Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 7 Sep 2011, p. 30

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w w w .o ak vi lle b ea ve r.c o m O A K V IL LE B E A V E R W ed n es d ay , S ep te m b er 7 , 2 01 1 3 0 ACTIVATION ASSISTANT FT Mat leave, to run small & large group activation programs in seniors residence. Univ/college diploma in gerontology and/ or 3-6 mos exp. Excellent communication skills both written and spoken. Looking for a high energy, enthusiastic, client focused candidate for entry level position. Apply in writing oscr@oakvilleseniors.com by September 16, 2011. For complete details, please call 905-526-3377 or simply fill out the online application form at www.thespec.com and a Hamilton Spectator representative will contact you. Work for the best boss in the world. Yourself. *Profit potential varies on size and number of routes, 7 days a week. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY GAS BONUS! As an independent distributor, you will deliver The Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Star in Burlington door-to-door. Must have a reliable vehicle. MAKE BETWEEN $800 AND $1,200 EACH MONTH.* 14 16 EHHDBG@ ?HK : <A:EE>G@BG@ K>P:K=BG@ >FIEHRF>GM HIIHKMNGBMR8 The YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington/ Brantford is hiring part time/split shift staff for our Before and After School programs which provide licensed care for children between the ages of 3.8-12 years. Candidates should be enthusiastic, creative, child focused and able to work within a fl exible schedule. Responsibilities include frontline supervision of children, as well as, program development, administration and working as part of the YMCA School Age Child Care team. If you: Have a diploma in ECE, Child and Youth or Recreation Or have two or more years experience working with children in a recreation or child care setting Are 18 years of age or older Have strong communication skills, both written and verbal Please email your resume and cover letter to: saccjobs@ymca.ca We thank all applicants, however, only those considered for an interview will be contacted. MILTON Terminal requires Motivated G/L packing, sorting, lifting excellent communication (day shift) Car an asset - $12/hr 24-7 Human Resource Solutions Send Resumes or Call: Phone 905-790-8367 Fax: 905-790-8003 Email: info@24-7hrs.com Joanne Fabrics is immediately seeking an energetic, bilingual (French/English) Call Center Representative This Junior level position requires a candidate who can multitask in a fast paced environment, and handle a high volume of work accurately. The position also demands excellent English & French written & verbal communication skills. Training provided. F/T Mon-Fri 37.5 hrs/wk. Email resume: hr@jffabrics.com or Fax 905-491-3903 www.joannefabrics.com Careers General Help Careers General Help General Help ALDERSHOT GREEN- HOUSES Ltd requires full- t ime help in our mainte- nance department. Year- round position that offers a cha l lenge and a lo t o f v a r i a b i l i t y. I f y ou a re eager for work and have a mechan ica l apt i tude, please submit your resume to: hr@agl.ca BLOWER TRUCK Delivery Assistant needed for Fall s e a s o n t o D e c e m b e r. L a n d s o u r c e O r g a n i x (M i l t on ) . Sa l a r y r ange $13- $15/hour. P lease ca l l 905 -875 -1366 o r ema i l resume : sa l es@ landsourceorganix.com BUSY AUTOMOTIVE Gar- age in Oakville requires an entry level person for in- stalling tires, oil changes and light shop duties. F/T position. Email resume to: moorestire@bellnet.ca or call 905-842-2201. COMMERCIAL MOVERS and Installers wanted full- t ime and part-t ime. Flex hours. Val id Driver's Li - cense. Start immediately. Bronte Road/ QEW area. Cal l 905-845-0200, fax resume: 905-822-0100. CUSTOMER SERVICE - You will serve as the liaison between our client base and the transport industry. Self motivated, above aver- age communication, nego- tiation and interpersonal ski l ls. Transportation or 3PL industry experience preferred. Email resume to recruiting@ cornerstonelogistics.com WASH RACK Technician- Wash Rack Technician re- quired to work afternoon shift 3pm to 11pm Monday -Friday. Experienced in in- ternal and external tanker trailer cleaning but will train if needed. Send resume to: j o a n n e @ i n d e p e n d e n t - tank.com P/T SHUTTLE DRIVERS If you are looking for a Great Place to work, read on: QEW Mazda is a progressive and