Pages SECTION A Wednesday November IB 1SS7 Police sting A man Utah has been arrested for conducting an il legal scheme following a police sting operation at the Mohawk Inn on Line In Milton The Investigation involved members of the Waterloo Regional Police the Ontario Provincial Police and Hal ton Regional Police Five others are being summoned In connection with the fence police said The arrest was made Sunday evening The suspect appeared In Milton Provincial Court Monday for a bail hearing car collision A yearold Acton woman charged after a twocar collision on Highway Saturday She driving a Hyundai east Highway near Churchill Road when she veered into the west bound lane and struck a van travelling west The driver of the van a yearold Acton man uninjured Police estimate the damage Hyundai to about and damage to the van is about Hits a deer A Georgetown man caused about 2 damage to his 1980 Toyota Thursday when he hit a deer on Winston Churchill Boulevard The accident occurred near Slderoad at about The 29yearold driver was uninjured in Ihe Turning car hit No charges were laid following wo vehicle accident Tuesday a the comer of Trafalgar and Mapi Avenue A Georgetown man was driving north Trafalgar and had signalled to turn left into his driveway just north of the Maple Street Intersection A carOla Milton man also north on Trafalgar struck the first car as It was turning Damages both total about police said damage About damage was caused to a 1971 Datsun when an unknown driver backed into it white both cars were stopped at an Hon A 19yearold Guelph man was driving the Datsun on 10th Line and had slopped at the Stcclcs Avenue intersection behind another car The driver ahead sud denly backed up his car and struck the Datsun in the front end The first car then fled the scene The accident occurred Sunday at about Fails to slow Anolher twocar collision oc curred Friday at about he comer of Mill and Wilbur Streets In Acton A 23yearold Ac ton woman was driving a Chevrolet north on Wilbur when she stopped lo make a turn An Ac ton man driving east on Mill Street failed to slow down and struck the Chevrolet as it turned onto Mill Street Damage to the first car is about SI Briefcase missing Between 11 Tuesday and 1 15 am Wednesday someone took a brown briefcase from an unlocked car parked at Restaurant The case contained personal papers and books Motor stolen At about 2 pin Saturday so meone entered a closed off area near a home at 190 Mill St Acton The suspect stole a 1970 motor valued at 1400 police said Carpenter robbed A circular saw and a 10foot ex tension cord were stolen from a construction site at Georgetown High School Thursday afternoon A man was doing some carpentry at the site and had left the goods In different of the school poll said Impaired Acton man stopped for speeding at Highway 25 and 17 Tuesday at about mid night He will appear in court December A earold Georgetown several motor vehicle accidents He was stopped on the Sumac Trail near Pine Valley and found to be impaired He will appear In court December Causing disturbance A Georgetown mi has been charged with causing disturbance when he was Involved In a fight at a home on Drive Sunday He will appear In court December 7 Our town wants a recycling Councillors decide Blue Box program started The Town or Hal ton Hills wants to be Included in the Region blue box recycling program Councillors decided Nov 16 to ask the Region to fund a Class recyct ing program Such a program would entail a well advertised collection program using household collection containers Glass cans newspaper and clear plastic bottles would be collected at the on the same day as garbage day under the pro gram Under the blue box program each household Is given a container by the town The household puts the con out on the on regular garbage days filled with cans ties and newspapers The recycling operator collects the materials on a separate truck which unloads at the processing plant Currently Halton Hills runs a Divide and Conquer program which consists of only one van and two laborers collecting the at the curbside on garbage pick up days Paper If sent to Tnorold tin goes directly to in Hamilton and glass is sent to in Brampton Under the new blue box system the recycling operator in this case Resources Recycled Ltd Is responsible for the material Currently Milton is the only Municipality in the Region operating the blue box program but and Burlington also have plans to start up the program once the Region new recycling processing plant in is open In mid Last year Hills collected 600 tomes of recyclable materials That represents six per cent of the total waste collected by the Town Blue box programs In Milton and Mlssissauga Indicate the collection rate can Jump to between 15 and per cent Institution of the blue box pro gram is dependent on the Region supplying the money for two Hon trucks the construction of the new processing plant and funding from the Region for the blue box pro- Trie Region must also agree to fund the operating deficit for the recycl program in Hills Italian officially opened a recycling depot for rural resident at the Town ad ml ills Ira lion building Nov The recycling depot accepts Urn glass newspaper and clear pop bottles Here Mayor Run Miller and Town Works Last year Town saved by recycling a report by Town Engineer Ted Most of the money came from sav ed tipping and transfer fees totalling about a tonne It has only been In the past year that the recycling program is more fiscally responsible than landfill Mr said In his report The Town didn expand the pro- grarh earlier because was operating at a deficit he said The Town considered piemen ting a recycling program in the rural Superintendent Prank help Mitchell open the recycling depot tint load of tin cms Mrs Mitchell was also given a of merit by Town Man day for her longtime commitment to recycling Herald photo areas but that may not Milton has recycling depots set up in Town and In rural areas Materials found In those depots that go supervised contain up to per cent refuse and Is not recyclable said Mr Hills has recently opened a supervised recycling depot at the works yard on Trafalgar If there is an overwhelming reaction at that