THE NEWMABKET EJIA DEC 25 1863 AdrrtltCttditt tfinto In lpnr dctminlfU n cute ti w Autiv7pvrlIt r obiruiT durinp Oll nikY f Eloff Tovnsliip Couocil ioer frtlliird mwlinj Counell niil fonnsnt lo of r O if ISh 1 raiM Wm Cwtrr I nfl i trcrjl cletlioB ire It e Hot KingWn All lli I 3i frawnl lod niike lc naliifd Id ftel IiMP lor 1161- 4 tlwidc Th CiMilt Fiimtf Gr Bewn NBIS LOI Jufnn UiiT ThMife Joseph llinii iadieati doub Trita Ti Vivjirkt And UujJ 1 II A iMTt of lia biW li Altil Tnc tr HgTlT U ftl Ai iir rrrkot il IMI r MM Uanicipal Electioiu K In Mlnl No 1 if tleUccTe liicrc nil Ie no epjvisiiion In ew IP ciT trt Mr S Mhell T By- ifin T Sfoll end olhrrm r lolked of rotmbert prfnl Tne ReTe J P Wfll K in Ihe ehtir Minolra of lid mccdng mdtttdOB- 6rTned TLe I tben luid ht oed llx Caaneil an tpolopj for IcadinR lien irfr with rfvsrd lo Ilia manner of lialJins Hifir annuo elreliona- Ii reol i I tliinsa for ponied is Mrd S Srelicr Mr W la r making iht rpi in IT I lo Ic a candidate n oplion lo j if Ihe prM Ihe alriel bearing of Ibe law It a aa hl lc of diffres eompaoT iU art are or the pnptiUr of the Townahip wai not li onlj om fnllcnjn irc hare ool leafoed Injkt ibe Unndef bat that made Warl Xo 3 Ihe Drpoly Reere Mr Altike none llw Utter lie 9 tfflm UAtttlttnrlul iPrff rWlj be anorred j rr fr il and Up thai ia fatore CL ll iif ujinuilu I The Mme mij be ad lh repaid lo i enly he bat raeh Councillor would No r lijieiimina lhe8uititforbimlf to aato KawvMkn Fri4ar D SSli 1W3 P no 1 n i t able in faine lo aroid itiah iniilako n- bfrewaadieullywiih resmHlo Ibc A Herrjr Cbristmaa ilo ercnic ilinenaicn or diraioB of eertaia lola ia Lukey h irW oplaare and tJ o ti Tf deaerplion he andeiprTlhoBUd ih at L- MMfor t nnl thi Couoeil took Chriilnra- Vor len caia ia aocteJ P l t there aet paed Uat ei with ion hiTe ve had tl honr bai I 1 tjard la intealmcnt of Clefyy Re- I lionefl rrpmenlatira jr an untried man I lerTc Mooea for Khnol Iarpoae and tieTer darinj tbl periM hari r UdaaykiodpltroMlneprale ll r T obwrre a cnnfiryiinz ihe previrnr aelona ofCour a loar And iboBsh iuH- ilial li-n- correfindcnl hai enl a 1orl leller for j bw mtriT we hfid deir mnJ lulUcailcjo nWcmpUnj to dipafate Con ocil unci we TaliKd hare to a pTcnl CInciior and rcferrins I hhVtol rB4barrhereyet new friends we inor- 1 r be ariroMl W Cnuneil warmneartcu ano penrrou h foflRd lo aupply their place and baf been oar ezpoiienc will pt hare been Ibceipeiience of ail Hot now our jcfionjl k Wbitcliurch Coancit The abova Council WH al Mr- Cofl- ara Ilotil Uelanirta ec iba lOlb nl All lie membert prraerl Tb Rear B Wbrirr Raq In clair Minura nt praainea meeimn read and cenArmed afiep whicb Ihfl Clerk cuade a atalrmeni irAba elTtci Ibai h bad re- eaitJ and paid ever lo lha Treaturer of the Lincialiira Rabef Fundi ai ImftnUK 4144cia poilacied In School Seriian I nnd 4 No return froio ibe Mber Seciinn 11a reported lhat h had tet- lled with Ihe Village of Aurora aa per inttrvcliona and bnd ibe racelfl if Choi Dban ICat HeeTV far lha ameenl Ur CoKina alao alA he had granted cenlbealaa m aateril parlia lhai had ben ataeaaad funarUin lanrfa on iheraai- tefii Roll and paid ike Inxre aaid land being agnin aieaad ca iJia NoaretideBI Roll A a aubaeiianl ataga oflha Coonciia pmceedit ge iha foregoing aclon by Ihe Clark waa rinfirmed and apprOTad by lha Council A memorial from Meara Ironaldef P f- Pearaan and J W Collina aeltiep frih lhi ilieir conneciinn wiih lha Vib Inga of Newmarket for Commoir purpeaaa wuuld tarminaie oa lha Itt of January neil and Killing ha Cn tneil to include Ibjm in U S N a with King waa praaenied nnd red Al a peiitoa from Her Mr Me- Cnllum And aeeen niltera of Aurora lsclaof iheOmneil Were we inor- 1 tortbe approMl of Cnuneil rrnTidioj f f7rymenl Tr I anlf be fclr lreall UmlJinV ViTa liUviivete Idler unbeilalnly I from i 1 rn A CommonifaikB wa rweieed nnd I j 1 una tor fcnoui parrot mciiK mm rlcdjie of ibe proeecd that the holiday aeaaon i upon u Itt our correipon- for tU aonee lay aide the crra and aad a reference back nttelie of buiine lorsel Kilu rorai Ue a4 CBler joyfuHr upn aniMher Mmy Cnristipafc tba or piW fuHj falfy any BBpTtjadced man may lonp lire lo ey many bappy rf UiiiTCiirHnTbe pollioij fur Ibia lBrBaor ihifeire aeaaoB i he rJfr Tobip take plec Sanpalera Uall of Ihe editor I r i parpoea itiAinp aaid moniea fcKm a permanent CoBimon School Fund The liyLaw wm rccwe4 and md a Grat lime A coomuoieiliM from Xr SwHwr Clerk of Albioii in relation lo a Bill ol Cnela from Iba IiOel SuperialendcBl of Sehwlj for aterins School fVetinn rcicired Alao from ll Treasurer of Wilh nejt ThuridiT iwn- ile Cir I uffvlllc All 1 eld CoTicillora wlii I bc Tnilcd Cuualie In ralatlon lo ttim rier will probably prwcnl oor ilaj pai be canJidilcr aed ve hear alto Ibal Iroo wilh an dlrr and CiUtirlir Mej Maxfon Jonca J M Iateraon wW be Up l be rnnleed fr Ile Jbyerbot wbicb labor of delire in tle inj UttJiii tbe pat year one wc hrrc