Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Aug 1863, p. 4

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i A Pulchnon tucnmnnil in CoDil la identify ln1enho On binf kd if b bof Kal knf ernirlf hs r- plKil 1 rnlf tirntrk I taw tt d lail cat off Tvs piilltms lulilDg tbarp bof ipptara W1I tir i uj biltil Lota of Y- Dukr 70UT biL Rtc bclvMB bf ud Madrf itoMt hej t littt kbnil C7 A Yoang Tiaiiing bta inondKl tnM riral lo wm omewhd drtnced in jriirt and wishing 10 ionll him ioquirvd bow old he wti 1 e4nl iMll lall raplied th wbar but I can 1M you chat an ui iaoldor at want than a mao al aiiiy StiONatio Qoilp hTi ipakta nibar diiparagioglj of lb hoalt aei in lb buntg e a itij frieadi waa nbaktd farbb iapartiMect bf tba bal VMld ba tba cCtl BfM lb Ms if all tbt liiila 4am aboall pwiik T Ab mii Qiiilpi I aekMnlcdf ihal iba n- wlt weald ba a lairaml itagnatien HaaD Timu A CAtrMMadeal at SbnlborM Falli wrilM Wo Mot tioM ifal bard bera actarin alappad baaka deat dtKOsat aebcd pafi aaj- tkaaf ptaaat ataad baakrvpl ckildrca lh Bsiapa beat itonpM taiaf ban driM ap and aU aaiura it is a MU of aairami aapatioD A Spoktikc Gt5T a fe daya ago a cstlaaaD io Ibc Digbborbd of Car- diSi Wain wtat oat witb bit dog and gao Tba dof a pialr cam ts a poial irban tb afrtiag al wtlkiDg p dalibaratelf kicked lL tagaeiovt aoi- Vou lafj brute ra jou baagad ap alrtad 1 You hava loat your baby I bMT aid ona genllatnaD to anolhar Yoa pont liuta ibiog ii waa only liea noDlba oIiL Wa did all wa could for 11 W had ioor detora bliatarad iia head and faai put nuaiard poulileaa all OTar il gata it nioa caiomal powdera loecbed iti tanplaa bad il bled aod gava it all kioda of medicinra and yM after a vecka illoaaa H died iilrangB f Kk iillPitll ii Stolcb eiioiiler waa butjeatrchinpg bii 70uD paritbioMn befora tba eoogre- gatioe wbea be put tba aiual Cm qucNiion to a aloul wkota laltr kept a public Ktos On MooJay eTeniog Ihe Uiii lo- itasd II I- Town Council of Cobourg Gicd lift rai of actmcat for ibe prcsaot year al 3a 9J m llie pouaJ 07 Tiic nimca of Mr Notmik and are mentioned ia coanec- lion niih ilii racaat iblicilorCiepcraUbip Wctl Tba Rerom dcnomtralion ia fcoaor of lb rtlaro of Dr T Y Down asd E 1 Wood for 1b two Ridiagi of Uraot tonk plact os tbe Dtb iatt at HraDlford- Tlie drollett pne of Cricket we hate beard oF eana olT a few day ago in Mount Foreil between 11 Grita and 11 Conwrtatitei Tba Crita carried Ibe day of coune Mimtart 21nrir or tiic FaonniR The Mnalreal GaztUe aodrrtlaad tbat tba Koyal Bogiawra art ae oeeapied ia oaking a oilitarr aurrey af lb Soalbara troBlier of tba fowaabipa A aatiaaal asbwripUoa ba baaa alarted ia Loadoa to nit a aaa aiaat o 6aib Si Ianra Calbedral aa origiaally deaigaed by Sir Cbrbtepber Wrta 07 At the Foraiiera fet ia Aabtoo Park Koglald while jtfadaaM GeaericT wai going ihro ber peiforauoe oe be tighlropr Il broke asd prrcipilated btr fros a jjigli of CO feet Sha ai ia- aiantaoeouy killed Mr Peter Currio fnrmar North Dumfriea aay llwQg hnreeating lh oihar day in one of bia whoal fialda di Coeered iirelre hundred aod forlyaaeB groin of wtieal to ba ihe prodaetton of one grain aeed which he cnalaogea soy of hi fellow rnrmera u beat Tlie niclimnnd Eziminer of July Ip hu a lorgariici diacuaaingihe