Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 21 Aug 1863, p. 2

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THE NEWMAKKET ERA AUGUST 21 1863 AdrertiienMU Mr S poliiiMl histor o low the ebaractcr iha mto So lone u tlic wiad ia fair and BlliitmoeDie Milin Mr SlcoTTs oao uM u hoeejcil words a lli next man 1 Qt onco erois hiji lIlltllrtrblT d riT aiifelorn1holiJeofiiffairsinlhiin VjJl VIU 4ni rfalrlo ny wull defined parfKe Pf liiitieaN mil lii mercury ric aloncc nnlil hj jiiilgiLnt tonctinin bccomc lo hi Icmpcr Rsl Mr PifOTTl llic flnvcrn- Wo puHti llic Spccch dilirtrfd ly viohtcd itic Onrnliiutinn in Hi Kjcilli iiry ii ilic ppcnin If ihi- riiiiTtviirini li flare one rf llicir own I riKiil rirli iiiKnt cvwUrrr lii iliy j nJmber inl itie SpriVorn chair iu1 iLil It 1 iiiiin ijuiu- T Mui ti n j piin ihcre wai nft frccfiicnt for cVfl lifip 1 witli r lo the fl If iik i 1 nf tlic lioT rtiiiicnt itic vun It rif Ii llie Spcjlcrs chair So fjrfrrvm Mr t- euiiiiiTKci ht Iirliiiiif nl am IOTTr Ioin a good cinllniionl lawyer minf smfw iran 1viv itelM lievniwlEct- PridK Aug SUV 183- HU Excclloncys Speech Illy ralei lo he eottccleJ s fol nnf22 10 foilli C loitl County nte fcliHii IViclipf uiieiiitciiiiiijik a i prrjctilil trnii Tavir aiil oilieri in rrsirfl li lli ncroai iinndilla mill ioiil Mia iVxit preral Scliool feeliniii iie Cun cil 10 ley ceitaiii arLool raira weu iinTubtcJly Iiarc been eoii Ilitel liail il tint been inlcrruplcj by C lubineil aeii n rf a faetiou Opeion whslerer be his otlirr itislificaliom we find almoal iniilar intanefii liaveoeeur rei on foor differenl riMon in Knland il trli II liviIaliiro Ic hai been bli land in Muie aw tlip Sealer vliile art r i lo male aJtaiie but iiaa cnfined in in lhat eapifily at Ilie aaine linu Itie exptnjiluro liictlv o wlial a b j e- ni in7irfVKeri s re illi iy r cjaifcd for life f uUir service ccnilj u 101 5ir JvllN M mrii llie iiid Iriiia llo lliiurc Kill fiiftiwn ihc I lorneyGenctal wan clcccd ifrrvirialions niaJe Und llli0Uh Mr i bad tale In The New Miliiia Kill sr proper r had rcyintd bi iWincr effiee ye Mr inmienl cf tlie couiilrv reetvi a r on aulborily lliat lle nvDt pari in ll i- nli nd we male reMiinstion wa only canJitijnal snj nor no dvabt llir r Hi uc will vole uf to taLe efftcl uiiliu lie u licll Ior fioienl aupplics lo niable Ilia Kicellenry il M AfrovMi jIaccd liiiieir in ao I oeeepl lle iKoovinJs tl volunlrcr- al- 1 IJally fnolib fosiiicn In Fpciliri of reiiU cnrflfd orcr am rSra llie n UrinllcJ up lo iKV liili Indvd rlljUe aollwtiiy lliat noijWen Inowo lhiund irin ire alreadj bowed ril nil tO cccjIrd a poor r I- ir are tolcJ irtaUd 01 Ir 1 than ti r porii4 on a Ibc fun-t- f r l- ir Hi Kiecllcnft cili ibe ncec- ily ort ItirlLtle Vet The Hill in- crv bl wili a few lilll rTijindrDi iiS a1 ain b broubl ic Hio- it an early diy Jly iboe ulio Invo tiVn llio Irijble ti fiiniiiie ila I II ef full it been fonounc- 1 i a clijpmd iio fulii lo relieve 1 c unfiiunali dlior biU at ilic taaie time iudin- Ijr n5 iitilc Isainri friUiutfflt illcnrl tii iilke advanlagc of ie bi I cri r II- iN calls Mlcnllon a trnlc i 11 I t linreljl state ofihe Irfkiifi ani lii a qiiietrebulc I crTirn H mt fT ibe man i ir in lc v ir-in- J ilc alTiira of Lin Mr WAtiimiMii SpeiVer be idSucb a pfccdiri liad never nd licliPid woolJ fil Il luifQe of th C The kf0o introduc o ytnw in cm bhi ir ihe aiiinlinpLt if a Ciyllie- lor wbieh wn reail a li lime iiitl ihe Council wen min eoiiinuive of ih- ii hilo on iho iio Mr- 1llllem In lio cliair I he nimeaoCilio vfirionnpani ateriJcr- irg weo auLnurtei ntii rn ft vole ihc jpoirilitoiit of lr I 1 leiian una majd nnd Iiia name filisi in iio blank rumnijiiee roao and the llyIiw wai read a ihirj time and pnaieJ IJie Clefk Ihen aet lirli ilial doiiic iho inieiim of Council he hd been obi to y cf riiin roi ill iti Norlheri It Il cnie jR iirdrr In irakn ihe ritiuir liiliv la ami a1o rhil on a pel ii ion irreilfl lie lnt rnngiij Ihe ninio of a a hniHP in a iiion nlieje ilie nun aiiief ll rrmoieil Ilr l Iliiaieil 10 etlirm il aeiixn token liirb oie by reolcitioii I lifl Kceio ihcii lafl Iho chair for oie hour arrrasnon iraai Ttie fift I Uinp iakeii U m li nfier noon ia iho commurioi ion fiii ij rof uicil rfiitiii ihe njimlnietl ol a CornmiiloA if threi- u cinfer u iili n tiiiiiar iiuriitor Crom Aumra lo ajifi luroljn f he Coiomillcc ap- iMetl 11 acl r ihe PrivineUl Fair l li1l at tlia orlli Aniriieaa Jfoia1oa sodactiniNiiiotlal tVetiiurof j t pol i ii icloeV ji onipt MrMATfa ML C igf i w vur iniiv fir laritiiiiar7 lnij iin y fortrsTJr I Iut Crrk of 4 fi cntu cii of li ftep tt kiionrn npfxiimf j lo enquir Intn aid fotjihlon of Toronto aj l 1 ivv will Fearful Storm on Sun n t imimii- of niul arfu rtifl fi lfMrnjHUU I L of ltla I ftn J Tv i if th laiiT haf fur vctr p3rd cirtla 1arc Nc hit n th Mr Jvciu U 4tJ llif liij kail sv T rl no irv ft UM tl irtCUJir ft Wk irei alli ilon ir SirKi of Nr rkfl dj I CJ- VVe UnJorlnnd Ibe r-Ni- 1 lut 11 II cee TIe 1o ilmek up ih in he innril IiLe TT Mr Inn ill ill II Tlie oljpvoieI f f urtallv como A biitlih Ccamercitl coh Toroatd rh t ullrijnoraneeorconlllalionl 1 lieh t I AUtora lofu i of Iu fciusir ntajcl rnil iho lniiKh ijioijonet3l fcf lf Ji uvor Vrnmurn nH Oone iliftlcjfrri t rir- m the eiw of Ions Iiironii but in bll hy Mr rnrtn eeoiin hj n icji Ibat of