4ti46iti THE NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST 26 1864 Xiw AdrertliencoU Tnrm In Rma M Ilolrio A HMIT Atliv K llfOiilT TanlIVr rwIUxtuiiKli RwtTiiir OIT V Crtio OrMTIM TnlQ Tine ITtwaarket tlx- A f 1 ta et IrtiM taak pUc cu Mo Tu MiH Tr PUtn Kpm 1 IC p m AeeomrrvoiLi hrJ Itn AvmilKKlatitn rrpr Mall Kk ili nlM 10 Ihs ci iingif under Hi ntniri1ir nnd irf Mr biing manff ment rf Mr f llAftvit 11 MrrJrt in jjflif I no ltrcl li ilrlll hiIW pf lltr f liu 1d Dnl ih triitl mrIfT r Tftiio Mr llaRVil li Antyt kind tnd njtisiig but Mprciill on turVi WCMI n ficurtionvp whrr lar- lint tn itiA 0f lrBffllir much hcim cnfuwd or dcUyrd lie aitin iir thij cniijJfrA1tbrUy c-ntrilot- if larfAjr to ill comrurl ntd liiiiiu nf curluniui II ti ecnt t tdilcJ lo Ihe abort IceorertX- pcnw of eollfciion ind OefletioDi Council roM ind trporlH tlx tiiU amended ReMrt tdopltd do lb lijr 1 1 read t third lime end puwd A R 1aw wM hen inlrodseed bj tiM Hrrvr ia Uink for teTjioE Count tad Townehip IltlM ted ww Tjn mT Ik llrujiiKirkfl ifrn XVBftrkt Pridky Ang 2th 1664 The Press Excursion 17i Ti r1fatura exeuiiim cf tbr rrtai Anocitiloo isolc plnr oti Thjrt- dijoritil week araunl Simcf ad proTtd A deciJed tuecett Thr Noilbeni Griiid Trunk and CirM ttttrn Rtilwajr Comptiiiai with com- mtodtblt liberality ranled frtt ptoet OTr llMir rttpKlirt linei lo th mtm- bare of he Auoeiition itid Capt M PraprMlor of iha ratgnifictnt aUtintr Emiy Muy nnl onljr teoordvij free trip bul tbuDdaotl- and gmlultuily pro idd for tbt outer man all that Learl could with Tht SriUy Miy mi built I rauple ofjetre tgo by tliepreittjl propritior txprenl for iKii roult 8hr it 161 ftrt lofig 24 feet betm with in ngine of 100 horpoer and ia eepa- bli of ruDDisg from 14 to 16 rnilet ti boar W hte on prtioua oectiioni the bftatifal rtorry cf the l Undt trd ahorrt of Ialt Simcoe ard tht ptJaurt llis iriji irrda excjriion JaJ but rrual be aren to be realU n yed On lilt aove iht fjlinliij gttttiemeQ oere prracnl Tha- Sellara Montreal Ao Wm Cillup lUmllmn J A Caaptoll M Ciinpivo Th Ma MOger CileOoia HtAcrn Ceo W Vet tl yirailiioy funir Jwird0 SItlAiti gall fteiiit or tVaieDos tx Pteiln cl ibe AiMciaiion anj Nie of Ih Berlin TelrgrapS Jimx Dundtt TVkr limir R Mathioon fWanilnc J Si Prt Hfipe GtiiJf tV t Ciimi IkiwmanTiKe A Hrnry Napnre Slan dard C S J- nea St JIJ Irftu j A I Kelih Si Matfi Argui M b Hull jmiVron Jihn Dunetn Tlf tV II Kinta Cobmg Shir S Lqktf Oshawa tlidieitnr iranl Ctlhaimat JciirnnI W S Sira 7 Glijbt Torenio Jchn Allan jait Mr i A McPliion CuMlrt llitlnur H C KfliincJy Cnurr VV H 0if Corrwall FrirS JUr Sy mw Sr Carhrint CofUfihfvAT lif Piciofi SoriA Amfrienn K Milee BelUviriM CAronwfe f Cai- mao KingAion AiufiCiin A Xtr CUoigao WoAlock Cit ten namihon Tnui Uiirzi WouJ alMt 7PUt tUl Hanntien Tituft T Kn Tlisrlii jflsrnp T- MeliHoth iUmiiion R Jarkwn Ne mtikel riJshn MrWbmnoy ncl tinck Stnlinfl U T R innet BiolToiJ Tmee 1 Jobn Hg CnllmjwnftJ Lnlrr- frit4 j S L Robarl KirarrnJ Vlnunrr V P Juktgn Sirafiiil Vjriarr W M Nicbolaea Bciie Utitmmrr A larga naMi Ladiet leeomiianiecl ib paiy Thetrip wai enjiyed BmoiTgl lb time being occupied oith prclie reei- latiADt eioging and promeenjing iaier- Viltgled viib j ket punt oittirianie tnd raptrltee tueb t only iht Fuuilh Eaiale keo hoir to girt an I receire end bo eouM it be otberoiie t The fl Indeed thai for a lime they had laid aide ihe caret tod twila of editorial re- tpooaibiliiy ird like iht fa thful Cou ier vho had borne forward the and TV Danntr of CwutUutienal IiIj ny la trery Mafin SocAm on the GUAe eouU trjiy ittt fir t tetaon tod aUo the Eeia of Ihe Ti 31 The Cnoncil retilred ittelf into a oov- iitic of tbe vbole oo Ihe aane Mr Markleis ia the ehair Tbe bUskj er filled up at folloat CxuNty purtwt 1 Teti cil SoperinteBiIenli Excursilo IhTMaratime Provinces cneril Townfhip purpoeet A Pariitdifutfy KieoWiiin In le Inwcr Irotincj l i just tslcn jlice iho pirtT rmilltij ol minj nieiiibcri of UiiL Hrmfli t of the IiUturo -news- pljwr clitnr an I ropnitiri anJ Itlicr priMiiincflt anlin ecichriiic Imm lip offonnlt giten of the trip thf whnle route tppcara lohive been an oral ion fr the apeeiU tntcrtainrntnl of Ciadin Icmonitration hearty and cnthaniaiic iwailcd tilt riouinlonirH at every City 3nl Toirn aou wc ntriic no dotabl as I mult nioeli liai lsn done tuvarda rmorin nianj of tle oUtaclee in tLc way ofeonfedcrniiiii by if not entirely rradieating pnjudiees prcionIy intertaincl rcrdin- the ita and foel iiiL- Iialita and iiitcrm of the eoloiiica while the tery able lettera pahlibJ by the Cvfr and fiom the eorre ipnoJenU Winging n thcicj 110633 C0900 7000 73200 Ioor Kitei 12000 Committee roee and reported tbe By law at amcndtd Report adopted tod the Rylaw finally patted Itiabot rihl wo thoald ilate here ihat Ihe fini three item friTrn abort tbe Ciiuneil enutd nut control Ihe itLOSOt Uinz filed by the Cojsty Coaoeil The Cnoncil then west into eoismitlee nf the whole Mr MeCortniek in tbe ehairen a coismnnioalioD fVom the Municipal and Aueiiment Commitlee of the Hoaae of Attembly ukiog for in by way of totodmeat to tbe z- ifting act Cumisittte reee and atked Seave o lit ajain next