Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 27, 1865, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA JANUARY 27 1865 Htv AdTKtiwBtaU- H r Philip M p TndA Kwmukt 6ra VtTmJirkMFriil7- 3ui7- S7tb lftS3 Oponlng of Parliament Oar Qacbee dopateb Urt ek gtT ibert bat eorrtet of th Speob of IIU EneUtoej 1 tb opMiog of Ui irtwBt 8two of ParliaiMBi- T peeb in fait iriH be fotiad oa be fli pef of 0 dajt iatoe Am m to be peeted Coefedrniiea b the all abeorbiof e mxI is iiiperlMe t tbe qoeatiM of eor retioe with the U Bute Tbe Iloaae of mnMj ap- pMO BtaloiAaa almoat oo theee t fdata iadeed ibe perarapba in ibe d- 4TMi tehliag to were ear He4 by row of 70 to 17 oiaoritj of aSeieotnuobcn to eletrl Indieate lb popalar wUl Tbe oel real teat danog Ibe pMeg of Uie Addreea in reJj 1 M tbe 89 fVoa tbe Tbroo m thai OB mo lion hj Mr D deetariaf aut the expreeebo meUog Batiosalit ad opoo bVeh be diTided lh Uooa Tbe aawodneBt wu rejected bj k Tote of 61 to S5 u foUoin V Meeari- Boarun Ctroa CoaI Carrier Doo Drmiiietid aod Artbibeaka Dorton Dookett Drrcaiie Ibrrritle Pankia Foftfr OeoffHon Holion lloade Joljr LabrcebeViger Lafranboiae Lajoie PaqBet Perraalt Poaliot ltW Tbibaadm Wallbridt Kortb Ilaytfi Wright Ottawa Co ty Toul 29 N Meart Alleya Arebarebtslt ibiB Belleroee tilanat Urova BarveU Attormj- Geoorai Ceriior Cartwrijrbp Catehoa Obaaban Chapaia Cortbarn Coraellier Covaa DiiBoaeberTil Diekaon DifiHUO Ihiiuford KTaatotel GaKoo 3alt Oaaobir llaaUtin IIimob UovUod Jlaot Irriae Jackeoe Joaea 8oth Leeda Kaighl Lanircrta Altoraej- MMdMaMMackeateLeibta North Oiferd WeCoekej 31eDogaH MeGe Melatjre UoKelUr Merrfa Morriaoi Piaaoaooaolt Poalon JieaULwd R Rnea Cbawplaia Dasdas Roai IMooe Edvard tiffa B- Riaith Eaet Dvrbaa A M Mit T K 8oiarrilk SylraiB Tecoberao Thoapaon NValeb Walk Wbhe Hoad IdMH ipU of th Aatooiai d that of be prvki Tbe Soeieij kold Hpng rf Ijoraca aoA- naliAead llvetb fi Bud aatMipaled yot ia aUw aDiBe my aaperiot ktiimaU vera Bshibtiedereditabie alike 0 tbcir owa- MB aad tbe Riding Aeiii apoQ the eggatimB oontalaed a Uet year Report aad adeptod at the iBBsal meeting roar Roard offered priiee br the UMt combined Reapaia and aad althoogb tbe envpedtioa waa litDiied a ftty grfat ialereat aa rled oa the oceaaioa by tbe nfcm brt tad yoar Rnard hare reaaoa to be- Uere be trial wa aot itkoot ite guod roaulto aa it llTad Ibe fariaing eon- aanity an opportaity lo wttaea tbe ra laebiirca offrrd for sale ia tbia ofcoanlry work aidd by aide lUing tbem lo jade for tbeaucWee of tbe relative idvaaia aod aoreriority of f aeb The Pail Show of Stock Grata Scedt Prodaee aad laeplcmsata beld a October by fartbo bel exbibittOB oftbe kfod the SoeUty ever held both as re- tarda oonpetitoa and lacreaaed intereat Tbe total aamber of OBtrka wert 936 f thia lar aamber eOBparatirely few vera nade ia bat ia trruwd tbo extra elaae- but werea JUe article for wblcb priaea vere oflrcd ilie 8oek OB cibibitioa aa a wboW vaa aaperior aad more aoDeroaa thaa al lh prerknu Show emeially oay tbia be aaid ia ibe eiaaaea of lioraee Bbo aad Swiae eleariy erinetax taore Iteolion la tbia importeat diivctioa by oar far- mere geoerally Want of oosprtitJoa by ear Impnrat danalaetarm wee agaia paiafally aotke- jble Ibia yearaMrMt oouing fbrward to Oarry off the priaee BParded Vvr Hoard regret to bare 10 report tbu fir if maaafaelarwi wool i briag Tapleaeaie forward o tbcM oceaaiowe Ihey ooald oonpare tbe oae wHb tbe otbor aod be ibea qaaUAud to jade of tbe beet articlf for their pwtieoUr aae Yoor Board bare pleaeora is bet ible to Report ibal aeting ia eoajaaetioo ritb a oaober of iba laecnbrra rf ihc Society wbo took a itvaly iatereat ia the maltrr bey beW a iiowiog Uaioh oa the day fllowiog the Fall Show wbiob pTsmd Ibe moet toeceaefal ertr beld by be AeaoeUfioa By tbe aid of roJaalary labacriptiona tby were taabled to tffr one baodred and iweaty Iwo doilari io prttaa aad to tbia tbe Village of New market added a baadaooie Modailioa eloek valmd at forty UolUra Oa ib day of Irial thirty aix pbwateB eowpoud for the nritfOf prisae while tba work eieealed waa i every way eredilable to all eoooaraod With tagiid to tba geaerally yoar Dirastora beg to rrpo that fr ni their owa obaervaiioa aad roto opaiona exprraaaO by ipnabcra lbmKl00t tbe bandi of be SdOMly the fiillowiog faeli waj be regarded aa pretljf ccar oorrtot F WatAT SaB good yield ibe Ridiaft SntRO WiiLAT Sample net oqaal 10 prerioue year yield aodrarly ce owias prineipaly to ibe drMtb 1 M rapid