Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 14 Sep 2011, p. 30

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ww w. oa kv ille be av er. co m O AK VIL LE BE AV ER W ed ne sd ay, Se pte mb er 14 , 2 01 1 30 Thinking of a Career in Real Estate? Are you currently enrolled in the OREA pre-registration courses, are you recently licensed, are you considering a brokerage change or are you just curious about a career in real estate? Learn about who should or shouldn't consider a real estate profession, provincial licensing requirements, training and technology requirements and what makes a successful Realtor! Lower Level, 251 North Service Rd. W., Oakville Seating is limited, call 905-257-3633 to reserve your seat! Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011 at 6:30pm Royal LePage Executive Training Centre NOW HIRING AND TRAINING More School Bus Drivers Ask about special hiring incentives. Preference given if you already have a B Class Licence. We will also provide free training to those holding aG Class Licence (good driving record & drug testing required). Call 1-877-914-KIDS or pre-apply online at www.fi rststudentcanada.com We are an equal opportunity employer. Industrial Opportunities in Milton! Our client, Menlo Worldwide Logistics is currently recruiting for Receiver, Order Picker and Raymond Reach for their distribution site in Milton. Qualified candidates must have: s YEARSRELATEDEXPERIENCEINAWAREHOUSEs2AYMOND2EACHAND OR WALKIEEXPERIENCEs2&SCANNEREXPERIENCEs2ELIABLETRANSPORTATION 0AY2ATE HOUR !FTERNOONAND.IGHTSHIFTSAREAVAILABLE Interested? Call Veronica TODAY at 905.637.3473 or drop by our Burlington branch with your resume and 2 professional references. .OTE !LLlNALHIRINGWILLBEMANAGEDBY2ANDSTAD 0LEASEDONOT CONTACT-ENLO7ORLDWIDE,OGISTICSDIRECTLY Randstad Burlington "RANT3TREET "URLINGTON 4 RANDSTAD CA Staffing Professionals HR Solutions Inhouse Services For complete details, please call 905-526-3377 or simply fill out the online application form at www.thespec.com and a Hamilton Spectator representative will contact you. Work for the best boss in the world. Yourself. *Profit potential varies on size and number of routes, 7 days a week. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY GAS BONUS! As an independent distributor, you will deliver The Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Star in Burlington door-to-door. Must have a reliable vehicle. MAKE BETWEEN $800 AND $1,200 EACH MONTH.* 14 16 EHHDBG@ ?HK : <A:EE>G@BG@ K>P:K=BG@ >FIEHRF>GM HIIHKMNGBMR8 The YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington/ Brantford is hiring part time/split shift staff for our Before and After School programs which provide licensed care for children between the ages of 3.8-12 years. Candidates should be enthusiastic, creative, child focused and able to work within a fl exible schedule. Responsibilities include frontline supervision of children, as well as, program development, administration and working as part of the YMCA School Age Child Care team. If you: Have a diploma in ECE, Child and Youth or Recreation Or have two or more years experience working with children in a recreation or child care setting Are 18 years of age or older Have strong communication skills, both written and verbal Please email your resume and cover letter to: saccjobs@ymca.ca We thank all applicants, however, only those considered for an interview will be contacted. MILTON JOBS ASAP!!! Assembly/ Production/ Counterbalance /Welding $11.50-$14.00/hr FULL TIME / LONG TERM OPPORTUNITIES IN MILTON PH 905-631-2259 Pre-apply on-line ablemployment .com HANDYMAN Part-Time General Repairs. Flexible Hours. Trafalgar/ Derry area. Experience needed. Call 905-878-1105 We are Canada's finest, most successful, price valued hair care chain. STYLISTS F/T P/T Oakville/Burlington/Waterdown locations Hourly wage & commission Clientele not required Competitive benefit package Flexible hours Great working environment. Call Blaz at 905-257-5451 Experienced Body Man, Prep & Detailers for Milton Please call 416-605-2612 IT Administrator/ ASP.Net Developer Multi branch electrical contractor seeking IT Administrator at corporate offi ce in Oakville. Must have 5 years minimum experience. Must be fluent in C#, Server 2008 Enterprise and Vmware. Full benefi t package. Please contact: aketelaars@thatsnew.com