Sir J riiiiM Sir K Kr and I MJclvVni iha il Ceeo Itrpui Sir K TritNCin Ob fie lie fie rn m h fl r i ot behnll ijf ihu lounei toji eel a 11rii J k our eonatilutional lawvfr Mr Si mieo eu Lrlair rf iho Aurora Mu I V 1 oiiTTf MrIUNRIN and Mr JoilH A pahl iii aij ii fnmrcul iiiilier Icn ti i I Macimi ejuld nol support thai lle two Cifiijniiiiii rrriid i i jlloverftwnt neiiinfc on r nilnlionl Hiiee iMii of J Tv loi- Slid nllun il oi I I und and ytl the Mimtry r nlv fi-1- i i i v i i 1 1 r i- Muvel hy r 1c ornirk cccoiiIri lirliIi ptec Siitiy llus i n y Mr U ihii ihe lleil lo nr i- Teat t5jntrr and Ibe Iro fXllorfe i herehy iinlnicel M notify Mr Kan I lienctula are area I luen in llicir own way 1 reni i lud 1 en preaenrl r i i lhi Ci urel einig f ihl Iho llriijp I h j iCfosi h jionl i III a io nni ln Jangerijtja onniJilii ai J reieuiig hif The Provinf of Canada i vrtrly in- i bn liro in a iIiot5ii ac i croajin in rruljtinix iiiiporlancfl and I t Iho IPvo iiiruceil id J jlrade An iftcrcic of Hie frtner prig f I nianJj a eorr-pondin- ri of inlan 1 and Schi4 rcirj m ilio ran a ediiii j forcun Ira Jo while an incra of llclil- peMioninp ihe ouncil lo dom z alU loudly for tnon of buinev Ijcli Kir5lfrMio ol Sreliiii No I InilUO No 5 iC Im No 4 jtiiii No 11 uiiiio 1 ho C Quncil re luelf iiiio com niup of the ohole on laio l l mr JVaraon in Iho cbnif in ccmmr I I tupahon of pep c ij te nnnual txpcnJiiur within ihe feteoaoof m iiianacinj ii luaiDCsa bow jcharrl lor cJleciion waa ib oi the Province and as a er pare i oxtoo II yiun men wbo may length P mr 1nlklem niid 1 r McCor ihe Dtecssily r f app atin annually on tbe deairc lo follow oiefcanlile pumtiil wanl ihoihi jj per reiil all auHicieni i Stock llxthanse fir iho parpoec and praelical educalion nol of bonowin- money lo fill our depleted Stale eoffcrs lij the ilav mon in thia climaie ibtl in aome desraa ii ia probabU Ibal le em o oreiy ihrw aaf- far from il In ihe moai favrkrvd pant of Franca saya Ueoreo ully orehalf of Iboa arriiml al alull age will be foonJ on eaielul examination lo preaxnt eti- lie nee efa thtekeiiin ef ame poiiion ol ihe miieoua membrene of Ihe lunga The aymiiioma of Wry WroeeAtVia are nei rcmajkable for aetetiiy Ii ii ihe ranai inaldiooa of pslmenary cemplainta The object of il ia eenaeloua only ol beifig aAorf brtiilhtJ when aacendins an eleraiion or aiiempiinf loiun When a laiRe ponion of the Juni ia inTolretl a aenae of oppreo- ion ia erpeiionceil afier meata an on very ligM exertion Ily itome lhi nppieaaion ia leleired lo ihe oppmite aide of the chetl e lhal on which ihe diseaae ia itoateit or to a lemoie part of ihe same aide ei eren Io region ol Ihe alomaeh fter a lime rfijiufy o hrralhing cornea on anJ eon- liiiuea lu eaial Jaya Ihe nalienl com plaining of iAnea in ihe eheai which lalieeeKl by coucli and ibe eipectotalionil a lough jtUt title aobaianee- The cough by whicA ihi inatler ia raiad ia a mere ratf ing lo clear the ihioal and may probably oot occur more lhan onee or tiviee jaiTy anil almoi onconacioualy la paticni iliemelrea On inqiiirinj if ihey have a coosbihey will atm without eicepiion niwer So 1 jelrfuiiog ouf conteria tion ihoy vTilt pcihapa AeJc and raie a liiile jllylike mucou half a iloien lime Tbe accident wliich cams n near fin ifhiog be career of llio ximiiirr miD occurred in tbif wiee Borne of he lead- ins meo in oar town ihc aborc Renlle- niao inelBdcd hiving long bewailed ihe dreadrul amount of incmperancc amonijil ui and bavin tried Yioua remedice with lilile or no oeccu at tial eamc lo the age eonelaaion of inlrodueinff more laTaroa on Ilie boiD principle of like earinf like 1 wai wbile aaeialinf at ihc raiini of a abed belonginj lo one of ihc Uvcrnj lhat Mr K alandinc on a Llocl of wood fur Ihfl purpoac of more easily railing an ovcrway by the care- lewinevi of iboso above Mid oveiway waa precipitated fair upon bia bead and were il nol for the fjcilily witli which he turn rd bia body and wbicli i baTe nctcr wen tijuallcd only by himclf turnin- Uo ciat logetber willi ikc bickneae of bis skull Iho icDiiioclal noicupiiic would hare coinc out last week minuj ibo edito rial As it wa bad il nol been for ibe prompt action of Capt Ictry who ijuiek- ly cauht biiu by tbe cbin alunj bini over his abnlder ran wilh bim loOow- nna thereby bringing hia neek inlo jiiiot Dain and pouring Ibrce or oIjMca of ginger loa iulo biiu be would aarccly bac reeovertd Jomc giro il l inieiirala the coojh is more aeiere and I j reaon for bia nol being burl wurac lliat onei on in jumxyaiiia when it i too com ralher clevaled baring taken three regarded a imMy rroua umblcmof old rye in aniia- heaiomaehbeal all Wd J- f-h- j Hrer bi Tli ipi itionioPnl of the leiv SnM 1 u IIJJ 1luniu furf p Jin cnh human 0 fir lovi tie eojnlry llu Kidin- an thereby iicriing ibc public Icbt rroni the iiitiniiliii iTcn in the ciporicnee lo conduel and guile ils Sfceh we nnleoo Jrnhl ihe prestnl j conimereial inlereata hence it i highly j Ilnanee Minilcr Urn Mr lIoiTns i important fur ihc grOTrtb and aurocM of j repated to ly ime pliin and eompre- firm lo have connceled wilb icnirfl Kbciic b fore railiataent lhal JOINS i who arc fully eoiniwtent to j uill enable lle i livcrnnnnl to brini Ihc fondoct all ihe different kind of book ionibU lo TfptrJ U or a bein rauietl by r dit09t while In ftcle ihe Jetkngemnt of ihe