Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Feb 1863, p. 2

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if n i lUtt NEWMAKKKT ERA FEBllUAUY 27 18fi3 Kffw AuvcitiirtiPDU I tjnr Co vj Ilctiii vy f iuont iV inp Stn mill iLrt prjiouly icli rrid nii rc I iiijt I- tnc uiiIrr Lj i i uncc ii- rciult riil Icvffi ipcikin til- vtii i SimOflri Jlii w- 1 1 i I nil i r n ni vtl itir 111 liv iij jf nr Emv Iisvv 111 i 7 ii 1 Ijvrvito Ilitir iiCi foi- 5 J i a iiiiinttill lie n r t ir Sliiiirirt fli uM fjncy li- I- r I ffs itiLcj arM-r- 11 i riiiiii i- 11 ur poiii 1 T ir it rriii l ail 111 aJ jrr J an if 111- h I Iwn liuij i East GwUiimbury Council TIh- rf Iiif iii iiiiliaiii K- Miiuit I in r riiii I NIr I ll U Iliui II II Iiiy ri I j ll llll lli 1 IV l ri Tli J llr rti I llrltlij fill m1 llK III I ilj illitl1 TlJll itif iliI ifirliV nt- ll Tiom it M ui fil r I I I 1 I i ir J irsl lu ujn nmi rjni untcnalk J I iilnuiiiiuiirt iU Mr rrb iTIh 1S63 1 V Ml Jj in I I li 1 Ti T i 1 r lTiiijtv f u Cili ll kc fi 3iJ 1 Iir jr Iiivl rrMu ll- DtL ll- cii 1 if lli- CifV ilcrc yuiil inl rn rin- Tl- Il nni V ili il- iril J iif it 1 in iiitriiliirrii Ij Ibn a itTii- I iiiU ni r- f mi jlp inUlK 1 11 Ik- I Ilvic Ito vLuif r Kdtt I I- N I 10 9 IDClullte inlUrTili I Scliool Scl lou No V ririilrJ ij Mr lud rrid Tii rLllemi nilis orrr Ibca fcrMDl- ci Viim Mr Mtlliij Ue futnilin ofin fir 4 1rliule wurnan itnivttin Ic ihff luin of aln from Jrnift iiiin for ivrninT bill Dolirf He fnunlio 10 lit jlT from lilt cirk for ol ff ninimiirx 5 Mrl br Mr conifl b Mr I jiinfn an I lul lie lirjurrr f llil r i lahnn ti lnrlir auih aTiJ fv ij In IS f iller if Ir Clialv Irt ii vKin i f ii II It ainjil laTin brrti tprrilr iii No iwn ilun llie l irar fnr ili ereciino of i trij rrn Mil- riii r itrinr f It Towniii iti b ilnir rrUtfl t f- renei Tlie prajr ijf llie peliiiou wr grunted anJ Met acre UeJ fui Iceu- bouei miniilec ra rJ rrporleJ Cogncil ailo tr J llr riporl Mlrr Itne furlher loglinv bliaeti lb OLibCi Aijouroeij Tho lWB Lme WoBt e rriiiitttcd wre ibal an ffrt nui bfinj bf lie iiihAbi- nnl of iKi Villjr to open op the roii I me b ils liie frmert of Vei wilJmbjr TfJtnlh 3ftJ A5JJU COO com to lii injrkel T1 out i I rouD by HrAijfbf Mttn cnitrr iiare titufhfJ I Jfuiie tnJ are irTpr1sr t drnruc from ill I poiiD Co lli road aid lor lU ptigi tOMliref b opBediJ ilit al no dutaot South Ozfonl Tlic fiVnif oTrntcrday annooMM tbil Brown Uu rvcciicd rcquUition iprMd by kboal 1100 of he KiMton ot Svulb Oxford liking bin to cootMt that CijDititacscy tsd to vbieh he replied fi Taarablr Ha oomioaicJ on Wed- nrsdij u iru tIo the Cesiiidit of the CooTenlion Mr Hadwcll The Sheriff wii gnablo to detido wbo had Ibe aooi- ilion but u Mr Hrovn had nnl eoB- seolod to btatd tlic cvcoinj prcrioos and u the place al uhlth tlie oliLioalioQ wtf held ii iiid U be Mr HoJwcirMtroni- lioM the rrluU i no nurpriiin Al leMl Ui4 ii be Mlorio bj the OInLr jctltrAiy Ve areaorfj hsi Mr UrowQ haa allowed biinteir u Ci I 1 Sinciy iz MTtllM fnU Huin r Tl K f iiiil tl nHir H-r- r In iiiflii i iti Ilmtuil rrolvnl TInri If- Ifl It ITJ e- II Mr Illp lie iitc IIF fullni iit fr 1 I I II- Mt M t Mufi VIr Ul t I- 1 T X llltl fi y tl- c nt 0-0- rt I f II etrrift ilir f Mr t IPni irjclbl Mr II r rr Mr Ui Hiii cinli he I Jl- M- J I Iiiiiiittr 1 Ile wlml tr II Ml V I tuitlfwrfih ill tle tlair in I he cW- ijJ a4iiii iImii mum iIiom riniti Alu r ii- ill Iliriili m i ilriliiK I11i ihln eiliLils hi I ill- niiiiiic- r c jnJ itjcU- o f I Iriliiii iiiiiini Thsl ihe Inf rinniiinl llu aiiiili fiiniiitiniitiiin ldfc iheir anl iiulJ 1 rviriiiiii llill the Ilrcuur truni tire nf il Trmu Kiirilin nftiri- haeti 1 in ihe IIrtkh ihp lable hv i iic Il rulli- iiU ill- irii ul nun ill M in ihi- until f In eiUir inl jroialim Iliniipnn 1S ilii Uitli ritTcrirC 11 till- cliiiiiiunicilirin I soErv ilielf iiilo a erim f Mr Ulhl il UTr- r ami CgiioUrju 11 Itiieiicc