THE HERALD Wednesday February Page FRANK ERNEST by Bob Thaieb AM I Tri Comic Page ASTROGRAPH by Dick ON THIS IN IN IBIS FRWZLEIBER THE MITTEN THAT RUDOLF THREE PAIRS OF THEM THE NEXT LEIBER PUT RUDOLF UP FOR ADOPTION PHIPPS Joseph Farris BORN LOSER by Ait and Chip Sansom top MEEK by Howie Schneider THEYRE with I GRIZZWELLS by Bill Schorr 10 K 10 NORTH AKJ 3 K105 EAST AJ98 SOUTH 10 Bait All pass Opening lead A clever alternative By James How can you make a trick from K- 105 facing You can lead up to the king and hope the ace is well placed And you can also lead toward that K10 and hope that the is in front of the king So sometimes the 10 will force the ace and at other times the ace will be in front of the king Fi nally you might be able to eliminate some of the defenders sidesuits and get a trick by means of an endplay After three spades was raised to four West led the heart Declarer could readily see that the contract would depend upon making a club trick but touching that suit could be postponed So declarer played the jack of hearts under Easts queen East re turned a heart Declarer won played to dummys diamond ace and ruffed a diamond and then led a spade to dum mys ace and ruffed another diamond A spade to dummys king was followed by a heart ruff At this point declarer would have liked to ruff dummys last diamond but that was simply not pos sible Declarer had to hope that the partial elimination was enough So de clarer played a club and put in dum mys East won the jack but unfortunately had no more diamonds A heart from East would allow to sluff a club from his hand while ruffing with dummys jack of spades And a club from East would be away from the ace making a trick for dum king Kudos to declarer for play ing for the chance that East had start ed with only three diamonds James Jacobys books Jacoby on Bridge and on Card Games written with Ms father the late Oswald art now available at bookstores Both are published by Pbaros Books In the year ahead it looks like you will establish several Important material ob jectives Your possibility for achieving e very good AQUARIUS Jan An op portunity of a Heeling nature may be presented to you today If you are too coy and dillydally you might watch it being disassembled before your eyes Trying to patch up a broken romance The AstroGraph Matchmaker can help you to understand what to do to make the relationship work PISCES Fab 20 Someone who is separated you geographi cally but not in spirit has been very anx ious to hear from you A call or note on your behalf today will be appreciated ARIES March This be an advantageous day for joint ven tures Something extraordinary might occur that both parties Involved will pick up on and use in ways thai will compound benefits TAURUS April May 20 Even though your present plans look pretty good keep an open mind regarding the suggestions for revisions by others An other s concept might be superior to yours GEMINI May 21June 20 An unex pected development might occur at this time that will enable you to reap greater rewards than you re presently receiving lor something on which youre now working CANCER June 21July 22 alert for spurofthemoment happenings that could brighten and liven up your day However a flexible schedule is neces sary to permit you the latitude youll need to participate LEO July 23Aug 22 You can accom plish a lot of little things today that you have left unfinished in the past If youre motivated to do so this time youll com plete each job VIRGO Aug 22 A system that works extremely well for a friend of yours can be applied to your own prob lems today Try to use the same proce dures with as little variations as possible LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Your possibil ities for adding to your resources look extremely encouraging In this cycle Chance could play a rather unique rote In your affairs SCORPIO Oct 24Hov 22 Dont be reluctant to discard old unworkable Ideas If you come up with a raft of fresh thoughts today Occasionally It makes sense to switch horses In midstream SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec Someone you have treated with consid eration recently is looking for a way to reciprocate Today heshe might figure out a way to do It CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 YOUtl recognize a good idea when you hear one today and you might be exposed to several Later youll have chances to use them your advantage CELEBRITY CIPHER Celebrity Cipher arc created quota I Ions by tain people and present Each tellci in the cipher Hands another J Clue equals J GWI YWIIU UCAZ NB RNJHX KIJHXZ VGHAXIQ I I sal si jo