the HERALD- Wednesday November 1991 Community GDHS grads recognized by community ALEXANDER ACCOUNTING AWARD I in the Account A Ken Sun Early Immor III Extended French In hi Marketing v Music Greg Dobbin Mark JOHN R PLAQUE lor highest Social Scionco at Iho OAC levoL FRIENDS OF AWARD to two graduating studontj who mado sign il leant contributions to music al GDHS and aid a Bachelor of Muse degree Kevin Schneider Andy ROSS IRUA LAMBOURN AWARD lor outstanding proficiency English O Jennifer McNalty MODERNS DEPARTMENT AWARD to a who has made a contribution to languago studios at H whdo maintaining high acadomic standing and who inlands to pursue a program In languages a post secondary institution as PARENTS CROUP AWARD to a graduate who ha mado a significant to tho Fionch Immorsion program and has high scholastic standing at tho level Laura Homer TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT AWARD lor in computer intorfac atlhoOAC loud Bony Ewlng CANADIAN AUTO WORKEHS Local AWARDS lu PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1o the or 5 graduate who has demonstrated in athletics and who intends to pursue a program in physical education a post secondary Inslrtuton Shatl Nairn GEORGETOWN ARMENIAN BOYS CLUB AWARD to a graduate who has shown leadership activities at the high school and good scholastic Shorl Nilin I Crtilonship Award Nairn II GokJ Medallion Nairn III Silver Cava Bronze Mod a Mike Bosnian Jannalta Westmari 1 O COUNTESS OF AWARD lor outstanding in school 91 Ryan Ronald FACULTY OF S AWARD lor high prolicioncy a gradual diploma Pollard CATHOLIC WOMEN LEAGUE AWARD lor high and in a graduation ploma Sheila HALTON BOARD OF EDUCATION AWARDS lor high prolicioncy in a graduation diploma Monlqu Slemloort Michael Weill MICHAEL J FURLONG AWARD in memory Michael J Furlong principal 1 lor high piolcioncy and school in a graduation diploma Jennifer Alburn BETTY FISHER MEMORIAL AWARD in memory I or mo trustee Batty Fisher to a graduate who has good scholastic standing shown and pursuing a career in hold education Mark ALLISON MEMORIAL BURSARY tor or student Allison by the Rotary Club who has demonstrated good sell continuing on 10 further education Grand River id WOMENS CLUB OF GEORGETOWN AWARD who has shown leadership school and community activities In an post Denlss SHARON JAMES AWARD administered by tho s Club Georgetown in memory Sharon James and prosontod to a graduating pursuing post Iho holds journalism business or pubic relations Ellen MATURE STUDENT AWARD by the Womans Club Georgetown to a maturo student who is pursuing post education Sandy Merest O S TF AWARD to a graduato conl in the holds education or social MEMORIAL AWARD in memory former Juanrta Milloss to a graduate who has shown groat proficiency in wiring skills and pursuing a career in journalism Curtis Withers CENTENNIAL GENERAL LEVEL AWARD for outstanding effort by a student who is Continuing in or Homing J ill Dickey PETER ARMSTRONG MEMORIAL AWARD to a year who has mado outstanding progress in a progtam majoring in Technical subjects Jett Dickey TD WILLIAMSON AWARD lor special in Technical competition Ken Robinson STANDARD PRODUCTS AWARDS for I Technical highest standing in a tot Denis Harden III Business Education lor prolciency a program at lea two Andrea Whiting ROTARY CLUB I Yaar lo year student lor outstanding Technical Education Albano ROYAL BANK AWARD to a who has displayed personal I rough tho Cooporal Educaton program Educations Student mo Year Wayne Snow ONTARIO COOPERATIVE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION AWARD given to Iho who has gained Iho benol I tho co opera education Wayne Snow GEORGETOWN JAYCEES AWARD lor in Fan- ludios credits One which is grade KENT KOR2ACK AWARD presented on Iho family tc Vol la FRENCH IMMERSION In fallowing con ficatc Studies in French on that at least the school to ri language 1 French Immor on credit hours est French grades OAC Kuttli Andrews Jeanefle Rich Bond Andrew Early bum 4440cohcu insl in French Shelagh Bailey Andrea McLean Krlslen Voogell Lara Blair Janet Kim Woldrlck Curry Danielle Rowley Leigh Pamela Gledhlll Justin Laura Homer Tadman Barry 0 na Morr II ft Hun Memorial Music Aw 10 a playod sea development and pat the studonl attend Nancy JEFF MEMORIAL AWARD in mi of former Jennifer BUSINESS EDUCATION AWARD lo a g who has in a program ng senior bus Is GEORGETOWN HERALD AWARD to a who has nod high land 4 years in program majoring in business subjects Tan I a Levy CREDIT UNION BUSINESS AWARD to a graduate who is presently not attend has in bus subjects and has made a significant contribution business education Brad OFFICE PERSONNEL ASSOCIATION AWARD a doserving in Business Stud who will bo conhnu in that field Ihor at a post educational Institution or out in work force Lois Fiddler SOCIAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT AWARD to a for grade Social once Slcgnor CANADIAN AUTO WORKERS Local AWARDS I and outstanding prolicioncy in grai Bill Btalsby 111 Social outstanding prolicioncy In Man In Davison JOHNSON a ASSOCIATES AWARD to a sludonl who has demon inilialivo soil and in Coopor Education program in both the school and workplaco 3 AMERICAN MATHEMATICS EXAMINATION the loBowfng students have scored highly enough in the preliminary til that war by lha Commt1aa the American Malhomalics Companion to prestigious examination Barry Brad Michael Warback 4 ADVANCED LEVEL ACCOUNTING CONTEST iho following received Ontario Business Educators Association commending their in this well respedM contest Kan Sun Hilary BE WATER SMART SNOWMOBILES ARE DEAD WEIGHT ON ICE CANADA Ho Ho Ho Save More Dough GS TELEVISION a 265 ST GEORGETOWN 8779541