A1 ican in connection with Con federae proapecla The wnler arguea ihal Napoleon mual either racogoiu ihe ConMeracyor be propnred to ae Moiico reiaken by the Fedarala The amovnt of iba elaima for dn megn in enntcOIDea of Ihe riola whieb have ihua far bM praaeotad to ihe as- tboritiet ol New York aawuiit lo tion b required 10 indeaKify peraoD hoe Troperty la dfitroyed durisg a riol CoFavPTfos The New Yerk World barge il- Uar liepailwent at VVatb IL Minister ye ken ay oaaie weel en Dya uy when yovceae to our bene OS a jiigbl Del bring ne a drink 0 alt Tlie eonrregalioo fogeltiog lb ucred- aeta of im place were in a broad grin aod the pirton looked dagger A Smart Woman An IrisWaa who was trairllin on foot tbroogh aR unfrcqntsled pail of iLr eoun- try ilopprd al Itie bouse of a Scotch woBao and icting do oicd around rernnik- d Well iiiiu youre some nujlily aiee him Nice hiTn wi ibc repoo Faix I lljiiik Ill bsre one reisikii Dul yell 00 ane ray man ratnlbin Jaunlul put Im fnol opoo a tlool for tbe purpoM of laaing one down from llc ceihng where iLcy Ijurj and be diJ 0 bolijly for he taw no one wat IB the liouM but Ibe wemas and a ehilj Will a tern face however Le Did 0117 boily tee ye conc 0 here t Tba dcril a one wa antwered defi- tally Aad tbe devil a aot II tea y aag out araia Briar CM tbe aie I Dr RADWAYS PHXS I F people mderarornl ihn iinporiarca ol urgiion wuh RiDWiTa CiLij in con IrailiftTinciinn of purging with ether pilla or pswJeti aali oil SiiJtiir walera ihey wcuUl need le irliyaieiiiRatre lliamtelrti from mveh ulTeiiiig aiiJ tteaily impioTb ibir beallh RAfltVAVS PILIS ARE PERFECT PURGATlVEa They are apfrifiu lonie laialive atiro olanl coonter aoJniific alleraiire They are eniirely Vegetable ar Ihe nnly tegeial xib for Calnrnel klerruty Anltmnny Bine Pill in the Areanaof icine AatTwnanla they are mot certain andiheioegb Iban ih Dniio Pilli of Aloaa ocbrolonasl HarJam Cil or Klaierium and mnre coliing and h- than Senna or Khubaib or Ttni ni Caflor Oil AS ALTEaATIVES They azereiM a mora powerful infloanoa ortr lb lieer and iia aecreiiona lhaa caloiDel Tn blue pill hence their iinporianoe in caiea of Liter Corn Elaiait andplMO dlfflcultiea Jaondiea yapepaia Pilioua allaeka Kead fee la lha Irwrmetit of Fatara aiiber Bilieo Yellow Typhoid aod other redw inf aeara ibey ara auperior 10 quinine riMre inflgenee eneoJa oter ibe oolite oeairolling alrtngihening aod btafiog np lha relaxed and sealing entl giee at regutaling all lh ecrviinnt 10 the nalioaal pernMmance of their ilnliea olearie- ing and porilymg ihe olno and purging from Ihe lyaiera all diteaaeJ depoila anC imporehnmora Tbey dider fren all pcrctiiea pilla Tbeir aciion la noi loeal ot eontoeJ to a C inn of Ihe bowela Piuiie pgtgaiite aogcnecl what ia called Ihe petiatallie aoteiiiehi of ihe bowela by uniajing ibe of ihe intelina A lar doae of ihe Draalic Pilla will by Iriilaling ibe macoua memlirane produce a twlenl elpulaion of ihe conlenit in Ihe bowetl bol IB to doing mher aecteiiona Bie aapendeil In aueh caM ihe ainela will be iound 10 ba lihia and wa and aiiend wilh crampa griping peina namea aickneaa thia increateJ qq naltiial aetiofi ol ihe buwele lt aecielione of Ihe kydneya and pancreaa are diminitb- ed oy alTiiona of ibe kydr bladder ureihra