w w w .i n si d eH A LT O N .c o m O A K V IL LE B EA V ER Th ur sd ay , O ct ob er 6 , 2 01 1 2 4 Now accepting registrations! Bronte Harbour Nursery School CALL OR EMAIL TODAY! Classes are filling quickly 905-465-3508 bronteharbour@hotmail.com 2489 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville ddlers: 18 months - 2 years Preschoolers: 2 - 5 years 2, 3 or 5 mornings per week ...where every single child is valued, supported, encouraged and treasured. Kids Stuff with Previous Experience Come see why we have been chosen the best consignment store, new childrens furniture store and favourite childrens clothing store OAKVILLE 2423 Trafalgar Road, South of Dundas in the Winners Plaza 905-257-5775 www.onceuponachildoakville.com Spooktacular Halloween Costumes haveArrived Shop Early eatGr Selection G r e a t S a v i n g s ! Every child is a star! Glenburnie School is presenting the Performing Arts Challenge Talent Contest on Saturday, November 26 with the support of City Parent, The Oakville Beaver, and Oakville Today. Children from 5 to 13 years of age, from across the region, are invited to compete in this annual event. Being an artist is more than mastering a set of skills. A memorable artist reach- es out from the stage and touches our hearts, making us smile, laugh, or even cry. "The response from parents and participants has been awe- some, explains event chair Paul Carr. By having the judges score each performance on both technical merit and artistic impression to determine the win- ners, the Performing Arts Challenge lets every child know that her or his unique personality and spirit are important and valued. Each performer will receive personal feedback from the judges who come from the world of jazz, classical music, musi- cal theatre, and television to bring a wide range of experience and viewpoints to the panel. Attributes such as stage presence, appropriate dress, and command of the audience will all be taken into consideration both in the judges comments and final scores. Instrumentalists, vocalists, dancers, and variety performers from all genres, styles, and backgrounds are invited to perform for the judges and compete for the coveted trophies and prizes which include scholarship prizes to Addison Music Learning Centre and Harmony Arts Academy. The vocal division will run from 9 to 11 a.m. and the instru- mental, dance, and variety divisions will follow at 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Media and guests who are interested in attending are asked to contact Ms. Judie Roy, Head of Communications at 905-338- 6236. Contest for young performers with talent Performing Arts Challenge TALENT CONTEST every CHiLDisa STAR ber rNovem 26, 2011 New Scholarship prizes Vocal, Instrumental, Dance, and Variety Categories Panel of expert judges Registration fee: $25.00 per entry / Deadline: Nov. 16, 2011 Event open to all children ages 5 to 13 For more information, contact Ms. Roy @ 905-338-6236 Registration forms are available online at: www.glenburnieschool.com Presented by: Co-Sponsors: Harmony Arts Academy This year, its straightAs thanks to Oxford Learning! Call today, or visit oxfordlearning.com Oakville South 905.849.4027 Oakville North 905.469.1929