rVND NORTH YORK GENERAL INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER UE Ml THE LIUEUTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO AftGUE FREELY ACCORDtNG TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE AM OTHER LIBERTY VOL XI NO i KuiiutflO Oiriciorg JohnT Slokcs NEWMAKKET C W FRIDAY FEBRUARY 6TT8C3 WHOLE NO 572 ASCllirKT i Wri k tr iiufiltuol Oirrctorv Dr HcCallum AIMI Amuirk Una Kci AUrc T4vu1 T BtfJiopSon jkv A Boultbci BMtRKTER e- UadtcQo Dlirctorv Dr RAKSAT PHYSICIAN C O r O N F R A N b- rAbiiltrl npri ih Ttriuat bnneb Troffion ikt hi C Mortimer tftii Aeahiir A of A froHupplTtf Lrii 6htnn- fV Ar Ai NUfh J 60 If 5 RASIiROAS flOTSS nEWBARXET Office at Newmarket ini I gjifiooro4 JohnK Jonos 5ARRisni ftft OV I Vii c Ifflrth Richarlsor iWfV tt I 1 IF j- Prr T H Bull Dr Pyno fe lo nil I rmx Cirt Frr SDiirkvt Uiicli IrSI if COMMZECIAL HOTEL 1Y IIKNIiY CUO-XOV- iUOLLAHB LAHDiHC THKSK K4Ul rnd r til d iljfl lSl K K 0 Piv- S r- 1 S- I w KriHT aoRriu at Tit ovldcs ATfrksit lh ijimf ftt if r4lAn Tui Iffl rtulrlf mriiilr lo Ilir OlHer lAiin Sirret 2 Doori Sorlh lr I atSlPRNrr IASDISO 0i onl ie w B ih MPin Xwiti NT 1916 f Wi ii 1 Tbe Dignity of Laboor T iK npmor Hamtfiiio eoOifnrt of 1 Ufinj Vikin4n wilk llai n th ipvitit l rif on jiTr th rTLitinf Iki of ihf airiili RtTintr Ebaarm ElhMl- In li ih Tii roMi KirK a hi i Thtoncil 0 nT tkiiip find r ail I tr t hi tr chair C Lackfl New Law Firm 1 1 Theonhwt I Yon ih SahM n lnitry Messrs UcMurray Campbell j li iGht ii ioni t you My Nr air at ih Aim afiar tnd hnr dugUtera hAii lead ih letiar lhl Mr jphI Mra Ni1ie re ery nHd iit ery innrjeni pnpl Thoy would let lhif nn marry n bggir llhay Knt It ino lhrr heaila lha tha pftawCMd auperiur moral and inaDlal VVhn er nij Eiophraiia P1ii1i Nilla ii nni iha only ynunf man ii iha world ho ii rich and aecom- ptiahad No asid Caarina but lh rnrl of il ia thay ir liko him uiiaiuinabia TTnilHYl AT Lw J i fhtiriry Comrynnrfri lTAlTKa ftatic Tha logfihi oct lha nay kmanf harl and miod 0 lii ih rnMMissONLits N Q n 5 OuibiJ ih hoiiM of fifi rili fr fwmTkrlC W HtMd lo tp4 Tft fi I14I4 Joba G Davit LA rrafiiicHic L Ioin Af nl Uoiiv viitC tr IWXono to Xjoad C bifn iAjii it It Unk Tilt hMxIi him 10 rh A urhl f of iintK croM A m iph ot iei fend viKb tike loi Lil An Btifffl or chjlil Tbi ikv him a inolhrt rhalr AnJ ho hicn ho fthfl Dr Hackctt T H IDM BRIrTF I Alrr ni Iw I- 1 n lir Af W iillNnTJN IHTKL A I K O B A 1 uAnM ructniitioK Wiu H AtUn Uff Al I rr 4if rl N charf midr uiiUm ivin lilVIflns CiraT BrJRWI ATTtNDU TO trrrc fril p rittrr fPyo ml Newuiafkrl C W Ntrmbr If tfSf ADAM WILSON Barritrr Ac ntti TUOHT0 TofBnto OfL 1f lfil IvO John McNab BA kn Auorijpv evfatc ae I ChB- Lfi A Iscorpori STI TOUlNTO r iirplii rA br Spc1 Act of PirnTiTi 1 iiirriy Intematisiiai UF ASSURANCE SOCIcTV CFIONOON CiPlTAlll M i s Scv l i I Jatia T Siokei i QI V in i u j um vrk iii S- Mc R B Joy niiLiAiii LorM BlllS7ti nl I 1 1 si r TIIILT BorJ Paarwn iMMIsc K ii L i ll t itr Afi 1 n I uf J c vuiiniiy Uirii JacktOD ISrCB OF nAURItSE LICENSES MMV HTHrtT Mtt ritfrntttrp Th Borrowed Sluiwl- T MKS CAROLIIC ORm Will you do m eh r to raid itii 1 aaid htinding th noir lo Ehiljp whri aha had finih pafuaing it Il immiliiirl recalled lo hia mind iha oircumilnrice of hi hiiing Han Euphra- la in a rartM u window annagMj in raarliiig ohnl nppMrrd in oa a iHiar di racily alirr Juliel wiihdraw H enud ml now eiiKriain n dnubi ihil iha haH r il rrmn iha ahawl a Juliel aa- urad hiin iliai ihia wa he firal