HEAL OUTLOOK IMS four rules for buying central air conditioning In the pail few years centra air conditioning in Canadian Homes has become more and more common place And it certainly makes it easier to enjoy our hoi humid sum men Central r condi torn not on coo Is your home but works as a dchumidi eliminating sticky dampness This lets you feel better and sleep better Central home air conditioning is surprisingly inexpensive considering major It tan have on your life it represents a significant outlay and you should make your choice carefully Here ate four simple rules to consider I Choose a unit quie Certain brands are substanti all leter than others and you don want an angry neighbour calling to complain about the noise Specify a make wuh speeds on the outdoor sec lion This allows ii 10 run more qui at Look for waned design Don I be mi by aesthei cons iderat i This is a long term investment you want a design that been proven over time Easy to service Ask the dealer you re eventually going to pay a serviceman for extra time Look for a factory war Most warranties are offered sbettcrtohavcawar backed by the company that builds the equipment In general as with all cosily pur chases it well not to rush the pur chase of your central air conditioner Ask lots of questions Educate your self on the subject The time you spend will be well worth it For all your horn comfort solu tions contact your local ICO HMt or for your call 1-800- Yes money does grow on trees NO I impressions are crucial and the is the firsi impression of a home thai a potential purchaser ties when ihey out of tar Cosmetic changes can be made for Mi nimal These changes an a or add dollars to Ihe sale price If you have just house maintained garden don stop there Planting trees adds value and can save energy Itianlead to lower heating and air bills Deciduous trees planted on the sgutli and sides of your home will grow to be an energy reducing feature The shade produced trees during hot summer months reduces the placed on tooling equipment Marias fans heat pumps and air conditioners Tall planted on the north side of home ill perform the same saving in winter They can block those northerly winter winds Tins in lum the your will REAL ESTATE AND YOU Jamie Johnston in do it lesel of in ji home So don t ignore the benefits i trees Remember energy like money does not grow on incs Hut irecs tan be an energy sjsmg device for your home both and when u come to resell Tor not only do to da s buyers ask the monthly mortgage payments also want to sec the monthly utility bills before make any offer to purchase for a How to Sail Your Horn contact Canada Trust Realtor office near eat you eft Mm HBMHIIIUM 8532074 THE TANNERY contd Mr Richard Hamilton was the carpenter for the He made all the vats and leeches and helped build the ad as the tannery expanded Mr Will operated the rolling machine at the mill He previously owned part of the land on which the tannery was built Under Mr management the tannery prospered It produced harness and shoe and sole leathers The tannery process was slow taking about 6 months to a year Eventually only sole leather was made and this leather found a ready market Acton Early Days was used as a reference In van turn J CALL MORGAN FOR YOUR MOVE THIS YEAR WORK HARD TO MARKET YOUR PROPERTY What a great section Thats what so many of our advertisers say after see the results they get from our Real Estate Outlook Take a bite out of disappointment and advertise with us the HERALD Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Established 8772201 We work together tor you Halton Hills Milton Areas BARBARA GLENN 876 1519 853 ALEX GLENN LOVELY BUNGALOW REDUCED TO 164500 PICTURESQUE TREED 10 ACRES ACRE REDUCED 239900 CUSTOM BUILT COUNTRY BUNGALOW 45 ACRES 315000 ACRE HORSE RANCH PICTURE PERFECT 160900 WITH IN LAW SUITE