Page THE HERALD Wednesday February Winter swimming pool schedules WINTER St 1ILDULL JAN I MAR 11 ACTON INDOOR POOL POOI Public Public 7 a Adult 30 Adult 9 Tues Adult 10 m Adult Wed Public 7 30 m 7 m Adult pm Family Adult 00 10 Sat Public 200 m Public I 4 Family 00 OOp Adult 5 00 m Adult m Sun Disabled 11 30 p Public 2 m Public 00 4 m Family 4 Family m Adult Adult Saunas open Golden Age bowling DEN BOWLING Denis TEAM STANDINGS Triple Flat Jet Set Alley Cats Allen Happv Gang Davidson Bonier Domes George Archibald Blitzers George Hunter Snow Birds Geoff Super Six High Single with Handicap Hopefuls Corner Pins Allen Skylarks Helen Louth Dominoes 56 George Hunter Toilen Euclide Boisvenue Blue Jack Dennv High Triple with Handicap High Single Mat Allen Allen Eileen Helen I 192 George Hunter George Archibald Jack Dennv George Hunter GEORGETOWN SFI ECTS BANTAM GIRLS VOL1 TEAM Front row left to right Kerslake and Melville and Benito Back row left to right coach Snail It Bannister Kim vVtltshirt 1 Haines Jenn Georgetown Bantam Selects- Svmes and coach Jim Atkinson when photo taken Angela Kellv and Lisa GEORGETOWN CUSTOM CAR SOUND THE CAR STEREO EXPERTS SINCLAIR AVE 8772425 Herald photo SAME DAY TAX RETURNS 101 St Georgetown 8772217 JUNIORSENIOR KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR SEPTEMBER 1990 THE HALTON ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD ADVANCED registration lor those children of separate school ratepayers who will be attending school for the first time at either the Junior or Senior Kindergarten level in the Catholic Schools in Burlington Milton Georgetown and Acton will be held at all schools on TUESDAY WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY February 13 14 and 15 1990 9 a to Noon 1 30 p m to p m AGE OF ADMISSION AND REQUIREMENTS Junior Kindergarten Children are required to be years of age on or before December 31 1990 Senior Kindergarten Children are required to be 5 years ol age on or before December 31 1990 Bifth or Baptismal Certificate required for age verification Before registration is finalized a child will have completed the prescribed program for immunization for diphtheria tetanus poliomyelitis measles mumps and rubella Families registering for the first time at a school are requested to provide their family H I number at the time of registration For further information or alternate registration date please contact the principal of your nearest Catholic School Donald Schrenk Chairman of the Board CG Byrnes Director of Education LE DES ECOLES DE HALTON AVIS INSCRIPTION SCOLAIRE PROGRAMMES DE ET DE JARDIN la classes en 1 inscription par anticipation pour les enfants franco phones separe admissibles pour la premiere a programme 1990 aura lieu a I Ecole Sacre Georgetown a I Ecole Samte Mane a I Saint Philippe Burlington aux dates suivantes MARDI MERCREDI et les 13 et 1990 entre 9het12h 13h30et17h AGE ET DOCUMENTATION REOUISE Tout enfant atteint Iage de ans au plus tard le 31 decembre Tout enfant ayant atteint ISge de au plus tard le 31 1 Certificat bapteme etou naissance On demande a tout parent qui sonses pour la premiere vouloir dassurancesante OHIP Tout enfant doit avoir complete proqramme par la Loi immunisation contre la diphterie trStanos la poliomylelite la rougeole les la rubeole que son inscription soit Veuillez communique avec la direction de franchise de votre scolaire pour des renseignements supplementaires pour fixer autre date description Donald Schrenk President du Conseil Gilbert President Section franchise CG Byrnes de I