26 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday February 24, 2007 www.oakvillebeaver.com Community Notices Classified Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm E-mail: classified@haltonsearch.com Community Notices Classified Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm E-mail: classified@haltonsearch.com TEAM & BIRTHDAY PARTIES Serving Halton for over 15 years · Ball Hockey Rinks · Batting Cages · Indoor Beach Volleyball · Dinner Packages Call Now 905-335-8520 www.mainwaysports.com AST L ES , Wi ll iam R u ss ell - H u sband of A v r i l , F a t h e r o f J e n n i f e r a n d To n y passed away in his 90th year on February 2 1 ,2007. WW II Veteran and long ter m e mp loyee of A.E. L e p age . Service to be held at St. Luke's Anglican Church Palermo 311 4 Dundas Hwy. W. Oakville Friday March 2, 2007 at 4:30 P.M. As an expression of sympathy donations to St. Lu ke ' s A nglican Ch u rch Paler m o or a charity of your choice. PYR C HA LL A , Pa ul Simon- Peacef u lly and s u rro u nded by his fa m ily on T h u rs day, F ebr u ary 22, 2007 at his ho m e in Oakville at the age of 84. Paul, dear husband of M arga . L oving father of G aby and Peter and his wife Terri-Lyn, and devoted grandfather of Tabitha . He is s u r vived by his brother Max and his wife Helen in Germany; his sister-in-law Waltraut and her husband Edu Lang and nephews. He will also be missed by his relatives in G er m any and his friends . Visitation will be held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, (one block east of Kerr, 905-844-2600) on S u nday fro m 2- 5 p.m. Fu neral Service will be held on M onday, F ebr u ary 26, 2007 at 11:00 a.m. at Glen Abbey United Ch u rch , 1 469 Nottinghill G ate , O akville . Interment to follow at Trafalgar Lawn Cem etery. Condolences and trib u tes m ay be sent to: www.koprivataylor.com MARGUERITE GLADYS DAY 1920-2007 M arg u erite G ladys Day ( nee Bricker ), a tr u e local hero , died at home on Sunday, February 18, 2007, just one month before her 87th birthday, from pneumonia and other complications resulting fro m her long str u ggle with A l z hei m er ' s disease . M arg was the da u ghter of E dna A nnie G ray of A rth u r, O ntario and Dr. J a m es Goodfellow Bricker of Roseville, Ontario. She leaves her husband of 66 years, Bertram George Day, and her loving family and wonderful Tibetan caregivers to lament her passing. Marg was born in Toronto in 1920 and attended Jarvis Collegiate before specializing in Household Science and Maths at the University of Toronto. In 1941, she married her summer sweetheart, Bert Day, who finished his degree in F orestry E ngineering and his stint in R EME ( ar m y engineers ) and bo m b dis p osal before whisking her off to the University of New Brunswick where he taught Dendrology and Silvaculture, and then to Timmins to live in an Abitibi bush camp where she was the only woman in charge of 200 men. Marg and Bert built the Mohawk Inn in Campbellville as a Centennial project in 1 967 and o p erated it u ntil 1 974, s p eciali z ing in her colonial beef stew which si mm ered in a h u ge iron p ot in the o p en fire place. (Brackets and cranes smithed by Milton's own Alf Waldie.) Marg was an active member and often hostess for the University Wo m en ' s Cl u b of M ilton and was a m e m ber of the Hortic u lt u ral Societies of Milton and Marathon Florida. She was also an occasional lect u rer at the Royal Botanical G ardens on the m edicinal and culinary value of herbs and plants and on what we should all learn from the ancients, referring to herself as a "white witch" for growing and making such concoctions. Marg is also survived by her yo u nger sister, Bernice H u ff , of Denver, Colorado b u t was p redeceased by her yo u ngest sister, E lvera F ra m e , of Victoria , B.C. Marg's own mother died of pneumonia when Marg was only eight years old and she raised her two yo u nger sisters with the hel p of her father who was a b u sy G. P. M arg u erite ' s three chil dren survive her: Peggy Haliburton and her husband, Michael, of Milton and their children Jennifer, Beth and Christopher; William Day and his wife, Stephanie, of Toronto and their children, Amber and L acey ; and Richard Day and his wife , K aren , of M ilton and their children Peter, Pa u la , Robert and Tianna . M arg was also p redeceased by her closest friends A nn and Henry K elneck of Timmins, Karen Day's parents. A small luncheon reception celebrating the surprising range of Marg's lifetime achievements will be held at Rattle Snake Point Golf Club on Highway 25, in Milton (905-878-6222) on Wednesday February 28, 2007 from 11:00am to 2:00pm. M arg u erite Day was a tr u ly great wo m an and the world is a better p lace beca u se she was in it . T hose wishing to make a contribution in Marguerite's memory are invited to consider the A l z hei m er Society of Canada , 20 E glinton Aven u e West , Suite 1200, Toronto, Ontario M4R 1K8, www.alzheimer.ca, Telephone Numbers 416-488-8772 or (toll free, valid in Canada only) 1-800-616-8816. Place your Baby's Birth Announcement in the Oakville Beaver, and you wil receive a voucher for One Free Ornament of your baby's precious hand or footprint ($25.00 value) compliments of: www.WeePiggies.com 905-825-8731 Call 905-845-3824 to place your announcement to place your Cremation Questions? communitynotice call 905.337.5610 Free Info Kit, call: 905.257.1100 WE HAVE THE ANSWERS A LON S O, N ico le F ait h - S u ddenly on Wednesday February 21, 2007 at McMaster Children's Hospital. Niki, our 4 year old angel. Loved daughter of Robert and S uz anne . L oving little sister of Da nielle . A dored grandda u ghter of J ohn and Ju ne Au g u stin and Bei and the late Lu is A lonso . Dearest niece of A leksan dra , Steven , Yvette , St u art and m any, m any other fa m ily m e m bers . S p ecial thanks are e x tended fro m the fa m ily to the doctors and n u rses of the O akville Trafalgar M e m orial Hos p ital and M c M as ter M edical Centre , as well as the p ara m edics and p olice officers for their co mpassionate care, you have all earned your wings. Visitation will be held at the Kopriva Taylor Co mmu nity Fu neral Ho m e , 64 Lakeshore Road West, (one block east of Kerr, 905-844-2600) from 3-5 and 7-9 pm Friday. Funeral Mass 11:00 am Saturday F ebr u ary 24, 2007 at St . M ichael ' s Par ish, 181 Sewell Drive, Oakville. Interment G len O aks M e m orial G ardens , O akville . In lie u of flowers , m e m orial contrib u tions to the M c M aster Children ' s Hos p ital , wo u ld be a pp reciated . Em ail condo lences may be sent to www.koprivataylor .com GLEN OAKS Memorial Gardens Hwy. 403 & Dundas St. · www.glenoaks.ca THE Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. WHO DOES IT... 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