toeelins Letre icraBted Tho Couneil ibeD adjovned till tbe 1 Tth of Pcenber next tbeo to meet at Cooper Ilolel Baliialrae The Fireman Exonnion IumBtot to aasoiineanuot tbe Setaar- j j let KircmcDa Kxcoraion of Eagine Co lonJ milcriayloenljrio the lookpltee on Monday laat and ncrciM the koowkJiio f the of j deeidedly aaeecafot Tbt Ptrty IhMrrvin erlngtheinhaVitan1S between lOaod 200 per ni CWi viiteclmakinp us Ihe etra for BU Ewart theooe Gross Oatrue Htm Ouanl aad Sentiml not only lo becMM aa Initretled Spteiator but an cadiaehiag Viiuliealar tod Etpettlor of tka riiw end priiileget of CanoJaatu B ibl Horlk AmtrUan eontinont and Ibe AiMptTn Slnr of erery BrMiaA tlhin with Argui tree Ibe Ezammtr of each aucetediog TtU- grapk laaooDdng iba reeull of reeeoi aoreWnetiont onfuldini the hidden myt teriet of tbe atw political Eri and ii- ttrfrit spoo which tho couuiry it oo Mering Tb EzovraioDitU trrittd al Onllie M ocluek tad the Capt allow ed Ibe paiiy eae boor td a half lo tiait the ptaco eoaie taking one direction Mbefa a difcreat eerai bl all roiuroed iayaodMMoft Oo tbe boMard trip Iha iBaabera of ihe Aaaeeiatioa held a MtbtgMr Gillaeple of ihe Hamiltnti in the chiir when tbe fellow bf rooolalloo vaa adepltd That the Ihanka el Ihe Atenriated Vata eaelitioa be leader le ihe Preei- 4eat tad Diroeiera ef the Noibtri Rail way Ibe Oand Trank Reilwty enJ Creti Wetieia Railaaj iheir lihertliiy ia mtiM bee p orer iheir respeetire Ilaae to thie eteereWn tnd ibey areold lao expreet tbeir heany Ihanki peraontlly eCapuia May Itr the eee o ibe tleaner fee tbe etdaitien oo take A O0flflslil40 of three wai then ap lo it upon Capl U tad de- jiir biai 10 ftrof ibem with bit pretence 1 bi being doM be mm arrived and VM loeeitad with three tistat Ibrae hie altb ilten propeaad by Iba Cbir- ma aod drtnk 1 iba Party la a baa- ptt efahuMpagaa la vUeh Iba Cape Mpkaiiaa fy bapy Baaaaraod ax ynaaj pleetora ba loll la har- tba Prota Aiaeciatioe at bit gaeatt ATe vo loaata fidlewad ad the Maiiag broke up in order lo agaia rtjo4a Iba ladte Siagicg prowMdiog die MWod till 6 oclock b arrifiag at tka 4ak ai Ball Kwart tbraa abaara vara firita fer Capl Hit ud all be- aroand Iake Siaieoe by Iba alaaawr Emly Mag Tbe SharoB Braa Baad were alio eagaged for the eeaatioe aad eontribnteJ largely to tbe eatertaiaiMiM of tho exeartioaicta by tbe perfbriaaeee of appropriate mBiie At Orillla oike boar and a half vaa alloaed tbe party to vUil the Tillage Some lUited tht Branch ttiBni loesied Ihtta otbera pertDbnla- ted Ihe atreeit to eee tbe aightt Captain Mat vaa Ttr kiad and obllgiog ibing all ia bit power to rtnder Ibe trip agreeable and pleaaiBt Indeed ao impreaaed were tbe azaarrioaitta kit lindiy deneaaor tbat daring the boBf- ward paaaage tbe fotloiiag tddreot vaa piepared aod preaaaled Aagaat 16M Tv IriAC fAT Ca4 Ctptein of Ihe My- Wa the men beta ef ibe Newntr ks Kirt Compaay and ear ftienda hex iv lemfe to yeo ear Ihtnkt far yoor atbeniiy ml ttteniioD derlng oarlrlp rend Lake nene en ihia day ia Toer Malflent Mel the Emily May Yoer kiedaett Ihe Newmaikei Fire Ceotpaay en ibi oriU be ioieilr j In mV lot ynu j noraaien will be long held in reaembraDct Ttiti II Ihe tational way tu louk al tho q by iit meobert and e are happy le eay lion I ihai it hta tieeolhe neti a de- ir the iii nn irrrinaid eruh it i iiglitful dtya Eieaiiioa ve bare enjiyed olins rt ii inx h lo be hope I ihi i in Canada May yog leag enjoy riil be prvuiiii- ct an iiirreaae of kuuly 1 1alih tad thai pttepeiily wbtefa it aeiited fielin hirun rNiliina aiil then brih- j ht he T exeelltal arttngtoeatt aa the ten o Lof Irotince We may anl Emily May lo dir4i in oiinin on many autfcia bm honor to be Sir Yoer fiienita sril by Ihe Captalo of he fiieCompesy aiit 3- htr membera end Irlemlt ijuiiutei wiJi tlirir Taloalle retutee I cliuiatc eoHoiiii Cnfid I craliin it ncir or rcn e tbe late excoi- aioD vill htre a aint lrrGcial efToet with rerd to cOBinxrc a- l no doult IcaO tij the cultivation rfainLre inliiustcaev cUaintane Irflwcvn Ihe Colonic In ejnclolin a loiter a1luing to the reult if lha Contcntiin al Charliiliiown in eonncclion with the eicurion alluded to I the orirriiont mj i jlui tlier- i i-n- pi l npon iirti I late ai tcecl ihti anuM tp ai I auimiaiK n ol the ia il poiiibM al at I rate rniie fire irate tleeo ihe riil I ihik tvw in al the Cialllcuur j Kill ieil i iirmFtlial niri Iti 11 Canaila bul B n ni lui ii ihai al any tate t tiailt will b Ui ii- I ui The pnil uf Nnva Scoia an Nf I lina lutilr if Iinre Kl I Ilan aim all llnk 1 cxain Im ihj ivouil nply iiti qianiii ui manti leiiJ g I am tot at ail in riined 10 Jiput tlia boJirl If iriIiae then il will te lii ejt milail alvaiitigi- thai Canila alvutJ buy in the ehipS fnaTki If untrue atill nn him witl lone for ten will applT b1nnoef wj 1 eabia to gratify bit BaHee or taiiatt li rtreegc Seeb a loa pretaaiag tbe aborc lratii aa credit le bi ftiber aer le tbe etapany ckaet for tba oect bappes d to awbeiala biaa with Foorth Dirlsion Court We iTebeIov the defended ctMt tried at the aboTO Coart held at OB Wedaeaday latt Natbaa Caao t t P tateer Sotd for maiateBaaee of illesitioiale ehild of vhich II vat aliedued