Aiomrhlirr kiJneyt of h ntfnne thicU tie many contrjuiKf rf ihift V4ry 1 h func Thte i fyitkff in ftatvrci by ihe phy lhal llitr il nntnger uf yn nfi ihKl Ihi4 cmjffli i a mr ifi Iful tiTjir nndtetUoon pan okMy if ny II I iL f Ai I- lhl II i nol iiriw8 ilir juean p ii no carpfui fxaminalior Ihe iina ha been made lo drlrimine ibe htalib or diuaae of iliia oan lhal tin- therefoie is founded on ti inihinp rpliabli- and ladueed In ii I I le meiiii itannj ly taiTiicrinc f 1 iie- I Mot o offff unal- lenled liy fire exjrcioiaiion aie caiiel iiiher lythit condition of the brortchial Jinnl d iiy Iiiipni iubeclp in the lunj- n i I The dtrircTio cnin which- ao ofio irhuirli I proTeriho litiall of Conaumplion ia bui aniiher Tafiety rf lhi itieie The IieqTiency tf itiia form of llionehitia ila alow intidnua and ixeacheioua prn- CreM and llo diiijklroiia coneiiinicp lo it ao cfreii leal lioild awaken Ilom their Iriliaig all who aie nuKnic eougln i f lon Inding in the Tom lii- uf ijrowin oulofilicrn- ilirveree Ji1il and nriimpnrtaiil nil fi eoMi may aein iJiey Irad mi by aart lu a ile niaiure grJTt- obiiient iioiiilUT hl m n nulitna Ihjucian Tor Dieaaa l i liic liiiia fi2 111 SirPt ruionlu Jul JM 11 1 K 8itCi ntury TI I 3- V 1 Jr lrlcd vilrralaT TnU tobr H I U 11 CorrfspDiiiifiirf Sr R Hnntcr on Cbrocic BroDcbilii t- r d no Ifi ri iriil i un i tjkw ror TilC Specch rcfrrt s o the f roposi ioD rotOc bj the Colooiil OSec to liab a lelciripb and Iruisit line aerou Ibe continent lo iio N Wcjlem Kldorado Wc ruiyexpeel tbe dleuvion in Iarlia- nienl oa this oinl will cnl raec ihewbolc jseelioa of openioK r clleincnt the Ilndaon Hay Tcrrilory Tbe country wil liok forward with much inlereal lo the deciaion of rarbamenl in this mat ter Altnlber the Miniatcrjal prngraaime of Ibc Ksaion crnbraec aa macb aa Ihe public generally anticipaied capeeiab ly consiJtrin ibc JcaMn of ibc year at which it ia called merely a amaltcring oftook kcvking pcn- mantbipand ariibruclie- Tbe Uriliah mericin College wc arc happy to aay afford ertry npporluoily and facility for impirltng lo any youns man of ordinary capabililiu in cnmpara- whilo ihe Upvr ftirl oihe ihntiplit ji hr n would fcucely cnrer the cpil of cillec lion loatea and nonteileit taxea ire The whole igue tin wiih eicb apeurej 10 lie what would aae ihe Towrahip from poeiiive ca Noon nanted i- iiurou uUMin charge a fractiun more than would biro mii if ihr ml- ly cover con mid aave loai Finaly ii 1 iiko place in ihe at decided lo iry it nt per cent and I to Oiirli S Ct il inialion ol lli 1111 Ihe airiuto flhf lUB 7 Il d fAronie of pil- llrnnrliitK i a ou iremhuo- id i nm iirrA ooltillir liorr caiaiili Coroner Inqseit T fft rdilar 0lKf Sfiemnrlfl A Klirl xJlen 1 litrtiooj i ICl I airaii rn r hy be was pcrfoolly ioter Youia ve f K IS Kdwarda told me be would no tice the aecideulin Ihc only lacVion would bo turc lo aay be was liibl Hiunnsvib Vos IS ISiH liicly a eboit lime such a InowKJge ol the blank in lh lij Law at filled up boaiaeu iraUacliona aa will enille him 1 accordirgy The ccnniiilen i rrr J j to aeeure and loeeeaafully fill any position j Lti wia rcsJ a ihrJ time as an aecountarl in Ibc liel tsuMiihcd I i r- lUhniln I lo rpiercnce to ibo eonnliftghftUKS in the eotinlry v c arc thtt CVimoiCJcisl Coik hav ing for il9 founJalion 7U00rnNC5A in all tho diflrCTit brancb9 ISQjtit will uil iroluc lpon hijke in rnliige j il of liirp ihf j of hoi I on r rir iiill iiiialml4iilj oflhr lo loltJ Jiti whirh h- nc rordoiilr ifni wrin il ajPtii ht rrftrtl Kfdt Afn Rr Mcl Wn niir rrrit forni of JitrrVoi Iu4 ij hrbhtikara Tiinf l4d vho sttkA hi alrniit ili4l tc hJ one L Slu 4ntnfjVx IeKau fr 4 fev RHieil ani I vh J iif torn i wai Uioujhi ly siftble o iKCiifO iroinAlioi Irfm lhat thij buJ tha Iouhri houfl i wouM Irad in rnUei UeUf Tey ifvchi III liorMliiii i Liin mrrshtah- il niiM li Ih ait I Nortel Jh tMrJtli 1 nhsltiirifj ur iiaMi by ilii 1 tn i 10 btrahp lirouh cn bratbr ihio ugh ihe in ilic hiMichSil 1 u terv ilrliL k i tla Illliirrig alilc i not fail to nioel Iho wanlt of Ibiv riio I I 7 T T tion when onco mute il wt Iheref r idy iil leliel hy ihe 1 CircamstancoB Alter Cues- On ibe Cjnnation of Ibe M fiiCCiTTt riamninenl none were loader ID demandiog fair play than waa Mr Si- I OTTR none fvlt naore keenly Ihe taonta of the Uppoaition or rtaenlrd wilb great er indicnity any thing like pertonal allu- aiOBt in debate Iban be bot cirvonv tlaoee aller ees wondifrfaUy for what ba tUea conaidered a breach ol Iarliancn Ury eliiaello jt ao praeliaed by bim vitbont repngnaoce Tbe fact ia Mr Sioom OD Ibo Treasury Bencbea and M S in be cool ahadet of Oppo- tilioa is quite arMlhcrnian and make all ttio difference itmnaginablc rnforlunalc Jy for binj he appearj tr allow clf o get tke better of hia judgment at timee ibere- 9 neriicing dignity aoj eronal ropcct We bare been led to lbec eoneluatona Cua tbo reiiiarkt made by Mr S daring tbe dibalc on ibo S He firat characterized the bringing for ward of Mr WAMnitifKU aa another fiotenimcnl rick and when Mr IIoL TAX called bii allcnlian o Ibc ifnoa- l replied lie wouM net be rtetarred frern aaylni IH deing auythihB he ilinvghi ui in Mr Mellon Imk a big aiJ aa ugly aa he liked Can it Irt pOAsible bat racb language traa ucd by a gentleman formerly oceopying Iba dignified poaition of Speaker Ii Uiia the Mice man Ibe