Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 2 Oct 1863, p. 1

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AND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTEL AND ADV GTVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE A1L OTHER LIBERTY VOL XII NO 35 NEWMARKET C W FRIDAY OCTOBER 1863 WHOLK NO 608 itinafnrii Ornorg John T Stokfli A BCHITEOT 4e SBioi C4d aViJSS fSl T BiabopABen BtlCKtAVERlJ rirti tid 8tM JTMBWkflMar T lf7 A Bonltb BARRISTER soiifiior is chBer7coB- fTUMr A Vrnafkf On 9tb iilC Vttfdtci Scector Dr MoCam PnTSIClAN SurgcoB ksd Aeeeedwer Rnicuct Msunt Albvil Twklp U E OallUnbaPT Augutt Itl 1M1 lfV C KertLBtri PRTSICIAN Bartrai Bi AMMeUar Aann A rrohiippljorDnp 71nh calf Ac Asron IfiM B Moore DARRIJTER Sliellern CfctiiMrT Al- CBrtiri 4e OlIlM n tb Cr Couiily Tf S North Biohardson CovEysscra LnJ Am Comliliiori lUork Of- OIJ isri tM T H Bull BRRISTrRmid AtvrfT 1 Iw81f Ur IB ChiBrrT rinriirr N Poblf4r Rriorl i niiiijllll Churck BlrKt J ai T0CU TorooIeOfl li li j Dr Pne Ikf puhli PtlTSlCWS u in rnrrd I hf baemuUrJ it t Uty U IP5i eovehiir ra Ihal h kw COKMBBOIAL HOTEL lit Hiii Bta mm BY HKNRY CROXON HOIIAII LAIIIIt These pniiiinhrUulTbMa lirBnb It rrnoTslM bb4 sr iKf osodBtton of fptMM M a OnoJ SubliBf bo4 cBraI boallvr ftlwaW in BttTBllBSCB EloiUnd LBnlaf Utrch tC 1B60 lf3 H VokU M D PtlT flyrgMn Bsd Aeecbiir SliamfiC W r t9b9 VtifltlM BltfCtors Joim b Sftvia Law PrwittloiMr Lsl IninM led liOCB A fml OsaTtf uMr Ac Stfoney to XeBd At t rMMttkbl rilr oa th aanri- f RMIUI OhBrgw iBodml DivHioH couat MmiiiM ArriitDiD to Omcv lot ih prMaBtCorvBr of PjniB UuQflrfaBm Ktl4ikt C W Pabrukr It3 1 3 Jackson lUVEl OF 1I4BBIACE UCEW8E8 Min iTBtrr NiwMAkitr AnRANTKMBNTfl kail eplwU M tbi prucar Lk wbtihvr dM Afval w u kuw 9t M bj tppljLag tr cbbi Ac EfB Nawnartcl I Ckwbar lu 1869 fM Il h Tin oANAi Life AsJiirattfe Company lasorponted Iv 8pcftl Act of FtrluimeQt E3TVRLIS1EI iii in Cpir1Oo IIARTOS ibwpirkrt ivi 81 IHTI Intemational UFt ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON CPTTAUHlf Siachop fiOBsnr II Jvm Ani wukfl Xa3 lf0 Ml John T Stckei fjTjnsslOEa ty AfBdillB HiCqrtfaaBi BBh forth UMtrVark d PMlCoBriBrs- ra0w JaM IBSS T H loot BARRITrU aad Atlornrr L lor IB OiBirrt NniBji IutBt Ar Ac M II MoarT IcMi In gmaip tiilibnr- mvrm Yrffk Chtniber riHfflfTnr8BlC W Pib3U Il3 S B Joy BARnr raarkei Hum KriMor Kslvaa it TQ4i tllAftMl BOtie VMArkrl Nor IS S0 tf40 triLLitn umT and Allaaaj tl Lv SollC To k BmotlAil CkOd Fl7iBr riTlB rlDCit ai h flomn Bf lb lb ial aoftljr aiirrad Jlltrsandiha pmm lBdieM Ani BboT B Uril O Ibnu bMBiaoa llllla eriur Vt bf pMainaa pi aa I flMrklinf kmlW from U U 1 Uturdaf tn EUa toM I PUUnf olitciBf triih ba luiBMr r4r1or oi Lha dBACiaf braaaa tiitr cciBiti a ib bhioeiu SinlMW coiirlr of Iht 0 thou brBtg lUlW rBlBr Bf B ftlhati ktirl BJofrd I D th vt b prvpiiM OfB fvtiht nilandl iv P aTREtT IABKIK J IC IRC IjiK Ban Peanon C in lb Q 0 fnBrr4r ArrnI fa hr Pm tnriil IuJrirr lniir OBWaaa Yoor ABiofVT2 fil- Matthews if aclen THODUCE COJTMIIION MBRCIIASTJ FEOHT STREET TOBCWTO DV nid on FLOVH UBAIS HUUS UVTTBH 01 oihai produei coiuigDtJ to u ec la ly AfaaU for nnidlf Flowlat New TaileriDH EstabliiAmenl Cmriun Shf SO- S W AX ik XI K a V JAMES H WILLSON roaamt r man NT CVTTINO doa wiib dtpalcH JJ irKlin tlirri fubluobl Myla NBVBiBTkO 0l S3 Ita IfJT Dra HACEBTT ft AK8A7 PHYSICINJ ke NiwHBRKer Pr RtcMTTt R PrtepMlaliMt Ih Ruiia TuoMbyilMtl BRANCH OFPirE At Hirin llolfl Owillim- lorr uocltr lb 4bBrfc of Dr Roosv K n pr Rait Blao HB AmocIiI Coioerr for York Bad Tvl Jatio iih IS HALLEN AND WILLSON CIYF N6IHB8 ARIHITEC TN IIIB PraTlKial LaM MrTrar c w Neviaarlifi J