Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 29 May 1863, p. 1

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YOUK UEWEltAL ANi ADVERTISER GIVE ME THE LIDERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUB FREELY ACCORDfNG TO COMSCIKNrK AHOVR AtT OTHEIt LinriiTV NO IG John T Stokes i RrrlTEiT if C4il T Bbop Son le ce NEWMARKET W FRIDAY MAY 29 im iJCCOi Dr HcCallnm mitalClAN 8ilfl0ll nl AMOufhMT rji tii Sr BAHSAT PHYSICIAN CORONER emeHSii nmrrxyr HurffOB fU ArcoChiif Avr A TMh upp1ofUrn Cbcal r Ul IS M If5rr Offio at Kewmarket mnnnmmm VIC maa tntloJ u iih bii gmoi tpeakiDz is tnirrol Aa cncnl role it it tba moaC eeoao mitil 10 boTtba betttrtielM The priee TiKr wrtjwhiwtr tsesL coorvc niu Dtsoer DQ riar mooej to buj p6or OQr mat tonr CrowJiaj routHJ j bj diy M uA a i once eoatseneH to chire the era loo hii ejM were pirtljr epcntd but HOTEL Ott Mnin SirttI i Doort Sorth j of Dr Prtk 6- w IM biDd or h urgron th nothing 0 ll IfjufioM Bpo th itrti iBrt nn lh Al I 0 ujjijjtijLWTrrjprcc J thfciuniyoi antlfif the Lnited Counlie o Cliicxi iti anJ SigaDr tffftlh ilVj nfJolT nel YrTf L bein OMiroiuiaa oA 25 Bid ttporu COTBTwimwimBTi ir kov ih eledi Sr w tufr aiT 11 irvmbiifl got hni bolb inU tbs boat and htvinf made aurc that there waa as olbcr tivini rrom that lime both the tDn were nnder eire of oar aara and by the help SSiTiSnfirTBSW8WSTWflBr The naranna ia acldoD ettan Wtaiie aQcir frOTD Draiil ta loaMlliMiTeTTsMd iiidRii iH mi ukiii iA k the ueehirineaahetanc therefore thre ia probablr more etonom LirERrooL Ma ih 1 dn hereh by and with the adiee CotlDB firiBf aod lahllr adfintrd Council of nor laid Pr- ipeeolaion and inipoilfr MaiLftcl Aembj in and for iir uiH Pro Tinct to tncct at our of QmW iv robibl mon is osin tmf Bptd Urndlgfff ditH bat tnAt at our of Qubi drofJirn friVmVSnitTTrfriri7g7ft I Wfl I I II MijitfttiTBflMiMWtftfMlTiril itiiMifititi CCeStiaiitiSi IIKMIY CROXON I atkai Nxr 19 IgSQ H0laeAHB IAHBlaC lioi Agl wtAk 1c roM liLll ihAdotfi to ad minuter hej m broojitit baek to lEE lhcoclie T Pnfbl LtnH Inaaftfict tvil kiiiumr eeeangfiOTTO iWiivft TTofiirW Ah aaid b with a dnbioiu aliake Kich eheeae fecla aoft tinder the Dre iimpsswyiffsrTwwwR Bor beallhr wa tndar iisparte Irong ta seilher I iDiA MA rWl I BYa ik5 t if Aiiin n iw houm 1- Ill r4ct NotMir XfAr AtSireti Wtit TORONTO Tfiiws ni ti Lgf W titiril llh thatrf P iiiitlL C W John HcNab UUm ptur- lV T H Ball I UlRTrd 1 f4 nm 1 iMMfm wrt npj ii i j9muuHVPnniBHHEaa Allarnrjr in Ch ffTixnrainayn E Jackson i bF mAitntK LitKsStaj I to the ootbvard of llAlifjX F of ua in a cool Jrj plicu If mold ippetr oa owop a amall schooner and came tmt on 1 it wipe U off with a 4ej elotb the Binin iftfr gpjfith A hunt fit gteagaj-ggs-sgJMaidtsM- night before jou found ua wo pot eauphl kept in a cool drj place in a nTlhyuer Wo tried to pat back j The beat riee ia Urge aod