Page THE HERALD Jane 13 Tories Harris Whiting map out election strategy People need to express themselves artist says Local provincial Progressive Conservative candidate Dave Whiting met with C leader Mike Harris Sunday in Acton to plan an election strategy to avoid a repeti tion of the that happened during the last election Mike Harris On several issues Mr and the part s representatives in Toronto kept coming up on the wrong side said Mr Whiting Mr Whiting was the Ton candidate for Halton North during the pro uncial election The happened because Toronto was reacting to issues as faired up during the while our policies had been planned out said the local can didate But both Mr Whiting and Mr Harris came from the meeting con fident they understood each other s positions Were perfectly agreement over the public s con cern on the environment said Mr Whiting I like Mr Hams common sense approach Mr Whiting was referring to his leader s commit ment to government intervention to ensure that the environment is protected Although the Tones advocate a reduction of government there are some areas where the government has to an ex tensive role said Mr Whiting The Conservative candidate wants legislation introduced hat would ban all landfills from the escarpment But Mr Harris wouldn guarantee if elected the part would ban landfills from the area He did sa however that there needs to be greater provincial fort on a Regional basis to ensure thai the best site for a landfill is found This approach ill eliminate the not in batkv ard ndrome slid Mr Harris Mr Harris wouldn I on the parlv chances winning the next election But he did acknowledge were in for a challenge I not nearlv as well known as Daud Peterson and tht still has i major debt pro be said Mr Harris flew in from the Lake meetings in Ottawa to attend the strategv meeting with Mr Whiting Sundav But he pleased with event I think the process is disastrous said Mr Harris Asphalt plant decision put off to mid- July A decision on whether Blue Cliff Holdings can build a portable asphalt plant on the south side of Steeles Avenue west of Winston Churchill Boulevard won be made until at least 13 An Ontario Municipal Board hearing scheduled for last Wednes day was postponed tp 11 because the developers didnt have a planner to present its case on said town planner Glen W tilings The plant would operate for three years and was approved by town council last fall But residents living in the area appealed that decision to the OMB a month later because of fears that the plant Family Optical Extensive Fashion Eye Wear Affordable Prices FREE Adjustments Minor Repairs 8733050 232GuelphSt Unit 8 Georgetown Boyd Bank would cause foul smelling odors pollution and noise said Mr Will But Mr Sellings explained the residents an basing their fears on the assumption the plant is of the traditional kind The town s staff recommended council ap prove the plant because it would incorporate the newest technologj said Mr Well That means noise produced at the plant would be at a minimum and the emissions would be odorless steam he said The people of Georgetown are being challenged to express themselves by a local artist Maggie Bol who came over from Holland six years ago is holding her first Canadian art showing at Georgetowns Campbell House Gallery beginning this weekend The month long show entitled AHA FACE IT wilffeature to of Mrs Bols works Much of her work involves capturing the lifestyles and cultures of different peoples including native Cana Recording life and not ing is at the heart of her artwork Mrs Bol is challenging the peo ple of Georgetown to come to the show to discuss their interprets tions The showings title is named after the mental process a person automatically goes through when viewing a piece of art According to Mrs Bol there is the initial in figuring out what the art represents and then the final acceptance of interpretation Mrs Bol who also teaches night courses at Sheridan College believes that while art is becoming more popular people still don t know how to fully appreciate it The inability to appreciate art stems from the lack of encourage to be creative and express oneself she said Everybody has some in themselves but it wasn t developed or they are afraid to express themselves Mrs maintains The difficult part of teaching art is not the technical process but rather making students feel com enough to follow their tistic instincts Techniques can be learned in a day or two but students have to stop worrying what others think she said She never tells her students what they should do but just encourages them and admires their work She believes everyone wants to open up and share their views but fear being judged negatively Children are especially sensitive to judgement she said adding that a child creativity and ability to think are affected by initial judgements Mrs Bol believes a child s creative instinct never develops in a school system that only allows 10 per cent creative activity Learn to think for oneself can only benefit in whatever professional a child chooses she said If Mrs communicates with at least one person through her art work she will call her showing a success She insists she is not look ing for the same interpretation or feeling from audiences that she had in creating her art Com munication that s all the artist wants she said WILLOW LANE Natural foods Willow ACTON THE CORPORATION OF THE Town of Halton Hills Hlls Drive Box HILLS Georgetown Ontario PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that Hie Council for the Corporation the Town Nation Hilts Intends pass a By law to stop op close and convey a oortlon of raid allowance known as Emery stieet located In the former Town of Georgetown described as follows ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being In the Town of Halton Hills In the Regional Municipality of Halton former Town Georgetown composed of that part of Street lying north of King Street between the Canadian National Railway track and King Street and shown as Part 3 on a Plan of Reference registered In the Registry Office at Milton as Plan 20R The Council or a Committee of the Council will hear In person or by their counsel solicitor or agent any person who claims that their land will be prejudicially affected by the by law and who applies to be heard at a meeting to be held at the Council Chambers located at Halton Hills Drive in the Town of Halton Hills on Monday June 18th 1990 al the hour of This Notice Is first published on the day of May 1990 Dan Costea Administrator Clerk Town Hills Box 128 Halton Hills Georgetown Ontario iif4rtmuiitfnu T This work entitled Into the by artist Maggie Bol is just one of the pieces she has painted which captures lifestyles and cultures of different peoples Ms Bol work will be on display at the Campbell House Gallery beginning this weekend Although her two children also have artistic talents Mrs Bol in sists she has never pressured to get them involved in art In fact she thinks she bores them to death because she can talk about art from the time she gets up to the time she goes to sleep Although she has noticed a significant difference in Cana dians appreciation of art Mrs Bol said the love for art is still much higher back home in Holland In Holland you see art all the time Everyone grows up with it because every building and home has art work she said There are as many art columns as there are sports columns back home she added Theres not enough for people to see and if peo ple want to see something they have to go downtown Toronto Mrs said THE CORPORATION OF THE Town of Halton Hills 1 Ha I in Hills Drive PO Box 128 HALTON HILLS Georgetown Ontario L7G 5G2 8732600 CONTRACT RECONSTRUCTION OF TODD ROAD PHASE 1 Sealed tenders clearly marked as contents will be received by Mr Dan Administrator Clerk at the Civic Centre Halton Hills Drive Holton Hills Georgetown until 12 local time Tueiday June for the reconstruction of Todd Road Phase I Georgetown The items of construction are Excavation Grading cubic metre A Hot Mix Asphalt tonnes Concrete Curb linear metres Concrete Storm Sewer linear metres and related appurtenances linear metres and related I and Sod 000 square metre Seed and Mulch 700 square metres Plans Specifications and Form of Tender may be obtained from offices of the Town s Purchasing upon payment of twenty f dollai non refundable A certified in each relating to ihc prefect should be r ng Department at the tender dOiu tied to Mr I Tenders be opened 12 15 pm Tucsdoy Juno 1990 the Civic Centre Hills Drive Hills Georqoiown tenders are invited to attend lowest or any lender not Mr Dan Town of Hrlls O Box 1 Holton Hills Drive Vs v a