dcfeDdanl vaa fath er Mr Boalibee for Plaiatiff end Meeara Moora aed Doraod for Dcfca daau Thit eaae oeropied heart of Ihe eoort aad wai Indeed Aeeato of tbe day- Quito a large number of vitoetaee were examined oa both lidea bat aa partff Ihe eridenee vaa sofit for pollieation ik refrain frooi giriog any perliea of it Jadgneal ia pait viagirea for FUio- tiir JuDa McCnSn c Frant andBrtm- ntr Ilaintiff toed defeodasti aa aarc- tiee of Jobn Mafroire for tn amoasi aaid to bare been inade on a jodgment by Maguire bul plaintilTfailinir toeatablith that delcedaota were raretiet fr Ma- suire vat aOB Uoallbca for De fendaota Three nr four other eaata fnllovil ef a aimilar charaeter and were treated the aamo way in out or Iwo of which Mr Landy waa eogtgcd- Vo Look re A Boynloa Noa loil J Flearr r WilliiB aad Suatn Lin ton Saed for tmoaal of aeoognt 15500 DcfeBdaat alatded tn oSmI of toist VI 1 ertl2 for plov beamt pliiatiff had tgraed to bealow Olfaat allowed aad judgmrat civen for btltnoe Iouet for IfondaaL Plaintiff pallinf Defendaat ia witaeta- boz to prove bit clatra Dr S N Peck rt Dr Cbaatler Soed for aerrieet raadcred Defeadtai line at Neweaatle tad pleaded b vaa loed ia the vrong Dirition Nootuit Coart tiating aiaat be Uktn in Ibe Diviiioa wbera Ihe aoattaet vtt ptrfennad or where the Defendaat retide LoanI for Iltatiff R Davtbary ri Jerome tnd Jemet Mtrty Saed for amoaat ef note and inttfctt tS7 DefeadanI pteaded the nritea vere iTta by Jerome daring hia minority Ilaintiff ihowed that jaat a IB aed the father taracd avrrythi Utim I I lj hit liy may te may he eiiiKt rfni1rfv at ol Vni ij hain lli link n7 U I Ji wi uot b tier iliv mpr Ut 11 ej 1 hi sjifiKikf of ia lihiHy conir liU iii ir np t Whitchurch Council Tie above Council met al enjiih Hotel gtli Coa oo SalsrUay latl AI tbe memberi prMnl K Wheeler Ilre in tho cl air MinuKi cf frevioaiisetlini lud and confirmed Pereral pelitiona wera prencnted ftfm Ttoiteea of School etiotn praying thej The Addrea vaa read and praaeotod by Mr T A II Bcrebaalof tbia plaeo on behalf of tbe aignera Capu Mat raapoaded ia filtieg tarau eiprtating bit gratificatioa that Ibe party ere pleated vitb Ibe arraagvnteata be had beta tbie to laaka aad tmied hoold they agaia make as azeatloa fren Vewniarkel be Ml be foaadvaat- in in oontribBttag to tbcir ootafort aad etijnyment Three ebeera vera Ibea aiTee tot Cl M aad eae toonBe ebaar laera im Kmil Ringing proonadiag deneiag and CoaMiriolJyapVii raica fjr tchool anaaeaenta aoatiaad le fill ap the pnrpMa j be part arnrml aaiuy at Bell Ali from Satpnel fftetVIey eallinR al- K Tbe eapne eboTtly tfler wW tention lo lie dilapidaiod and dangerous I tt Coadaclerthtp cf Mr suit of the bridge on 5lh Con nd who It aJwaya atteatJTe to Mt- prajloe thai the lamcLo nie patabc arrired in doe tir On luotioD ef Mr llanison ireond- d et Iepe ail am Mr MeCurmick Hr Philip Matklcm i Ibe day i pr doe tine at the New iraaiiy aaliified Bp- litlle while after Iba property wMpareha oer to lia m and henee urc the evi he bad dene ef fraud Jadcaieat for Plaintiff tbe Court eontidering the toa htd tbe besefii for wbieb ibe obligaton wtt giv en Koallbee for riaioiiffi Caiapioa for Defendtat Kli Rollln ri William Groaae Thit vti a caM arttin out ef tome eentract rr wheal traaaaelion iarolring MShSO Verdict fur Plitntiff Campioa for PUiotiffj Ijoaal for DeftadtaL J W Kdaiiad r Kxecatort pf tbe late Joteph IIo11ioshetd Sued fur amoanl ateoeat llaiatiff auted b old eertain geede for Ike faaeril end Ihe accident Mrt Waua had toteral iielBioni aboat tbe faoe bal fortunate ly for both ef lbe ae bone vere bro ken 81 Baflftar Ml JiNtt llcAiTHaa near Keltleby King bat aa eKeBiiv Aoelien Sale of Siecklnpleatnia fce 00 Theradty ihe lat ef Sepleteber ntai Set Adveniae- meal la anMbi eotumn for panienltra Mr 8 Maehll Aaelieaeei Iale teooin- seaee al 10 ocioek am A NeaaaKD Kaq- Iiot No 8 Yeoge Siieei Whilcharcb hii an exitn- aive tad nareaorred aale ef Slock Implt tnenla lie on the 6ib of SeoemlMr neii Sale 10 rooimenee at 10 oclock en Tatma AllMWia ef 119 aod aader eatb Tba ptnprieiot being about le reiom le Ibe old country and aa no incouaiderable per lion of tha aaek ia vellbtrd the abort ale will tffjid tn aeelltal oppeflsaiiy lo Uiotr Paciita having tbti tale billa printed al Ihia ofRoe will have their aaltt noticed a above Ibroegb the eolamoa of ibii paper fret Editorial Sosmwy tSkarta FeatI is aaaoaneed for ibe Aral Salatday a nail month tee aSv Mr Dr M Qneen Street taai Gvillimhery kae ear taani fcjr t baftkaC of flatia aet appl laihtaotEev A meeting of the Pannert Clab uau plaee eaat Tharaday eTtalsc taljm far dt la ibe nakiag t a eeM tiumnirr Fallow praHtable t Wa hfpa le I a gted atlaedanea of fanren Tbe School Teaebert foribceai far eaaeiiaalioe la to be haU ta Ihe Kevnai ket Comiaa Sehool Beltdlaga PnapaetSl Wadoaedty Mil lha 3lal iaat Jll Itlar Mtad will pUtaa nta Ike place King Cboceil aeiinf lakea place lemoriew Saierdty al Halaat Htiel Sebomberg iattead of Haltet Old Stand Iloydiewo Road aa we ialimated laai week We ebevtve the reaiag Journal potilialied by 111 A II Sr GaaitaiMi To- tonto b ahortly to be iaeued beib raoraing and evening iwe