29 · Friday, November 11, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER · www.insideHALTON.com DIRECTORY BAPTIST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN If you'd like to advertise your place of worship in this feature please call JESSICA LANGERO 905-845-3824 ext. 284 ANGLICAN St. Paul's United 454 Rebecca St. beside YMCA 905-845-3427 office@stpaulsoakville.com 1415 (across from Sheridan College) Trafalgar Road Sunday Worship 10:15am Sunday School & Nursery Tots & Us Mon.10 am Bible Study Wed. 10:30am. not just for christmas and Easter Come to Knox Presbyterian Church and renew your faith. We're open year `round! Warmly welcoming you to worship in the heart of Old Oakville. Church: Sundays: Epiphany ........8:30am & 10:30am 905-827-2546 141 Bronte Road epiphanyoffice@cogeco.net www.epiphanyoakville.com. 905.842.0938 Sunday, November 13th Sermon: Worshiping In God's House Scripture: Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 Speaker: Pastor Harry Worship Time: 10:30 am Radio Program: JOY 1250 - Wednesdays 3:00 to 3:30 pm www.faithbaptist-oakville.com Incarnation .........8:30am & 10am Services at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. this Sunday Lakeshore & Dunn · 905-844-3472 · KnoxOakville.com ALL ARE WELCOME Ask about Sunday School programs for children & teens "Is the old testament too old? Bowling - Wed. Badminton - Thurs. 905-825-2851 1240 Old Abbey Lane visit our website at www.incarnationchurch.ca St. Aidan ...................8am & 10am Taize Night Prayer 7:30 third Friday of the month More information at www.stpaulsoakville.com UNITED UNITED PRESBYTERIAN 905-845-6111 318 Queen Mary Drive or visit our website at www.staidansoakville.org St. John's Church GLEN ABBEY United In the heart of downtown Oakville Everyone is Welcome St. Cuthbert .............8am & 10am 905-844-6200 Maple Grove & Oakhill email us at stcuthbert@bellnet.ca or visit our website at www.stcuthbertoakville.ca UNITED 1469 Nottinghill Gate 905-825-5292 www.glenabbeyunitedchurch.com Sunday Service 9:30am Church School and Nursery Everyone Welcome! Minister: Rev. Barry King *progressive *inclusive *community With a heart for a much wider community We welcome you! BIBLE CHAPEL Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery & Church School November 13 "Power to Heal" Junior Choir sings, and join us for Soup Lunch after service St. Jude ..Sun., 8am, 9:30am & 11am Wednesday midweek services at 10:30am in the Church. 905-844-3972 160 William Street email us at office@stjudeschurch.net or visit our website at www.stjudeschurch.net Sunday Bible Teaching & Worship Service, 12:30-2:30pm (SOUTH RIDGE ROOM) IROQUOIS RIDGE COMMUNITY CENTRE 1051 Glenashton Dr. Glenashton & Eighth Line Friday Teaching & Youth Service 7:00-8:30pm Tel: 416-892-8123 · Fax: 1-866-281-5983 Pastor: Elder M.J. Brissett Email: mjbrisse@yahoo.ca JESUS IS LORD Your children will love it here! Sundays at 10am Community Dinner Friday, Nov. 18-6 PM Wind Orchestra Concert Sat., Nov. 19-7 PM Christmas Bazaar Sat., Nov. 26-9AM Trafalgar PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH trafalgarchurch.ca 905.842.2800 354 Upper Middle Road E. (access from Litchfield Road) St. Luke, Palermo Wednesdays at 9:30 am 10:30am UNITED 262 Randall Street 905.845.0551 www.stjohnsunited.ca BIBLE CHAPEL 905-825-3364 3114 Dundas St. West visit our website at www.stlukepalermo.ca www.oakvilleanglicans.ca 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-827-1643 Corner of Bronte & Lakeshore Rd. W. WALTON UNITED Sun., Nov. 13 9:30am Larger Family Service 11am Traditional Sunday Ladies Christmas Card Making Party Sat., Nov. 12, 7pm Register Church Office Progressive Euchre Tues., Nov. 15, 7:30pm Prayerful Pause Sat., Nov. 19 8am - 5pm Walton Float in Santa Claus Parade Sat., Nov. 19 Prayer Going Deeper & Further Sat., Nov. 26, 9:30am - 3pm Solid Gold Foundations Church Service @ 7 p.m. Coffee & Refreshments @ 6.30 Rev. Michelle Sim, Senior Pastor NON-DENOMINATIONAL Celebrate the Miracle of www.waltonmemorial.com Walton Welcomes You Our vision is to be a centre of biblical excellence in Oakville, teaching, guiding and supporting each other to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ Location: Church of the Nazarene 320 Bronte Rd., Oakville This Sunday: Guest Speaker: Joy1250's Jim Leek Guest Worship Leader: Danny Deakin Coming Dec 18 - Family Christmas Concert with Deborah Klassen Everyone will be welcomed "Relationships Grounded in The Holy Spirit" For more information & Daily Devotions go to: Faith and visit one of these churches this week. 10:00 am: Coffee & Tea 10:30 am: Sunday Service Praise and Worship Communion / Message Nursery, children's and youth programs 2250 Eighth Line, Oakville 905 849-0567 www.oakridgebiblechapel.org office@oakridgebiblechapel.org www.SolidGoldFoundations.com SGFC an outreach of Northern Praise Ministries CHECK OUT: WWW.WALTONMEMORIAL.COM