Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 2 Oct 1863, p. 2

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THE NEWMAHKET ERA OCTOBER 2 I8fi8 N AjTfttiifmaott i It Smili 1 Nor r lVVm MMvr 1 ii- lt MI 111- V Sm- Wn n k V i V Piimrr II iiii 1 OI A lliiJiol Mvl J- lirlit TLM NI V VIIT1DICUIU lJ uj Thv Hm ritnrfiv SiVT Kiiiiy r Firm lo I I ll I WlMk J N V KifTi lor fM iTw J AuriiH 11 inilh Vll K M Slnvl HI i rinilc n finn in WrI OwillimUurt Tvfunmth ir Adjils lo pul nn Iiii mijon i rrnnLli- lsl iiiJ bTin il ihiooli lo NcwiinrVft illiouI tnd wilhcul injar lo liin Icin Mere i a ehanev tr iiuirr fjl Cant See It hf I Ull I ihoOli Lt nh ucAs Sueh i llie Unjuno of llie Lfml fTcrhcit niil whtq tpcakin- of ihf lilllc pririM iiidc th idle Iinlcf of ifiiPttit 1 d c lioiicj by way of liiljiiii in QucUc Ktfr mm bill wi ill- fulW fuiJoJ il cm j up ruQi knd will I- dinc The Cuiiiiiinnori 1 1 1 1 orT winl of cohbJfntc uioim ci- under lX iiiiiniiinenl lie wotk lii i pnvrcMfil fc fiufallv Ibun fr e men of llio work nol cjpallo If Inin friKlcniU ft I trifir of tbc Srion llicrcbj wailing line and and k Mr llad M i jmndiTiiii llic pcvplc motity bul ihv T c tl rtd ti il ivioirlo Ke il in ibl libl One Jjon 1 he Maoifa vi the iiWnbcn 1 t hrfuid1enoniIiIdndholK J rTf of ihe cxprndid ill bTilj bo laid before llie botcjournil bad t litlle lionely me- iiiorkir T A ioblic inj If w n not iuitikn out to hiiA whea deprived cf the offiee lioK do yoo Trern osXtt uff will m iriteo I ljf Kifromnrlirt Fraj Ktwmarket Fridtf- Oct Sad tB83 Editoritl Sammay I complicnrnlii nytlet tupfcr i 10 tlie CuDUiivioneni Look at Both Sidea Bul ildioth i hoom hta iv1 tn in ote j oiki 0U9 mui uf tiJ thi 1 ptomird tei boujltt r Tlie lurnc Co from ibrii jKoAjpnf lomeel vilJ U lo an fkno- Jhgmni in tp UyV pIfr x UUy lo b- hotclj leave Ibe public lo C0IB eicwJftslv Iliefimii MncliwioM tfler exiniinin- n the linpiUiJC of tin Iiilnul of I liftbiliiiM M ti rdnMday tut but with vbal thow of A jii II htr br Ml TllOI MklKICK KilrniiT anl m Ui To Iratn 4ircl Htftinn- lo ilf iftto ibe IruiLfalarM of the iwfriwn re SuppOM I lie llie lia been tix veeii in oi Sraion did not the Oppiiun tke up ibe Grtl mo icwkt in onbolilinK their ihunJvr antnl the Miniry before Ibey of taxfcalberer on lb York Koadi ibia iraa a kiad of AoiiMy to Ihe pBrpoae kind the pablie would faio bite Kn dit- played duriof eilit longyeaiiorCoalilion Diiirule btit a kind it wji left for be pmonl OoTernoieDl to bave the eredil and eourape lo diipUy rcrhp ibii i he reaaoo why the lulrr lalk aboal io- cajMcity but the pablie caot tee il Newmarket Corporation Council met on Monday eienin liti All lb uieuibera prcaeot the lletre in ibeehair MidqIci rtid and enoErmed Mr ItoadhouK from the Boid and Steporl ihundTr antnl the linirv betorc bev i r v- ouMlloIIerTlrlolheSrtnpaDJ CWmiiee preacnleJ adylo ihprp lll le 111 N V markri Jins iMJy Cl 11 Kail or He AsvmbK 7 ltien diji l Itiey pcnd J Jy 11 0t oitifc iim j il pnrd hi im i wwywjk if tv- ii jwutian of lirocer anJ t I iJcuical poioti oiilr ID another i I III 1 KM rl DHulhcr vck in di3Uiio Lc I It ill be rrculWcted ibat ai a previoui ahffhl Jrinra cn Coi iho fifh aiiJ i2xJ Sm II MU ouncemeni tn no lirr The T rki fui tin Meehoie Iritini- for tn lir ar are now renwit1e an 1 my I a hl of tni mrmhef if itia 1aiiiii i ommiiiep lal- ein hrtina mmii of h- nation f i M i i- ln rl tl im L- u tinpa lor 111- r ilii i e runtiiin- ii b 1 4MI- ati 1 1111 eirti fiieod id himn 411 1 Ibe ue I Ibe Ao i4n ail oe 1 TV liiimar ma 10 r t Or It Irhl 1 ll neek a tin b- ii Il 1 J rntit no Uinm- afoul II 11 1 5icie Il Oil- and im- oli- IIII ua illtre 0 fire aiil if 4 nee a 1- help in Ilia irmnil uf an lini viai lo tally conorncJ Tie In rn 1- leV bul ae UII lertan 1 il I 1 Iiii ail al lltll eovereJ hy iiur ie Tliira 1 hapeon Mr O on6 ulbcrlud ecllin foib i the fint Jiienioion Tli looL up ibre eeka P- f Ihe lime furih wvk h Ue to cow bu rae Sndly thai fnl in afkln- iiinumeublo and almul of 0- Uiilciid f ruicMi oj 10 llic Uiornmenl i areaaimodalion lo liim pe nI ubuinit Ibir trpli and during ibal in ibe leuiainin riion f Ilic liiir a sup l4y Hill bi bvn iiilrrducvd and pamed lruulieoriiiitit and no Icalban abiiul iwo hundred priiale and puLiie Hillt hue lflin inliinluecd an I prireiid a M CiHiirn A Co retard 11 of lbi ennte- iiieiiee be would brile over the racc pitvided Ihe Coaseil alinced hiio till nexi in irrt out the limber lo do il wiih and prqiided Mrndty lha ibe Couoeit wuld cover in andjcrade iliewlile lenib ifllicraee he covert from the North aide f Tiinntby ilrect Thii was the purperi of the Idler and which ta rcfcriH t tfiy lejton la wjik cfin incr t A SiLl i plarv 1 iFi ti in Ihe 3 J Cui ei tlr h b Wei m