CHUN A HIE August Sleepy but till full of spunk these two gird I pent Friday evening listening to tight and sound on Mala Street Georgetown during Moonlight Madness festivities Seen here are Jenny McFadden with the hut and Karen Sampson Herald photo These three costumed characters took home all the prim downtown Georgetown right sawnd place winner Betty Brown Bobby Davidson third place and Ellen tint place Hie teddy bear name Is Pinky Herald photos by Dave Rovvney Scotty MeHardy on the riottn and pianist Davlduon enoy a light- hearted moment downtown Georgetown Moonlight Madness day nigh The duo enter- 1 tanted the late night hoppers at the annual downtown event Herald photot Sewage digester needs new roof Herald Staff Getting a roof over your bead Is often the first step in Improving conditions With lhat philosophy region public works director Bob Moore un dertook the- selection of a fixed steel digester root for be Georgetown Wat Pollution Control PUnt fixed steel digester roof Is severely corroded In its beams structure which was constructed on the Inside of the roofing system The corrosion Is so bad that In 1979 it was than the present one Mr Moore received five quotations for a new roof and is recommend the quotation of Dorr Oliver Canada Inc be accepted at The company estimates the work will take 18 weeko to complete roof beams had an per cent of their original strength remaining The problem was thai these roof beams were constructed on the Inside of the roofing system Replacement for the fix steel digester roof puts the supporting roof beams on the exterior of the roofing system where they re not In the corrosive atmosphere of the tank Thlswsy it a expected the fixed steel digester roof will last much long APPLE Auto Glass WINDSHIELDS IS 8731655 BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY COMPUTER SALES PROCESSING SECRETARIAL SERVICES SUPPORT SERVICES 8778877 Vietnamese family feel settled after six year stay in Canada Lower quotations were received from Inc 10 weeks completion time and Construction weeks com pi Ion time and the reasons for not accepting cither company arc explained in a confidential report to regional councillors staff In December 1979 11 members of Brampton Lieu family arrived In Ha ion Hills refugees from Vietnam Less than three months later they were almost totally self supporting and today they are living In their Brampton homo pure ha three years ago The four churches that sponsored the family consider the Lieu story one of success Knox Presbyterian Church In Georgetown Presbyterian Church SI Johns United Church In Georgetown Glen Williams United Church combined to form the J Line Boat Fund When the Lieu volunteers helped hem cope and private donations financed he r accommodation which was a house owned by Sheridan Nurseries Joe manager of Sheridan Nurseries he I them find jobs and there many jobs to find Mr and Mrs Lieu and three of their six child rtn Thouc Tai VI and needed work Mr two nieces My YcnLuong in their early also needed jobs The other children 8 Chi Tai 10 and Phong school in Glen WQ Hams and their grand Kim Ly stayed Today Mr Lieu Mrs Lieu and sill work where hoy were first employed five years ago Mr Lieu docs a of things at Sheridan Nurseries planting trees removing weeds and watering plants Chi now In grade 10 said Mrs Lieu Is employed by Mush rooms and Is still Maple Lodge Farms In Noma I The two nieces arc living with their bands In Toronlo Vi Lieu he oldest boy lives In Toronto with his wife whom he brought over from Kong Kong they have a Hi yearold daughter Thouc will soon be moving to Toronto He will be working part lime and studying English Chi said English has been one of the biggest problems for the older members of the Lieu family lorly Mr and Mm Lieu The youngest member of the family picked up the language quickly Within 9 months of heir arrival Chi was acting as Inlcpr for Lieu As he oldest boy left home Chi is still spokesman for his father and mother They Mr and Mrs Lieu have a problem with English It hard for them to associate with neighbours My parents go China Town la vlst friends and relatives Chi said While In Vielnam Mr Lieu was the Joint owner of a family herbal medic The I leu family are a long way in lime and distance from their former homeland of Vielnam where Ihey became refugees Three of the children no longer live home which it now In ltrampton Mr and Mrs Lieu still work In Italian where the family was sponsored by four churches five years ago Herald photo me bus I nets and ho was ihe technical supervisor of a plastics Ills difficulty with forced him la lake a job in a complete new field Chi said but 1 likes his work The young adults of the Lieu family had Ihe same problem when work The youngest children had the beat opportunity to and have done so We iChl his lirolhcr Chan play most any sport Chi Perhaps It not perfect adjustment Of the three children Chi has plans for future which are last two years f high The Lieu