pilea teneamua general protlralion coaiitene ei indigcaitoa In aelit asd inflammtton dieet iba iriiiaiinn proJaeed by ihe DtaMie Vatga lite IMIa will noi only incceeae Ibediaaaea bol iridoce ulceration iherefnre graai eaa lioa i lequired in atleeke of inflamtaalioo of Ihe bowela bilioua cholic rheitmaiiaD9oa Il a watt PlLia are ltkenacaa will ellow There are a claaa o ehronio diaeaaee Chronic Rheumaliam fcu1 Eolargemenl af Iba Lirat Spleen Entarfetntnl meaaae caeaed by ihe eiceaeite u ef Calome THE NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST 1803 WuBJy GO td TbHOjyfo CALL AT 135 GRAHAMS 135 AKD aiaalM hia large and Taahlonable Stvk f Olotl- aanotoored on lb preiaia uadar tbe eoprnniradnieo of FiiM Claaa Ciitli iia woeld elao ealt atinilioa to bi DRY OCXDDS DEPARlMENr Wkieb la alwaya rrpleU wiik eereltlae aaltable br ibe aeaeoa itepoitMl directly frem lb beat tlbh Market on the aeel adruiuteea lem REMEMBER THE PLACE CiR ABANft yitlfn boar IS5AifA stl Wml eMttlirl Sfmm Jefmte ito IMJ IJT JOSEPH ROOERS S6 SONS Woild reoowDod Spring Pocket and Table CcTLiar SCISSOBS RAZORS tAIl ordera by mail preiaptly ailaodad Is September 18 RICE LEWIS k SON Siga ol the Padloek TOBorro if33 Ge J Wa COX5 BSO U of ihlf SPMG SCMMBJi STOCXt Dry Goods Millinery Mantles c Wbkh kae beea parebeMd by Mr OJ 0 is the trj Ul XUJiOPejf JfKFSTS W MILLINERY jiND MANTLE DEPARTMENT Wbieb t aader ihe raperriiieB of a competrat Mllliaet win will bealwaja bapey wait upea aed aAara aa paiea 10 aait aad aeeoaraedata Iboee who aay favor na with a call We aate a lam VUiek el ucvrs AND SHOES Cheapei thin TnC nadnUoail la returning tlianka for Ihe hbnl patreeas hithrrla exUaded to hira betctMpeetroUy toinlifflatatbai he la ew IB reeellolfbi Fall d Winter Stock of BOOJS SHOES Of Boote 8be Balmoral ot ttTj aad hahion nalaclered oflb TarloaAleda of maurtal ow la aa whkh will be eeld U a SMALL ADVANCE ON COST Grut Barpiiu may bt Expttied lBlfdiBg poraia wu1d do well to call be fore eelecODg ewbare if ibey deeireteaave W CARLINE lewiBarklcl96a IfM Sflpport ManitfietBreB ARP SAVE MONEY TBEeedenlped ia rttstnlag tbaak for the liberal latreBW bitkerte berwed beg lo eaaouBO tbat S ba aew oa kaao a large and varieAaeortBieol of Cabraclog all lb iDoirt approted PatUra aB dalgaaat preaaa 1b lae together wia a gea- eralok f Agrioaltml ZmplAiDUitii ItLttuding Waayuu iSWjAe CuUtrt Plomi CHwart Strar OiMrr SeyMm Hat CnUert Stijar Kttdet de tthiA Ac i prtHM lo tell Below Toronto Prices Pr Caab or aliart approved eradil FAIiilLRS ASD MCCHASWS trillBdltie their advastaga lo give him call lforlecllagleewhere a fcia deler toiBednet lo beusderaold ALL oaaiu roa Stftm Snginei Cutiu ftc Execaledon ibe abarteatnoliie witb neatae aaddeepeb 3 SYKES NewDarkal Oct 94 SSI I PUEHITUaB S F U K N I i U K E Comer of Main ft Kill Sts I A Household Fornitare HtiiCMturl frvB ro4 nuntl bj 00 I FubituMrTrtaBedBtM tl M e whkb ho vlM dupoM P The Qoeen JosnraDee O- ro FZBE jJTk ft AmnnnES i Capital 500 OOOSterg WUb pewer to ieereaeelt I a Uilian OFFICE iaalllbe PrinelpalCltiee aodTowaa is Karepeaad AinerM canao naHCH HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL Baaneaa CAdtmaon WiLLiiM MoLaoN Eaq Hon J Yoosa ITHOtiaaKiY H T I DToftcsEtq Aiaikere Molaotu Bask Jfedital