aSI- Citrrntttrr Ky SecondClaai Ticket IIT nIXT ICIJ1Y letnt bcdtilkm I oeoladd to do thi ho to keep tb ksevltdn from frieodf wu tba next iodj for I bad ct 0 Irtro IhktWett povrnj i Dodiqraee I fell Bxlronic KaiitiraOD ihif point lad u merkl of m kcqsalntAnec cre gniog to thn eir to t me off I wm in quinr loll the iboald know of 197 bo- uility k CBlnnial r O i 3 crajn 5 1 Pt0TlBU bWbittlB Voai OarfuftiUtmU C Praiont ippoarafw btokn iW iho Eihibllinti will b cood on Tba ToitnidMiythiBRoftbekitd Iweet I wijjPinMinilirBMlhhiD prlleBlri tloy the dj brfor y iotndl dpiu ond yS- hh in iiBrrd th word B-ood-Cli- In OMrf B Hotcheron EiSkllon and Ui EBBiklla Oil RSaitt iM j Ccmpaar I Datid E McLtan i Co Monlrtut IWc H 1660 ly4 M Sir SwiDrbl aiih DfpBiirh KiDBrkrt Pb 6 liJ f j- S Bentle PBTSICIAN Surcii Biiil Acrehir Navmaikct oHlce WUrStrel foi fUalBStroot frtiO IPJT Heaara SuUiv A Ballivan I TORnHTO AM BairUten and Ai i Inrd ABORA Jamea HcClare Xiloenee Axotlooor- For tb Oaid Coanlirt af Totk Bd Pl Cbraa B0drB0 All ordtn poiapil JAS McCLirKK HoOBBd IpBnrliaR ApnIJ ISM B TBACY H D cma c w onieyi at Law rx mi liliiii allil1B lb i fVillUi 4c K mmm vftBCB4r Eonrardii Gfoeral Ageils S St AkWi Xlrarf The Qneeaa Hotel lar R IU SBROXVP aixnaixix TOBOIITOC W THOMAS DICK Proprielor T0nM0JunBOIM9 Hawmarktt Iron Poudrr JAMES ALLAN bontoratun Ikuk fo- uBJit fBri BttJ lo jnlinB Ibit pr- parHl to CB11 8ioB Sqc K1iI Jhchii CMImCBBIoihfr Bnllrtinlly rnuiTT ia hioliaa nf bohom a nunbt of KulrM and tloiuo hind for bb Nnir rh iO n wmJ HALLI Haase Slfi aad UrrUsa Palaler liLlZIKR IC tC i BEOf roplfull I nlirBBlalB the till- aaaonf KavrBortM tod BtTvaadiisccoiii- irj Ibat ba bu PBNED A PAINT SHOP In iki Villor Bad i a prpwJ to 10- taw all nxUrt ith ahiah h ibbt ho rorad aa IhoobonMl aoOct otl ibobi aUraJiiBfawiB lcnirktl8ol39 IB2 IfU AMAccorcurn AC REBIBESCB Tko 4wlliBj lalrlf pM bf C T Noita il D apaibor HarriaoD A Hodsina in Chfcrrj i- outaiio jrtfLL ToRoriTO Have a brah aSeo la KowtrkM vboro tb buainna Mr JML Ciini Bptrfcb li Ul bo coodurUd h tt3 or the paraaoal ttrowrwa HofdwBrt and UarlAlora J 0 daXlAB ADVBXCKI MAPI OS COKIICmtHtTB Shop w blB fooidooto n U J sr siwujRKeT I Mon Mr McMMar itro Bad Praapael Sufri nitrio p OBO aBBoniDtat UoMBhat 3 isn BUITAVNIA L Oo CLOCKS R RAMSAY M n ifrnt Jtr Anrtaarlort VoTnihcr 34 lJ WATCHK k JEWELRY baBd tklsarar ir4T WwtnBrkot JBftj Itl fH3- Wm XMIer- COirrtTAHCKR BBil L aaiMiaslatbsUuooooBoncb UfiaoaB Oeoe A Wallace BARBER HARDRESKH kc he HAS to iW byiidifvf tb Ommenli BJk Krrw KMfh Raton r Bad fat ao ahort omko rweirtrt May 7 166S CBOXOK fiwir r IMel IMloiid iMwUng LICCKSED AUCTlOXKEIt hr ih Ooaa- t of Yatk Ml Onfcn to John J lAndy BAIRIBTER and litary M L floJiei tar la vbaaeorr OiBJtaBfJ Ornc ata Strrrt UnBmarktt Ahwark My 7 John HcNab BfiI8TERAllaruof UolKilui i C cary Ac ABKHIO tTOItT TOROVTO JBM 19 1861 L A Wa W PTliACHAS McMlRRAY ArrOBSKY AT LA viuciur in r0rryftticr kcwmaRIVT C W 43 Commercial Hotel MILL rTBEKT NKWMARKET By 0- BJITJTJ faOBl Ibu ho li In t plfftMni Nr RnUnd tovn I born nd broupht Bp whtro my ftlhtr had been la 1 thilini bsiineu for many yn bnt revcr doprirtop kin vf hia fortaoe ha lWk hit drpBTtaro for lh Kldirado of b Wt here afUr many iriali and irivBlinm of whith w probably haT a nuall onncvptina he died When Ihin trnuhlc eatne upon volher I vat a liKle prl in panitlflltn tod atidc fmm ihe hnh in Ihe hoaae snd ihe leriona laora of all aCcBI iw realifM little of my Ir He had bon pine ffom our eirolo 100 lonj ft rny yennu mind to retain nioeh remeniljranw of biui fO after my fini bural of Ticf I mourned him ba lit tle We noted to Wiaoooiio wbeB 1 wa fiiorleen and liaTinp jul