iiiiccloit III llie riijif priiiir ami bftnjt fm f TiinrJ ailicaii4 for crififi n Keeper Iifeine mrrr llirn j Jjj A JoinifiillM or Coniiif5iinnr i tuil now lhl b ll foo pti aie been forineJ coail iri cf Ilrfe cT Nevmiiket A lUprtii iierplirwiil Ir riiii po colnr llr CinTlern i boodT tirniSp r iei aoJibTw t 4iiiaMjf 3rrx ff hie I I of Jxl be apJii fir Ibc alwve urjjk OrCumtllllUC llJ1rl iiitton nero irri1 I liini Ihclfrt mil TLiirn- a-Ll-i- fir Temn Lioentri to iicnrr Cromi Jat HCIurf and Iriu V ifipietr Council B3i permiismn to eacli of Tlie v i-i- u for IbcMtii appt Io the County lDspcclrnf impanr eTeeit IjIVII for Iicene upn obtaininp be rcnujied I Her rij- Ka awineJ ltm ifkiZl Cicate from the ruuninpal Dorl tn imfoee A Hilaw was pfieoleJ bj J TbTr- citilici biwr ile cooieojij ro amen J Sec 15 of H jW N Vff jmotin- Teeern Iieeotes- Counti wini tul en- nl iaio Cwnmiltee of the whole m this Uy- biK- proU Ii Mr Tlioriie in the aliiir The ih i j V o Ijliw WJI pieJ in Cniiiiilloe nillmut rfir rt- amendiiienl Itefnirl wan athpLcd Kulr h itne wa and the Hy hw reJ 1 j fltring ihictJf a third time and pnc J T lai ei jj A wu prcvrtiH by U J homVA-liiVm- bi ThOrnj Ineppcint illao llffiwn for the inijiy len year 1563 Inuncil in iimiitlic Ir imn i jler 1iv o u il lane in The ehair The iiiiinnliio rore iii utlinnj anl iltxu conot- 0 hop tht alter difBiB Mriihr iiieeiiri i ii iai empiavmert i bejinoin lo lake i ce ill rl iniiiilgiiiing iMiru Ill ri 1 Mr J aril rrreil i liiiller riee 11 wrrnee Ih 14JL Illinil lainet Mil Mclend lieorjjt I lr llieigr Ilai CI iuKao ofih laile J Jmc llubt Ualer lUH John llulie Ctiiell Iliiuib anJ lolio Cm nrj Hv iben tijournrj come fjrward at Iif piriicular junetiire end adiplel the Uytaw baa dieidel to ran we Irutt he will be d- lllaqk filled as fillwa iiiKcIir eleelil haminitncly Mr Uriwn propn K H JiiMer AnVMor hihnhiii er and aecoodcr are slrun iatn io the pird IvuiiHlkiiwrj J Jerome and 1 louhbee Kj ard Mer Wm Me j Hiding Chapoiao lU mi r We learn froia ir eor Malrrjr rterl inpnn Win Trenli mvi I Movid Ir U J Thome seeodJi- ly i Rff i Ibal Ttrisat runeri lloiuM vulhMlaiiJ and lr HactellI WWlefcUICh TOWnlhip OfflCMI Xhoiiia Iine Tkat the yUw M a l Mr llnulltee clijirrrin mt Mp lelj I Tl 1 I P bo real a third lime toMierablt Vrllilteclurman anilMrMeMa I The ffeHorins Rcitlemoo ere ipiBtJ rale U impended f r Chat f-ir- l I r- 1 llVi Mr Hot iTurr I t fnjJr niwr ifrii fir apart tUo libiiicnt iu I Mr Uilii irj ler TVeaurtr Tint orniiiillci- al nurr guiranlrrii lo eooliaclsis loioe or the ainouni bai already been How louch more will b- j raneJ ii nil drfirilel known bul more Ihan enuufita io male Ihe hoe a firil rale fTco 1 J eOrl i- Coiircil iun reniej -j- he Wel llrrch ol Hie UolUnJ Ihe Cir i he Ajdiior repori i Ii been already iecured Acouuu oi If now bchoorc Le peopU of Kin reidMi the hne tnd h mu ol Wftib rrrTfd IfAniffJ br Mr I a i j nf eetiir be largcJ bcAefiKed bf tli I unJerdlinj H omf fofwarj berallf t iei do I IMfe of iJie 1 MIf I Ml thfit the wlie lNfv in SilU Vrk wen- Mr i inijj 1 1 t iijRarur- from lhtfil Ih IroTincialirrelary 1 on III ereral prlilior Kill aod eoininu I enlertr Tbn anion oi in rir lf ll- il irC lUri T niimrH pnifil Tirr lel ihhlf of ibe MerehanH and oier c aril jl lrnii the CUrk 1 Crarei in lonimipe Mr Ih ij- in I Neinarkel prore Cneluitrly ibu I JI i in i ehair omiinir oe aid llie thiir- willcignei t Mfod tnr elbrl calolieil ItrlaI I uil vnur ll rran rrporrd a peporl icerirtiiitr wiih lo dei tlji llii irsUier of II ol r ihe facihlie of Ifade Lil M W nil Kiit tl- Cii Iarcisl vf wl 1- 11 I i I reeiinniiiid anv lurlher el iwo lenlnlinn a toUo j tuiiiy ail i iriy the Tobie h mar ehane- 1 i j i towhi Wii jd i piJer oflh and crnmeiee a 111 -n- W I rcKnl i rare afr of Srhml Srfioo No Ifl uiiJiHnif ihe woik will b eom 1 I L- Wffo Ipi bj- lf Hiniiy voiir conitnillee ro oir rofrmlllee wouM rtpeeifolly reeom