lima aba had arr acen il my igniirarl af my friandi gvnar out innniiiin aaid aha I of cciora cinaiiJflfad Iha ftliaw a borrowed one tv lelliig ilifm ao hail hey thown ihein- flla laai nrroKtm for alihough M tllery when ahA initiod on lending ii 10 ma daairad ma nniln rnenimn il Iter mciite III doing j wns only lo axempl ma from fiibiramenl iuphruia in he mmnliine return- ad home VVhi lid ou lio wiih lhal nMa 7 an I hr laier na aha eulaieil le draw- ininm 1 Il il in my pocket Why do you ak t Caeaute u Mim may allude lu It wiian aiie wrilea nndJuliei aaid the wia eipecliii neiimailI think in order lo prraeni j Cinrt WIrkle and Bansor TbeenaB unplefiaani aiirmiaea you hid belter dmpi irv wiikin the boundirie of Lineriek iie niiia in a corner ol her chamber KiWolliuton Dungaiinon and Faraday it tSa fiiidt it ilie will nalu rally ihmk thai in ibe rioa where llie walct diide and Cuftd ColonnHoa Crwn laodi C Frvm a iimJ ly tit Crwa Lan44 J COLOIXlTin ItnADS CwUfWJ Atreney if M P Hajc Midoe Ildale by Grand T railwiy to IWltTlilp llicDi by Mare to 2l milea In tbit there are 2Lf0OMI lem for alo in the townahipa of Tudor I Cahcl Woltili Limerick Faraday letter from her by iha Dotigannon Herclirl Monteagle Me- j 1 Tell from the ahawl when aba uuloldad It It will he a gnnd pitn atid Fu- rhRtii I will ihrow at under the ta ble and ah will ihink iha it waa carried j there by llia w md SayiDg ihia Euphratia tlarteJ lo ga lo Mid Fautlinn I conioiicntly the lieiihc of land between ihc ttUva and rirera ranning into Lake Ontario lieannol therefore be other wiM Uian nUh iitill ibere are oiaoy trade of ood arable land tn be tnet wilb and the very roiilifl of it would make pnod putare Itod haviag water id abaad anee ManlKi i repreeeoted laberaperi or land thickly aiul heavily wooded asd territiry are id iDloeril treaiurea and itahare nnw eaiire filh in the olabliab- fisherie Imeni of perininenl an efficient tele- Spn il tiluirrd al the mnulh of frraphiu ommnniniion between Europe Serponl Hirer Salter ii aitaaleH neir and Xtntrica by way of Ireland and New- Ihe iDOoth of fpinixh Rirer Il it well fiuiilland limbereJ nnoy accliona aboundint with An entcrpiite an impotlanl and DOW maple of Ine aiie and piae of ioperitr become fompiralivly etay to tccota- quality IliieiAy ofscc a frreit part pUh apjilt nii only ii he great emn- ofthefront beinj on Spnnlsli Rirer wliicj J iiifreial IntereMe of Eurojie and Aioeri- it nigibla flfwn mllet pat Ibc liwn ca but to lliu ympathira of all cUaeee in ThompMn it aitaaled aear Ihelboth coiintri4 ila beneSia to peic asd isoutb of jliaaitaagva Riter civilitaiion il it impofiible to ealicuale prncy of obert Mc iear Fort Wil Four hundred oictMes were aent liim Lake Superior ia rtnebed by jlcam i throoib theeablo in 185B Of theae two er from Collingwnod Two lowntbipal 6ierje lo Irenera Commaadia Iffi been aurreted and are olTored fur ale niandinj previuiu order for tbeenbarka- alao Ibe town plot of Ton ilu- tiim if tfinp ii India aated tbe Hritiih ated 00 the KaminUiiqiu Hirer which Goreriimenl 5U0O0 another incta mr Uil J Aiewe gilng lob cheated out of our walk aaid Fautiina i Stop minuie Nu indeed replied Euphraaia t There inda Fbil drawing figure ini Euphrnain felt in her pocket end found ihe aarface undulalin Tbe liuuaf ih gravalwalk with the end of bit cane i there road forma a direct line of and n will of eourw ofler to go wnh I H it nM here atid the Whal linn ibnukh hit apncy and ia eoonecl- ue even ih wgh Miat Juliei lat ihimght bate become uf