed Tbe PmU kUU OaxtlU aeya tte deeree bad been uaoed esteimiing leiCete ibe li eote aoJ puVic werka ivtaa iwtemnuy leataefUuM liuij repOfleJ ibe Perai MeGee aeid i ibree day te eeeM i P pi a pfUliea frea Meetr wrih 20 000 aigaatvca ia fa ef ite acbeaa Mr j 8 Uacdoaald aaid tte cearae te Gevemaei weie aew taktag la Iter wat aoaetbag atitl i aiarllieg ebaracter aed Ite ATerie ll waa It U4XI0 I arranged the irolii of jo or itoadri m l of inom rj ot lb ca To sw oorvaetoua of tecordhig proceediBja wtea oa ibat Dpl praaet ell ihr aelean mock ib H bat aow te aaid 1 aa ery of weraeip wee frigbtfwi i Treaaary Be Tb 1 eo givea wurlda lo bave arouard thn tere aew aad everyibiaf we eoogreptioo to a aeooe of what they rigbi aad everyibag i oaed te eoM were doing ead to ay ooofert i oaw yeete do wu wreeg ttet for tte iovul oflVodor gea h b ow aaid h wae realty amewc lie warniag wae provided wtet aaeeet ef iadigaelioe aod frigbifal a frowq fro the eagel or dm waving pievaaee hh bee frieed eppeaile eeeM efbia teipalieat winga aa if about to j aai a eat aethiag piaca aa deeeeraied watideriag tboaght of away a eoal an eoe wbetim cenw ibe breeib ttet Iba dying ieme of bi de Then aalr blame leere of penileoae eod bitiar remorae of wh tboee kaeeliog keew Dotbing wrung Ibe been raepte of tkeoa telpa bewaevf Ibe aoaat of rael dovolido waa aoMll aad wbm 1 laokW St strpu tahen 1 eeeU te eoelerred oa ibea wbieb ttey weald aot iate a ae gnev aaee If aay ted eeow te tte Hoeae tbit aftereooa aad liefeaed te tte ip ef g ap te eeu teve faaaaJ ttel Mr Ee p la tbia very eight te abat dawa tte ale eea aa mwyber fer Cteteeegaer ted eBptaawd it ttet ae mea aboeld leave tte Cteabar tBI ite lael vote wa takea wbcfaea Ite preperfliee wa weteed ef teviag mrely fraa tel poet a tJl twlte te dvean tbie great qae f CoaMeratiOB be p boaM pt Ona bear or every day U diacata il I Tbe af veajvmw waa iflf No damage bad rel eceaned Tbi el Eioa waa disiaiabed ll ieaated tbai prepoel fav e fertbe uBea radeclieo ef tbw aumii a la ljy bad bwaa aebott a diinrahy bee arima betweei Taikwb aod Paraviao pveraoMeta Tte eaweeiwa pvtwaja Freocb Piivj CeMMil Tbe p waa it Mate lhat tte eiiy Pay by Ite Brauliau afier a aaageteaiy caeSei lading m baera Graa aenajii exiaiad ia Payaandar o lu cap ee m de Tedaa Bamla Oiieaial Cevernaaot wm ateei to aead e eeaaie Kie Cafepe la eateit taataiteBMell qeoati Tte weakly eeiaajearket waa American ReTolation hiaoqdabtaaji dataat- Mpirr er rna Hotrra CMaabca Toa Pabraary SO Lieut Gen U S Graai and MajGee H Vr Halleck Chief of Butr Wb- An inpctoQ of the retei deftneer Cberleaioa abow that we have over 450 oidiaaoc teiog more thao double what 1 firat laponad Dvtertera report thai Ibe laat of Har- aa aroy waa to bavecroeaad lb Same r trdy bound for Cterlolt N C and that it we feerad ttet Bheraao had already intercepied tteir march epotad 00 vmlliar aalberity lhat the last of Hooda army 13000 etrong paaeed tbnegh Aupia laat Suoday tbe lb en tteir way lo Bcaareprd OMrgeiown bee beeo evaeuaied by a amy aod la now io our powaatloo lertr re oomiag io CMUtolly We have over 400 alreadr Sigsed OAGILLMORB Maj- Gee CooMMadlog IxCifVlLLB Feb 27tli G Pal r bAi jtul Ueaed orden pfomUiBg litary protection to all deaertnt fhm tbe rcM araie who register ihaalm a reaouaeleg all eonoeotioa wiib tte reb el Oovemioeet and threetetung all ethar abeeateea witb tbe peaalty da teaiii