j meaeed lorlbwuh aod prKCiiled firr Iiv ry cf ilc niiicii that it I- liil nf lill Mil I d Ibx tSe ume lay oer unlll lU firi 1 ouy lo enirpriioiible rh lime ol in icer- Jar r r Oecembrr neil i Ibc jeiHenlrij cOfnpoiuK ilie eoDuiUee f lr liii 1 iiifK- slin hellier lle saiur linU thii t r- o Tg ptiiloii ffiyelir Parley ill alTird a tuarantre to Ibe juttlic fjr iri- aT ire li- ri lli jtilin wj J t nf or iioi i 37 nilifr prtrir fir Ihe alleralioe ol ihe proer nI lejilnuali- ripeiidilure l er 11 tir ll- 1 U 1 11 1 11- rt-il- ilii tiin vheilier lle taiuF aitnM tl praliin i a j it nnf or noi irirj J l M- Seetioo No 1 jour Conmille ib ainunl bibd bueeea lo ibe 1 J V iini lo4 md laodin or rfoinirtJ iao to ay r wnliMhe firr eterpH snnn ii rifcrtirrc to jrjtiiin f r SM- iMcl binir arroer JVcfb m i the fii- pii Ly t unly 1 nuf r n of Tlin Sikf Prof SlddOnB LeCtUrC ll- Igiiii- i pi at lihiin ton- I 1 retirer ol h luu loeaidm biiti briJee ilrrn lt Tl Timn Lcreem I I Tprm Honiber oo lt No 3 in lbe7ihi InMilule enjoyed a rich I Utd ih- 1 i r Ik riCimmi irlthat th- Cinmilire woiJ re treat from Irof SlfRM who for let- ti n ri ilc til i I 0 J mineod Iba rommiib be appoint I ly two liOur held the audienec at bit I n ri Iheptiiion j Hene- U- laid ei lul next merlin on llieZith 3 p j Bidgd il 1- rli ir rid intal injiihcUelitir l- nial be made br tl Treaivrer 0- lle S if ir- if Bnruilliil an1 cjlcu 1 I irder f f lle Cnoneillrr for Ihe U rd for ak- f UihbcRrlrrln u 01 eeeediOf fib Sjd I lleeoiuo I be deJocled from lb- aiproprialioo U ll eoiiiiion loetv nl rrnnBJ tin- l pelilim U laid rvr until i li il ih nifil in- Vr Cornmiliee oud alo rrm irlrn avTituii if Iho ifti j n pn cflli bll fmn M cKl With rii rrr- Io tl 11 tbc Bradford man 1 p WjHLf an itlT eoiiiiion loiety and rnmtDon i rr nmcBJ tli ll rrrro tli- We STI I- mT cur 0 ileiopra ir iti rdif fjlly to ejfi lie aiV- a atormy I dlaDee ei Moaieil Ofiocra al the late oieetin of Council at aod wbicb we cuaally referred lut tfeek iiinAV7erf Joho Taylor John Jerman Williim WiiliaaiMg Willian laelnaB Mark Jeel William iliilHi Hojart Caapcr Wideman Freder ick Suttle Joeepb Sutlle Tohn Clubine Jona than Philip Uoinri Ofcirle BVndie liyid BaVer Abraham fltooffer j Jchn Wajq Ieier Paron CrookJeD- nif onHr Randall Aamuel tob- e Traoojer Jatuee Brows teoth Cod ovriistii OF nijtiWATa firit CiiiKctiiQit lit Div Thoim I- Wealry Dunham loeeph Willi Ocorito Wwllrer AlfieJ lleyero John Tuillae Jd 3rd 4lh 5th 6th Cjnetuion 1ft Div Alexaoder MoKeniie nd 3rd 4ih Slh lith been brohl to beartpoo lU I Mr eaftWrel vimei iivl nd orderoi the fulloir i ilt ihe IIio Mr in MII m hi- piii Wm IVirimn IVr I Inrl nd it he woolj be riiigir Uli 3 luoolh op lo 2111 Jan by ilip lim lr Sefirtiur lR3 Si inlrucliiis him lo be more J ry i prbaKy ontrue anil bat iia nplar in nninrfir the futur- Jake- i i ilie kci ihai Ir ttorria ill Way fr rilo Iorniahed S3 J Kennedr m44 la hj place neininliricer 3 day- Mored by B J home aeeondcd hy Tl Lane That the Lai of lletornin Ofj ficer frir Confablea krTicea he not iilhin- ed YenTtiorncJlane Nay i Sil- on Ihelp 1011 Dn luotiuQ the J 4 ncil adjourned Evxrnv IrrK- Hi LATEST ffiOM ftUmEC OTTiWt Ifijuiwios kCPOtr KKKKKH Kdi- AND CAUCltO DIAMEU iriljLijii f t4 to couiuulc k- r- vv I l ell I- rur Ij roft s IT rii fnn ilni m i m li leVe ilii M Ijtf 1 crig tfiK aIHii irrr1 cl Ml a I i Pi-a- nai li I e I J ijer a j i ofi I 1 II Iilrf wo Luc ih in-inuj- t n tiit lr J Ko eiujod imine an- tiijnciiai 11 te in if f I li- I1 in 1- 11 f u a we I r ici 1- I jn achiil t ll- r fcviu and I T i iji- n ji jurnal in I tie i nri tiLc III- in-iiL- I irr iiiinuiiiis uf the iiy fr It t ri 11 q i ei3n I ufin iic irrnili rf i I ilu plriv with lli- lOW irii a riutiter aHiili m Jlul i- ar- ipariil hir all iit-v- tln aj r- I rj OI ili arcunl iat llu- li- id uhllcily in the Uradf ri K t l that Wf 1 wl lo irtlc- n cjpaHi- uf o -jj- iitiiii M r a