not leirned will be eandi Hii Of eiure bre are rumor IVrl 3- c bi I bare ffora definite infer I mill n by ncit wteka iaaoa TliapreeeQl IBal week we alluded iu a jeular airl imnl rf Metra K Wbecr dipenl peifoa Alro a bill for the main- rfwar lo Ihe Vowrralire rr riike we Uti- Jibn Hmlill Hepul Ihilip enanea 12 noatbv ot Cbrialina M Lean iAutd y ppi ion Dmacr wbieli laeii lU MrCemiek and BenjaI Mr Tbompn alao i 1 1- I I repOTlro Ibe raalt nf the aelioo of the lookplei ibeSl rawrrc- Hall To ui IVaCKin TIero wme j ciamillee appoinied lo confer about lb ppMln on Tliiifday eicuiotf ir Tb OppoBtdon Banquet bicb were read AetttuBta were preaenled from Ibe Ctiniifi iiuftir office of 5 fnr adrerlia- Inp about application lo IarliasicBl aim from K Jackaon fur urialiag Ae C10TBfl a petition from John Tbemjw aad oOiera prayiop Uiat relief be pItB to Widoar OBrien an in- Vraai al accounia it a iiidivJ affiir unworthy of lb pirtj rcV tami nd liu- Up 7W jbiiit ii Ic iiirrcbaiit Mtlatini tn in ofiiiiTlt i ft iti Iu I m a itiilc slio i f lh eityot thmxle scjielv tteiJnl to iTcel OiLT 4 Co and wi- jUncc Olr cjcorr I an KJuuid Al one llie liM at aicaiuUlipJ in rain Tor lic liii il was liuied tlie Becre and Mr appearance of ilre wlio bare bcrftrifir- uicotlb were both dcairour of relir- taaly taken pirl in V nrti e dein- 1 ni lul we prcaome if Ibc people prcH iistralioin in Toronto rroui wlicl the matter llpy will apain aerre In ihe rct it wnuld apjxor iticrc ia lomc Irutb cTonl f llir n leninp candidal ii the rainoar ibal the enlciiaimieni i no d ubl rur r five new men will crijjlnatel willi the riir ofliee with the pripiicJ and tbe rcanlt would Iben be w lo dra Tcn anec oa Oic Minttrr bal ilic laliry of the Collector which allnwatiea in lha JOlb Cotwea- pears In be apilated by bat the ion The ralae pi aeed upon ihc land by ditihCl lHrin of which we are not luf- heownei wai entirely laemncbBBd lhay fici tly aeri invd ilh lo peak of 1 1 lo be Milled I- jfijitfjtion KiT rtviii iMci Rr Nil npfxilloB Mr Smelwr pVescnted an acwonl pitcn of lo lie old CUBfil an fir we from laaac Uenaii for laklnp eara and aiilo from tlie paVcrif I car II ia citiipeKel of I aaee of John llaxlewood from lelva n- of te wa J Iaraia liccie I IWn I On molioa of Mr Webb aeconded by MCvlti irrii S- llccrIlolborniljooRcid tle CooBcil reoled inio a Coniuiiitee of Ihe Whole en lha aecounta Ae ie preacoted Mr Pbilif la the chair After pninp tbrouph the doeutnenta before ihem ilM Cummitu rc and re- pnried aa fnllnwi In reference to the petition of John Thompaon and other the Comniillee rc- commeBd a erani of 10 AI that ihe leeoonta from K Jaekaen aod from the CiffUr ofter be paid alao ibat luae nixtii i tmntrar we hare bo Dennia to be paid tt2 on aceoant or Ha i6iiilc ioCifUiation from IbU Tcwnhip i Hi lowarda the avpporl of AIA a a al read frnfn ika Clarli orUtbridg on ta half of the Council of that MunieipiliT eirinp a further ippropiniinn in ihe 1owii Iine nprwMiie yit g I tiid 11 and relating to othar mater rtlaiiva to aid rnnd Mr R W Kflight peiitinned lo b re inhdraed for certain eapeneea in ereeling anreuurda oa ihe road in hia Dtriaion in earee of Sinlute Labor Mr Bprnion peiiiloned lh Counpil 10 hnre hi properly chflnd fom No 0 lo 8 S No Vorl Iialeer in relaliitiiu fijr iitopjio il Itoeda auppliea al auy rate the BiMire aa a dcmnnatratiua ipa rand filure and niot have rcjlp in i- candidate who lake onpofile 1 i II 1 I I inr- WW canuiaair who nnp of a man iw la Ibe rcneleaiarr epoidrrable pecuniary the bln ieoiK cion of Ooveil Uli re- rJ intopio geulleiucn ao ready lo aaciiSci nun net of windin- op te lale I Tor pota ihey rveommenied lie paid ihMaelra on ibe akar of their ccunlrr jfTir bat wbelber ufficicnt The Commillee raoommenid tlie fo their eouBlry a pood i inlereat en be awakened lo amounl lo f lal SopriaUudcnl wiib i cnmiDOiiMtJon from AlbiOft u om liai It llriwf fljtljr qvn Ut ptpfam to llic prtMOl men rcwMOi lo fohbtr eoMiTttkfn tnliaale Iba oonrae of the earreot ao th- U cn I Council reeeired and adopted Ibe rt- daan aaid apeachrt of tbe ppniltmen wlmj Tbi Townrbip decided 1 1 adjourued ftw dinner IKrea prominently en lb oboeoion i l AfTECOO atasto elearlyforahadoatbc cmospoyor tiUM tntininp We undemtand I Baineaa rmed All the Council llip relilivc alrrnpih of the partiit will Mora preenl ain Lo teaied tb year I f by 1 J 1 1 Trciturer mipoi Nf Hul IitlU liai hercbj reQird lo py to ihe order of cl ipif ice c Ia referred 10 munici- Iorlia Magarry Ihe aum of 1175 Ola put alTura in llU liilape It ii now ex- lalw to the order of John MeCal am ibe peled all the d ooneilloriexprpl Mr i ofM aid auisa being an orcrcharge I iauiUo will be eindidate and that Mr Ttccil will proballj be nominated to ill nhc place of Mr ianiUe True we hear rif ipctira about tbu and 0 eanvi mt ilell hi bearer ilial I e reli JMiea of the party Bul be fbl b jr vSUpc eoold p lo lie reaaeef loliivian InlbuanaouiCTl li I uninimouly once