il I ed by the Pctenoo line with be Opeongo proir lu aaaari her dgniiy by wiihdraw- PIj you lefi il in your rom i road aaid Fjuiiiit I Acncy of Richard Huzbe Bobeay- No I neier inok il fut of my pcck eedn lloule by liranJ T railway to I efer I fiji piii ii there She Iirt Hope ibence lo Bibcjyieoa iiu Amel a mmuie or iw ad iheii and Lindtny oy nil atrxnier inilip who todeeiily engagrd wiih I mui hie pulled it from mypTkei There are about riDnoiKI acre for tale hit oii iliughta itiai he did iioi noiire eciilniilly iih ny haridkechief in li ownahipe of ialway SomerTille ineir approicii aiaried at the anund of and il ai wih no entiable leelmga ihai Cjvcnlih Luliirwurth iiowdun An- Kupliratina viiice and iiighily colored aa he rriremberrd htrf ilieii ii ilience iiin Iindea Hinduo isuinhope and heiurieJtowaidaher nUtiiihelKneahe met iViiip and Juliei hciborne Ojlwayiwr watered and 1 ak pardon for inierrupling you P ber bnnri and iialiiiily an allhoub undulatin- tod atoay in place irT iaiid lie a for tught lhai I Itoow lo I f- he acd fr aa ihey war walk- ha inierreninx talleya in which he aoil New 1 ailufinS LlilblbbinCDlt ih C ntrary you w buay wiih one g i n oppmiie dirrrlion rmmhereeli i drop and ferlile The townahj Warm iig 10 ill eoliiude of her ow u epar imeni Jil ai you diiig Ilnl I aeid he aa he and ber aiaier eelered the gmtel- 1 IJ rjii mmji V Ctttutt 70 X2 W SbX Z Z3 T JMiS H WILLSON 3 I Oeorge B HotcScrofl IV lrer V Mkf Matthews Maclean bn I N siih FBOirr STEZET TORONTO HAUEN AND WILLSON iiiiiitI diagram which wuld hae i I J Pll ibai iih beaver ihrioii lotne lighi UjCn ibe inyaierioue 1 hev had found il- Slin earched a long j The lnd in Lotlerworh ia io peneral cniiduci of Miat Carryll relaute to Ihe courts untuccerullY ye the uadnlatinir aod intrrwcled witb DUOier jid not beliaie ihl il had Tall condjcl mytlerioua 1 ihfir way Tfirre w nothing ah hy it be he akad Becuaa ahe denied that il wu a pmeiii when 1 happened lo know frim nfViiiaiion lhal can be depended ihe Jiiltel of Plitirp when ihey iiurnd from iheir walk lo indue aueh belief bul a few hour alerward a re lark bv Ihe lalier which would have lime 4rfifjrcorj wirV lipacli Vriiakci F 6 n tfTjnl Dr Beniley PBTirn JJI l A Str n Vilrl tMlivtr- frtiO KT lf3 T S Francis AMI riiiK MAKKK TKELE rB e- ye sr J 1 r H u f CI i- l faairal Ud ri4i I iirort Vich 4 If i James McClare Xaloxiioct ixotloneor 4rVVNTi m MT fJOVH Iliis uvrnium laf iiit Niiw if bad receiaed eu been lhughi nolhiag if nl aolh intndaome a preaeoi nothing would hae produced much diubt and unaatin Cim ENGINEERS gireiTtre more plaojur ihau lo aekouw NenherMrt llighmn nor her lauh- ARCIIITKrrS ledeaii ler wera i rpriaeii when afier lea Juliet rrorlBcial Laid Sirrcyi MWMARKtT c HrvmarkcT Jiijr 2 IhCT i A -Wr- 14 IWi Co ly STEPHEN WEBSllS III I Messrs RhIHtbti a SnlliTan liasb Blisds DeorsHsdJEtv TOKONTfp AM AIHIR 0 10W FriHCS tc lC BurisUrt and Aitoineys at Law corskki mjll it MiitysTS 0U9 tniall lake There are excelleot wa- lr priile- in ihe iujisedialc vicinity of iull Lake Minden ia a tyd townahip and ia be- ia faai aeUled with an induttrieoa and iulellicnl elan The aoil it enerally coiiipwed of a aaodv luaiD ii tome caia retiin afn a tubtraliiai of clay aad cratil and it of nnl deptb ITinden la well aidapteti for aetllemeol Forfinall crn ail almoat unbroken water eoaitan- oicalion from Liadey to within half a mile uf ila eaalern limit affordt inleodinf Mitllera a readiocM of spproacb nol often HVISO AITBO AITBOBA I liii I N n NKVVMAHKJr C