State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, Aurora, Ontario 1010072 Darryl R Demille InsAgcy Ltd Darryl Demille, CFP Oakville 905-842-1020 Stacey Sutherland Oakville 905-339-3276 Andrew Heideman Oakville 905-829-0018 Stephen Ostapchuk Mississauga/Oakville 905-238-5643 Angelo Gualtieri Oakville 905-257-7773 Daniel Durst Oakville 905-847-1898 Deborah Bartucci Oakville 905-337-3276 European Engineering Combined With Traditional Workmanship Building on the Brightest Ideas Around Glass 905.849.0266 406 SPEERS RD., OAKVILLE ACROSS FROM RONA LANSING 905-337-2066 EXPERIENCE THE ART OF MODERN FIREPLACES. MASONRY & FIREPLACE DESIGN SPECIALISTS 9 Friday, Septem ber 30, 2011 O A K V ILLE B EA V ER w w w .in sid eH A LTO N .co m f b f l d l l lSuspect s use o ear mace ai e to repe Ha ton po ice Bear mace may repel bears, but it failed to deter Halton police Tuesday, as several officers succeeded in arresting a suspect in Hamilton despite being nearly blinded in the pro- cess. Halton plainclothes officers were in Hamilton Tuesday, attempting to locate a suspect with out- standing arrest warrants for probation and recogni- zance violations commit- ted in Halton and Hamilton. The investigation led to a residential address on Victoria Street, where the homeowner allowed police to enter for the purpose of arresting the suspect. Police said two officers went downstairs, identified themselves verbally as police, and located the sus- pect hiding in a crawl space. At that point, the suspect allegedly sprayed the officers with bear mace, forcing them to retreat from the enclosed area. Two officers stationed outside the house noticed the suspect emerging from a trap door underneath the front porch. When they approached him, police said, the suspect sprayed the officers and fled. Despite impaired vision due to the spray, the offi- cers continued to pursue the suspect while, police said, he continually sprayed them. The suspect was eventually apprehend- ed. All four officers were contaminated with bear mace and one officer sustained a serious knee injury when he slammed into a fire hydrant during the arrest. Hamilton police were contacted and assisted with the arrest. David Thomson, 25, of no fixed address, has been charged with three counts of assaulting police, two counts of breaching probation, two counts of failing to comply with recognizance and possession of a controlled substance.