donned lonj drcMe I wta atificd iib everybody aod ererjlhini A faint rtcolWlion nf my sppeiraeee ootuei t4 wind 1 I tKink of iIiam day I aa ritrcnidv tall for my Bo but not eorretiiiliiirli iTojd w tuj uTandmolh- rl Oreripion of mo nitut bae been o happy ooe the lip end of noihin hilllcd off In B poinl rnfnrlunntej I had one fcjlarc which allracicd udiTer- ul attentioo jdinp ftom ibe remark atvaya bein pMcd npoo it Tbtt wai my noee an aoQahfied pu It ii noir deaeribed b rfriua which i little eonaolitioo iflerthe TexaUon it ha eioacd mc To b aurc I have fcaturi to cotiipnBilc fjr thiaoni- my mouili r inntanct hoae Fenerms proportioni imply make op for the oilicrn delieiiDcits in thii reiqiret My hair hunx ebout my head in tangled rae anJ luinht bate beet pretty had il tnrn coMeD in Ibe sQolijeht brown in tbe thad Mt aJaa il decidedly yeltov in lifht or ahadow Had lb eohr topfd here it might ktva beon endsrable bot iu ehazming effect w impaAed to the kin Iti beaotifnl eonirut were my eroa larpe atd pray brae peeuliarity had always been to Mare J OBwinkii pertinaeily atereTTOoe That looked ay amiable adfin tbie milk d water tape of my aauleoee Wa I oonaeiuOf of my lack ofbeanty Alwayi When a mere ehild I hare atopped in tbe midet of play to loo with all my ally little heart 10 be pretty tbat people aighl lute roe and not Iw for eter nagpnic me tboat wbit 1 neither made nof ooH mend SooB tbe bnw Wcilero ur Ue to- w into mj ehceka and the lilly to my kin The lansotir of illbealth Rare nlaoe to a joyOM lore of Kfc and motion and 10 ny lank frame grew ronnded and syaiBetrioaL Tbo faatett pony 00 our farm vat my boriCe and like deer ve iped otrr tbe prairie my retom to be jted witb more affectionate looki than I bad eter known hfore aured Ihe wordi BeeoDdCliM ahtraiBplTUriN type I tbooftbt to kMp tkia eoikoealed an I Ukk k eeal in the ear joit back oftlut dreaded oM until out of tiKbt of Ibe depot vben I vooM qaieily ebaofie inio tle oiber One eanaot so- dcratand hov opprteeed 1 felt I aotieipa- tion of tben CTeoti inltM be baa paaicd throagb tbe tame mill A truly eloofcated face 1 aarrieJ to tte oar bf laj fricndi were availing me 1 tried to hake off my forebodiofCB bat ny Btntott efforts vert fallart and al tbe liioe o dcpartare drew near my oerreoaaeii raoit bate been peroeptible to tUbBtfortanate- ly tbey eoald not attribute it to tbe riftU oaoM Al we vere til aeated there tbe ItentleoMn trying tbeir beet lo interetl mo aod be ladk in ayapethetie eileneo I beard bt name pronoaoeodi d lookioK Bp receited the ntjUlrelob htnd of a talBid frieod lit vore b dnateroott and eanied a talite Tbete 1 wv at a itlaBee tod ai 1 retliaad their import namy hat be vat to beoome my Iratel- litig oompaoion I felt diiiineai Btsoaal- Ing almotl 10 fairlaett Coald it bo coe- iible tbuDKht I tbtt tbe Faleiahoald be 10 asainti me 7 Here vta I vitb a pro rraDBM of deceit marked out ie order to Btoid tn expniBre of poverty aod I mut need be detected in it I ooald hare cried from texMion ai tbcae thoayht whirled tliTooph my brain hat aboold I do 7 Bat there waa no tinte for ooniidoration ti he warning beU now tlrack and m frienil were citberiaR aroaiid with beir kind firvwcl I know tlicy tlioagbt mioe were Iran of regret inttrtd of woandcd priHc Thoo tbcy ahed moat liaTc bcii fiuiii aynipitby We were off al lal il Keineu aa acof torlure and a the flutler if handketchicft faded from riphl I would hate poelaed ay ttait rallier thao meet the inetiiablc exponrc thai awaited me Do not blane me I waa younc and falae opiniooi bad made tie mortifiealinn aecm rery prcat I ulrtjTllcd Innp to ritBin ihe emnpoaore wMeh had uite inifttrd me and li