diMppoarAca of ibe aad vaertl io tbia driptioa of graia waa pafticaUriy awlioabk liiia peat eeaaoa Uablkt Sample jiW per aer bow an affrage aay SO baalcl pr Mf Mrs kcowb thla fur Biaay Hortli Tork Ag Society Tbe Annael Meeting el the above So eieiy waa baU i the Cir llnuae Ni maiat oa Seiucdey lei aid wae ar ly atteodad Tha Preaideai Mr P in the obir who afier ealling tbe mariiog order ealUd apoo ibe Secretary to pi aont fiia aoBoal report of tba tKrrctn kfr jAeCeoN tbea read tbe report aa o NcwtuaxBT Jaay Slai 1866 7b rAe Mmhr otke Nek York E D Afriemfttral OnrrLKMtM la prcaeatiag tbe Aa boal Report of tbe peat year yoor Di roetora hara pleaeara ia beint able to roagratalate tU Society wpoa iu eoaliao- ieaooeea aad tbe barmoay atteadiog Qie ooodMiioa of it affair Toar IXraetora regret that for moat doaariatioaa of faroi prodaee prioaa bare ruled low throagboat ibe year aa a eof faaoee faraMrt g bar beea eompenad to boabaad tbetr raeoaroee tbe orodamng a oorreapoedlng do- raaeioB la trade and bilitatii g igaiaat lUf iatrodoccioa of aa aieoh Uburarieg liiaobioery aad farm iBplaAeata aa ia yaart prerioaa abd alao operatiag the BMoetary iateraeta to a tiai oteat of yor for yor BoaM mad that wtteoertr mqmtj Tteeorea it ia diflaah to iarraaae or te3 to maiatala it fall aUsdaid of Tba prMSoe of tbo tbrogboal lke boaada of Toor Society aa a whole Aa HBtody M eoaaiJaM a amag crop tUa reaalt bowerer te not owing aobaomble aofl or eroa bad tiHagie ral ratber io tbe aerare droagbt expo- rieaMd dariag tbe paat aeaaoa So ftf aa yoar Board baa baea able to iBforttaiioo there baa Uk or Mari of labor to meet iareeerthe fannlBf ooait bid vafM fbr erdiaaiT aad good banda raagH qtita aa low aa ooald be ex IvCarerBf to to ivaln d Iapa per Boatb wtlb boari Yitb regard to the prngreaa of Agri ealtarageaeraUy yoar Boerd baa erery TcaaM lo beliera there ia a gradoal pTottmaet Parmera are prorldiiig tbeB- aa feat ae tbeir mease wili aeniii wftb laboMaviaf iaplemeats and tkare fa alao g ry for tba aofaiT iMat af a better olaaa ef aiock abd the fatrwdaatioB aaaoagat tbeis ef aare breeda TW Intare waa partiaatarly noHoaaVo Ta ba nmber of ewtriea made IB tba tboroogh brad aWwaa at tbo late Fall XshtbitMa ad tbo aaiiefaatioB awdi a aloaaiiaotiaa a baaadera Tba total emberabip ftr tbo paat yrtf vaa M ebcwiag a di af en bat wbUa tUa ia tba fi yar Board bare tba gratifyiag iataUigaaea to oatBaiaaiaata Ibat wbal wilh tba faaaraai deeatiaa aftvaaiyifa dollaiafioot Boo Mr MfiNmai U U 0 aad af Urn daUara ftw J P WsLia Soq- M P 4 tngiibit vitb Iba lam profartiaa ct the abova tlfe mam tai faid two do lara iaaiaad of oao mora moo waa rei ued ftom Mamteibip to tba Boeiety tbaa laat yaar Awiber faM aqaally graitfyiof ia that aa Ua of aWt fUO waa raalnad at tba door of tba Kx- LiMiioa tast m liat aa bola tha ra- aboat the aaa lreLittW or noa gnn Iaaple gd yieW aw qoeetly qaite the naaal qoaotiiy gnwi OaTaSsupie light in paaotity 01 iag poKipJlj ibi eottnaelio tbe almoat total diaepfcai eoee of tbe looae refened lo io U t rear report Abeot tbe wria breadth of land waa dT0t0d to thia dcaeriptioa of grato aa IB tbe preTjoW year Swto TfsiiwPniera aregtriog more aiteaUoB 10 Ihli crop and eenae oaeaily ralbcr otore thaa ibe aioal BaB uty of Uad waa plaBted bat owing li droatb Ibe er p waa below ai ararage THe aample buwerer waa good PoTATOaC op anoqaal aod aa pie much better io aome aeetione thaa olben Tite drooth Urjely affected tbia deeoririllooi of roota ajwilar to above moat Livda largely aafferiug by Ibe drOBtb Voar Board bava to leport tbe iocreaa- ed poolioD of while braoa tod are of t wilb a little alieQlioa it ralaable crop tbey alao note that auote little aiUatwa waa paid to eaUWatioB of fiax in aome parta o tbe Ridiagaa arliele almoat altogether Deglcetcd previooaly Yoor Board baM to report tba focap tioBofthe Reporta from the Townabip Soeietiee of Kins Wbitcbar Kaai GwiOiabvy aad V Society North GwillinVary Geordaa derfaHlioa of tha foraatwB of aaotoer Sociciy Tbe Reporta art oorrect aod got np la a etaar aaj ialeDot maoBer All of vhieb is Reapeetfdlly SabnHtied F SUlTn Preaideat E JACKWX Saoy Oa awtioa of Mr Iraaaider lecoaded by Mr Powell tbe repoit waa reetired aad adapted Tbe meetieg tbea proceeded lo Ik eleelioB of eAr or tbe aaeaieg year aad reaalted e fellows Ma T L lltACOCK JfVrsJe- J iRortiiifii Iirrerdo R PowttX tnJ do do B JcaflOr Sacy Tmt PiatCTOM Mesirf Anot Ranr Setb lleaaack Joba Wiltaoa Wo Bob iMa J SeaW 8 UalaU i Stpp AuxMToaa Meaara P