Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 21 Sep 2011, p. 30

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w w w .in si d eh al to n .c o m O A K V IL LE B EA V ER W ed ne sd ay S ep te m be r 21 , 2 01 1 30 DIRECTOR OF CARE We are searching for a dynamic Director of Care for a long term care home in the Hamilton area. The successfu l candidate wi l l be e x p e r i e n c e d w i t h t h e L . T. C . A c t , w i l l demonstrate leadership qualities and good teaching skills. This professional will have computer knowledge and experience with team building. Please send resume no later than October 3, 2011 to: Mr. Ted Capstick and Associates Ltd. 82 Valley Drive Stoney Creek, Ontario L8G 2A5 recapstick@sympatico.ca WANT TO BE CHALLENGED? ASL Dis t r ibu t ion Serv ices LTD. one o f Canada's leading Oakvil le-based 3PLs is looking to bolster its creative talent pool with the following the following 4 positions. Quality & Compliance Manager Logistics Planner | CSR Warehouse Supervisor | Afternoon Shift Logistics Planner | CSR | Afternoon Shift Please submit resume and cover letter to christine.banfi eld@sympatico.ca NOW HIRING OWNER OPERATORS MUST have clean drivers abstract, Criminal record and CVOR. Min. of 3 years verifi able Canadian experience. Min. age 25 yrs old. Contact: Maria Botelho @ 905-792-6137 NOW HIRING AND TRAINING More School Bus Drivers Ask about special hiring incentives. Preference given if you already have a B Class Licence. We will also provide free training to those holding aG Class Licence (good driving record & drug testing required). Call 1-877-914-KIDS or pre-apply online at www.fi rststudentcanada.com We are an equal opportunity employer. EHHDBG@ ?HK : <A:EE>G@BG@ K>P:K=BG@ >FIEHRF>GM HIIHKMNGBMR8 The YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington/ Brantford is hiring part time/split shift staff for our Before and After School programs which provide licensed care for children between the ages of 3.8-12 years. Candidates should be enthusiastic, creative, child focused and able to work within a fl exible schedule. Responsibilities include frontline supervision of children, as well as, program development, administration and working as part of the YMCA School Age Child Care team. If you: Have a diploma in ECE, Child and Youth or Recreation Or have two or more years experience working with children in a recreation or child care setting Are 18 years of age or older Have strong communication skills, both written and verbal Please email your resume and cover letter to: saccjobs@ymca.ca We thank all applicants, however, only those considered for an interview will be contacted. The Canadian Champion, a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd., has an immediate opening for a: Part Time District Service Representative The qualified candidate will posses excellent written and verbal communication skills and will have working knowledge of Microsoft office. You will be customer focused in ensuring that our customers' distribution needs are met. In this role, you will work closely with the carri- er force by ensuring all newspapers and distri- bution products are delivered in a t imely manner which could include door to door deliv- ery. You will be organized and capable of working within a fast paced, team oriented en- vironment. A reliable vehicle and valid insu- rance coverage is required. If you are interested in working for a leader in the media industry this opportunity may be the right one for you. If interested please forward your resume, no later than September 30th, 2011 to; kmossman@metroland.com or fax: (905) 632-7768 We appreciate the interest of all applicants however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls or agencies please. Volvo of Oakville and Hamilton Volvo are expanding! Immediate starting positions available for: Parts Advisor Service Advisor Sales Consultant Please send you resume to: volvoofoakville@gmail.com volvohamilton@gmail.com MAINTENANCE POSITION Available at apt. complex in Burlington. Some work required in Toronto. Should be knowledgeable in painting, minor plumbing and miscellaneous maintenance and repairs. Must be fl uent in English. FAX resume to: 416-364-6087 WANTED Full & Part Time PLUMBERS & OFFICE STAFF for Busy Service Company Please apply mike@diamond jett.ca Careers Drivers Careers Drivers Drivers Dental DENTAL ASS ISTANT, Level II needed for down- town Oakville family prac- tice Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Looking for sense of humour, self motivated, dependable, trustworthy team player who