ronre it woolo pnibaUy break down all rival feelinji and ia future oa Jariap tlio put year al would be barnipny and concord IIoinMJ listiiNl Not a word further Ihnn that ih people find il difficult lo get men la conaelil lo run fjr the of fice Aranav lirdy lime ia anticipated bcrc Two tickcta are already ipoken of acd excitement ia uiie hidi eooBb for ibe ood of the lillaee al all erent The prracat mea ib oCea hov- the diacoisSlffd Cualitioniiia Vlri l Ihey are fully contincvJ I ere ia licle 01 nobapa for CABTltaMcrKMn A Co heiaj agaia reiMtileJ into public favor iroea a new mare rilyt be made upon Ihe poliliei cbeulyurd Intlead I J IBS A beinp put Firward aathe pioiKi- nent laaa of Ibe oepinn we 6nd Hon Mr CvJiPBtLt 8orio in Ihji pniiinn while the forjier etiibrieca ibe opp- tncBl ve diaeorer a aceond tbia deaioaalratioti bul hating filid in aoariBi Iit oountcnaare rf the fiarty tba Coaliltoa otxau has acaieeU bad Ibeonnrtga taanneuBoe ibe details oftlieaehenie ialeoded ta be developed ai a caaak r Iba affair The fact loo kai ibatfUl obaaraed a marked lilcnec wbAelha Battar waaon the tapla eonlri- btrtad 4a freeeat any perticalar aipiG eauce Wagvltaelcd to the entrrtainiucnt lllMiaafctatBe however ibai a pari i Ik TpuBip4 UoB Mr Sareral Rilla an account of which we publihed Iat weli wrra ten pre- aenrd aid on molrplhe lleeva left tbe chair oea hour for iinnr aKaiov Buattieaa reaumcd AN ih Coaneil prenl- Moied hy Mr Pearson aecnicd by M r Randall ihni lha prni ar of the pe tition nlRa Mr McCnIlam anntbr rehlion m und he granird and Jnred Lloyd K aulhnrisM lo rafuod the amount chargMl Cnmad in regard tn hn Commnn eaiinn from Uabidfe ii waa mned hv Mr Ppin econdel by Mr Macktpm iHl he granted for Ilia Town Irp llovl In releienc In Mr Knijhti jrtition 1 ihe Criiicil ieridpd rTi rrulmn of Mr MirllaioiPPiitled hy Mr McTormick ihal he le alloneil liie of exppn- ci iniurrrd nut of tieii jenia aiMule labor Movwl hy Mr Pindill feftlpd hv Mr reamn ih piymni if 20 In Meaar Cameron leIichel nid KriXfnlick rliaiired liy ihm in fufeclo ur of Mortgage wna mnfiirred Moted by lark1pm are me Sv Mr Pearvin llai a umof 81 00 Kk grnitPl on Iiiie beiwn Ivia 211 and Jl having been ripenilrd by ihe mover in esceaa of the nppropriaiiona from lha 8ih to Ihe Hih Cnn Alan iifanVehildlho off j Se J n Ii 1 lha Sih Con and on the Cih Conal Lwa3lnnd 3j eaca of ap- prnpriaiioaa payable on the order of Mr McCormiek On motion of Mr Randall teeoBdad by Mr Macklam Jared Lloyd Cq waa lulborixed 10 laka legal preein againal all parliea in nrraar for aatid takes from tbe Snnd llill appotala Lola 10 and 17 in the Srd Con A By Law wat paewd granting ihe refjueM of Ironaid Iearann ard Cdliiia hy joiaing them lo School ectioa No 3 Union with KiOf and nlhe prayer of Ibe Peliliona of Peier Baker ard ieo Sproxton by changing ihem frro See lion 6 to Section 7 B Laiv for payment of Dill and Salarlet alro ihe plara of town mealing roiictd in laal ck Era Od moiion of Mr Mackam econdd by Mr MeCormlck lha Traaaarar waa au ihorized 10 pay lha Iteeve two dollara for aueoding Ihe arbiiraiinn wilh Aarra Uoverf by Ur raran trcoadad by Mr RaiidaM and reaoUed thai nhrn thia Council adjourn ihia day il do acjMare fuw dit Carried CtnntU a hare been put forward j R iU eOBiiug Bia- a Coalition 1 diuc i firalytiaraojationa No toierrtia laU en baiap at a dieeouBt anaad w Iba Oppwition patty wrr Mbeadjarad a rail while the ientU- L 1 1 naff llc bele raacbiBery of a new eorp ratrou io metion and maoy eftbeme aa TT r Ts ready lo find faK BOw would acarceJ aeelaa tbdr allest lb llie very greal diSeulty atlendiag tbe or- paniuiion ef a eaw Muuieipalily and aat Ticiititr Waal of A p of tbe ait bind f sea le MaBp tbe BJoremeDi atb aiBeicol weijcbt I pradaee aa eOnI iktba eMBirji bioiianri tbe BuU aefice jUiBK falff deretoriad Bat let tbe clee lonef Cpfer Caada aak tlieaiclea ihe vbaidilcnsee u ibeir between Mr OMMSC aad Joai A Uac-D- RefwwbeWeel Mr C irbald b4 lit am bafora lite pablie bni Jvmi A voiM br Mm Masager and eon- ireBer et a JUaiatij M by bia pnirj Of tU et tW Mad aaaiealy be im baMtlbawbeWavaaia- aa k Mad ta deeeiea lb pabKe Init iba aasl IB be to relrfere teat kMOM aid paaiOoo we eaa 0 a 4oak iba opoiqg of iU ba aada tbe oca iSr s Sw ewlwefct e maa Ibe pWIe Mid aot i id T eil bare dnwe Baffdea we tba pnpriHy of ehaB for merwchanpe aaka It lakea about OBe year to cl paaed in- la ibe wotkiBg of maaicipel aCiira aad become ncruainted with the rareili ataiBlea bearing apon aad eoatroUiag ibc aeli ne of CoBBcila and hy paeiog is entirely new turn year after year tbe aulborilies Btsal aeceaaarily work la di adrantage At tba aame lime if it eaa be abowB mea bare aeied lajadiaioaaly ta aa IB eteut aa 10 prejadiaa tba iaMf U of Iber ooitineatf tbeo by all easa make a ebange Wa fear from aH va a letra tbat Aurora ia faat drift ing fon Ibe aatae eosraa foOoweJ by Nanackatlwo or tbreeyaan ago Tba people bad better laka waralag by oar U