Aiiuli Tea aL paci 1 Kitiiio jbaiiVliciul il lie rji Ioirri if iSr Ts bf Carambot un ili n h TheiVjcI II iixn in tulli raM laiie mO luilSa cttiei neceatny ppanu Ii ilij n ih School Tr Paiiy lake iiil on li II f KI Viw I Tlf nii Lr ib ia e A Tvou L ahorUj Ccmniie lie U1 r rait upoo odi iiii2n Oiraiion by ilcir fjcii oiiM and ihen ihe u Kc Kjd and UtideComniiliee and b itC and jlurnatf of thai ilk trump i rrrl nnw preaentcd wai ibe reply iberc- fulli aa a in aninl ihc ioternnienl o fjil iiiivly ploryin in wbal relly tbould Your Conimillee hare had ihe lelici caue lh ir humiliaiiun fmiu Mr Sulhrrlind under eonaiderlinn HuCn he above extract only Vf f I tW lerm ut- inHcd bv him canODl be ciiniplied wilb nnc euii a all ihai were ptoiuiicd ha beinj ofopiiioo thai the lixn briuiIi before the House Now lUce houtd be rxered in by Mr Suh lc u c there is ihe Miliiia Bill lhat crIanJ irreaptciire of any aucheondiiiona it one Then llarc ia DBrhr pood lill rervelii Inleeytli nake cil by Ihlgcnlleman iwo nd Ihc cl reipeclin Juror and Vo Cmmillee a aUo of opinion a ibil a mwh work liae been already done JuticWhieh loalrt ih Here i Rod ibc may be other j ahoeld ba cirtercd in by Mr Sulber- Kul nlirc ihe Miiiinry arc met at ererr Lind al once Up in leilaiipn by the dire hoslilily of lteiclfully Subojllled ke ihow continlly eUniorini for the Giab On molion ihia report wa rfceiced poll nod at ihe ftoie linie doDouDCrd and the Council weul inlu Comoiiiire rf Milii ulide by mvo who u vk olher rfiuree nittlec rnae The Coooeil then rcoeirvd ivt m siiuisitiicc iiir j ti and adopted the lUporl wonder mliey have done amach athfy Vnolhe buainea appearing tbe Coon hare Inir9id rLhtin tbethip oftUie and jeil adjnurned j been able lo rclain ibeir fwiiifin on thcj I Trenury Benches The real trnlb U the 8peiljllfltlc I itCoaliionit by ioliiue chiemerj and j MMaaTCa ja oip double hiiffllns minapd o retain power j plMe in JrettB flenilnn hn- they Uyan o faney be oSect of drrienrni i anolUr col- liitc bcciJ compelled ibc NVhoIe oq the patiie Jack l e lhan ihe uhlic ba Cbir Iteporl adopted and Com X Ilitheito the cl1 cf ibe been loin l ori luuiiern of Itnia No anoi ereiy man pffpeiy hrie tleoM bx iriily i fiflance and wa il w UlitiAui tie eirubitior of lor f eojiirennce anJ niely miheJ eool ibadci of Oppeilion leoce of haiJ lime I b do k ha iji Xreaur were palcnled lo thcoi and j hadiR KlMCSP remained her no doabl I ihey would hare held Ihem to Ihi dar Bul irluc brin iia own reward and umn liaa Mr Wa MeMatrsa Jr li IB teain wilb Ixaiy ivporiaiinna fie I ihi Coaliiiooiiu arc now vailing iu tbe The Town Line Boid Open Protection of Sheep i aad eaer Miinaf and tcy aBcceofuHj loo 10 taiify tad plcart Ihe pubiic ai lii br ba parekaMd Ihia fear larfei linn uual order lo b able lo uiifj llie nnl aMidiowt Ibe eneiwieoi n Irnl of hi I Uebatra cntnbiftcd wilb bi Tbe Honorable Alxa ba fV L uTi rancial nperaln naW bim 10 laajh il introduad a Bll providiiif for lb pro- ad cffr lo ibe lirmir eom Some fiw jean sjjo when a namber of leeiion if Sheep in IJtr Canada and mui iiy and pablie ncilly all ilVierip oar enlcrpriin5 inhabitant undertook lo g ii it hkelt lo betfiine U and beinjr a lioo nf at aloiiihinly law 6uiri open up h Town Line UVil for IraTel mcaor in whieh the firniin cmaiuuiiy Mindariaa Tei al 6ii pr lb J 1 e Moihle cf hirh bat be B kiaillr firiraiil and announced their utenlion of merealed rnp of lit w har lUe aalhonly f r bri wjyinj he lDarhacr ihc el riranch j piorijioni I ler bil lo prcaiooee aa eieellebl arii- of tbe llolUad Kitcr for ba lurpoe nu l 1 Thit Clause caaela that it ie Yivmr In tbr Fair tknuld nakr tnerou were ihe j rophccira ol tiUmr ahall be lawful for the owner of any ahcep p Y fiit il muil nhile tiol a few ridicuj or for any peno baring ibe eaie or etu led ihe idea ak a prand hoax i ldy ofaheep to kill any doj in the act aabBcnplion wu raied he line chop of puriuing or worrying ucb Imp eW Ml partially but for jrant ol meana and I where lbat on land belonging to Ibe oB- other rarioua eaatcn the work waa allowed er of iiieb dng o eetao for a liuie Thi prophet were in lfc 2 i complain before any Jaa bish glee and not a Aw wiib a Vnowinz liee oftho Peace that any pern owna nk would uielly lini that tbe reeult or ba in bir poMKMion a dg which baa wiihin tix monila pretiou junaed or nrried any ahcep elaewberft lhan on land belonging lo tbe owner of fuch isf ueh owner or barborer may be cited before lucl Jutliee to antwer Mid complain I and to be furltier dealt with accoidio lo law cc 3 The proceedina on iscb com va jul what Ihey aniicipAtcd adding tbal even had tVe irirk been prooreuiid il weald all link by ibe next oaaon a ibird party afpsrenlly rrj iieing at the ill forunc