aad gaerillaa or olbtf vi aa Ite cueaBi tancof of each eae aay deiaaad Tbe Jotuwtl ipeaktag of Leea amy editorially aaya- We have feaaoo to y that tba retela ar zpeting veryooe to arartU tbe whole ootiatry aad aatoeilbtba world No natter what ear iaoo say te it U a good oae lipr YotK Hirali 1 Tb IfWU haa te folkrwiag edditloeal pev ooooarainff tb reponed barBing of Co ombia nbea tse Ar appeared off Cbarltoe ter a daepatcti boat mt her with k acwa if trae Daa- tralea aaperalkkd retel traaehery The nfieer who bruaght the inlaPi oUtad that eoon after a oorpa of Steraaaa tteop had centered OolaBMa tbir ajpi tal of South Canrfioa tb ieba eilisaaa there eadeeveorad la eeevy peaatUa toaa aer te barraa oar troope Tbe eorpi wbieb eoured tb after ita aaptare at once lft to jola ia Stenuaa ftartber advaaee and waa l by Oeneral Slocatna oorpa While the Uttar eoifi wu quietly aarehlog throagh the etreets to their temporary btrttfk a aoaber ef eltlseoa poured a deadly fire aaea bea from tbe viadow aed rooA of Hie bcaaaa ttey oeeapied laearreetfea wu boKia alng to epraad wh omr tree pa retirad a abort dtuaee aad obqaaatly fifed tte eity wbieS ia aow ia aabai panieelar war reiTd Na fartbec Tte mger frooa CbarlaMca laoaaoed ttet oewa bad bean re eeivad there that Oea SberMa ba aercted ta toeoa oa AogaaU aad tiMt y al oaea ovaeoated Ite alty alao atated that a Upwulrf rebel bad been eeptare aad dkn afUr ktrtif OBllaiaal I lo ganieea ite pruarirf oa ray Bortbward Tbe aaaeiaeaeMol aMO aada thai Bberaiaa waa proba bly proeeedbg lo tlia dtie of Florepea aad Cbarbtie la force aad that te baa ptared a Urn of eappUaa oa tbe route Af bu nartb Nsw Yosr March 2 Tbe J7roUi wreepoadeal aay bat OelaabU wai araed by order it Bberaaa aa a paaU leat for tte eitiiena firiag ofoa ov ireope wbea tte city wa a ov peaaa- w Niw ToaBMareb 8 Stfieaal aad laportaat blata ragardiag afr ft Nenh ra eo W imir It laiioMte thai djteriaAO aad 6cho4eld have Ibrroed e near Ooldetere ia Ite fotjoer Bute aod aay there ia raa- oa te fear that Heed aa wilt al Hardoe baa be eel off aeltiag wiib Jelt tea ll waa Uardeea brea abiob beld CterleMe aad oo evaeaAtiog it be marched aortbward aa rapidly aa poible fbr tbe panuee of Jdnlog Beaargard lba ai tte bead of tb mmj Bov eas Mded by Jobaatea MoirrtBAL Marab 8 Tba traia ht a wac hat nigte tm witb aa aaridwt Tte aeslae vet oC o oaa aide ef tte traek a4 tte leBderee tte ether Tbte oc oaor Poiat Clalia Tte paaaea- bad te reaaia Mr all afg ead breagbi beak ta Mraaal tfak IbrO aboal 1 1 oelbok il waa Mported a aaa bod bta 1 brokea bat tbie et aalbvatJeai r It ii auppoaad tte eagioe wu ibrawaMl iee ea te mla Tte track waa tern p a aea- aderable diaUaaa wbieb delaya Iba Tte Iaeraf ageaUef LobJob aewal of peteaea Will lake plaee ar aew pebeie te gieate aatil tte aiaagaaeeta for eitiegeiabiag or la tte city are i g Emma Smith a girt 17 or 18 year of age ia la catody at LeeaiiBater eo a ebarge ef mankriag tbree ebfaoi 6te ted deliTtre berwjf ef tbree c at birtb aad aret witb a lppil full r water iaie wWh ate had pMiged the aaedtalely after tbey warr bora Niaoaba Ship Cajiai Tbl project ibaa iekee a aew aad aiHiecled tore jTba Beffale Cow Mr ef yetierdar aya Vlbatlt bat brea ibelved fer tte prvaaai qaare of tte aawiUagaete af tte Hittny Caniiia of tte Beaaie ta ap prepeiaia Cbweeeat tewio aid ia tti

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