Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 16 Sep 2011, p. 38

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For complete details, please call 905-526-3377 or simply fill out the online application form at www.thespec.com and a Hamilton Spectator representative will contact you. Work for the best boss in the world. Yourself. *Profit potential varies on size and number of routes, 7 days a week. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY GAS BONUS! As an independent distributor, you will deliver The Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Star in Burlington door-to-door. Must have a reliable vehicle. MAKE BETWEEN $800 AND $1,200 EACH MONTH.* 14 16 The Canadian Champion, a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd., has an immediate opening for a: Part Time District Service Representative The qualified candidate will posses excellent written and verbal communication skills and will have working knowledge of Microsoft office. You will be customer focused in ensuring that our customers' distribution needs are met. In this role, you will work closely with the carri- er force by ensuring all newspapers and distri- bution products are delivered in a t imely manner which could include door to door deliv- ery. You will be organized and capable of working within a fast paced, team oriented en- vironment. A reliable vehicle and valid insu- rance coverage is required. If you are interested in working for a leader in the media industry this opportunity may be the right one for you. If interested please forward your resume, no later than September 30th, 2011 to; kmossman@metroland.com or fax: (905) 632-7768 We appreciate the interest of all applicants however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls or agencies please. Burlington Retail location is having a Job fair on Wed. September 21st, 2011 9:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Hiring Seasonal F/T, P/T Sales Staff Woodworking, gardening skills a defi nite asset. Evening & Saturdays required Bring Resume & Cover letter to 3060 Davidson Court Unit # 3, Burlington Phone: 905-319-9110 Fax: 905-319-0115 MILTON JOBS ASAP!!! Assembly/ Production/ Counterbalance /Welding $11.50-$14.00/hr FULL TIME / LONG TERM OPPORTUNITIES IN MILTON PH 905-631-2259 Pre-apply on-line ablemployment .com GREAT JOBS In the Milton area Assembly - 12+/hr Forklift - $14+/hr Rotating Shifts HCR Fax 905-876-4090 Tel 905-876-4661 E-mail: emailmilton@ hcr.ca www.hcr.ca HANDYMAN Part-Time General Repairs. Flexible Hours. Trafalgar/ Derry area. Experience needed. Call 905-878-1105 General Help General Help General Help Multi-branch electrical contractor seeking: Licensed Electricians & 4-5th Term Electrical Apprentices at their Oakville location. Electricians must hold 309A Electrical License. Must have CDN Industrial experience. Please contact: jobs@newelectric.ca Experienced Body Man, Prep & Detailers for Milton Please call 416-605-2612 IT Administrator/ ASP.Net Developer Multi branch electrical contractor seeking IT Administrator at corporate offi ce in Oakville. Must have 5 years minimum experience. Must be fluent in C#, Server 2008 Enterprise and Vmware. Full benefi t package. Please contact: aketelaars@thatsnew.com Travel company needs an ADMINISTRATOR/PROCESSOR for our Burlington offi ce. We specialize in travel to London and the British Isles. Must have ex- cellent and speedy computer skills - word, ex- cel, internet - along with general offi ce skills. Travel industry training or experience useful but not essential - we can teach you. Perma- nent, part-time, approx. 24 hrs/wk. Could grow. Resumes please to dhtour@interlynx.net or DHTour, 2289 Fairview Street, Suite 313, Burlington, L7R 2E3. Fax 905-639-9120 Experienced Real Estate Administrative Assistant Oakville 10-3 pm Mon-Fri. Immediate. Microsoft Excel req'd. Email Resume: franceszln@ hotmail.com General Help Salon & Spa GEL NAIL Tec needed. We are look ing for exper i - enced, motivated aestheti- cians, ready to work in a fun new spa. 2460 Neya- gawa Blvd. Oakville. Please call Mary: 289-242-1488 Technical/Skilled Trades FORKLIFT MECHANIC re- quired in Oakville. Other trade mechanics or appren- tices considered. 44 hour week. Excellent wages and benefit package. Apply to: Fax: 905-849-3515 Email: g lendon@halton- l i f t .com Drop Off: 1054 South Ser- vice Road East, Oakville. PRINT BINDERY Operator PBI - Printing has an imme- diate opening for an experi- e n c e d f u l l t i m e P r i n t Bindery Operator. Great hourly wage for the ideal candidate. Please fax re- sume to: (905)549-7417 or email: info@pbiinc.ca P R O D U C T I O N P O S I - TIONS: Mancor is hiring: general labourers, machine operators, welders, QA in- spectors, industrial paint- ers, maintenance workers. Must be able to work all shifts - days, afternoons, midnights. Please fax r- mto: (905)844-9856 VINTAGE & classic car restoration shop seeks a full time body work & paint person. 