Page THE HERALD Wednesday Octobers Education- Georgetown resident Tom far right was present when Willard Zebedee Bud Estey was recently named Chancellor of Wilfrid University in Waterloo Pictured abote along with Mr from left to right Or Belaud Chairman of Torsi the Hon Martin runner Chancellor and High Commissioner to the United Kingdom and Willard Photosubmilted Estey named university chancellor Zebedee Bud Estey former justice of the Supreme Court of Canada for years was named Chancellor of Wilfrid Laurier in Waterloo He succeeds Maureen Forrester who served as s Chancellor since 1986 Estey as a justice in the Supreme Court of Canada wrote the first ruling under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1984 He conducted government inquiries into the tragic Gander air crash banking operations Air Canada and the steel industry He is a chairman of the Ontario Press Council which handles public complaints against newspapers acts as special ad viser to the Bank of Nova Scotia and counsel to the law firm of Carthy in Toronto He also serves on the board of regents of th Murray College of Notre Dame and is chairman of the Canadian Institute for ed Legal Studies and the Canadian Law Scholarship ion Bud was born in Saskal 71 years ago He received law degrees from the of Saskatchewan and University During WW he served in the Canadian army and the Royal Canadian Air Force He was a law professor the University of Saskatchewan and a lecturer at Hall Law School in Toronto He practised corporate law Toronto from 1947 to 1973 before his appointment to the Ontario Court of Appeal In 1975 he became the Chief of Ontario and in he was pointed as a justice with the SupremeCourt of Canada In Estey received an honorary doctor of laws from Wilfrid University On this special occasion Tom ingh was president of s AJumni Association He welcomed to the Alumni Association and presented him with six special ly engraved alumni wine glasses as a memento of this occasion Mr says Chancellor designate Estey is a person an erudite an outspoken Canadian and a well respected person of the highest calibre I remember his address to the Ontario teachers of law at Queen sity He stressed that it was most important that teachers let students know how the system works and that we stress that a person is innocent until proven quiHy Launer has been fortunate to have outstanding Canadians as chancellors Senator William Senator and former On Lieutenant Governor Ross MacDonald Cabinet Minister Senator and High Commissioner Paul Martin Senator former On tano Lieutenant Governor and Chancellor of University of to John Slack Aird and former Chairperson of the Canada Council Maureen Forrester As Chancellor of Wilfrid University Estey presides over ceremonial functions confers degrees on graduates is a member of the Board of Governors and the Senate and acts as adviser to the presidente Estey was recently made a Com panion of the Order of Canada He will be installed at Fall Convocation on October 1990 at Kitchener Auditorium Nonsmoking policy puffs along The Board of Education new no smoking has students lining the streets at some high schools The policy which forbids ing by students or teachers on school property was to be review ed in 1992 however trustees are concerned things may get out of hand before that time The policy is forcing students to crowd around the edge of school property some bordering busy streets at times before school between classes North school trustee Dick How itt told the education board that when he drops off his daughter at District High School he is met numerous kids sitting on the sidewalk smoking Admitting that the sight is not a Mr said but what choice do we have When there is time the students to a corner store or to a church he said Mr Howitt said several schools in Burlington are facing the same problem Everybody dnves past the high school and the image pa r a certain picture for the kids at the school he said If the policy is working well en then the sight of smoking stum i lining the sidewalks is a small price to pay said Mr How It looks a bit dreadful but livewilh that Ant ici pi ting problems once winter arrives Mr said the students will not want to leave the property to smoke and will move inside into washrooms I suspect the girls will go into the girl s washrooms to smoke and the boys will go into theirs he said Unsatisfied with comments that the new smoking policy is operating smoothly Mr proposed that the policy be review ed in the new year once the cold weather hits ft s too soon to form a judgement about whether thare ore problems he said We re smoothing it over a trifle to saj that everything s going well Mr told other trustees The vice of Acton High School Bert Hearn said the new smoking policv created a problem because the students ire congregating in residential areas where there is no heavy traffic The hjgh school only has about 60 students 0 per tent of them smoke he said kids that nothing at ill said The size of the seems to make it easier Mr know what problems the policy will in the winter but expects students will try to find a warm place to smoke We II just have to will and see he said But if we hope it will dissuade some kids from smoking he said Brvn pnnctpil of the Georgetown high school said he has only seen a dozen students smoking at the front of the school at a time The policy has been run exlremelv well he said despite the fact 200 students tified themselves as smokers last year Mr Davies said the Georgetown high school is in a better location than a resident in a residential area where students spill into the streets Georgetown high school students are not blocking traffic and are respectful of traffic flow he stated The school have much control over what the students do on the because its public property sud Mr Davies If re visible then it just reali he added It not a perfect world he school ill deal ith pro incurred cold winter con lions as thev arise Mr There s a possibility they hesaid Mr explained that students caught smoking on school will receive a verbal war the first time the second time thev will be sent home with paren notice and the third time they ill be suspended for three days When the policy is reviewed in the new Mr wants a complete report of the good the bad and the ugly side of the policy Tell us everything he said I like them to be very frank with the report Among the things Mr wants to know in the report is if staff members who leave the school to smoke are losing contact with students dunng free periods He even wants to know if secretary s at the school board building are decreasing in tivity because they have to cross the street to have a cigarette GEORGETOWN OPTICAL NO ONE EVER REGRETTED BUYING QUALITY MARKET PLACE PLAZA 8773562 HOURS CLOSED MONDAY Tuos Saturday 5 Teachers recognized as unsung heroes Those unsung heroes of high school classes the general level teachers will be recognized at an evening of appreciation at General Wolfe High School tonight Wednesday Although all high school students take at least some of their courses at the general level successful teaching at this level has not always been high profile The Celebration of Genera Level evening is a clear indication that perception is changing This is a statement that the staff of high schools are making a definite dif ference in the lives of young people today Students in general level classes and their teachers as well have not always drawn great public attention notes Mark Henderson one of the event organizers There are excellent teachers in producing sue students headed for employment or community col leges October 3rd is the time to acknowledge this and say thanks In the early 1980s some studies such as King s Who Goes to College found that Ontario students enrolled in general level courses were not experiencing enough success and many were dropping out Such information in spired both provincewide and board wide initiatives to make sure more students achieved their best At he level one such in itiative was the formation of a General Level Committee in each high school These committees are very grass roots flexible and responsive Concerns of teachers can be addressed quickly on a school by school basis One school might focus on successful evalua strategies another on teaching learning skills and still another might organize a s Award of Merit where all students at both general and ad vanced levels are recognized for their achievements There has been much activity brain storming lobbying of motivation evaluation and career packages professional development on student self esteem motivation evaluation classroom management school organization teaching methodology and learning skills The result is that something is being done Attitude surveys in dicate that students are feeling better about themselves school and their achievements Student retention has improved and there has been a positive effect on marks This is what the General Level Celebration is all about It is an op portunity for over 150 educators from all Halton high schools to gather share ideas that will help students and to be acknowledged for program innovation dedication and hard work which has been hap pening in Halton over the last few years The challenges are being met Notes Director of Education Bob Williams I think most of us are aware of the fine job done by our general level teachers This event is an excellent opportunity to recognize those efforts NEW IN TOWN Let Us Put The Mat Out For You ACTON GEORGETOWN Judy 8532977 Debbie 8778591 NEW ADDITION I lime to call your Welcome Wagon hostess She will bring congratulations and gifts for the family and he NEW BABY If smith WyndhamSI Downtown Guelph 821