team-oriented company, with benefits. We are looking for Part-Time Shuttle Drivers for a few hours in the mor n ing, a f ter noon and/or Saturdays. You must have a clean Drivers Abstract , posi t ive at t i tude, knowledge of Oakville & area. Retirees welcome. Apply now! Email resumes to: sd.careers@qewmazda.com Ontarios largest privately owned school busing company HIRING AND TRAINING FOR SEPT. EMPLOYMENT SCHOOL BUS RUNS IDEAL PART-TIME WORK Free training, competitive wages Train on small or large vehicles Extra earnings available with charter work EXCELLENT PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT FOR: Retirees Mothers/Housewives Stay at home fathers No babysitters needed - your child rides with you Burlington/Oakville 905-333-4047 Flamborough 905-690-2632 1-888-749-1515 ayoung@attridge.com MILTON BUS RUNS ALSO AVAILABLE Milton Company looking for A GRADER OPERATORS & DZ SNOW TRUCK DRIVERS for winter snow clearing of streets and lots. Contact Bill email: bill@howden.on.ca or call 905-864-1425 MONASTERY BAKERY now hiring for the following F/T permanent positions. Experienced Produce Help- er, Kitchen Helper, Del i Clerk & Dishwasher. Fax resume: 905-847-1567 or email to: tonyp@ monasterybakery.com POOL SERVICE Company- I m m e d i a t e P o s i t i o n s Available for Full-Time. Sea- sonal work. $12-$16/hour Fax: 905-633-7263 service@ aquadampools.com PT RECEPTIONIST need- ed for local real estate of- f i c e . C o m p u t e r s k i l l s required. Apply by email sales@cbburnhill.com T E L E M A R K E T E R S WANTED- (Mature & Expe- rienced) Set up meetings for Financial Advisors in Oakville. $11/hr + Bonus Call Simon 905-399-1629 Drivers CLASSIFIED E-MAIL classified@haltonsearch.com INTERNET: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com General Help Drivers Retail Opportunities RESPONSIBLE, MATURE, dynamic, motivated indi- vidual required for part- t i m e p o s i t i o n ( 2 4 - 3 5 hrs/wk). Burlington and Mil- ton location. Lingerie sales i n spec i a l t y bou t i que . Please email resume to frontdesk@shapings.com or fax 905-637-5748 Drivers General Help Drivers Retail Opportunities RETAIL SALES Es tab - lished musical instrument retailer in Burlington seek- ing a person who can as- sist in all aspects of sales and customer service and is comfortable around mu- s ica l i ns t ruments (p ia - nos/keyboards/guitars). S e n d r e s u m e t o : steve@musicgallery.ca SKI/ SNOWBOARDING Technician; Clothing, Ski and Snowboard Sales As- sociates & Cashiers. Must be flexible/ able to work evenings/ weekends. Apply in person with resume: Corbett's Ski & Snowboard Shop, 120 Speers Rd., Oakv i l le 905-845-1561 David or Lindsay. Technical/Skilled Trades FAIRVIEW HIFI is looking for an experienced audio/ video Installer and Sales Person. Direct experience in the audio/video field is required. Must have your own vehicle and tools. For- ward resumes to info@fairviewhifi .com SKILLED TRADES training i n s t i t u t e r e q u i r e s a Licensed Electrician and L icensed M i l lw r igh t to train pre-apprentice stu- dents. Previous teaching e xpe r i e nce requ i red . S u b m i t r e s u m e t o resumes@thecentre.on.ca or by fax 905-634-2775 At- tention: HR Manager. Visit www.thecentre.on.ca. Office/ Administration CUSTOMER SERV ICE Rep part time and/or full time is wanted for a well established Dry Cleaning store in Oakville. Previous exper ience is a bonus. Must know cash register and POS. 7a.m. to 3 p.m. Send your resume to: neat- drycleaners@gmail.com Bilingual Administrative Assistant/ Project Manager Required Are you energetic, positive and hard working? Do you have 1-5 years exper ience, sol id administrative skills and are proficient using Microsoft software? Do you love the media industry and can you travel across the country? NRS Media is the most successful media sales training company in Canada and we need another bilingual Project Manager. Great salary and benefi ts! Send resume to: greatjobs@nrsmedia.ca Burlington Based fi nancial organization requires an Experienced Bookkeeping Clerk Must be familiar with Accpac. Competitive salary and benefi ts. Fax resumes to: 905-331-9977 or email: human_resources @cefi .ca COMMERCIALS, T.V. Series, Music Videos, Print work, Movies! Be the next to join our roster. Limited capacity! All ethnics between 5-55. Beginners or Professionals. Tired of your current management? We provide classic management. We don't sell courses or workshops (not a school). Proof of WORK provided. Visit www.morotalents.com Call now!! Stop Dreaming 905-949-6789 SALES CONSULTANT Not getting the traffi c and appreciation for your time and effor t? Is your manufacturer and dealership selling less? This is your opportunity to join a progressive dealership with record sales levels. Please send your resume to: Vince Jones vjones@burlingtonhyundai.ca OMVIC Certifi cation a must. We Provide: An exceptional escalating pay plan, medical/dental benefi ts, car allowance. Est. 1982 Earn A Diploma l 905.637.3415 l www.hbicollege.com460 Brant St.,Burlington Success begins today OFFICE ADMIN. ACCOUNTING / PAYROLL MEDICAL / LEGAL ASST. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT POLICE FOUNDATIONS Enrol Now Drivers Office/ Administration OAKLAND FORD Lincoln now hiring part-time Show- room Receptionist, evening and Saturdays shifts re- quired. Join a fast growing, fun, exciting team. Email resume to tbranco@ oaklandfordlincoln.ca OFFICE ADMINISTRA- TOR LYM is seeking an Office Administrator. Must be articulate and posses great communication skills. Computer knowledge, or- ganization and abil ity to prioritize is an asset. Po- tential candidates must be extremely detail oriented, outgoing and have a great personality. jobs@lightyearmedia.com OFFICE MANAGER/AS- SISTANT- Duties: Schedul- i n g a p p o i n t m e n t s f o r clientele, invoicing, & minor bookkeeping. A pleasant phone manner is a must . Experience in a offi ce envi- ronment would be an as- set, but wil l ing to train. Forward cover & resume to: hr4@effi cientpools.com REALTOR WANTED- Busy Real Estate Agent seeks sa les par tner. Appoint - ments & leads supplied. Make $100,000+ in 1st year. Al l expenses paid! M o r e i n f o a v a i l a b l e , e m a i l r e q u e s t t o : kfrench@royallepage.ca Career Development RETAIL SALES CLERK Customer Service and Retail experience preferred. Email resume to: hr@ tamaracklumber.ca fax: 905-332-5611 Office/ Administration Talent Wanted Sales Opportunities Career Development Office/ Administration Sales Opportunities Restaurants/ Hospitality FULL/ PART-TIME Line Cook required, breakfast experience an asset. Apply in person Russell Williams, 20 Plains Rd. E., Burlington Domestic Help Available C&S KLEENING- Office cleaning with pride. Years of Experience, excellent rates, Burlington/ Oakville area. 416-873-9223 skelly40@hotmail.com EUROPEAN PROFES - S IONAL c l ean i ng l ady available Monday - Friday. New vacuum. Reasonable rates. Call 905-601-5656. RESIDENTIAL & Commer- c ia l C lean ing Serv ices. Re l iab le , I nsured. Rea - sonable Rates. 18 years exper ience. Please cal l 905-816-9267. Sales Opportunities Career Development Fall Clean-Ups Eavestrough Cleaning Tree Pruning and Removal More services at www.aaronsfi nest landscaping.com Call 905-320-8680 MAN WITH BOBCAT Digging patios, post holes, walkways, driveways, foundations, grading, concrete/dirt removal, gravel and delivery. Other Services Avail. 905-334-4028 GRANGE ROOFING Roof Tune-Up Repairs Reroofi ng Professional Installation 35 Years in the Business 416-936-0092 Domestic Help Available M A I D B R I G A D E : Residential housecleaning, o n e - t i m e , b i - w e e k l y , weekly, or monthly service. Move-in/ Move-out/ Reno- vation cleans. Free phone estimate. $20. discount w i t h ad f o r f i r s t t ime customers. 905-335-1910 Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies General Contracting, Excavating Moving & Storage MIGHTY MOVERS. No hourly gimmicks! Flat rates. Experienced. Insured. Fall Specials. 905-296-1621 www.mymightymover.com WHEN DECIDING on a moving company, you may decide to see if the compa- ny is bonded, insured and certified. The Better Busi- ness Bureau and/or the Ca- nad i an Assoc i a t i o n o f Movers may also provide more in format ion on a company. Home & Garden GEDRYWALL- DRYWALL and Taping - Free Est i - mates GEDrywall has been drywalling and taping in the GTA and South Western Ontario for 16 years. No matter how BIG or how small quality is guaranteed. Call now!! **905-902-8273** Roofing Waste Removal 1/2 PRICE Junk Removal. Cheap. Fast Service. All loading/ cleanup. Free Esti- m a t e s . J o h n , 905-310-5865 (local) Home Renovations BRICKLAYER~ STONES, f l a g s t o n e s , i n t e r l o c k , bricks, repairs, sub-con- tract etc... Free estimates. Matthew 905-315-8173, 416-705-2989.

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