THE HERALD Thunday December 1989 Being a critic is easy finding solutions is tougher In a few days we get a new decade I remember when we stood look through the doorway at the 1980s That was my old life when I was a newspaper columnist and critic at large I remember the mood then I remember writing about a lousey economy and loom ing tough times Inflation was out of control unemployment was about per cent and interest rates were starting to spin higher Pierre was the boss Allan was in charge of federal finances and we didn have an minister Storing at the 1990s a lot has changed Peisonalh I a politician now something I still hae trouble be ing altogether comfortable with NationalK we are in better shape than but we also pro blems ahead If I were still an critic I d tr to stir up emotion b saving Canada is mom indebted than at an time before its citizens shoulder an intense tax load global trading blocks pose a huge competitive challenge and the worst threat to all of us is a deteriorating troubled environ But being a critic is eas I ve learned in spades it s a hell of a lot tougher identifying solutions than it is listing problems The past has taught me that It was a lesson long overdue As anyone entering policis the fall of I thought it was possible to change the world In the dying days of 1989 I still think that it just the pace ofchange is so slowed by bureaucracies attitudes and all the partisan stuff which is so much a part of politics Looking ahead there is cause for much hope just as there is the potential for sadness So much to Fashions For The Young At Heart 111 MAIN ST S GEORGETOWN tram Knox Church 873 GEORGETOWNS GENERAL STORE ORANGE CRATE GOURMET CANADIAN MADE GIFTS ON SALE NOW no Main st a MAID SERVICE WHOS BEST ESS THEAWARD WINNER TV SHOW COAST TO COAST For FREE Estimates call 87321 65 my mind hinges on the national will I mean do we have the will to do what s necessary to get our try out of hock As I ve told you so times new debt is piling up at the rate of over 80 million a dav with no end in sight More debt means bigger interest payments higher taxes and less money for social programs Do we have the national will to do what s necessary for the en Are we willing to pay for massive clean up projects Will we stop using disposable diapers and household chemicals Will the government find the guts to deal with a garbage crisis Is there the national will to co exist In just a few months the Lake Accord is supposed to fly or to die A lot of people here in HaltonPeel think the feds have pandered to Quebec A lot of think are not in this countr Both those attitudes put fire in the of the separatists The Nineties are going to de mand answers to these questions and finding them will not be swift or eas This decade could make a massive impact on all the decades to follow for our countrv and our communis It is needless to sa a wonderful and a scar time to be in the political it will be the who hae to put their cans on the line For example MPs have to face up to the issue of spending and taxes The Tones are third place in the public opinion polls right now not a surprise for a government which has raised taxes cut VIA rail service started taxing back pensions from high income people and slashed spen ding Popular it isn And as a government MP I have to answer for all those things and will at Town Hall meetings next month in Bolton and Glen Williams But I t run for office to spend my time defending the government Instead I got into this because I felt enough was not being done for our country future And frankly that s still the case This coming decade will force us to deal with the twin black clouds of mounting debt and a declining environment Both of them will test our ability to come up with that national will But it can be done I think we can come together on innovative pro grams to refinance the debt to scale down government more to be efficient and competitive There s still time for the environ too technology will play a big role in that along with our changing attitudes I sense we are well on the way alreadv Finally looking ahead there will be nothing more constant than change Events of the last few months in Europe are dramatic reminders that every a we have of looking at the world can be shat If democracy can replace communism in a country like Poland what isn t possible I m looking forward to the Nineties to working with you and to finding solutions Dorothy and I wish vou all the best in the new ahead and thank you for sup port and guidance in the last GEORGETOWN SPA FITNESS CENTRE EXCLUSIVELY YOURS 8771924 Bulk Foods F ALL YOUR BAKING NEEDS I nMXO I 07jUq4 I FINE FURNITURE CUSTOM DESIGNED FURNITURE ReUpholstery 8531 359 38 Mill St E ACTON On this most joyous occasion we would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all our customers Hope your season is merry and bright 235 GUELPH ST BESIDE BURGER KING that will go to pur head 8777917 i CHURCH DIRECTORY NONDENOMINATIONAL 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