LOGISTICS COORDINATOR (Junior Position-OAKVILLE) Manage & coordinate inventory consignment; Coordinate international shipments and stock; Excellent interpersonal & communication skills; AS400 experience and solid understanding of Word & Excel; College Diploma; Innovative, open-minded to change; Valid Drivers License. Repor t ing to the Logist ics Manager, this position offers full benefi ts and pension plan. E-mail resume to admin@iscar.ca is seeking a highly motivated SALESPERSON with superior customer service ability. The ideal candidate will have strong communication skills, attention to detail and the ability to generate and maintain customer relationships. Previous sales exper ience is a benefi t . Training is available to applicants with limited industry experience. Long-term opportunity exists. Fax resume to: 905-842-9811 or email: carpetwarehouse@bellnet.ca INSIDE SALES LYM is seeking a enthusiastic energetic, motivated sales executive. Strong communications skills an asset. $2500/month + Commission Apply: jobs@lightyearmedia.com Emma's Backporch & The Water St. Cooker Exp'd Day Bartender Line Cooks Servers Host's Please Apply in Person 2084 Old Lakeshore Road, Burlington emmasbackporch.ca The Chisholm Academy is currently recruiting TEACHERS Interested in part-time opportunities in reme- diation or teaching high school credits in small groups. Key subject areas are math and sci- ence at the senior level. The positions tend to be an excellent fit for those candidates who have retired from a school board or private school or for those looking for a different work/life balance and no longer wish to work full-time. hr@chisholmcentre.com No phone calls please. RECE & Assistant's Childcare Centre's in t h e H a l t o n A r e a Seeking enthusiastic childcare workers. Email resume to: karenh@ sentienthr.com www.sentienthr.com Supply Positions Avail COMMERCIALS, T.V. Series, Music Videos, Print work, Movies! Be the next to join our roster. Limited capacity! All ethnics between 5-55. Beginners or Professionals. Tired of your current management? We provide classic management. We don't sell courses or workshops (not a school). Proof of WORK provided. Visit www.morotalents.com Call now!! Stop Dreaming 905-949-6789 Careers Career Development Dental LEVEL 2 Dental Assistant, part-time, Tues & Thurs, Oakville, Email resume dentalresume123@yahoo. com General Help AFTER SCHOOL Help in a Bu r l i ng ton warehouse ; stocking & cleaning. Great for student $10.50/hour. E v e n i n g s C a l l 905-320-8129 905-844-5838 CANVASSER- 25 year old company in Oakville looking to hire a phone canvasser to make phone contact with previously called and new potential customers. $ 14.00/hour plus commis- sion & benefits. Experi- ence preferred. Must be fluent in English. Send re- sume to: sa les@halton- lift.com DJ'S WANTED~ Music and equipment supplied. Details on-line. Send resume www.thunderdj.com Fax 866-596-2235 jobs@thunderdj.com E X P E R I E N C E D D R Y C l e a n i n g P r e s s e r i s w a n t e d . 2 0 - 2 5 H P W, $17 -18 pe r hou r. Ca l l 905.338.9695 I NEED someone to learn my business in financial s e r v i c e s . C a l l J u l i a n 289-812-0324 Ext. 101 LAWN MAINTENANCE Person needed full -t ime. Winter work. Wage based o n e x p e r i e n c e . C a l l 905-849-6931 Careers Career Development General Help M C R C , M I LT O N N F P childcare. Looking for part- time staff ordering & pre- par ing hea l thy snacks. 15/hours per week, Sep- tember to June. The suc- cessful candidate will be organized and self-direct- ed. Interested candidates contact Becky Weber at: rebeccaw@mcrc.on.ca MR. LUBE, Business is growing! Part & Full-time help required. Career op- portunity, strong customer relationship skills, mechani- cal aptitude. Full benefits provided. Experience pre- ferred. Apply in person 490 Dundas S t . W, a t Neyagawega, Oakville, j u l i a n a u t o l i m i t e d @ gmail.com SERVICE ADVISOR (Auto- motive) required full-time/ part-time. Email resume: hcox@mtct i re .ca or a t 1439 Speers Road, Oak- ville. STORE AND Baking as- sistant Required full-time in Milton for Couture Cup- cake Boutique Please call 416-919-7916 or email re- sume to info@couturecup- cakeboutique.com General Help SUN HAVEN Tanning, Mil- ton/ Burlington, hiring out- going, energetic Customer Serv i ce S ta f f . Va r i