ediiioni daily We have had eeeaaien toeoamead the Joornai hetetufnre and may nniv tdJ it more ihan rralitet oor aapeeiationi For apeei men copy adJttaa tbe editor Tvionlo meeiieg e Iht Board of Dirretsra of the North York Agrleuliaial Society tod lao of The Cemmiiiee appeioied to celleei aobeciiptlooa maid eft itad fleoxblng Mateh thia lall lakea place le meriew ti tht Railrotd lleial The BoaVd sieeie at 10 oeloeki t mand Ibe Board ead Ceia- mlat ive p m a It rejnirea- -r- Tfetorr for the necelnry fonda Ifthe Bridj be really danperouj the impreaaioo of the Coancil appear ed lo favor the eonaTDtioo of aa entirely V one Applicatioaa were lien laid before the Coaricil for the oSoe if Colketor from I B Pctrton and Walker Lloyd loav in il diicretioniry lo leeeirc at payment fur tho daliet what thii Coareil ihooU eooaider for coaipeatation atao from Mr Joteph Dorl offerinf aatiifiietory lure tiee aod lo do tbe ork fur ttO The CoBBcil reeolved itaelf into a eom- millae of Ibe whole on the above appliea- tiont Mr IftrriaoD in the ebair Coomiltae rote tnd reported by By law Wbile in eommiltre bovever the qBCttioS ae lo bo thoald be the CuIIee- lor vat decided Mr Mtcklen nominated Walker Lloyd Mr MrniekUDinated Joeeph Bogarl ami Mr RaaVK nooii- ted Ijambfrt Pearmin Oa Ihe vote being taken 4he two latter vere only lup- rrt by tbeir oomiettort tad Mr Lloyd reeeiTad thi vetea of tba Eeeve Mr Macklem tad Mr Uariiaoa tbe otbera aot voting tgaiatt Bylaw bavieg bMn filled ap vitb tbe Dame of Walker Lloyd vaa paiHad usao- iooatly aod fiBally adopted Mom by Mr lUadall aaeaaded by Mr Maekltn tbat tbe bill of Joabaa Willeoa jr for laatber aot exettdiag tS ba paid oa ike ordr ef ibe Doy Beeve vbo it iattnseted lo aaaertaia tbe azaet aneaat of tba acaoaat Carried Tbe CoUeator Ibaa gave Meatrt Jaiaae d Jand Llnd at aaretita aad on aotioe cf Mr iftrritoa tacooded by Mr Maakleai tba Coaaail aaaaptad tbe AmMooH inaoiT Tba Beeve iatrodaead a Bylav ia bleak praridiag for Wiyiag tbe aahool ratta pMtieo iv vfaiw vaa read a flnt titM aad tba Coaaail vaal iato eoBnit- laa tbe vbola tba wm Mr Raa- dall ia ba akir Ia eoaaiiltaa tba f4- loviax anaaata vera Sled ia the BrIav aa patt C 8a Sea Ni1n8ira vitb Kiag lllfi No a 172 No 180 Ko 800 No tl 210 Tba Byb alao praridad tbal 2 per reapeetiog Ibt eeadatl of MrFergatea fa of the Btatber for Fraelaaac wbiek if tree tbe giilty tboeld reeeirt paaiak oval coaaeatiinU vitb tbe wraag at- Mopted to be iecltd Tbe laeta a Ibey reach at are at feHevi It appeara Mr CaftMAN proprietor of tka Bitiik Amfritan aeceapaaied tba tzeartiaa le iIm Lower Proviaeea tt Ibt repreteatttirt of hit joaraal wi Mr fergatoa veal OB tbe tame jaroey parponiag lo be lilt rtprateataliro ef iba Sritiik Whig We eugbt alti le ttala tbat far tome liae paat ibia tana gtaliaMs baa aatartaiaad lowardt Ike edilM aad proprirtw of Ibe Britiih Am4neam aaylkiaf bat a kiadly fctliag iadaed aalaally aeaaiilad aa ggrarated aaaaalt upon Mr Bsacm aat ol ila editera aaaa liae tiaaa far vbicb we believe ba at Iba tiaa paaatbad Ilewever danag ika aigbt aa tbe reyaga froai Portlaad lo St Joha Hf Cakmaii waa dieiarbad by a mo Bear ki aad aa avabaaiaf di a panaa whom ha racagaiaad la Mr F a proMkiag kia ataallWIy vbiab led bia te feiga beiag ailatp Tba adilar af tba telle vbat fattova ia tba tab- jaioed axtiaat Fergaaaa erept as aad baadiag ever bin CtraaaJ aarafally apeiakM la aabaiaaoa avai biataaa aadeyee aod Ibea retired babittd tba aagiaa aaataa- ate ia tba aaleea vbara ba vat abaaread le watab tba aCaata af iba daad Mr Ceraita vtt aa aaaafal le retaa tba tab- tuaoa fraa hie faea aa it bad baea dapaait- ed aad ikae aaaasad tba dita latalu ia- leaded Tba aitialfc aa iMlaalita vat baadte baaMvatfal dcafc tbaaCMaaf vbieb veaM fina baea la baataiatly da- tba tigbi bad a paiiiata aataaad the ayea TWaaaataaaaa w wkaataad by a aaabaraf MMlaaaaa ba ia aaitaiiJ ia tba atataiiy aad aaida baa lha lalaad- ad vMia Tmimm vaa paaiyiily ladaul 6ed bvivaatSwfMHaaaaatiha paipa iralar Wa lara aa bHHstiM li jbg Ikal ibaiMavbaaaaUbafadlyafaa attaa fiaadiab m tlM abuad Mr Far gaaan vaaHaataanpla a aaaait deader nAaiai MMttar hawdaifi- predaead tba aua vbo got thna oa Mrt Uollingabeadi verbal order Thia ibe latter oMled i and the Kxeeatnrs itatrd ibat vhite Ibey did aot dispute bat good vere got from Ma Edmaada Ibey werr aot broaght hoiM to the family Wlt- neaaee acre called oa both lidea -sdg- ment for Plaioiiff in part J McKeniia r George Sweetie Soed for damage done by hoga in grain Defendant pleaded that plaiotiVt fenee wti an salawfol oae end henee vti not entitled to recover J u Jirmtnt acoordiug- ly Mr Bloore for DeKfidanl Jaeob Bellar a Williata IjtlL Sued for tmouat of tceeant 15300 Cam pion for Plaiatiff Ltady for DrftadanL Thit wat rather a eoniplicated laalter bat after eoaaiderable fiiag jadgmeat waa for Plaiatiff Yale A CuDiser r Widow Siacly Satd for aaMoai of aeeiont for lumb- atone Mr Darind for Ilaintiff De fendant denied orderins tbe itoae Ilainliff proved the ordering by tbe agent Teatimoay rather eonflietin bat jadjpntnt vaa fiaally renderod for plainliC John Willaoa ri Dr Ford Seed for ameoat ef aceoaal DefeadanI adniued