cf ohai ihry conidertd Ibe Newnarkelrn laughed at tlic lubacri- bera to Ibe fund for Ihe improfeineol f be Hold ai arrant f plaint and aQinon tball be resutiird by So inallen rralcd lill liit fall hen tlr the Act rcfpcclins Ihe duiiii ufJuali projcel waaietiTcd and during ihc winter era ol Ihc Peace ont of ieaaiona in rela- aaother aoberriplion waa alarledand nihcrl lion o ammaTy eonriclioni and ordera CommiriiOBers appointed lo expend lhaj whicb tball apply lo caaca undir ihii aiB and now ihe prophecio l i IheAcl eoolrary nolmiihtlaBding iheTovn Iirej Sec 4- Is caiie a pentn i ennticled Boad bia bicvme a great act We hid of owning or baring in hit pnaactaioo a tbe pleaurr one day thi wKk io cDij dop whieh baa puraed or worried any pany wilb one of tbe CoRiuiiiaioncra rl heep clMwhere lhan oo Uad betonieg lo trarcllin over tl ai far aa Ibe 9ib line ol King 1 1 hat been brahcd andeoTered foLtlanlial Dridpta buill urtr Ibe itreaiil ad le toad duelled uf n ciihcr aide Iboi loakin il a complele wiiilerroad aod ibutd Ibe Tonbpi of King and coata the owser of uch doc the Juitica may make an order for Ihe killint of aueh dig wiihin three daya and in defaalt hereof ojay in bia diaereiion inpoaa a fine Dpoa ucb fron Dot exceeding 120 with CwilliiblBiy lu do wha uiay now lie reaaonably eipcetcd if ilem thai ia Kraat asScient fund to aaud in npoB b eaith by whieh he bruh ia al ready eoteied ibcre will not be a belter road in be Townhip lhan bia aaisr T Line Oeer iwo d of thia vtop beloega joiolly to ibe Cotintiea of Verk aod Sioaeoa and now ibat il i Md pBMable peeper alepa be Uket eonpcl thew eoaallea le keep ii ia cf- Seient rrpalr Tb balatxe of ibe awanp viiktAlaU labor aoil i tor two ee tbrae year will aiake iba Kia Kow Ibat tbe propbetj are all dead aBoat ib featiUliiy ef Baking a road aeroa the nap say a til biat wbal b far- tktr ceslcmpUtiM Betvets tbe tad Um ib Cam imi an fear or In M bilb ibaaa w now l b cat dewa al katl brvajtbl e Ibe grade of Yoiqie See b Ko eontielion onder ibii Act ahall be a bar lo any action by tbe owner of any abeep for ibe iworery of daaagca fur he injory done to tueb abeep ia reaped of wbicb anch eenriellon ia had See Olix of dos are liable foe injory done by theni lo abeep bo oaller wbelher ibey ate aware of llie propewity of Ibeir doga lo purase aheep or not See 7 be defendant in any action of dama Air kiliisg a dO msdar be firal Seelioa of ibia Ael may plead the bear n rand be ai aboul li ablilj djixilme tc pleae all One ibibf e hare lrivg kince oal lhat tboe lio frerli alirrli are aol afraid ol Le- p bioDhl into eoBpeliliAn will Ihii hillbiiri either a prcet or ol 00ll MR T A niRTOXe Ten thnound Volonlcera are iaetu ed throagh our column today to cia ine the tDagni6Gcnl lock Mr IIaRT ia now openine ob of fall and winter pouda The uceewi hiihrilo attending hu opera lioea ba induced hiui le enlirie hia pur chaea tery uatcrially tbe preeeni aeaton embracing all Ihe tew deaigna and tylea of Ihc current year faabiocai while ihe altcniion he baa paid o he grocery deparluienl will fully ruaintaln hi former rcputatioa Gno him a call MB m M Mttu a RTnSB Thii old and well catabiabtd hoaae i now diaplaying an immenw atoekoffint- elaaa good while he Mantle and Sho Kmna erubraee article of criry atyle of filhjon likely lo be adopted hi aeaMn htending parcbaieii bostd gire hi a- ubtiibBien a Call The goo an nark ed lew fur eaah Crlekeu We Dnderaland a grand Cricket Match will be Jayed on tbe iewinarkelGroanda tbia Friday afternooo beiwees be Harri and Single Wiekal lo be pitched al I oclock preeiaely Tbe aos- teal ia for a tapper to be a be Itailroad Hotel ia Ibeeeening Tbalor- era of hi iBaT pMt aoow rare lrt wbilie wa itake aedoubl Ihe Club will be glad to welcooc at isany of their Tneod aa may ebonea to Join Ura al tbe gjpt ia Ibe erewing Ska KfrDatOB Anetber remoioD ia eoaeeeiioa wilb FroTincial Parlinment LXIMILATIVC CUlACIL Qukatc it 251 The Sjiciker look the chair al 3 oclock and tialed lhat he had received a Idler from Mr Cuupal alain that he did Dot intend to pruceni any luriher in oonleat- ing ihe tleciioa of Honorable Mr Usreaa lor ihe leIOriDe Diviaion The order lo nfer llio pelilion of Mr Coupal lo llie Klccliun Couiuitiee waa then diMhirged Honorabie Mr Vidal tbe aember elect for Ibe St Ctair Diriaioo waa iat daeed and look Ibe oalb aod bia leal Tbe Bill to amend the A Ael of tpper Canada ia rtapeet to arraara of laxea oo non rtaidenl laudt waa read a bird lieaod patted Tbe Houm ihen aJjnarned LCaiKLATIVI AntUlLT Quatac Sept 25b 1S63 The Speaker look tbe ebaii today tl 3 oclock and reported thai the reeognixan eff attached lo the pelitiofl of Mr John UConnor eoinpljinini of an undaeelec- lion and return for ibecouoly