IrwiaMd J D Pbilipa Oa moliaa tba ratiriag meBbera of ibe Board of Agrieehwe waca agala ra-aoai- aatad Tba Pfaildaal riact ibea look ibe ebair A Tte of ibiatta was thea iaea4 aad carried eaeaiaioaaly la ibe retinag oftceit diractora after wbb Prof lives- who wae oa tbe erceioa ke iavrtatioa el Iba Boaid aasealled I lo addreee Ibe meetiag wbtcb be Ad 10 Ibe evideat aatialaetioa af all who beard bm Tbe qaaalioa af cbee-awa- aCKtara celiivetiaa af Hope aod Flax vera iba ebief tepwa apaa wbwb be ea- le af tha waa leadera at We bare aot room tbia work fer a ayaepeia af ibe apee ar tba aabae keaiaaae traaaaeted by Iba aaw U ia uadaca0od la Qaabaa that ibe deCaaltiog muwotpaliliae will be or lo pay ap the goveruoMot oAara Mkiag peyaaii bocose parenoally ra W H Misaiaosuy Heetlog r Main The An f thia place wae beld in tbe chepeL Troapacl Stioei oa tba ISih loai aad wei largely aiiended Devooal exereiaea wera eoadiictei by lie Mr SnarLST Superiniendadl of the Cireiit after wbicb Mr K Al AKoaa ecallrdtotbacbair whoroade a fo tery appropriate remark in refor- Bce to Miastonary eflbrl and aettiog forth whet Iba emerpriae had accom pliabed BBtbeo bed been sung by tba choir Rer Mr DttLL waa ioiroducad lo prwerfii tha afaauBl report frooi wbieb wa gathered ibe fullowtng summary of ihe Soeietya blioalina ia the Ceoadaa lludsotia Biy Territory ant orf the Pe ciSe for he paat yaart loStaa Mie ain nmAe Miaaione French Miwna 9 Unnen MtaaiMM 8 Some lirniMiMlartae era aploy ed oti iboM variatia Mieeinaa logather with 18 teecbera ol day echoU aid IS uiierpraiera There are 1647 mambera OB Indian Mlsiton 1S660 naembere Ni DMMtie MiMkmc lVO meobvre on PreMh Uiiona add 70 ca Qermaa Miaatone Twtal CKareb maw ra oa tba varlooe nieaioiM 17 736 Il may aeetn aingular lo aorao that tba BBombara eer Mr B axplaiaed tba rcry eatiaraetorily Justa an Coare fkaooa appoinlad at tba laat laeeti of yaar K PiXKielia M ie eepabla of be mg elasellied aa a Ctretiit It i eo ineor- poraied and new Selda are at eoee eo tared apon by tbifWiMioaiiry Mr B alao read tha Nawmarkei liai of eabeenp tlooa laal year to ba mtoaion fuBd meanttag 99e The Barrie iirie of whteli tbie Cirautt foroM e lart rawd iOIS43o U awo aa follows IWrie C4rcv ea NewmarkH and Aurora t46B6o Bradfo d tSfiOSOe lenifill7S3i6 CoikiowB 3719o Lloydurwa 927- llnlleod Laitdiag Orillia 107 Ftoa and MadoKia 36 77e PeuetangnWtelMi 1314 Not- twksnga f907e Tba cUora at lha NewoMrket Braocb wera Miae Monkman and Mi ClinkiBbrouaar Speechoe wera tbeo mate bf lls Mesara Aoeieon liiTkTand Paioc and beteea arh iba rhir aeng an appro prieto anibent Ikxb ba speacbaa aiW Iba niic were abera the ordinary en snch oceawone and allogelbar a vary agrerabia abd pleaaam oMeiiag wae held IVfra eleipg a vols of ibanka waa tandrd ibe laJy ooUeetore of tba p jear and re4poiiuii lUe aaealo to i aboir aod tha obairman Tba flollecttoB and obseriuua ukea ap would indicate aa lucreaae epon lltai of the past Tha prreedinga ataintaJ by tbe oholr ainglitg the doxolegy and Rar Mr IaiCB pnNinuneing iJtw beacdictteo Farmora Club Tba Anpoal Mceltnf of the Farmers beld at tLa Railroad Iletel on fftay ercnlog luttbe Presldeot Mr T L Iliaowk ip the chair Aftar a little roaiiaabaaaaMS thaXJlab proccadad ta tba iki af oAaarwri fur tbe earaing year reaahlng srfollowa Prcdent John Bandall Ewi Vice do Mr P W Ilajier SeeyTrasaMr K Jaenan Direciura Meaers J- Tronaidee B P Irwin Ed Rnyaolda John CHobiBe and Seih Ileaoock Tba Praaldeat eleot John Randall Esq tho look the chair Mr IrwtngavaBoiieef regular ateelieg ba woald aTC fbi Iteration of ihe By Law Bsfng tba of maetinfr ao as to rud Satarday af temoOB at i otfloek laatead of Tkun daftmtnimf ea at preaaat Tbe Club ooneidred Ilia tnectiog woald be better attended by holding them ia the afiemoOB iaatead of cveotBga- beoce the notica lor allaratioB by Mr Irwia Oa Boioa of Ur JaekaoB aeoooded by Mr P W Playter the UaoagiBg Comuiittao wera iBatrooted to propoaa a aebedale ta beptacad in the haooa aaeh farmer ia oonncotioo wilh lha Qab with tba view io elidt iaformatioa with regard to aoil eeUara sio bracdiag ko wiO prove of practical asa to lha Clab On BwlioB of Ur Irwla aaoaoded by Ur Irooaidea it waa deeided that be aabjeet for difomaaion next maetiag ba Tba moat pmAtabla method of Cbaraa maaCaara A vote af tbaoka waa tcBdered rttiriag ofieara of ha Hab Ip wbiah the Praaideot respooded Tha Clab thra proeaedad to tha dia- eosaioo of tha are oakad aooiasarfsUoirs profiable to the Caaadiaa Fsrntfr T