rniins olUmointa he al Iblnkioj on driobt iliBl enioden tl partint vith my friimd wu ihe eauae It vaa neaily ime for lh eondnetora appearance before I mualertd coarage to tay io a choking Thut ihert tre btit 91 entreat of wheal for Ik diatriet troiad tWoo tuflerad at yow kauv taaly from drough durinc Ibe tgmcntf Uut a real ouao- lily of barley pa and oete will be thown and of pnM quality lo Tbe ethlbiiioii of eairiiga hore promitte i ba tbe beti er aM In Ctoada while or heajr draught aid blood horaea ibtra will law Cetiral Canada It Dot h aooi tbr eiiher The principal oenl breeder tre hel Ineluding Phillpe of Preeeoit whoee la moeh talked about Tbe boriMiural ind reoit dt ptrtAoant will I MMeqoeite of the drjr teetDhi ba poor IB feet If tbe Eaoierti Protinea abewed mj energy the flilghi perhipe tJika ibt flnt prtse foreabbafea The foUowlag n a oompleie liat oftbe eniriet ap to tbreajp m Btn Blood boi Aga bon Rond or eer Haiy draui Prinoe of SiaDloo of 18 M ge horta24T tbirtea 89 alet Prize breed M irnn plougha mila On eithrr ride of the Meehantea thfahinf as- Hall are two fiiT of poallrr ooope eaok grajn dril two hore wag- lOd feel lont and cobtainlBfc eoa gnnt Iihl iMrkei farm partiaeBta riio wliolt foor liett btiaf altifhe II hotaa ike 4 renping m cafBblt ef boldinu upward of two bl chrnaa 4 uviwing rwichtnaa 6 cOTihufl 1 ilred paira uf w Tht oeea Deer tb nowera and reattr U iwe liocax eolii- rnlrinre li llio e oundi and adjoining ttiiirt There are n i fl dreiiin ma tht rod are pUin bal neat tnd aobt ehiiiee a laci la b Neither tial airactarc and aie veil adapled fof ara ihere ant teno iiliighe li maeh 0 be daaired ihi oHn if mir k- laiaen larmaraL wikj I enittlnue in im port ooe or ivo l the Inol itiiu ibe cuD try Certain iiiirioiTvriiU hxe been mt un ihem lata l InglniJ and the o fr wiiieb thry are intended They bate recently undercone tome d airablo improvimrnts tod the aOOoniB dationa for the cfBeera of the AaoolatleA hare been oomideTtbly Inerraaed Dr the aomoier an additional MIdlvK eaperietica bat prift ihii inb uf the ha been erected on the fonda for Ttrf f raaitai value- Il oIkiw uf Biculii I aoa parpft Il It a atat etraaain ral mplenwna is u it lnre lib oue about thirty Ge feet has bt tveaty and U divided lato a refrcahBCBt roe 88t ibilnra of alallioM la Mr ilugb BmdiaJ of Montreal He ia Ihe only Lower I tee bare Mr T Daony onOtbBwa eihlbiia hit Young Sir Tailoh Sonaa of all tf m PrlBce Edward Ieadi and Uurbaai ttl Tottil Acrtnng the ei kiiida moeily eoin Adding rpH R ulnr bo 10 latiniai 10 kiiffiofMta nMtr lUJi fo H II muyi Slarr I tvs M II I81W I 3 WrppiPP 5 IuT REOBtVED a eortoapvT Uru lUa oBrd ai Ik- NElV EKA Ui- H t arrhll J Edward C Campbell LKH01 in Nbv FFICF Boii loor 8oili rf tr RAeaj Sewmakol Fob f7 1 SPECIAl VOrCJ DranbcunfM Cured Thowaa AlbiBBoa LICENSED AirCTI NBER For ih ratrd Cenayra of Yrk aa Poel All rdris Promptli Atlemitd to 0iir O ih Ii0iijiiilj ruaaiBoao ddroo aaK ta ihr aadiiiof IllOMAS AIKNStJ Kawaaikel Bos TS Aprinih iBkJ 2 fpBEtooMBte aa V Biw Mil Dr Za oiKW ft Ztntm n J- t- dWik or dnnk B4 on ho eikWofod wtdMl Iba kauwldc ufibo Pitao o bii 1 cbmisu lMhielja CiitUat aevt till HB CMFBMlMft BXPeilERCE XuTTakULct t John Cook COklVlSKMll or laniKB l I Ctifi lioao Hoiwii lb- Cou tie Vrk IVwwyaaOM MiiNEV lAJANED Mwaii tawa aa pJ reebald pny MIIX arnbet M Uayl 14 ih 4bprnrd a fttiH liMUfti i of trmTl 4 otKp 1 of MlrtBAc K Hr rill W fcDKS I l itAr A Utoapi aUtnictt 7a Si MARKET Bnk PerWieal k Newpapff KISOV R II SniTnToEBI A HKDKKsON lwiiiarbi M l9 l6t music aso k bench i Mna SIJTIIKRLAND HS raiieio a fw popiU la ot halh if ih BhetWaeti tf Md paitleelan appi Bi Mr Ko Pr Nowaatkeh Hay 