ibe aeeoant but itated it had been by another party who wat in plaintira ettiploy wbea Ihe work vta done Ver dict of Noaaail Lindy for Plaiatiff Boaltbee for UefeBdast- AAer tkeae followed a nanberef 9lal eliote catta tnd Ihe Court tdjoareed liU tbe 2Sib Oetober aezt Ta CorratpoBdanti- bet IM Wsfthj fr U of trr MS iXwiU hmirnt lit th on v J vr vrhtrn u A vLu mM th iS WUM tvaulBligr W I vriu Mit wmk ftftin paknitWi Whitrkqrrh trlkU trf v ibAJI U IdW Ov lacil mtiUr fm m dr n If il jftmmitim ovr ftA4 m TkS Pwtk Jt4MkiyTbe LtaJcr of tip diaaaiiafaaiioa aitbe appoleteeelairMr LiiAn talba Taaaat Cciaaty Jadgeabip of Pehb oo aeeaaat ef bia being a liberal la politiaa bat If tba Coalilioa ba boaaal aareW ao eee favoarabit tbarato vilt Bad iall beeaaaa BaferBcra are apnlad is aonatitsaa- alaa raarataalad Reform Hemban arovidaa Coaaarvativta be taleetad tor oealitiaa rapreMatad by CoBaerratlTta at laaat ve tbiak aol aftotnUs Ontl A yooag lad atflMd GaoMt B of tbli pUae vaa abargad Ibia vaak balbre a Beaab of Mciitntaa with beiag gailty of tnapaaa aad lareaay It eppaara ba bad baaa la tba babit a aeigbbera gardea He vaa fooad gaillyaad aa be bad alaalad to ba uid aadar lha SaMoary Coer Aat vac aaalaaead to a taa cf 110- cy a vialt to Mr Auajii alooe bosaa Imato for tbraa iMatba pnteTiag tM latiar na took a ridatotba bi Iba aawa day ba was eoariatod We hope ibb viU prm a watog to other yMag piHWata vbo tUak H m- alag to gawar fMt of oibtr Maa Uac Ssdwi Viixis asd daagbtar of B0ima bny Mk vitb a aviawaMidaat tba be- giaaiag t tUa vaak It appaan tbay voaa dririag dova iba hdl aaar Nr Taouqis MO vbea maa part at tbe b gate vay laa tbe bans to baaoaaa ftigbtawad aad oa tcrmiaf Ibe aoTMr paaalag toTaagaStraat balk Ufa aad Mia VaxB nta Ibran tnm tba baoy Tba httav vaa bar tba aast iwiow asd tadaad wm naUa to ba i boM te a anila af days Aar k Colonial Arrival of tba ParvTian- Famaa Poirr Aog 90 The rtaam ahip Ptiavian fmra Liverpool on tbt llih anJ dondaity on the I2ih Init patted Ibia polhi ea reaie fur Quebec tl 6 p m Her dalat tte five dtyt later than ibOM already rteeivtd The oewt by iht Peraviaa it vtty ia poitast The Liverpool eoiiB mirktt waa Irtego Iti acd prieoi bad declined Breadtiefli wera qgiot but Heady Proviaiena dnil Threo mta bad been tiiad In IirerpenI r rnliaiing mrn fr the ConfeJeiata learner H ppehanoerk They wale fjend guity and ri leH XlO aletliog tnJ waised nor lo repeal the LjTnee ei were then itbra1el on their own reeognizincea The Atoruiiif Utraid tiievea tbal the DanihMiniie at London haa been reeall ed and ihti ihe vacancy will not be fillrd he Danish Coreinaiant thinkinz itcOi- eieai lo inainiain ene 6lelatt niaeioo In Ihat eta lha Ambaieadoi ti Paiia wjtl tiiand tt Ihe loporiaui boiineaa in Eeg land Animoily between Pisaaia and ibe fir man State ahnwa e token of inereaee On one hand il ia eenii oftl tally annneneed rhai Prnaata ha demandcif er it aboct 10 letBtnd ef the German Dial an eielana- iioD regarding Ibe eniiarce of Federal exe- eotion Koope late Rendaborg Ihe other hand Jhe peenl Hanoverian rep- reteaiaiive ia aiJ te have been inrraeied to declare ihat if ht Diet dnea not nbitin aaiafaciiun for tbt ezpolalor of the Federal iroope from Reodabirg the llaaevertia loreevill he wiibdnwn I torn HoteleiB ia order te avoid tbe peeeibility of a eeeead violalieo efihe Federal light raaacL It waerameared in Ptria tbal the French There art feait ef a pelilieal atoveseal in kladril The ivernianl waa raking meataie a Btlataio erdci In the Prioctpalitiet voatvr Piioee Conji hia aignalled Ihe teltle- menl of hia dilfleelliea Willi Ihe Sallta by framing tn amoeMy le all poliiietl offiad era Foreiftnert howtver are raqeired lo letve thecoeatry Leaaoa Moair Matzar Aag II II Bank rate leauiat at 6 per eeal dia The deMtnd centinae tctiee bat at ex eeeelve aad Ibe laatkel ezhiblte ralbae mora eaae teaenl y vera flfer Selltnbwtliee eneeltr tayt that large aoMaalaei 118 boode baea baaa iapeetad fren America artd Ital veeke peieae aia diBtaetid faily pet eeai bat aa iba aava of Bigbar prieae mm Nev Terft aad Ibe eetjiiaaed Cemiaenial itiiaiBd arkel rallied and ibey eleta al 411 te d3 Wa owe laaia dlapeaklea le Itkelbeaa beada in Eegltad darhii Ihe patt weak Ill C ie le gaad deettDa bet tl lewar priaaa LrvaaieeL Aag IL Tba ti vufkai aaleelM tbe ear daya added ap 91000 balea Prieae atibe apaaleg tbeved a itownvird leadeacyi but tbe mtikel elaaed firmer Tbetalet te tpeetlateet aad Vt peiiart vara S000 balee LivaaNBL BazADeTrmMAtttT Flaai doll bat tttady Wbett qeileaad etaady at 7i td 8i le 4d for red weetera oera flrBct aadadraaeU laM talaa ai S9t die 3Sa 9d fee mized BrTtMeatrvTa Leaveaamr LmaMCL Aag l3wCeliaa Salaa fm tba aaak tot ap teSSWO balee Uaikei Irrepltr aadaleeed dall at a dtaUaa af Arrirtl of tba Cblsft- Sanr Hoaz Aeg BThe etetier China Irem LlrerMl ea the U h via Qeaenaiewa patted tbie point Iivztrtei Saitrdty evenitgi Cottea aalee Itday iX000 balee ineladiag V 000 le epaealatera aad aipeitera Kav Yeas Aag 93 The eteatMi China arrived at 9 ocioek The Keartvze tad aaoiher aieaser pae ted Deal 11 milee lethe weeiwtrd CrtDit reaewed aetivliy near Petertbarg eaueedadeline inthe rebel