Raaarfca wara asda apOB it by Uera P W Plater J IroosdeiBF Irwia Qeorga PJyiar W Robioaoo Edward Bayda aod oibeea aad the folloviag rasdatioa saS ia regard thereto Aesolard Tt a ayatem o farmtag oombla Iteriag stIy to the aystam of Baked iommarfallowiag O motion it was daeidcd that tha iMXt meedag af tha Tbb b held al tha Coart Iloaae Newmaxt oa the 4th of Feb ruary next at 2 aMoak p n Aa tha qoealiot of tfaseae makiog is iaporiaot oasad s it iateodad we nadersund ss far as poestbie to aacortaln lad of tba ooBBoaity OB tba pro of astabliabiag a Cbaaea Faetory a of aaing sU im milk farmers ia a eifela of ibrea or bar jlaa ooald lapply every oaa at all iaterested ia tha matter ahoald make it a point to attend Per- bspa wa shoald ao repeal ia this aoa aeetioo that all Mraoaa beMBtng itea- bm of tba North York Ad Soeiely ara thereby members of tU lab provided they BgB tbe cooatitQtioo ofsmembara of Ag Society ate ehaigad AAy oeti eotraaaa Wa hope to aaa a large atta danoa toaerow waak at tha BaatiBg capj 0 4cl4tBt A little b agad aboat tea yeara wa andefftaad aoa of Mr llAaaM Swltehman ob H Nortbera RaHroad at tba Aarora Statioe wblle at lamptiag to gat aboard of a awitak traia sUp batwaaa ba aari aad plaUbna oa Toeaday hat aod a asriaaaiy nB was brokaa aad oad feM o mA- ad that it waa foand naceaaary to ampa- tata thrae of bia loea Tba wonda vara proaptly drasaad and at laal aoeowata the yoaag lad waa doing aa waQ aa aeald ba cxpected aadertha Towofhlp of WMtclmrebk IMoV ni ba foaod tha aavae of tba Wbitehofab CoaiMil br Povod KMpari Veoee Viewed aai Rad Overaeen potfn KKtriaa Joba Taylor Joba Jarma WHliam illiafltaAQ IVflUam MasaelBta Uark jBcl Wlfltaa SawdoB Lytwan fiogart Caspar Widonan FrederiA Satt Jo- 4I WlUis rnci TttwBU John CIsMwo Jonalkan Philip Bogart Cbarlaa Brodie David Baker Abrabaoi Saaiar John VVagg Peter P PtaraM Brok iWoob Comely Randall Robert Raadbvad Robert Tranmer Jamas Brows lOtb CoaCBBBOB AD ovgafiBa PirH Obnrrs ist D William Siavely Sod William NormaB 8rd Adam Graham 4ih Kdward Treat 5th Jaaae Armitage 6ib E Lewie Jr iSreofid Coneetiion let Di v Alexander UeRsBxia Snd Jamea KUiott 2rd SB Siddooe 4th Joba Caherwood Joba Plta 6ib Ietar P Pearaoa Tktrd ConcrsfiM Isl Dir Oeorga Shaffer Tbomaa Lloyd Qeorga SidoBS Richard Roealey David RiehardsM Joba Veteh Jaromiab Uill PbUip Bogart Joaeph Wasley Fovnk Cbwcrcrtei Ist D Walker Lloyd 2od PettT Arflsw Srd Joaepfa Paott 4th Heary Hoopai 5ib Oeorge C 6th JasteaOilr 7tb Etiaha DUman Fiftk CeaesM 1st Dir Joseph Ptatly 2od John Atkinson Lot 11 Srd William Gilroy 4ih Joeepb Laody 5th Walsoe Playter 6ih Oeorei Plajltf Cbacsarie Ut Dir Jsmea Hattiag 2nd WilHan Williama Srd WtlUam Yonog 4lh Lake Jordaa 5th Joha H Laady 6h JAn Taylor Stxtntk Coneeiion lat Div Robert Wribt 2Qd Thomas Cook 3rd W lUiaqt Philipa 4tb David Smith Eigkik Comtiiion Ist D Jaoob Imaa tnd Joeepb Wetsk Srd WUliam UaogbaB 4th Jamee Cooper 5th Wiftiam wpM 6th Robert MaCormlak 7tb Robert Raadbaad CoNmskow Isl D Elijah Joboaoa SbiT laeaa Laoe 3fd WiDiam Storey 4gi f Wiiium niu 5tb James Paisley 61b J Q Staley 7lh WQIUm Sawdoa Ttntk CtoneeasiW let DiTaab Batkey Sad John CoMar Srd Philip Helmkey 4iJi Robert Uilkr Toen lAn Sek lat DlTJohB Brillinger Sod CMpar Widemafi lerael nabloe Frederick Liater Tkristian Lekmaa Oaorga Fliat aad Jermaa Tbasw Xiae 1st Dtr llarriaoa Proctor jad UoaesVersoB 3rd WUUan PoBard WalUcO Bnevtn Jamaa Beltea E who baoB Reeve of thie lewaahip ar tba Cu hae MMved e Newmafkei IMB will be eor lo make frteoda wbi f r be gaea i aod tba towneblp ef Walleae has eei a too6 eniMB and bb aflUtant Bieipal oOoar ia bie departara Wa dip the ahoTB from tha Stralford Baoeon and woold add by way sap- pkawat Mr B r tba pramisaaraaantiyooaapredby NrAitoa Da Snd OoBoaasioa of King Wa aa- land a wtoie to Itlm fbr iMa of Ms statBp ara ae adrastaga ta aay Sth Hawsurket Council JIOTCoe mlk oarf 1 Cwidl trek AQ tha plaea 9ft Uaadaj AD pia b pswaa Oia Baaw Boalt- bae Esq in tha raadiof tte idaatet a BfLtw wae ada ap Villaga dBoan aa follows laipeettfrand OollaetoP lUbf Wallia Aiaaaeor- Cbarlaa Elvidn PoaodKaepar Edward KaroMtt Fenae Viewtrv JoMepbXhaatlar W H Bowdat Joo OetvbfVBBdBlctta Webater Tha Road aod Bridge CoaiaiitU iBstroatod to advartlaB for tawdars fbr lamber aad aftar paaaiag raqveatlsg tba ByLaw OoaiBittaa to la- trodaoa a ByLaw frorlding Balaa of Ordar tba O tbao adjoaraad Board of School Tnutoaa- Tha aav Baard mti aa Moaday ai aiag UaC ASX tka sa pcaaaat whaa Mr E JaokaBa vaa agaia