Rrfertit Wm SotlurUBd Eai M P Ltgal AdrufTt Heart Tpiraae 1 Morria AuditertMi0Bt OraeittUeUi Jobo- aon RttideiH Secy Gtntrai AgtHA MeK Forbi Eaq- ClalM aattled witboat any rfce to H oiee llaief PrealBB Tary aeeoadbg lo i1m aataie of b rik aad will be iMed a aMdetala ae tbee aay ether repiat Begliah CeopeoT 1 ba ie Oaaa The AJMda Board are eapowered to deler- aloe eti oaeetioa breagbl Were them and ilaaa wUbeet refarvaee letbe Hoiae an WH McUSTEK Jr gmlet Sntittl JaBaaryS3l8Sl To Auro an Backi rpHB aabacfiber begalBiebrs Ibe tretelllag J peLlic that be aew rasa a DILY STAGE From LlojdtowB I Aerora StartinR from Mia Sruoa Hotel Ueydtswa at 1 10 6 a m calliBg at Kr Wm HeUl febosberf atSa a artitiagat Aaron la time bribe raoming tralae and etarliag frarv ihe Feel OOee Anron el 10M am fee LleyAowa Para ftMB Ueydlvweaad BekoabefR SOeU fren Ketlleby Ucta 1 aaae frea Auora ii HULSE UoTdtrWB Sept I IBCa MUTUAL AND GUARANTEE 1 Bmd OJtae Oaten MUCBret A Ttrtla pule at Chsrletlon for aeretal bnn after lad breii cotncpuoicaled lo pfivaic tck hulJtfi III Ytk Tbe diuter waa not by the peQte vntjl gold be- gun lo rise rn Silurdjy morainj Xttet A rice conililion of aSairi laya ilie llrnektille Minitrr hit ariaen in nrnekviUe It appriri ibsl llie licened have prncuted Ibe unlicrnied hquor ael lera in tlial Iljce Tbe laller in retali lion bare cimitiencrd aeiion agaitit a nurabrr cl Uiern Leepen for krepioj Ibeir linues fn nll elr 1i ior during tbe late rierlun lie prrally for Una ia KlapO m lirfjull pf rajrarnt al the lime ipicicitrd by ilie Court ilie oiTeodera nay be lII1pclQued uniil tliey piy Siwnrnv NC iig 11 con- tcripi J III frnm VMmiijgon N C rc- oria lliiit niin tho laat few risja levrri- tern Urg stcimeri hnvr orrivrij at that ort having run llio loaWed wiiti i iria rr lha rebel nrmv hich ilankeu iiInKt rraJy made oniforma casciamy alioca 11 Incomotivta 1 rillr rsDnon of heavy eIibre five cargo rnilroad iron and akilful mao accompanying then danger which an oveiJoae ol Colcbicnm would inllicl In Yellow Typhoid anil Bilioua Fevers ia Eryaipelae Pox porgatioa i highly aaaential i but lo aiioiiiiiaier a done of Piaalie Pill Ihe irriiaiion Ihey weold produce and Ihe relaiatmn and Jeplriion ihet would fvllow would t likely lo prote fatal In Iheae cawa a laild aooibir and genlly purge arKi 1 bing aiitnulaiing laiative ibai wm purge arKt eaT aooiSe and irenglhen like RiCwava RxcviaTkc Iilli la required IAe canio of ao many deaili in ihiwe di eaaea la owing la rhewanlof a purgalive like Raotvat PlILi that will pDge wihriM depfeimr or inteiferinff wjfh ibe liinctiona rr KerreiNna Not one in a hiinleI of Vliow ant fiber leter eaaea wnuiO prove falal if Kiuuoa IlLLa were adepleJ m rheir ireairnni Snme a lrocjie 1 1 Drulie Parp lirin errnneaiialy holj ital gijiii nauaea aicli- nea lneamna rtiunp the operitinn cif Ibeir pilli IB a favouratie il Ibeir Killa expiilleit wirh Iho lira the diaeaaed umora icfi ciirutaiii in lie ayalem lliere wouH be bul litlle pain 01 tfiiping Il ia the aence ef Ihe bie ari eiKer Itunoti SPiTfPi i nut f Ihe ayiipin ihat ocraiicna iho pain Sy examioing ihe aioola eraeaaied afier aevere griping ihey aill be found ibin aud watery AVolD SALINE rKRfJATIVKS HEAD DRESSES DRESS -mrsw- Se g eadlaMTarlMy aad a