W ill Via Ier lilI ri i Perhaps il wa from her baau eaid nfrmed them ihal ahe tbuuld aurt for Pnuiftoa and tha my hate particular I home n Ihe morning at Krai renaoet jutt now far nol wiahing lo be I ihoughl ahe would make no alluaion lo con ae engaged or ah may pot 1 1 ahawl before her deperiur bul tSe ibly te embilKMt uf haviog I wo atrioga 1 10 le he cnuld not reit found by thoe teekin bomet In aewly lohAbow the lempiailon of telling hem know ibai turveyed dialKcta A larpe proportiee Tonnol think tlti Juliel Cerrll lalb wa iwireof th meennee one of aeffeiie tid Philip tbm had been guilty of in eieslihily Then what cjn b her moii for Ping hrelf of iha noie The dening ihai ih thewl wa a preeeni prene of Philip gav to her word a Her denial gie ut a right 10 pitl 1 pungey which they did eoi poseH of uifavourtbl cooairueuon upon ih af 1 lhmlat and which it may b hoped ii Hl pi itfori lAS MroijrK d 1- ifw J 2 if B TEACY M D rtiriiciA m aC- I ciihh REIIPF E l n iv CK-C- pied C I SI I ttonC4o ordzae V 1J TliK KlIMsriGU Idfe Assurance Compy JJfTAliLl3HtLa JJj Wlt STKrii v McMlH Y AMra y pk V 1 J t la lf03 Messrs Grant Land 1 DAUKIIJUs e IK UU wal 111 lu lUKUMU rl H lfJ CLOTH I NO Hats rdlKMAN HK peul IHurcrd FiirH Kii Kat TdfvoU C W ft tMOtre Ii ivc 4ii T oftHtio IVKKY HKST PLACE u anla Jad FaaaCW Much mnre wa teid on ih tubyeei 4 ni frtiril nrlith a view lo prrjudica Philip agtititi I ala rranirt JuJiel in whih they parlially tuacaedad a eoninacied I I ihoigh al tha aam inn by dielong unaioiiDle iraiia which he had bafurv auapecied ihey erald a till alrongar prejidic tgiiuM ibemaelvea Tbe next dey e Juliet w walking by heraeT In a re irl placa emiM ilt tane from ih hnute th met Ihilip The mteiiDg which ahe imagined lo b that are HatSa I I ami sh PIT c n H r TJ 1 a I T re 10 J lJ lytJ 1113 VilliMU Mvin A Co Forwarding 4 Jmeral Aenl VK tl i Tbe Queens Hotel lalr lUve Rooaal xziozcr avAJBaiT THOMAS niPK Proyrielor i9isrj ifM pMvrd ealuiary ifaubaequenily eiiber ol tfaem wi bl wuh a ainular leuHrUiion- I am glad ahe ie goiie ed Mr llighion nn eipreeeiiiii of graiifieeueii whrch rrrrittd a hearty reepoaae from boihofher daughiert Tlieir faeling- were einewhi different when lO ihree dayt afierwtidt Philip ditenvoed thai i waa indianable lor him in retern home According lo an opinion that ihy frly ducuaeO emcing ihemelee Juliet had inteigird him into a promiteof niarriag of good land ia louad in Ibeaotilbeaatern eenttal and wtetem porlioaa of Ibe lowa- hip la hia agency the advaalapr of lh Bobciytoo ruad are incalculable lo ibc aelllera Afceaey of 0 M Kocbe Liidy emplict itwif into Thunder Hay near lI Wftern exlreniily of Lake Superior The townibipi are bounded nn ibe aoath by bib range of trap rock At he bae of hee we get inli a level plain fbrmiag be valley of ihe Kaminia- tiqoa River Tbe anil eoniitU ia cener- al of a reddish clavey loam well adjpled for eultivaiion between tbe Ion wind- iojff of tte river tre flU of rich alluvial depceit pvin growth to large elm aab Tbe maotry on both aide ol the river la well watered br naioeroiu ereeka flbrdin exeelleni nil iiea Tlio elituale of Furt William in win ter ia not more acvere than that in Ibe neibboorbood of Monlreil the mow leaving tbe gnmod about tbe middle of April Farm lot ia thii aacy are lold for oae billing an acre American BevolntioD- N Y Jan 29 Tbe aleamer Bio Bio is below ured anxiusa Iriendt in Eaflandin Ibe coiliaion ef the Europe ai Ara bia off Newfoundland of be aafely of Ibe Uvea of the paaienifenand