The OPP celebrates year The Ontario Provin cial Police are their year of law enforcement in The provincial police force was founded in From the original men it has expanded to its presentday com of MOO police officers and civilian support staff OPP almost one million square kilometers in Ontario as it has a res dual policing respons that is it polices all of those areas which do not have an established police force Commissioner Archie Ferguson said The OPP has been an The Greens are coming By Federation of Naturalists a new actor on the political stage these days Called the Green Party of Ontario it wants to win public support for a program that avoids traditional and right wing instead on mak peace between human nature and the natural environment That an ambitious political Bui it a surprise that two decades of global concern for the envi ronment should spawn efforts to win elections with an ecology cam paign And the approach has already worked in other countries The Greens as theyre known in Ger many recently won a and rejection of the mistaken faith in un bridled economic growth as toe solution Of course it a long step from bad of alle goal to a focused election strategy Tte Party has yet to hammer out con crete policies or build a record of successful involvement in the issu es it has ranked most concern such as nuclear disarmament there Although the Ontario party has no direct affi liation with its foreign counterparts the same principles un its But true to their Think Globally Act Locally parly lectins to concents at the pal level across South ern Ontario Its a little early to predict defeat for main stream political parties at the hands this new movement In fact the reality of the Canadian Heal environment already taught the Greens to move slowly What was billed as the founding national Ottawa the fell Parry spokesperson Trevor Hancock major shing features of ecological politics are a strong to living harmony with nature and humankind action based upon a longterm global and holistic analysis of our probl ems a high degree of and the development of small- scale local moral ions to our global problems because delegates from diff regions could not work together Whatever its future the Green Party of Ontario may prompt serious debate on environmental issues future Ontario elections That can only be good If you would like more information you can contact The Green Party of Ontario Avenue 2nd Floor Toronto Ontario 416 BEST WISHES HOUDAY SEASON COMING NEW YEAR HEARTILY EXTENDED FROMALLOFUS jt TO ALL OF YOU Cannes and J of HtRnrOl A important element the development of this province during the 20th century The is present in almost ZOO communities and the anniversary vi ties planned will involve people in the commun ties we Comm Ferguson said that one of the first signs of the anniversary will be bright colored decafs displayed on OPP cruisers The will also be plac ed on doors leading into buildings will be the P pes and Band and the Golden Helmets Dear Santa For Christmas my brother and I would like the incredible hulk castle grey skull and some men for the castle My little brother Jed would like a teddy bear and some trucks and a dukes of car We have been as good as Team They be its ting Fairs and para all over the pro- know Santa Is watching My mommy would like been An underlying theme good too hope to see of the anniversary will be the provincial police forces preparation for the years leading up to the hundredth in the year 2109 Prominent in the Love always Sean and Jeff ORafferty Dear Sean and Jeff Never mind the incre dible bulk It incred ible The Herald let me sneak this one last Santa letter to you before they put the paper on the streets Those composing room staff people and especially a nice typesetter named Annie have been really good to roe lately so I hope you don mind if I wish them a Merry Christmas through your letter Santa and his elves will do their best to see you and Jeff get some of the presents on jour list All my love Santa HOME NEWSPAPER OF HILLS ESTABLISHED 1866 so when it comes to your advertising message WHY SHOULD YOU CHOOSE THE HERALD THATS A GOOD QUESTION AND WE HAVE THE ANSWER TO IT 14000 That s right The HERALD reaches 1 4 000 homes every week with one vehicle and no overlap that can confuse the facts REPAIRS Snowmobile Chain Saws Oanaral rtafisawstapenrg HAZENS SALES 8779473 ELECTRIC RAZORS Repairs to models ff 8775697 8773163 CHRISTMAS FROM CARPEHTRV 873 1502 GLENC0TTA ROOFING 8771314 BRIAN NICOa ERNIES TREE SERVICE SNOW plow M6 24 PUCE ESTIMATES INSURED