avoid aa ar aa poinbia toeHalowiM or MCti9iD in axt Carried Moved by Ir Itiilipa aeeonded by Mr Tkompaon tbal the Treaaurer la hereby auiboriied and rejartl to pay Charlea McMureby or order ihe aam of beia an exeee of lazation ocea- iosed by beia plaeed IB wroog School Section Carried Mocd b MfWebb aecondoJ Thomfx tnat ibe Treaaurer be and la hereby required aod autKorixed to pay to Thomaj Wailbarn or order llie lumof S2 Mid aam beiog tbe overcharge of taxes the current year Carried Mov by Mr Philipa aecooded by Mr Thompann ibal ibe Clerk be aad la hereby iBairaoied to notify the Coauty Treaiorerand sheriff immediately Botto proceed ilh die cbatlela adveriiaed for Tueaday next dialraiacd for t9Xeaof Job VVcUa on Lot No in Ibe lat Coneea- ion aa Ihe rolla of tbia Townabip clearly uliow tbal tbe laxea bare been paid Carried Mmrad by Ur Suclaer aeeeeded Mr Webb tbat iba Traaauier be asd u hereby aalborixed aod required lo pay to tbe oer of the Cnaoeillflr of Ward So 2 Ibe sum of 1200 aaid aivioaot bciop required to pay the balaaee due on work doue on Towa lne oppoaiia Iba 8ib Coneaaaion Carried Moeedby Mr Webb aecoaded by Mr 8aielaer ibat the Treaaarar if hereby aa lborixed and reaiied to My tba CouAly Treaaurer Ibe ram of 88eu rrpreaaa led ai balanae daa 00 Lot No 18 in tbe Sad CosaeaaioB Old SurTn bn Iba noperiy of Arthur MeMaater Kio Bradfora wroB aeaatd taaaid Me- Uaaier aod by hto paid oudet tbe im prtsioa tbat ba waaylar oa Lot No 16 owned bin Carried TbeCoaaeil Ibeo veat iata aommittaa of tb wbole oa tbe ByLaw fbriuTeatiBg Clac Beaerra Moniea permanmtly for a School Puad iatro in tba otoraios acwoa by tlrWella Eeim Mr Wabb ia tba akair Tbe ByLaw paiaad Ibrsagb aoniait- tee and a repocted os Coaaeil adop ted Iba raport aad rad tba ByLaa a aeeead aad ibird tiwy aadpaaaaa it Al tbia ataga of lha pfuoaadiBga we vaiaobligadtoiaata Tba baUaea ef tba rapeet wa expect frm Uw Clark U tfaaa fbr next im TTnioa 6 Behoel Tea Party A aoeial laa party for the benefit of the Newmarkcl UnioB S Schoelwaa held io tba Meabanica Hall on Tucaday eraains Uat Tbcre were not ao many of Iba frienda of the iBslilntioB perbapa under 100 aa we eoold iab but after all phyiieilly and intellactaally the en- tertainaent wal a dccided aoeeaaa Be- ftebmaBla ware aerred by the Meairs Corrall Brw in good atyl abila the apeeebifyiait waa really eseailenk We bare rooB for only a very moagre ayBe at P P PxAau E the Seperiaten deal occapied the chair ami en tbe plat form we aolieed Uera Measra Shepley Barker Bell aod Carta and Br Oekie Tbe ebairmaa after a few lalredoeiory taaurka regraiilnv ibe paucity of anm ben preaeat toolt a brief ralruapecl of tba peat Twonljr tear ago a aoeial gatheriag af Ibia kind waa bcid ia cou aactiow wilh tba Newmatkel UaSoo 8a balb Sdbeel aad ef Iboae wbo look a COBiarit part in eoBBaelloa wiib Iba iWiMtioa at tbal ljm oaty two wan preaeat tbia ereaiBg- Mr J V Colliaa aad Mr J B Caldwell Maay wba al tbal iia mned Ibem bad puaed to their reward but few bow reaiaiaad behiad Maay of lha aebolar loo had bean eall- ed to Ibe arii taod lo aeat ibD leaeh erf wbile olhen yet ramalnad aeatiared bere aad there tbroagb the wotid Lait ereoiug be waa toruias over the pagea ef Ibe niautebook used yeara ago aod bile be aeaaued over Iba aaoca of leaehera aad aakolara be called lo aiad many arbo bad diad la the tiiampba of faiib bot aiuee bo wti aorry to aay bad MgUetad the waraiap of their laaebm aad retelcd tbe oBcraof laara to laake ap tbw bed ia a draakerda ffava He bawaw vold Mt m dwtll apos tbe pitt bul after a pieoe from Ibe Ohnir lir wanlJ introdat Iheia one ef iba rikrv present Applsaaa Cbelr Daett aad Cbaru Crowu nim lxrd of All n Mr SatncT was Uaiiatrolaa- ed aa llie first apaaker wbo after allad- inp to Ibe ramarki of ibe ia bia reminiaceneo of the past eaid h leaned this had beeo ia eilaleoee about 30 years Tboea remiaiaeeneee were reey annprUle 00 aueh aa eoetaioa as this but it wu impoaeibla ae to fom anythinp of an eslimale of ibe inflaeace the Scbwl had ettrted the gaod it had aoeocplished during iVcaa 30 yeara elarnily alone could rereal Iba facL In refleelisp on the peal loo Ibey eosld no doabl recall to mind the wheleaome and rrslriining infloenca rf nlieas laatrac- tinn on B0ne at leaat of the aeholan and perhspa Ihreupb thefjlthfalaea and sal ofaoRM ef ibe teieVen Mae of their children had been led to the Lamb if God tbal takelh away the aim of the world Ifpowbat a plorioua wrk hal been aecouiphatwd A aoal had beau aared alive The R gentleman then contrasted Ibe priilesta and opportuni- liea of Ssbballi Schutl SeHdar ol Ihe fireteni iay aa compared in his when ad ne aim spoke of Ihe value of reli- pinuii knnwledgaaa a netas ealealated tn coBlriinle to aoeial happinesa and Ihe etleninn nf relijioaa truth At no lime in the lialory of ckriatianily otild an Injc an element of true piety be fnund or were reliinua principles more firmly than al present bat il waa equally tru