leaa Later AlBcrleaa oewt aatieatly valtad tfore deaparala riding al Belfaal The Pieaeian decree iatoed partially ra doeea Ihe fircee te a peaoe fooling Thedecrtata of rpeeie in tbe Bank el Fraacedotingthe week ii ever fear mil- lionteffrtnea Owieg It tbe prelaata ef ihe Ameikair tnd Engiiah Arabitaadore ihe Tuikieh CovernmeBt permita the ceniiontflee ef a religioateMlrovtray in PietetiaBi bmk The 7Yu of haiurday ftvnsrt tbt withditwtl of iht Biieh tioope fiom Can- tdt- their preeeace beieg an eleraeat of danger aa provoking iavaaion whenever he Aotericaai bare any gritvaoce tgaiaat England LivaaMOU SantLBAT Fiow 6d ebeap- ar Wheal eaiter Corn firmer Beef alttdy Pork doit lUeon fid firmer Builtr ttttdy Linl Craer Tallow doll Inthe crown poeeeailoa for ehiping tetmeo ea board ibe pirate Oeorgie ib priaenere were fjund gaitiyand LoBod evei lorjadgmeal American BeTolation PoaTbAwa Ha Auguet 10 Tbe tchooner 8 Barru of Dorcbeater CeplaiD Delano arrived here to day She reporit hnvftig bean captured Au- fual ISlh twelve milee veat nf Sea tlaod by the TalloKitu and bonded for 16 000 The liarru brought In the erewt ef Ihe folleving tcboootrt which were cap turtd aad teattled by the Thlakatue The tehooiiar iovu of New York tchiyDar WrfaiA ef VVettport tcbooaer Ella CorafiM of Portltad tehnoner Jlatltu of Both Day All tlM foregoing vteeelt were captur ed by the TalfalkauM eo Moaday Tbe arave of Iheia reeaele were al- lewrd M take all their cloibieg tttd tf- fteta aad were liindly trailed All ike erewt of the Veaarle enptored repreeeal Ihe TatMuuiee aa being very baavlly armad bhe vAt thori of eotl asJ eBijnlred for tbe aetreat port to otHtia a aapply her eflleer tleo enquired til ehottt the fitbannea in tbe Bay of Cbtleur where tbe vtt probably boaod Cm PoiHT 9 pjB Aog 19 Tbe asemy came OBt tbii crtalag to Warreei rMt driving ia tbe pmeta eoaaeeilag Mtvaea ber aad the left of oor old Sna oa the Jeraaalein back road f roiag bacb tba tvo right diyiiiooa of Waneat aorpa A btary flhf look place reaoliias ta the rt eatablithing of our lian aad the ceptate ef a good many pritnaert The pnaoaen vere from lletbiaotoad aad iloket divitioa Wt iort cooaidcrtbly in prieoacra Tbe fbfagoiag detpaieb vat receired tliU afteraoon tad la tbe latest rteeivod by tbe Dapariaent Il ia ettiBtted that tbe lean of tbe eoc- Biy daria tbe week ia killod voanded tad aiptim easool fall ma thjrl of foar tbootaod if it doca aot axaced that oambcr Tka DeparlstSat bat aatiifaetory inltl- lizence froio General Sbermaa to 830 oclock laat aveatBg Tka reporta at 6 oclock tbi morning fioia Shcraot front repreeeal til qaiet at that tiaM aad that Oillmore vitb for ty or fifty DMA entered MartiBibarg latt cretsng Signed E M 8TAXT0S Becretary of War l5DIAIAPtlLli Tad Aog 91 Reme daya age Oovfmer Motioa ree- red a letter froBi lite Eatt atatiag that a larn qoaality of ama vere being abipped to itlnal partie ia ladiaaa On ibe ITtb foar boxee vere received adibaaaid to Mr J J Patacat froa 1 II H Dodd A COn prialara ia tbii Mty LmI aigbt tveatytvo bozea to the tame adlraaa vere rMred and drayed lo H n Dedd k Coa priotiag etlaUiib- nl A eooMderable military gaard vta ia- airilately placed anaad I boildiag ad spoQ takiag peaaeeeioo of it aad gkiag as sataiBBtaoa tba bosaa vera fra lJarittowa Md repretealt tbal Ibt ezeiteiaeBt tl Ibat plioa ccalitaee Rtfageat tt ttririag II ia large wa bara Faraet lirieg ateag tbe PoMmte river are agtia rataieg Ibtir tlock lovardt Peaatylraait fo lafeiy Baltimoss Aug 39 Tba Poini Leokoat eorratpomhrii of Ibe aeDa tba following iatelligartee Lrga nunbere of rugeet from BisboMid aoeiiaae lo arrive htra Taey report Ibel a large forea of infantry aad eavatry uodar Oes Laa ii peiaon bae oaa gp Ibe Sbemadoeh Valley to ran- oraa Gao Barly They aateri ihat thie be of rebel Iroopt number at mtny at 40000 their parpoea belog to tacura tbe pluader that vta captored by Early in Maryland which they fear will be iakao by lha advance of Geo Sberldaa and tleo lo attack Waahiagtoo or invade tbe North WAtHixcrO Aag 23 The Corn mrreiaTi tpecial tayt Geo Warrene eorpi acbitvtda graad tatccat oa Seaday Tbt rabalt allaeked aadtr ordert from GeBLee Ihtl wt lattl be driria froo WeUoa railraad al wbaltrtr ttcnet 7 rebelt vere allowai loMta Ibioagh a gap Itft in ear liaei andtaffered tertre- y wbile tbeir pnrpatt wat eaiirely defeat ed Gen A P liill it reprled nertalr voiodel aad lletib tad Lee tee ef R E Ue killed- Tbe Coloael of the lOli Mitaiatppi itt prianner voonded Our lott vta 190 N T A 23 The Rieboeod papera have Ibe follow ing PnsMBCsa Aog 10 Aboat three ocioek ibii evtsing tbe trrangesMntt being oompletad oor foicea allaeked in front and flaaked Warrene 6lh eorpa whieh bad made a temparary lodgment oa the Weldoa Railroad two nilea below here driviag ibm lack op- wtrdt of Iwo milet tad captaring orer thonttBd paert tncladtoi Brijt- dier Geaeral nayet and a nnmber of ttanda of eolert WAtKiicreii Aug S3 Oficiil newt freoi Atltala it bopeful Aalhentic iaierottiea received lere hiwa Ibat Oea Kdpatriek haa relomed Irem a raid en Ibe line of tbe Maeoa rail- rd witbeol terioat lott bat bad s ft- tigaiag tad bard lime lie braegkl ia eae