ofuX wer objeclioDatte On mnlion of Mr McKellar th refer- rnce of llie peliiinn to Ihe tieneral Klee- CniuDjiiiec wa ordered to be dit- chaiyed Tho follnwin Hilla are iaifodueed and read a rl ttiiie liy Mr Holin Bill to amend the cl repeciing Proiincial euatuaa and ibc eollcciion thereof ao a lo enable the Governaienl by proelaniation lo prohibit he cxporlatioo of arm and oianiiiona of war Hy Mr OHalloran To prorile more fully for the punishment of offcneea agiiut e VrMn in reaped to the crime of kid- oarji liy Mr ill Will to amend Ihe cl of Ipper Canada reporting line fence and water curm By Mr Ounford Bill to ezlend juriidiciion of Coaniy Council in Upper Canada nter counly nadt Hon J S lacdonal 1 mored that Ihe order of the lluoae for dikiding the day inio two aiiiinxa be exteoded l0 week loncer jrried Sir Hollnn introduced a Dill lo amend ihe ei reMpeclin duiiet on cuitoint He eipljined lhat the ohjed wa lo ai iriiiltie the ci lo llie Cutomt Ael o Knglind whereby Ihe Gorernnieol could hy proclamaiinn phhibil the etnrlation ofani and muaiiiona of war beyond tbe limii of Ihe itorinee The HnoM went inio tnpply for further cnnideratin of Ihe niimate when tl e remaining itenia and alM ihe Suppleiuen- larT Kaliinale were eirriid In reply o Mr Gli Mr Hollon atated ihal it waa hi io lenlion to ak Ihe concurrence in Ihe re- of the Coiouiiltce of Supply on Tueday The liouM tdjoorned al a qaiiter put 12 lICllLTtV coi srji QLrc Set 28 1S63 Tbe Speaker look ibe chair today al oclock eteral liilU from Ihe Legilalite Aa Miubly were received and read a Cri linic On BwlioQ of Honorable Sir K F Belleao a retam wa ordered on the aubi ject of Ihe paynient of Ihe Montreal lUr cr Ioliee for Iba year 16GI and 1962 On motion of Honorable De la- 1 erriere a return wat ordered of the r rear due oo tjlea of iBiuber from the woodt aud fnretit ol Ihe Crown domain in Lower Canada up lo ihe lat ol July Ui Two prirate Bill were read a teeond line afier which ibe Uoaae adjoartied IKOiaLATirx AaiiMltr Qoebec Sepi 28 Tbe Speaker look Ibe cbair today at 3 oclock Mr Buchaain mored Ihe third reading of the Bill 10 eonaolidate Ihe debt of llie cily of HamilUin Afier a long diaeet Ihe D II waa read a thiid lime and paaMd- Mr Sbaler Smith mored the Iloote into Commilice nn a Bill luauiborixe Ihe Church Sueiciy of the Dioceae of Toronto lo Mll certain part of Ibe lUctory land of Ielcrbrrro The Bill wat patted ibroogb Commit lee and rrpnrled Mr McKelbr mored Ihe teeond read ing of Ihe Bill to amend Ibn Act graeling leilera patent le Mr Henry Bcaaenier for an improred naener of mtBafactariag tteel Mr Brown aid he ceald not find ibai any peliiian bad been preteoted for the Bill Mr Carling taid be bad preaealed ibe petiiion loday Mr Krown Tbn the Bill rtnnol go on till the peliiinn goe before tbe Siand- ing Order Comoiiltee Tbe luotioa wat aceordiogly wilb- drawn The lullowing Bill were read a aeeoed tiim To loeorponle the Lower Canada la vetlmeni and Agency Compeny To Incnrporaie ihe Bay ofQuiale and St Lawrence Sieaniboat Compiay aad 4 Lower Canada loeal Billa At lha creaing tiiliaz Tbe following Bill were read a tbird time and faMd To realrict tbe ralaing of pablie meeey la the VilUge of Aurora To Ineorpuralc Ibe Villageof BMabar- noi inio alowo To Irworpnrate Lteolle Aejdeny To aolhoriM ibe tale of eertaiu parta of the Keclor iaada of Pile borOggb To auibortaa the aale of laadt belong ing lo ibecaiate of be lata Mr Jobs Spiert To aniesd aod eeaaolidate Ibe aeu re lating to the Cily Bank T- aotend aeu iDOorporallag Iba Weal- erD Canada Loao Company To letaliie ibe eMbaage of land be- Iweea ibe Iltelur aad trebwaideB of Saial Pawl t Cbar Luadoa and tb BotpentiM et ib eiiy cf Loadsa To Ineo be Aeddael and Ao- Qoity Compaay To Ineorporate tbe Oxford Uiaiagaad SoieUtag Cmpaay To eosilrs renaia jcediagi of tbe Tuwoabip ct Os- aaaieipeliy tb per Caaada oaly Tbe geDCfal praeitiM cf tbe Bill aw gOM bet tb ime allowed b tbe tM itioa ie too loag at it Bib be me4e to am Iba Maliee of ildiaieed penoM If it ia rigbt tbu the dog bdob be killed ai all artly it oagbl lo be ia lea tbtD tlx aioetbt tkmes gT teeiiatioM awd raadiega aad between Ibe dalieen f eeab Ibe Qirille Band did gaea aerriea by tbe periiMBaBe a a rwry ereditable aaaaer uf appiepmie iieale SeM af tbajgea ilesea rM loo low and too faat tvpra a ped Sei la tbeit wla otbecvtM 11 jar of well Iniyre ueKcniie Ltnihiun Icloi aid Tornnloj JlpM Torvno Wri ht Otiawa and the morer He ad he would nol deliin Ihe House by tpeaking lo ibit motion a he prcumed every iiieiiilicr wa prepared lo grant iL li WI qqile impoeriblv after the perotal of the paper enl down to eoieeire Ibal ihoK building could bo got ready io 1865 and it waa hiKhly deairble the