aaaai Boady appoiatad Otuinaaa aad Ur W Trtatf Secy Traas Tba Traaaarar laid befot tha Board UaBoad ibe tha faitkfU diaahai cf bia itiea aad oa osotioa vas a Tba CociaiUaa appciatad o advortiaa for taadars br vood rapoctad that tb bad fsaeiwd laadwi from ati diSsraat partiaa aad ia their jadgataat had ao- aaptad tba lowest isndar that af Mr Bamiltona at par tori wad aad split ready tor tte atovo Por fbar faet wood tha taadan raagad fVo flsiS to leOataparaord Tba Bo thaa ajovaad Maoltanica IniUlnta Laat Friday areoisg tba Ptaaldeot of tha above AaMistbn Mr W Tasr gava BB exaaOaot Lector aa the Worlds Exhibits af 1862 ia Lea4oQiBlast ing baaaoaa U was abla ta daaeri with dislinctaeai from aetasl abaanatiaa the chariBteriatfaa aad magnitade of that oombiaal aoUaafton of skill labor and art aa wall as aataral prodacta Tbia aeaaing wa ara to bare Mr Lawk af Toeaflto a gentlemaa well r ocirad laat yaarj who then gava as bis sabjrct Mccbanies Institatea aod Mtiojiic Ball By refsrenca to oar advertbing col amne it will ba obaarvad the brethren 01 ba iaysie ila fsvoorabo to aptenain- mania of thai kind ara to bava a graid hall B Wedtteaday avaaitg aaat Tha diapley it iajiatd will aurpaae even tha gaiheriog of laat yaar Many diiting- atahed pereooaget froa Toronto end eteawhera hatoaignificd their intaailoa 10 be praeaatoa Iba oooaaioo Baa Ad- Sala Baglftar Spisrday Febrwery iib Aa exteoa aBi NuOaebeld maoiba oieditfoo epproved joioi nolee Sala 10 oommeooe at 11 a- m L at BOM J Paliareeo Aoeiioaeer O Pniee havingiheirealo biiUpriatad Editorial SommtrT- A Puaenger traia on Mondy lai4atUt a pedUza v iu W srtMltf eitli elwwwet eotfk TI hnrae w kilIa4aMi ibe aMgb sad eonteata brulMe aad tema abaal eeart4araky it wa aetaatoeil wceaJiUMaJ br the reatlveaeee ei the hona n wat aekan ITe kave Mt leaned g We are reqaaatad to atiooance that Ihe Annaal Menting of the Newmarke Braaeh Upper Canada Tract Society will be heU in ibe CbfialUn Cbareb en Toee- day eveniag next ai7 eelbck wbea ibe Tiavetiiog Ageot ef tba Sbeiaiy aod oibar genilemeB viUaddreef the meetiag Tb pablio abeold attend ae tba olc ia eoe wodby ef the coonieiuaoa aad avppeti ef all ebriMian people W baoa net lei pertwalar preaamebeoRaction w taken ep at the cktia ef the meeting 1 tbe fonde ot beoriety A Picreaui Desta Nomsbk Tni PaaxMoLooieaL JeravaL and Lira LLoa I appaers ilb ai qoarto pagee and a bMBtifal llbfttated Cinar It eantaina pertraiia ef Tennymi SiOiman Sbarklan bb Pbillipa SdaaBsa WreymaiheT ef Joho Waaleyan lodlaa Chiff Praas Keller iaa Mejtvn M Foiy ibe Ffiaaaaa of Walaa Floraoca Niabtiogale graep ef Warrlora Hanaibal Jeliaa Caeear P Oiirn CtomweU Cberlee Xll Frederick tbe Graat Daka ef Wei liegMo Seeli aod Napaleoa Baoaaperte BHV Pninotoov and PvcKeiwr I Vatame4lt Puhliabed 1 90 Namberer 900 e yaer by Maaers ua k tVcua 889 Mroedway New 1 flmakBttiaeT K I8U re Or JBdUar Oi A twmwhtt rilMlMiia Bebavbif ilte abeve atatameet U do the eMipaav M wHtaawraeaan fnjarv allg mi aer tW ieehwa of tit Bver laferty eely Bf lbahaa altweied Jaraal yea 1 Tear a T Avaataee Ageat ef BMver Hetaal Mfka Mre beMd MM frew aae af tlaa aaVar fcaayfaai froai the abera ke waS ailauk atiiigew hevK UCSLaTiTB couaciu Qcxbbc Jaa 23 Tba Sbsake taok ibeclair at three oclock After niatiaa b Uaa Ur adacrbaraoB moved aad Ilea Mr lUaa saaeaded tbe Addree ia reply la Ibe Speocb from tbe Tbraaa A dta eaeaed ia whiab Hoa Meava Aletsader Seymoar UcDoaald LaMber aad Caapbell look part At a ta eix E P tint Tbe Cooaeil Ibea adjoaraed Qoxatc Jaaaary S4 After raaliaa b Iba Heaaa r eaved tba ebaatdaratioa of tba Addma HaaMr Bareaa etprveaed Wa epproral geaoratfy of Iba cooraa Ibe GoTraBeai had ukea with ratpeei la tba raidrrt aad aaid be was prrpartd to gfre lha Coa ledntea scbaat bb boa aad caadid border trebtea be IboagLt oar pro shoald aot be dictated bf bbt serrile dread of tbo Uait ed Sialea Iftbtia bad bbea raldara aa a aide Ibora ware Foaieaa oa ba olbar cbefMiag bosina derigaa agaiael aa aad wa bad the aaoM right to ask the IJaUri States OoveraoMBt to look afler Cboaa fbaisaa as tbey bad to aak as took afkrr tba raidar Oar daty waa lo act dohrg all that baaoaiabty lay la aar or tba pmemtiea of paaoa Baa Ur noore spoka ia coBpliBewt try tanas aftha Ptrtmnd ofibaOor- oraMBt aad approved ot tbar proasai lags with raapsct to the raiders bat Ay Bfpravad of tbeir CoalbdrrBiioa aMlC Ilea Mr Anaaad ea C lati Wbaa tba scbaiM of a aataa of ba cdlaaiea waa a al tba class aflaH sesrfoa ba dstaraiaed aad ia