lhal al no time in ihe world a hintnry kepticiim i all ils de- firreily pr rented ai bold a fVetl as sow Thia winp the ease should the friends of I lie 8 Seheol relax 8boald llie frienda of truth falter obut with an earnlnea heeding the iniporlanee of ih tiak ahnald ralber bo alimaUted to Cater exortion After alladinp to ibe dneva of early impresaions upon Ihc mind Ibe Her KeBllcman concludcd by wihinc rapcrily to iba instltathn Applauao Chiir Ambcm Wake tbe aooc of jubilee- Pr Geikik was the nest epeaker who cummencvd by expreseinp Ibesalitfaclion it alforded him 10 be preeeal on this oe- casion He apreed wilh the prerinua apesker lhal this meeting waa an cri- dence nf the merest of ibeeoiamunily in iheSsbbsth eleol and allhoagb caasea miphl have cnnlribulcd to Ihe lack of nlisbers prceeni he considered Ihere was no rvm rr diacfloragemCBt lie always liked th laioa There waa a ebirra in Ike word Inion He was nnl aa old a Methaialab Oat he rreolleced very wiP wlen Ibe idea ef dilT rent dcnomnaiOn unitin ia aueb an eaterpis would laajalcl altopelbcr Tba speaker then referred to the fact that eetrianiam bad kept prafewing chrifliaoa from anlin in many pnnd wnrk but by the maiaenaBec ofUnien Schoola Iheyoonprr portion of nor Corn- Rionily oulJ pmw up mee liberal in their view and poeing a lar measure of charily toward those who Tl gHi cnoe to ih jif frm them B re ligiiti rnliRpnl I hry pould nflbrd in Jitfpr in mirf mailer bit were al afel in epnlioln Il ihen flrrrrtt 10 Ihe in ritn 01 S Ivw 1 instruc Imn ir I pif iJpcaitPl iipnii ho gig-ini- arirla ttrco liai il ihi nphJa wnrk Pr 1IiU cncliHpd hv detailing iho etrOienco ad eoiverainn nf n Iiroojh lailbfol pafevoiftg pfTnr- by wiv rf enfoiimgminl 1 Ile each in iheir wrk of faith anI la bor Invp pplaiiao Cbfr Diiril nnrf fhnpria ihoitph iK Hnfen Tig Tro- lie Mr Hacra loilowed in a fc prctcl nnd pointed remarks lie re- garld ih SnSntl aa tho hand- mal nl tho riiiich and ennaierel no Church opgaiiilln cmplea wilhnu Ia SchnI bi bp woijIO be glad to itn wha- he cnuM 10 miiMiua lha Union gphnnl aln Our children ahwld 5rn lip Boneiftiin and lie Union cSool was caleunt 10 ennlribale lo hia reaull Ileihnoghl ckrlalinna Inn might bre mora Union hot with the wold liul in prayer and works pertain ing tn Ihe lnterea of Ihe Great Maa- lara Kingdnm Ha urged punetnaliiy nn heliallof the teacher as naernary a Ih inlereal f the School- and tailhful- neia in uging the claim of the gopl upna ihf commillrd tn theircre Al- rupsr human elf irta ware at limea made 10 ava bumin life how moeh gieaiar need for eaertinB tn ava Ihe anul Tenchera ton orpii merely while away an lour nr an ritber lhan ialth- fully nnd piafrrfully endeavor In sow the Bali ef righleoianea Ha eon eluded b etpraaioj the gntifleaiioo ha experienced on being pioeenl ibia evening Rev tir Bttt w nl inimdoeed but it biving lan drarmined tn hold another party Thartfty evening he mle an apligy and rvaervad hia ad- drraa lil lha sub etuani ereaeion Choir Antbam0 Lord I will praiae Thee Rev Mr CrxT waa the next apak- rr who made a frv very timely and happy ramark Tlie laieaee rf tbe hour preventing biffl frnm aiiemptirig a peeeh- lie apoke ef ih early hiXAry of SnLbilh Schools sml iheneniraaad the facts bronght eel r the ealnilitinn hi year that not let thn 7 000 000 acholara ihrougherA lha world weraaow connected will lha iniintion Il wm a SWious irulhaml the eeauU n tbia ef iri upon iharieiBg generaiion iiMSI he iwiinanaa in favar of raligioaa Irnth and dlaaecrlnation of religim priadplee lie also gava an nnaed ila or twn illoa traiive n the hippy reaulla ef perannal n I fnithfal Inhir nn tha part of Sahholh ScluKil Teachera and hy way of an- reursgemenl pieiarad In glnwiag Ian guago lha real the evnwiv Ihe palm nf thedevoied 8 STaaebar Haeoneliid ed amid applaaaa The Choir again anng arotber aalbera nnd the meeting waa diemissed with ibe heoadietlon but mi till a vote of bad been pMad to ibe apaekera and the Choir ir tbmr We eaaftol ia highly CAnimeiMbe Cholefnr iba eS cleiiiand aaiisfaetory inanner ia wbieb Ibey eoniribatad to the s aad la lereet of lha meailng- Anoiher parly lakea place in lha Oall thia Chlaimat Eve U lispa ihe frianda nf lha inetitution wilhaneaarage the laacbara and olBjers by atlendieg lo large aumbera The York Boadi- Vna all wt ran leara tbe people gtae rally are growing aece farorable lo the parebaso of tbe York Roada front the Govemmenl tor two or three importaal raiwni The irsl ii by ao 4wif thtre U1 be ao daaj of ibeir agaio CiUlag lata the btnda ef Ur Burr r aay otier boKos Company io esse lire present dinialry should iQDe day be taeceeded by Ibe CoalllfoiitU party And aesood ly beeaaaa haviag coBlrol of hes eaa kecptbao in Jest aucb repair andatfaeb tolls aa will not be bardaasone wbil at tbe sama litaa any pto6ts snsiogrroas theif aaa will be fof Ibe beiefll of tbe County and not go to pay Ibe expaaaea of pabliabiogaad disaetaiatliogTiewa ad- reraa