Hon Attorney Geoerat riat Mr Itoaios propoeed for ihatez ailed poiion on ihc atMmbling of the BOW Iatliatnenl after tbe general eleetior ia 18M and wboee niccscnacof propriely btaioed for bim at tbe lime Ihe rcepecl f tbo Tlooae 7 Who that Tiiited tbe Ilalla of Ihe IiegiaUtare during bia oeea- of tbe Fpeakcra cbair but rcco- dti d tbat right well bia aiodcat ytl MBUBding exclamition Or I Bat BOW hov ebaoged Look too at to rcTclatiob he ai obliged o make on uonday aight laat to tbo effect yrerieu t bia katiog Ihe CabiDct be baght Mr HoLto i Iba riew l bia lowercaaajaeelle but io bia u eonao to naiaUia u poatMa th Tnatwj b b atw itig tmlihi ui bmn soeeearfttl lira m ail Mr mb af ford te u at Ihia Utll imtaUa di fUj of tbe ei- g aad country The slaff of ii cjperieneed Teaebera in the diffeienl subject laugbt adda tuncb lo Ihc complctcnert of the Col lege Bookkeeping Commercial Arilb- mclie frrammsr Cnmmcreial Correspon dence Commercial Law IcnTnanship ic aa their adrerltaemcnla will show are all iboroogbly laaghl A rapid leble and ayitcmalic band writing ia one of the great enentiala in making ap a bnrineaa rducalion and will add macb to a youn mana proficiency in eondocling a act of booka Theayateui laobl hy Mr Bitc Irin cipal of Ike Collee ia acknolele by eompetcnt jndgea to be irfrrT and tl mirably adapts to mcvl the deaigni fur whieh il ia taaght Wo bearliljt pee the Btitiab A mcricao CooiiQereial Oollr our anJ Id- kpt n thtt iia succite will be at great aa in tbe paal Wbitchnrch Conncil TheaboTo Council met at Sexmihf Hotel 8lh Con on Saturday laat All the memberi pretrnl ihs Itiea K WiKLCk Kq in ibe chnir Minuiee of pieaioui mealing read and coDltneH A coiorrunieaticn aj reeried and reid from O 1 Diion Kaq Inland ftevenue loipoclor for Ihia C in reference to the Tnvern Licent fond Alto from llie Clerk of Labridge Townahip telling forth ihey had npprn prialed aa amount equal lo ihai forrctrly granleiby WbitdMiich lowarda improv ing Ibe Tewn Line between ibe two Towrthipe and furiber ihey w-oirfdin- creaae the aum tn 90 more protideti the Townabip of Whilhureb would ap propriale a aimilar acnoDal- Apphcationa wera made by T B Pearaoo Joaeph Bogortand Will- mean for the cfTice of Collector Mr liogrl offering lo do tbe work for a much leea earn lhan iraa paid Inai y A cooinionieaiiaa sraa receirrd and read from the Clerk of Aurora actum panied by a reeolutioo adopted by tbe Aurcra CooBcil ia eferenee lo Keeerre Moniea due ibat Mooicipfcliiy from Whiiebsreh ala from R Solder and othert with rogah 10 Palb Maatar Alaa frara Meaart ratteraoo di Be ly ob aeeooni of Nonbara r r Con paiy cm aad from 3 s denali atid ajaa Wil en aecouai ef eo in iii M Al from Caowrea de ueuiel ia reUiioa to Ford nort Mofd by Mr hckleiniteoiHc Iv Mr Ivaiidall That thia Ctuicil hating nlieftdv eppropnaird ihe niumev 101110 aevcral Iliads ihougboui the VI jnu i if- ity cannot now open up Ihe matter ol road rVniea nnd cannot therefure ftc- tept to Ihe propoaiiion ol ihe Municpsl iiy of lxbridge relating 10 ihe Town Line and ihii iba Clefk notify ibeni of the anme Carried A By Law wat then inlroduced pro viding for the atteaamenl of the Townthip for gnnrrsi purpoaet in tank nnd wa I read n firai iime The Ciuncil went in 10 commilke of Ihe vliole on tlmanrno Mr iiandall in Ihe chiir The blank filing tlie amount to bo levied the current pnr waa filled with ibe auin of 100 Cominilleo roao tnf the ItyLaw waa read a lliird lime nnd pasted It tranaiired in Committre that had il not been for ihe larite airounl cf Ian eots aNanced in the N II case tnd which etenually will cjme bick to llie Township it would nol hire been ieceiiary 10 levy a cent lor general up pnact The loitl eueariiieiil of lh roivnabip real auJ perwjinl aniouni ii riO Moie by Mr Pearson ecnded bv Ntackiern that when ihi4 Council adiurn it do aland t fjourred lill Wrd IiiKjay icomlef lli then lo meet al Coopert lloiel liallinlrae Cnfrifd On molioii ibe Clerk waa inslructo 10 irocuro 2tC0 blmk receipu for ihe uae of ihe Collector Ob moiion the Reeve and Iepulj were nuthoiizjxl 10 take Uoiida frptn the Collecior on behalf of the Council Coniiliint WIS made thnl the- Inih muter Ml Toad MiriJJon No in the 2tid Con wna iniier the impretsinn he had not to work Ihe aide road between Lola 5 nnd ti The Council instruct ed Iho Clerk to notify ihe Ialb master thai he would bo expected lo repair aaid rotu and then adj iurnrd Editorial saouiuiy Begular meeting of Newmarlcl tViLiKii on Meaday ociiiiif niaL 1 isr MerchaiHa have decided lo Uke ike Amerien Half Dollar al 4la and Qiiarter Datlar at C4 eta See 9 The RiarainalioB of Common fkol Teaehpra far Nenh ITerk will laka 1 Utr in Iha Common Bebael Ilewte Vawmar kel an Wadatwdty aen al Ihe oaoal hour CT See Ur llafDcaaeaa adrertiaameBi aannweeiBC Iha racalpl of any qeaality nf lit rap pabalan jafi wkal ia waated lo drira doll ear away aad elrrale Iba deapaadiag CJA bailer exploded in a aiem aaw mill at Bond Head evnad by Ms W CaaTKB en ih Sih ioal The gmier pari of ihbBildin dainy and aad I rUM lb firwoiaa Mr Jeaini HaajBOTm alooa iiuUnUy kilM Th I I AiM iin J a rf ll tin ir- itll lirpiliiil tls Ihe mmlrin- is vciy riiive ro overy px- ii- ir ae i bene Iiatle lo i onrna irnraie ty siil ikaojs ol -vpiih- I i tV air by ti lint parnVles ol i iniurr ahili till Ihe airro of work u lluat npon