SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday September IK Pag The Beauty Spot All about cellulite EDITORS NOTE The Herald pleased to welcome Tbe Beauty Spot back to Us pages Barb a operated own Beaaly Spot salon on own premises and oat of other local or tbe past several years ready again to share expertise as a trained Herald readers Watch for appealtag no these pages women can learn mere about care and men can barn about good skin care bow to maintain the right attitude about their physical selves teenagers can Had oat all they need to know about good grooming and diet The called Beauty Spot tot theres much more to It than tips CELLULITE WHAT ITT First dont confuse word with cellulitis the name of an infection that has nothing at all to do with fat Cellulite I pronounced celluleet does It concerns a very special kind of localized fat which all the dieting in the world wont budge Its presence became obvious to European doctors luring World War II when they observed large numbers of female concentrationcamp victims whose bodies had been starved to cadaver ous proportions in every area except those where pockets of persisted Poor digestion and or circulation make it difficult to eliminate accumulated wastes which become trapped in cellulite body centers Skin ages prematurely and loses its elasticity If pinched between two fingers it shows a dimpling or ripple effect resembling orange rind which is why is sometimes called ptau dorange The upper arms thighs hips abdomen and buttocks are prime targets Celhtutedoesntseemto affect men although they certainly are not immune to excess fat If you examine skin on an overweight man however you will find Its quality uniform through out There is no dimpling loss of elasticity or deterioration evident He s obese And dieting or a good workout in the gym- will eliminate that excess padding CAUSES OF CELVUTE Although the exact cause of cellulite is a mystery many factors are known to contribute to its existence Heredity Is of utmost Importance As your coloring individual features and body build are transmitted from one generation to another so is the predisposition to passed from mother to daughter Our not always very sensible living habits then play a key role in encouraging this legacy to rear Its ugly bulges Diet strongly influences the situation What foods should we eat Which ones should we shun The regimen recommended to control is no different from any nutritionally wellbalanced eating plan Cut down on salt intake Drink plenty of water between meals Avoid desserts rich sauces starches caffeine and processed foods Recommended are fish lean meat poultry fresh fruits and vegetables and lots of salad greens Cigarettes and alcohol can aggravate the problem while unpolluted clean fresh air and dally are beneficial Poor circulation often contributes to a cellulite problem So do hormonal changes and it is here lhat we find key to why men are never affected by peau dorange There Is a real connection between eslrogen and retention of water in the affected cellular tissues The endocrine changes that occur during puberty menopause pregnancy abortion and miscarriage only serve to Intensify the situation THE PLASTIC WRAP With this technique a special cream containing hot oils Is applied to the skin and massaged la then a second application of cream Is applied before beginning the wrap The Beauty Spot now located Inside Fashion Trend at Guelph St I Georgetown In the plaza adjacent to the outlet Author addresses 100 at Elliott Theatre The pros and cons of freedom Herald Staff Writer It was an interest in question of freedom part icularly womens free dom that took Canadian author Constance ferdHowc through three novels The Book of Eve a Population of One and The Marriage Bed deal with the lives of three women and their exper iences with freedom Charming a nearly all- woman audience last Wednesday night at the John Elliott Theatre Mrs shared anecdotes and frank comments about writing and the characters shes most recently coddled to life Calling her last threfe books thesis novels Mrs BeresfordHowe said they are all interpretat ions of reality Published in The Book Eve deals with the of a 65year old woman who leaves ber Invalid husband to run after free dom Eve moves to a boarding house and breaks away from physical com forts and the material life However being a warm and human character she cant help but start new relationship Tbe feminists didnt like it that Eve met a man and got Involved with him and becamo reliant on him for her happiness Mrs Talking author to anther last Wednesday night were Constance left of Toronto and Anne of Van Hill Tbe two authors met after an entertaining chat by library guest Mrs In the John Elliott Theatre Ms Ferguson said she the author a novel called Becks Corners published la ISM A Tan of Mrs like the other 100 women gathered In the theatre Ms Fergmion said she read all of Mrs Berei fordHowes books in one gulp Herald photo BeresfordHowe said I was taken to task many times for this GETS LETTERS Calling Eve an amalga mation of older women she has known Mrs Beres expressed as tonishment at the number of letters shes received from women who Identify the character To the amusement of some women In the theatre she talked of a friend who look a lover at tbe age 70 much to the consternation of her two daughters and who is convinced she is Eve If one is successful nes characters become archetypal I suppose Mrs smiled Her second book A Pop ulation of One deals with experiences of a 30- year old single woman who is independent and sexually free in contrast with Eve What do you do with freedom when you Howe asked Willy in theory should have been very happy taking advan tage of this blissful condit- Valle Sq back for an swinging season They find key to health by forming a square ion But she learns its just as hard to establish re warding relationships with members of tbe opposite sex Its tougher now with the men who are left over at this age so often having problems of one kind or another Its a wry commentary of bow sad It is but true that no matter bow charm ing she Willy is shes likely to wind up alone and lonely and shed better gel used to it became thats bow its likely to be Mrs BeresfordHowe said SAME THEME Another variation on tbe same theme of imprison ment and freedom was explored in Mrs Beres- Howes book The Marriage Bed In this last book a woman in her early 20s marries for the classic wrong reasons pregnant Anne dedicates herself to diapers feedings and poshing the pram the kind of wo man whos oldfashioned lodoy Everybody says What are you doing