10+ years experi- ence required. Some me- chanical aptitude an asset. E m a i l r e s u m e t o : i n - fo@howemotorworks.com Computer/IT General Help Office/ Administration SMALL OAKVILLE office requires Part-Time Recep- tionist for 20 hours/ week. Send resume to: apply@cacd.ca Technical/Skilled Trades Office/ Administration ADMINISTRATIVE PART- TIME- We are a division of a Canadian Building Materi- als distributor, located in Oakville. We are looking for a detail-oriented, meticu- lous and energetic individu- a l to fu l f i l l the ro le o f administrative assistant . Please send Resume to: TISOakville@gmail.com CALL CENTRE Skip Tracers F/T, Perm. Must have good phone manner & investigative skills. QEW & Erin Mills hr@contact resource.com F:905-855-0603 Ref#107 Computer/IT is seeking a highly motivated SALESPERSON with superior customer service ability. The ideal candidate will have strong communication skills, attention to detail and the ability to generate and maintain customer relationships. Previous sales exper ience is a benefi t . Training is available to applicants with limited industry experience. Long-term opportunity exists. Fax resume to: 905-842-9811 or email: carpetwarehouse@bellnet.ca INSIDE SALES LYM is seeking a enthusiastic energetic, motivated sales executive. Strong communications skills an asset. $2500/month + Commission Apply: jobs@lightyearmedia.com SHALOM MANOR a Christian long-term care home,currently has openings for REGISTERED NURSES Please submit your resume to the Director of Care, 12 Bartlett Ave., Grimsby, Ontario. L3M 4N5 Fax: 905-945-1211 e: info@shalommanor.ca The Chisholm Academy is currently recruiting TEACHERS Interested in part-time opportunities in reme- diation or teaching high school credits in small groups. Key subject areas are math and sci- ence at the senior level. The positions tend to be an excellent fit for those candidates who have retired from a school board or private school or for those looking for a different work/life balance and no longer wish to work full-time. hr@chisholmcentre.com No phone calls please. REGISTERED ECES Come Play & Learn with Us! Childcare Centres in Milton & Burlington are seeking Registered ECEs. Advancement Opportunities, Paid Professional Development & Competitive Benefi ts Apply at: www.peekabookid.com or Fax: 905-814-0068 Office/ Administration Sales Opportunities Health Care/ Medical PATIENT CO-CORDINA- T O R w a n t e d f u l l - t i m e a t B u r l i n g t o n P l a s t i c Surgeon's Office. Medical e xpe r i e nce p re f e r red . E m a i l r e s u m e t o : resume@drharris.on.ca RECEPTIONIST/ OPTO- METRIC Assistant, PT and FT available. Seeking high energy receptionist with ex- cellent phone and interper- sonal communication skills. Must be prof ic ient with c o m p u t e r s . A p p l y a t cyeung@ oakvilleeyecare.com Teaching Opportunities Office/ Administration Sales Opportunities Health Care/ Medical Restaurants/ Hospitality JOIN THE Stout Monk Team Now! Full & Part- Time dynamic servers a n d L i n e C o o k s required. Apply in person w/resume, 478 Dundas St. W., Oakville. STONEHOUSE RESTAU- RANT now hiring Full-Time Line Cook with experience. Apply in person at 3106 S o u t h S e r v i c e R o a d , Burlington. eaching T Opportunities Job Fair Wednesday, October 19, 2011 Burlington Convention Centre 1120 Burloak Drive, Burlington 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. k Free rmssessments k Access to employers from a variety of industries k Admission and parking are free Bring your rm Dress for success! Connect With Your Future at the For more information, contact Employment Services at &?JRMLCEGML Dial 311 or 905-825-6000 or E-mail Bronwyn.Spotton@halton.ca Open to the public SCS-11031 Burlingt on Post WORK 905.632.4440 w w w .o ak vi lle b ea ve r.c o m O A K V IL LE B E A V E R F ri d ay , S ep te m b er 1 6, 2 01 1 3 8 Emma's Backporch & The Water St. Cooker Exp'd Day Bartender Line Cooks Servers Host's Please Apply in Person 2084 Old Lakeshore Road, Burlington emmasbackporch.ca Fall Clean-Ups Eavestrough Cleaning Tree Pruning and Removal More services at www.aaronsfi nest landscaping.com Call 905-320-8680 Restaurants/ Hospitality Domestic Help Available 17 YEARS of both Europe- an and Canadian experi- e nce , op t i on o f us i ng organic products, insured and bonded, references avai lable upon request. Please contact Maggie at 905-785-0926. ABSOLUTE PERFECTION House Cleaning. Honest, f i n e d e t a i l o r i e n t e d , reliable. 