Ilie uii in ihv duit i by Itie Imndced icrilaiing eaa I wtuch meoi us m almost every place Tlie mo pofiimon eau lowever it foUl iii 11 c IseK lirst nt a rntnrrh f Ikr no nvi PllTiii- ih iri and firyaj- tin involvinff Ihe biunchial rube wfin iiiae it known as a scaled cJd in Ihe or Uronrhitit fi e ac rmpinms usually suloi f irr a slc 11 lirne but inic ilis paiiPni i pr Iorly trcaTpd ha itnes nrt leiufn to his rriner od tieahli llu discovers a sliglit s aTrnih 11 th hanlt luwards evenini and cinrui Tslre ihe aami exeieise aa iiial trsenviTing thai tie is rAorf o irtiK- SiilL he is piaiiy weN and if ihe ifiofi Summer may gn on unlil pjjl wiihout fzpcflrUion Diit aa ihe VViitor apj ruarji lie tegins 10 rough arul rlie rvpertornini is loiind 10 I yellow ll may also linl lli fevar inereaseil 10 iie- n l hCie wiili niht firriilt anl rapid as fJ fifh in whicli cise ho will probab ly d1 1 rii- Sifirz wih all ihe sympioms i I crnumin ull ihis it iui cnnnmp i on al all n It tmply a fAronic Cijiirri oy Me fungi It is vviy eoTimon forClimaic Hionehiiia o attunis a mlMr fum when ii it spoken if a a Mlnep CooA It eomis on cAcli Wjnier and as legularty aubtiilea tiiins llie summer bul al eveiy succeed- ii2 rviuirerice it mamfesta ttsell in greater sief iiy aii l Ihe rcsovciy in ttie foiiw Siimmnt is 001 0 efmp Thu foim of Mfonrhii if neg wll as arirely de- iiny iilfl an iieaed n ih is at incurable at conumplinn iisiIJ The mucous membrane aenver or later becomea altered in ttluciuri end pouia lotih a mai ler wtiich has all ihe ipialilies of piia Ileeiic lever supervenes anJ tbo disease lems slowly bul surely lu tjalallirmi- nnlion Another form of ntortchiiis U peculiar 10 middle life anl oid irgt- Il ia ditiingoisb- I th 7uariy and llie eAarncerel ilie mailer iipeciuialad Usually llieie are Iwo liis of euiighing in the day nne on awakening ftm aieep in Ihe morning the oitier in Ihn creaifff There la eoniiiierabe dfTlculry in bieaihm while ihe parexyarat nl cMidliing last bul it passes olfaa aaon aa the lupga are freed fiom Iha vitcid ae- eieinn The paiient it feeble be may however live rd attend 10 light deliet of several jeart Bol Ihe eounteaanee grmd ually assumea a pale bluiah tml tba body wasiet Ihe blood becomea Ibin and death entiMs apparreniiy fiomlbe eonatani drain kept vp by Ihn clisebage from iba longt Some paiieniadiefom exbauatinn in five o Sit monihaiboi t have known oibera to turvive fer aa many yaara There ia aiill anotier fonn ef tbie dieaaa called irr Aroaokide tbeaaaential character of wfaich contiaia oi chrome inlla- matioa attended by a IkieJtfninf of iba mueoaa menbranei hy which ihe direAee are diminitbeO in eiz and alw ia ih ae eretioa ef a dena ffXiaoukind of mailer ef a frrrniMi at MUM teuU eoloiir by hieh Ihey era aiill foiihrc obeiraeiad Toe amallar brooebial lsba aa efie aa- lltely eJoaW and occaaionaily a lab ol iiii dstlK sue fioii a mnum eaaiiaaticn Thrr tp thir if CnBin thai Ihe io rr obliuMl toeialiss whrn amler Plsninaiion ihsllhp cava rpmiiira the very hvki sriaowiib llirlwrrc lanorafil tf is fiaLflit nh I IrrHia dsTtjrr li the ptibhc ai pr Mrularl 0 al tliaseateo cf llif year whpt iirat af a rsjil fslil nslnre srp atMal r- rjaiin sPisulilif and aenva irsatmr nt in iidsr re airrst Ihaar ravaeca Bienad Thrnas PjneM D Nolle II D Dr F- C JJe- CallaiD In eoaclsaien iha JatJ aJWf a pmirvel- eil diseuwinn releroeil with tlie foUmttg n4Ui Tliat ii is ihe opieieo of tins Jury ihtt deeaasl rame 10 bcr deaib by aeule Ctartilriy and thai it ia alse eur epimoci lhat lire niihlht have Iwea farther prehncad ifahr had liad Bropre Aid Signed by Jtn Iiikiriso J UeOraw J KsU v eifall W pphanson J WhiKhllf J Riakea C Vfalker W Tower U UooJyr J uibell aad C Uaiaea yz Uoenl Albert Aog 13 1fC1 Kitor of fk afsseflrlrt ra S Our bilbcrlo pcaccful villarcbat bccQ lately a ccne of the wildest exeite- ment conecquenton an oecidcnlwbieb bc- fct our nnurareif editor Il ia proba bly ircU known lo tbe readeri of ihe Em tbal in limet gone by nmimtvilte wai noted from Clupe to Sandwich even loa proverb aa the abode of aobcr indusiri- oua poaccful honcal nay alniot m- rritreiiArfe people Differing in one rea ped from tbe real of oar embryo lowni It oould boaat of a plurality of Ptores blackemilbt ahope etc wbile at tbe aamc time lbs merry god Baceoa bad but one temple where hia Tolariei eouldbob their nlbtlr rcTcU ButALABl aioaredil- or to remarka a change has como over the apirit of our dreams The templea of UaeeiiiaraiDereaaiog in nom- bcr nil Tolariei tbroag oor atreeta The Hoase of God it denetled for the Din Jalact Tbe awful amonnt of crime in oor midat ia cooucb to more CTcn tbo bearl of an aneborite let alone our warm hearted Aofeaofeti editor Ilia voice ha been raiaed tiiuo and again in alraina of cloqneot deeiamnlion which n W Beechcr or even Dow jr eouH never bopo to imitate and yet ihe tide of iniiaily rolla on Not tuore than tix weeka ago hia protifio pen gave birlh 0 a brilliant article wbieb he very rjuainlly atyled Cbriitianily and the UABSRs and whieh aome wero wicked cnoogb In aay waa pnt ogt ta a feeler inaiauating that tbe aotbor bad aertoaa Iboogbta of falling ialo tbe ansa of Mother ChBreh I know the nan well enoab to give Ihe lie direct to iBeh a baa inainaation The arliele ia oy homble apiaioa wu replete with atartiiag tmlba psl io rather a atartliag