bu a clear but Wi couldnt do it nor could we I frh lA n f jy we went lor two daja like a fripht- 1 pj i ibe beat The 1 brown kind eJolpun O craft wa ao old onohaa an earthy Utc Tfaef ar and nee dawa froa Ua proteuer be Qeoriai Bankv jtsfie paiaful KDMIlAB LokboM klay 0 WnRno Tilt ImmiR- maieSBltirlzrteWieijixeiTuyiTi MacJoriBld aoit Mr Lo i oni f llielteie frcin liucbet un Ihc Ca- na timiir mttt Imint Sctneii Word iThie ilij hid bB ieBding the with hi ltctllency Ihe dritcr of ihe liirrd caVche io bith ihy were raa wniuiiiijjpjuj EnHtRKT BV C CA8TLT0t GMbu H1I I i Beo Pearson j ti il 71nti HniitiiMiM MggQctPf batlle wai homeward bouud Wc were tacniy da from Qibraltar and had thoa far quite rcpetable weather Ou the of KebtaarT 15lh l44we di- our wcathtr bow Word vst acnt to tbo Docki WKovfred on the third daj jnat aj the blow waa Xhe cracked cocot it the beat bflt 5ea2isaaiisririsaiBiBiabSESsssko pumps but twaa no ow A duieo aeams oflanTery Kood 8hell are apt to be were open and the waUT ciuis in likomaaty Trj a qoarter of a poofld before mad We found that the rli thing matt I tutinj a qaaotity and wc pot oor bnat out and a quid- 1 To telet nuloi prie them wilk a in one moiiately apread areond the punRoie Itd In enaidr Ihe etodua IroD rnwa upoa oea ef Ihe wheeh aed Ibet hii falf ilalwKwyAflWA fegFi MiBf are drirnilBed for tb prcMnl head wiih jreat firce Tie eoiM oeea- nnl Ift ilrltn Pnn iiitll nf asQ Ait Janiiy bfinj foreiaoil ia remlerie erery aatnt- aiKc in Ibeir power Mr MacdBad not being to nacb bail raimard biine Mr American SaTolatioo tepw captain and io iQH ordcra atonooto g j u u uic rjjeo b iiKlr aa SPvUckandatand fr iL Acrdinly the V teep ta too sp t4 ia a dote il eraft wiiin rremier ii eociiiJrablf bhii aad if coiftplled Io M a nUitt irtlkioc to the mast In addition to mmr aiKienmmfra VcFLyiN l5 ItFE WilWNC socinvi n-UlfiL-ll- iSiKf iilllljMiliiiMwiiMMiiM 1 1 1 iWrrwTffftwiWfyvrw aej closed otr her aoJ the boil went tion produced by moving it will burat thel f if hek j3 7 nd giagbam the iBio iladdwn wc all went together ck htoy lurnbr g h but feweaawptea The UKlordtoarv tnerioo orailk oaittEiiCiauak rairjiiaanMMTJrwmiiiiirTwr IflaDaitruiiLjiufLtfirzaEiiC rmlfenWTiTirTitt mi MB LfeDd SOrTCforS Ilkd toKoiiit with one r the lieoleni ii provca lo oc tncwncre ita oaor wifl not atlect the air cl ji 1 T xffi w The wrr laT with her ifirlmrd i accurcd houw The bet kind It that which ia 1 t ncxl door l oa at whieh kT I- o r r lii II i iu ii I it I lUd atioiit me The water wm cillcd Dan fnim iu nwnliar enlor r iihl J 7 IftOO Seuplo alUnded and where atl H- riifciyiiTal aMiiaaiifiia SEPWWTO ILFJgM IU IUli uij tiili tjciobtfi mm lf MX flm fJfWwfaVW37 iMAKKKTC ThVawe haalH 1 i loJVtd fr the boat i eonenieot aite and laid where it will bTMif- furite iVefolWineawJnroi paraphe aad wpper oi J iJaTTrSaiBteeorTeTJSnSir inSlCIAN rmrklt