geaerataleek t DKT OOODB which fr prkta and qtiality caarKH GlfJ WCOX Uareh 9j IMS ty 119 Amc Mmt M TmtU Farm for fale IN TDK TOWNSHIP OP KING Mrs ime Devttarjr OFFERS fo aalethe Bolbwe oaarlef of Lei Ko U fa iVe Coa of the luva abipeflLiag eeelaialag ao Aoxxis Ofwliirh Party Aer are elarH wrti frnccd aod aniJer good rnllivatmo Ihi f3 DwelUiig Hnaae Frima Ilra 4f Alio a eevei failrnjt wdl ot Waiar and a pin aingereek Fei partienan anpljr 10 ISAAC pKUsni iy Prir POllo- Or THOS CI-4D7iJ- Aerora PO KierVuv 15 16C3 IfI To be Sold nvinAnii iAUM ox 7a FINn known ae Tba Kill Farm adjoiniag the village el Newmtkei Tlia eoil ie ol exeellent qoality ami ui a Il iaall A Bare Chance TIIK aQcPUnd iriahlBff ia from Qow 0irn bit ll Iiimvq oMtk STORE AND DWELLING Knovfl M ib Nflwlud TgilOfCAt sUuAttdio lie riiiJ of MOJST ALnERT r trr VIaIICX ODttff l eii ch trq i lt7 JIE HOLD CnEAP On ir rciVa urma nr airbaai llio ort Mhl iriija fr a Fartn Per lanbcr iiitriijtii lclr lrid nuBliUT HUNTER Nawlaad PO Moal Alb r- Maj t8C tfl REJILESlATE Hadafrea aplitliraberaad warranlad te gtra aatlehelloo A rail la mroelfully mlieiled O O 9 9 X 0 ReadyUade Penaralt furaiabed vltb witbeut Hearae 8AML ROADriOUSE KewmarkelMartlA 1965 lf- ENGLISUIEMICALS General Drugs pnrf Medicines DR ISTBTLIT HASfclwHTiiBatK tU rhicU tre iramBi vhcH b PfqulInf pod tiininff it lrBh purfand uta REASONABLE PRICE will tin welllo eallaa they may da hal tby ad and eb The Hypop Qalalne Merae aad a aapply of eircl AIn Trtwaa Brnnga SpoBfW fto Lino Seda aod Irne RmI IillVermiruge Mediciaea jsal re- taai X ply a difteirrM really teh aaaaly a reliabi Urttae toatiietion aed ae Ix onl lakee Farsi and laotaied Uulldinff Il aeearea ia ia aeien ibe leweat pwaible raira Tba Caaail Ualiial lag a lloioe Cerrpaay aeit wilh a loeal adraiiiara a ofaradatvae any other liniind ialiialo ALKKKU WlfLSONJa NemarkatJaTi2l IU3 IjSt AgaaL TO MTMRKKMKN FOR S A L E Nlba Towaatiip efKingafood STEAU SAW- HI I kUiklricI ilh6re OOJ iASUn- a well fnnnlioB4- ntl bArn Thi prpifcT i niiU Trnm a RA Slaiiofl vill Aold ofl 1 cSap TI Mitlif inikctowraud 10 r pArti TO MERCi And Millowa ootm BOIV all Baav la at I lorwarda by Ball free Malay Mltl Cimlar BouJog daaertpUea Wr jarraasktod BEST OAK TANNED ais INCU BITBBEB an aiaae fma 1 1 18 Lacing Leather Riveu tfaey ad Mm AnUn- Maa S0 DTk aafe Il geed al rtaa Other na emer eaea maBaCaetarara prieaa Ko predeal baainaae aaa a SIGN OF THI Torenlo Sep 33 ISSI Talaable Farm TBCiv3nfM4 eCmf bWfanD eVuialoy M Acres n Beiagcompoaed eflbe lart fo the lib Cea el i VaagbaB There are aboet i aadergood ealu a DWELLING HOirSE Ereefed aad alber Aalboildla ki wellwalared Il la eileali of King BlkUea gr Thia let le ellgbaly a Frhia beinf lecaled oo ibaa IJne aod 7th Cek Pertermaaadeltiar le the tipdaaigthedal Kewa ter poatpaUt nicpjznt Vewmarkel May 3 ISti Farm Ibr I lEy All UUmtAbe Tmi- tDadkt K 1961 REM Boots and CHEAPER TriA HP Subaeriber rrapee Ihal he haa removed I IIKNJ IKAllSON WMtam Annraaca Comaanv I IijNFW SB Noilh nf Fleming Sadilla Newrnaiket aril ia now pri all nlr nn il ilioileat l cea will h iniaMjr HEFY VMPEI N n Aa he hai laiel liaViliiiea in Reildmc rhia will oblige by railing ar aecou rtta forth wilh join Nflwntark Marrli II Two taiaikle BBildlBK Lu cleared