can be fl exible. Experience & front desk knowledge an asset. Fax : 905 -844 -9922 or Email: jawadt@hotmail.com General Help Dental DENTAL RECEPTIONIST- P/T (3 days/ week + 1 Saturday/ month). Great team, beaut i fu l fac i l i ty. Customer service and com- puter skills essential. Mini- mum 1 year experience. Fax: 905-337-3530, email: nbhupal@rogers.com General Help DOG GROOMER with pro- fessional experience for es- tablished grooming salon in Bur l ington. Fu l l - t ime or par t - t ime opt ional . Cal l 905-973-8011. EXPERIENCED CLEAN- ERS needed immediately Various Shifts and posi- tions with benefi t package. F a x r e s u m e t o 905-632-3255 I NEED someone to learn my business in financial s e r v i c e s . C a l l J u l i a n 289-812-0324 Ext. 101 MEADOWBROOK LAND- SCAPING is currently hir- i ng f u l l t ime s ta f f f o r landscaping, lawn mainte- nance and snow removal. Must have own transporta- tion and clean abstract. C a l l 9 0 5 - 6 2 7 - 8 7 3 0 ; 905-335-1294 Email: info@ meadowbrooklandscaping.ca MOLLY MAID requires energetic, dependable p e o p l e . F u l l - t i m e Mon-Fr iday, No eve- ning/weekends! Paid training, benefits, car provided. Driver's l i - cense required. Not suitable for students. 9 0 5 - 6 8 1 - 7 4 8 4 (Burl./Oak) PART-TIME RELIEF Su- perintendent needed for Burlington Condo. Not a live-in position. Every other wknd plus vacation cover- age 2 wks/yr Must be able to respond to building with- in 15mins for emergency. Hourly rate. Excellent work environment. Fax resume 416-621-2027 email info@madeirapm.ca E-MAIL classified@haltonsearch.com INTERNET: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com General Help General Help Required Immediately Exp. Licensed Ford Diesel Technician Exp. Electrical Driveability A/C Technician P-T Lube Technician for Oil, Filter and Tires (3 days; Fri, Sat & Mon) Please call Service Manager 905-632-5671 or email jtrebble@terracefordlincoln.com Multi-branch electrical contractor seeking: Licensed Electricians & 4-5th Term Electrical Apprentices at their Oakville location. Electricians must hold 309A Electrical License. Must have CDN Industrial experience. Please contact: jobs@newelectric.ca Directional Drilling Operator FT, for a unionized company with experience. (A) License is req. Working in Peel & Halton Regions. E.C. Power & Lighting Ltd. PH 905-815-9464 General Help SKILLED & committed A Jumper Groom for N. Bur- lington stable. Must have superior horse care skills. Wages 420520/wk. Send resume: marylindenridge@aol.com or mail: Linden Ridge Ltd., 5577 Walkers Line, Burling- ton, L7M-0P9 Superintendent - Asst. Couple, Full-time, live-in for h igh - r ise in Bur l ington. Cleaning, minor mainte- nance, rental experience and good communication sk i l ls . Salary, benef i ts, apartment. Couples only n e e d a p p l y . F a x : 905-275-1841 Salon & Spa GEL NAIL Tec needed. We are look ing for exper i - enced, motivated aestheti- cians, ready to work in a fun new spa. 2460 Neya- gawa Blvd. Oakville. Please call Mary: 289-242-1488 Technical/Skilled Trades Technical/Skilled Trades General Help AZ OWNER Operator- At- tention AZ Drivers DCT, a progressive flatbed carrier is now hiring a professional AZ owner operator to work out of a Milton location. Join our team today by c o n t a c t i n g K e v i n 519 -752 -7810 o r f a x : 519 752 0095 Kevin@DCTCorp.net CLASSIFIED E-MAIL classified@haltonsearch.com INTERNET: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com Travel company needs an ADMINISTRATOR/PROCESSOR for our Burlington offi ce. We specialize in travel to London and the British Isles. Must have ex- cellent and speedy computer skills - word, ex- cel, internet - along with general offi ce skills. Travel industry training or experience useful but not essential - we can teach you. Perma- nent, part-time, approx. 24 hrs/wk. Could grow. Resumes please to dhtour@interlynx.net or DHTour, 2289 Fairview Street, Suite 313, Burlington, L7R 2E3. Fax 905-639-9120 Experienced Real Estate Administrative Assistant Oakville 10-3 pm Mon-Fri. Immediate. Microsoft Excel req'd. Email Resume: franceszln@ hotmail.com SHALOM MANOR a Christian long-term care home, currently has openings for REGISTERED NURSES Please submit your resume to the Director of Care, 12 Bartlett Ave., Grimsby, Ontario. L3M 4N5 Fax: 905-945-1211 e: info@shalommanor.ca Health Care/ Medical Technical/Skilled Trades MECHANICAL INSPECTOR- Seeking a detail oriented person capable of reading and understanding complex mechan ica l b luepr in ts . Experience in the use of precision measuring tools and