BEST NEC talks about farm vacations for visitors Bed and Breakfast operations may soon be permitted on lands owned by the Niagara Escarpment Commission The NEC is considering amending its plan to allow Bed and Breakfast and Farm Vacation establishments Both operations would be allowed to operate three guest rooms under the amendment When the Niagara Escarpment Plan was put together In the early 1980s bed and breakfasts were not a major activity In the region and the plan did not Include It as a permitted Now the NEC thinks bed and breakfast operations can serve a useful purpose attracting tourists so It wants to allow the operations SECTION THE HERALD Wednesday IB Page Sweetheart carnival Feb Is a time to bestow gifts on your sweetheart but It also a lime to experience the chilling fun frolic The annual sweetheart car nival is being held Feb 14 from 10 am p at Terra Con serration Area Weather permitting there will be a cross country ski race broom ball tobogganing tug of war snowshoe races and much more One of the highlights Is the crown of a sweetheart awarded to a girl under the age of 12 who par In the events New this year is a helicopter ride which will take people up lor a seven minute ride around Hills The ride costs for adults for children and the helicopter seats four people All events except the copter rides are tree with admission Into the area wh ch costs per vehicle The Terra Cotta Conservation Area Is located on Winston Chur chill just two kilometres north of the village of Terra For more Information call 1615 Keynote speaker Otto MP and Minister Stale Tor Fitness and Amateur Sport will be the keynote speaker at the annual meeting of the Federal Progressive Conservatl vc on Mr will make a few in remarks and then make himself available Tor a Question and answer session with the membership of the association The annual meeting Is fl at 8pm at the River Oaks url Centre Slxtl Line tor further Informal In about the annual meeting and the ac tivities of the riding association contact 106lot plan A local developer wants to build 10G lot subdlvls on on just over aires of property west of Moore Park Holdings Ltd has id for a plan of subdivision and towns general committee has referred the proposal to a public meeting The property is located west of Moore Park south of Highway and north of the CNR railway line The Hills Official Plan designates most of the property as residential but the lots must be under town bylaws Quiet week Firefighters spent a fairly quiet week Investigating a false alarm chimney fire and smell of something burning Jan 3 at 1 a firefighters rushed to 53 Market St in Georgetown to Investigate a report of something burning Firefighters discovered that a cord of an trie razor had shorted out and melted There was no damage The fire department in a report of a chimney lire at 124 Churchill Rd In Acton Jan at 30 a The fire was out when firefighters arrived Terry Crt residents against new pumphouse Park Elementary kindergarten tree is part of a twoweek the student Sherry Quail places her Children Canada Fund which valentine on the valentine tree started Feb at the school Herald located In the school library The photo Georgetown hospital open board policy is under scrutiney The format of the open hospital board meetings come under scrutiny by council members Mon day Coun Betty Fisher questioned both the timing and format of the open Georgetown District Hospital Board meetings The open meetings will be held every three months on the fourth Thursday of the month Coun Johnston who sits on the hospital board said the open meeting will be held at 4 IS because that Is the normal lime for the meeting and we felt that the meeting should be on open and natural meeting Just like we were having one of our regular meetings Fisher said the starting time makes it difficult for working people or people with families to make It to the meeting She wants the hospital board to reconsider its starting time Coun Fisher also questioned the format for responses to public ques tions Anyone with questions must send them in to the hospital board two weeks In advance said Coun Fisher What happens If the person feels the question is not answered at the meeting she asked Do they have to wait three months to resub mit the question at another meeting she asked Coun Johnston said the hospital board wanted the questions submit ted ahead of time to give them time to research the Information I would be upset if I had to wait three months If a question was unanswered said Mayor Miller who also sits on the hospital board Asking for questions two weeks In advance is an Interesting way to run a meeting said Coun Bowman That a very nice way to run a meeting It would be nice If we could do It but we can she said of meetings The format may people the perception the board Is stalling said Coun Fisher Mayor Miller said he wants the board to change that format Serjeanlson said after the meeting the board has not yet con ducted public meetings so it has not yet formalized format for respon ding to public questions or follow up questions the meeting By BRIAN Herald Terry Court residents ore refusing to accept the new pro posed by Region Residents of 17 houses on Terry Court signed petitions objecting to the new pumphouse behind their houses In Cedorvalc Park They say the location of the building is on a flood plain less than feet from Silver Creek in a eon ion area They also don like the size of the building and he mater at being used to build It Residents are complaining about maintenance of the properly which they say has been poor In recent years The petition also objects to storing hazardous chemicals in the building We believe that there are alter natives to this proposed structure that can more adequately reflect consideration for this precious area of our community the petition The residents want the Region to come up with a new design that would have proper regard for the environment The petitions were sent off to the Region but not without some assurances by town councillors first Both Councillors Marilyn Pam Sheldon said no toxic chemicals will be stored in the building The new pumphouse will replace the two older structures and will be more aesthetically pleasing coun cillors say The third pump which has already been built was needed to en sure the water supply in case one of BRUISING SALE BLACK BLUE PURSES 25 off UNTIL FEB 2988 PURSES OF ALL SIZES SHAPES PRICE RANGES HANDBAGGS PLUS 509 ST 8732446 The final design has not been decided by the Region yet but Coun Sheldon promised that both herself and Coun Scrjcantson will keep a careful eye on the design Coun Sheldon sold there will be a public meeting before construction of the is started Town approves 3000 budget to find CAO Its going to cost the town over to advertise for a new Admlnlstra torClerk Town councillors heard Monday that the Toronto Globe and Mall will charge almost for three days advertising aid the Municipal Word a publ cation with wide distribution among municipal employees ill charge between Mr Simon was fired suddenly in November for undisclosed reasons He was offered a severance package of and to help him find work but he has not indicated if he will accept the severance offer DEBORAHS CONFECTIONS What makes the Sweetest Valentin Gifts DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE FROM Hwy7NorvarV 4527686 At Crawfords Pine Valley Farms Now In Georgetown THE WATER FACTORY ONLY AT THE WATER FACTORY OFF WATER SOFTENERS or WATER PURIFIERS DURING FEBRUARY ONLY TERMS AVAILABLE Buy a automatic water softener red and put ttie savings In your pocket Wo service what we sell and we sell what we make THE WATER FACTORY SERVICE RENTALS MANUFACTURERS OF WATER SOFTENING EQUIPMENT CALL BARB TODAY 8732757 1