14 inu 4 mobth amebicah hotel MAIN rrnCIT wti Ajiiaot Ow CBA BBELSFORD PaopBto This rrt-Ola- lfclhaalBaljradfie ihMk KepaiF d T ka baoo added Tbe Hiao b erBUf W A llaBila re In ead row iko IIwmI 1 Ue Afnl J Tttum fr9mvkt jhit 14 i TWBLtBHVD If bo bo aad aaawa V cjUTIOfi TO VOVJfO Mtf vbe tafcr bea Kitua IMittr apala Ottoj el M aaaee S C riael waaer aie cwaa JJ aM beAao baiw Ie peat mt hZtir ibrMfb eMaial kbai aedqwk- rep7eK poae Bjla eapfce aar hakadartba aalbar JuriuvKt mjrrjip bmiixi khi cuoy i WlUlam Grant ATTOIINKY AT LAW hota pvaaie OPPICE Hale attaet irevaariial etarly opfufUa the telesrapk ReWBMibat Joae 17 I BtbU O BI8LE3 tad TaaUfBaataroa be had al Sck ririya prro epaa pyliele U U smth at tio BJblo le Uat Krtmarkai Mar f- Puihama Drtint Heralorda Aynbirae Oallowaya Grades Cr da for Pirfua Cup T6 42 33 M 64 61 4 or iwn exceplimi ihre are no tthibi- lorli weal ir Belleville Of tgrKullural inleineiip Tor land uaa ibare are IB entries Uf carle food and cntnuree 4 oil Coming I Ihe drpliiieil uf Ailt aad MtnulBOlurea there are 30 eiilriet ol cabinet Tate aiel niixajUneout niiiclet tharelo belnogiiig 69 entries of carria ge alelghe and patu tberaf Of che- IB4 M Braeiureo 1 iBclud BJ S of eoel oil Uf ilrawiai and deaigiia 01 Ol pieiurea 1S7 Ol iiccries and pro- fitlona 89 Of ladie work IGi- Ol wahing 4T a r lift Of metal worklaeliidiag Soeee 74 Of Inlian vwk aadl potitry 40 if muiiebl io- etrumenlt 14 Ol aluffd birde and eorad reiiile 10 Dl paper print ing die 87 dflenlher mid adJIery 47 Ofahooennd fiie leather 01 Of woollen A ad oiiiin fuiB 185 Ul lirein mauuraeluree 8 aRcA prrtikATiosi Balrlet of biirt 1 eittle 4UI abeeu 44 piga 1X0 poalijr 18B wheat Mid AU Root and 6eld erit S8 HoOcnliutal ppHjifclt vege- Itlile piana tnd l iwera Mi Asrienliural iniilemen 149 X fr btnd 107 I Ana depanmeni I IM for he lidin All tbe baildiogt on Ik Croondt art aabataalial aod ptraanal itmeinrea and will compan nTOvraUj ill any eimiUr baildlacs I Upper Ca ada Four eapaoioat temporal tin area bate bcco pat ttf vttkin tbe P veek for the sale of rerethiBata to viii tors tnd oaitide tbe fnnda nomerooi btwiha bate bMs crteiod for ike aaae parpoat At the annnal meeiog os Fridn Il it v decided In hold the next Preefatial Elbibilioo at llamillM etri frDmHaxlM Mr I am gnioi to Ihe front 1 dirl not look to tee bit iBTpnae bot I htard ilin bta voice GninR to Ibe fronl ear What do yon mean Miaa Kelaey 7 I wu remUinc pereepliUj and he mnat have IhooRnt tometblBg aaofaal wt the matter for he took one of my band from my bloaking face to eaeh ila eipreation bot 1 kept my handkerehief fiard oter i aad in ezplaoatioo drew rlh tbat dreadfal Card My heart wtt bealioft Iripbamnir Cuhion and aotioded pofollj diatinot in the hnrfi of the next Domenl I waited for him to k but be said aohiog tod hardly dannfr to do K I looked al him He M atody not the cardboard bat me with as amatra look in bia eya yet very eeriotta ftoa Aod to yoB bate btea trruWing youvelf with this bngbear MiaKebey Could yo believe my opinion of job would aJtar bwaoM of bit ureamltaBceT r inMinan Too are a hero my child 0 undcrukt The world be- l womeo woold have the moral Tbe world be- mn Total Ctle 885 Fat ail I vorkiag oalile Yvu will ee by the number of eatrtea that the Gallny and Hertford ere gro I fewt- Tbay aaiid ihe oli mnle well fead atailv aod are haalihy Ibare are a hw Hereforde umd ihe gtouud tnd they kre in epltndid eondi iirD much boiler than ibcte exhibiied lat yeat In TorofJto Mr JanaeMnok- ell ol London loaewBMrvbrinpbBe braied bailee thai Queau uf ba Pral- rlee eo moek atelred walae motbe age BOW attar iLau aver tKXtP Tba prinbpal exhibitora of abaep tre George