tlBatedhis deierBiaaUaa la bia frieadt ta fclrt it ta death Al that tiaM ba bad ao idn of tba great r of tbe twer Provtaea aad Ihoaght lhay woald be Barely a baradea if tb aaterad iato parlaartbip with aa His viaii thara dar- iBf Ibu iBBBii however bad abaagad bis opWoo aad b bad IsH to state pabBcly ia tba OHy Hsll at Pradavictaa that ha vaa astsaia that va abaOd lia aepantsd ao loag Ha waa aaw ardaatly ia broar of Coalsdaratiaa Etoallraey toawrnw afieraooa at baU pat three oclock The Uoasa adjooraad at 9 oVloek LaofSLsnra AaacMsLr Qotaxc Jaay ti Tha Spfakar took the chair al thrta odoek Tha Speakar inConaod tbo Hoaaa that ha had reeeivad an kttiBstioa freoi ha patiiionsrs agal at iba ratam of tha Hon Isaac Roabaeaa for tba city of HanU toa bat boy withdraw heir oppoailka Mr Roea preooed bo final report Ibe Roeaall Eloctioa CoBieittae They leportod tab tbo petitioner tlueiarhBving withdrawn bis essa with Iba CJDsent of Ibe aiuing moBber ihey bund that lha aifting teabof Mr Bell had been daty alacted ami thai nailkat lha petition nor the oppoeitioa to the sama was frivoloin or vexaiioas Ur Robltaitle moved lha Addraaa I reply to the Speech frMi tbo Throoo ahirh waa of courea litllo mora than an echo of the spoocb He said tbe day had ba hoped oomo when Caaada would pats from sagnsiioa 10 activity from faebleaaaa 10 strangtbt and from a siata ofobaearity intoona ofaiaioanca After alluJiag o lha clasaiMiiaa ef be lewe Ito reepaoting alah ba offered oflo eongraiuaiory roaarks ba aext expressed iho opialM that wa ooght lo do avaryihing wa ooald by maiaiaiag a good uDderalandjBg wilh gpr boara lo proeent war at opaa to offer aeylaa to political raneeM aad lo pro it oar neatralUy TpfaamAitBion aubmittrd vaa not atttlhpl oaaM badaair ed in every deiailjHtiba tboagbt it would prove a aarerd td lha gNsl la leraat of tbe eooatrjraiid iBtrodaeaCeo ada from her atata if iasWBoa to tba ban quet of nationa Coleoal HaoUain aaeopdd tba Addn ia ab aVa speech rtinrdaof In hoar ipdaraiioa Us said 1 waa with mingled eefinga of retufitsnea end adtUfbctloa ibat be had undariskatt tha duly rac lence faeuuae he mid Ddl biing lo he iak the ability iolbrmation dndeuh ofilad wWoh Iba cireaweteaaealf poNiiim called for aad at tba aame li be greaiast satlsfeeitott at being perntit led to baar bis hambia pan io aaeiaifflg Iba bon gaaUfiaea to wboa we wera io- deWad for ar preeant ptiaa to bring to an end tha dtlBetiiea andar wbioli wi had laboured io llmva paa aod to aoa ilidale tbe Briiiah power on thia conli int lie eordiaily eoncirrpdtn the jualioaof H EioeIeoeya eoojreiela- lione oa tba gaoaral proeperity aad eao- entment nf iba paopla of ibie Province wbaiber iheea wara viewed ralativy 01 abeolutely Oar ravenue had incraaaed Sfiy per cent in the period for which iba publio aceoaeta had jaet beafi prepar ed which indioetad in a very otarked manner lha degraa of material proapari- ty with which we bad baea fhvoered As rrgardal iba ooatentmeot wbicb pre- vaikd h lolt that that waa in a Urg itgn who now sat on tbeihrui fnai Mr Drion aaid i be atartad from tbe sama prsmisas ae Col Ilattlteia hi shoald arrive ata different eaaclasioa- If ha thought tbe penyle wf thie oaaar wera enjoying anexmpled protparlljr and -i- 00 h joying ihe bleeainga ef al adwh ahbri his eanclu- sloita Ha proeedM to ciitidea he acta of tha Adainitratioa during he reeaaa lie cloead bia apaech a Ital bafera aix having spokea mora thaa a aolotioa Ba Ihls Ilooaa deenM it a hj rt spoBlvlly to exproS to Yoor Bxoel leaof iu firm convietion tha tba peo- pie ihn ProviBoa fully appracis thair axiwiag politieel relettoaa wi the great Eaaire of which Ibfy for part and neither wlab Dor aaetl to ei ata a aaw nailoaaliiy- Tbe parampb wu tbB oarriai Taaa60 Hays 17 The 1 3th paragraph wu canted oa the aama divisioa O the 14lb peragrsph Mr Jaba Maoduaali axpUaad the po- bat ha waawiUiag to give avaty credit to tha fEoearaawat who had eaak tba pea Jadiaaa thay bad hag estrrtsiaad ia or der to aarrr oat a sbeaaa ahlob tb be lieve woald ba Cor tba good of tba ooao- Tba 14th aad renaiaiag pan ira tbaa aarriad aa the aaou diviatoa Mr Joba A Maadoaald Borad the ap poiatmeat of a aeleet comcittu oompcih ed of Uaaara KobiUilla Baaltaia CDlnniaL ArriTBl 9f tlia Caaada Tlaursa iautt Tba Roral Mail StaaasaMp Caaa9fro ivarpeel eo Iba 7ib aad Qi tbsn ibM by Ihe City of Baltiawre at Ne I sad rae eevemb and taaabed Liv aa ihe 8tb aavaby tba Caaada ta not at all JCfea aava lapevlaat Tba Army aad NawfOofttit