Houm tboBld ciaclly ihe poiilion of tlkcee bnitding and wbt eoarae ought lo be taken To grtnl lha eominiilec coald do no barm and he hoped ibe llosae would tgree lo il untoiruouly John A McDonald eootended the parlitinenltry rule wa cWr ibtt after ibe Ueaae bad oaee giren aelena deei ioa OD lay ubjeet thai aahjed eoeld not be broagbt op agaie doriog tb aane c ion Tb Speaker paid be had so hetilation in decidigg the motion out of order Mr Seoble mored tor a slatemeot ahowing ihe tomt of money expeadrd aiaoe the Union on tb improrxOMnl of nirigaiion and ha amount of rcceiplt fiom tbe tolla Carried Mr MacKenxie LambloD nored for a relBni ahowing ibe aoaree of inaaow of boftalt rceciringpoblieaid the nsoi her of palitnl lu IfibS tb counliM and ciiiea to wbieh tbey beloogcd fteCar tied Mr BrogeB moTcd for a lial of pab lie cmployece dianjiaeed and the new ap- pointmenlt aince Ibe 2Slb May ISG2 arried Mr Seoble nored for rarioua relarn in rtfeience le forein iaannc cocnMn- ie doing buiioe ia tbit Proiince Car ried Mr Conger lenrvd for retnrn relalire 10 Iba oSce of Oenertl Superintendent of the colonixilioB road of Upper Canada Caiiiei Mr Robert Bell Rmeell moved for a return rclaliie to imnrotenienla author- ricd t be uiadc on the rttcr Ihimoio Carried Mr Dunkin mored ihe Iloate inln eoniniiliee on a Bill to aoend the lava in Tirco retpecling the tale of inloxiejting liijufliv He explained it proriiiona at he had dne io firmer aiona ihu be ing the ibinl aeatiwB il has brea before Ihe Houte Mr Kicharda Mid he nott oppote the Bill in to far at lead M 1 riiated to Up per Caaada AiiyOen Maedontld alio ppoeed the Hill Mr Mowal replied to the AilyOen and cnnleiided thai it wa retlly a Tal- abki Bill nd likely 10 be produetire ot luBch lood Tbe drData waa adjourned till Thort- diy and Ihe Iloue roae al a Ujrler paal twelve LtOIlLTIVr COCCIL Quebec Sept 29 The Speaker look ihe cbair lo day al 3 oclock Several prirale Bilti were advanced a ilage Honorable Mr Chriiie mnved the ee nnd leading of ihe lltll for lh relief of pvrMjnt who have eiMienlioui Krriplr gint taking U4lha iu ihe Courts efJut- llee On the mnlion bein put il wi Irolby a vole of 2i lu 23- Tbe Bill was conte Ueriily ilirovri our A niiiibcr of IilU from the Jegitlativr AswuiUly were leceiied tod read a lirti lime The Ilnatcllicn tdjoarned LtOiaLATlVI AtKUBLr Quebec Sept 29 The Speaker took Ibc chair lo day at 3 nelnek Ir- Hollnn moved tbe ooneurrenee of the Houe io tha report fiooi the Com- uiiiice of Supply Tbe retoiution were pasted teriufim witheul diaeoaaioB onlil the iieni waa reached aid lo Toronto neapilal for Coaaty patient M600 Ileia carried tlier debate il appear wbea Ibia inaiilaiion ia sol fall Towaaliip vlenieipehtie may tend pttieela and la digent peraont there for iBeniyBre cent per day Tbe whole evening wta taken sp i patting Ihe tupply ilvmt oo terertl of wbieh the lloate diriJcd bat the Gov cmoieBl wat taslaiaed by large majori lie nM-i- f lMitf iiiiiiivl fo the Con Irilffair laijiif ifiAr we wouM rwM tub mil if we we biligeenr in ifie de- larli of rroi- after erniarr fmm b neu ibI pnr I nike war nrvin ouf vvel The Trmrf ih- 15 b bia an ediiOflal Xl Call Ihe rrvl lhat 11 coull ro inme riiai vti ro1epvnJeril ftjiiorr ly the iil if rh Uilel Siare lhan t lanih hy li lla 11 a wull h hi ii rhniMr liwn iini4i wiih u and anuria too ii h Unril nil il by III ehnir Ihyy make Ke ball alife Thi TVaet ilirii Mil ill- ii tn Citailian who Il ay bate Iiciwn an enwilliiiifrip ro A ivaMtiiahln fiee lo ieir iriran which roviM ihy will evwe o fiilhl fur llie ilefenet iff Ihrii home nr b ifraged al ibeeannona raeuth lo feed an allied timgKle in ihe heart ef a ditlaali foreia aad Bobetlihjr eoanity Arrinl of tbe Aoia VxTna Spi 9S Tha Sieamar 4iiia ftum G1way 15 h aiiirrd al ihi port ihi- p m Her dale at laoiUyt laier lhao buM already receire1 Alriraa from Cherboog In lha Coaricr Jk iirre tay Ihti tba Cualilerar ateamei will proliaUiy viil lai il ami a leiiet Miew le tjapl SeiaDMt five ome bwriJalien In lha ruraor Vti Sep 13- Tbe fuft at thi miiig llireirMlfablsio auirlhal rhe Maiiiiir Piefl of Hieal baa oppo rlir iziie el lle Ctifeleiaie ieaui Floriiu III ronrquriieM of writer fiom ati oej a Ibe Iyt aerl wiili lha ol jri of piAieiviiiff the jnviotabaliiy ef Ihe baibui mtUiaiy wil The ge ot Vav have been rloteil Crf leo oy ro any i- itiinf r riiii r leave tin city Two hhdeil vf the in liatiar hir teen irafitiriel lo itwria Tha Kuaian uhiiliei bar imBl mriirncHj IaS Uju ibe ancient piovinfe of loand The reply of PMiia o ih eallectivr lelei of Ihe Jiman liiimee will riol b rollrelive aoavpr bul will tw Mill iai ireiy m facb whn igneil the lt ir Tlie lep wiM neiely Hiaio lli- iawMj vf Iluia f not acepliig