can retain of past in Canada because of large oriental com muni ly in southern Ontario We usually cal Chinese or Vietnamese food Chi said Chinese is spo ken around the house The tropical weather is one of the few Ihlngs that cannot be regained The weather we had overcome Chi said Despite he cold factor he Lieu sore quite com tor table in Canada and have adjusted When as If the family missed Vietnam Chi said no not al all He added I like ft very much old and young have adapted in their own way The children play lop hits on the radio while the parents listen to recordings of their favorite Chinese recording stars Police sergeant learns from exchange to United States By SANDY CAMPBELL Herald Staff Rick Kjvell knows more about crime prevention because of a police exchange pro gram with the Fairfax County force in Wesl Virginia Staffigl finish a three week exchange ending June with Jim Hydro plan worked Ontario Hydro a million Bruce System Protection Plan was used for the first lime during the May does and it succeeded in preventing widespread power blackouts an Ontario Hydro press release slated The system prevented a blackout which could have affected all of southern Ontario Mlcht and New York Stale 500 transmission line towers were downed between Bruce Nuclear Power Development and Milton Transformer Station Because of this more power than could be trnnsmllted was being produced at station The protection system responded by disconnec ling three Bruce genera ling units while cutting power to seven trans former stations serving Hamilton North York London Chat ham and Belle ville areas Papageorge of Fairfax County The officers and worked together spending days In Ha I Ion and 10 days In Fairfax In addition to learn about ihe people and the geography of Fairfax I learned two specific things said Klvcll The first thing was about an effective maintenance program for neighbor hood watch The second ihing was about a successfully run police explorer program far those lo said Staff Sgl The people of Fairfax County are involved in on active patrol pro gram said They are not a vigilante or a lion group Ihey observe and report suspicious activity on a scheduled patrol Burg lories have cut in half since 1B80 and some important and Impress arrests were made said Staff The Fairfax Counly explorer group Is anoth er way of including the community in crime prevention said he Staff The program involves youth In light polio duty parades crowd carnivals and on routes said Staff Kivell Whin asked what Pie learned rum the Hal ton Region Police Staff said wis Impressed manage ment philosophy Ecry member input In the management the ihe force He also was interested in the Surveyor Aid system Surveyor aid is a computerized dialer thai automatic illy culls the relevant people during emergency message is on a ape It is like a said Smith It vis Sri who volunteered Tor the exchange I knew they id something to offer indue had something offer as well I read about them in Ihe annual rcpi and suggested the exchange lo Ihe chief Staff Rick The exchange was a according to the Staff 1 learned about new ways to bene fit our community and were assured thai our methods ai because I the doing Ihlngs the same wiy said ihe Staff There were a number of similarities Their system is based on law too said ihetooff Tl Fairfax experience wis rewird and should add lo Ihe nuility of crime pre vention in Ha It on said Smith Neighborhood patrol be Ined in a controlled of and if successful could be intro duced lo parts of the region like Ha I ton Hills sud Staff Kivell It be for simc time he added Avoid long lineups I with GO planning I To avoid long lineups at Ihe CNE ticket counter GO Transit travelers can buy iheir CNE admission ticket when purchase their GO Transit ticket By doing adults will save cents on an admission ticket which Is regularly Children and seniors fees remain the same at although before II noon seniors get In free By purchasing the Beckers discount coupon book which 1 can be saved off a round trip ride or a group pass to the CNE Beckers discount coupon book costs Details about GO Transit CNE timetable arc available at GO stations GO agencies GO telephone informal ion and Beckers stores HOLY CROSS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH PASTOR FalharDavoCote PASTOR FalharKanMlaklawici MASSES Saturday Sunday a m 10 am and 12 00 noon Protect your business by protecting your key people People your company a jest asset and potent ally your greatest of ion Federated Insurance can mpoilml protect on for tola ill pi or close corporal INSURANCE business homecar 9 USA ST APT LEARN TO DRIVE THIS FALL JILL MARY EVANS SCHOOL Studio 69 MAIN ST SOUTH sntranco from Municipal Car Park PRINCIPAL I ASSISTANT EVANS MISS C COFFEY LRAD ARAD to A COMMENCE CALL IB 4 WEEK PROGRAM Sept Wed Night PRIVATE IN CAR LESSONS 8770751 16 MOUNTAIN VIEW RDS GEORGETOWN TobII firiafflfa JK a Chrysler on OVER 160000 GRADUATES RECOMMEND Young Drivers of Canada