aayst rha Caftan ditfieaiiy vUl ia b paiba jHty Ispee bat aei haflaaaty Tba dia- play ef attachment u Otwt BiiUii aod e paiiieiia xeal vbieb iba raoeateveOU call ad fwibf will adla ba many asarees af imtatiea wbiah b ee ia Ameriea hu spaaed aad will tiaaifar le ibe C fall ahara of tba affarflewiag aniaiaaiiy liik which Great Britaia is raga rda4 ka awaeef iheJIenbeia pecblat hot Ibe Jaaadtaaa have aartaialy aaiaHMbed Irash eUiBe la iBpei ial eympaiby Capiela Cerbau axCeauaaader af lha eteaiMr 8eaKtagaiaeVbeBa4ak iru breawbi lae laagiatrau at Leadea ea lha abargad with haviag aalMtad a Jlritiak sabjeria Jar e a pra Med the ease 1 BTged thaak ta anliai in tha aarvi Svl- deoee wu giaaa ie aappart wbaa lha earn vu remaaded the priaoaar batag admitiad te beil ifl five haBdred paaoda aad eareliaa af ta e iboaaaod pe eacb Anotheravideace of Qaeea TicioHa aampiiea ef pobiie feoeiieaa ia tbe fast ihti atta nu eeomandad all the ahipa ef wai te reeemmaaee dHag aalaiea wbaa passing Oabeme dariog her aiay iliere It le anneaDawi that 8if Wiliiam Mat I lha camBand of iba foreae ia IM ad Tba vaekiy reiarae of the Baak el reaee abow a deereaae of ouh 00 baod ef aarly thirty mitliena ef francs h waa reported thai Prieae Nepeleea wHI iaii Teiin in retaroing te Paria aome time y io coapaoy with the King ef Tbe Bearae an tbe I6ih waa aaaeitled Itaty Thi bat cloaad firmar at 661 5e Il ta rapMed that Spain la aboni la reoeg- ixelbe Kiagdem of Italy A cetaialuae ef ioqaity Inla lha diatat lea ha parperl Is not s Iba pi of alt BlIliMS of Knda haa baea eooiraeled with eeveral laeial oampeoiee aa saeoriiy ef Stale I M stated that His Beltaees the Pope Blende uadia a bel ead saerd aeb esr aaia the geaeni eaeiat tba Cbriatnua maaa to lha Xpar of b gevernmeBt pepeeas ta open Tbe CBbaa news ef Uw fall af Savaoi aa received tbia aharaoeai aad aaa aeuidefable exeitemenl bBl if was etb tatber too late ia ibf day to develep a Tbe Kiof opeoed Ibe Cortes aa tbe Sad He aaiJ tbe bMgat woald ahow ae deflcii aad promiaed aandry laaaaarwfarlbaraga s sialM Ibat lha Portagaaaa Miaii Brwl Enperar Mazimiliaa e the Mesicai aeU1aad la imperuat coBBeroUi rala MM betwaea llnel d MaxiM Tbe Ciiagraae efopeia hubaeadeiaiia ly conatitated tlenar Alexandra Caaire don 77aa 8 ao j Dea 6 hae beea eUaiad graa id af tba Uoaaa Tbe Rich awtd earreapoodeBlefthe Loik viiiiog Iiev SB a u ira mere erreoe coafi dance entaMaiaed aat t saffty af lh- monJ aod PerfbewbeGrsBlaleee whai it oMy- He alaa affltau hat gtaatar eaaft daaea abd hapa eateitaiaid aelar eoee fo Ihe prvMot aed latam ef Seoeeah The Tywut likewtae publiabeea Mie from Spence iu aeeeaaise eerraaiMndeat a LivepMt bolaterlAg ap the rebrl cat iBd ateady Caflee qaiet III ltd toS 3lferrattaed ea ry ttiaWafana wbe are praparieg a laareb agadi taarklatiaa Ftank 1 advieea aay thai ibe newfy adeeitfeed United Sialea Jeaoa bad made apeeali mid allboegb FrankKrrt ptieea remsi I 9d tieyead iKw ef Nmv reik It ia aHimaieii ibei abevi mjOOO I Uaitad lee beada bu beaa eaat ai ether le Earopa American BoTolntloa CaaaLatroii Jaa 17 TatdlKgral ofiosra from Hoeda army aay that ila loaaca sra mveh lesa than re ported and elt Iboaasnd vlfl Oovar dl saaltiea dariag Ibe esBpalgn aad ilood plasty of artillary- It ia caBMarad ia Biebmoad ia aaaf- fteial oiralea that Oaaaral Hood baa baaa iperaaded by Geaard Diok Taylor Aaatbar repart la ta iba aisct that CoBfedarataSMata bad pasaad a ra4ation aakiM tba Praaidaat to rajastaia Oanaral JcaoiJobaaloB la aoBsaad af tba arvy cf the Teaausii HoaoraMe H S Foola had baan r laaaad from oaatedv tba Prwvaat Xu ahal of FradariskiDVS aad bad anivad la RiehaMad N Ju SK Tba Iniiamth r Irat heavy iraaclad aa the Miaaiaaippi bat baaa ratasd aad towad ta Naw Or ia She will ba repaired TlHStnmer Vagv bad baea cap- lared aad baraad by gaarilks al Patcbsrs Poiat After rabbiag tba boat af a greeabaeks tbay took tha aaptsia BM pamaagira aikara aa priwaers aad baraed Ibe beat Tba FsraMga bad I00 bales af colloa aa beerd WAUiiROTgl Jaa 31 Admiral Par Ur ia his daUiM ts of tba eaplara of Fartiabsrcfoa Oa tdiiM aaBbar af aa ral afcl bJad attl diad ef priaatea kilW vaaadadaad aiadsg laela the tpfa of tba Btgafiae at 909 ila aatu Ibat Ibe rsbds bava Wowa ap Fart Caawall aad tha rabal stcaaars Tatisbasae aad CbieksBaaga aad that ba will Ap ia VVilBiHt low- Siiwa Jaaaary Ist 520 rebel daaariony aU ef whom caBa witbia tba arm af w PoteBU aad tba anar af tba Jamu tlH pweed tbroagb Wasbiagloa PutLADSLMu Jaa 21 Tba i ys a