dtape bol ealentalod a hare Ihe deairable effect of aurtliaj aoaw of tba oatiret of oar town o of ibeir aelf-eom- plaoeaey Yet toabow their appnciaiioa of his effTrt I tl tbetn mor a few dayi baar the raUieatioo of tMa seatbls artieU lb Mniuat of lloy Iowa dugiaeed tbesmdmby peliiag Mr ia broad dayKgbt wilb roUn eggf for ao other r tbao bia bo- ibiibmlfia briagiag to sabembb eireoi troapa of eoart Ibr Ibe laadabi ii- HcwmirKetBegitti Tliii acquatic treat came olT on Satur day lasl iho 81K instant The aborc ol the lake jircsclcd al J nelKk a inil pliMsing and picturciuc aspccl being densely aluiiUd niili liiir llcmcra tbi fjircsl and dearest oLjcls of crcation and a i1it mingling of ihc aUrncr sex more rominlicly natural The Royal tanJanl and Iho fli lhat braved a thousand yeaia tbo battle ami the brcexv cxpandl its cracoful fiUla frotu a auff ercficd at be ci lo of railway rack and failtxr beanly wst iiiipaitcd lo Ibo scone by Mr W H Me Murray clad in tbo eoslunio of llie BC VO who ip a bcialifnl bark canoe freighted with roy checks and dark buo eyes li- paddKJ over the rip- plin Kjtcrs nf ihc I Business of a jrcsiing nature prcrcnl- l J riiilrnn Secretary to ihc Ituval inadian Vichl Club from being prrs nl Il act as one of ihi- judi with Mr IlDullbce Ketvc and W S McMur- ray bul he ptomiscd 10 ailcnd ob aoiiic oilier oecviiin and brih one of bi mnd t i Cinijio wiihHhe Nowtnarkst crali It wat oriinally tended lo Ici all Ibe Ills slil at oclock Btid aail aliout ihc like fir Iwo hours when ibejudgea uld bivc hid an oppirltnily ofdcoid- on the iaickot aailcrt who wero to it Ihe priicbut other orraneiiicnts were Anally made and tbo following little vescls starlod at 3 oclock Culler Iud ly Whack Maid of tbe Misi lieorgc Washington ineUa Schooner- Fci Gull Royal Alwrl Cuabla Maehreo Ariadne Tlic tarlin iinal hjin2 lCen given lle breci- slitfcnc I an Isire each lillle erill friirii Ihe shore ililniii Il va- riii- llj repiescnlin lbtjn Krin lraiice Cana la and the lireal llepublie Tlicenlrasi waa beautilul There wat St iioris Knsisn the Ininn fack ihe Harp nnd Sliamrock Ihc Tricolour iho Maple Leaf and Ihc Stan and Ijlripcs The wat mrtsl cxeilin The eut- iirViielia won Ihia race She crowd to the nlher aide of the poil and return ed In llic tlarting point before any of Ibo ollieri Cuislied ibeir Gral lack Tbe accond rice wu einc5lcJ for by the tune models tavc ibc Anielia as iherc was an objection raiaed lo her run- ning again after winning Ihe firat race Tnc liillc liny craft aped on their wny walking llie water like Ibingt of life the Mbooner 8ca Gull leading in Gral followed by Cnsbla Macbree and Maid of tbo Mist and the Crstnamcd waidc dared the winner of ibc race In the aeeond race aoine foul play and it is liopel not inleniionully waa prac tised lowaids aonie of the cran one vas struck with an oar and turned b lo the tide the started from wilb llic I of her figurehead This race lerniiDatcd the dvjs sjori Wc understand thai it is intended lo have a regaiuon ibe lakecveiy Saturday in future al J oclock pm when nonii nal priiea will be eonfcrrcd on Ibo win- ner Atleroy General MaedooaliTSed Mr SieolU bad d iifaUd OB Ibii klj arlf Hear bear Mr iicilia laid he lud lld Mr U4 Ihe Ireniert deciisa ud iij 1 sisotlut he Mr Sieoiit aeqieterf i Il lor a rtasoa wLicb lie gate bsa U acoitc went on I9 earrste wLal UA Mondtyvben Ibe Prear aaid y kaow what ye have 4 aai M Kvanlurel aaid Oby jiv write ol our rpngBtlions J b nol go dawn lo Ibe Mo Ibil siA jgrpsd on Ihe form of reijeatioa Mr Uorioo tan thai ca Kridav k Iwren twelve and one oclock Mr Hko oiled and aked Inn lo aecompaay bi u the office of llie Alloruey ieaeii W ir llrilioe alto was prrteatal tb iatar view j firai qimtlioa wat as ta tki policy From what wit uid ctrlaiik impopianee of the llaekruptey l- and I oodersleod frooi Mr iiieoiie thai rpfrrrmg to a paragraph about volin j Diub Majority would be abtadeatd 3upplies coniratipd rijc course cf this -d- llpp al Pepulil aade m rainittriiion i askiog ICe dilinct sanction open qisettion He Mr Dotia be of Ierliiinral for Ihe pipenditure uoavoid il reasonable believing il BadaeMUn ably required fir Ilie public sertiee afte ibe atojpagp of the Siipplies itli the con duel of the previous iuvernaieiil in sysir mttiealy ptitl ii iheir hands luto the ehes nd usirg tli pubhc money willioul 111 lliority or anenon of Iarhaineol He lu iiisttiieed Ihe adcaoeps to the iran the expeate of rmuviiik Ibe ol trnuKSl 10 Toroolo He ap of iw proposal lo oped vp eoBUiiiniealiaa with Itrilish Columbia whieb must ulliinitelj form part of a gval Bntisb Aoiciiean confeJeiatien Mr Chainbert io a spirited speech leconded ihe adJicii In reference li llic partfraph of Ihe Mditia Bill he pre siined Ihe members oa balb sitlee wtuld adfflii llial Ibe defence 01 our coenlry wi one of the mosi iinporltsi nallert lhat could eiigaa4jie allenlma of i lie considered llie presetl Mililia Law defective hut Ihou that any new sy lem lo be inl shntid correspond witb tbe tinaueial condition of ill country lie condemaed Ihe Cither Ma uill aa 100 ripensire and rcpucoani inj oilier respeeit to Ihe fcehojs and wi of Ibe iahabilanls ol ilie country lr I tite Opposilion cheers He pke of ihs to Ih pollt Upper Caaada aad lleaw semaiion by Popalaiion a cloee aaattiaB Mr llrown bear Mr Uorion proceeded lo aiy Ihi