liece ef ailillerr and taveaty pnaoecra lie tffeelully tbe road fer Iwe milea is rarioai ptacea Xsw VosK Au 34 3 p m Rg- Bonra are eorreol bare aad credited ia iba beat taaacial eirelee that tbe Govern- meat haa decided to tend flveeomralttion- era lo Rithtnoed- ef ttepoblicana tiro tad of Demoerale thrta le ananga pre- ItBiinarica for peace It ii alao ramoared tbat tba comiaittada It oa Ita way lo RichBtond Thia ramoor S laid to hare bad a tcaaibla effect on tba id mtrket caBttog a dediae of tome fiar per ccot Bqrsl Aiah lUssBS- Qtzstc Aag 9 Al a Meeting of ibe irttd Chapter ef Reyal Arrb Maiona held tbt dty Meal Eteelleel Cooeaa Htrraeawaa ra alecled Urtad Z lit Ex Comptnioa- Sevenwta raed I tad Ki Rv Ceap C Mtedinild ftaad J itt Rteellral Ceaip liarter Graed Supeeiateadeat of Reytl Areb Mtaenry ia Central Caaada Rt El Cioip II- iaBb1eUrand Regir trar and Rt Ex Criapaaioa re elected lraad iieiibe d te id- Tba tslea la aaaealaleit 49SIbalaa ndle alpeMeta IkMr Salat laday aaaaal to 1000 haiee atarkai aletiag fftmar balat saabasgad qaatatieaa Beaadtiaffaqaiat bat ataady Ceameo tiUladvaaaad taletaf mixed aiJBt P dat vitb aa adraaaiag Mad- bsUitaia Iba bsakalEaf lead baa daaiaatsd Iifiif Asg 10 Tbapalitaasl aavt ia- dT iaaalmBartaM Laaaaa Asg 19 Ifa Impanaai aava baa baea raaalrad freaa aod qainr tay Lard Psimaralaa baa Made a a apeattiag bayaaaf aa aariy paaita Civil eaginaert rofcrt tbat tba retsaa of water wbieb paaaae orar tba Palitaf NisfMia slMiy wOlkm f toCM per banr CoHriteaTco Paorzarr The Waeb iBon CoDttiiutiood Unloa ttllt oa When Bradey eaiired Krad- tick ha directed h tepa le kla old dwelling where he trl bia family rtaid ed lie found bit old hosteiead oceupl td by a Noithera ano vbo bed par ehtw il froiB Govarnnttni tla aaked fr tba oceaptni who apnaarrd and af ter a few pertinaM iaqulriea Bradlay ia- formed him ibet ba vat the rlgbifM ava- er of the boats tnd at onea damtsdad tbe rent of It 400 SI Iba rata of tlOO a month- lha maa retMiog in il Aiartean eaostbt lie gave hia thirty ariBBaa lo collect the res vbicb vtt done Orad ley atked bim if ba wtaiad a raeeipl nia man taid an and tbar Dradlay gara bim two boora Is iMva hia gaode oat vbiab vat altn doa Tba bdnta waa then tei on fire tad ia a liiiU wblla II vaa a eaata of ralaa A aiaa wba par- ebitta aoc propany moat raa Meatia J J Paiaoat aad Cbtrle B HalchiBt partaera ef Mr Dodd tad Mr WiUiaai H Ilattiio Oread Sacie- Itty of tba Ordar af tba Sooa of Libarl bare beea aireated aad piaead sadat mi- Kkry gaafd at tba SoMIm Hosta K Aag SOTba WorW Obarlaatoa Va tpoeial ef tbe 18tb nn cat of or army taaaed Ibroaib Wia- oa Wadaaaday aad eaaampad eo Ibe 18ib betveea CSflM aad Cbarastee Tba aaamya fbrea ia aatimatad st 40- 000 iafaetry aad lb000 aaraliy Tba Haua WaaUagloa tpsaial aay tbat meat aaseutars vitb tba rabah aa botb baaka ef tba Jaas Bifsr ssd sbo ia tba ralley arora tbal lea bai ia Vir- a higir mea tbaa bad bensappss ed aad Iba raporU f bis barieg ant s detaebswt to fliaula aewvei bow aiad Had Laas tola ferae is asllwitad by oar Mcret aarviee at aboat 70000 Ma Tba la teal adrieet flrocs ssr fetats o rsti MabOa ibow tbat Fart Mor b aiata laaastad aad M laal re- pcrta aa atiaak waa aa tba poiatbaiag msda Tba italamast tbal tbe Art k proi iaisasJ for aU tnoatba Is koovs toba all aaaaaaas JatelBgeaaa fVs sar bloekada proraa tbal Fart Morgaa bas beea is Ibe babit of raaaMag aapyliaa fee aaly a ftrtaighl st a time Tba faO cf Ibk varfc suy Ibtiaftna ba tookad fbr at aa aariy da am if ao atiaafc ba mada aad tba gsrri aMi ba tifiy aabjeetad to tba atarratiea WAsatWRM Af 19 A apaaiat dmaateb to toe Daily Csraaiela mf iafersMtasa from tht Sbeaudeab rtUay iadiastaa tbal Ibere vu a atreaf rebel ferae aader OaaBriy aaar Mar- ttoabarg aad Wiaabaetor Mv Yots Aag 39 TV Com- Willi priaU tba fallaviaf aaieia Adttoas iram befara AUaata na Ntah- rdK riato Ikat Iba laWa bars 85900 traaaa at Atlaals isststfisf 40000 Oaor- ghaOitis Tbsirwsrtssra 15ltttbb with deevdHcte aad wire inpa 8bsr as kM taU bMa to tbe sxlaat af 12 das wHh lbs ssifiii is riew of toraiag tbstfyiKlsabitttashr bss beaa aa aUstositstbissbital tbsir liMS fsaf iMssally strasg al al paiata WMBimToe Aag 89 Adritat tTA peace Aag vhita widFa ad diva bitatb itba middltlZS orar Cooper laetiiBle Ncv Ihe feel dty Inl veakai Iti tbtt wtt greettd vlth evident efgn faction by Urge BCabera of pwp4 GeA HcPbertAn vm ka t Saadttiky Ohio in 18CS aid Vtt a arqaeelly ia ht 8b year lie gnlgK al Ibe bnd ef bit elan in 1813 te2 tllbebetdef kit prefatsioe Aa Paper Tbe ennletl rtbbcry eooMbly tbt rcbtl riidera in Maryland pma iee ctean Bttaafaetory aboat I4 troa Baltiaora where- a lauH ktZd cavalry devoured 100 gallaei ef Ikw aooable article witboat vtilitg Itf A lubatitale broker ia keepaie ia tryiag lo gel a ceaab- droak look loo aueb kiinatlf aad w liaird by the indiridoal he boped taM lie did aat find cat bi aiatak sail Siace the toaiag of fnle ChaaJiera geld oieee have jiiljal average prodaee ef tvenly tbooatad Ian per vtek lo leia tbaa cighl idM at work Tbe yield for AogaH ai Rcplember ia expceled lo bo UtiilC exeett ef ihia tmoant 0 A taoieh paer aaaerta italitti in llolltad tendered t Iom 