THE HERALD Richard Lewis likes to poke fun at himself STAR SPEAK Comedian Richard Lewis has made a successful career poking fun at his myriad neuroses His mental health may in fact be hereditary His grand parents had a bumper sticker that said I rather be weeping and his mother had a selfcomplaining oven he jokes Lewis neuroses propelled humor has tapped into the national con and made him one of the most popular comedians working to day Last December he performed at Carnegie Hall the Super Bowl for stand up comics GQ magazine put him on its list of the 20th century s most influential humorists along with Robert and Dorothy Parker But there s no chance that success will make Lewis a healthy person and possibly eradicate the source his humor The comedian can mine of from the recent tion of his critically acclaimed ABC series Anything But Love Lewis comedy specials on cable re fleet his continuing mental anguish he first was titled I in Pain fol lowed by Exhausted His third special will run on HBO in July Its called appropriately I m Doomed Is the real Richard Lewis as as the character in your act A Yes unfortunately But I not as loud and I usually don walk around the house with a hand held mike But I m a survivor What I say is pretty positive even though my posture and my clothing make me look like I wearing a shroud Peo ple come backstage and say Boy We feet miserable too Thanks I m sure I saved thousands of relation ships On the way home from my show I m sure people look at each other and say Whew I not him I feet like a public service comedian Why do you refer to yourself as the comedian from heir A I don t call myself that Other people call me that I just hooked Into that phrase about 10 years ago be cause just felt so overwhelmed by things Everything seemed like it was from hell Which is not to say I Sa tan s messenger even though I been visited by make that Satanettes Your HBO special an utmsu feature A Yes I invited some celebrities to come on the show and participate in group therapy right in front of the camera Angie Dickinson Robert Goulet OJ Simpson Dudley Moore They reveal the most penetrating things about their lives Angie Dickin son You won t believe the intensity of her emotions The crowning moment is when Robert Goulet gets in touch with his feelings 1 never seen him like that Forget Barbara Walters No one could have gotten this stuff out of celebrities VIDEO PLUS West of Georgetown u Ma ke BRING HOME A STAR NOW IN- Grou Anatomy Devil Wo re No Angel Prom Night The Last Nobody Perfect SL Geo 877 If You Havent HobNobbed With The Bob YOU SHOULD GTR TAPES Uni5 Georgetown Ontar KING PIZZA SUBMARINE 1 0 MOUNT RD GEORGETOWN WITH PIZZA SLICE Choose from our wide variety ol food Pizza Pizza Sices Baked Hal an Chcken Dishes and lied Foods all for your favoured taste written a screenplay No Life to Live which also phut to star In What is the film about A It like a neurotic Rocky I in the center of the most demonic neurotic forces in the world and I overcome them at the end How does mother feel about your using her as the butt of Jokes in your act A She loves it when I mock her on Letterman She leaves messages on my machine about certain areas she feels are ripe for ridicule about her She loves it when I tease on tire air although for a while it was a little uncomfortable when people would come over to her at the grocery store and say Did you really make your dog commit suicide You re practically a regular on David show arcs yoa A Two years ago I was grand mar shal at my alma mater Ohio State They asked how I wanted to be intro duced I said just mention that next week I It be making my appear on David But they screwed it up and said Next week GEORGETOWN CINEMAS 235 GUELPH STREET 8731999 invited some celebrities to come on the show and participate in group therapy right in front of the camera Richard Lewis GOOEY GOOD DELIVERY SERVICE SI 873 1651 Home of The Best Country Music For 25 Years JUNE 28th 30th REG BENOIT COMING IN JULY HAROLD MclNTYRE MUSIC TRIVIA CONTEST You Could Win A New Tape Of Your Choice In Stock Items Only DURHAM ST GEORGETOWN QUESTION They Call Me The Breeze Who Am I ANSWER NAME ADDRESS PHONE NO Deadi no For Entries Monday at Noon Please Send Your Entries To the HERALD ST GEORGETOWN St Georgetown I EDDIE MUKPHY HICK AG Evenings at 1 TUESDAYS PASSWORD This Password Is THURSDAYS GIZMO