FrVj 2D Iii9 M lifvlia atill rtc leaJiBi from I V Ihey r dogl Lyin expoeedlfrwii iTn PerrUerina iheo I of m 68i wdirfffrtc J loofevU dogu aad aoPc 7 i g j Gan i arbr a- foond ber lo b loaded with ihinelw poUtow M h haaeditU 3OO0 and rhe at Ihree timM uto Oi IriM Will VrtjT7n r Ml cmsT AM9 9 I Ifanvbip bad picked tbett Op 1 The Queen Hotel E8IDrVETI win TIIOMAS DICK THE EinsBrRoii Assurance TOgiBYi 1 ii VrtV StAJ i4iLiMLijjiijaiwifliiJijTrrT Btrrittrf n Ckantery dr EHiriMefirr 11TT11TJ mjEUsei uihPii JtLVtflTi Wia Mwley SiaCJocnOTi la th Banch UfivoD tbe aali vater oot itr T iBBBifflBlSSB oak tad tbeo equeeted ibe waUr intoj LA LJ Anerieaa aaira reeeite foil Two dija We were on ibat in wiLh the 1 UuiKrUa Ull nUA RTtFRTOSTHirsBmRSBew 9 iiMViiiniMii II I ceftiM salt ittrcMtioe by a Une ondc faal to e bok on the oot nkZeesaatSsske d llwa hard for aaU joan tJuiek u thoahfwe ton the a we could aee andtheacrawled laU ttw XXZfOT l 1 Ibnlfc IT Wth hrtm lowr nd Lh I Dtiniia taa were lii j W tTRACUAN McMURRAY j Bt8i gly CTTUf PtiKr e eo higt OQt of water tb4t the jw uZa Ulrf I ted iad if il waa wriltca W t Dritkiidi 1 Kewrkij Dtflttrtlei Blaaki O aU deecrtpljoDfln haad rraaU Api KKV fSi OfFC tewMJketJgM t 1 John J Landy Bed Aiioryi at Iv Jl a CHincery Ojofrj now Titr tWcrTKsTa IBha abtfa were akled ui aetae Connul of oar ProjBee of Caoa- odtanO ib Ul ikat be I pUm evd 1 went dowo I looked fiato faioted awaTefta aotaefiBeio tbe liauU CHijlLiSBBELfoaD JgitlTil WewaarkatJWr Ig tW tilA gere6S4r3 ts iMa TilU aad ia Bw prepared u esle all erden erlii whiek ft ttaj be fa4ed ea lb ibsrtaat Mic aad meal edraeueaeee J B H emxeedHlaSkaple hM rpMee fTATen r yawtuHKer Bnwaen Mr UeUaauri Store ael Preepaet Siren wbr a aaniBt ef CLOCKS WATCHES 4 JEWELRY WlllUaiwapkrptenhaadch taper tbaaever AWnarket Jaaj lt IHU tWT ALBIOK HOTEL LEMD tT rAurr MtAit LAROR 8 U t OF MONET ON poVTn y II hacul fee JoTeelraaiit oo laoved J OHOy I V C W Apiiyie 1 aaw a bamin 6neg it a a miff lUrk and attK for he ootleed oie bsL A groaa fhun behind atsrtled mo asd fa he eppoaite bertb I taw aaolber isaa 1 aUea al ooce to Iboac on deck td M cl itiem eaoe dows A tooa u e eoald fairly eollect otfr reaaea are ealled for nma ead aod by tola DaftBte teeeeedid in fetiioj the men oa deck Tbe OM who bad uttered the ktmbi waa able to ait ap though be twokM nor likt a tbisg of tbe KaTe baa litiog aw Eia faea waa all tank away till tbe boee aeeised alooatis eifht and bia eyea bad the cold k frnten maa Tbe olber u aeoaeltM aad iBaaiinate bat there wae sot oaly variBtb about ibe regtoa ef tbe beaiti bat I wu tare I eaald feel itafaWtion with aiy ax 1 bad amall pocket nipor with oie batof then oirtolar thirffk el ia a little wu tad ibt I Opened iitd held is hta lipa 1 11 narrowK aad PtitBfe aud be waa dying 1 tried to bM 1 eealda t tDure A aort rf atopor eatai orer re froa my eSurta and I fell