Jacket Soati Stooe Jeffry Jay Othaea aid Millar Leioaelen ICl Total eutrie SM Tbe olal number uf enliiet at the Nov York S ale Fair a Ulice this yetr wat oolv 081 The raiB hw of enarae Inlariered tn a greai extent vh ihe delivery of gnoA bar I ttia tBirlWbf Tlaa ItroHods piMoDi a lively appewaBO Ibe rtiad la hned with woggin eoniiDg and fning Dihae R ung up DtS tre Bying ao wal can M expeetM of them when drroehed with vet Van yf atocwrviiee tn wnlch tba loaeri ol the oneouiU dalighi are baaleuiiig A gatea aod eter ihiiig beiukaot a Wbk buinete I have sot time to r J a deleiled aeooaaiof Bri SA 19 The aleamer GoUen Ag arrlead lail night vilbdaKt from th utT of UozieB vis Acapoleo only to tbe lOiti AagvM Tbe aaUunee of the Devt it at follov i Oaerillai who oocopied th mats road Jeidio to tbe eipllal bad etplBNd ral PreDoh ritni oaalintrnm h from the teatdiy of woiMoni CnmBonloatiea wMi Vera Cm M atantly interrapltd joerilat oeeled JtlapB aod OritafiB SaliBy the Fnocli Miaielw kBlklM poiaOD aaBaiag daasem Ul Tba aklp John Kay kai arrived Irom Kaaagawa AujnM lOtk Jtnao eentioaed uaqaleL A BauMi fleet of iwelva vettela bad Mued for IM wMeiD abort of Jtpa f dW peniabBwat ofDaimloa vboBianMBW bm iakoa the Amerieaa RBd T BMBofvar ever known before Tbe woM riuy o to look briirtilM from ill not bate toearry otit yoor inienlioiia QiMtd of UiBK otf tiooerto eoracr I had n i wilb luy ROod look L060qjo Lend The aheve aewi of la ba jaa baaa ulaeed la mf baada er iarei b MlleateeMJTaiTillraea EeRlaad epaa BMela MertiateBeearityoo e ParttaaiwialriiifaaowywiilpWeeeiaah bt Ibia Ie W M aWtar dM aaikat kt learal Lew Aatl iog brolliira and iter and tbcy came to know that their little runne va aol at all doU if varmed by kind looka I my fifteenth year I wai n away to tehftol and after tbrec yrani ofadt went E to Ictch Ooi fjrm bid yield ed oa a oombruble Uvelilioud up to tbi time but now the wheal lay in waatrfal Gfuaion io all the RTanririrt not brinK- eeoogh to pa for iltir napoilalioo It it a wearying uksooac tlniifi 10 be poor hea one hu ao apereeialion for tbe good ibisgt of life aoJ i obliged to aee teaion after taaaon abift by wilb no pef oeptible Improvement in onet meaaa tbe arm impultea of the beatl grow alaxiah aod life leaea iU teat Some f Ibeae mtb tad dangeet beset se for I bad to depaed on ay labor for rapMrt aad waa 01 indiffirrently oompeaaatM fcr ay ardDoat dutiea Amerieabaayet to leare that womens labor ahonld meet with a eorrtaponding reward with tan a Cotil Ibaa lboMnd of yooBg voaen moat need live a mere bread Ind butlef esiot- raee The tiirer lining to my eload was my mothert love gkrwi g alvty at white best IWveier heavy may be the prisoa vtll of 1st aiolher penelraliaif lova will evilte tbe dampooa from tbatr attffaea ead oaBse a glow sboat tbeesptit so eelid by sht tbi tide Dinniiy I Bed been away ftom home axw tkaa 1 yetr and ta tbe aonuil vteaion drew 1 ikxl ihet enald aot lei fur I thall calecBi it a great ftror ifvou wil lei me make it right with tba eoBdtie- B Aoeonnt Books CoUweldt Oihar long SoulbdowD CbeiiotB Other BiadMO wootUd Mrloo so4 SaxoPB Oibat S F1 bef4 Tui 4ip 8 94 47 24 49 44 86 86 near vori oame that they could aot Ike tiae io by wiibovt a viait frva me to I eommenid eoonlitg ihie day that aaal inlerTeDe ere I ooM aee ibem Uaa anyone taaaisre kia bKadate ikey toll ia Io the boae shoe here the tired wtiera no loogtr boaien abmt by a tcmpeataoaa tea BUJ Bnd ailafyiac rait r Tb jofaey vt a bu 9 ad 10 aaeei lie apaca I mde a tU etotiia ea la aotkei Mat ti ettrt fcM with mitmt eaifc uj MXIMD difcwot 1 Ibe efateh ftr aSbi I ok thing 1 eoold do to pcbean iMOBdy tor Ob no I I voold not allow