an- friiiccrned I 1 wi- luu- hri itic alwrc eilraei to li- ruil M aewer- irr n- m nor ue nei miili rruj lo t- fotctivjni i fl liian Cooiiltti wl brtt ofic WIJO tiik pari i or OTji Vur rnii tecomnrril pr tit 113 f J u k ar J lin ir lo rifnrJ o iLc Kcsiti and lirji Vrjiinnttv r iioTin tloalr rJ rl W3 rrcch- id and aJuitcl Ujc lUwe tlrii a Uv law lo iihcnJ lilt Ji U rijuIiUn Ihr ile i confirm I SAeraid otii fnrcc It pawd fjre brid i- Miami drir- Mn f ulclalr asjraUdf Voiir ConiiBitie itouMa1T ihe r of til Jle Cleli il amonl iaiiip been ad by h m ru liae Ii iln iljie atI aUn tl fiiriler mm rf jl 1J lor efneii rlf anl noiicei lefnlid TOid Jainr- Dam SHiliTer That in orier lo rarrv rkii praier ef ite peiiiioo of Ilin rrlalife to tie erClfOi icro ll numbf Of will Mihouh Ihe niht 1 and moch aainit parlies fruti allendin- yet the cjnreation wai lare oI moch atiriClinn was cx prewed Tlie IrofVaKir eIeeiiona froiL iclenr Jermld Ierer Ixirer and nher i nd I Lterri were really and freittenlly 3rJ liivitod Uiuicndiiuf alause and eicitid ll the risihlee ol ibc audu nio to Ihe fullctlJlj t inci then tiianf bate rvi tied J innblliy lo attend en Ihe eteninpj jueti n to iupr w iiil an Il Le puLiii Thoisaa Crake John RiehaM Knight TliOinaj Telfcr John Ciulioc 1iTd Cmattim Ill D Thomai nd Tbomaa liloyd 3rd J y AlTeyB ith WilMatn Vounp Sth Saiuuil McUride bih Tboiuaa Jleynuldi Tih Fraoeie Snjitb 8lh John 1 Bgi4tt yth Fnneit fiart funrrX 6oarecjon Irt Dir S4morl P Sidjoos Ihillp ftowor Thon4 Aikia ieore JIarrijon Jolin Kackiog Silaa Ticil I U Peareon fllk CtnctUlot woold jurt aj 1 1 DitPatiJ Match al lare thai 2nd follMi nanieil rr r r fli ihc tiw Ijluli llirriuh tfric rii liii in lie Usoati lior and Ucaiui- liw Mr Sliuiilrwnli inlrtdueed Hy IW f priMiiix t r lle appKiUiKni ofo fiTui Siir Ne Tirlifiicrj hah red a hil Jjcr 1 hil llr Jiriirr I tere by anttiniijJ ami rri lo pay iti llft wiejr jfn t la fnr lle iipbrr foi llr n briljeai Srrln Mill 411 nil etreedip alo the bilf ol ll for a cljii for a J-tiiig- woman amnurnmj lo ilo llie llil cl liain for A eimri itoll roiire III- frmaiii tiI OtlllU Jll iiliii IU iid C Ill -ll- Slanders Refuted The editir rf ilio 1 oin triti fit r jiih fa riii u-rxi- iiKi lUlh Timr rea cr in at ni reliti I- iici t- liri Vri Ir an i lli a 11 i t ic lior l rliii jlririial willi rtjil iFirr In fii iritii lielin lr enreN Mr Uit ITnt Willi bvin- jiliy -t- ic ti tid iu lin Kije lrytl he tl Ill o rr pvidc belwceii hiuc l llc ticnirul 10 prote 1 eiiiin m- in be hid lr irarltv ilr- arpiiii hut frimi httfrni the iiv liivn Cut -r- 1 thii ill- iiiiiiiitie itti r hiiicin nj Ilaii lt lul ill ll ii h- ajin ejtiibii iriiieif ilii- Ijc f t fir iKr Ulhtirifr ji niri k- nvirur Vud j 1 1 f l I -n- rjiiiii rii ihi liiiie Ir Kvc wa rd lfie ihe Cunci rejictiti partii ciillin r i and litii bcr hiiii 1 1 an I 11 in the lit cocvin niih Bt autliiiily In niitlon rfMr Shutllewilh vnj vd iy r Ili Uirn lice liiiiy Ieeti W4 iiIreetl lo Ihe l atil lim I- road ailiWatce rrfirTrl to l llrh aiiiririd lo nil ite liiilT and od n till rid ill- wance Pilc Vt- ti 3 influive the prteed if hc litter I b- apliid tiwaids ontn i llL fiad on wliirli the llmlvr U1 m if Mr Illlrn ecmW hy Ir loan tne tjtii of wa r fund d In Jtdn llieks itiil aiiiount btinj llie Tb aee periona are herebr appo Kuward Iiin William Kuralcr Amoa UowermaiT CoTOeU Handall 1 WlIayter Hxfk Ceaffuiok i hi- Kill read tbelj II t Philip Maeklemjr Jaojea Loadmao fieorje Wrlibl Jjniel Prior ilif iiiriss hi pumiKi rery feaer iiufy to Itie Ijtilute anilher red- lnL4ii lime alout the Ijitof March wlifii in adJiin lo lcliins froni lliO luiliura abe ran ciKlrjii 1 -I- ill t f Kbanci- T who nd wa 6rl run frim Knlind and thenSrd iiiilUd in Aiiiriri fir hi eJiliou ha ranui- 1 wli- attend will coniJcr li- mil pud fir Ihiir outlay i tniti in f ome I Ub ULIKI relate tleii I aloacc feSrTrl H eapalli- f a eay an Sc ainouiti02 to H2 aid aNo