Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 7 Sep 2011, p. 20

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Oakville Children's Music Theatre This Government award winning program is dedicated exclusively to Musical Theatre. In September students begin an adventure that guides them through the exciting world of acting, singing and dancing. NEW Pre School Level: Ages 3 and 4 Level One: JK to Grade 2 Level Two: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Level Three: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Levels One, Two and Three lead to a full Broadway Style musical showcase in June. For registration information: Dianne Devaux 905 842 9535 www.ocmt.on.ca This program has been offered in Oakville since 1995 and is a proven confidence and self esteem building activity that is focused on creativity and teamwork. All teachers have university/college degrees and are sensitive to the individual requirements of our students. AMemorable Theatre Arts Experience Con idence el iscover Teamwork BALLET . JAZZ . TAP . HIP HOP ACRO . LYRICAL . MUSICAL THEATRE LAURA DACYSHYN, DIRECTOR - FORMER DANCER WITH THE NATIONAL BALLET OF CANADA Dance Classes for All Ages RECREATIONAL & COMPETITIVE DANCE AGES 3 TO ADULT REGISTRATION & OPEN HOUSE September 7 - September 8, 2011 2:00 - 8:00 pm September 10, 2011 10:00 - 2:00 pm 2210 Speers Rd. Unit #1, Oakville, ON L6L 2X8 905.815.9239 allegrodance.ca Acting Classes onstage@gbtc.com www.gbtc.com City Parent Magazines Readers Choice 2011 BEST DRAMA SCHOOL 1-866-864-4282 (TOLL-FREE) Fall/Winter/Spring 2011-12 For Ages 6 to 13 10 Week and 15 Week Sessions Great Big Theatre Company Young Peoples Theatre for the GTA & Southwestern Ontario A great confidence and skill building experience! w w w .i n si d eH A LT O N .c o m O A K V IL LE B EA V ER W ed ne sd ay , S ep te m be r 7, 2 01 1 2 0 In 2002, the Allegro School of Dance opened in Oakville, offering ballet classes to only 35 dancers at the Maple Grove United Church. Since then, Allegro has developed into one of Oakvilles finest dance studios offering ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, acro, lyrical and musical the- atre to more than 400 recreational and competitive dancers. Artistic director Laura Dacyshyn continues to be the principal ballet instructor at the studio and she shares what keeps her motivated and inspired from year to year. As a teacher, its so fulfilling to see the progress in my students. Many of the girls and boys at Allegro have been with me since they were toddlers and today, they have matured into such confident and expressive dancers. Its nice to know that Allegro has been and will continue to be such an integral part of their development. She adds that it has been wonderful to see the friendships that have developed through dance. Many of these kids spend several hours a week at the studio and they have become so close to their classmates and teachers, almost like family. I know that these friendships will last forever. Our dedication and love for dance will always be the com- mon thread to keep us connected. f Programs at the Allegro School o Dance start at age three with Creative Movement and progress into advanced classes for teens and seasoned pre- professional and competitive dancers. Creative Movement is a fast paced and interactive class that introduces f pre-schoolers to the fundamentals o dance. This class allows beginners to express themselves through instinctu- al movement and musical interpreta- tion. Basic ballet steps and exercises for strength and flexibility are incorporated with imaginative games to keep young dancers inspired and stimulated while learning and having fun. From here, dancers have the option to branch off into many different genres as the studio caters to dancers of all levels and abilities. Even if youve never danced before, we can teach you, says Laura. In fact, this year we also offer beginner classes for teens and pre-teens. This coming year, the school will revolve its year-end show around dances from the past decade and revisit memorable choreography, songs and themes. I am so excited for this show and even more excited to start set- ting pieces on my students. This performance is sure to set a prece- dent for the next decade. Without a doubt, it will be a performance we will remember for years to come, Laura says. Space is available in some classes at Allegro. For more information about registration call 905-815- 9239 or visit www.allegrodance.ca. Information Night Discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together, you can be a part of it. Wednesday September 14, from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Town of Oakville, Acorn Grill, 1225 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville For more information, please call 1-800-565-8111, ext. 4314 unitadmin.14@guidesontario.org g yAlle ro dance lessons to culminate in best show et Advertorial h l l bDance sc oo ce e rates 10 years

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