that Hy ptiae retolled at be idea I voaW 0 iweoiy tiac the dtuoe rather Ua sab mil to that hBmilialion Beaide I told him I naded a peaabieo for my dceeil iiiJcoofidered this a gjod ooe He triad hard to dianade ma bot I was firm and at the oext eUtion pot ay deaigaiDtoax- ecoiion It vaa an ugly oaf and the to tmoke almoel atiffed me bet hov flveel It all eeemed after tbe pertilexKie tbrovgh whiob I bad peaed be bad teen DO as comfortably wated ee tka aeeoaao- daiioM altoved of be left me aad I tboapht rgrfonT He will not ara be pM adairtsg beioiaa at a diautm Mot he did come ptamtly vlik eutbiona rur4b taat aod at aighldrewo benve ay bad a mnat ooafortaUe itiagpbe How tlroag blaarm aeeae- akield ftofn danger awl if I aaW ellj nvaer li waa as a Weary ekiM voald bv dooe 10 iu fathero The night vte Vmly ttarligbt plintirg everywhere beaolifal piaoree epeeding patt w and tweet leeeoaia It wttthit a Bower Imoiortal bloomed into beiag in mv twl M alooe enveloped ajy whole life within Ia slorloM petals For looking among tbe rme tr be toM melwta woetioeto 10 him ted vitboBi my love bia life old b Bt a long dark Btght Whe the change of cart wu mad wt fo4c BO locger li iboio BeofBbftttU ooca for I bad given him a tight to pro vide for ay welfare iter after W riie40j0Braed 169 U reiteay aoUMra kietaag ob oar troth 1 4id not g bade Io taaak bl I a mm beaao ar afltfcara beeBlbe fMofB9kikeniBdnMB Brla VI beihakfl fbr tb P ktth d4ed 1 af Uiat See- oOUMTiekat Tb pigt BOW jon Ibe greasd er I good ceMoo fl dwiagh tbe is toall ike MalilN a asealltBi Fran ih YorkAire apr y tre til very long snoots big e I Splendid Bial lor why do bot KSB o pig oDf Sit Tby add da of th aoflo kordt luSi ditreeir Meat That ear- tsinly ahouJ b BOBi rootaaa datlon Yotkshlraj Large Derkthir 9 Other Urge breedt 1 8oSlfcs Improved Berksbirae Other iiaaU kliidt 39 cursory survey fellow mooM Bower gerdeB fra tad of Toroatn get twice tb dame Total pip IM Thar ar 189 enirit of pooltry hi no Uda ara ya poa iV grouBd Tb trrangmnl oflb cages for ibm 6 comiiodaiiuoiaeyerilenl loaietdof el lowiDg tbe owD o biBg in rwA aad uDcouih tpaeiaMntofbeMBooleiare eo unlidy of ogly ibt k fair il looked aa hnogh all lha old boxa ia Ihe ciiy had hisB h iyhrw a corre a Iti aambet o wv esKO have ban Brogd two tir in bblrnlbaidaoflbe PaUe far belPr Jeerae ihai th ar Cryaul thould bt al to il ihaa il- brvihren Hher in iha veat or aitaui foiro In tiw 1 aadebeap wacAT AN oai Tb ar 913 eoirieanf vhaat tad here is oae froB the Kingatoo bet- thao anyibtng 1 tpaldbope toaebiere 10 ibo aame liaa Tbe groandt devoted lo Ihe prpoee of fbe Aaoeiaiion io Kiagatoa eoapriae aa uaa ef abent ttreaty aerat ad al ad- airaUy aiMated at a diataae of aboat a mile aad a kalftfroa the eity Tke land 11 portion of the Pnllenliary fara kit and la held nndrr lioena from Ik Ooe- OToaefll for he term of twaaty ye Tbe eMBvy ia tb aaiKhbowrim dfUw gi i tranb lan veiy plt while tbe tie t the oab ad weat embrtoea a lar exieni of e aolry I etain eortlrtoa of ke naj ead th i Utfdiaad lortileatioBa OB tbe BpFerile aide Ob ihes groaed Ibe leaalBon aitleb ptevioadlB bBKtbibilioB ff nieed a baadioae BbeiaDtifl nseifote ttraotat of wo tnd gita alto tagea orofflaodioa boildiags Ibr oittle hor- tea pif sheep Ae aiwl a BNehaait ball for aadiiatry aad agneoltoral i deiaeeiihe wb ooaiinft aboot 816 OM Tb boilding his ooJergone vari oat repair snd imrotenienu sod tddi- tioul room ht been tecored by lb re BOeBloribt nnsihlly and rebta tn whieh fcrwwrly ooewpied a laiite poe in tb nave tn tb iaicrior tht 1 ha beta oalonred t pale yellow the Hba ver- aillioa tnd lilt elliplie awerpsaad pottf a brifkl bloc the eonlraet bdng ex