llie ianpiijr1 f ifnm louiliiog or iiinlly aiy ulier pioi an I cvnaioly ooi brojoB lerwail ary tcroiilrr roa IIHcSapi 1 riM gn4liai of rb Ilallii Ciul io lill eaiixl ta Ivn ill ifpaial le a imilai tiejV ii rgaiil lo llie loitiflijl Coniil al Nple Trai Sept li Til Slamy if ihi eemirm aeiia Ibal ii reiirtoe of ib- rptiaU ailolletl ly itle Papal jrrrtmeii iiaBtJ the llallao COiaol al Koine lb- Italian Uive4iiieiii will WMlidraw ilia esa oilNlor frm all lha Piillllival Coflela real liafy Tre a me paper a eircnitr baa been iiid by lha piher IoejiMil of iha C porlioi in lla Bailia arrtl at Valeimo ae- rpios ih iriviiaiinii il llie Miaia ry lal- init o Ihe aaitance of iba Cieijy lu le iakftiiiff rrjaolBae CcetiiiP- 1 3- The Kins of ilr Iierks isilrilllie agtrrlieill lelallrg 1 ihe oc ein III rli- Uih throne aieiday H ibi liEomeit Kinj U rse lenorii e Ilia light il ueceloB u laroi i- ooneai Ifolher aiil hie beift Kill tiecafa biinMll il hi uwa liiia iheir be -nm- rhe lal in tlie urler uf jcvwivii n le Uiiih iWi furred lo b fieteet Ceaatttee tit nine MBben le enqaire aad reperi a to be preeeni poailioa of tbeee bwMia tbe p BOW aakieg lowatd ibeir mm- pleliua lbs tiae tbey will be iwedy for aeeepitioa aad tb aaBef aoa re- iaind la eoaaleu Ibea tbe somBUttae to eoww of Mewi Oewboa Uaet U nrrign k Colonial ArriTkl of th Amiriu New Yti Sepi 2STbe Meamriiip faacrrct from Biemea ria SMalbampum I6ihhaa anived The Norik rriveil eel oii lite 4 b and ilia Cafp Lraitawan the Ith Ti laamei Siir aatle fiom the Clyl- in inn Ilia llakile Tae olhait wer- tetly to fillow Cihiy of lha Ftoridnt eraw bad tiiie en al Caidiffatat pcicewdni lo Lttarpeol CcafaJara1e loan 25 UKoiiit raaMc M FnuU wta ptvpeiiiif b flntnce lepon aid lo t raty fiwiirable Tb kiiaian leply lo lb laal Frnh iKjia ba leen laceived Tbe Aalioti My ibe lone ef ihe Reaaiati lepitcb ta very rofiCfiaiory it iloea nor lavrrtteibe iraiaiiee uor lo Ibe voufei- eiicA The Timt Pari eecmpuieteni taya ibe iiarlmeiii of ine Floriia oa cm allweil taka jilace iBhil lu lUa loipaiul iktek yatil The faliii Janie ibal SliilII lefi Bier- t loi Ul iictraiA Uenaral erieapaNInca deelea iba trala- meollhil bletlruieb atieif Fiaoce ibai wouht wneuediriaBaNy ally berMlt with Fraiicw in ibe tlh latm eeeo he ezieul vf wet wiib Riuaia rjiaao Sx lertehmoi vf intorgenlt are epei iiiiig 111 Lubliu iTALr Rameart ef lha Kmjfa ilKwlee Ba- eatMJed etatca Kint Ceorfe will run ibe Cxtr who i e f ia ptvecriiiff vaiaiu cijtMKtcial Rihafrfeea fe Ce WakeflelJ Nah a Cn ami labere fefiefl A dell aMl 6J lirwef Wheal fiiet aMfl 8J biw el Had Waalern Sr 4J 10 6a J C aiei imix127 Kepeu aaya lUa Florida bat beea aeW al Biett Tha fliiiafc Gntemaient it taM to be ataMil le ineieaa ii F iu China by tw- eimeRia in cvnaequwscw of Ibe Mate el affii ia In iba LeaiJva mtiketiiB Hsodey there wee a deeltue uf la in wbiui tMae ae Tbe TTer eay in rebiine fe ihe tfaaa lawie in ib Htnawyi ewe of tbeee eeaaei wae lewaid fe Hvtpaih daek beam ae Mew day Her ltl irtp will laa place ta a aw deya Bapeiieaaya eaa await tb irtHeai Lieerpeel Tae Ukitew 7aeef tbe Ifatteaitaiee a ttfttarlaiiW fteewrii tke detes- Ariival of ih Cape nACt Sept 29 The Eaopv pisMilCape llace to eoNr for Hlifix and ibtin al 3JiO p u lo diy Hbe Wat boarded by ibo acwe yaclil llumrui aya ilial ihe Cnnfcderale en eny at Ioiidin it lo be rcetlled io cnnae- iucnee of Ibe wetaoeat uf tbe British GoremniCDt The bretilataff miiket i doll tnd pri- cca lend downerard wlt a cnnidrrable ilicline on all dooipitoet Floor rery ilull end 6d lo la lower Wheat hcarr and 4d tn UJ Inaer chiefly nn lle infcri or rjttaliiiet Bed V extern 7 Ir 8 3il red ouliicrn Sd Cs r 8d 9d while Wra- icro 9 10 9a 9d white Soatliern 9d 3d to 6H Tbe bullion in the Rask of Knglaad had increased XI ICOOO The Kunpi hat tevenly iiz peaarn- ien All well Tbe Loodnn Stoe fear thtt it iriba intention of tbe Kreneb orerBtDenl to ipecdily recocsixe Ibe Confederate Sulee li adduce rtriuuj acta dcmoatlrtiion lo jettify tbe belief ind eomea o the eon- cbmon tha we tnal be prepaied tx French riCOnitinn before Inug- The Londori lrrilil advert iaiag to be ruujored probable recall of Alteon from Loodon taya il it in eontcaenea of tbr tyttenalie rodenoa wilb which ba bat been IrealeU by Karl Uataell The Paiij eurreepondeat of tbe Jhn inj lill tay that a Dew loaa for tbe Confederacy is eoatempleled The French Ooremineot b eerltinly not thrwa any diSeuliy in tbe way of ibe Florida Tbe Parit rjri atyt th Eaglith Jour salt are luiatakeo io looking apos lha note Iticlji pobliabcd ia lie Mualicur n apecting the Florida at a ticp lowtrda the rrengnitioD of the Coofcderaie il wat merely a renugnitioa of beliigerest rightt If th Emperai Ooremmeal believe ilaelf