there in the Youve got a degree Youre an intell ectual woman so what are you doing bringing up these runnynosed kids the author said Anne finds herself terribly out of style but she feels a deep instinct to stay with the kids and whats more she it Mrs BeresfordHowe said the decisions women must make today are not easy ones Although there are many advantages now women are under heavy pressure Toronto allwomen club McGill Is full of bardnosed career women rising 3oUh You hear talking about Snail I have a or not What kind of price will I have to How will my partner about it Mrs Ber said It strikes me as rather path etic there should have to be any struggle like this Confessing feminists have upbraided ber for tbe women In ber last three novels Mrs Beresford- said she has been called a stupid woman Willy annoyed them feminists because she didnt know what to do with liberation Then Anne what can you say about a woman who first of all gets pregnant then married then proceeds to have two mora children I Ive been called hopeless for sue I home raising Currently a teacher of literature at Torontos Poly technical Institute Mrs Beresford- said she used to teach creative writing She said ber teaching load is too heavy to permit her to write now and anticip ated it will be two years before she writes another novel I dont want to be with book again for a while Mrs smiled Your family takes a great strain You cant explain to people that these idiotic people youve Invented are both ering you a very draining business MUSICS LESSONS AT THE STU BO OF ADALEWOODarct Professional Instruction In Piano Voice The Rudiments of Music LIMITED OPENINGS AVAILABLE DAWSON CHES GEORGETOWN By CHRIS Herald Staff Writer The fact that town coun cil declared two weeks In September Modern Square Dancing Weeks In Hills may not raise many eyebrows among resi dents but some things square dancing can do for people Just might Tom Parker is heading into second term as president of tbe Pine Vall ey Squares the local group devoted to square dancing for fun and fit ness His trim build Is ample testimony to square dancings healthful bene fits A person weighing lets say 150 pounds can bum off to calories an hour square dancing he told The Herald last Wed nesday during a coffee break at the Pine Valley clubs first meeting of the new season If you put a pedometer on a square dancer after two and a half hours hell have danced about three and a half miles be figured That Wednesday night meeting drew enough members to form one completely new square and the first half of anoth er Thats a total of six new couples four couples per square and If the thought of all that exercise worried people there was no sign of it on the beaming faces of newcomers trying out steps for the first time THREE MILES Hs something you do at your own pace Mr Parker said there really isnt much pressure invol ved In fact if youre too serious you cant be a good square dancer There are enough veter ans in the Pine Valley club Outreach sale Wk Chambers to comment Acton and Georgetown chambers of commerce will be asked to comment on proposed revisions to the towns purchasing practices bylaw policies presented to tbe towns general committee underline the Intent to buy locally as much as fair tendering practice will allow propose changes to the amount of goods the purchasing agent can order on his own and revise advertising policies or tenders Antique Kay McMulien of Acton will be among those participating in the 15th annual Outreach Sale at St Johns United Church DunnStOakvilJeOcLUfrom 10am toSpm Some artists working In all media will be featured as will crafts artisans with all proceeds going to charitable projects around the world Admission Is SI or is cents for students to form six squares of largely mainstream or fullytrained dancers It takes about a year of dancing fen square danc ers to move from novices to the mainstream class but they get to practise with pros every Tuesday night at Sett lor Public School AVID MEMBERS Avid members of the club travel two or three times a week to join In dances sponsored by other square dancing clubs in Brampton Guelph Milton and all over southwestern Ontario sociable nat ure of the activity makes it useful as therapy for peo ple with physical and men tal disabilities Mr Parker recalled at a recent square dancing convention out west seeing people confined to wheel chairs move about the dance floor responding to the cues of a caller Pine Valley members have even participated In Brampton square dances mentally handicapp ed groups Tbe Toronto and District Square Dance Association brochure describes square dancing as giving that gladtobealtve feeling by combining a healthy atmosphere and exercise with good fun and good limes adding that as a recreational its Inexpensive Moving within tbelr square dancers respond to a scries of called cues Sometimes the tune may seem familiar a derivat ive of a country classic but the words have been switched or replaced the callers signals Meanwhile on the dance Door shoes shuffle rhyth mically full skirts rustle and people greet each other fall back form stars or settle briefly Into the square again NEW FRIENDS Certainly half the fun is learning Many new friends were formed in the first evening of practice last week and it was clear that while getting the cues down pat they were sup posed to enjoy making a few mistakes Theres still time to join the Pine Valley Square Dancers If youre inter in the sixyear old club contact or SPECIALS Now serving daily fresh Hot Muffins Choose from Blueberry Bran and Chocolate Chip CUPN SAVE COUPON- Get12Donu1 Holes Free A TREAT U OPEN 24 HOURS A- mister 306 GUELPH ST Spectacles are not all created equal Georgetown Optical Unequalled foi Eyewear Anywhere All lenses guaranteed against breakage Georgetown Optical 8773562 COM OPTICAL SERVICE Georgetown Market Place mo one qva Over 1 graduates recommend Young Drivers of Canada Tinning omits coast to coast training for all ages Course at income deductible by the student Your choice automatic or standard cars Enquire about insurance reductions lor YD graduates Private instruction pick up at home or incar instruction Approved by If Ontario Safety League You to drive once do it riflM NEXT COURSE STARTS WEDNESDAY OCT 27th Wednesday Thursday Evenings 930 pm 16 MountalnviewRdS Georgetown 8770751 PANTS ON THE MOVE IN WOVEN TWOWAY STRETCH F0RTREL EXCEPTIONAL FIT FULLY TAILORED CONSTRUCTED WAISTBAND MACHINE WASH AND DRY OPEN SERGED FLAT SEAM SEASONS MOST WANTED SHADES COMFORT AND STYLE YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISSI 9asliioh9 9iic