highatateof cBliivaiioo mmmmsm S Irith Oirb Ao Amarican m1amaD travail inf in Ireland write he lha following oe ODOBl of hie exparienea Of eouraa we adalra lha baenliful I of Limerick wd a larr nambar ef handaoma and oAac lovely paaaast girle i nowhere IS ba aaati avaa in Iralaod Limarick ia faita hawua Ibr lha beauty of iu wo Haefer th bawitehing iheir 17 ortnad faatnraa tbalr dark hair aM ayaa Ibaif aia of fotm and atalaly earrtaga m ibSa ia htraetr- taie eran to iha pMraal nrta Wa apoka of ihSa mailer ia tba oaaring of oar driver bul ba eat dove tba larftmad erick laaaaa et a low tretlOeeaa Cooipany and lo Uk itsoediate ttepa for a nor effectiva perforaaace of tba nail aettica betweea traoarla arI Ihe ptrani coentry Tt prt- unef the loInalereneraI wdl lotite teadera lo tecuie a atliifaclory weekly potlal cemmuoicatioa aad Ibieka Ibara will be hllle dilHcully ia eflecliag arn8Bal by whick Ibe Protiaca will pat ie poa- ataioa ol an Inprortd oceaB mil tertice tl a coat moch below tba wa bitterta paid to Edmoaitoae asd AlUa PmiriR ilvMAicrrr A eorreapoe deal of be Melboaroe Argi wHlat i bate lately ia a aleay eitak 15 niletfrna Caatkaaiot tbe bodiee ef liree aboriiaaU qaite whole attd aot wantieg ia lb analleil daiaila bat which ar petriRed iolo aolid marble Wbea I wmm iteryfSmroniy leaving toe coriu homore tad ihal ia all but at the eipenaa of Ihe liver pancreae kydneye fte not ote aiom of bile or other ira pur iriea laelim inaleit from the blourf or aerona fluid If Care dyapepic nr iroubled wiih hetrt- n root erupliona headache indigee- lion heae diScolliee elill remain to tortara nd vex yoo Yx do not adrtfic on alp lowarda a cor aad lb contiBoed oa of bete eraeaaiee are apt lo tccaoalate and farm eoooraljeBa is tba auxnaeh A deaa ef RiDWife liLU ao or Iwiea a weak ill keep all Ibe esaratieoe la a baalJhy aoadiiiao aad esi tiw araial ea tt dya- pepeia lidiatiaa eoativetiaea ke Ifagealle aMveaDenl af ibe bowela ia reqid take from eoa I Ibree if a briak TJifDnr 8tt 0Kf Jf S4 Ciarltd if Act ff JWiiiMmt Capital 400000 Tear Dwelling Hon THR flab4enbr otTera fe or elleul Poet 1 aiiBatnl ea JgJJLS3JIFPU aad ihoraaghparge ie deeiard take frors etuaii Price je pet Tbitiy Pilla Sold by Drsggieta ihrea t BoieoaiiBing lha Bailway Sieilon For priea and farther penioolera apply lo IV H Bcatarnap C Newnsaikei or Dr Prai Newmarket or la WKVYNNF BACON Soliciior York Cbambera Toroalo Feb 5 1863 if4 BADWAY a Co rtiT LIST OF RKHAISINO la lb AafBaitallta AiUnMr AdMa Mia Jana BcaD MiaeMlaaia Cbapoaa Hasry Ceeilek Mair Daily Patfiek Danoam Waaley Eoery Jebo R EiehR Featban J lETTERS PotC Office rr aa Beq Jeha aaiiBCIaiaaa SuaaS Wm Katiaaoa Edward aaar Oeorfa BriaB Maty obiaeaa Jama Liiid ratline A ihf pari ef Teva an J vill b euld Oft 4Talaffroo tfrma Abo THREE COTTAGES And apveral Ooitding Loll oa Cedar Sireat eea Lot on Trcuoiaaih Sireelaad Trvo Rough Catt Haustf Oa Ontario Street oppeeite the R CatbaHc Cbotcboiia of wkkh la newly baillaadfla iabed la aaaperiee Ityle For 4rtbr panicalara iaqaire ef Ua Wa Wuua Ageat All partiM aadebled le the Baute ar re ooeeled te aaka Inaedlete payaeal to Mr VAiua otbeewba their aeeaaate wtll U plaeed iallebaa4aeftbeli SolUur far eatleeiloa DOfALOeirrBFRLARO saoOKS W HOWARD J aaagaia Newauk MarebS 