ifa bjvetion to etilering Ihe tiorerarBeal W lire weakoess of Ibe l Caaadt tt 1101 Jle believed ibe Gtveraoeal i eooililuied would bare go a najeib ly iron Lower Ctaada bst woald ikti been tlioroaghlf beMen in Upper ia and he uarrtled particalanef olber iBUr v ews siiib Mr Sieotle saij Ibal Mr on Ihe ioforneJ ihji Sicoile hail bPougbl bin a from the Atty dfsiriog hia fa telliog him lhal b u Mr Holloa agreed ia iIm He Dinon called et kr fill tbe vole ol i s cotle who lold Inia ibal Mr mc i inu hare mistaken iinn Id jare at same j Mr Sieniip intcrniiiting ted mtk iiiir the rcit to d ond lltnon sliird they eoukltai iluKy ascerd Tbe fat j nn Mr Mcl in llic tiorerameal suh- Tiie vote i mr d irion cx tint wkal beltl sa ifl on Thiirs said was iha if ii wascorrcel aa il dji 1 hr iininiti 1 t dd that v was charged wilh f rrpiv on tbe debate on wkieliiha ui f the depended and aeglacM ProTincial FarHnmeQt Qttatc Angus 17 LorataTivt coVcII Tlie Speaker look tlscebair al 3 oclack aad after Iraotaeling some roulioe busi aeatllie House adjiuraed ICCKIATIXB aascmblt Mr Sealelierd rose 10 move a series of retelutions relating lo tbe special rilora for Ihe County of Kavi declaring Mr ilankin entitled lo ibe seat bul it wat ob jteled lhat the papers had nt been print ed la French aad Ibe mailer wat allowed to aland over M Perraull movpd in French Ihe Addreu ia p to ihe from Ibe Ihrene He spoke ibree qaarlect of aa hoar and aeiiiltd binelf well He be gan by referring lo Ibe imporlsiice ol having agrieollural men in Iariiaaeal who would derole themaelvet ove lo Ibe pro motion of the material inlereait of the country lhan lo Ibe ialpteslt of parly He would nol assiat at the defeat of a Governinenl merely for Ihe sake ol pal ling elber awn 10 Ibeir placet Advert ing 0 Ihe praaised Mihtia Bill be ei- preaaed hit preference for Ibe volualee Trunk of iJlPOUOJ to Ilie Montreal Corptraiiin He went over the rcraainmg aragraphs and declare Inin If unniilinj li apporl aoy Govern inenl blindfold llatber than follow a parit ihy do wrong he wujld bid farpwrli Io iiis ruriiseienlary eaecr hot lie ap- proTc of Ibc nieasurca se rjrli iri Ihc drss anil iljicforp mo4 cord ally e iiitsJii Iiud ch irs Air Carticr dtmanJid fiolanalions ol the Miii n 00 c 1 1 fi 1 Mr S lerglb pi liiis whcli he cl e i iising is iiC non coifilcnrr ertiin on f l Ir S colic lli nercitv ot a iliui in lbs yKXitr o thT Viin n slfalicii lie Mr laeditJhl Iml a ins jority of Ihe i6te of UpiJ Cjiadv 11 li Ir lhat of Lwvr Csnadi J asinl Ibt dcaiiitraltrn 1 Ic iiiiimiicj the nrcet- of pultitij the Liiser Iaoala of the tjoveriiinrit iu a pn t cn uiatid Ihe eijididrnce as iiirh as pob of Liiser Caiiida anl ugelej labii j in Mesrs L rioii and 1 1 llii MrSc ltr assriiled ariJ thai tiio ineinbers cf ilir loner Csnila eifin hiM irlire Mr ssariid wtib llip proposiihn on MrVis Ijfim and Huliti lliat day Ibey dectincil llie ilr bit 3rriil lo have another luteni tint r ithri Mr 5 coie ajun failed i induce He n l enter th li lernnunt Saturdsy an l SaiiBy passed near ivithiul tiif prorrs being fflsle Oi Mndiy Mr S-eoii- tsked him the Allornry JnrralJ ha were tiis iiitenliicis He rcjUed Ihil ih was deirous of binin about a tiate of lLins salificlorv lo lr as well as la Mr I aid Mr 11 ill n Mr irolle was uol aliled nlli lb s and lo- i1el on kniieir more dislinelly his in- leiilionv Wliruhe the ltonPf Gen ibalj eamr to the House en onay In Lower CaniJa coIcagues were eot in their placet but had not receiveil Ibei resignalions or asy inlimalion lhal Iber would resign On Tuesday te received roin Mr 2coMe ttie resignation of hiui sell aad colleagurs aod ibn insiled Mr Uofirn 11 unilerisr llie lak ul conslruel ing Ihe Lwrr CaoJa section nl Ibeliiv eriiinrni On W dndjy Mr Foley btfite he lle Altniiiy IpnrslJ iiiini led ti hill aiy propial liad piarnl hi resignation iii h s tiauLs- li wat nol tiU lhal Iht final arragscneBls were maile fliieh resulted in Hie swearing in ol the new loeialiets lo replf lo Mr Inhn MacdonaM Ally lien Maclonild aid th- adsiee lo cJissslre ua- on the liiilay A to Hie change of policy llie Mir linaM 7icolle liiternTinl had alopted Ihe pol icy of Ibe Doable Mtjirly tad Ihe mak ing of IlepreseitJlioii By Tlpulaliofl a close iieslion nonceinfilence vote showed lhal Ibii pohey was nol ti aat a factory especuilJy in Lower Canada wirere these qiasiens were iboughl ol grcalcr irrpoiace llisn in IpperUantda They all agreed on Friday Ibat Iba lliu- ble Msjiijiy should riol be insiled on and ilial IspresentalioD by Population bould be mack an open qieslion Thia was tgreed oa by Ilia MaedonaM Sicolle Admiuulrilton Messra Sicolle and McJee No ni Mr Macdonald repealed the tltlPmeel tnd taid Ihe mailer was to put on liiday by Mr Io Messit Dorion and Holiofl when be Isked Ibeui lo enter Ihe Gcvernmenl Io reply lo Mr Jones Atty Geo Macdonald said il was agreed by Ibe MacdooaldUVrion Ailmia ittiaiion thai the qiiestion of Ihe iBierco ioiiik Kailwa should be taken up tU no after Ibe sui sey was made Mr Scolieiicst gave hit explanation He staled Ibal the Allorny General after Ihe Vie inforioed hiia thai it wa necessary to bring sorae olber membept io- to Ibe loveffitnenl lo tlenglhen Ihe Lowep Canada t He n Si- colic replied lhat he Ihougii Ihe Liwer Canala aeclton as ccntiluleJ cond command the cocfi Irnee of ihe country al Ibe polls