boand to reengsixe the Confedctale aad eatabliah oficiti reltlioot at all il would do te epealy aod bo by indirael ascant The Parit Opiaieae iVafaifebelieret ittdf tble lo title that the Englith Cab- inel fearing thai Franee may lake poe- aosaioo of Metioo t trongly cndearoar- tag 10 pefaatde the Eoiperor of Aettrit to Dl 10 ibe aeeeptaaee of Ibe ibroa byUetiiuiUaa Arriral of tb Cit of Waiuagua Nbw Taal Sep M The atetmhip Cny of VVahingtno fmni Lireipiail Milie ISih eia QMWualvauDo h0 I7hariiaail al I030 p in TW iiiraaijr haa wriilea o kil Heaall Itiaiikiiig bim loi pioppine he ama an iba Meey anl bef iii bim iiei lo loM igbllel tbw Sufemeet oo Ibr ClyJe 1 Tb TTBrtedlioiially axpreewa talifee 11 that Ihe iwBclailp 10 Ibe Meiaey will Mol ba biuiw I1 Ivar till Krmailnna nicHr a ktioau uf their owuaibtp aul deatiue wn The Paiia Mitaftar elplina that ihe FaiiNla la iwt a ml fais pail ef be LertaillMeiMaiiiie dutf enmsMaio- d end baa all ite cbaractei uf ao wdiuesy eiial ef war Niaaiy Cr of tha eraw el Ihe Fkliila btd 4irivil at Lireil in Mala at ilMiialiuo Paiia luiSiMCiay ih imw KfWpeior ol tteXieo recviiist lb CMJetaey to ote lienea le tiilreelian of Waleea elaai bai Ltiiculii Uirartiraaiit will ael ihriiw ihficuliiea in vey t4 lha Feueb eeOeae Oei will qnially altberairia The HuMiaii ta Ibe Weatetn Pew ta hera ban ilelieerrd Tbae lalieaie Hew ftoffl Chink Sts Fdjacofo Sent 29 Hni Kong date of the 20ib ol Aegul ae re eeired Buxneital ihe Chinete Miti ia enei ally an t prntrare cnidilioe Tb Ttepiag rrbrllioa i becnmiec Arr foimileble nwing lo tbe rxMeace of Buiflfr u fiiibe1era Bargnl nho ucceeded Wtrd Valer of tbe Aineiiraa fithbvlert on ibe liaprtiafl tiJe lie bt gno over t raepioi Iiaiiiig iiti killil iiSeiaeii will hiin Nn firl i tloil wtv tbe ctptare m an imertel letmer tad iiaaedialrly al tiroard the cily o Ueenxin lloBg KS ptfert tlltcb gretl impor itece lo hit iknreBfBlt IWy ib wbo eaa tell bew tay lboeaad SHrbutlen will flock lo Bargoyeet tltndaid tinre eteryirditeemefit it olferrJ wbieb tep-t- in gttifj bllibuteriiig eipediiion Brb t- aDiinilr In ICiiglaiiJ plundr omrn aod buuieJIr drrairi of c Oqapl Batte at Japan S F Sept 23 Arird IW tteaiiipr Bmhrr JoitnthaH brmg tag DOO from Untih Columba I be Katott wtr traner AoetriVA Iil frriB llokodak w wrecked nm Ji 4 ihe eiittnre tc ibtt barbner oe lite ntihi llie 26tb fe ftfier eod crew were atrd Tbey repert ucMdioc le th- laMi arrurir rirptved al llvklad 3l tlil t1e Biriib had bei rtpaUed tram Kajn ijinia where ii wen In deuisjd frRi Pnoce SalUiaa the er in ler of Bichardoi iaurilrrer A the flel eateied tle ianer liabiur ti iriikcd iapaaev decn baidrew toiati bore ve la pararil tllcked aod predit uuk Mtkrd btieiir ilien opeard 14 lie fleet frnia tlie hnre iiddlisg ibe tJ raoee trlt bforr tb- coald gel out al taje The Japtre eltiin to hare bird llie gretler portom of Ibe del ibe baace rtireil frin ihe ciiipit American BeTolation- LoLttvitkC iipi Si Ceo iiu B- ewatlK oitlKe eiei1ay Miitri aulh Miea here ay tbal lien B oiivd Ji I But kaaw of tbe iineiide halll be Ixep Uowciapt aud Jiraig and cnwil Ml bate maToited liu ttecilB if b- tnd Tbe baritc litd biei teag eence lei befoe the tewa rvaibd Uen BHrnide Ntnr Y 27 A Meaplii eXer e lb 21id Mir Ibal I fainidtWr etpaililtna m beirjg intagartled agtro bile and hial tiiat ii fnot aftie i IVxa will BOt isteiftie wilb 11 I In iiuaclada fron iLe Mitiauppi Be to co oirale wilb a large laud f ree Ibe MBts Irtler ay heiinan earp i oa il way to Koaeaciaat BOd gtre tlie rairti Ib McPjeraoa a carp alo rn nriU in the fae dTrtion Ibe lao eoip tteauBl to aeiae 40000 uirll N Y Sept C lb lltialdt curirpnieiil tyi I be reioaliii ef Uirbide i BCCepI el aud iliikvr l kel of hi By a rceat etcbaoge IMHK Nldier lretatore rrlrtd nil parnle wIl he rr- lucurd i daly aid added 10 Ibc ifCtiv tirnetliol Ibe UuIM Baiii Tb dlegalia here fiMW MaMMiri ae aid lo be eiwcmaxly ia farr ol irn Bailer fr aucceir te Ga SMDO lJ New VOOB 8eM St Tbe HtrtUi btrer dwd Newbein S U lk aif lb a uiialMr of itsaiofa eer la rwra- alion tbiul lb- ilaaiiou ol affair la lb lotdr Ial o 11 a catrabaeJ cawie I 11 our liue al Bicbellnr Ontk Bed le pd tliai llitriig waa giag oa le Ital igU belarrn the UaiMiiil aad Ceufedi lie lTiMip A pieria repnH weueea- tralvd 000 derlrr ciMMriplt eal Ueion reragret a Irw Nlilev In the anrtb I llaleigb reaHy In edvaiKe le Ibe aut itace ol ilirir finr Ibt llnbieiBd ilespatek ef tb I7li t- Tite eaplarr nf Ett Traee it Ib- Iaideti binw wixcb he beee tree a- lutii the bgiaeiBg ir ibe war Two tiiid of oer ailirbed If in llial cegmo atij t targe pinfir1iDi of tba coal srUcl applwa our loeudiia Ibe MM pefar of the My i J brra itldla ferbai f aaeerlataty ii tlie eiiemauilici wbi bel