Skating starts October 2011 SKATE OAKVILLE Join a Beginner Class this Fall 2464 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, ON. 905-825-0514 email Open House: Friday Sept. 9th, 11:00-noon Saturday Sept. 10th, 11:00-noon Monday Sept. 26th, 7:30-8:30pm Saturday Oct. 1st, 11:00-noon Class Schedule: Monday Sept. 12th, 10:00-noon Tuesday Sept. 13th, 7:30-9:30pm Thursday Sept. 15th, 1:00-3:00pm Thursday Sept. 15th, 7:30-9:30pm Wednesday Oct. 5th, 7:30-9:30pm Saturday Oct. 8th, 9:00-11:00am Visit or email for information about our open house and class schedules. The Taoist Tai Chi Society of Canada is a registered charity #119258656RR0001 ren-o-vate [ren-uh-veyt] verb 1. to restore to good condition; make new or as if new again; repair. 2. to revive or refresh (ones spirits, health, etc.) [from Latin renovare, from re- + novare to make new, from novus new] haarei-Beth El Synagogue Religious School Now enrolling students for the 2011-2012 school year! ? Hebrew and Judaica studies for students starting at 4 years old through high school. ? Classes meet Sunday mornings for Kindergarten through grade 2, and meet Sundays and Wednesday evenings for grades 3 through 7. ? High School meets Wednesday nights only. ? Fun, warm and inclusive program, focused on learning Hebrew, Jewish holidays, Torah and Israel. ? Excellent faculty and exciting family learning opportunities. Please contact Cheryl Wise, Education Director or Rabbi Stephen Wise Shaarei-Beth El Congregation of Oakville, 186 Morrison Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 4J4 TEL. 905-849-6000 w w w .i n si d eH A LT O N .c o m O A K V IL LE B EA V ER W ed ne sd ay , S ep te m be r 7, 2 01 1 1 8 OF DANCE & PERFORMING ARTS August 24 th 5pm-8pm August 25 th 10am-2pm August 31 st 5pm-8pm September 1 st 5pm-8pm September 7 th 4pm-7pm SPACES AVAILABLE IN OUR 3-4 YEAR OLD PROGRAMS - CALL NOW TO REGISTER! VISIT US ON: THANK YOU FOR CONSISTENTLY SELECTING US AS YOUR FAVOURITE DANCE SCHOOL AND VOTING US #1 IN CUSTOMER SERVICE!! For more information and to register please contact us at: 905-338-0210 785 Pacific Road, Unit 1, Oakville Academy Director: Heidi Knapp Fellow and examiner with the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing Technical and creative excellence in a warm and friendly environment for students age 3 to adult. Classical Ballet Modern Theatre Dance/Jazz Tap Musical Theatre & Acting Hip Hop