BEST AVAILABLE COW THE OUTLOOK Saturday August 1WO Page IS Tribute tour lauds Lynyrd Skynyrd Jo a long time resident has created a new band Street Survivors and Is playing at Club on Friday August The group is performing a tribute on the round through Toronto western Canada and American tour Photo submitted By LISA The Herald Joe Pinto a 14year resident of and ringleader of the band Street Survivors think of a better way to repay the Skynyrd band than to do a tribute tour And the band will be thanking Skynyrd all over Toronto western Canada and throughout the southern United States Half of the Lynyrd Skynyrd band members died in a plane crash in the late 1970s Among upcoming concert dates Street Survivors will be playing at Georgetown Club 2000 this Thurs day The band has also booked con cert dates in September in Flonda and the S Virgin Islands mid in western Canada Some people call it Southern rock some call it blues some call it country rock and some call it jazz It really depends on what night an audience hears the band play said Mr Pinto The band Movie Review Enemies A Love Story plays such a mix of music that it could never be classed into one category he explained Ronnie Vanzant a member of Lynyrd was the biggest influence both psychologically and as a vocalist said Mr Pinto He was really down to earth and talk ed about good things he said The band played drug songs gun songs and were the type of band that contributed to chanty without making their con tnbutions public explained Mr Pinto Touring as a Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute band is a good way to package the tour said Mr Pinto If you package it that way you get ore work he said People often tell Mr Pinto he sounds a lot like Ronnie Vanzant but Mr Pinto disagrees I don sound exactly like him but I guess it s close enough he said There s enough of myself in the music he said adding that every song he plays comes straight from the heart The band captures his spirit really well Lynyrd Skynyrd was the type of band that can disappear for years pop up later not advertise a concert and 30 people will show up explained Mr Pinto By DIAHANN NADEAU Herald Special ENEMIES A LOVE STORY Recently released on video this thoughtful insightful film takes us back to some very painful times to the early post war years as seen by survivors of the Holocaust Deeply moving at times CD Howe a portrait of power TC Now merely a footnote Canadian history CD Howe was once considered the most powerful cabinet minister in Canada ed by some of selling out Canada to the United States and praised by others for bringing Canada into the industrial age one thing is certain C D Howe was instrumental in for modemday Canada Wednesday September at 10 00 p presents the onehour documentary C D Howe Minister of Everything The film intersperses interviews with farm ly friends adversaries and col leagues with footage of the day to reveal the heart spirit and soul of the man When Howe was elected to Parliament in 1935 he was 50 years old and had enjoyed a brilliant career as consulting engineer to the grain trade He was im mediately given a cabinet post and for 22 years served the Liberal regime of Mackenzie King and Louis St Laurent holding port folios that Included Marines Railways and Canals Munitions and Supplies Reconstruction and Trade and Commerce During and after World War II he controlled the construction and ing industries and saw Canada transformed from a farm economy to an industrial one The country was on a roll and C D Howe was throwing the dice delightfully comic at other Enemies is one of the best films to come out in the past year The premise is superficially humorous a man marnes a woman takes a mistress her as well and finds his first wife is still alive Polygamy can be played for laughs and has been before But this time the characters are bound by their memories haunted by a past we can only tremble at and their pursuit of sex satisfaction and love is not simply the desire for happiness it the need for life to prove they re alive to push back death For these people life will never cease to be fragmented the memories will not disappear the nightmares will never stop Enemies makes us realize if only in some very small way the ab solute tragedy of Holocaust vivors how death was kinder than survival how the guilt of surviving when so many didn t was a torture the Nazis perpetrated beyond the war Ron Silver is Herman Broder a tortured man who the woman who hid him for the dura of the war a farmer s daughter who also happened to be his family s servant Margaret Sophie Stein is a ing giving sweet woman naive and not well educated but so much in love with Herman that it is pain ful to see It is painful because all he feels for her is gratitude and maybe some tenderness Herman has no respect for her and is entirely passionately en thralled with Masha the stunning Lena Olin a concentration camp survivor who is more than a little mad She is endlessly jealous ding tempestuous and abundant ly passionate She is utterly ir resistible but she is also driven bj demons so fierce that we know she will never escape them Sex will push them back but not for long When his dead wife Angelica Huston show s up in New York Herman life falls apart He cannot keep up with the demands of these women vet he cannot make a choice He is LOOK GOOD FEEL GREAT Male and Female Memberships Available 1 Month Trial Membership WORK THAT BODY STREET crippled his own fashion haunted by the same of hiding in a bam for most of the war while everyone around him perished In no time at all his deceptions are revealed his fine web unraveled Every actor this movie is superb with Huston and Olin nominated for Oscars for their per Alan King makes a small but memorable appearance a very bourgeois rabbi Director Paul has given us a very haunting film a movie to make us pause and remember This was supplied through the courtesy of Country V SEE BACK PACE DAYS NEXTM0N AUG GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE Street COUNTRY LANE SUMMER SPECIAL iM Try Our New Baiting Cages Softball Hardball Country Lane Line River rem Ooorgatown Ooll 8772254 SPECIAL EVERY FRIDAY RIBSTEAK DINNER Georgetown Market Place Lick the Heat SHOPPING SPREE VALUE STORE Moving Or Renovating great taste ice cream fewer calories AVAILABLE IN GEORGETOWN AT 306 GUELPH STREET VliStr GEORGETOWN vKm LIVING LIGHTING QUELPH STREET Georgetown