000000 10 Secrettry CbMt ouaiom revenue ef the porta of thaT d Sitlet were tpprntiriaied tr lie mtnt bui that the Cebintt in Wi too traaiad the propoaal ta aa li Tiiz G Tms CoMiito erinoliae i fal diaappeuiog ia F cirelei Al lha wattriog pUcet tb ra q lilt tbandoned tnd ia aid teelher twelve mottba the rrieol be noknowa a Paris- Coart oWaif A Wixzivc licnac The lu joemtli ati thti an Ecee tlwehk jail beediaeovered ia an eitabhlMtiiJ JiiBlet tt Mdaa te wbieb pieteatt ad a etricui Biechieitra by Ike eyei eosld be made la aove A new hank lo ba cillefm lUval Ctoadito Btok it lo ba in Iuri Hope with the baad ofi in Toronto An tei isaor vaa patted Ittt aeetinn TT The Ntw York World matte Ita probnble loa from eropa in tlio Dilied Bitea nvii droolb thit vimrnr tt t0l004 The greater poriin of thit liMe m frtta lha dtlieteney ef iba wbsil loditn corn crop Oj Far ytan aje iba prita a coltiaiaNev Veik wat 10 poand aw the carrrat pricea ia wbieb redoetd to gnU ia nvea vafae ia Jaly I860 It u taid thai s feaula Og daacerataed MdJia Ilntiti d tn engageaeat wiib Iba bolal e ta at Niagara Ptla le crasi Iks I rope tt tbe rreeiae peiat Uleadin Iba ertat it la coaw 20ik tatl 9 We lean from Iba Ibat tbroagb tba sssi of Ihe Rev Mr Ayleavartb d pait yesr tbe aam ef slatltaa deltera hti beea raiaed lowaidt datioa of the debt on Vtoo It It abiialpatad ibafbd vill be raitri le pay tba daU iti A IxTZSMTHa Oiaoasg Lass SvrsaioB A laeb Miasafi btgo ha bees diarMsd ed iHa In lha Marqoette 8 Ivor tba etosk ef wbib to oalW Detriii Prof Caaabla cT vha baa made aa aaay he beet pWntbefo ba atar Mwi if It la plratifal the ailtie lewen tiaaa any gafd aine hlheaaMV aia Sweat vbo ia faiasHar wll ground taya ibe mlae to aery 1 litrouATUKf Aaji ksowiag afthe vbaaabofta ttm Tintlayaa Bigliabaan iMrU trade troald soafcr s fkm iMI tar Jaas Hare rstidist al na I tillery itrasi Qa WlMlteli vbsre btnay bafbsaC HsSi to ba altM la Totaale furd ar tosw other tows 1 CotaaMrtriea vlU pIsMS sm atoaaa r- B ix Pvattsosuwjl MarabrokssmOsI ea Satarday aflaraacs oa Ibe spprsatb af over ibstws4dpwiik letelheg I sal 1 raosa camadiam victimiis tear b Myt lha Qaabea Caaadiea ef Fri day iw tcveral yeaag aes Iroa Saiat Bocki hart reeeatly bees a Ibe tie tiaa cf a acaadaloaa pircs af Uaaebary ea lha part of their fellovcaaatryswa Il eppaan tbal tbaa iadiridaalt who baa raaid ed for taieral yean ia ika Uailed Siatra paid a ritit to kit psritb sad eapgtd tba yoaag aaa far lha parpaai ef vatftlag is a bmk fma arrived ia Iba Uailed Stolaa tba Caatdisat abiaiaed ea- plwrnesi Ier aboat s aeaU vhas tba work taddraly aaated tad Ibry were diaalMtd viibast rsecirika wbato ef their wsgaa At the graaiassaabar botf Mboaa viib bal tlajer mtasa Ib ware soTa is iba malatt dtolma aif abiiged le tv M is Ibe snay ia order to ayotd iM kba ibvaa tbaald opea Ika tayoa af Mnaa wbo sralbsi kaSaad toat- kw Ibtaaalrea to ba itspoted epaa by Yaakae rrcraitiag aa to Ika fau vUeb avaiU tbaa ae the atber tMt of tbe Gace Tn Pstatirr 8tsiciii or tmi Pbs- BSAb AsMT Tba Philadelphia g givat tba lew aambar la Ibe field at tis bsadisd ssd Oxty tkiataa is Iba IftMt s Oaaaisl Graate aray 120000 Waabiaglea aad ilt riciaity 40000 Mtrylaad aad 30000 OcMfSl llaatera ferae 90 000 8baaaedeahVaUajWeai VirgiaiaSOOOO Farlraa Moarae Neffadt YMk- tem ate Gaaanl 8hsrmaat army 190000 Real aaky aad Teaattaaa MOQp Vaktbf Miatkii Part Hadtoa 404 Mitaacrisad AifcsMes 40000 OesersI Baakaarw 30000 Is NorCarsliM 10000 la SeatbCaroias 94000 Floridsaad Mabila lOOOO Oa tba Paeie eout 30000 ladiaa tarntary Misawati fceSO000 lalbsNstib st tnsssHsesa000 ToUl M0000 flleasvsl Jssbssas gtsst U da- tsiibed at s pisis bills aeaad vitb s waadaa bd basid sad aalMai lo Mrk il froa lbs aeaass tots s piae fag alsf apea wbab sash aaraisf H deybrssk Us esdato skeato tbs C iic aad raswaa U at dsit sssfc s bsisf ssssayaM by aasis frw iWr Msd beard that It did aay It sppssrs llksl tsluea ef Caagraea barasiwi J a rsoMMMsilelfoa ibsl ba giraa to isflwato Oraal Britsfai as MrdauasI I the Iskee- By ibla IfSsr k I art agreed to de awaywMi ffotilla arsrisatly kept natlvta to tba ampWiasfl rataela ssrryiag bal egs only la As rvaBs stiM- CiUzfia Nabrstk a bat Ml a SuteOararai todssfftV a SuteOararaaral aa yt fU tkiak the deeided wMt bal38Sil iababilaafada IMO tiderttioa is ibaea d Wh pecud ta be Gararaar U 8 he are doabllrta laiiyal by bat Ila graat aaaa af the paepls the dhappaiattaeal al ibit elaet ahakta forUlada Nabrstks wOll Xia tt a Sitle wiib a 000 er orer ia Mtea Prest ia 1688 JT 7 Lott op Six Cows wat a moe larrWa bal daf aorry to aay ibal T Coafhia leal ail rery 6aa aows ewlaf W ceaive boat Tbsy bad bssa Inta a wbasi Mvbto Md neither abaltsr aor water baaa aeed to a paMar partly of woods la tba awlag ibaf waiarad t bat sa gnat waa tba betwaao sIsvm sad tas ailsab tbaa disd tbs aigbt lbs died ilsMs Uijagi Thi Nobtkm Baiuos- aaai l Baa art ef the tba Rsilvsy ditelstat lbs M CaapssyV sUn sts b s paraaa saaditlsa mI Iks uafae oa tba read ttosdy sad Tbs great racsiptt froa all tbs htdfyear sate Jsas i tot47iieissgrisMt for Ibe eiii patM tb0wissiksMsh fim 901 1 par casta sr iaaraMa baa sUMf fsssMsd taiivily al tbs iMsr sad Isato