I ingiy lively aad pleaainjt Tkeeoiotmait I of tb oatti Jt ia bltie sod while and tba inUriorof Ihe b iildiii prraenia a elcaa and ellroCUve tppeiraiiee The Mcchan ia Hall a nat and tubantlal two ttory ttraoture lying tA the tnoibeestof the Palw has been exieaded by an ad- ditio of aiaty feel to iu leoKtb iia ori ginal dimcaln being 108 feet 2 Tbe old cattle abed bse been thonugh- ly repaired snd strengtlieaed aad tbes eoamoditioin for this elsa of aiasla kat bee brgely iaenaeed by lb rcBlio of a Bw rms uf buildings es lbWl de oflhegrtando Tle old raage is 48 fcet long by 3i broad sod tbe aew 3K1 fekt hj I bolh being ctpaNc of booainj upwsrdsot tub boodied head f cattk Uo ila v aide tov tlwi bean erwtad new tbeep sad pig aWs tad t eapacioos carriae hou The dineaMUos of the fonoct ar 80 feet oy It the eipartity being eaBeiewt to bc- coaaodB AOil aniatUu The eamaM it 40 fcM loBR by 16 wid aad am Cram 8 FaAfltnko Stp tl A private kur froa W AtfaV Miairnr MJr M IffSSr Augoat lOtb aafafiafBjipiV Bicnl of be oatrag ar ig el aoti favoartk Th yomW irib dx gont deMrojw brte and ttaaaer aoutiBK iBwy W gtua betida eofflaf iiB kBUhfci The aeaaplihacal f t aBk with BB liul aaana al tkBGanfaai B people and what kMnac llw Ihe Britiah teet b cm tBjMiiM tveaiyar BB jWaanoAr of Eiebti If lb aoaey to b fi iiib of owiiB flaagraud agaiaat Ihe W- Daiea froa SbaDscbaeareelWliJty lirtrfJely The diolen iB iba ail the aofUBly rnrn W will edubiffrdamilo room for tbe grsiD There are but law crtapeHhf BDufatl8ra wliiUil inletid- I the CTare 7 The hoan ataUa the best IwobtrfaMof rB Ihere are 7 Ihe best For the beet two betlieU of vhiipriig U For lb b two huhlt af tad Tlr lira nlfisBMIiial ndeea 9CT of w IM a ffZti fcra rfcvflon l6lila eoaeamba wbibSTa beao ba prtf bit iadow oaaaf tbe aaly esWbiLr B be grB Of dairy pndulrtMBBtbai lOOeairW There are 1 49 aatr of epkwlmnl at tkadoBtk edd of tbe gtonda htvwan- eeeaaary rpiia ad kl ibeir tttaier pmilj iaptpted by a aoating of pink ooriag Tbe rg 8M fat Vwi eoafortabiy atoat tv bBdred aalath Aaotber raage ef siaM o tb at side ban baborol7 bwt wtll ba ased oalT la 00 tbe iMbs iUUeasbeBl pave laaCeit M aeeoa I Uea tad Mra bab Nottaad Mia Wtrrea Cattda ia lb Ftfl GotrBtAt We H jleW GeBHay wbew bM wiHrb NMptiM be jha U Rffaa9 tH C KdbargbewrtJf hoar d pairioiia as ewll psrt ie ibe Vajge Ciaadi RpftrtH br Libl piiat- years of TB PaoaseiaL BAJOtiTla P TiMtd Bbof csdt bevig ium tl Siid snsiHiKi a ibai i la tbaat 1 witd ap sffiin AH I aot aay redteaed si he ciBee al Saattad erBt Mr Nadvra ii lb ei7- 2 el Oetaber tbvy wdleBBBMaa by ibedrpet el Proileealefeariiitp- jy The pratenl alrAAgth oflbtM tian Btinv ii leliOO PtBD ts W Cotinu FiiilauJ Enplera 8tbrfc OfBbi The ffivo arwy IslarfM 000 guards SSMgwafW ik tvaUy- HH gtda- ijnaofl4S0flhUee BijaW 53800 ailillery 89400 mmWn gun hor nllry 98 gaa MAtTBCit Idiailoalln difttalne havWiBeeeBWBa ei ThhiihudariBletiafiJtW al boars wlib Mr JMeDoywawt Preaier Mr MtedoaaJi BpUaa were made tad li ladtaa MaiafefeM oat 40 itkt the law iato ibeif a baM Wlaribai eiaiaent LooaJHaiinteonl ia tbe neinhboarhood tMaB a baraaftcr lo be ft have b afptnsed Tlw Vfm yesterday iihih t4 Ua ftdiaga ty- A lyeiorSpiBieldOhU ha hU upoB aa ialnimH a sinnlar M it nay eem ai Brti aJlhi I Dt ihe mool uVipromlaiog I general dffWoi of a laet fr efon eoBamieal ai ouMol tategrapb It iba ptrfWt fy teBdag aae ima ZTL very IoiIy M ewjji ma s oar gas eod water Ha It to tecnle in aoa WUralM eW City a musical def praalded emttt MMi highly efc4td prlimr v tB elwrll eoiunie ik IJasBd bat gaiB kv BW BVOTV lWllnPlia aad wiB boa eboel ew bBed aailewaia

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