tbe vcMalt Tbe Comptoy poMeiaea be excliifive ribr of lanJin Uleraphio eabl on Iha entire Atlaatie eoaat of Labrador and on be eoait ef NewfoaadUod Prioe Kd- ward laland and the 8laU of Maine Ii alao po agrecateeu with the ea- tire lelrahie aytteia of Anerea ander- lakin lot lb latter to cnneet viih Ihif Coiupiny and coinantia in aoai la- iianvca lo return each week io eaab a a diaconni for the encoureeuient of lb At- laaiie Companv 40 per eeat oif th ebarye received by Ibem for ineaaaiie rv- afcv over Iheir line tn or from tbe aa- M A reveaue ot a year ii a- peded from ibia aooree aloo and by relfaer with Ibe 14000 a aobeidy agred to be paid by Ihe Bniiih Govern ment and the aame by Ibat ef tbe Uaiied State moat be added U the ardinarj traffie relaraa of tbe Coapaay Aa rarda Ihe pcd eif aiorkiag that The tiorehip Courier arrived hare j aiay b expeeted toieotifia dmo agraa day 8be bad Rcid aandert on I oae and all is atating ibat wtlv word hoard lie waa lakea o Lafyeile Uulcl in the liarbor Advices froiD New Orleaai per llic Bio Bio atate ibat Gcaenl 0 rover wa at liatun Kouge with 20 repmeata A alrung force al Cartoltoii wu under General heruian Gen iianka was Mill in Orleaai He had nileraled lien Butlera order taxing aeveral rebel rncichanta for the auppuit of ibe pour II had eaatioaed the publicatiuna uffcriog inaull laaoldiera and refused to allow ibe publication of Jacob Barker paper Uea Hamilton Military Ooreraor of Texaa addeed a very large Union ineetiDj at New Orlean The fuJIowin portion of ihe aewi by tlie BioBiu la bibly ioipoitint Adricea from Mtxico confirm the defrat of UOU French under Gea Benhia byfiUO Mexican cavalry Il oceorrrJ in a fo al i oeiuck am lco 18 Tbe French were oompletely rouled Tbe Mcxicaa Geo Prraida had Cap ared a coavoy from jaUpa for Perot The Mexican Ueiwral Nete with 10000 aB made a aortie froi Peabla aud aiUcked a French diviaien 14000 atrong at Aeate eight lajgae from Peabla completely rouliog the latter The French bad to retreat to Oriiab Tbe French emaaanicalioo wa alaoat out off- Jalapu aod Taiapieo ara abaD- doDcd by ibeui Tbe laiall poz i ragini in Vera Crux WAHlorua Jan Iha Uiiimi Siaiei airnnier Aumta on ih lUil nialant captured th Engtiah aiarnei Kiaiiig Uawn wiih a cirgo of 2 OSS buali of aall and a quantily uf lucil pr Biinal at a niaaauun aaa ba td- Jraphed through a pro par eabla batwaaa teitodafld Nwfonndlaiid accdenial hd baan preonirued by rhy war anrlv tried upwi th aubjeei him for he teerlly hopd Ihalahe would cli au ihai ih lo ihenn- b Induced to oak om axplinaiioo r riii Orricr4 Btil s h Troro Ofttfih PatersoD Harritoa Hodgins j in htcfry S OfiTAtilO tfAi H TO AVC a branch offlee m ewniarli1 whert liiniiru will ba eonduciid by ki Ja L Cricv lllh IM Wa Xotley Ul rTS 1 f riowr Aeh n Huhr Ih MQil Gi ffftirnNlof AU thr purr Km of 4id AVACi MATC 05 COl C C NT J Liverpool and London Fin INSURANCE CO Provincial Insurance coMiAxy OF cAyinA R ISK9 iO lVVT l at Iw KiF all pre- VM STRACIUN McMURRy 5oTritar AfaT aT CW Jaly IA lr If tS newmarket Iron Pnsdry CAPITA S10000000 ANNiALnEVlE82T50000 Te JWrctt ioraraliih Jj i- ti ili are d a Ihf lw ratr T Ofirrnt ViirarArt cpaaetary JAMRS ALLAN brga teratnm thaaka fa paat favraaad to intiiaai that hv la arv- parrfi lo caai Siora Suar Krtilva JKacaiae CaoliaEa anl sthrr anicif uanally rMuirvl la hia Ila of bueioeu A auisWr f j KiilsivaiaBd Plowaua baad for tale fab v w B Oeorje Wallace Ifeverabr 5D IC1 I Blank Accoaat Booksr PIT RECCIVKD a a J 0M ilMuJ HUAMSAYIHU Arenl rai