1B6J ir4 SPLENDID DISPLAY SEASOirASLE HIKT IP yea waat a neat iff Ciotbrag go 10 ndcopariorartlelc LEADBBrTERS Hka I Bich Velvel Vestings Aadaeae teaaiiTal va aad all eelora euRaWe fee winter wear end Ontlemete Oien ifoimof MaJt Up lo the moalPaahleaableStyleaB Al the falWwjnc wteaa vli fSKW Acoca Uoaaiaue HeaJII Cayaaoir Bearaiir JfwiTaxa Ban ae Ueria Casaaa TiI baa been daly appelated Ageat ia AVwaarket fee the abca Ohb- py end will give peraonal atteatloa le per Uea iewroaa ol tflaoiiag laaaieaca H W CALDWELL Wnrmerkek Jair It IMS If- elgiied W il NEWMARKET Stove Copper Tin Zron and Japan mac OROTIC aarkrtDee9 tf lSPLCUL AO Speraeatorrl Cured Dr IUflm prCae eiael tpaehaiap er wwdWk ewd ififfaal walyia Alreleflhi tiaee the aaa akeeaiaal ar I a Bead plpad ie opnMaaiM t1a Pa dtealaiaaaai fra Jeae It3 M D 1 A L VZWKAB ASeperioiBailaadaaodinaaedtTmCMk i baatewedteike tra ef Boaea dk Boirlbe habtaeta of Rawnaj ur r I n n J ttk oaderalgeeJreaaeelfellylalJaatetolbelieaa- eeqr try tor laalr bain patri W LEADBETTER iridiileiieeallylbaltbebaal eellfeetbe le TwaJ neaawlllbereaFierbeeandaeledby AewiearkatjBaaKCZ Iilv iLclte hat luported aeM Afidbat ialalljpurekaM4 tHe eosmMi iBi PMieeeUutT eapted Mf Dayf eg lai wher vihbefQviid aiarf aaaortineBt of cootiiTia PAiieOK Alio VOX rrovt9 Of Ibe nrvMt and HUH patte Jepaaaed aad Tniaa Ware CifUn Pampa aad Lead Pipiaf Copper TiD aad 9 batlrn Wae J m of Amerirae ailrtr beaped up ia ToroBto Lotdoa aad Uamiitoa W Scr roa rnt Noam Dar ria lb pau week tetertl iboaetsil boraaa ban beta parcbaaed frota our farsart by tba anata ef Ibe Federal Gotarsiaeai ban far ibe aaa tf Iba Nortbera army Oa 79 aaiaah wer tbippd to lU atbr tid40 by tb Amrieaa Iia tad rtbtPMT taqea Tb former lot ww Knoxi CncMTn CoHoaiOATtDK It il itb fediBgi ef prat repei that we Mt aalM opoa to notice ibe racl i Gall Carlicr Caachon for iaataaee All it aot aid ibal ViCKtainc A borrible diKorery by iil been made oa tbe CoBfedente line ef forlietlioat Qila a aaaber of mea have beea eogajed ia repairiof tbe Coa federate fori Ibal wat blowa ap ea Ibe Srd laal lo iLe coorae of tbeir openlieat tbey exbumtd aitty or aetealy bediea feaed baricd io tbe raiei ef b foct II tai Ibat wbiie our oiiaera were al work 9nnual Income i 07 921 Slertig luTeated in Canada 460000 Canada HEAD OFFICE MONTKKAL J DJyiDSOV rAFKEIt Stcrtlary ATTBNTION a divcid to iba rate oS Preinlom adeptid by Ihia Company whieb trill eempara favaurably wiib lb at o any ether 2MILC3 Weatef Aerora la Ibe Tewsebip orKlegeeatalalBg 00 ACRES B CLBAlD Under geed ealllv halldlaga aew a good Ofcbard aad two walk af water Apply e the preaiaaa BOYD k CONNOLLY DeeenbarlSie6 t41 uiraisOZDEHTZD atroe wn kicj patty of Confeiientea were ael lo woik amkin a counter onec wilbin Ibefotl Tbiapariy enetitlingit ii raid tha Cempaava fuaila te Ibe larve amoaat of I bandrwl per aanea af hi laled Pat- fear kiiadred and ariv thaaaad dollar have Pnar ia tbe paaa alt jeare and daring afl HODSE AND LOT FOI SALE oa TO AIT AB0U3E A LOTk Staeaarataaita ble lor a rtepeclAe wlU be rel ad or aald on very raalAeble leme ForranharpartkaUBaqalraol V W ux Maia aUael ae te Ul WlDEACON ee iba prealaea llawraarket Aprl 11163 tflO Bara with oatbeildiaBt Tama aaay Enoaireef Dr rOllOKewinarheler JAU F