to tbe gtaal body of lha people in the Coanty Ia a moselary poiat efvier loo we have every reason to believe tbey will prove rwaaaeralive- Snppoeefrinlaaoe the Ceuucil could parcbaae tbeta at ISO- 000 al five per ceal pepble ia 20 bbbos instalisenta Thar leWs msy be easier but lay ihoe Igaree u a baiis of ealeala- lion- Now aappoae we take ae a faKher basis wilh reference W the peufiis the tun reallxed by the Company a indicat ed by the lealimony addaced befori ihe Court of 9000 per aanaui Ibe roada would thaa pay for tbemaelrae and leave a balanee of about 65000 or 170000 lo for improvimeota aoi aanagemeot Let aa make mUler plain sappnae the County buy Ibe Roads an girc De bentures at five per cent for the whole amount A siaking fand would at oaee be crcalei so that by the time the Reads were half piid 10 yea llie auiouni raa1ixfd from the sinking faad weald equtl all the interest tle Council would hnea to pay oa the unpaid balf of the Debenlares iwucd thus instead of pav- in intcest for twenty yeara we ahoald naialsiu a rtialneiins Itai wbal foly to dPDnaoce Ike praelice of Cgavvalioas as lakiBg Ibe power out ef ll ceBlrol of Ibe eUelera wbie ee ika etbtr battd coa- leedieg te fbvaar ef the fonaatiaa of 1 eaalral eeaaille ppeimlidand eon CrafM tM Italert and lein pulrn y AejMrtfr ta perform tbe saiae feaclioa aad decide Boa lire rpeclrve aunts and daiaii ef rival raadidatea Either Co veetteaa orCeatial Committees i be re cegBafed aapraelieal atode af aetihngdis pates aad deaMag Ibe cltiaH ef avpiraatt or each eaadidale antt try bis band aad allow Ibe retea of the electors In dscide Ibe rrlslise Bterila of aieb aad wa ar aet aura bal ibe later coarse woald give ibe aerett iadwalioe to popular seaiimeat Ual folcagasConmitlees are lo decide tbe Coaventiaa afords- tbe saraat aeaas af baraeeieaa action PrifOD InspeotioD The question of Prisoo Manafemeni snO Inapeclmn is jlar nnw being dipiis- ed by Ihe Provincial preta Thataomp ireprnvament is needixl in order lo the cunailnient of elpenaea cannot be da nied eepecialy when Ibe fact is isken inin eecoBnt that tle grant Isat year 1903 f ir ihe maintenancw of the pen ieniiirv was on lea a aum thto n07 On wnulJ Iblik the laVr ofot vici in lhal instiiuliin almnet aulBcien to make teIfBalinin2 but t- far fmm thia bping the caaa it coal the aiiiaoia iha pmmpni el 1 Cimllafa caunley ibouaanda of dollara annnally only have tn piy inlerral for ten y We are pleasod n learn iho Mioiary whilelheionoopct annum prefi ob the dslermioed lo aoqure Uo iba riads would pay lbepnpJ orfeof Penitentiary i eondueled wiih ih view lo corrert the Debenlarca Hut we believe the roads may perbape be obtained forleaa thin 5I000 and of coarse wbaterer amount would be in favor of the Couaiy Tbe eleetoes however ahoald enasider 1 aiattar well befoia dirtctiag tbcif lUcvta ho to vote Kanioipal Lotm Faad Debt The London rminigpe aalcca quite aa ado beeaaaa tbe Sheriff bw raeeived in- struetiona froa Ihe GoremaeBt lo collect the smounl ihat city owea tbe Pmrioce fjr b mneey tbal oagbt to have been paid in I8S0 aod I60 Tbe aam deinaadcd it neatly lO 000 tnilaad however of finliBg faall the toxpayera of Iaila have reaaoa lo ba gralHU 08 teenuAl of Ihe iadalgtaee ITad Ibey borrowed lite amoaal from a fvivale la- diridaal it weald have beea paid wilheal a word bat beeaasatbeBWaey vaaiakea from the paUie ebeat if it were poaaibie they act and talk ai if ibey would repa- diaie Ibe obtigalioB altagather Tbe eliy has had the advantage of tbe espeaditora nf this tnoBcy in improremeaU tad like every olber debtor should be osde lo pay their boBest oblitiooi- The Prov ince baa too long been oompelled lo pay thp liabilities of tbsM indebted laaotoi- palilie and were the Oovemaenl lo necct the enforcement of ibeae elaiais thpy wiuld be juatly eentarabla eepe- cially la Ibe praeeat finaseil eonditioB of Ihe country By the lima Ionlnn Port Hope Simeoe Town aad a Pe other locilitiea pay up ibeir preaeal obligatioBa l lha Munielpal Loaa Fend ibaj will not be quite to ready to aell their Kan chise in the future Tbfr Cealiilon Ad- Dioiatratiou it reapoBaible far allowiap imall Cnrpcraliona to borrow aawaals ibove Iheir ability In py Il waa in ended that Ibis fand aboald be borrow ed when Ihe Lota Kund Bill wa pasted by rural maaieipalitica in tmall suns for Ibo improreaiOBt of md bridiea but a eorrapt G Teraoeol dtverled il into another cbsanel with the view to obuin political tdvtnlsge and It waa such placca at London Niagtr Port Hope Cnbourg e that received the nribe New lhal the oealea have Inroad il is bat reasonable Ibey should pay for ibe whistle If tbey will daBoo tbey matt expect to pty the 6dler Party Orgaaisation- The Lmder of Moaday laal his ta ar ticle on arly erfaaixilinB fioa which we gsiber Ibc intisalioa Ibat eae abjaet ol lha great feed ia 8I lAWrtace Halt oa lb 1 1lk ieil wa ibe fonaaliea of cempael oppeeiiion aad tbe appoialowat nfa ceatral eosMillee petasviag