Mir Ml prieoffd bf lL CJrrk for poitap anti amount lo Tl Al J or ecfinnl wr iheo Tfai and fioaly AlHilfl ad pafd Motrilhf Mr Jljitij Kcocdril r Tiioirpwr anj TJat cfik b tnd hj- aiilhrted d rjNirrd o 0 Jonaihin WiJJjficld lliil p id fr lhlr outlay Pesroao Tl- iMniti in Jitvjiiinr of ome Sfttni Conctttivt uiif r- rn cllrtl a Uc Hirer ran- 1 Piv Jeeob lenon n hi rirc til hiM- pleajute in I and brahain Fnekler aouiuiicin J J K Brad- Iatriek McQoilio frd wilt Kvture luii Kidiv fiijUi alilh John Wallia tl uil hiir Ill vitjreil al pro I ConciWon bhiiv wil he the Ileal an- Ideal i pvSamol Dri Mr vmls riputatio a a feelurer JV Ihan eme Ulire hii and we make no j Jaeob Johnwo iliuU riiueh ill U lUnry McMollei rietieed hy ilc IniKuie lule lteni fh i Jih1o I lith Henry Cyk ih KobeK KedheiiL AVsM Ctntruhn Hlnnrj of Minltcrial ehanRet ha Div George iMeiiaoB- Uoberl 8lpleda yvEBrc Monday eb 3 iritiAiivr ciiiMii Mr c4d moved fr an addres- priy- in- fir a return of all the lan li Nil I n Lloe iluiinx- ihe last three Tear and ttie cuodilimis olfueli eale Carried Id LiMl IID1 Bnowi crr acii CorriiponiUt Virvutc Keb iC 1903 The news nfJIr Hmwna deteroiB lion ineirnlot Oxford asaiut the oonti Mr Aleiiiider move for a Hiiiiiiiiee nee of ihe Keom Connlion iaaUoszly iinemlrjiiiiwboeapirtlduivitwiild comtinme i by tie ibral partr hwe betoiniiure aod refrt n the Um The inin of 10 leading frirbdain Diean ol liffjin infirmalion aiu-m- n menofcaiit l in Kurpi- lo ilie ad i aked aa to wbeJber h eanla- ihia country offerel for M-tlle- hould run nr lot and the reply waa oianl and Iur Dianufacturea the Coniniit tlTrci thathe had better iio asa e lo bo composed of Meatra- TeMier IO- that it iltclid iio vooll more likjdd lelliei Ie Si Jut Me M alter Iteid Ki- hrm linn io4 i i preeenl ler and ihe miVef Carried Torn aiejijbian al Ihe proipeelof Mr liutrrtminl ruored for an addrcju breakup of lu- Uefbhu Party on the Hitlr of i ntreal Catrled lrTnjiid n expected to b Ur MorT atated in anawcrtoMr 7 Paee l nihi Ilia rtSisorrd r Chriatie hat il waa ht intcntnn uf the i tiiloonded Hon Mr tier- Govern iiiciit durin the preK nl Mion ria noi i vrirjalj HI at kipeeted to inrnJucij a oieaiiire for iLc amendj tua4 t omirnariHiera Rtpoet menl of Ihe Vricullurul ct It lamn Mra n Keefer Kot ecdCai- ikioi uioted to iotroduee a bill ahghilv ut ioi the Conuaeiom Rtusore at latiiJilnlUeks lliit4iiiOunttinji lax pail ly liiui fr Matole laUr allhn J cffieeschoniberVi Ui 7 3rd lhe lilr haJ Uvi prforniid in anollitr pppy j laiet 10 by telivraph to thel4ih t1 ln opporiuniiy I l9le 10 by telivrapb to thel4ih ThcCouneil tlier enl tnlo T in it and eifer yutirdiy morning h tee of llie whole on the Auiiiiir itirt o V- mid nm Gh I pinin ri r- nsae Cuned It he wiud 1 Pobert Tranner rtiehard Graham Miehael b rill John II Staley Joehua AriDitapr Ttnlh Coitteerintt 10 alter the Kepreeenialinn in the Ie lalive Kweoibty The Speaker ruled the motion nut of order aa the aahjrel reUl- td exeluiiuly lu the oiher branch ieiitTtvii tKStainLT The Speaker took theehair al 3olnek Mr Crawfrd plenleJ the final re port of ihe Weal KUio Klielniii Com luillee Stalin- thai al the lal lerliim ieoiie leUelh Kv the aitlin mpii- hrr wa not duly elried and lhal John Seobh K hid a rtnjorily of th lejal voi- and nuhl lo hive been rilurnid ae a niember to ripreeril the said llidin but thai neilber ihe petition nnr the de fence waa frihiu or vexaiinu Mr Crawfird Ihiti moved that the Clerk ol the Crown in Chancery do at tend lhi II uu- firihwilb wilb he laal return for Wel Kin and lhal he do aiuond the aime by jiriLiu out he aanu- oftlcore MeBelh and ineriinj that ol Jolin 5eble in lieu thereof Carried The Clerk of the Cruwn in Chancery tbereupnn atlended al the table and madc Ihe eoireetion Tbedecitioo of the Krclioo Cornisil waj uoaoirooQs The debate Tna faiimrred coal of Clmideting M Kjihlmi set diwii al t0u480l lu la Uliel iIk oi l