well versed in tech- n iques used to inspect m a c h i n e p a r t s , b o t h visually and dimensionally. Emai l : br ian.shangrow@ cal-matrix.com P R O D U C T I O N P O S I - TIONS: Mancor is hiring: general labourers, machine operators, welders, QA in- spectors, industrial paint- ers, maintenance workers. Must be able to work all shifts - days, afternoons, midnights. Please fax r- mto: (905)844-9856 Office/ Administration ADMINISTRATIVE PART- TIME- We are a division of a Canadian Building Materi- als distributor, located in Oakville. We are looking for a detail-oriented, meticu- lous and energetic individu- a l to fu l f i l l the ro le o f administrative assistant . Please send Resume to: TISOakville@gmail.com CALL CENTRE Skip Tracers F/T, Perm. Must have good phone manner & investigative skills. QEW & Erin Mills hr@contact resource.com F:905-855-0603 Ref#107 PART-TIME MEDICAL Ad- ministrat ive posit ion on c o n t r a c t b a s i s , 1 - 3 months, in Burlington cardi- ologist's offi ce. Medical of- fice experience requested. Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day 9am to 1pm. Recep- tion, booking appointments and fi ling. Email resume to: drwsimmons@bellnet.ca Health Care/ Medical Sales Opportunities GET THE training you need to build a successful fi nan- cial planning practice with one o f Canada 's most respected firms. Investors Group Financial Services Inc. of fers compet i t i ve compensat ion, benef i ts a n d f u l l t r a i n i n g t o select candidates. Send r e s u m e b y e m a i l : erin.gullis@ investorsgroup.com Health Care/ Medical PATIENT CO-CORDINA- T O R w a n t e d f u l l - t i m e a t B u r l i n g t o n P l a s t i c Surgeon's Office. Medical e xpe r i e nce p re f e r red . E m a i l r e s u m e t o : resume@drharris.on.ca Restaurants/ Hospitality JOIN THE Stout Monk Team Now! Full & Part- Time dynamic servers a n d L i n e C o o k s required. Apply in person w/resume, 478 Dundas St. W., Oakville. Domestic Help Available A PORTUGUESE Cleaning Lady looking for houses and apartments to clean. 12 y ea r s e xpe r i e nce , references available upon r e q u e s t . P l e a s e c a l l 416-318-3416. CJ 'S HOME & O f f i c e Cleaning. Experienced. De- pendable. Reasonable. Ref- erences. Free Estimate! 905-570-2008 C&S KLEENING- Office cleaning with pride. Years of Experience, excellent rates, Burlington/ Oakville area. 416-873-9223 skelly40@hotmail.com EUROPEAN PROFES - S IONAL c l ean i ng l ady available Monday - Friday. New vacuum. Reasonable rates. Call 905-601-5656. EXPERIENCED CLEAN- ING Lady. Organized, de- tail oriented. Good rates, references, free estimates. Call Sofia: 905-278-0915 or 416-857-8544. HOUSE CLEANING, 6 days per week, 10 yrs. ex- perience. More info call Joanna 647-899-0981 HOUSE/ OFFICE Clean- ing. Mention ad for 10% d i scoun t . Sen io rs d i s - c o u n t s . K a r e n 647-746-0213 Office/ Administration fi nd us online at yourclassifi eds.ca yourclassifi eds.ca District Service Representative The District Service Representative is respon- sible for ensuring that all distribution products in their assigned geographic area are delivered in a timely manner, recruit new carriers to en- sure that all routes are covered and terminate contracts where appropriate, maintain all records concerning carriers and routes includ- ing financial records and complaints, address customer concerns in a professional and timely manner while ensuring the concerns are re- solved and the carriers are aware of the con- cerns, design and manage carrier promotions to motivate the carrier force. Other duties include: Maintain accurate and current data to provide to carrier payroll, When required make appropriate arrangements to ensure down routes receive delivery, Design carrier routes and develop mapping of new areas, Retrieve and record subscription infor- mation, Maintain accurate and current distribu- tion records and total market coverage files. Competencies/Skills and Experience: Customer Service, Knowledge of Microsoft Office, Excellent verbal/written communication skills, ability to work within in a fast paced team oriented environment, previous experience in a newspaper environment an asset. If you are interested, please forward your resume no later than October 7, 2011 to: kmossman@metroland.com or Fax: 905-632-7768 fi nd us online at www.insidehalton.com or email classifi ed@halton- search.com Your career I s wai t ing for you. OAKVILLE Beaver Book your Recruitment ad today & receive 30 days on Workopolis for only $125.00 15

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