away agaia Tbe sett tiling I reoMa- ber vaa beariag yon oa deek I tried to ry oat Imt eould oaly groan 1 at laat Du oot to groab pretty loqd aad I ksew wbea you bem ne Of eearae yM know tbe reel 1 dont Ihiak I uald bar lived till Moa If yon badat fosad oa Bi ye did Tbea yoa kaow notbiog of Ae fr erew of tbe wreck 7 I aaid No faeiuawered I kaew tbe enft 8be waa a morpbrdite bri and beiaoged loUalifts bat I dost know wbo vaa ht ber nor wbat beeaoie of em Three dy after tbai we poke aa Ca- banjae bond fir Halifax aad aa tbe two eared men wiabed il ty ere pat 00 board Tbey abed tem of gnu- 1 biy Bed Harfowby alrealy deeenDced Ibe itewia pKy irwerdt Petaad aad aBfned ikal erpartbea waa the eely n- 1 edy ar1 BeaeeH Zprrued ml eoafidcec j ia tbe kOBaaee lateMioea sf Ibe Ctarl Tbe nfaepaialiea aaigbt letelre a I eoatly war wbteta Eeglaed waf letb to ee- pa wilboet iMBl preaAef nceaaiiy tla beJuftd peblie epieioa le Ealaad oald leSeeece tbe Reillan OeteraMaat lo realore tbe Feliah ceetlilaiina Il ia eperled tbel Ike BraaUaa Minie ler IB LoOb wia iaamcted to desaed ixplaeal Me led if aaaalnleeiery diplo laaiie relaboaa were le be tatfested niAflcSi The FreaebCerpe Ijefidaiif wu ds- aoled The aleciieea are ftted or ibe 3lt May aad lat Jaee Urae dell at e9f S6 liaaetitof var aaid whiebataadal to tbe twealT Jaae aext now kaow ye that we do for tbatead pabliah tbia our lloyal Ptoelk Datioo and do hereby tliuoitt the asid Preriacial Parliament accordingly aad Ibe Ljtite Coaocillora aad tbe Knlpfata Cttiieae aad Bur of tbe LegialatiTe Aaeeably are diackarjed from ihatr aeelinji aad attendaaee oa lle aaid Iweaiyaeeond day of Jane aeit la teetiiDOoy wbereof if Carlirr icJiulU coriiinaiia m Qa Whercaa we are detroua aad rtiolr- ed aa aooa aa ny be to meet osr people of out Pmiaee ot Canada aad to bte tbair adiee in Provincial Parliaacat ve do iDake koowa our ruyal v ill and plea- ante to Cull a Proriocial Pailiament aod do further deehre that by the adriee of mr Kxecaiire Couaeil wc bare Ihia day giteo onUn for iieaiDi oer Wiile ia dae tons for eelljaj a PmviDcial Parliauent ia oar aaid Proxiaeo aljicU Writi are to taoughl tlial riiher Ihe Trrreier xad ol ak or ib intrrH tiiiij rrfuM lb apiifal lo Ik eoiiiinrv Tb bre beVa fiibtruly tnl and wsvld Ul ly recall tlir rut ot Tbiir Ovrtt THi Ff Ti Napraf Fafla Oa2r learettbit a ifow beloBK- io lo tb tvt Kmbb n lmed from lb wharf al icri Dy a Tlwrtday aiKhl bf wsM niKrrant aad fial Oftr Ibe Katlt VVbat object tbe aoeadra covld liare la hoe dfirofiii property can only be uriail ih Hat to Ibe 0WBrr alB Tler wai a aiaalt aainot tty 950 of popeiiy oa board IlTDiasa Our toWi hta bees full nf ludao lor a week are frKi Cap Croker cnieing in lo ipid iur lulf acDDiA a bead iLit aiflul Bad 01li rli ay froia iIj iial Maeiloalia Nland ia lker hoali PHOPRIETOR-

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