ICJ t- Jy J 142 rapping Paper I IlIlirANMV Life Go iuerrd at Uie bo1 sKideteia rale R RAMSAY M D Jfrmi Jur Vwaiarr- BiBla Deraitorr B etetyaprici apea aplealiaaio rfcoa iwat4a rtfttMtrflHrt M bI WM HAlU Bease 8iga aid CarrUci PaiiteTi OLaZlKB 0 c rtpctfulr lw iDimvt ciU fs nf V m rk c t s ud rrottbd luf cU9 I be hu iSED A PAINT SHOP Villaf aad ia asw pnparad la eza- cuta all onlcra wiili wind hL oia b favered ea t abvlaAt Butice aud luval adraatageeua naHll 9pt 79 IM3 tm Baflitratet Blaaki all daertpliH us kaed feraal O Sf9 RiAOtrf JuM 9 rW laiiv III the unplaeiaBI afftir of h ahawl which wxild eiotterai her from Ih in- vidoii implicaiiOD of Fastlinn and En prait Ha iberwtor leqjeMrl pr- miaewo to eoumpny hr did not refua hia rrqui fur ah valued hie 00J opinMn o highly thai ah had daiermio- d 10 gi birn i lull axplaraiion ol avory circomlanc wiili rpnrd lo br b7rr0w ingih hawi Ih 6u PPiuiyi73jcaTI ikil ikai ia anKf awkAtf A aKa api i a Tf iila ihibking in what niatier ibeeould bti intreduc iha iubel Buphnei uddiily eniargd frocn a liil paib 8h cau upon thra a uprcilieo glic and ihen quickly turned in aaop poaiia diraeiKin Al iha momnl of br pasing Ihem eb drew her haiidkrehil from hr pnekt which gnprcid by hf waa lillowed by Ih not which ab had BrrpiiiiMly obtaioad Thar vat a fih brarn which waftad ilio the f of Philip- At b aioopad to pick it ap h taw ihat II wa direcicd lo iuliel- Tbi apiar in b iaindd for you aid b a h hiindad it to br Why thi i Ann Bltery writing eaia tna v aara cuuia ii eona iroin r- Som good fiiiry or ao inviaibl Ariel oiuai haf dropped il ia your path aaid ha Prbap whan yon cufD to read ii you will la abl to judg if your frlaud employed m daioiy a ina aaoger Hr ara piowarka though no poai mark eaid elie a aha ouuiinwiced uo- folding il- Tha oliowiflg poaiacripl which by bing on ib appoatM pag bad aeeapeid iha obcratioa of lb Hiyhiaa as- plaiaad ila voda of onvyaa P S I hava baan ihinkioit lhal if clutmii iliai 11 waa Mia Hichtoiie duly lo wnie to Piilipa parenia in order lo ap priae ihem of leir ipprehetieiiDa Beiig riaiuralTv ditainrv hiwever tix wek had glid awny beiore the al culrd her inianiioo by wriiing a folluwt 10 Mra Netillr r Madami hnaa ton loof datyed performing whel 1 conwder a duiby giving you a hlil rMpectibt ft0 which 1 ahallpiu to tba ahawl tUiiMai faei would ba railiaruterouebiaM you appear ibroad wiib a i mighi fe laii- UIho fut a placnf A E I iha tggKHia of Mr llghtim wat incited l riike ut a viail and who un- fortiiaaily caia when yourann wsaour git W iih a lolerabl face end a gram dMi of art we hav reaaon lo fir that the eucceeded in niaking an imprvaeion on iha tuaeeplibl herl ol hei excalleni young man who i worthy to oneiet hlaaell wiih a tiaughier of on of ih Aral familin in Ih rnaiaed nf th daughter of ih prnr widow 8ineraly hopng that you will fl dipoed to prof it from hia warning I r7iein yuura Hcrrca Hiohtoh In a few day lb rjijuoad aaawa WSTTfEBtTSS- Daaa Maoait Your lalir earn too lata loanawar ha parpoea for which It waa iolandad Philip with the full con currence of Mr Neville and myeelf having already migh and obuinad iha pmmMa of Juliai Carryll hnnd That you nay uSar do mora anxieiy from art epprebeofioe of her unworlhin my buabaad and 1 bag lae u aaaur you ihat according lo iha eaaertion of lhw whnae veracity can be depended on- lhay baing sninDieneed by any aalfiah motive her inDlaI and moral qualiiiea ara fully equal to bar parannal bauiy Bolc by Grand T railway PortUopa iwchea ai culTee id