cerleia eewers ia liiaa ef eleciiaet fiu Tbe aayi Tbe neersaiiy afa Iborsnxharginii lion haa nol been appiated by Ibe o iiinu a it ahotrU bava beea A a fra- rl ibiiigil doea ne XMi al all- IVben an electiea eomrs oaJ avaiyihiog haa le be lone them no mtrhiua fur iloinz Noboily knawa what le da ami aearyane Inakt oaomabody etse for adviee aad ex anpleieeiion Tbara is aa eeolral aaae- ciaran lo eonmoipeale with other ia lb lilfenl caaattiaeaeiea Every ihing in left le ehaBeeaodlhe spaMaoeoo aei ien ufaaeh County Ridtof or Towa Ileretefora the Jearaal frea wbicb we have clipped ibe afeeiag axlrael haa al anys eoaiidered Ibe spOBlsaMai aciioa of eaeb Coiai or Ridiag V tbe oaly proper nr Icgitimati ceerse aad aveo io- tbe same article frm wbicb ibe ixtrscl ia Isken be eealaaes ta deafaace Con- veaitons wkaleaMbe aae itiae argaiag la svoar afsema eealral erpaiiiliea wiib pawar to decide belwees rival ciadi- datet Ac baasys Where iheie ate rival aapirania ami where none irrisenta bimvif it le eially impaf am liul itiara sboud be a cenmillee lo ilfwMe what la bet m be Jaae It 1 aoi oeeeeaay nr deeiiable lu teeeii the Aaericaa praasice el Mtling aoeeeoiiMS rorthaaelmltenafeaadidalee Tbe efferl of aueli a ae gf eheica talo tskeih mat ter eel ofibct haniJs U tbe etaeieea ati- geiber aad la give a ew aileeBieets ihe pBWersf foitiiug ibeir eaadidale apea a paiiy Aad pray what it lha ml ACrfteet to Isr a Ibe Electors are ceacerned he- Iweea tbe coeveattan decidtag ar plaetag Iba matltr ia ibt bands ef ta Irraspoaaibtc cogmillee as tbe Ladrr proposes I Tbe cbaeaes era ia htoar ef Iba Caavaatioe in npplioa to Citnvillee areand Ibe eciabera ef wbieb il is eay lo Wt inUuea- ces le work leaJieg le aay givea raaali favourable to Ibe wire pelWrt The bet s il u qiilt evideai lha Oppeaitioa are fa1 Ulowag lha taclie af Iketr political rippoaaats bet are a Kltla rery illle aearlive abeal asiag Iba Iccbaical latm aapleycd ia ertr if foMshla to abuaea and if pneaible make lha mti luioa aelf austainiag Tho Ieniiaaiary xpenee over receipia iBCresaed frnm 28000 in IU3 lu 05 000 In HC2 Ihla would seem alnvMt incredible but public reenrds of parliamentary gtnls proves lhi statemenl to be Irae TTie Quebec ATCKry tayaMha en lairy will be crndbeira dparliMeially after lha manner of ihe rerenl inveaiiga tinninto the ehtrgea of the Moatreal jtil thereby taving much ezpenao to ihacnuniry It ii elan understood wa believe thst iBtleal of ampUiying fout laapectort in future two compeient men ia ail ihe public aervice requiraihere by rerfecing the expenaeasome ibnutrtd nf dollars aanually toaeeb aora for a Refrra Adminlslratioo SdltBrial tani7 TheNewaaiketMaBielpalElaaiea will be held in Ibe Town Hall aa aaeal 00 tba 6rl Monliy in next manlh A Beating M tbe DireeMr if Ibe North Yerk griesliural Seiely ia lo be heU al the Aiaerieui Hotel en Monday aeil kt one eolack PiHieiBiliiy i Very deairable Tba Daiff AViae laka k fat raalad tbal g WB deaad in a Boabita ate eriby himsellandlbal eaUa LanfMmi tfetmaiae w riak all al XaaxeiUek waald lave rairealad and Maad S- ralieveint KfMXvilia iu Jt LoogMteai ia dat Tl TTaMe tees ae raaaaa le diesaW JtaniHeltiffl lot viaiett tad be Canlaimie tararao fa the peaallj he miaainp ibait eppenenily af CbiektaUMa it aeeepla Ike aiaer dMaila aad safiM thai aa el the fepart a ban Knanipe aar hteebaea a linia celeHrl aeeit ibeexi gauoes efTbeakaflflag Day The FrenebCeoneilafSiatewa denb- 000n0l It wta etpeeiad ibM iba meaaai would be laid befota Ibe Cbaabwt dgriag the week TMt seRitwiORiuTxru aotmae It waa taniret that tbe Padetal aieea P Hleia au ba lOh Deo Il wa reaolred by tba DaniabCteaeil ef ate 10 retiilinT oeenpatinn af Haltfala a a ilriaiaiiaief war TbeDaniAOav- Prmni hicl wiihlrawn lb aHankMiih OtalpaanlolMsrehaOh- Xiog CbrM n a preelamainn la lha HatMnera on IhP bh IBM llaeiahMelaiaaod aya Ihp ma laioMtewaf Ihe IstMiie the Danih Miaiiehy i hi laty u4 he i reaolvel in pni lawn intartaeiieaerr miveiapti wjih armd bra Re baoM hat wjn llAlflieii finj hraelf an cm aiiiainnal foedam ahieb graalad bet rnpile ill end A pit Utar ia aleo iaet le Iba lanwi ihinlinihMn Waelhatii away m ther loty aa aalfaeta in ef oveaaiaa Bade le iWa raa wi host Jtsrtia ronl R plilij haa mvla in ibe ai Rcphraih a delaraiion fally atr iigih hai maJe hy Blaaxk ia the Pioaaiari Chamba eiiian Sra in Taaw eooiinoe The Cxw of LVPow ha been anapanda gr ibtea mmiha M arcouni ef ile allitiada aa IW Poliih qnptiao txBia cam AKB seTts 1 Itombay lHteraal Nov I lib ha I lsa reeeival Tliey report enrMMterablf Ilg bad taken place on the I abaa Livtsrii Dae 7 nreaUiaSt Mtair ihere haa bean no real aea aaikat Inee tbe Aiieirslian saile1 Fleer Wbetl Cm Corn qaiel aad shMV Preriaiona qaiel anf aiaedy iael aiM and aiesJy Prk aety Baeaadal7ta4 6J lawer I J Pjireleuia flrasr The winter Braminalooof tba CemBin SeWI leak pisee Wed aeadty pvenlnplaar aad waa a dWIed eae We have hi reem far patilcnlart ihb weak Rilla hava