oiuaclira will Arin ihe wi rk al pricoe- J ll lailiMiuhl ihe llepAilnieninl Ruild Iiija eii ba cinderj Ly Seilemlier nexi and IlirharDeni lioiMingi by tD- 1 ne Adilrs aiill ur4r draeoeaj MiYMAiiii MAHKErs TaaacaaT 7ih IfC Fall Ueai80en trie Sriii Vlial7Dea 7fe llWa J50 Oaia Itfa 50- Mailey hS a Mater 1iJo Peik r26U a 3 i5 TiJiiDN 10 MAKKers T Feb C6ib lOcl There waa a moJerai aapply of fiiM arhf Mtkffr jrm proiiiM0 Dfi Jm trocl atf- an 10 Ilay Fall VVhl rMHIM I ah ai in pet buel Spring WkwioM per ltil Bailey iawie4fc ibe dreaa was then 1 1 per hahl PM iaad ll iii jifi Will til- iitw ii a Ii Iv k-u- of l eal alriiirirr The next 1 ii ire I a iiioieriive one arJ Hr Jt r C llie rmi caj aLh- ol dceetidm 1iw iiRaii and eotilcmplill- Premier for aomc day lbouh it baa not j lli- ll ave akel he q lU in M n rai I ih ifi K 1 y Ierl iluh e le iiriip Jfkoii lira cnifr Itisi id thi 111 Valinic Mijen h I I III ll- XfiO Ir Iwr J k Wire Lpl Cuiiri on ha in Ol 11 III n of lr Shutil I cd by lr Iffin ibe Cleik 10 hate the ladilora rporl aod ebstraei j T irailed aeeordrOK lo Iaw nualfd ll I Mtcr rreeu iiu a eiiuple of jlttinna re- 1 tiiai i baling 111 riiad riallir the Iiuneil ad itn- ijoaroed liil Iliorsdav the IfOth int Inhn Co Philip llelmkey laaae Clayton Toirii liae SoiA u Ihe purpose 1 iirt seenno f appomtinj TownOiip eScert Car dere 1 his resiipation but the r4e of hi I r tmtrucei I ailak may le the only fndalion jouined Cunmu 1 iben I ineiia- iilvd i him like i vr i iMn iIk lie cdi r of le Ti hn n- leiiipted in conaeeiun rili lle whi- if- U P or any other fair he eiuninee al ti wron end i f ide an olfir of the kind hi Plrry anl dipl iM5ra5ce 0 exhilij IDII lmienliLeP i WintAfl t e Wcfx lo ti iLi JifVtj an lijbili r j Mf riotnpio mnied ecoodd bjr Mr vcl ncNMi Th Herjivfr j ll tb Iffaiiiircr lor ii 1 nt r Ift ich Li tio en U rjn- laj fvfnif- lat wanxi I I I 1 I a4jfuMti Dftld lli J 1 1 I 1 c jTuraaUlfd Ih iriA T i n with an epiN plic fit and u itiil tcry Apfii nfit hrn to mrel al jlrer an Pffictr Sih Con fir rarno The rumu ii lhal he has also ten let PlVaoifl Baker Caaper Widenu Nieholaa if the report tn Ihe eienl of suh beini Jl 1 Iheeii llon MrMeymriapnkeouf BenjaminBroaaUrgel I as likely be hi iueenr With rt- I 5rd to ihc Finance Miiiirier il wae lalk- 1 ei cf al rue that his resignalioa would be accepted io a fw daya aa hia duties i were loo ardunu for hia phynical eooaii- lulion and that hia placc wokld Im oflcr- ell to Ihe llrpreiBOiaiiTo r f Midland relatnf lo Il year i Kmm cur knowtede i lh Hon Mr lrnaetion were prewnicJ McMaler however we art pemuaded he Maad hy Mr lloaJlioiie aecnejed nuld rtit aCeept itip often under the pre- enl Of jnV niher Adinioijlration Newmarket Cooncil Sing Council Cniireil met Ih memSert present the Reere Ill- 23 IS63 ereoion- All ih- ilie eliair lenipKoiuialiad iieali rOMl- poU u i iiiu liCilion of the irel fjhood a inin vl fiiiiri il apprBjrfthe thin- hy th ay w believe him uiie arlicle nint lellr aekjJg eipiti f s tro lii eleo bee o faiify the Biliee and corer the lion He iIeofautl wiih UieJir a inply tcccivini at j of lli- f fiiirlin lr li ri V 1 Ply pitunre f J an bt for iheUc- In lliia e did no alloiiy hnlrto nuik an ibvpnj lool ina his paper a vchieli- iilir fir the aake of a verr rmall wnrtliT i ff rill- in llie min cjjnble il mik nic aod untruthful an averiioii as ihe j T abare Count J met puunail to a neier Iried to Ireat wilh Mr i molioe ol aijarameul al Mr twrence Ina Iikayun Friday the JOlh m1 e kind jmMiiotiirrd I i boiifwrciory Hul all rteaeni IL Kereir rnl to inMiiaaliona Mimilet of last iBeelio read by Mr- iambi dial ihe aeeoans of A logld averl ihjt the i aoJ e- ifiiiied Ceirjell M Tullf George llaeli 1 Le Rlcve tiiea laid uinn tlia table a dohn flarne Jolu iiiiili and J T eireatar froie ibe Proviarial he referred lo the PDSnce CiiD oEee relaiinj 10 the memorial f he lalei to eiaaioe aid report niriein- PiiDce