IIALTONIIILL801TTLO0K Saturday March 1BS Halton Hills OUTLOOK Is published each Saturday by MAI TON Mil Home Newspaper of I la I on Hills A Division of Canadian Newspaper I urlphMreel I Id Mali Number EDITOH Dave At COUNTING Mike Pauline Mil Outlook Pitt Cathy Met PRODUCTION Hi lison Foreman Women in business an increasing trend Your Business It us In Ms Analyst Thomson News Service Some say the health of a nation depends on the role women play in politics and business These people point to Sparta where women were well Spartan They trace the fall of ancient cultures to the decline in status of women from to mere artifacts Idle creatures of adornment from Cleopatra to Marilyn Monroe If this theory is true North America may be on the verge of a renaissance Women arc starting more businesses creating more Jobs and fltllng a greater proportion of new ones than ever before and out doing men in the process By 1990 women will start nearly twothirds of new businesses In Canada the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women predicts These businesses will ac count for per cent of new jobs most of which will go to women studies show JOINING Wom are the leading en In this country the Canadian Federation of Independent Business agrees Thanks to women who start small businesses with their personal savings and to a booming service sector women are also entering the work force In leaps and bounds dominating the Job market In the process Women took nine of every 10 new Jobs created between and 1986 Twos a Crowd Statistics Canada says 1966 per cent of Canadian women had joined the work force up from pr cent a decade ago The number of women employers grew by per cent over the five year while number of selfemployed women rose by per Women in management out numbered women In leaching lor the frst time Stntscan says although the shift may be due In part to the growing number of mole teachers WORK I Oil LESS Interestingly businesses slatted by women have a much better chance of surviving the CFIB notes The failure rate for new businesses started by women Is only half that of men The flip side of women success rate Is comparatively low profits they make Businesses owned by women are not as profitable as those owned by men Women s business ventures en dure because women are witling to work for less money than men Women are more to see their slimmer margins Other factors may contribute to the profit discrepancy for example men tend to put in an average of hours a week at their own ventures while women put In SO hours a reflection of women heavier domestic responsibilities Twos a Crowd By BU BUTTLE 7i 1 Staff Comment buckpassing has to stop somewhere Up like a second opinion Travelling in Europe on a shoestring budget In the end though the growing tendency of women to strike out on their own is motivated by the same forces as all revolutions women have little to lose Trapped In pink collar with low pay women find Independence alluring The best part small business women say is that they no longer feel exploited no matter how long and hard they work Travel VINCENT EGAN Tbomioo Newt Service MAIM IN HAVING A A reader writes to ask Tor tips on a safe trip and survival for her son who Is heading to Europe In June for an extended stay on a shoestring budget Worried because he will be lng alone she has tried and failed to dissuade him Chances are that he won be alone for long Large numbers of North American young people are wander ing around Britain and the Continent at any given time but especially In summer and their natural tenden Is to coalesce into little groups with common characteristics language Itinerary and bo on For reasons of safety young women have a stronger motive to team up with each other Two male hitchhikers on the other hand would probably make a driver suspicious In any case being alone Isn t like ly to be much or a problem The solo traveller is free to pursue his own goals without having to make the compromises frequently grudging that are necessary when two or more people travel together TIME TO PLAN The major factor In the traveller should be intensively researching the possible tlons so as to make the best use of his time once he Is there Research If It is to have any real value must go beyond the subjects covered in some of the youth oriented guidebooks hat Irate on cheap lodging and cheap Grunted It Important to stick to a budget but some things are more lasting than budgets To search out the cheapest eatery in while noting he British Museum would be a misuse of valuable lime Another serious mistake and a common one among first time visitors to Europe Is to try to see everything Europe going to be called In It will still be there next year and the year after So Instead of trying to set a Iran tic pace and hit all highlights travellers should relax a little By choosing a slower pace you can get to know places and people more easily and more fully MONEY MATTERS The financial aspects of a Euro pean visit must be addressed realistically at the earliest stage of planning Whatever you may beard to the contrary from earlier visitors living costs In many parts of Britain and the Continent especially in the capital are substantially higher than at home To set out without adequate funds can be foolhardy At the very least it forces the traveller into the kind of and diet that pre sent serious risks to health and who wants to spend a part of the summer In the charity ward of a strange hospital Besides some countries won ad mil the traveller who can show enough ready cash for the Intended visit and a ticket for onward passage One technique requiring parental cooperation Is for the parents to open a bank account on which the of spring will have drawing rights or a line of credit valid for specified countries In that way the funds continue to earn interest in the bank until ihe credit is used the traveller isn required to carry large amounts of cash and migration authorities are satisfied travellers never expect to have an accident or to foil III in real life these misfortunes don always hop- pen to the other person Well before departure date check with your doctor or with local public health authorities as a tion might be advisable for countries on your Itinerary If you do It early enough any unpleasant side effects will occur while you are still It been two months since the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the federal abortion law leav ing the nation without any restric on abortions The federal government has yet to do anything other than say there should be an abortion law In place The Ontario Liberal governmoit says it would be premature to do anything other than follow the letter of the law until the federal govern reacts Us absolutely astounding that politicians have managed to bounce around the abortion issue so long that the courts have made the deci for them Politicians of course arc notorious for hedging on such extremely con ten tlons Issues as this Some do It well and some don Other than the free vote on capital punishment the abortion Issue has to be the most contentious topic modem Canadian politics this side of the War Measures Act Prime Minister Trudeau took the astonishing step of invoking that Act casual The federal Conservatives at tempted to distance themselves from capital punishment issue by allowing the free vote thus the outcome couldn t be blamed on them But this time government will have to take a definite stand on tlon If it takes do nothing ap proach It will be seen to have sup ported the In the next election If it slaps a constricting law in place the prolifers will claim vic tory Even If ihe government brings In a washy law by far the most likely alternative It will still have to Introduce a bill and make a decision Even if they were forced to do it by the courts But the real irony is that In these days of Increasing provincial power the Ontario government just sits back and puts its feet up claiming it sup to the feds The federal government initially said because there is no law In place performing an abortion is not against the law and It may hen become a health matter under the Jurisdiction of he provinces Those were the Initial reactions of the two sides Both should be No matter what the Conservatives will have to react to the law therefore they cannot pawn It off on theprovlnccs The provinces on the hand will have to enact whatever the feds decide so they too should have a hand up the law Government bashing fortunately has become a popular pastime In Canada Workers do It Journalists do It Businessmen do it Politicians do It Its expedient But this time It well deserved