depot from the rural areas then the Town will consider expanding the rural recycling pro gram said Town Bob GDHS students aim for Calgary music competition Thirty two Georgetown District High School students engaging on a five month fund raising effort they hope will result in a trip to the MusicFcst Canada competition In Calgary May 23 The stage band and Jazz choir are attempting to raise lo attend event said music teacher Katie KlrkupOrtolan The trip will cost around but the parents of the students will kick In half the money Ms Ortolansald Is Canada national festival she said This Is an event of the highest calibre offering students op to perform to compete to receive adjudication from Inter nationally recognized musicians to attend workshops lo hear other fine groups perform and to meet other likeminded young musicians said music teachers Ms KlrkupOrtolan and Anita Blake The week long event is the culmination of the regional then pro vincial festivals said Ms Klrkup- Bands and choirs first compete in the regional events to qualify for the provincial events Gold medal win ncrs In the provincial festival usual get Invited lo compete in the na tional MuslcFcst she said However any school who does not win a gold medal in the provincial competition can still go to MuslcFcst lo perform and get adjudicated she Students en also take part In the various workshops at the festival Last year over students at tended MuslcFcst said Ms Klrkup- Ortolan The Jazz choir won the silver medal at provincial competition last year in their first year of com petition but they plan to take the gold at Ihb years provincial com petition Mar in Oshawa said Ms The two musical groups practise about two hours a week formally after school and many more hours during their spare periods and sold Ms Their fund raising efforts will take In a variety of events The students are currently running a cheese sell campaign Anyone can fill out an order form and send it Into the school lo order Bright cheese The arc also Ihinklng of con ducting a phone campaign to sell the cheese she said The students will take orders until Nov Other fund raising efforts include a spring fashion show concerts in school raffles corporate and coat checks at school Varian Canada and Chocolates have kicked in money so far Ms KirkupOrtolan said Students arc also a I tempting to run a bingo game she said The music teacher hopes to give the Jazz choir and stage band some exposure by playing at community events The Jazz choir recently returned from a successful tnp to Hamilton Place for Showcase said Ms KlrkupOrtolan Try hugs not drugs Nov IS marked the beginning of Ontario Drug Addiction Awareness Week For the first time Drug Awareness Week has been designated a national event Health and Welfare Canada made this announcement on June 1997 as part of the new National Public Awareness and Information Cam palgn on Alcohol and Drug Abuse a component of the federal govern National Drug Strategy The Addiction Research Foun dallon ARF hopes lhat Drug Awareness Week events will motivate people to actively seek solutions to reduce alcohol and drug problems says Dr Joan Marshman President of the We see too many people who are alcohol and drug abusers and their families friends and coworkers We need action on alt levels from individuals families schools business and in community organizations and governments Drug Awareness Week also says other community Dr Marshman TRY HUGS NOT DRUGS Is the 1987 Ontario slogan Based on this slogan the and many other community groups have developed themes focusing on topics such as children of alcoholics the family youth Inter genera problems and specific community CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Phone 4168770109 END ROLLS OF NEWSPRINT Great for moving scrap paper for the kids Nursery Schools etc CALL 8772201 the HERALD Horn Halton Hills Eft St Georgetown A Tasty Recipe APPLE CRISP WITH CHEESE cupa sliced apples cup raisins a sugar Topping a cup all purpose lour cup brown sugar salt cup grated cheese a cup butler cup rolled oats Place apples and raisins in baking dish Sprinkle with enough sugar to sweeten Mix topping Ingredients until crumbly Sprinkle over apples Bake In moderate oven 375 for 30 minutes or till apples are tender 6 servings SPECIALS PECAN PIECES Shredded COCONUT 99 Glazed CHERRIES LB CTiPffiy Foodstuff 92 Main SI S Georgetown 8776569 starting point for town budget When councillors guie upon the budget for 1SJ88 In March they will be looking at a paper which contains an eight per cent tax increase The will not contain any new additional services additional town pirsonncl said Town Treasurer Ray Kinfc A separate budget will be presented to councillors conln int Ihe tax increase crease services or personnel said Mr King Town staff will first prepare a budget wild a J per cent increase in taxes and pare that I to per tent before council sec it said Mr Tin process presents diparlurc from the routi used by Town Inst year which spawned many hours of debate Las year councillors scanned a budget included funds for ad dillonnl personnel and the resulting poring down process slow dawn deliberations will meet with Administrator Clerk Joe Simon this time around to establish a budget If any disputes arise among department heads lo which projects should be included in the budget Mr Simon will act as the arbitrator and select the programs Brothers needed More big brothers are needed for the Big Brothers of If you know of someone who make a good big or if you know of someone who has been thinking of applying have them contact or However the Budget Committee and Town council will still have the ultimate say on what Is Included In the budget But Ihe eight per cent figure Is not carved in said Mr King There nothing magic about light per cent It s Just a starling point he said Councillor Betty Fisher agreed the eight per cent increase would be a realistic place to start The budget committee is to finalize Ihe capital budget the capital budget three year forecast lo 1992 and 1988 operating budget by Mar PHOTOCOPIERS Refurbished Amazing Low Prices Guaranteed Full Service Program LEASE FROM Per Day lull wvlea contract CALL STEVE MARK LTD 18905757 smith 133 WyndhamSt