gunny baga- bence by rail o Lindaay Tbere are about 2u0000 tcre for aal ia ibe townahip of Catden Laxloa Daltoa Dicby Oakley and Ryde I n Cirden tnd Laxion be aoil i cm- BOed of aiaady loan varyiajc in depdi froin ooe lo two feet U tlralified liae- ttone rock of a eoft cruiublio deecription Pigby The ret body of ibe town ahip iabigh nllioi land In the iater- veainz valleyt ibe til n deep rieb and ferlile Furtian of ilw trwaabip are of tbe limealon foroaiioo Tbere are nu- iiierout titca where oiaebiaery coald be eBKtuily worked by waurpower IHllon in a Isnberinf point ef view pOMeic great advaota being weU- wstared by tbrca river ua which there ara Mveral falU aad rtpiilt Tbe towa- abip u aettling rsptdly In Oukley be tdvaMagea of lellle- ibeat are go owiofc u the IeUraoa rnad being opeued ihroaeb the towaabip Wber it croaaca tba Black River tben u an elidible aite for a town plot having ad- vanUge of ovaer failinx water piivilige and Laad io llie Aijeoey of R- J 01i Orillia Route by Gnad T- railway lo Toroato tbeacaby Nortliun railway la Ball itwai t tbeoae by ataaiaer i- llrillia Tbera are about luOOO acre for lak ia the lowatbipaof Morrtaoa Matkaka Draper Macaulay and Stepbenaoe The land in thia aiDcy are geaerslly well timbered ani watered by lake and rivera wilK ftth in abaadacoe aud exceV- lent mill aite Agency of JoaepH Saalt 8la ttane Route from Torwto to Col- linwgo6 dy railway by ateaaear lo twili arie Tbia agescy euibracca a portion of I Huron aad aaperior Icrriury Sault Sle Marie beinc a free port all goodi duly imrrted and enterwd there gu into eonaumptMn fie of duly witbia tba met auacbad ta it In Ib visuuty of tbe town land are for aale in tiM luwaahipa uf Aweage Awcrc Tarleotoraa Knrab Prince Parks and Maodonald In rear are the ladiaa ttMraabipa of Feowtek Kara aad Penoefatliar OonUioiag Mcb pMd taJ The towoab of laefroy PaUoa ttaau your piiy 1 remain youra Ldcr NivibLK he waa from Ntau N P and wa try ing 10 run the blucknd The Lliiled but ltBr Ocawa on Ihe iai inaiani capiured ibe tchuna- r Heuwan wiib VS bale of CMlun iryirg to run oui f Chrlaon On Ills 9ih inaiait ili iieamar TrO formerly ih Hunir oi Cbnrleuiin whila aurfflpiiiig lo run ihe blockruM wai dealuyed by r Her crew aod paaaeiigera were aed by the boala Ir m ilie ljunkr Cily Arrangemenia ara beicg made Im epewdly aichanglng biit 1 100 eiilii iriunra now in ih old c fulol nd ru on perolA here for many unkin civil ant lild by lb reb I- Ti e rnmLer of lirgdirr GneraW oow in th aarvice i aljoui ClH and lenarala 40 I he Preaidenl baa rerrnily nominaiad in Hie Senaia 1A4 ad iIiiUDai uf ID lorntar graile aod 500 ol Ibe lauer The Snay Deparimeni hi received inlLrmai nil ilint the nnval eypediiioo up Ihe hue river under Ikui Col W ker waa auorraalui He puahed ou lo Uuvala Ululf wnh tlie Uirii d Kalb Tn capture oi ih gun alludd to in hi irori render il very difficult for lb lebel i ilofrnd th reeh to Liltl Kock iid It I beleed thai th Btaea of Aikairaae coreplrtrly in our power Til AtUstie Ttlefth Tba proapaeiu of th Ailaatio Td graph Couipaay appear in aoui of tb New Vork npen It aharebolden are ffuaranieed 8 per ccnt by tb Britiah ing If the Kibte Tbe cipitjl cooaMa of io 130000 hare of Un the lioard are the name of four Colo- aial DiraclarHon 0 E Cartier aod Hoti Joha Roaa of Canada Hoo loba Uobirtaoo of New BraBawik aad Thoa C Kinaear of Nova Scotia In Iha proa- pectua tha Director aaj Tbey bat the fulbai coofiilaBM la lbe aaSciaocy of tbe acienlitc aod praclicil faulitie which oow exiat