Page THE HERALD Wedaeuky September ltW Giant Goldenr DAFFODILS King Alfred Daffodils Imagine beautiful Daffodils by the armful next Spring Top size bulbs guaranteed to bloom 23Bkoms per bulb Our reg 79 ea 44 1000 Blooming Hardy Outdoor MUMS DIRECT FROM HOLLAND TOP SIZED BULBS FOR EXTRA LARGE BLOOMS Shop early Quantites Limited Our SPECIALS TULIPS All top size tor the showiest blooms OVER VARIETIES DARWIN HYBRID RED APELDOORN Red a OXFORD Bright red a ELIZABETH ARDEN Pink CUM Purple KENNEDY Yellow PARROT TULIPS tall a BLUE PARROT Blue a ORANGE FAVOURITE APRICOT PARROT Orange a BLACK PARROT Black red TEXAS Yellowigreen COTTAGE TULIPS 1826 SORBET Red white BONO STREET Redyellow MRS J Yellow Red QUEEN Pink ONLY 88 PEONY FLOWERING 820 PEACH BLOSSOM Double CARLTON Double red White a SYMPHONIA Rose colour a ELECTRA Red tall CAPE COD Yellow a PRINCESS Red ORATORIO Pink MI8K00EED Red yellow LILY FLOWERING 2022 a Red yellow a WHITE TRIUMPHATOR MARIETTE Pink WEST POINT Yellow a BALLADE Purple white DAFFODILS Over varieties Double nose gives 2or more spikesblooms per bulb YELLOW CHEERFULNESS PINK HORIZONTAL Pink JACK SNIPE Miniature ONLY 3 IB Comfortable wood handle and chrome plated base I 2u THALIA white TEXAS Double yellow Dutch Delight 1 3110 fertilizer HYACINTHS ONLY 32 1S Top size 17cm bulbs produce large fragrant single Rowers a JAN BOS Red CARNEBIE Pure white BLUE JACKET Blue CROCUS 2e Top size bulbs lor beautiful blooms YELLOW WHITE a DARK BLUE to1 19 GRAPE HYACINTH 101 19 ig GIANT ONION 2 IRIS RETICULATA 19s WINTER ACONITE PAGODA MADONNA LILY 2 STAR OF BETHLEHEM 101 I ENTIRE SELECTION PYRAMIDAL JUNIPERS Choose from the 34 Skyrocket Spartan Grey Gleam a morel Our reg 29 HICKS YEW corumar upright needs no pruning dark glossy green with fait Our reg 3295ea MARSHALL ASH This shade tree is a strain of the American Green Ash Seed less and dean Our reg 34 90oa GLOBE CEDAR evergreen grows in symmetrical globe shape No pruning Our reg 1595ea PRAIRIE CEDAR 34 slender compact dense plants with a fresh green colour and tight foliage Our reg KOREAN BOXWOOC plant grows In sun or shade in- global shape Ourreg998ea HEITZI JUNIPER 23 The hardiest winter resistant plant- most dependable in sunny and wind swept locations 2g container Our 9 BEAUTIFUL LAWNS GUARANTEED REJUVENATE POOR LAWNS NOW STRENGTHEN FOR WINTER HARDINESS 19ei OFF PLANTS GRASS SEED ENTIRE SELECTION LAWN PLEASURE INSTANT LAWN ttgl Wildl Reg Reg 599oa INSTANT LAWN 299 500g Reg Reg Excellent Low Light Plants Will Suit Your Office or Home 23 Draceana Excellent for low Great plant which forms woody stems topped with leathery leaves Our rag 2 Peace Lily Thrives in any indoor environment Beautiful white spa the like towers are surrounded by large shiny green leaves Our reg 34 Draceana Massangeana Excellent plant for low Tight Three sturdy canes topped with com plant type leaves Our reg 39 Silver Queen Iron hardy plant ideal for low light areas a superior intenorscape plant 6 pot Our reg 99ea BROADCAST SPREADER Features that count Heavyduty polystyrene hopper upfront controls and a totally enclosed gear housing FALL FERTILIZER IRON PLUS WEED FEED Get of weeds or ize your lawn Iron Pius con tains chelated iron for a vigor ous thick lawn next spring IRON PLUS 20kg WEED Spring Reinforced FAN RAKE Great for FaO cleanup Feature 18 tempered steel teeth and flexible cofl springs for extra support Our reg 899ea I ea 899ea HOURS a to Fn 900a m Sat Sun Holidays m 6 m OPEN SUNDAYS SALE ENDS SEPTEMBER LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO QUANTITIES NO PATIO FURNITURE SOLD AT KENNEDY RD THE QUEENSWAY STORES J U HO IhWY QUt BRAMPTON MISSISSAUQA MWV NotS7Bypau 10 OPEN SUNDAYS