It DAYS Wednesday June 1985 Page J The North Ilaltut Kart Club will be and they II be at Pioneer displaying a celebrating their anniversary this year variety or different Kart Club celebrates anniversary with Pioneer Day exhibits Kart racing enthusiasts will have a special treat Ihls year The North Ha lion Club Is celebrat ing lis anniversary and has planned a special race and display set In order to commemorate the plateau Club director Camilla PI Monte said the event will take place this weekend at the club track and he is expecting in the neighborhood of racers to be on hand in the nine different classes We will run about IS races this year but this will be the biggest he said In addition to the racing all weekend displays will be set up too at the Community Centre Old karts will be made available for those Interested but only during those hours when no racing Is talcing place The display will be set up until about Friday night as well as the morning hours both on Saturday and Sunday No admission charge will be required For those Interested in watching the weekend racing the directions are quite simple Vou head west on Maple Avenue until you reach the Turn right and go for about 1 i miles and turn right again at the wo big signs that will mark the tumoff The club Itself opened for racing in May and will have a membership of over 100 enthusiasts this year That number is about the same the club had last year Dl Monte said The track the club uses is about a quarter mile In length with several curves Also the club has a weigh scale and pita area The club will also have an entry into this year Pioneer Day parade Monte said an old along with same newer models will make up the display In the parade After he added all will be available for public viewing and literature on the sport will be made available Di Monte said the club is open to the and welcomes those interested in a place to run their karts The club will offer IS races this year which is down from the offered in years gone by Di Monte said the reduction in racesallows club members to goto different events from time to time The spectators area can accommodate around people as there arc three grand stands at the rack Parking is available and is offered with no charge There is also no fee required to come in and watch the action Museumobile brings 400 year old fossils Imagine a journey through lime where the wonders of the Ice Ages before the dinosaurs arrived could be explored Now It possible to discover a new world of fish sea plants and animals that lived In Ontario over years ago The Royal Ontario Museum Is bringing to Days a special mobile display on the fossils of Ontario Millions of years ago Ontario was a teeming with the activity of snails clams sponges sea lilies nautlloids and About 375 million years ago fish appear cd in the sea and plants preceded animal life on the barren land about 1 million years ago mighty ers covered the area that was once tropical sea leaving thick deposits of debris all over Ontario A record of Ihese ages has survived In the form or fossils plant and animal matter deposited and preserved in the sedimentary rock of Ontario The Museumobile that will be coming to Georgetown Is a selfcontained exhibit on wheels The Idea being the ROM Museumob program is to make exhibits of a permanent and extensive nature available to communities throughout Ontario The Muscumoblles are for everyone they appeal to people of ail ages and to the general public as well as to schoolchildren Each Museumobile is manned by a driver interpreter who is equipped to lecture to tht general public as well as to students Don t miss this ex ngcxhibtwhcnltpullsuptothc Main Street of Georgetown SHOP DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN NEWSFLASH OUR 1st ANNIVERSARY NORTH HALTON SPORTSWEAR 57 MAIN STREET SOUTH W foil Pmtvuuf to ieeitt you Barber Henley Ltd Since 1923 TRAVEL INSURANCE We have qualified professionals to help you with all your travel plans Individuals package tours Complete travel arrangements in eluding visa passport plications There is more to insurance than just a policy Our staff will make sure you have the right coverage We been established for over 60 years Visit the professionals for all classes of insurance ASSOCIATION a 8772214 72 Main St S Downtown Georgetown