teen iad anneaneieg the anoaal meeting of the Eaai Rwilim bay Afieuiinrtl Soeieiy Il ia is lake plaM al Ihe Manaan lleoae SSaroa ea lh tecond SaiQiday in JaaatiySae adver- eeoient io aeeihereaamK Tbn Cecaeils e Eau GwillawSary Nofib flaillimboiy aad tlolland Laadina are learn all fat b on Ssar day aexi The Clerks ef Ihe tpipiva Ceunei1 will eble by fewarjlag a eapy nC mibulae ia liaa far aeit week iaaae o- Wa eall lha Bitenioa ef tbe farainr oommeniiytotba advartlaeotant in aaabar eolomn annentieing iba pnhlleaiiao ef a new Agriratlarjl Paper In ba leiaa tl Ihe 6ot oAee This jaamat I ealealeled M apply a want long feH aaang Ibe lanMM of tbe ceaniry as aeall as meietiaa An aetWa fer libel hat beeaaas agtinai llie ailiiarefihe Wafef AAnr- ietr Lnadea CW4 by a gealleaan af Iba legal prafeasion who enlaruine Ihe uelien lhalbiaebaraeletfiqaiiaaa ceatlef Jasliee to aaeertaia iM bevaabeaa aad value AaeTUta Fiaa la LiavarawaWe regre 0 leaniiha dallinx lenenied by tbe Rtr W CaMPaiii Wesleyan Mialster at Lloydtewa waa deelmyed by flra ca Taaa day evening last Tbepiineipal part e ihe fersiiore was steed wa belbeeltwagb mach damaged Tbt baiWiog was ewned by Da B bat whaiber leanred ar a- wa bare Ant letrawl The evigia ef lha fire aad ether paleoWit have aat seaehad tur Wa wU M ke diaaliwil iliraia4 w vfe aea raaeaaaMs f the iiairina af ear Cwe- rette Msreffla AWmarlK fre Daaa Hia Hieing allenled ibt funeral of t mach reapsceri defeated Iriend laM week al Riebnwod Hill 1 wai aueb Eleeeed le ebeerve ibal ibe aiaisler tba resbyteiiaa Cbarch al that ptara have tactOi a neal snd labelaallal btlck Tselt vf an ectagvn ihepe eevami with iln and slrmeoeiM with aneal eopela The fact iW noaeseidMa aM aaaeeny fma eoanlry ebamb yafda aM aaab e iba impofianee ami asseaaliy fr awh a buildinr an1 all parties wbo aa aa Mi- nnnnsle tato lane any nf ibeir ralalivae will And in this Taeh a aafe plaoe ef de poail aniiltbeeneaingapring Ileara tbal Ihe ebargea are eery wMarate aimllarta tbcaa new made by lheNeeropelis CocBpy Teora iralr TaAVBLm Daeeabettltt ISA jlColoiiial Aninl of Iw BihmiM- ArrinlaftkaOitFafWulIMh Nnr Teas DeNl Tbe CiV of Waahiflfioa Vfia Uw minnibeial asd Qiiaaswa oitHM bia mnrnlng RieaIaiada en Teeailar Feer Md tVheat firm and bnldera aik hhr IMa Cera Bm ani d higher 1 a- TiieuBaTBiodsatri aalst KOSly Tb Boak ef Esland Oletaaal iu f intertet nn Weilnedy to Y aaf W TaBrMlayteSpnreenleaaiiaf aaab la peiOT in ih feaila Tbe radertfrwaaalltaliillMiVd liapeih dt ia reiirtefl ibat Iba iwa naa aa lha Cly far Ibe reha wr w4d M kaaiih The reamer Btilaatt Haya frea He Yeik frt Lnndwi wat beiag laaesad m I6 galnrwa pmwiam h le repM an nilaaaad iail aw laiely hnneliail ai Hall wilh awaSewiiie iramelialaly pel M am wiA taadiy em Innbing geailemw A Il il alMi repnrietl thai lb a bdaafe pomplicalena heiween Fraamaad Aasi ring le Caiifamla aad mfftnm a Matleans wHb erma There 1 adaalMM m airefakvaiMjlrT amnlibeDekaafNwaall Saaidtf Ih Coenle naaeeeaaief ilatbh m hit I y nitia 8Irnhi Liwreeeeleipprdil gnemi ef lalta tka Lard iPgta It la laaMarad thai Akitali deii Three wavafeeaem erfoilyeall Briiiah Ailalrkliiy haddblMlailW far aiiea Wrrs stwaaait wer Cp MMAmfkttm lliaMMiV gaa ae ftigala hi laaieit ar rtier Anoiiit Ktd nfeiffa MWillpyf lij by the ire ef I ef Deattf Oreai SrhaiA will ailviaa 0naark wKi lagtid itte aa Federal Treapahne Htlawlaaaa iaaeflftr Tbe Fadaral Diifill iM yet delaraiaadia omtm ha eive aeasarir 1 ThaOmUh Cosaaaew vltfaeirpvl esimetdleeiy eiadH rf WWJWje In Lnalon Ibe Vba el bad aaed d mi m 4i fail Bagarla Maapat Axurim Bavelatli eaal hat a apeebU frea L- wbM aaya that dartiig Ilia MMl imrrpa fnNB ClwllBaai airaei ai Koosvilte la advanea of LoariMTdld Irain while KowMeiMiaidm TharabeiM n irajaMaar loeda af Iwo loaaMtiNeaN fMlBH ai Lode A pnr1soafllil villa haa ratwAwiAi Tha eririnM le anchanged Tbearay alii ataa Ml ur qoarlera naamMTOSi Dw i tag SUr ha Aa fel Ibwitte bere bava dasph Croat tf Chaiiaaean al eiae aelecb They iMfjr aay rectal c ia lha iMa tfj bare Oee Onai ia la diieci lew Faner at Kaeiv htea fbiiag betweea I aad oars awf ai tdaL M ihl tfetebMftMObtattfMEr waald deabtbaa bava ea TbaJbattbaiha aaah eapftatat iaaaa the itaitai wi Ciadiikt abara am aeah aianla CoNBtaLaa Oar I Ilea cGan Lu deeactifimn Kapveffiiej eagad tbaadfwMa I Bear Btatkm Tba at iatarwaie I tl St N P Dec 11 The aieamer Hibereiaa Iram Calway 00 ibeSib ariivedhere al7osleeaibiiaetBtei j int HesMwaUtdMataar W gfc faiya baijl Tba IJlaagow aod SU frea New Vek ye arrived oal on tbe 81b The finical newa ia MiMpertaBl The Uaoiab leoatted in fao Tbe 08 aarvaiie Ketraage wa fliianamaa an ihaT h atdieUa BMO MeeuilTybipped ihere uaaaT aanafa aliah tBliiMS aniapenaBl TbeCabI neiMiaiateva are Uevieg rawa Or ibe CiiriataaabulilaTa Gaaeial Urwt a iicafyai CbarivKoa later daapairh nf ny Ilia Ualea dtisMa Eaniaitfa aad gnlar to tfii 1 Ilfbluig i li Cmsa Koada CsiRO Dee I7J rereive is iba aveailyllik 10 r rllefl antH