ous hours. Sales experience fa- v o u r a b l e . F a x : 905-319-5955. S W I M M I N G P O O L / Landscape Company looking for General La- borers for fall season. Email: info@ProH2opools.com or call: 905-335-1111. General Help UPS SUPPLY Chain Solu- tions in Oakville is seeking Warehouse Assoc ia tes (Casual / PT). Afternoon and midnight shifts avail. Shift premium available. Va l i d R a y m o n d R e a c h and/or Walkie Certification and 6+ mths exp. in ware- housing/logist ics req'd. Email kellydolan@ups.com or fax 905-315-5567 General Help WAREHOUSE POSITION- min. 3 years experience, shipping, receiving, order p ick ing, fork l i f t . Some heavy lifting, $12 to start. Fax resume attention Rick 905-829-5320 Drivers Salon & Spa Technical/Skilled Trades FORKLIFT MECHANIC re- quired in Oakville. Other trade mechanics or appren- tices considered. 44 hour week. Excellent wages and benefit package. Apply to: Fax: 905-849-3515 Email: g lendon@halton- l i f t .com Drop Off: 1054 South Ser- vice Road East, Oakville. PRINT BINDERY Operator PBI - Printing has an imme- diate opening for an experi- e n c e d f u l l t i m e P r i n t Bindery Operator. Great hourly wage for the ideal candidate. Please fax re- sume to: (905)549-7417 or email: info@pbiinc.ca VINTAGE & classic car restoration shop seeks a full time body work & paint person. 10+ years experi- ence required. Some me- chanical aptitude an asset. E m a i l r e s u m e t o : i n - fo@howemotorworks.com Office/ Administration Drivers Salon & Spa Office/ Administration SMALL OAKVILLE office requires Part-Time Recep- tionist for 20 hours/ week. Send resume to: apply@cacd.ca Health Care/ Medical PAID VOLUNTEER! Home Instead Senior Care Helps Seniors Remain Indepen- dent providing non-medical daily living skills and com- panionship to seniors in Halton. Caregivers/ PSWs needed for on-call, part- time and live-in positions. C a r i s r e q u i r e d . P l e a s e a p p l y a t : www.homeinstead.ca/3014 RECEPTIONIST/ OPTO- METRIC Assistant, PT and FT available. Seeking high energy receptionist with ex- cellent phone and interper- sonal communication skills. Must be prof ic ient with c o m p u t e r s . A p p l y a t cyeung@ oakvilleeyecare.com Drivers Restaurants/ Hospitality PART-T IME INCOME- Friendly, outgoing Server/ Bartender needed for busy Burlington Sports Complex. Good hours, good income. No experience necessary, w i l l t r a i n . C a l l B r a i n 905-335-8520. STONEHOUSE RESTAU- RANT now hiring Full-Time Line Cook with experience. Apply in person at 3106 S o u t h S e r v i c e R o a d , Burlington. Teaching Opportunities CH ILDCARE CENTRE seek ing Fu l l -T ime ECE, ECA, Supply Staff. Strong program planning, loving/ f un na tu red , c rea t i ve/ patient. Excellent wages, b e n e f i t s . C a l l 905 -469 -2944/ ema i l : ashley@monkeybizz.ca Sales Opportunities Computer/IT Restaurants/ Hospitality Talent Wanted Teaching Opportunities MAN WITH BOBCAT Digging patios, post holes, walkways, driveways, foundations, grading, concrete/dirt removal, gravel and delivery. Other Services Avail. 905-334-4028 Fall Clean-Ups Eavestrough Cleaning Tree Pruning and Removal More services at www.aaronsfi nest landscaping.com Call 905-320-8680 Sales Opportunities Computer/IT General Contracting, Excavating Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies Domestic Help Available C&S KLEENING- Office cleaning with pride. Years of Experience, excellent rates, Burlington/ Oakville area. 416-873-9223 skelly40@hotmail.com EUROPEAN CLEANING lady available for houses and offices, experienced. References. Call Ursula, 905-510-9313. HOUSE CLEANING, 6 days per week, 10 yrs. ex- perience. More info call Joanna 647-899-0981 M A I D B R I G A D E : Residential housecleaning, o n e - t i m e , b i - w e e k l y , weekly, or monthly service. Move-in/ Move-out/ Reno- vation cleans. Free phone estimate. $20. discount w i t h ad f o r f i r s t t ime customers. 905-335-1910 Moving & Storage MIGHTY MOVERS. No hourly gimmicks! Flat rates. Experienced. Insured. Fall Specials. 905-296-1621 www.mymightymover.com GREAT JOBS In the Milton area Assembly - 12+/hr Forklift - $14+/hr Rotating Shifts HCR Fax 905-876-4090 Tel 905-876-4661 E-mail: emailmilton@ hcr.ca www.hcr.ca WORK 905.632.4440 Get Results 905.632.4440 .ca

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