Coo en CarnJ I rcTiioN I JThVro el V e V u Pv not to accept ih Jreek From Tru if IiiaI i NJ ri i Nil i t V i ihrou lhal Monarchy bad betier rroiD I rwtef 1 ol rreiioo 1 CUfkf liifUlnrd U m Kuifbi 1 fibin j r t- 9 prayinglhe Cowicil 1 lo si loi and Guibe Uell loelliV wii The Polish mur Seeiiou Ne 3K and ila- laM W I ibeir aretie jrectmn ciiiiinuM lo apreedaiul ihe m of I No 32 a 33 in IH 3rd Co 1 be fi Repot cf the Fiance Co 1 mitee aa iLe preiiid by MrMar- Parliamentary proceeding r noi rtcUirif much Mr continued until ihc aiyojrnmcnt Some Iei at iO i Mc per bbt Owl of the meaiKr Hacking the coorac of l fr bl Ml ij r lu j J lendiriJ U- lar-A- viiy Ure majoiily on rnr i 4 JOperewi P4atiI from I er Canada cuiitinue to avow in ly ffrr at Si to SOt par lebl ApM I laror of ItepreeenUdoa by PopulaliDn i Sc i tl pr lil Fieab Haliec well ei LriiJLArivt toiNcit plJl5pthariliobdoJ31iJii P- Kaj ISmOft pwrdcten jtvaxc tb H I 111 I The Sjeaker look tbe cbair al three tltl Iii Nmki m ih l3hiB lit I lloQ Ml Keeaar acred fnr tbe ccrre- 1 wife uf Mr W II DuwJen of 4 daaiit pidiBf haH bfo Kicuiire ift iic Oce o ilt apbci of or j Ci and tiniii for CuJooiaWifrnee lr K BartWtvXeV ibeCaeadiM Uliia Carried Inllll vv L I In mMion of tbe Hog Mr Aleiajder wlii- 69 TeaTJaMber ajteJ i ihfl hdl for lie baiter proiecttet abeep J JJalrr twe iJi pltf I in Ipjer Cfiitia waa re4 a eeeo4ne iDih ai iiilee HUl J TCa ilou tlien adjomoed ibrvUaiieer Use be iliKMikr The Speaker taok tha cbatral ibo I eeMfweif XelttM Uichard Haroei Teiea hint VorfA lal Uiv llarriaoo Proelor 2od Nathaniel Vercon 3rd William PoKkVd jal Much pxxl miT il do We ilvy nl Ihe charaet r or -o- of ihov eipntle of devendinj Ki llie aeale of himian riiljnce SBrapkB Htwa Tetieiday we had newa by the Jura boi have onlv room for a hrirt yniisia Duke Kneat hat de- d liOi No 3 Cnea more than inioT fiod aod true friend of ili irty i lTi Ihe Itidin- And nl 11 i a mciiir f the He- hii trii C liumitue he ha been Knt Ly the parly as dil In a Ilmrenlion lo te r n i r The Trwa ullerly repidial leet a llefirri jrddteand hmcver r pullishin- uiilrulh any itumpin or cinraMin has had to an inlnuaiion dei kiedoiie lle uri if the Itcfirm l lad lita readers wron eon- j ad 1 port etoBieendrd Ibe fioaJ aadltro of Ibe Party iin Mr- Vivjv Ie bat alwavs Uvn Piily and virluvlly I ronTbomaa Slokn nd olbers pray 1 Audiora Report and loiiitfclln ihe fl of Ihe liml aehcted It lie ial m l 1 1 Ccuoeil lo appeal CoBBnMmer I Clerk procure rbe irialiig of Ibe tasir been a inent cf the Cumniinre r 7 anj ollerlt and openly Haled iid ftaat supplies lor ilir trectios of a a iIk aiual rtaeaer beeti a men r CI the Ciimoiinee ir f nn 3 rf Tbe wiiter I oe Uriijie aeros tlillaber llc I arty there mhl lesom alijhl In fih- first arlicle uttered lnrrh andiMaka M1K lo 7lb Coa irKotec by 1 the Vvhileea ibe VboVe rrioTlVr and rrcc jn our crtjcojporjrs ic- up with nofe io Mr read tne annunced A reuciioQ of 00 bj Mr Wrbb and read i den l4iirffln feoirtnnJiBf ibe fiajitifcU I I Kioi of 6tjoo No of ihe aeovnta of Mr McCormick Hal r ideaill aiid cerlsii ir priyiB the Willaon ad 1 Fomter aad ask I i no a Ulhv but f he make 1 1 lo alter ibe bouda f inj for furllier tme o eoaJr tbe elainj uj r ite iVV jnrdty muehaay deeuoo IWted by Mr Wfrb ad of Mr Uacketf aid Ramtay Tbe re- i n1 Vo J 1 rf rr Veal from 7 to form wronz eon- ad eeoieoJed Ibe final aadlroe of i I EolUai lABdlsr 0aeU Tbe above Council met oa Ibe 2lat February- I Tbe Reere Mckart Tborae Lane Phelf Mioitee of last meetiDg read and con- finoed ft Nan III 114 Vwhiaii lTike feeWi C all IoyTr Kar aed 41 year Al hia fallra rMidaeee hi odik 1 1e oi Mr J H CafironS amfodiPfnl to ib iLerd pratardi nf iIm Addrrss was revumed and coutiLUed till 81neudMiMyweMrfni fit ird m4 UrftSlk frinilj jind arqealntAAeai feal Aftd CMi the iiih m ib diaM of the heart tht i orfigii Cnloniiil Jlfiu 3iiiifrtispnifdl Arrivml of tha Cada