teller bu baea r ia pMa froB a preoiiaeat geatlema iagtoa wba aaya F from Presideat Liaaala ecadect tp Wasbiaa sioaera froB JaiT expoctad to ba N WAa Ta Me O Dii la Jaa M J Tba foM9wW takgram bu baea ra ived by Ibis SepartBaat from Lirat Ou GraaL EM STANTONr Saaaf War CnrPoiaTVa JaaHoa E U Slaaiaa Su af WaiwOae af my staff bu jeat l Jraa Fart Fiabar witbdeapi wb I firac iwww i Oa tba evaaiag af tba lath ve Mav ap FarU CaawaU ad Casipbali aad Bkaadoaad ibeB aad the works aa lad aod fboae at SasNhvila ud Rn Tba wbola aaaber al gau caa ameaals to I6- A large aaatbar sbb arasa also fvN iato ear af erdeaaaa aad caaaZr aleraa Oar csaaahiu prove soullir Srst reperlad They foat tp tbM aecara aad 107 maa kiSad aad 45 ciaaH aod 490 Bca waaaded SigaedJ U 8 GRANT Lab43u Nxw Y Jaa 34Tba Richaia Examinm af tbe 20tb says Rafwess who reached Cbariaatoa oa tba 17 i port that SherBBB bad aeat oae aerae i cooparala ia the attack aa WdBiagHe The S ale aen Tbe lam sf Fort F waa eaeaiieaed by Bnw fsiliaglo attack Ibe rear aflba UiS Tba latest frOB Iloed npfls tbat ik y is ia fiaa apini aad aa ibe way Coriatb The aaparsedara af Heed bf Di Taylar ie eeairaed The Wkig sad Srktutel ara aal h traBcly bitter articles apiaat nta Countloi CoveU Tba firat Butiag af ihla Caaacil le praseat ysar leak plaee ia tbeir CU tr ia tbe Coan Boase raMerday Tba Clerk took the ahair aad caiW tta Bua hers te order whea Iba foMewlag Saataa aad Dey Reeves haviag first Bed Aa rsairad certifiutea took Ibair seats ud their ussM u rapreseatiaf lha aaeaa coiranr or Toas ETOitcoxa W A Wailaaa Baera r Thomas Taylor Dtpaly lUava GBOROIIA Aaias Ego Roava NOBTK GviLUMBtrkr WB Uaar Reeve E G Jaa Parab Ilaere Edmaad SibeKlewerth Depatr Reeve KioJacl Pliinlps Rura ilai dor Thom Dapaty Reera MaaiDisMJaba D Baaaa iBss GermWy Beava ScABBMa DG Sufaasna Raavij followi Philip Uaektam Uspaty Buva YeaiB Bat Ro B uU r Depaty Reeve Y V Berryasa Reeve NavirairiTAlfrBd Baltboa Ream HoLLAitD LAinMaoB T Beeve A Lepper Reava c or rhcL ALBoa Tbwau MM Eaare t Jab Vaace De Raaaa CHUtQtriOotVT fL Hirtley Bam JlfeaderaoaDepatf Raaaa ToaoKTo S Pike Roarai MFa kar Depaty Reve ToaoaTo tJoaa TboBu OrabaB Ruva BtAarroN ChriarapbefSfark lUava STBxrTBVtLia Ur Barrtart Baeva Tba Clsrk Mr J Eltiat ibu caNad ew the Cnaadl to aomiuie oae of tbetr Bem U for Werdea faa tU C eC York- lad Peal ft the rfwtoai yaar 1866 Aa atll ba a ao lea lhaa ssvu aialu a mada bMora a aaectiaa was amde i Mr Ega prapaul Mr SaBeai Piwe bo Word Ye 1 Naya 18 1 Mr nsriley prepaei Di Bsrabarl ds Wsrdea Yeu 1 Nay 17 IV IVawBaa proptieed Mr TWau Grabtm Uore aa Wardea Yeu 14 Nsys 17 Ur siarfc pre Ur Hartley u Wardea Yau IS If sya 17 OormUy propoead Mr Aa Rg w Wttdaa Tew It Naya 17 Mr Bat saaoaJad by Ur Para- baa propne Mr H 8 Howlaad hT Vaaabaa u Wardea Yaae U Naya 5 Tha mMioa haU oar Ur Hewland waa aeoorled la Ua sal by his papor aaid aieoadar aad ata Bodaobasnaad la be deaUradea afaf la Tba Vadaa aUat tbaa tbaaked tba CoaailforlW boadr they bad deaa Uu la aliudcig bias to tba paaWoa of Waa daa aad waaU aadaavor ta CM it bia manaer thai he bepad waald gWa aMb faetioa The basinaaa waaU aaua- bafaraaCoaoeilhia eaasfoa vu Im- partasi Wa wara aboat to bava paa- BButea aftha York Koada aad b woaU ihadaty of tbe Cowarf oae tbat inaa Made vara proaarfy aaofad The Wardaa had not deabt baa that tba foada waaU eaaa a gaod la- TBsimaet la tha Caaactt aad ba traaud every earavoal Ila tabaa la ibair Miaaunttbatitwaraaa Asrag fiwaeee thara was a oboaie asada last yBar Bhlah it w lo la a poal hat tha ft P iaa bU uad mm mocb aarplaa Ra agr ib3 batfocU rriianio uiaaiiiata r waaae hjr Ur Bfo r MrTnrkar Thai eu aiaBibara ba ferMI cboaaa uvaral BaaCai aBiadueni Igr Mr Hartley by Mr RuullTbat a a miiiaaofaavea ba Muiaod to atrtta tS Stawdiag CauBil4oeaaeosMiM eff Maaara Orabaat Ego Parabai 8wtW WaHaca PowaBB sad tba meaar lha orlgiaal uatka vaa aarriad Maaara Parahaa aad Priaa vara M appointed saratwere aad p la baHoC TU C ilw f wjg- IM fer the eomBhtaa aad tba Waraaa daeiod tba foHeviBg aleetad via Measra Parabaa Hertlay Bav m Boll Prka aad TOtK aoaaa Mr Siork gava aetiaa that ba vaaU aa tamorrov bsovo tbot tba Ciaa4i ha ia rooted te pabliab tba asiaatu of thoM aMoial assatiag of tha Coanoil tagator ih ba award of lha arhitfatora aad Denaie fleaasgae report la iha aas- e of tbe Yorh Roeda Tha Ceaadl tbaa aoaraad lOI tUa flMralBg at taa octock g SU prieoaa eeuped fro 8a 1 ji 0 81J liSfSlcutiiai f ww

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