fur Mtiog Ub- Btryiag and wotkiagloogdaepteacablca Tbia euafidencc aod tbew acililiea hate incrcaaed and been iveaaurfd dariag five ia tbi gT- Tba had io tbm art nld for oM abiSian aq aora Beiidi mm I alway kotw ttid Mr Hibi03 uadaod Udbartbecbaractantuca ofibi ard oa U praaent ooeaaioa io ijne- lioo oa their sanb pta tioo wiih aad 1UI- owrooa of wluA ifcaj ad bowiea Puaetot ctUy tba tton Cuada at tba BxUbitiM Wa hftva bnfaored with a aigbl af tha lepori ol iha furur of ih lala liMr- nniional Kxhibiiion aa ii la now paaaing through Iha giren and wa ara plaatao lo neiiea ih very laudaiory irma id arhieh ih labour of Wru Legao Mr Chamberlain and Dr Hurlburi hava an miitiiined lb Citoadiaa Upar rwani baiog ehareiariid aa no uSt iha muai ewnplMa iliuaraiiuo of ib ra- ourcae ol a coluiiy arr xtubiiad ol Ciaa I V aec 0 beiog OH the fegeiable aiibaUiicea uaed is maBU faciure iha report aaya At nil preiiua ejuilbnioo in ibi or any oibar country haa ao apladid tnd valvahl a diaplny of lb prsdoou of foraat aiid plaulaiHHia Mao xhibilad not only whao w eooaider Iha maguilttd of lb varwu til Iroo al- moet vry eUiilry but alao lO rigrdlo iha idinlralila car which in ilini all eaaa hit bn thown in ih prprwlna if ihapciirwnaof which lhay weraoom- poad Sciaoca and aimireial antr pri bav goo hand In band and hae M lougar lo cgri thai tbaae at correal islormauon teapeciiog lb pr ducing plima artd other imporlaut par- iculira which rrnderrd ao much that waa ni tv Ihe Exhibnion o 11 oom parniivaly veluelar Moal ol Iba ool- Ictiiiua iiuw eabibiMd ara labtlUd Ooe recliy aod itut ouly dii w find iba aciiiiilio nam i ilia lrea atlacbait but in many ena valuaU iiifiriualipa ipectitig ih qualili aud quaotJUa ot il iiiniiar are giveo In u aixn of ipaciiywn ateel I it lction and lofurmaliun gireti tha Upper Canada cnlleciion ol wod M un doubtedly the finaai in il EihibilMi bUlding It H cuulribuid by aulaen iidividuala and coiiaiala uf plank log quirrad log trmxerae aecliura poll i pacimei teiiera aod very exfn- V aeriet of aeianiilieally citlrcid and ared laava fl waa ahai dtc Tbta collrelion further denve murb of it exacii 1 d eieniirie vliaa iroai haaxeriioBa of llr Ilurlbart wbuap- uar lu hat notli ayleanaitcally namid and arranged Iha and eoo tribuied to their Ctfiplrii u in varioua wayb Loff iVrve StrawCi Ike II rak villat af Kirkrea oa the boaadary betwea Uabataa ad Blantbard baa tbrra ur foer ekarrbaa a a iheet the ekurcb e HaId aad th Wratryan Mvlbndi are ajilewdid edfkea iad a aehUeiil afae abafb Preakrleiian glieg u logelber witb a bae ball Goud reaiita jaal apeard 1 aad IraoiC to aay Ibe a al ane aver ha bra a laaera or wie oi la I place Verily lrtb ttranrr Ibaa bctioo Ptrtk Standard Tnt Twtt ri vni Awiwcas Atti- Trtt Tbe TTiwcj of the Tih in- ra- narking opofi the tteof afairaafUrlba badia of Freriekborg eaya Any one who oonianplate pr paratioa obvioaaly oiakiag Ike a aivii eaaliet wiihia the liiuiu af ih the rchy tbat ia prisging op all aro coiBpeleBce aod cowardice in tB ie2d and tbe iaaouortiioo of a aaw year by lb rocIxtBXioB of aervile war on Iha one tide aad of a policy of rolblea- eitar- ainalion oa lb order nay well aak bi tr oaa tbia b ibe America of two yaan ago where life aad property aad taw wet aa aacred a they are to day anaog oor- aelvr and where the great naaa of be people bad no more idea tbaa have of ibe aeeniDalaied evila Ibat ha iaUaa upaa tbeo Have they not doM M to atoee for the waatonoea ef a toa CXO- berapt propcrity and bj a4 lb tlaw pt a mtf ta I