18 years experi- ence. References. Call 905-630-8875. CRYSTAL CLEAN- Excel- lent cleaning lady, experi- enced, high quality service, reasonable rates. Maggie 289-981-8584 C&S KLEENING- Office cleaning with pride. Years of Experience, excellent rates, Burlington/ Oakville area. 416-873-9223 skelly40@hotmail.com EUROPEAN LADY excel- lent quality cleaning service available. Good rates. P l e a s e c a l l M a r i a 9 0 5 - 8 4 9 - 9 5 4 9 . 416-885-8303 EUROPEAN CLEANING lady, 5 years experience, ava i lab le to c lean your home. Oakville/ Burlington. Call 905-274-0289. EUROPEAN CLEANING Lady Available. Call Izabela: 905-808-6649 EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN house c leaner seek ing w o r k i n M i s s i s s a u g a , Oakvil le, Milton. Organic p roduc ts used . Hanna 416-822-2353. HOUSE CLEANING, 6 days per week, 10 yrs. ex- perience. More info call Joanna 647-899-0981 M A I D B R I G A D E : Residential housecleaning, o n e - t i m e , b i - w e e k l y , weekly, or monthly service. Move-in/ Move-out/ Reno- vation cleans. Free phone estimate. $20. discount w i t h ad f o r f i r s t t ime customers. 905-335-1910 MD HOUSE C lean ing Service, ladies available to clean, great prices, experi- enced, reliable, $10 off fi rst cleaning. Your home wil l sparkle. Please cal l 905-335-1694 or leave message. POLISH CLEANING Lady w i l l c l e an you r house or apartment. References a n d e x p e r i e n c e . C a l l 905-388-7140. Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies Drapes & Upholstery CUSTOM WINDOW Cover- ings, upholstery, home accessories. Af fordable Luxury. Jade 905 -847 - 9082, jaderedwall@live.ca CLASSIFIED E-MAIL classified@haltonsearch.com INTERNET: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com P3 Electrical Solutions Inc. Residential/Commercial Service/New Construction FREE ESTIMATES (905) 971-6647 ECRA/ESA #7008557 GRANGE ROOFING Roof Tune-Up Repairs Reroofi ng Professional Installation 35 Years in the Business 416-936-0092 Decks Fences Renovations Licensed & Insured References Available Senior's Discount Call Mike at 905-616-5669 www.timbersmith construction.com Mike's Drywall & Renovations Licensed & Insured Certifi ed Tradesman Complete Interiors, Frame, Board, Tape, Plaster, Insulation, Paint, Trim, Doors 30 Years Experience Free Estimate 905-515-5505 Restaurants/ Hospitality Moving & Storage WHEN DECIDING on a moving company, you may decide to see if the compa- ny is bonded, insured and certified. The Better Busi- ness Bureau and/or the Ca- nad i an Assoc i a t i o n o f Movers may also provide more in format ion on a company. Painting & Decorating FEMALE INTERIOR Paint Specialist- Internationally trained, Canadian pride, reasonable rates, licensed. R e a d y t o R o l l 905-483-3398. RIVER OAKS Painting 30 years experience of home painting in Oakville. Great rates. For references and a free estimate please call Mark Durie 905-257-3102. HOUSE SITTING~ Profes- s ional couple wi l l ing to housesit Oakville, Burling- ton, Mississuga . Oct/28th to Feb/21st 905-510-7211 Seniors Services LOOKING FOR L i ve - i n Caregiver, for 91 year old female, some house work required. 905-582-2423 Electrical Flooring & Carpeting HARDWOOD FLOOR In- stallation, 20 years experi- e n c e , S a t i s f a c t i o n Gua ran teed . Ca l l S tan 416-823-6422. Handy Person HANDYMAN MATTERS Bonded Insured, Base - ments, Bathrooms, Reno- v a t i o n s , K i t c h e n , Carpentry, Remodels, Tile, Painting, all handyman work . 905 -332 -6446, 905-825-5110 Masonry & Concrete BRICK, BLOCK & Natural Stonework Chimneys, Tuck Pointing, Brick, Concrete, W i ndows i l l s and Much More! For Free Estimate. Call Peter: 647-333-0384 www. stardustconstruction.com Plumbing PLUMBING: COMPLETE bathroom renovations, Basement rough- in 's, installation, repairs, new construct ion. Master plumber. Prompt. M a t t h e w , 647-272-0455. Roofing Home Renovations PREMIUM CONSTRUC- TION- Home Improvements and Renovations. 25 years exper ience. Br ing your remode l i ng d reams to reality! 905-741-5102 Coming Events UNIVERSITY OF Toronto School of Continuing Stud- ies presents a 10-lecture series in Oakville. Leading experts address an eclec- t i c r a n g e o f t o p i c s . Wednesdays at noon, Sep- tember 28 to December 14 for $162. Registration: www.learn.utoronto.ca or by phone: 416-978-2400. Course code: 1665-035. JOE THE ELECTRICIAN for all your electrical needs. Panel up-grades, potlights, re-wiring homes. Reasonable rates. 647-274-6866. #7006492

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