tno welf rewewi- Mr aad bnw be lerie piniBiM of ree Iay waa lamed la Mwrea ibe ueit I bey ne Lbtllaoooia te 11 it- iieih dirrcily in frevt ct B Bed IIty wall 10 wi lelea befoia tUgire waytir Ibe Whig 4 tbe Sa d bit be lollww- ipg Tlie Mribib TrUuKt Tvela tlil la btlaidy lb- enemy bewril lirlird GtotpeM lur balleiir Mad ii leply Ile iiilvrinecl nf llie Yaokre- at t feeler to acertBia aar deBiTe tit- attiaa id wlncb tbr were fiBlraed i I etidelil biwcrer Ibat they will oua iBake a u iieiatul tgAiai tlibile W 8et Z Tbe reeeui trrtaxiBMt nrtebaBe brlwctB Gea Ueredib tad Coia UVJ Mricrt B M priwiuera etptured ap la 8pl I ISl3 taiautiling lo tbeal SitiOU tkd rate tl btt 4U UOO oe oar baad- Tb terra ol the cartel are ibe aaae at before WAtitcroi Sept 28 It it laird n Well iefompd circle ibat Uoaecrea had been reiafwced up to wilb tbnei 18000 Ncer Y Spi dO Tle HftttUlt Mimii Uletid letter lepnit Ike arrtlo tae nr Ibrie diviMout af Lret trmy ChtletiB Iteaaregirda fneet new aetobfra from 2A0u0lo 30000 laea- GB Evta diriM B i kaovu tn be with biai Ob tle tk nee of ner beery r fl gaa npued far a while Oa Foil teal fleet rmiTi Idler No 20 frna a bli oficil In ties Gtat CnaoMa I letra b rebel dreile1 we bate ealered oa hat tt VKlibarg wiibia tbeUal flradty epori thai iMKirby8atb bat proclaia ed kBtwlf miblBy dcMer ef the Statet of jt Aik aad Tetaa bet itued proe UiMliae ealliag ed eegrnet aad I ctf Mriptiat all Ibe wbiieaea is ibeav kittle beiwee lbeae nf 10 ted 60 Fraa ke 4me oflScef we leem that Uai- tH meelatt tare beeu held ia be Sltlet ol Mita avd Teaa tad ibat tbe titra and aliipet bare been tied aearly tuO aile to tbe trw of Wbiterg BY telegraph ZjaatBiait frotxi 9ue1oo Political Hewi Unimportant Q Oct Iti i83 Tbe Emigrtal tirieiog here are oaa toally heallhy anc th qatrtaliea Bb Groa Ilo will be ebecd io a few daya The Uon Com sf CrowD Ltndt bav been quite onwrll Uil it now better Tho Miliiit Iepirtment expeet 4000 Volunteert tt the Toroolo lUview vifl ennio fiom Owen Sound The New Bruntwiek tnd Nora Seotia Gorenfflrnl cmcur wilb Ibc appointacat of Mr B at ctgineer to eondaet tbe cxplortlory tarrey of ibe latereoiookl llailway roate li 1 ripecird Mr RATMotr Ibe new for Hyciatbe will tike bie ar in nxrrew Kxlil i erann were burned to deflt a undy aifbt al Dircbetee Tbe bewa- lo k fip ivbile ibe family w ttlerp A KrTeb Wtr ii tnliciptird by aaeyy Willi tb lilted Stelea It creaiet telit aetmii laiia tbe mercbant here aa il kely tn divrrt ili irauV of the WefUfd itl b wtf of lb- S Lvwfroce Sr HiAriNTUt KLecrfvn i Rtrnitnd llieeandideteVlia OppiMiltea hs bn elicied fW ii HyeciolM bl majority of 30 Cr by TORO Tuarn Oct i IS6 FIirSapeiia ai b3 90 to 9 V far tbip iii iwr kirral 1 in tuS rbeeaeBW Iil4li lllr at Il in 4 40 Pnet j 4 XO Jaie6i- at taI tVhpal aba ir I iikTrt iii Whar t 75c M flla liil1 Ialei iu enod itaniad alTOta T inhl O al a 3IC Nr lathi4- r le p tb ririlia Ilau 9UiaM II lb Hnn l n tn 1 in ft rfSO lalu VOIh lialcMWtlM i at lb fiiL lrii llraJ gib 4 US ai- ir wv M 1 1 e IO tie k il ijiu9VVIb riwSeitVeV avel wllat in lOe bUiT rttail NliwUlvKr MAflKETS OCT 9 IdSL a eanpenfnew Injera appeaing hBeewa a id Mi Teirn piirpa were pt4 T fJinaiii aia veieoljrs Ifgviet Pail wbv fs Spane VHirUca lie lULr UT Sir c33 bI For the nillion I Millinery Altanilea R II SMITH IIAVItlO tLtMlU un MILLINERY And reedted a ltritlltoef bit Ktiliiiiid ViHiirSioettf t S nretiated te fariMi alelae la lib I I7a ciatedrraibeBwalhbriaf lbe tt t 11 FASniOSABLB SYTLSai le Ihl pataaeBl will la fand iaeeate- ileanCltieai Beanlaf Bauttt ilvafi i CrioidawT wekeiteda lha aiMk tad Mae beiae 1 cbaea ivaraasaaii aaewdMW iatkiibitrv Ibe fuM- les uf ber acit LATttT Liecareiti Sepi 17 Cade qeatet ibe edtanew wat pariial abeat 4- sBBdaisff ted ateady Pierlala dull Pietweealar Ceoeeb tor imif Ste I Mei Cestra II dltcWM Eclm mmt Oelbt aa Ibe VVaeUla Tbe Speaker of tia LegiaUtirr Atpcably bet reanted ibe ptetaefe braajbi to bear oa bite le iecreae Ibe awabr uf eitra eVka fiid ibe Cenwpi aiM bee i peaer felly fodr ra lerbt wepid I bfM if foaled Fall and Winter J1J G D S F lUiT RBCEIV J MHtaaeat eoskaBl tlaael eeery aWW of n ta lle CuaDiry la the rtctaia tVtllA u mi Paiicy Woole Wool IIckhU a Scirfl lullio Ready Madfr- LOT H I K G loAtii Pujter Boola awl Hurilware Cfcwkery aM Groceriea Dresjis Ooods la geai aaeai wbicb wffl beta A th4we FAHCTSILKDBESn Ji ueotedly biw pnee 11 edw cilEAP FOB BEADY PATf- Pwet TaitM in rafmltr Ow- K II 811 J Vl i ItO AUCyOH beetU by AVCTIOf if Railroad Btlel Newwrkr ONE NBWBUCa wvti ntat TKBIf S leedbtendBe fistliblB if ararad tl aaMW troiOGMr tawaarbei onl IrO liT tt-thhddaUbste-lta-Bt- CASH W TlUE bIM- Ormt oefie

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