The Ireniiep ssM lhal a Min siprof Finance was naucias Mr Iliw- Itnd had informed him that he would ni longer hod that olBcc and suggesteJ Mr Holion Mr Macdonald mrnlionid M Llorion also as one whi wsutj give c01f1 drnce li Ibe connlry al large and grealy satisfy Upper Canada Mp S eotie pro ceeded 10 narrate Ins convertal ions wilh Mesara Drion ard Hoitnn on the sub jrct Ifi ibe oiirC of ibese conversa tions the Djuble Mjo ily and the maVirg of Uepcscntalion by Ipulalion an open question were sprim of He uj Iways laamiaiflcd and would alwap eonimue lo Ihil duly Ibey were right in nnl keep Incn in Ihc Adinlintlration bul Be IbaM It very impropep fir Mr Sicotia ifat jliii to leave Ihe room and lell Mi Mu Cec lhat he ilfr Dirion desired ka louldgo oul On Tuesday aighl k Iirinier ioferiaed hia that ibe Liwer Cts ladi eclion htd resigned aad ba Jib 1 iin undertook Ihe charge of tttati lint teciiSn and it was true be 1- I i id 10 join Ibe lraidittfv I lioii He beherril had it bea foraiadlB iiist way It woutil bate been bst adpCat lo meet Iha coufl cling news ef lb l Ml Ktcnlurel gave in Freneb U vrion of Ihe circonstiBcea CMaealal lib Ihe rrtgaalioa of hiatelf aod eel- lelgiiet Mr Foley gare bt eipltaaliaa ll attended a iBaeling eftbeCABseil aa Fridir The only qvetlioa Ihta ladw c na Jrratioo tvtt as lo Iha disteRiMi He aaiu altenioJa meeliagof ibe cailii on Saturday and Ibere was no ialiBNlilt thea i to hita of Ibe cbaBge wm- subsequrnlly oecnrrfd ila treated uv ihroughoul as alii aa bonoared allhougb at aow explaiatd by Ur asiM Ihe Ireairr btd laid bios aa Ibe pmi day Ibat h M Foley asatlreUf Saturday aighl a fnend a mca Paihaaent lalBnaed hits Ibal lb pi haI decided lhat be Mr Foley make way for Mr who w pM snieil 10 enjny ninr ef tiw cmi of ths people ol Upper Caaadt W fiiithrr coinmuDicalion look plat til neaday nornrag wlten be called iW ha- loirr and aated boa abool Iht raatm Tne Premier ravalieily lotf bia ltarwn true Tbereapnn be addreawd ler resigning ofice sad addia iMll a frn and rrlpert Ha caMhlll aruvlsl Uppa ilion Cheer by dcelar no man having respect fot eewktlliwjt principles could sanctinii tbt b hy Ibe Premier oa IbatoctBsia Tne Allomey Geaaral ftpm mUST that ba weuW leave lb ppipriely of lb e ba m fmimi m Ibe ratpoatiVe poailioa br He expltiaed bawertr haf mw 10 M PJey al Hit tsttrriew IW nesdtr tbal ntll bid let ika at Ibat powtiaa lo jaslify biti te Mr Foley i p hia aSa Bt Hi Aitnrney Geaeral ditpaaal iiwilrf till WrdefJay Ibal Mr MowalctMfflif j lo j Iba Ailiaiaitlralioa Tbe wer Bceesaary atrmfitaitbi- Atliniaiiiialioa Uedtal iteuydttmli ing t Sicati wilb a aiiiaagi t Gee detirisgbiB ts r klr MeGe a ciplata lit mv M t lb btanr tawsr sage froa tbt Praal Mriif resigialio h bsk if Mben preseal Mr Sieollt aiid tbit M Holloa aad Dorioi w prMMt uf csocurred ia tbt propnei eTlbt He was aileaitbtd at tkair part II kaviag leled wilb ibm ftf j aad belitviaglbey wera adtrmtif parly nbhgalioaa la bia il aaltrtdMi pariicuiirt aboBt sabseqaeal taateatiM wilh Measrt Donaa Utftta McGee sqske wiib coasideraMt bilurtl of Iha trealisenl b bid rtaieed Prcni wbo be aaid had tbew bwwl incops derate ef all that wii fiaftr delicale betaeinaaiaal bb prinii uMic relalioea The debate waa tbea ad Tbe Iloas roaaaieltvea a Qaabec LEOTaLATlTI AMCKBtT The Smaker toA tbe ebair i i- Ihree o Hon Mr Laframbeiaa commsmim of i Worka wu ibuujrf itied to take bia l for the County of Begot EUEX ItWTHl maintain Ihnl local sectional laws should i Mr oored a y uol le firced 00 000 section winch Ibal dariiy ibal Mr Raakia bad wjiro seclioo refused of votea in tba CoMly rf Mr Brown Ihe School Bill for ig- laace M S cotle aaid he never eoasnlred over Ih compaltory tvsien Ha apoke j ibe Sepertle School Bill a local Bill On of Ihe leyaliy of ibe Lower Catdians The Rrilisb Hag wat Ibe tigo of frcadoos and all French Caeadiaaa would rally aroued it and tboald an eeemy appear on ovr frnotiera Freacb Caatdiaa tolosleera woeld defead tbe eaealry lo Ibe last drop of Ihtir Wood ile referred ti lb Dank- rapley Law om wbieb wesld b ol grtl Bdnala lo Iba eoMt He spoke of Ibe laporttae ef eaeOBrBgiag agricallar and ef ealabtsibia aeboola for icBcbieg aot only BtrieBltiire bat dilareal bfbsebm of BaBBbtlara ua tpob ap proviagly ef tba afferta of Iba Adaiaistra the Saturday Ibe Hxeculive Ceoncil agam mat aad Mr J S Macdonald when asked what answer Ihe iVovernor had given ahoul a dissoluCioo replied in such away thai no one could exactly kniss wbetlier Ihe dissolaioo wtt graaled or aot Laughter Oo Saturday aliernooe the Preoser laid brni lhat he bad sot cespleled bit Brnngtmealt Oa M01- day he aaw Mr Dorioa wbo agaia refa- aed lojoie tbe Cabiaei He then col lected hit Lower Cauda- colleagues cx- plaiaad ibe silaaliaa and told lham also lb4t tb Pfeflitcf bftd ioiialed aa Ibal Mr McGee aboald eeaie 10 be Ibe LiavcroiMBt latl clcclion and waa eaSlltd i teal as a member oftbtn rated Iho faola of lb tnaUon of tbo tokw davita Ihe Deputy btlwtik gc Mr a mytriiy ihn aammalioB of eolea as it aew ww the poll book gar Mr qceay jority of one lhal lb rcuod to believe lhat Ibi aedwdem book bad been alimd which ahnwetl ptaillj u si Broota Sell ntfrwfof bean erBBed tad lbb o Bed thi raM f w luw who refuted lo aw m sc wu buu aaitew w lalmu properly for Mr ocbor

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