I Kidni FrbS Ttle aieamhlp Can- ai fioft Liripoat on tht 7ih rut Alo II ct uif arrived ai 1 1 MVIH k Ili p A irr sUiP ai one ek Uei lljain lho already i bttd Th Ctrj4 haa IS paMenr Moi Toil atij iSl- laaCahi opetaiivna ri Hic by Rvdeit Ca 1 Caiiailj pa I t I ie iai le 0 h a ui U itii 7 ha M iii4 new ea Qieeiit- North Tork BUtry OSttl FniTC XOTICRI heby ilww- liifitl Low Ac litre area nMM At ili rticr fniiD l l Tr0V eMe aM ran tow mad Iiy pertiea dairli JAs J p Frb 91 tar Fire in Aaror W regret lo learn b firs broke ou last Council weat inle Comoiliire of Tuoaday in a hout belonrni le Mr W I V O Atkiiieonof Aurort h appears II Jiekvoa la tbe Chatr The reportwali V oarka but notolherwiae Apiii from V eemblanaa of ainttniyi itaac Saidr- and W olbers ollpaxd and llie Connmire ree aed repoft I P Cieaamj iba praaii lhi however wli- made To Fftni howerer tkowa thr dca Scbol becli iNo 19 payio Ibe I d Council adoptrd Ibe report I for tome purpoao left tbe boua i8 Uknd water iofirnal ih e i o he waa pnt toaay Coneil lo alter be bouodares aid Ow OMtion of Jle MarWea aeconded or a ahort lime In n few minulwaf ofnoulToTv Jfc0ld0vrelted8ea tu ibe half 7b by Mr Roadboete be Reee wasaulbor ter amike waa aeen mUg ril T calolhadjfgnhealtetnptedloplayCoces fro Lola No I i 9 meli id to loue ba drall upoa be Teer back part of ih pmia arS tha alarm ffeyK he held tbe dUi of ibe 7 ppoloa e lo S No t Protdifr lU rrpcle anouot oeioed in of fir waa gi b bofor hu band and all wbu d nwt w autuoio i by Mr irealteraad rad ibe Faaoce lie ion la aecordaace ibere- thing eoold be dooe h flimea rol such imepohiasundardrMdwUl Fra ibe Traad U olter rale- wlb a headway a lo annrely prU lb ar io mibJthc wi charwUr of ihe lie atfraj wilb reard lo IITulL tan1rirsiLJ Cel lb it CommllUe poasibihty of Th pmlsM laaiuuueil ta uutt le said oeetie be i ibe on tb ilftieM pmtete were partially coevi bw in A dOlniBoniCalinn wai preaenlel hy the Etecre from he County Couoci Oonlain- inp the following reenliilion r Rftoliril That ihe Itecrnofthe a rioot nonicipaliliet be rrqaeted lo in atrael their reepectire AMaen not b ia- KTt ia Ibeir Aaeeaement Uolla ihe Bame wwr il r ofany perKin who tbT do noi ftel per- Pollh Insoriion era preailm j rtUaNo31 in b 4ih Ci fecllyaaaared lobe Ibe Lom uit owner A Jh eiirl aid w ducribe- ryple lo bia naM for bl The Cniiel SlaeVonil a- riilfrrlies Uk- aiir own ua and ftnefll- Carried cneilerai wl la lymg iir MrTborne preaeoled a petilioo from at reponeJ The eari m fonn I if Croxon and other reqoeating iheerly hiMised lu Balnmora bm i ieii I Council o appropriate a aaoi of moriey eS conneete in iKe Hsnildn trale to carry a aMnao an ai and infirm man lo bia eon in KgrvBoal Cmnty of Orey for support Do moiion of D J Tliorne aeconded by T Lane Council went iolo Coaimiltee of he wboie on thia pelitioa Mr Pbalia in he ehair ComBiilee roae repoxin j iral tliarea 40 le 39liscuui to trranl the prayer of ihe peiitioe by ibei -17- ftilWlnrrolBlian hoiaoot duU but alaly JkaMfrJ That in aotwei prly- 1 i7ic ar ma caaB OT of tb pelitio of H Croioo ahd It ia sitted ihat ihe pamhip AJiiaire atbri milb refetKe o 8 SevBan ihat onlreil lo set leal far tea atJ Ibeaam of 125 be panted for the por- k- of tending him o bU ain in ik fam TowBlup oOOl 10 lieCooBty ofb un pe n P lo nfoiii Orej and that tbia aom b paid oo be Cifliaie Ceineni effi if6tr of ih0 RTe o to fniUiM ewiiirm m ih tf eeiw at hAl Kranra hal fttke1 pairi lu nl Isak fer lrtfp4 m Ohir CUine atvi lhal rpJie tbi h ieoM fipt ihe rieaiy he haJ COM wiih ih4i euiiiv dr tni aiif Ol for AMney 9 1 1 ii x m- tliH 46 10 Heifer Astray f LAMliEIlT PEAR0K1 Whitchurch PuMrt I W STRACrfAX McMURRlll AT LAW SelijiV Ijnvryaimr omrnteMeuer le ii S4e C W OJtff n4Jl t ft ff Swmaiki Fib 2lih 1663 MOKBT TO LB t URGK SU M OF UNn haiJ fi IQ Apply 0 1 W STBACHAN McWU8M ibw Nwasike- Fh 34 IftiS U y

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