BROWX jVaaeeic HallTeala 5ewiurkL October J IMI UU 4 FOB BALE oar te Aa dolLan eaeii WM STEPHENS FevaaUr94lC9 IfAi ctiplioBadPertarrodeetkeeiaee1ieae fllinillllla J it J HODGE Hawnatkal De S6 tfl Hewmarket Fire I RBMOVAli MCeifallr la io bie eaelopfti aad ih e jxblk feoeraly bariw eeeatedtheaariaea eaeenaae la Ihe tii la REWXARK aad viclaity fee waefaaaMi eaalBM he lateada k dtti Aim Ira In eunaaatiae wl iberalere will be abie aab ibieb he may bo fevered i Prieteilta aad wiib bie adeaatag 4 1 hfuij eaatomerm of Mr liegeuarally are inntedla a eai bebea aeboiag alaaa Til MSj tbat the n ibe Provieeial nffeia all lha cimiea pe eil He alill eeatiooa loauaractarelhamal hie Paelear ia Newaarkat aad ia peerea te pui Ibem fn m Irial ootil Jaauary 1964 aad Ii ialilrai Da- Ibay wlUbe letaepantaly ar togalherlo aait taaaata Tbe piamiaea above lately necepied by Hr Craig aa gtinaaa OaOery flflbaeriber raepeeielly ialimatce to ibeiababitaaia af BatMdwbaiehawmbe ky la wait ea all who nay be la want of uniiccuain gURMITMt THE rtisLitiiiD cvitT rail hoJera a Ureal tinUm THOMAS ATKINSON Jue Jj tk abaracler of a devoted aad faitkftil HmBtofOed No tbat he it abont iilliu aoi O the- webwa of bU ova coBpcpiioc bol flfiBj ffiw in Ihe ln vill jeis wiib oa taainBg rct tbat tba itata of bia bMUB win no loBgcr permit him to falSl ih MtUo datie el a iptrilaai adviMr in liidat Baner ceaplelely aevered froia llie bodiea tbe lalter bttin noi yet beea found Tbe b ei f poiiioo aome ataadiogerecl olbcra til- tiag r lyiny aod in one iailaace lb body W3I bead demwarJ aa il bed beer caaght ia that potitisa by the crgnbliag ariB wtiiic laiiie beadloog lalo Ibe pu UIbw sDriiakruneas Cured oi iaay 1 Irmftutg rtf Dr Zaaaa mUiki4 fir Utf Jri It rttUia atrt Jm ItmJmmm It eraatea a dielika fer atrveg drinli aad ean ba tdalnialareU wiiieu lha kiwlede of the pa lieai Pieai ahnt Seal I7 mail lo anr Jri tey P C VPH 4 C rblladelpbia Pa Clmbr aeat Irea JaaU ltfi3 TmlS wSrfnrU trv m SOUTHARD erected a tfai Strwrt niarly TPite tbe NarkiJl8lJ tf R Hl whet b bi a a nMrai aMoltwl Ol IJOHN DENNIS TBS 4 EiFEiiiacE japmned Ware 1 IneanJf CftTOArTO FOrW NOTIG ri i A PPUOATIOX will be niaae at lha km limeiia avte CTaibywwhaa nuier Beaerip4tnn nr wort in Kla Mae A cr hierr aner beUg Pil ral eper tba aboneet alee and iJoa LieaiaeCaaeieiefib Village f Sew- aad irjory Ihtonjh mnlieal bnml aiqaaek- mvketlaleCaaiyer Tk a Hclleiiae of T- Hy prcpajag poetagceiagle eoplea laay MAMSABLt TufcJla ibe Coaet et Chaacery aad aa Alieny of tbe b had af ihe aalhev K B Sheep Skisa Ran and Old Copper 4as8o ak- re Mheaga fer T W ikeaatnAtiameyai Law bi Upper Caaada Bediwd Hop Coualy F T REUBEN l ROBINSON KewaarketJlyUlW3 2m34 Jaoa HKI lyH SormrkeIle2 IsW ifM or any deaerlptiae Re laaa luaraeny ear- riiag ea bMbainain all lU braaeheaand la At bla USeeetaer e0 prepared lo azeeela all Ardert with which be KWMAK laar be fevrad pramialr Taaaa K yaal FRRmin FarRiBkM as llial I mi ao pud W- Bla eraeseee nf the aera l jQJtfJliipjlPfl BPF jl iibdebd to bimMiotiiraU aeU eeUla wilh ae liltl lUktT a iniUe to caalbte him lo aufi earr w Ui J M Aewfoarkel Uee 10 183 tf44 Cutters and StoveB IV Eiebaagefor Weed Apply al the Kew- ilfcwtsa tkct Dec C ItCI

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